Thursday 10 March 2016

William and Kate Meet Inspirational Man Who Contemplated Suicide and the Man Who Saved His Life

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge carried out engagements in London today, focusing on efforts to prevent suicide.

Fresh from their skiing break in the French Alps with George and Charlotte, today's events reportedly mark the beginning of a much busier schedule of engagements for William and Kate. We know the couple will undertake a tour of India and Bhutan next month and a two-day trip to France in late June. There are also reports of two additional foreign trips later in the year and - whether these will be joint trips or perhaps a solo trip abroad each for the Cambridges - it will be very interesting to hear more details.

At home, mental health will be a "major focus" for the Cambridges and Prince Harry, according to Kensington Palace. The Palace noted Prince William is "particularly keen" to support mental health in young men and to understand the difficult areas concerning bullying and suicide. Meanwhile, Kate will continue her work on children's mental health and early intervention while Harry will address the 'invisible wounds' sustained by service members during their tours of duty.

William and Kate started their engagements today with private visit to Maytree - a unique suicide centre which provides a four night stay for people in suicidal crisis - this morning. The centre shared a couple of photos from the royal visit afterwards with the caption "Look who dropped in for a cup of tea".

Today's itinerary was very much planned with a focus on the inspiring story of Jonny Benjamin, who was saved by a stranger in 2008 as he contemplated taking his own life. In 2014, following a period of hospitalisation, where Jonny received the help he needed, he launched a social media campaign titled #FindMike with the help of charity Rethink Mental Illness to find the man who saved him. The campaign succeeded and Jonny had the opportunity to properly meet and thank Neil Laybourn.

Jonny and Neil

More on the events that led to Jonny's decision from an Independent article about his journey:

'On a January morning in 2008 a young man from south London approached the edge of Waterloo Bridge and prepared to throw himself off.
Jonny Benjamin had just been admitted to hospital and diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a combination of schizophrenia and depression. Struggling to come to terms with his diagnosis and battling to keep his sexuality under wraps – Mr Benjamin is gay – he felt he could no longer bear to be alive.
Mr Benjamin did not take his life that day; the kindness of a stranger who stopped to talk saved his life. After convincing him not to take his own life, the stranger continued on his way.'

The Duke and Duchess met Jonny and Neil at St. Thomas' Hospital in London, where Jonny was sectioned after his near suicide.

It provided an opportunity to speak to someone who has gone through incredibly challenging times, hear about the problems which led to his decision to consider taking his own life, and his experiences of the mental health system in Britain.

Jonny firmly believes that if he had received help earlier in his life he would not have reached his crisis point - again highlighting the importance of early intervention Kate has been supporting.

People shared quotes from the meeting in their article:

'During the meeting, William said, "Someone told me five people a day try to kill themselves. I was just blown away by the statistics." Sitting on a sofa with Kate, Benjamin and Laybourn, he added, "For both of us, the mental health piece has got lots of aspects. It's such a big issue that we need to do something about it. "We feel it's been raised higher up the ladder. It's suddenly bubbling just under the surface. Now we need to get up to the next level, to the surface." 
Kate, who has championed efforts to beat mental health issues in children, stressed that childhood problems were the root cause of many afflictions adults face. "We see through the work that we do with addiction, homelessness and knife crime that a lot of it stems back to childhood," said the royal mom'

Jonny decided he wanted to help others who were going through the same difficulties he was, and in January he launched a new initative, ThinkWell, designed to help educate young people about mental health and break down the stigma through school workshops. Interactive workshops incorporating film and education have already been delivered in a number of schools by a trained workshop leader.

After their meeting, they travelled to Kensington Palace where they viewed a screening of The Stranger on the Bridge - a documentary about Jonny's work and the efforts of the #FindMike campaign. A group of young people from a South London school where Jonny has previously delivered his ThinkWell project were invited along to take part in a discussion.

Afterwards, William and Kate participated in a private discussion with a group who have been bereaved by suicide to discuss their experiences and the support available to them.

The rest of the day's programme is private. I expect this is to allow William and Kate to talk one on one with those who have considered suicide and those who have been bereaved by it, and to identify key areas and potential organisations who would best benefit from royal support or perhaps a patronage. Only yesterday, I read an article on the lack of investment and funds available for children's psychiatric services in the UK. Young royals becoming a face for this area and championing worthy causes will bear a spotlight on the much neglected sector.

Kate brought back her Erdem Allie coat from the designers Pre-Fall 2013 Collection. The Duchess first wore it in New Zealand during the royal tour (you might recall Kate told a member of the crowd she liked it but William thought it was "a bit bright"). Kate chose it again for the start of the Tour de France race in July 2014.

The flawlessly cut bright grass-green, knee-length coat features a tab-detailed waist, and true to form, the designer used his love of floral prints - this time on the silk lining. The wool crepe garment originally retailed for €1,824.


It appears Kate had a cardigan or long-sleeve top underneath which she removed with her coat.

Kate's gorgeous swallow print dress is from the Jonathan Saunders diffusion collection for department store Debenhams (with thanks to the eagle-eyed Kate Middleton Style). It is understood the piece was available in 2012 for £60. The dress was described as "This black day dress from Edition by Jonathan Saunders features a button fastening along the centre front, pleats along the lower part of its skirt and a sash at the waist. It is styled in sheer chiffon with printed white birds.".


Fans of Mr. Saunders designs will be disappointed to hear his business is closing down following his decision to step down as creative director of the brand due to personal reasons.

While Kate's dress is sold out, it's a very easy look to Repli-Kate with an abundance of bird print dresses available on the high street and online retailers at present. Below we look at the Oasis Bird Print Frill Dress - retailing for £48 at John Lewis, We also see the Tyche Bird Print Dress from Shoptiques and the Kate Spade Bird Print Shirtdress.

Kate wore her favourite black suede Stuart Weitzman Power Pumps (with thanks to Middleton Maven).

Stuart Weitzman

Kate carried her Muse clutch.

Russell & Bromley

And wore her trusty Cartier Ballon Bleu watch.


A look at Kate's emerald earrings.

You can watch a video at ITN source and read more about the day on Jonny's blog. We'll see you tomorrow when William and Kate visit the mentoring programme of the XLP project in London.


  1. Sarah Maryland USA10 March 2016 at 14:39

    I have never been a fan of that green jacket. I so like the dress! And again I stress to Kate..please use James price again to style your hair because who you are using now is not good at all

    1. Lol Sarah, I had the opposite reaction. I am happy to see the green Erdem again but think the dress is ho- hum. I agree about the hair. It is pretty but just not the same
      glorious mane.

      I have to say that the Cambridges may not do a lot of engagements but the ones they do are important and potentially life

    2. Sarah, I agree! I like the styling before. Much love and care was put into it. Now, it's just plain and sloppy and indolent. Too bad. She deserves a more sensational hair styling!

    3. Julia from Leominster10 March 2016 at 19:13

      I'm going to gently disagree Erika - without in any way lessening the importance of this engagement - I believe every engagements royals do are important. A couple of posts ago, someone mentioned that some of Charles' engagements seemed trivial - but they aren't to the people involved.

      I fully support royals taking on the "big" issues and having focused interests - that's an important aspect of today's royalty - but I also think of all the people affected by the "little" or "trivial" engagements - people with little noticed issues or small sucesses who are give a metaphorical pat on the back by a royal visit.

      Ironically, I think some of the flashiest engagements are the least important - the film premieres and the sports matches - they have a place, including an economic and morale building one and I'm not suggesting they stop, but often the light that shines here is on people who already have a lot of attention - celebrities and sports stars - while these small visits - to schools and businesses, civic centres, care homes, hospitals - and the like touch shine a light (my favourite royal metaphor of late) on those who labour mostly in the dark - ordinary people who will remember they shook a royal hand for the rest of their lives - that's why numbers count for me too - because it is these little engagements that risk being lost - and it works both ways - for there a royal truly can learn (albeit under a fresh coat of paint) how people live and what they do.

    4. @Sarah: I agree about the hair. It's not bad but it was so much more stylishly done in the past.

    5. Rebecca - Sweden11 March 2016 at 00:59

      I'm not sure it's just about the stylist. She has gone through 2 pregnancies as well, that changes the hair :)

    6. Maybe I was lucky but my hair was not any different after two pregnancies. :) I thought her looked nice but the side fringe is still not my cup of tea, better now that it has grown out a bit.ali

    7. I don't disagree Julia. The success of the royal family is dependent upon their visibility. I was just remarking that if they aren't going to show up all that often , it's great that when they do, the engagements are of great import. However, I do agree with your points that
      the royals and more especially, the young royals need to be out and about as much as possible doing a variety of engagements. At the same time, I am intrigued by the way in which they are approaching their mental health initiative as well as by its multi dimensional content.

