Saturday 29 April 2017

Kate's Next Date, Luxembourg Itinerary, Mind Over Marathon, Family Celebrations & More!

Hello hello, today's post is a round up of news items concerning the Duchess and her calendar in addition to other items which may be of interest.

As you may have heard we will next see the Duchess officially on Wednesday, 3 May when she will visit  Farms for City Children in Gloucester to see their work giving young people from inner cities the chance to spend a week on a real working farm. Kate will join a school group of pupils and teachers as they muck in around the farm, and will meet children’s author Michael Morpurgo and his wife Clare to learn more about the organisation they founded in 1976. Through a week-long programme, the charity offers urban children from all over the country a unique opportunity to live and work together on a real farm in the heart of the countryside. It should be a fun one, especially as we can expect images of Kate joining the children to pitch in on the farm, tending to pigs and chickens, and working in the allotments. The charity recently celebrated their 40th anniversary and have said they are "delighted" about the impending royal visit. It certainly won't be their first as the Princess Royal is their Royal Patron.

Farms for City Children


The itinerary for Kate's solo visit to Luxembourg on Thursday, 11 May has been released. The day will see the Duchess carrying out five engagements celebrating the "cultural and historic ties between the UK and Luxembourg". Upon arrival, Kate's first stop will be the Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art (MUDAM) to tour current exhibitions by British artists Sir Tony Cragg and Darren Almond. The museum's permanent collection includes works by Andy Warhol and Thomas Struth. Kate will also attend a reception with leading young Luxembourgers in the fields of culture, education, business and the charitable sector. Kate is very much interested in the arts, and like her first solo trip abroad last year to the Netherlands, it's not a surprise to see they feature.

In the centre of the capital, the Duchess will visit Place Clairefontaine, and tour a cycling-themed festival, which celebrates the shared UK and Luxembourg passion for the sport. Her Royal Highness will be introduced to the Grand Duchy's most famous cycling icons, and meet children who are designing Tour de France jerseys ahead of the tour coming to Luxembourg in July. The Duchess will unveil a mural of British cyclist Tom Simpson and Luxembourgish cycling legend Charly Gaul.

As expected, Kate will call on Their Royal Highnesses, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg at the Grand Ducal Palace.

As you can see, the Grand Ducal Palace is a magnificent piece of architecture. It has quite a history too, beginning as the city hall of Luxembourg in 1572. Located in Luxembourg City, the Grand Duke performs an array of official duties there.

Next, the primary reason for Kate's visit: she will join the official commemoration of the 1867 Treaty of London, which confirmed Luxembourg’s independence and neutrality, at Luxembourg City Museum. Finally, the Duchess will continue to Dräi Eechelen Museum for the main commemoration event, where the prime minister, mayor and museum director will speak. The Duchess will be given a guided tour of 'Luxembourg 1867 – Open City', the new exhibition, which explains how the dismantling of Luxembourg’s fortifications laid the foundation for the transformation of Luxembourg into an open and outward-looking city and country.

A well-planned itinerary filled with cultural and historic highlights. Visually, we can expect beautiful photographs from the likes of the majestic Dräi Eechelen Museum and picturesque Luxembourg City. In an official capacity, the Duchess will be representing Her Majesty at the commemoration of the 1867 Treaty of London. What will Kate wear for the day? When she visited the Netherlands she opted for a smart, classic, ice blue Catherine Walker skirt suit complemented with an updo and pearls. It was a professional, sophisticated look. Once again, Kate will need to select a suitable ensemble with the versatility to take her through the five engagements.


The Summer season brings a host of annual events on the royal calendar. From garden parties to Trooping the Colour, it's always enjoyable to see photos, however, with news of an election in the UK there have been revisions to the schedule. Unfortunately, the annual service for the Order of the Garter, which had been due to take place on 19 June, has been cancelled. I must say, I was quite disappointed to hear this, although one understands the demands of the election take precedence. Below, we see Kate arriving for last year's Garter ceremonies.