  2. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 14:54

    I have to say, this is a very very very important move that they are making. Mental health in men is a hugely stigmatized area. And they really went all in meeting with Jonny, since Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder are seen as more "scary" mental disorders than some others (like my Asperger) that has been more widly understood. Add to that that he is gay and the royals are not at all shying away from connecting themselves to stigmatized and also rather "controversial" topics. I am very proud of that! They will have alot to process after today and to talk about and let sink in after meeting this broad group of people all impacted or involved in some way with suicide.

    People who don't think mental illness is an illness don't seem to realize that it as an illness takes more lives than many more "accepted" illnesses!

    I like the wide spread of people involved in todays engagements. People who have/are suffering from suicidal thoughts, people affected by close ones mental illness and suicide, students that might be suffering or is trying to prevent suicidal thoughts and people who work to stop and treat it. A very well spread engagement!

    Also, I fully support that parts of the day is private! The public ones are important to spread knowledge, but I also like that they do a few visit behind closed doors so to give a safe place for the person they're meating. I am really, really excited to see what comes out of the mental health initiative the trio is planning to start!

    1. I so agree, Rebecca.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 20:05

      Julia (Below). I agree that homosexuality is not at all the issue it used to be (and Diana was a part of that). I actually hesitated putting "gay" in there since for me and many people I know it's a non-issue. Sadly, it is not that for many people. And also, still stigmatized and scary for the person coming out (expecting worse than they might get).

    3. This was a highly sensitive engagement and it is perfectly right that many parts are private. What a beautiful and inspirational story from Mr. Jonny Benjamin. It ties in well with the stigma of mental illness, also, and of gay discrimination. I like that there is depth to this engagement than the usual ribbon cutting.

    4. I have a lot of respect for W&K (and Harry) for highlighting mental health issues. I recall the response to Diana taking on AIDS and how refreshing it is that, today, no one is judging them for tackling a difficult subject. And please understand that I am NOT comparing the two issues; I mean that they are not lightweight subjects and in Diana's day the establishment didn't understand her desire, or the need, to get involved.

  3. It's a nice enough coat but she really should have taken it off for the meeting. I have no idea why she keeps her coats on during official engagements - it's so unprofessional.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:07

      I don't think it looks unprofessional. And also, she wore it at one location, removed it for another. It's a smart way to through pictures point out that they were 2 different engagements, showing quickly to people that dont check all the text that they did 2 things and not 1.

    2. Because when people go inside a building, they tend to take their coat off in the first place. Professional or not, I don't know, It is up to personal taste.

    3. I don't think it looks unprofessional, either. Royals of many Royal houses as well as other persons in official functions keep their coats on during official engagements inside buildings.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 18:31

      Yeah, that is what I've thought as well Francis. Coat seems to be part of the royal dresscode unless they are in offices.

    5. Julia from Leominster10 March 2016 at 19:03

      Excellently put, Rebecca - I completely agree. I believe it is much harder for men to seek help - even in physical illness they tend to have been brought up to be less open about how they are feeling - and are more likely to be ridiculed if they do. So William's role in removing the stigma is very important - a bloke will pay much more attention to another bloke.

      I also agree on the spread of the engagement and because it is such a sensitive subject - the private part of it as well - that is the balance that makes royals a success - if they are only private, we have no idea what is being done, nor is the message spread to others - but a balance covers everyone.
      I also agree that raising the issue of "scarier"perceived disorders such as schizophrenia is important. This is the best of what royals do - shining the light on places that have otherwise lingered in darkness. Today, the fact Jonny is gay is hardly the issue it once was - but some of that is thanks to Diana and her work with AIDS. We all know that many in the royal household are openly gay but Diana was the first to make sensitive matters something royals could address publically -as I recall, she also did engagements highlighting the work of the Samaritans - Charles is patron today but as he undertakes more of the queen's roles - this would be a good charity to hand over to William and Kate.

    6. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 20:03

      Julia, I think your post ended up in the wrong place so I will answer under my post :P

    7. i don't think it's unprofessional that she didn't remove her coat. i mean does the queen ever remove her coat? pretty sure she doesn't. and i don't think anyone would call the queen unprofessional.

    8. Good example. The Queen does keep her cost on for the most part during events and engagements.

    9. Julia, I agree that it would be very beneficial if William & Kate took on the patronage of the 'Samaritans'; such an important charity in the UK.

  4. I might be in the minority here but I really love that coat. I just wish she wouldn't button/zipper her coats all the way to the top. She looks literally buttoned up.

    Lovely look overall for her though.

  5. What are the black sleeves popping out of the green coat? It can't be the dress because the sleeves are too short. I don't see that black sleeve detail when she wore the coat previously. Maybe I'm missing something. Anyways, this is my favorite wear of this coat. I'm so glad both of them are focusing of illness that aren't seen by the naked eye.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:08

      Maybe she had a cardigan as well.

    2. @Rebecca that's what I was thinking after I looked at the photos again :)

    3. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:24

      Yeah, seems more probable than her changing :P

    4. The update on the post says it was probably a cardigan.

  6. Sarah from Calif.10 March 2016 at 15:17

    Fantastic. .....

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:09

      Do you mean that? Or are all the dots meaning sarcasm? (I am honestly asking because when I see someone write "Great....." it usually means it's not great in chat-language) :)

    2. Maybe she missed a post, happens nowadays with blogger. You click reply and you see your post a bit down under:-) One option.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:25

      Ah, very true. MIght absolutley be it Anett :) (I was honestly just asking, not jumping at)

    4. Julia from Leominster10 March 2016 at 18:48

      I'm giving Sarah the benefit of the doubt here - fantastic usually means just that and the dots just means it applies to everything, but perhaps she doesn't have the time to elaborate.

      Great is a more ambiguous word - especially in the States - as "Oh, great!" can imply something isn't going well or is tiresome - such as "It's going to rain another four days - Great..." Tone of voice clears the ambiguity but that's no help online. Lovely can carry the same ambiguity, depending how it is used.

      But Fantastic is normally - just fantastic - as far as I know. (or maybe - as Anett suggests, she is responding to the photos from the last post.)

    5. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 20:06

      Yeah, very true Julia. I am also giving the benefit of the doubt (was honestly wondering). Hence why I asked insted of jumping on her :P

    6. Sarah from Calif.11 March 2016 at 15:15

      Rebecca, I mean Fantastic in the most sincere way, I know all about suicide , having seen it first hand.
      I am just very busy......

  7. I've never really liked this coat, something about the cut? tailoring? of the sleeves make them look like they're a bit too loose on Kate

    Her hair looks so good today though I don't even care what's she's wearing! I love the loose curls and the fact that the fringe looks like it's grown out ;)

    1. I agree about the coat, maybe the zipper goes too high and makes it too stiff, I don't know.

      The story that two men had is amazing, really inspirational, such as the cause. I wonder what's next. I would like the Cambridges to be inspirational and sensational too.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:29

      The story really is inspirational. Such a chance meeting that can lead to so much good. Really interesting that they now are working together to bring attention to this. Neil (the man who saved Jonny) really just stumbled into a situation where he wasnt planning and it has lead to all this. Really amazing. (He also talked about that, how sometimes you find yourself in situations that you didn't choose and hinted that William knows how that is :P )

      Also, William and Kate might not be sensational. Most of us aren't. Neither is Jonny and Neil in a way. They do something sensational, but they are still ordinary humans. William and Kate might do something that puts them in the historybooks for being sensational, but very few people do that, even in high positions. Their job is not to BE sensational, rather to shine a light on people who are.

  8. Is it possible that the dress identification is wrong? It is clear that some black & long sleeved is peeking out from under the cuff of the jacket in the photos & the dress seems to have 3/4 length sleeves.

  9. An interesting piece by Richard Kay in the DM this morning.

    Must say, I'm happy to see a look at another side to this, one that makes every bit as much sense as the side the critics are espousing. I agree that William is a lot like his grandfather. From the documentaries I've seen on Prince Phillip, he was absolutely hated by royal insiders before he married Elizabeth and even his father and mother-in-law were not keen on the marriage. Sounds to me like William has not only the best of his mother and his father in him, but perhaps the best of his grandmother and his grandfather as well. I'm willing to give William the benefit of the doubt and the time to prove himself. These are still early days.

    1. I agree Marny!

      I was thinking today actually about a thread on another blog where they really dislike the Cambridges and I find myself defending them daily it seems...that William has been affected by the past very deeply. The death of Diana was of course the worst event but all his life he watched his Mother struggle and she turned to him even as a small boy. I think he witnessed much and I also think that he has probably seen and read just about everything on Diana. When I think back I can recall how she changed... the spotlight and pressure drove her over edge I think. When I look at pictures now I can see the change. I suspect that William is behaving the way he does because he is NOT ever going to allow this time happen to Kate or his family. He doesn't care what anyone says and I truly believe that the Queen is supportive of that behavior. I think this is equally supported in the way that the Queen has allowed the Middleton family to slide into the royal family. No other family has gone to Christmas services EVER. She knows William has a long road ahead of him. I am glad that he is allowed to go slowly and mark his own pace. Things will change drastically when Charles becomes King. I do think William is well aware of his position and will step into place at that time. He is after all a Windsor. Diana was also very pro monarchy and Williams place in that family. He was raised to reign. These are indeed early days. I continue to support the Cambridges for doing it their way !

      Sorry for the rambling diatribe.


    2. The Queen above all knows how challenging it is to balance royal life and personal life. He has dealt with it with all of her children. She also knows how the press works. The fact that William has the Queen and Charles's support says it all.

    3. William may be like Philip in his determination and refusal to tolerate fools or foolishness, but I cannot imagine Prince Philip taking a suffering member of the public into his arms for comfort.

      Sophie Wessex's widowed father is said to be a welcome guest at royal family gatherings. He is just not terribly recognizable and can go to church more or less anonymously.

    4. I did not find the article objectionable. NOT at all, and I believe there is more truth to it than not. But I cannot help but notice that there is as much good news here for Charles as there is for William. And by that I mean that it concentrated on this "agreement" between William and the Queen without mentioning the obvious benefit to CH.

  10. It looks like Kate has a long sleeve sweater underneath the green coat. The black dress looks like it has 3/4 sleeves or elbow length sleeves. Perhaps she got hot and changed? Thankfully, William is not wearing a blue suit- I like the sportcoat and tan pants look for him. Less formal and more relaxed. I like his brown suede shoes too. Good day for both of them- a mix of public and private- good fact-finding and putting some of those at risk at ease. Not everyone at these organizations who struggle with mental health issues wants their picture in the Daily Mail. Again we're battling with the stigma! Keep on shining the light Kate and William!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:12

      I noticed Williams clothes as well. Nice to see him experiment a little. He usually only wear beige pants with a shirt (without tie) or shirt and pullover. When he has blazer and tie, his pants usually match the blazer and he has "suit shoes" but this time he has blazer and buissness on top and beige pants and his "leisure" shoes! I like the look. Reminds me a bit of prince Daniel and the scandinavian royals :) Hope he continues to experiment a bit. At the surface he dresses boringly, but then he has those velvet evening shoes and such so I see a little potential in there :) Not that it's important, but a little fun :)

    2. It almost looks like Will has a skinny pant cut to his trousers- that would be upping his sartorial game!

  11. I love the color of the jacket - I just wish she would unzip it a little at the top so she doesn't seem so choked. And the hair today - looks tired and tangled. I have posted this comment previously - as a busy working mom of two kiddos about the same ages as Kate's I have my hair in a ponytail or a bun almost all the time WHEN I'M NOT WORKING and down and styled when I am. So I get that wearing the hair down probably seems like a good move when dressing up, but I really wish she would embrace having her hair off her face more - she is gorgeous and it would play up her facial structure so much better (and would let us see some bling on the ears!).

  12. HalleluYah for the awareness they are bringing to the issue of suicide. As someone who lost her mother and an aunt to suicide and an uncle who shot himself in the stomach after his wife died (he lived), I don't care if Kate had worn a gunny sack and pig tails. They are giving the Thinkwell Initiative, etc.,a huge boost. Suicide sucks. Thank God for anyone who is willing to try to save people from committing suicide. Anyone.

    William's team recently rescued a little boy who had a severe allergic reaction to ingesting peanuts. William made a cute ballon head, out of an inflated surgical glove, drew a face on it and gave it to the child after the child was stabilized. The child's mother said her son wouldn't let go of the balloon and has been holding it his arms as he sleeps. That arrogant, uncaring Royal, Prince William.

    Oh and I googled a lot about the EAAA. Their sites, their interviews about William. They said he works four days on, four days off, 91/2 hour shifts. He will work day shifts and night shifts. Call outs per shift can range from 0 to 9, although the average is 4 to 5. The articles I read say he gets along nicely with others. The EAAA is confident that William's participation with the charity will raise awareness of their presence and value and help to generate the $10 to $7.5 million a year needed for the EAAA. They have their own magazine and it is very professionally done. There are a lot of accomplished and dynamic people involved with that organization. It is an amazing organization.

    Took me a while to find those articles RF but glad I looked. I found way more than I had even hoped for.
    Just google EAAA and also Patrick (oops, I forget his last name, he is CEO). I will let you know his last name. If anyone wants specific references, let me know. I have them stored on my phone.

    Oh, and in the previous page of the blog, at the bottom, there is a link to an interview with William where he, himself, clearly says what his career plans and priorities are, if anyone is interested.

    1. 15:35. You are right. Suicide does suck. I am so sorry to hear about the losses in your family. Comparing what you must have gone through and probably are still feeling, the comments here must seem superficial and irksome. Remember though, that this is a blog about the life and style of Kate.
      I agree that any initiative towards suicide prevention and survivor care counts and I applaud William and Kate's efforts. I think we will see great things from them in these endeavors. In the interim, hugs to you and hopes for healing and wholeness for you and your family.
      Thanks for sharing.

    2. JMS from Texas, USA10 March 2016 at 20:31

      Anon 15:35

      Thank you for taking the time to research the EAAA and William's work with that organization. Your timely research helped clarify for me all the mis-information that has been raging in the UK media regarding William's work ethic, and this from so-called trained, professional journalists who could have easily availed themselves to the resource you tapped into. This information, coupled with Richard Kay's article in the DM should bring further clarity to a debate that's been going since William left the RAF.

      Charlotte, as a long time reader but first time poster, thank you for the time and great effort it takes for you to publish this blog. I applaud your professionalism, openness, welcoming and non-judgemental approach in reporting the comings and goings of William and Kate as well as other members of the RF. Your encourage free and open debate. Do I agree with some of the more spicy and negative comments? No, but that's the beauty of debate (the give and take). Keep up the good work and keep those postings and comments coming!

    3. Can you link me to the article of William rescuing a little boy? I am interested in these real life stories. Thank you.

    4. You are welcome JMS. I have a more detailed comment on all of that coming up. I just had to research it as I was so frustrated with all the conflicting reports. The Interview listed at the bottom of the thread you might like also. It is William telling what William's plans are.

    5. Betsy, that link you asked for is at the bottom of this thread.

    6. William has also helped a boy who fell down a ravine, a man who had a heart attack, and woman who had attempted suicide, and those are just headlines I quickly passed in the course of doing my EAAA and CAA research. Obviously there are more as the EAAA says the average number of emergency call outs per shift average at about 4 to 5 per shift.

    7. Thank you, Anon 15:35, you have written a great comment.

      I have experienced the suicide of two mentally ill members of my family, and of course it hurts. We always wonder what more we could have done, and we miss those whose lives have become unlivable.

      You have also provided a sweet story and excellent research. I always so much appreciate fact finding in this blog's comments!

  13. Thank you Charlotte for the post :) I do want to comment on their strategy with causes and engagements. Obviously this is a very worthy cause, but there are many worthy causes all in need of attention, and I'm not sure that multiple engagements for the same cause is the best strategy, especially when they don't do many engagements to begin with.

    Bringing attention/learning about a cause is important, but I think if you're going to repeatedly visit the same cause, maybe there has to be an action/mission attached, something you want the public to do, get involved in etc etc... just a thought.

    Also, the majority of people are not fervent royal fans following every tidbit of news, they see a headline here, a magazine article there, a clip on the evening news now and again. So when W&K move on to next year's cause - if that's going to be the case, as has been indicated - suddenly people say, hold on, I thought they were into mental health? Did they give that up? It can give the appearance they're not sticking with something. Again, let me emphasize, I'm saying it's the appearance it may give to the general public.

    Just some observations on my part. I think they do need to add variety to their engagements, and yes I think they need to do more engagements! And if they did a little more, but kept going on mental health, there would be some variety coming through. There are too many worthy causes to list that affect the lives of Brits, so there are plenty to choose from.

    I also noticed a comment in the last post that Diana didn't do much ribbon cutting, just to clarify, nothing could be further from the truth. Much of her diary was "ribbon cutting", unveiling a plaque, opening a ward etc etc etc. And she attended each one with great gusto and enthusiasm, because she understood what may have been a minor, ceremonial task to her, was incredibly thrilling to the people waiting for her. They would have put a lot of time and effort into her brief visit and she always brought her A-game, giving complete attention to them and their event and never looking like she wanted to be elsewhere.

    Those brief visits to different charities/places are incredibly important, keeps the royals visible and active in various parts of the UK, lets them see different walks of life, different problems and challenges... as the Queen reportedly said, "if I can't be seen, what's the point?"