Additionally, there will be notably reduced ceremonial elements at both the State Opening of Parliament and Trooping the Colour which takes place on 17 June this year. More from the Telegraph:

'The Queen will undertake a dressed-down State Opening of Parliament for the first time in more than 40 years, as ceremonial plans suffer major disruption because of the general election. 
The Queen will not wear her Imperial State Crown or robes for this year’s State Opening, with the annual service of the Order of the Garter also cancelled for the first time since 1984. The changes to the Royal schedule, announced by Buckingham Palace today, will see the State Opening of Parliament take place on June 19, with the Order of the Garter service previously in the diary for the same day now cancelled. 
For only the second time in her reign, the Queen will wear “day dress” and a hat for the State Opening of Parliament, abandoning the traditional Robes of State. She will travel in car rather than by carriage, with her heavy crown being carried by an officer of state along with the Sword of State and Cap of Maintenance, symbols of her power and authority.
The announcement immediately led to speculation that the changes would suit the Queen, who at 91 would have to endure wearing the famously heavy 2.5lb crown. Last year, the Queen used a House of Lords lift for the first time, avoiding 26 stairs, in what was seen by many as a concession to her age.'

A planned state visit by King Felipe and Queen Leitzia of Spain to Britain in June has been postponed for a month due to the election. The visit will now take place from 12-14 July. It was my understanding William and Kate were due to be involved in the visit in some capacity and I imagine that remains the case. The Cambridges will be spending a week touring Germany and Poland in July; I believe their trip is scheduled for quite early in the month meaning they will likely be back in the UK to participate.


Our next segment involves the BBC Mind Over Marathon series which followed ten runners training for the London Marathon who shared their motivations, journeys and mental health struggles with presenter Nick Knowles. Part one featured an interview with Prince William and part two saw William, Kate and Harry participate in a training day. Both parts have now been uploaded to YouTube. You can view Part One here.

...And part two (featuring the royals at about 28 minutes in) is available here. Kate talks to a lady who is training and says: "You're the heroes really because you're standing up there very bravely sharing your stories and we hope to shine a light on people like you."

If you have time, I would highly recommend watching it. It's very insightful and the runners are incredibly open and honest about their experiences.

Next, a fashion update on a favourite gown of Kate. Many of us have been longtime fans of the Roland Mouret Ella gown chosen for a dinner at Claridge's and again for the premiere of Mandela.

In the years since Kate first wore it, popularity and demand clearly hasn't diminished and the designer has released the gown in a pretty pastel pink (with thanks to Middleton Maven). Described as: "Crafted in the UK from pastel-pink wool-crepe, this 'Ella' gown is masterfully panelled and pin-tucked to create flattering shape and definition. It's spliced through the front with a knee-high split so it moves gracefully as you walk." Would you like to see Kate wearing the pink one?  It's currently available at Net-A-Porter, while the off-white colour Kate wore remains available in limited sizing here.



You may recall the folks at Merci Maman offered a 15% discount for UK Mother's Day this year. They got in touch during the week to offer the same reduction again in honour of US Mother's Day which takes place on 14 May. There's a lovely selection of personalised pieces available including Kate's Duchess Necklace. The discount code will run until 9 May. Simply enter MothersDay at the checkout.

Merci Maman

A word of congratulations to Béatrice and her team - Merci Maman was recently awarded the prestigious Queen's Award for enterprise in the international trade category. Speaking about the award Béatrice said: "I never imagined the Duchess of Cambridge would wear one of our necklaces - and to receive this award really is the royal seal of approval. I feel so humbled and proud and I look forward to meeting Her Majesty at the Buckingham Palace reception later this year."

Merci Maman

With that, today is a very special day on the royal calendar, with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary. I can still vividly recall skiving taking a 'study day' off from university to watch the wedding. It was a magical day for royalists! I hope William and Kate are having a lovely day!

Speaking of weddings, Kate's PA Natasha Archer who has been primarily assisting with her wardrobe and liaising with designers for the past couple of years is getting married to royal photographer Chris Jackson in France this weekend. It is not known whether William and Kate were at Rebecca Deacon's wedding, so it isn't expected they are attending Natasha and Chris's nuptials. Best wishes to the couple!

Below we see Kate at a garden party last year with Chris Jackson to her left and Natasha (wearing pink) to her right.

UPDATE: A photo of the happy couple!

A post shared by Chris Jackson (@chrisjacksongetty) on

Speaking of celebrations, a very special little lady is turning two on Tuesday. I very much hope William and Kate release a photo or two (or lots more) to mark Princess Charlotte's birthday. Below, one of Charlotte's first birthday portraits taken at Anmer Hall by Kate. With William and Kate's anniversary and Charlotte's birthday, it's a weekend of celebrations for the family!