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:21

      I see your point. But I think the opposite. I think intense starting points like these can help set the ball rolling (if they continue visiting causes like this in the future, and not just stops).. It is like when my mum (who is a special ed teacher) implememnted having "reading theme week". They have one week where all the kids read. They read in the morning, the teacher reads to them, they have activites in the library, they talk about reading, they focus on reading. That doesn't do much good on the spot, reading wise for the kids. But what it does is instigate an interest, a passion, a curiousity about reading that might not have been there before. Instead of seeing reading as a lesson, they gets to bring pillows to school and read in candle light. That might seem silly, and like math might be forgotten and not have the importance. But that is not the case. The kids build a familiarity with reading that sticks even when they bring down the number of reading hours to their normal scheduel, because that intense start follows with even when you don't do it intensly anymore. The same I think will be with this. Now they will make a clear choice to focus on this, they connect people, they really "bangs it into peoples head" and they almost overdo the focus. (Also, we don't know what plans they have for that thing that is rumoured to be announced in april). Later, when mental health might not be a super-focus of theirs, as long as they keep doing regular visits on that theme (regular, not frequent), the feeling and connection of that intense period will help connect those future engagements into a context instead of looking more superficial. At least this is my thoughts on the subject.

    2. Claudia. I completely disagree with you. Why would you want to be involved with many charities. If you focus on a handful like Kate does you can do more for them. Charles, Ana, the Queen and the others are patrons of hundreds. You could not do any good with that many.
      So I am glad Kate has I think around 6 to 10 she is patron of. Plus the foundation with William and Harry that support many great causes.

    3. Courtney from NC10 March 2016 at 20:40

      I agree with Rebecca. The Cambridges are not the only royals that focus and a small section of their patronages or charities. Sophie has her go to causes, Mary from Denmark does as well and I believe Marie from Denmark does as well. Some of the patronages are established enough that just attaching a royal name is enough to get things moving. Other patronages, or causes, are in their infancy or they are just being thought up and put into practice. Those are the patronages that benefit from more focused attention from the patron.

      For the most part I think many, if not most, of the charities and causes Catherine is involved in are related to the rest. Children, mental health, etc. Whether the Art Room, Place2Be, etc. it is all about children receiving the support they need, and resources required, to build a solid foundation for adulthood.

      Even for the people who do not read articles and glance at headlines will learn that is what Catherine is passionate about. If the headlines are mentioning the mental health of children. etc. they will see it over and over and it will be something they remember. Unfortunately some people have a very short attention span and need to have things repeated over and over before they remember and I don't think having headlines mentioning the same topics is a bad thing.

      There are patronages that Catherine does not seem as passionate about and I am sure as the older royals retire she will pick up more that don't go with her passion. I think it is good that so much directed attention is being paid now so that as she adds other patronages this has more of a focus already.

    4. Claudia, with W&K being in "p/t" status right now, I think it's better if they concentrate on a particular area and do it well vs. being all over the map. Also, the Firm can be competitive so it's better if they have their own area to focus on. As time goes by, more patronages will be passed down to them by the Queen and PP.

      And regarding Diana and ribbon cutting, I believe you were referring to my comment. I did not say that Diana didn't do her fair share. Oh my good ness she definitely did. My point was that she, like William, preferred/prefers the non-ceremonial aspect of her/his role.

  14. Caroline in Montana10 March 2016 at 15:47

    I feel like i like this coat better today than i have before. Her hair to me looks great. she looks happy and healthy. I am also glad to see that William is wearing better pants than usual and i like his shoes as well, they seem to go together today, normally he is just so blue.

    1. Carole, I very much like Catherine's hair today, too. And I like this coat better and better with each wear.

    2. I do agree that Kate's hair looks beautiful! The criticism above surprised me considerably. And William does look nice in his combination of business and casual wear. He even seems to have grown what hair he has a bit. :-)

  15. Mental illness education and suicide prevention are such worthy and important causes, and I'm very happy they're being highlighted by the royal couple.

    I thought Kate looked great. Cute dress! I was never a fan of the fringe, so I'm glad to see she is growing it out.

  16. I like this coat but not how it's styled. A granny coat looks better with some younger funky shoes, like the model is wearing. Otherwise, it just makes the person look grandma. Lipstick and a youthfully styled hair also help so the outfit looks, hip, young, and sophisticated, rather than stuffy. I like Kate's style, but I wish she would get away from those formal and boring suede pumps and accessorize a bit more.

    1. The model only wore pink and white shoes because they matched the outfit underneath. And Kate's dress was black, so it makes sense to me. A fun bracelet would be nice though.

  17. Why You need to change something!
    Duchess can be what She wants like You!

  18. In the top pictures you can see long black sleeves underneath the green Erdem coat. Are we assuming Kate changed in between events since the Jonathan Saunders is 3/4 sleeve?

  19. I really like the green coat and dress, Kate Spade has a somewhat similar dress right now with swallow birds on it. Her hair looks almost messy though? Curled in a very haphazard way, not my favorite.

  20. Kate's quote about addiction, homelessness and knife crimes, leads me to believe that both she and William do a lot of behind the scenes work on the charities and patronages.

  21. Please, PLEASE could we see a different black shoe.

    1. She is going through the black shoe phase now.:-(

    2. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:22

      She probably likes them. They are not offensive. I think she can keep wearing them ;)

    3. Hi, Barbara :), I liked the black shoes. In my opinion black is a very appropriate colour for engagements covering suicide.

    4. If we did, she'd likely get criticism for spending money on another pair of black shoes when these do (or whatnot)... she's a little bit damned if you do, damned if you don't on re-wearing/new

    5. I wonder if u all remember the "nude shoe" phase. She practically wore it everywhere. Hahaha

    6. Anon 18.49

      There is no need to jump to that conclusion. After all, we talk about fashion here too, why exactly Barbara can't express her wish for a little bit more or different.

  22. Mental health is such an important issue and Cambridges highlighting this difficult issue are doing great job! The colour of the coat is not that important however GREEN symbolizes HOPE so great choise.

    Thank You Charlotte. As always lovely to pop in here.

    1. Hi, Anonymous 10 March 2016 at 16:31 :) That's what I immediately thought when I saw the first photo: green as in hope. Even in the face of suicide.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 18:33

      I would say "Especially in the face of suicide". The darker the issue, the more light in any version is needed!

    3. Hi Francis 10 March 17:55 well said :)

    4. Thank you, Anon 16:31. My opinion of the coat just became irrelevant. :)

  23. I like the color of the jacket, but I find it makes her look a bit boxy. It doesn't have shape. I also think her hair looks messy today. Not sure why? Just looks messy, I also don't like how she wears coats with shorter sleeves than her outfit underneath. I'm not crazy about the dress, I like the shape, just not how big the birds are. The birds almost remind me of a children's pattern. Guess this was an all around fail for me :p

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:23

      Was it an all around fail? Or an all around satorial fail? :)

    2. No not an all around fail, I should have specified haha! a satorial fail for me.

    3. I also noticed her smile looked a little "forced" in the green coat. Like she isn't as comfortable maybe. She seemed to be enjoying herself more when she was in the bird dress for the second engagement. Just an observation.

  24. Tedi in California10 March 2016 at 16:51

    What an inspirational story, and how fate played a role. The fact that Neil happened by on Waterloo Bridge, and then stopped to talk with Jonny. The depths of despair souls must feel to reach that point of no return. There is pain with mental illness, just as surely as the pain that is present with a physical one. It is a wonderful cause that William and Kate are shining a light on.
    What they wore today, takes a back seat to the significance of the events. I thought Kate looked lovely and appropriate for the occasion.
    I want to say one more thing, although I am hesitant to get into the fray. I was very disheartened to read all the nasty and ugly comments on yesterday's post. It is becoming increasingly annoying to realize that no matter what William and Kate do, they just can't put a foot right with certain people. I truly don't know how they stand it. They are a young couple, with two youngsters who live in a glaring gold fish bowl. Through no fault of their own, only an accident of birth. As one poster pointed out, they are under constant threat of death, kidnapping and all manner of violence.
    It would be so nice if we could return to what drew me to Charlotte's blog in the first place. A group of caring people, who happen to enjoy following the lives of an endearing couple.

    1. Caroline in Montana10 March 2016 at 19:10

      I totally agree with you Tedi. I rarely comment but Im always here. I am amazed at what some folks say, as if it is their right to judge. I often wonder, would they say their comments to Kate's face? I think not. so maybe think before you type. Especially all these negative posters hiding behind Anonymous.

    2. Tedi, I do so agree!

    3. Julia from Leominster11 March 2016 at 17:52

      No, I wouldn't say so to her face, nor would I say to an actress that I thought her last film was awful or that the dress she wore to the Academy Awards was vulgar - I wouldn't say to a politican's face that I hate his policies (although some might) I wouldn't say to a pianist that his playing wasn't the best the other night. That doesn't mean I don't think these things - it's just tactfulness.

      But in the appropriate forum - I might comment on all these things - and this is a forum about Kate. She is a public figure - just like everyone else listed above - and I reserve the right to critique her actions and her clothes - praise what is good in both - but to comment on where improvements could be made. I give a lot of thought to it and think most people here do too.

      And I suspect many here who say we shouldn't comment on Kate have made a negative comment about a film or some actress's dress - even though they may like the director or the actress. Crticism is part of life.

  25. It looks really sloppy to have her sleeves poking out from her jacket, but otherwise she looks great. I love how well she wears jewel tones.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 18:34

      I actually kind of liked it because that line of black tied it together with the accessories so it didn't stand out as much :)

  26. Is it assumed that Kate has a hair stylist for every engagement? Is it possible she does her own hair on occasion as she does her make-up?

  27. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 17:54

    A random thing I thought of as "one of those mentally ill people", that made me happy is that William and Kate are not afraid to laugh and such at this engagement. I've noticed that people can become overly cautious around a person with mental illness (especially suicidal thoughts) as if they are afraid that the person will "break". It is a natural way to react and I understand that, but the pity and "cotton hands" that people use around mentally ill people can at times feel as bad as the too rough ones. The stigma is not only for people thinking you are wierd but a thing alot of mentally ill people share is the unwillingness of having people look at them with pity. And that is why it warms my heart that William and Kate talk to them as normal people, laugh even though someone might interpert it as they are not solemn enough on a (some people think) solemn occation. Laughing helps so much, and you would be surprised how much I have actually laughed out loud with different health officials. Just because it's a solemn and serious issue, doesn't mean it's all glum. And I am glad that they are not just putting on constant "worried faces" on engagements like these :) Just an odd little thought :)

    1. Courtney from NC10 March 2016 at 20:47

      I totally agree, as a fellow "mentally ill folk". Sometimes when things are dark or spiraling being treated "normally" is the best thing for you.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden11 March 2016 at 01:02

      Exactly Courtney. I try remembering that they are doing it out of kindness (most people are) and such, but sometimes you just get mad. One of the nicest things is when my sister is snippy and a bit rude to me instead of overly nice. That means she at that moment forgets that I'm sick and it's so refreshing :P

  28. I hope you don't mind this sidebar, but recently there seems to be an uptick in "Why are people here if they don't love Kate" comments, so I thought I'd share my view.

    As I've said before, I've watched the royals since Princess Margaret and continued as the family grew and as I moved to the states.

    I realized about a year or so ago that I didn't see much news on William, who I always tried to keep up on. There was very little "main" news coverage, obviously nothing like Charles and Diana, and I wondered what he and Kate were up to. I found a couple of blogs and kept up with some long time royal correspondents and photographers. I wanted to learn more about Kate, as I wasn't sure what to make of her yet, and see how William was growing.

    I've read this blog and participated in the comments because I wanted to learn and hear different opinions as I formed my own. Just as I read political articles to learn, and not because I love every politician I read about.

    I enjoy discussion. A great comment by an Anon recently said "this blog has helped me form opinions, helped sharpen my critical thinking." What an amazing compliment to Charlotte and readers here! Reminded me of a column in the LA Times on Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, about the need for healthy debate and polite disagreement, and the "loss of tolerance" in society.

    We've heard many sides of the Cambridge story, and many opinions. And most of it is speculation, we have no idea what they're like in person, what they think of Queen and country. They could be doing a lot of work behind the scenes or they could be sitting in the garden eating bon-bons. As usual, the truth is probably bubbling somewhere in the middle.

    And for me, a year later, I'm still not sure what to make of Kate, and to be honest, I'm a little disappointed in William. I don't have strong positive or negative feelings about them, lately I find myself not as interested in what they're up to, and not as eager to check for updates.

    Maybe I'm just getting older, maybe they're not that inspiring to me, maybe both. But if someone like me, who has followed the royals for decades, and read almost every first hand or well sourced book about the monarchy feels that way, I do wonder what the less "fervent" general public must be thinking.

    I do think that William makes things more difficult than they need to be. We all have things in life we'd like to change, we all have limitations and restrictions placed on us, some fairly, some unfairly. But we can grumble on about the unfairness of it all or step up to the great things in our life and the great opportunities we may have. Kim said it best recently, "embrace the privilege you've been given!"

    Diana had a complex relationship with the press and her role to be sure, but she told her chef once, "Well I suppose the only thing worse than the press camped outside KP is to have no press camped outside at all!"

    1. Thanks Claudia, lovely thoughts as always. I kind feel the same way about the Cambridges in spite of the fact that I follow them only since their wedding. I loved your quotes from Diana and from Kim. How true! I also used the word inspirational in context with them. Because I miss them being like that.

      I think there are people who only interested in their happy bubble, some are branded the opposite and it would be so nice to find a middle way here as well.

    2. Caroline in Montana10 March 2016 at 19:37

      I have a hard time with folks who are "dissapointed" in people they have never met, how would it be if i were to say "Claudia I am so dissapointed in you because you wore that green coat again and I think your hair is messy!" I mean really folks. lets get a grip here. and on the last post some one even said that basically it was ok for her to judge because "Kate has not lived up to her expectations"!!! OMG. Seems like the Loss Of Tolerance in society is due to the folks who cant keep their mouths shut when they have nothing nice to say. But i guess they cant "form their own opinions, and have help sharpening their critical thinking" without bashing folks.

      If you wouldn't say it to Kate's face then don't say it at all.

    3. I have followed the royals since the days before Diana. Around the time Charles dated Diana's sister, to be exact. I have seen and lived the roller coasters with Charles, Fergie, Anne, Sophie, and wept the day the Diana died. I loosely followed through William and Harry's growing years and regained interest after Charles remarried.

      Many stories that keep us interested are the major life events, the milestones, and regrettably, the scandals. But while steady and calm might be boring, I believe in my heart that it is what's best for the royals as people. The quote from Diana about not having press camped outside might not be the preference of the past, but the generations have changed and the public way of thinking also has changed. Royals, not just the British ones, now want lives outside of the public eye. Their ancestors wouldn't have dreamed of it.

      I would above all want William and Kate to maintain a happy and stable family life. Almost five years into their marriage, I think we see they've been successful in that. That makes me happy. And yes, I remain interested in them, but perhaps more with the eyes of a parent rather than a critique. Royal work will come eventually, as you probably remember from Anne to Edward and others. So when I see bad press like this, I simply smile and think, "is that all you can think of?"

      William and Kate will turn out alright. You'll see :)

    4. What a wonderful comment, Betsy 20:28. Thank you so much for saying it. "Is that all you can think of"? I must remember that one....

    5. Courtney from NC10 March 2016 at 20:52

      It isn't the disappointment from people that made me ask why they come to the blog. It is the constant criticism, most of which isn't constructive, and the negativity. It is the fact people drone on and on about what they think could be done better, or what more they want from the Cambridges and as soon as the Camrbidges give them what they asked for that isn't good enough either. There are posters who can show their disappointment quite well, and that I have no problem with. There are, however, a hand full of posters who are so negative all the time, about every thing they do and that is why I ask. The amount of negativity being spewed by some makes me wonder how high their blood pressures are. It cannot be good for them.

      Just like discussion and debate are fine but inflaming information, used as facts, is not something I think is helpful at all.

    6. actually my "forming opinions" and honing "critical thinking skills" is not used to "bash" anyone. Quite the contrary, my goal is always to edify and be a blessing, even when I am expressing opinions that may differ from those of others. We'll all answer to God the Bible says for every word spoken. I agree that commenting on William and Kate or anyone is wrong if done with malevolent intent. It is possible to participate here and not fall into that category. That is my goal.

    7. JMS from Texas, USA10 March 2016 at 21:10

      @Caroline in Montana 19:37

      You have hit the nail on it's head with your observation. I tell you, some of the posters here act like if they are commenting on a robot and not a human being. Yes, Kate is a public figure and subject to deep scrutiny by said public. But, she's also human, she has her good days and her not so good days just like all of us. We all hope to be given the benefit of the doubt and a measure of good will as we deal with others. So why shouldn't Kate? The spiteful and mean-spirited comments of some without any attempt to frame their comments in a way to educate, to inform, to uplift, and to positively engage the rest of us serve no purpose whatsoever. So yes, Caroline, I agree with you when you say, "if you cannot say something to someone's face, then don't say it at all". Or, as most us learned in our childhood, "do onto others...".

    8. And "Caroline" how is that any different from people admiring and being so impressed with someone they never met?? Honestly some of the comments here are just mad!
      Kate fans will speculate, theorize, post tabloid stories as long as it tells a nice story about her, but when others do the same thing and it paints a different picture they lose their minds. The fawning comments are worse than any critical ones. And Claudia wasn't even being that critical!
      And "Caroline" pick a handle and stick with it, your writing gives you away, not to mention your spelling.