Finally, a couple of quick blog 'housekeeping notes'. One of my New Year's resolutions was to improve the quality of the comments section. With the use of monikers, and a great deal of effort from so many of our regular posters, it has been simply delightful to observe the improvement in the quality of debate, discussion and the respect shown when opposing views are represented. The key word is respect; we can agree to disagree, without becoming confrontational or offensive. I want to echo the importance of enjoying a lively exchange without comments descending into personal attacks.

Over the past several weeks, there's been an influx of 'Anonymous' posters. For those not attaching a name to their comments, please consider doing so, as it greatly lends itself to improving the community here. Due to issues with persistent trolls and those who might like to derail conversation, 'Anonymous' comments are subject to much stricter moderation. The blog is just six years old and I want it to be an enjoyable, fun and welcoming place for royal watchers to follow the Duchess. I love nothing more than hearing your views and seeing you share them with each other. Thank you to all who have made such an effort in helping to reach that goal! :)


  1. Great Post! Thank you Charlotte! Happy Anniversary to you and this blog also, didnt you start it after the wedding?

  2. I still remember flying to England from the US for the wedding! My friend Lisa and I woke up the morning of the wedding and I said, 'I'm so jetlagged, let's just sleep. there's no way we are going to get anywhere near the happy couple and the festivities'. So I hit snooze. The second time the alarm went off, Lisa said 'we flew all this way, we should at least try to see something'. I begrudgingly got out of bed, got dressed and we took the subway to Westminster. To my shock, no barricades had been set up and it seemed business as usual. about 5 minutes after we arrived, the police starting putting up the barricades so we followed them. to our amazement we were in the first row of people outside Westminster. It was a day I will never forget seeing all the dresses, the suits, the carriages, and feeling all the love. When we got back to the US we found ourselves in numerous photos of the crowd and events. it was so awesome!

    1. That is so cool. :) Thanks for sharing that. 👒

    2. What an amazing memory!

    3. Julia from Leominster1 May 2017 at 05:59

      A lovely story.

  3. Happy Anniversary to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Many more love filled years together.
    Happy Birthday to a sweet two year old!

  4. Sarah Maryland USA29 April 2017 at 23:29

    I love all the work they did leading up to the marathon I thought it was fantastic but my problem is these two to three week gaps in between engagements. She should constantly be doing a good amount of work. Hopefully when they move to London in the fall this will finally change. There should be no more excuses at that point.

    1. Queen of the Sun30 April 2017 at 12:54

      As long as she pulls her weight I dor one am happy for her to arrange her diary however suits her. If Kate does about the same number of engagements as Sophie (which she is not yet doing), what difference does it makes if it is done in clusters or one or two a week? Clustering her engagements give Kate the freedom to spend the inbetween time at Amner and William the chance to work with the Air Ambulance. She might find that once they are settled at KP that she also prefer to rather do a couple of things every week.

    2. Sarah Maryland USA30 April 2017 at 15:12

      Ummmm Kate should be doing more engagements than Sophie since she is the future queen of England
      And comparing Charlotte and Kate makes no sense. No one is paying for charlottes houses in exchange for her posting these awesome posts (at least not that I know of lol) so she doesn't owe anyone a thing
      And for the amount of work you think Kate does behind the scenes it must mean Charles and the queen never sleep because they do way more engagements than her
      I'm not trying to stir trouble just starting my opinion
      I mean look at the amount of attention they brought to mental health in the past couple of weeks and it just shows how they could use their platform to generate a lot of good and it would be nice to see that kind of effort more often

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Queen of the Sun, hope you don't mind my asking but is your moniker related to the documentary about bees or are you just an enjoyer of sunshine? 🐝 ☀️

    5. Sarah we agree. I've often wondered how the Queen survives on no sleep!

      They have got an inordinate amount of good press with Heads Together and I hope it provides encouragement to keep it up.

    6. Sarah

      I tend to feel the same way about the 1-2 weeks of "breaks".
      I don't know the numbers she was out and about, I suppose Florida Moxie will come and enlighten us with them.:)

    7. Sarah Maryland USA. You don't mean to start trouble. But some of your comments just do. Please remeber if the Queen did not think Kate was doing enough Royal work, she would be doing more. We as fans should be happy for what she does.
      I just read today what Kate's day is like. She "does a lot of the back ground work on her engagements herself". You may not think or want to believe it but we are not there watching her ever move.
      And what difference does it make if she does her engagements all together then has a few days off. And where was Kate and Charlotte compared.

    8. There's the Duchess Kate tracker website also.

    9. Two comments on Sarah's second remark.

      1) Kate is not the future Queen of England. There is no future Queen of England unless disaster overtakes the Windsors and either Charlotte or the Yorks are needed to become the monarch.