    9. Betsy, I agree. This isn't William's first media rodeo. He is staying calm and keeping on.
      Quintessentially, British thing to do. :)

    10. Caroline, lol, you spoke my heart of hearts on those matters. So happy that gossip is offensive to someone else as it is to me. That is a good litmus test, "if you can't say it to someone's face, don't say it." Gossip creates negative energy.
      Have you ever walked into a room where you realize some less than kind words have been spoken about you? Tangible negativity, yeh? Not fun. Thanks for your common sense comments.

    11. A thoughtful, well-written piece, Claudia: love it!

    12. It is very complex. Do we want them to be superstars? In this modern world now, things seem faster-paced, brighter, more dynamic than ever before. Are we expecting the couple to trail-blaze and is that unrealistic? Do we want to be knocked out by Kate's appearance: clothes choices/hair/jewellery/make-up/beauty etc? I don't even know what I expect/want from them!

    13. Anon 22:09, it's a blog devoted to HRH The Duchess of Cambridge. THAT is the difference. I should think that people are drawn to it because they have a SINCERE interest in the young woman...certainly more favorable than not.

      Honestly, for folks to spend so much time on a subject that continues to disappoint them is somewhat sad, IMHO.

    14. Claudia @ 17:58,

      My comment @ 20:57, I forgot to address to you.

    15. Well I'm a little taken aback by all this, I must admit.

      First, Caroline: I never mentioned Kate's appearance, coat or hair, so I'm not sure what that's about, I actually thought she looked quite nice today.

      Of course I think people can be disappointed by someone they've never met, just as people can be fans of someone they've never met. People are disappointed by public officials and politicians all the time, and by the bad or even criminal behaviour of celebrities they may have looked up to or admired.

      Also, that Anon I was referring to made a fantastic comment about "critical thinking" in another post, not in a negative or positive way about the Cambridges at all, just a very complimentary post about Charlotte and this blog. Come after me all you want but there was no need to demean her. Her comments were lovely.

      And for the record I would have no problem repeating anything I've said in any comment I've made directly to William or Kate, or in a chat with anyone on this blog, I would welcome it.

      Second: to Anett and others who have commented in response, thank you for the nice compliments and Betsy and others also for the polite disagreement. Nothing wrong with that!

      Royalfan I have to say I am most dismayed by your comment to me, referring to me and my comment as "somewhat sad". I don't spend so much time on this, I read and comment when I can and quite enjoy it. Am I only allowed here if I'm in complete support of everything William and Kate do?

      I watched Diana from the earliest days, as we've discussed, and there were times I was quite disappointed with her, and some of her actions left me just gobsmacked. But I kept watching her. And most times I was cheering to the rafters for the moves she was making, and I kept watching her and wishing the best for her till the end.

    16. Thanks for your comment Claudia. I admit I also came on the blog because I really liked Kate and was interested in following her more. But I now feel...meh, like there's nothing to be excited about anymore. It's always the same old thing, they don't do much, and what they do do is generally uninspiring. I don't hate them, but I don't really like them either. They just don't seem as relevant as I thought they would be. I'm a young person saying this, and yes, you're right royal fan, it seems silly to continue to follow after such disappointment.

      Kate and William need to jazz it up an bit. At this stage I probably wouldn't hesitate to vote for a republic if the time came. Admittedly, Charles seems to like his position and does much for his role. One of the biggest criticisms I have of Will and Kate is that they just don't seem to be relaxed and enjoy their role, and that says a lot. Yes, they need to focus on their family life, but so does everybody!

    17. Montana Caroline, I understand from your post that you think it's not OK to criticise Kate but totally OK to criticise other people (given that it's exactly what you were doing). Should people with dim views of Charles and Camilla (for example) not post anything unkind or critical too? I'm updating my Posting Rule Book and want to make sure I get the rules sorted out. Because I'm sure that, concerned with being kind as you are, you will help me understand and will be the first to castigate a poster next time someone is critical regarding another public figure here.

    18. Julia from Leominster11 March 2016 at 17:37

      We are all here for different reasons - some because they just enjoy seeing Kate - some because she is a future queen of England and we're interested in what she makes of her role - one of these reasons is not more worthy than the other - and it would be lovely if we could stop questioning motives and simply accept that what is important to one of us may not be to another.

    19. Anon 02.18

      Thanks for your post. I suppose I can't add anything else but second this!!

      "One of the biggest criticisms I have of Will and Kate is that they just don't seem to be relaxed and enjoy their role, and that says a lot. Yes, they need to focus on their family life, but so does everybody!"
      It explains a lot from the awkward body language till the dull faces!


      Nicely written.

    20. Oh Claudia, I apologize if it appeared that I was addressing you. I wish I had been clearer, but my comment was in response to 22:09 and the overall view expressed by this Anon. You and I have agreed and disagreed in the past and I hope to continue to... Again, I am sorry if you took it personally.

      GENERAL comment here ... as I and others have tried to point out, it isn't different or unfavorable opinions that folks object to. It's some of the persistent negativity.

      Anon 22:09's comment did not make sense to me. If you go to a steakhouse you shouldn't be surprised or annoyed that people will comment on how good the steak is. :)

  29. I know this isn't the "Duke Wills blogspot", but MAN, I like his style today! Kate did a good job with that dress too.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 18:35

      Haha, I think it's fair to talk about him here! Some of us already did upthread :) I also liked his style today!

    2. William looked so handsome today.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden10 March 2016 at 20:08

      He really did! Especially now that he's embracing his balding. This haircut makes him look way younger.

    4. Anonymous in Colorado10 March 2016 at 20:33

      @Noel M: so many lol's at "Duke Wills blogspot"! ;-D

    5. Duke it. :)

    6. If only Harry would as well. I've seen a few pics from the back and he looks like he is getting pretty thin up there too. Longer in the front won't hide the bald spot in back...well, it could but I hope someone would stop him.

  30. Kate's makeup was beautiful today!

  31. Liked that he looked more fashiobable today!!
    Id like to see more help n support for the families. As someone who had a family member have two sucide attempts I can see the other point of view. Those moments I can hardly re live or speak sbout, even now 20 plus years on.

  32. She changed all her clothes underneath, it seems. If you look at the picture where she's sitting on the couch, her skirt peeks out a little and it's white and pink a little. I do love the bird dress, but I think she always looks lovely and put together, even if I don't love the fashion choices.

    1. I was going to point out the same. It looks the fabric of this dress she wore on Singapoire for a state dinner I guess, by Prabal Gurung.


    2. I think it's the flowered coat lining that Charlotte mentioned which shows a bit when Kate is seated.

    3. I believe the white and pink is the lining of the coat.

  33. dear charlotte!
    do you by any chance know which haircolor and hair color brand the duchess uses?
    thank you!

    1. Hello Sabine,

      Unfortunately not but Richard Ward has been giving tips for achieving hair like Kate's. Hope it helps :)

  34. I love these earrings, and we don't get to see them too often. Yay! I love the dress and am fond of this coat also. Today's look is a winner for me.

    1. Given how much Kate seems to like this color, I think she needs a LARGER pair of emerald and diamond earrings. ;)

    2. I second that motion RF. :)

    3. Well, she wore a larger, a much larger pair, in New York. But I don't think that is what you meant!

    4. 02:43, you are correct. May I amend my comment to say "medium"? ;)

    5. Yes, you may! :-)

  35. Canadian Friend10 March 2016 at 19:12

    Hi, Charlotte,

    Thanks for the quick post.

    This ensemble isn't working for me. I wish she would wear the coat open with nice separates underneath as it is styled on the model. It's a pretty colour but too "monolithic" when fastened up with no belt, no detailing, nothing of interest to draw the eye.

    I think Kate was likely wearing a sweater underneath which she removed before appearing in the swallow print dress. She may not like the feel of partially bare arms with a silk lined overcoat. Also, I wonder if she feels a chill because she often seems to wear coats during outings where others are not as warmly dressed.

    I didn't mind the dress. Quite a good working wardrobe choice, along the lines of the much maligned Hobbes brown dress.

    My wish is for more interesting shoes and purses. Her hair looks youthful and pretty.

    Great cause-especially,helping children and lessening stigma.

    1. I think you're totally right. If she'd worn this jacket open the look would have been way better. As it is, the dress is nice but I'm still not on board with the jacket.

      That being said, her hair was ON POINT today and she seemed genuinely happy.

  36. What brand of hosiery is Kate wearing?

    1. Hello,

      Kate reportedly favours John Lewis 'Barely There' non slip tights. They provide a lovely sheer sheen, however I found they tear very easily.

    2. Thanks, Charlotte. That brand does photograph nicely.

  37. Thank you Charlotte for a wonderful post. For the people who have commented that they follow this blog to become informed please please please look at Jonny's blog.we all need to understand the depth of despair that is suicide and if just one person reading this blog manages through greater awareness to help someone sliding down into that deep dark well W and K have achieved something. I have personally known six suicides- a much loved next door neighbour with two young sons who was ostracized from her rag trade family for leaving the family business and marrying a Caucasian. A proud OCD elderly man who had just been diagnosed with dementia.A young man who broke up with his fiance. A middle aged lawyer overworked and facing a hostile take over of the business he worked for. Another young man who felt responsible that he had not prevented his brothers death in a car accident. That family lost two sons. And the cancer of drugs that all our lives are touched by accidental OD or an escape from hell. I thought that the choice of clothing by both our Duke and Duchess was deliberately symbolic. Black by both of them for the despair and then green and white for hope. I particularly liked the white birds as a symbol of freedom and escape from the blackness. This was so positive for me. Well done our duke and duchess.

  38. Julia from Leominster10 March 2016 at 19:42

    This is one of the first engagements William and Kate have done where the subject of the engagement itself caught me more than the royal couple - I was fascinated by the story of Jonny and Neal. Charlotte has as usual done an excellent job of bringing it out but even the DM wrote the engagement up well - (although ignoring the Huffington Post by name!) This is what the royals do best - bring attention to causes great and small - and as I said above, the balance of this engagement was perfect. It is a sensitive subject and hopefully their work will help many.

    I have never loved Kate's coat in the past, although I like the shade of green on her, but I think it worked very well here - it looked a little skimpy seen at a distance but close up works much better. This is the perfect engagement for a repeat and a quiet outfit since it shouldn't be about clothes. I love the dress - a wonderful pattern and a hopeful one for the subject.
    I thought William was dressed perfectly as well - the only thing I was less happy about was Kate's hair. I missed that excellent and very professional cut she had last autumn (one of the few times I have Kate replicated - and gotten huge complements). We're back to the girlish curls.

    I do want to respond to Tedi - and to say again that royals are extemely reactive - rather than proactive. If we all just said how endearing William and Kate are, this engagement might never have happened - this uptick in work is undoubtably due in part to the presssure of the press - and public - in wanting to see more of William and Kate. The story of the little boy and the balloon is delightful but that is one little boy where an active royal would have met dozens if not hundreds - that's why I believe royal work is so important - something only William can do.

    As I said before if a teacher wrote an "A" on every essay, a student wouldn't learn very much - if a critic said he loved a film that wasn't very good just because the actors seemed like nice people, it would leave no scope for praising a good film. I don't see thoughtful criticism as nasty or ugly - I see it as helpful. It's much easier to improve as you go, rather than find out suddenly there is a huge problem from which you can't pull back.
    As for the "danger", frankly all of us risk danger every day. As someone who lived through the Troubles, I believe the beauty of the royal family at its best is that they never let us think their danger is superior to ours - they may have greater risks in some way but they also have greater protection and security in others- they don't risk someone blowing up a tube train or an attack in a shopping centre. Many more ordinary people have died in attacks than royals- and so to me the threat of violence to them is no more an issue than it is to myself and my friends and family. We don't let us stop us, we don't dwell unduly on it -and that's how royals are too. The queen has been marvellous about giving that feeling and I trust and hope William and Kate feel as she does.

    1. We on our own are not "high value targets". They are. Plus rescue helicopter flight has it's risks, particularly when he was flying in Wales. Some of the most treacherous flight conditions for a fixed wing and even more for a helicopter. I don't think any of these things should be minimized. Do you have bomb-proofed toilets in your home, bulletproof glass in your in window, glass-shatter proof drapes?

    2. These engagements are planned weeks if not months ahead of time. So I seriously doubt this event had anything to do with the recent criticism. Also, there has not been an "uptick' in engagements. Kate and William have done around the same amount of engagements as they did last year at this time. Wishful thinking to assume that William would allow the media to dictate his schedule

    3. Julia from Leominster11 March 2016 at 17:34

      I can't agree that engagements are always planned long in advance - some are - but some can be pulled together quickly - and I think we are seeing an uptick. Just my feeling. I do think the press had influence - and the royal family would be very much at fault if they didn't take note of the press - just as any person in public life would.

      As for the danger - it's William's choice to fly a helicopter so that has no relevance to me.

      Yes royals are high value targets but if you look at pwople killed in terrorist attacks in recent times - most are ordianry people doing ordinary things where they would never expect to be harmed - going to work or to rock concerts, sunning on the beach, taking public transportation. Yes, Mountbatten died during the troubles and politicans and others were targeted by many more died just by being in the wrong place. I would hate to see the royal family become all about secuity like the US presidents - that has never been their way.

      During the war, Buckingham Palace was bombed - the king thought one of his German relatives might have had a hand in it - and the queen mum said - "now we can look the East End in the face" - she had seen the bombed out houses, still showing people's "pathetic" belongings = she understood how deeper the loss was to them than the chapel at Buckingham Palace -

      So no, everytime I walk through Leicester Square or take a tube train or walk in Kensington Gardens, I don't have a royal protection officer with me, looking around, nor do I know if Buckingham Palace has bullet proof glass (I rather doubt it.)- Having read about so many innocent people hurt - I give William and Kate no special consideration on this subject - I hope nothing happens to them - and Anon, to you and your family too.

    4. Julia, I beg to differ on your statement that it's William's choice to fly so the danger has no relevance to you. I happen to think it's very relevant. It speaks to the character of this young man.

      When I see military personnel, police officers, or firemen, for example, I cannot help but think of the added risk they take when they walk out their front door and go to work. AND the extra worry-factor from their family's point of view. They deserve our respect because there are easier and safer choices to make in this life.

    5. Exactly, RF, I agree. We wouldn't take that attitude about our firemen, policemen, servicemen so WHY take that attitude about William. Why indeed?

      It is very relevant.

  39. Charlotte, thank you for removing the offensive comment toward gay people. Something like that shouldn't have a place on this site and I'm glad that you're doing such a splendid job not posting things that clearly cross a line.
    I'm glad it's gone but I find it truly worrying that when certain people learn about gay people contemplating or committing suicide due to lack of acceptance or discrimination, their first response seems to be to continue the bashing.
    So thanks again! Gay people who might be following this blog shouldn't have to read something like that.

    1. Caroline in Montana10 March 2016 at 23:42

      Im glad I didnt see that comment. I hope that person is ashamed of themselves. Thank you Charlotte for your hard work and balanced moderating.

  40. A second post as I did not want to blurr the important comment on the cause. When I looked at Jonny's blog prior to the royal visit and how was structured it is how I had envisioned charities/causes etc will be using royal etc presence to hightlight the cause. They understand how today's technology allows this.For example had the Natural History Museum been a bit more hip in their outlook they could have used the skiing family photo to raise awarenees .The picture could have been linked from the patron through the photographer to the photograph of Prince George taken there and then linked to whatever project of the moment they wanted with a further link to donation page etc.I don't for one minute decry the importance of Royal visits but I do think patronages now can take advantage of each time a Royal patron steps out to promote their cause. I suppose I think the manner of ribbon cutting is changing and I think the Kensington Palace twitter instagram etc streams are for our duke and duchess an extension of the ribbon cutting. I believe Prince Phillip has over 800 patronages - physcally impossible to visit yearly. Our early 21st century is a time of images caption and blogs delivered by hand held devices and not print. We are at the cusp of a major revolution in communication in which the traditional media will be less dominant because they no longer have the monopoly. Twenty years ago print and television pumped out headlines totally dominant no room for an individual or disenting voice- the media chose which letters to the editor were published. Today we have Charlotte. There is also becoming less and less need for a media pack. Those family photos would have been in every continent within minutes. Did we really need 100 angles on the same image? And before the commentator throws North Korea in my face I am not advocating censorship. Press freedom is for everyone to be able to express views and provide information not just a media elite.

    1. Alimai, I do so enjoy your comments.

  41. I admit I was surprised to come here and see people don't like her hair! My first reaction was that it was especially pretty today. A different "style" of curled hair, sure, but I thought very pretty. I'd kill to have hair like that!

    I also think her makeup is especially pretty today. I'm neutral on the coat- like the dress! Overall, I think this look is a win for me.

    1. I agree, even I liked her hair today, It looks better than the short hair she had earlier, the dress looks fabulous as well, the bird print dress/shirt would be perfect for springwear :-)Thank You Charlotte!!XOXOXO

    2. I think they both radiated the love, Joy and caring that is in their hearts and I believe there is a lot of all three in there. God bless them richly.

  42. William's story is a bit different according to this:

    Which article shall we believe in? Or is it a PR move again?