      Kate will be the future Queen Consort. And, there is some someone else ahead of her who will be Queen Consort first-Camilla. And why Camilla, who turns 70 this year and barely cracks into 200 engagements a year while her mother-in-law at 91 does 350, rarely gets criticized is beyond me.

      2) Although Kate is placed higher in the order of precedence due to William being second-in-line to the throne, she is actually two generations removed from the Queen while Sophie is only one generation removed. So, in order of generations Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh and then Charles and Camilla, Anne and Tim, Andrew, Edward and Sophie. It makes more sense for Sophie, the daughter-in-law of the present monarch, to carry out more engagements than it does for Kate, the grand-daughter-in-law of the present monarch. And by all counts, Kate is not far behind Sophie in terms of engagements, having come within 20-30 engagements of Sophie last year.

      Within a few years, it looks like William and Kate will probably have more engagements than anyone in the family with the exception of Charles and Anne and possibly the Queen; William will probably overtake the Queen, who had 350 or so engagements last year, within the next few years as he takes over more and more from Charles, who in turn will take over more and more of the Queen's engagements and duties.

    10. I totally agree about the gaps in engagements. She needs to do at least an engagement a week. It's not that hard! Even if she has to leave Anmer in the morning (9am), do an engagement in London at noon. Head back at 3pm and she's home for dinner! No one here is suggesting that Kate abandon her children and work work work. It is clear she wants to be there for them every day, but that isn't impossible at the rate of one engagement per week. It gathers momentum, and shows that she has a sense of duty. No one does that better than the Queen.

    11. Florida Moxie1 May 2017 at 00:16

      Oh, Hello!
      First I'd like to say, I don't know anyone who marries into a wealthy family so they can "work"! I am fascinated by this idea that people have who think that you marry a prince, so now you have to work. That is kinda of the opposite of what I think would happen when you marry a prince.

      Drum roll...So one third of the year has gone by and she's been out 9 days by herself and 13 days with William. That is 22 out of 120. The good news is - she's getting lots of privacy! 80% of her days are private. Of course, we can infer she is shopping for clothes, working out, and looking after her kids, pets and houses with the help of the nannies and housekeepers. So she's not all by herself. :-)

    12. Julia from Leominster1 May 2017 at 06:02

      I agree - I think the gaps cause two problems - it makes William and Kate look not hard-working even if engagements are bunched because gaps are very noticeable -(whilst length of engagements aren't as much.) It also encourages the press to fill in with stories that are less desirable - Pippa's wedding rumours - or the cost of Kate's clothes.

      I hope when the children are in school and more time spent in London that this will change.

    13. Moxie. Meghan may be the exception to your theory as is Sophie, in my opinion. I think Meghan will take the Royal platform and really run with it, if permitted to do so. She already has created quite a working foundation of her own. And, I personally know, and am friends with, more than one woman who has married into wealth and status and has used those privileges to work and very much contribute to their local communities, professions and the world at large. Some have made very significant work contributions, especially within their professions and have even been awarded by their communities and professions for those contributions. And, I know women, many of them are my friends, who have married into wealth and status who are "stay at home" moms and are very actively involved in their communities. They work. They certainly don't just "do lunch". So I personally don't think your generalization is particularly accurate, particularly in this day and age. At least in my social environment it isn't. Certainly no offense intended.

    14. Thanks Moxie!!!


      "It gathers momentum, and shows that she has a sense of duty."

      Very well put indeed!

    15. Zora from Prague1 May 2017 at 15:15

      Thank you, Purple Fields. Good points. To me, counting Kate's appearances or demanding she should be "out" more just doesn't make sense. Aren't there people in and around the RF who know a lot more about these things than anybody else and who would have told Kate long ago if her "number of engagements" was too low? I think she does just as much as is appropriate for her role, place, age, position in the family etc. etc. And she does it very well. It is very easy to criticise someone, knowing we will never be in their place (or in their skin, as we say in my language).

    16. I agree with surfergirl Moxie. I think you are making broad generalizations based on your personal experiences.
      Kate is pretty consistent at the 80% private time rate. I don't really see that changing much over time.

    17. Florida Moxie1 May 2017 at 17:12

      I made a statement based on people who marry princes. Did any of your friends marry princes?

    18. Moxie I think the difference is between a privately wealthy family who are also private citizens or a publicly funded family with public roles. Most politicians know they have to deal with public life for as long as their term allows, the royals are there for life.