    1. No, it is fact. William's team and he did actually rescue a boy who had a severe allergic reaction to peanuts given to him by another child. There are other rescues that William and his team have done over the past months before all the recent brouhaha
      that were published in the news. And the rescues are logged on the EAAA flight logs.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden11 March 2016 at 01:06

      Yeah,, anon 21.56. I see people on twitter that follow William & Kate closely and a few times a month they tweet a link to some local newspaper talking about how William was the pilot at such and such. For example, he landed in a prison last fall.

    3. Pilots for the EAAA have to have 1,500 flight hours under their belts to even apply as a pilot with them. William met that criteria. Not bad for a guy who people say does nothing, don't cha think? Kudos William.

    4. Julia from Leominster11 March 2016 at 18:03

      The difference is whether William actually made the balloon figure - the original article says they don't know who made it - it sounds like the DM who also muddled the child's name - livened things up a bit. Not atypical.

      Yes, the overall article is a PR move, just like the photo of him fueling the chopper - it doesn't mean he didn't do these things, it just means publicity is being put out to balance the negative publicity - there's probably more going on too - with the co-workers who said they were unhappy with William, if they can be identified. I won't go further into that except to say, that's why I don't like royals in civilian jobs. I'm happy to have the royals upstairs while I'm downstairs in my kitchen - but I don't think mingling the two is ever a good idea.

      There have been questions about William's flight qualifications in the past - not with this particular job but earlier, hopefully, that's not the case. But his application - if he even made one - is unlikely to have been treated the same as other pilots - that the way royal things work.

    5. Julia it is a slippery slope to insinuate that he does not have the qualifications especially as he is piloting people around. Time and time again it has been stated that he is a very skilled pilot. To be one he must have put in the time and training. By all means be critical, but I think this one is off base because civilian lives are at stake.

    6. Thank you Julia. I appreciate your comment very much! So everything with a pinch of salt.
      Anon 20.40

    7. Not to mention that it is an insult to the military who trained him and the British aviation authorities.

    8. wow 19:39 is that ever right. omg

      To even apply to EAAA William had to have 1500 fight hours. He had to pass an additional 14 exams, and receive training for that particular model helicopter. To say that he is not qualifified is the hallmark of the irrational and unfounded condemnation of William and Kate here that borders on surreal. Not to mention calling his superiors derelict in Judgement.

      For me THAT takes the cake.

  43. JMS from Texas, USA10 March 2016 at 21:34


    This may be off topic, but have you anything new report on the shortage of hotel accommodations for The Royals upcoming trip to France with The Queen? Many in the media is making hay with the news that one luxury hotel is full and cannot accommodate them. Like everything in the media, legitimate and tabloid, these stories all follow a given pattern. First the hysteria, then the ridicule, then way in the back pages, the final clarification, if any. So knowing that you have a unique way to ferret out what's fact or fiction, do you have any news to report on this front?

    1. Hello,

      I believe given the numbers expected for the Somme Centenary and events on the dates the royals will be travelling, it's not surprising they are booked up. The manager of the hotel in question said it would "unthinkable ethically" to let down people who had booked months ago, and I think that's very fair. It isn't a case of refusing the royals at all - merely they are completely booked out :)

    2. Amen. Thanks Charlotte

      The media tried to make it sound like they were rejected in a snub type way. Not.

  44. The website for the Interview with William where he clearly states what his plans and goals are is,

    for those who want to know rather than speculate.


  45. Betsy,

    The link to the article about William making the balloon for the little boy they rescued is,

    It is an article by Mail Online by Anthony Joseph,
    3/10/16, "The Prince of Giggles"

  46. Thanks Alimai.

    And I agree with whoever pointed out that they both wore black, then also green and the white birds.
    All symbolic. Another "Kate thing." sweet.

    I also agree with whoever said that they gleaned from Kate's comment that they do more work behind the scenes than their critics would like.

  47. Did someone here mention a recent Richard Kay article favorable to William? Do you have a headline reference on that? I couldn't find that. Thanks.

  48. I think her hair & makeup looks lovely here. So glad that those bangs are grown out now. I didn't care for this coat at first, but it's growing on me. And I'm glad that wearing this coat gave us a chance to see those emerald earrings again.

  49. Just an FYI, William statistics about attempted suicide ate very wrobg. He needs to do the research which can easily be found on google. The numbers are much higher than 5. It's a very serious problem

    1. Google may not be the best source. Perhaps he has something more scientific.

  50. The green coat looks nice again. Kate's hair seem to grow pretty fast. A great photo of William & Kate together here. The coat with the zip at the front reminds me of a joke Prince Philip made when he encountered a lady wearing something similar! I quite like Kate's dress, credit to her for wearing a budget dress. It's a bit short, though, would be more flattering on her if a little longer, I think.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 March 2016 at 01:27

      Now I'm curious. What joke did Philip make? :P

    2. Oh! You don't follow royal news as closely as I thought, Rebecca! Search for 'Philip' and 'zip' on Google, it was quite a big thing at the time!

  51. Had anotthr look at the photos and agree with some posters here that the coat does look so plain zipped right up to the neck without any accessories. Maybe Kate believes that it is more elegant to have an uncluttered look? But looks a bit odd to me.

  52. The seams and darts on the coat make it look a little like a corset: odd.

  53. Tedi in California11 March 2016 at 01:55

    I just read Richard Kay's article in the DM, and thought it very good. One thought for everyone. Can you imagine the outrage and comments that would have rampant on the internet during Edward VIII's abdication? Or even Diana. Also Fergie, and Sophie giving that interview to an undercover journalist? It would make all this look like a tea party.
    I must also comment that while it is true that we are all vulnerable to violence and terrorism these days, celebrities around the globe are at much bigger risk for kidnapping etc. Hence the bodyguards. So to compare them to the rest of us, risk wise, is in my opinion ridiculous.

    1. It's not ridiculous. They're at risk of being specifically targeted but have security teams to prevent that. We are at a smaller risk but don't have security to help keep us safe. Hence, it's pretty much balanced out.

    2. Balanced out? I think not. Having security only goes so far. Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, Queen Elizabeth...?

    3. Tedi in California11 March 2016 at 21:49

      I don't agree with your comment, but I respect your right to disagree.

    4. Tedi in California12 March 2016 at 09:41

      And dear Royalfan, how about President John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy. The family might disagree that "it's pretty much balanced out".

    5. Tedi in California12 March 2016 at 16:35

      And, Royalfan, how about President John F Kennedy, and his brother, Robert F Kennedy? The Secret Service couldn't protect them.

  54. oh these my favorite coat I love the duchess make up they look very inlove and I love they supporting mental health issue hmm enough of the French hotel they both enjoy their weekend

  55. Love this coat. Curious how/why there are black cuffs sticking out when she is not wearing long sleeves though!

  56. Annette New Zealand11 March 2016 at 04:13

    Obviously the news media generally want more access to the Royal couple but is this always beneficial to Royal Family relationships? I remember when Princess Diana first married she was quite overwhelmed with all the media attention and some felt that was the reason she developed anorexia. The Duchess of York has also said that comments about her weight were very hurtful and contributed to her feelings of failure. The Duchess of Kent similarly found it difficult playing a public role and largely retired from official duties. Prince Harry has said that he is finding it difficult to find someone who is willing to cope with the publicity that being his girlfriend involves. It is very likely that Prince William worries about these pressures and wants to protect his family as much as possible. This may also be why some royal relationships take so long to progress to the engagement stage these days.( eg Prince William and Kate, Crown Princess Victoria and Daniel etc) It is arguable that Princess Diana's relationship with the news media became too close and any hope of saving her marriage was destroyed by the resulting publicity. One has to have a very thick skin to be a Royal these days. Of course they have a very luxurious life style, but they also have to live with the constant glare of publicity and criticism which is sometimes unfair or blown out of all proportion.

    1. I think you have a point where the Duchess of York and Diana's anorexia are concerned but not where Charles and Diana are concerned. It could never have worked because he obviously didn't love her. He couldn't even say it when ask. "Whatever love means" said it all.
      And had he loved her, he wouldn't have been jealous of all the publicity she got. William, I'm sure, would never be jealous of the publicity Kate gets. Charles and Diana never had a healthy relationship and nothing could possibly turned it into one.

  57. Really glad to see Kate wearing the Emerald earrings today. Those are my favorite stones and we don't get to see this pair very often. Kate looked great in both engagements.

    The engagement today was truly inspiring and am I glad like the majority of the posters that they decided to shine the light on this topic.

  58. The green is great on Kate, but I agree with others that this is a coat that looks best unzipped.
    Wish that dress were still in stock! I'd snap it up in a heartbeat. The repliKate options are cute, but tend to be a bit too short for my taste.

    Kate might have worn those earrings before, but this is the first time I've noticed them. Very pretty!

  59. Tedi in California11 March 2016 at 22:23

    Love the emerald earrings too. One of my favorite stones, and the color just pops.

  60. Kate has green eyes. but it's olive green. The coat is indeed too bright. Olive green or khaki would suit her better.


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