      So the public is going to have expectations on how they want their public royal reps to behave and "work" and earn their publicly funded lifestyles and homes! The royals have to be national cheerleaders, consolers, promoters, you name it. And then carry out many official, or just traditional, duties as well.

      Marry Bill Gates you likely have a lot more leeway... ;)

    19. "I don't know anyone who marries into a wealthy family so they can 'work'."

    20. As usual, Moxie, your factual reporting is impeccable.

      However, while it's true most people marrying wealth don't do it so they can work, this is a bit different. I think Kate married for position more than money, and that you can't buy because it's heriditary and in this case funded by someone else's purse -- the public or her father in law. So I think it's only fair that as others pay for their lifestyle and security, they put some effort into rewarding that by putting their boots on the ground.

  5. I think the comment section has improved tremendously, Charlotte. I thank you, and everyone else, as for the most part the personal attacks have really dropped off if not quite eliminated. And I agree about the Anonymii also. It makes it so difficult to track who you're actually talking to when there's hardly any names in a string.

    Also, I wish people would stop switching names, but maybe I'm nitpicking now. I shall officially quit when (I hope!) I'm ahead.

    1. Hear, hear! I don't read (nit-pick :0) closely enough to recognize the name-switchers; however, I enjoy the change in tone. It's unfortunate that the Anonymous option exists as a choice.

      I certainly wouldn't be upset, Charlotte, if you informed us that you've decided not to publish Anonymous comments. I know that some people find technology difficult, but someone in their circle surely could help them through that if they cared enough to try. Or they could add a courtesy moniker at the bottom if they really and truly can't figure it out.

      Vetting all the Anonymous comments more closely than others takes up a great deal of your valuable time. I hate to see your creative energy wasted that way. (I'd be interested to know how many such comments you need to peruse with each post. I think it would be enlightening.)

    2. Charlotte,

      I agree with Philly, as a consideration to your time and creative energy I would vote to eliminate the anonymous option. Even if people sign at the bottom of an anonymous post that makes it a little easy to change names don't you think? If I can navigate enough to do the google name thing anyone can. And, people here were helpful when I had questions about how to do that. (Thank ya'll again). To me, it just seems more respectful to the community to have a name put to opinions and comments. And it is a nice way to get to know and enjoy people better. Just my opinion.

    3. Not having anonymous comments is only part of the equation when people can switch names...
      while agreeing that we shouldn't! How amusing.

    4. Surfer girl we agree! Community only happens when people let other people get to know them and that doesn't happen with anonymii or people who decide to wear different personae every other week!

    5. Charlotte, maybe you should take the next step and do an email sign-in? Would that help? I have been catching up after Easter break and it seems you've had a tough time with one or two particular readers since you started this blog. Maybe email sign-up would eliminate that?

      I have a Twitter acct and have never written a single tweet :) I use it as a "news" source, I can keep up on news from the UK when I'm in the states, and I keep up on American news sources when I'm back home. But I've noticed in following royal news that there's a particularly vile Kate fan who, at times, makes life so unpleasant for other royal watchers. Which makes me feel good about my decision not to Tweet! (Can't help but wonder if he/she ever thinks what Kate would make of his/her behaviour and tweets? Can't imagine their idol being impressed...)

      So anyway, I'm taking a long way to say that whatever you can do to tighten up the comment section gates might be a good idea Charlotte. Most importantly for your own sake and mental health :) I have run out of ways to tell you what a stellar job you do, no need to be fielding abuse while doing it. Big hugs.

    6. If you sign in with google, that predicates you having to sign in with an e-mail address, creating vetting of sorts, right? I don't know about the other ways people, with names, have signed in. There has to be some way, in this day of technology, to tell if someone is commenting with different names. Right? Perhaps, Mr. Charlotte could be of help in this. 👨🏻‍💻

    7. Jo in Ireland1 May 2017 at 08:26

      I am a little confused about the naming thing. I sign putting my "Name/URL" because I don't want to use my real name. Is that a problem? I don't think any of my comments have been offensive but I did at one point use my real name because I forgot to change my name so I guess I am guilty of "name changing." This is who I am though--my beloved mother's name was Jo and I live in Ireland right now.

      I have a Twitter account to follow some of the Royal reporters but I don't tweet myself. Wouldn't really know how to--the Twitter was suggested by my daughter. Facebook is my main communication arena but I stick to friends on that. I came to this website because I love Kate, what she has done for William and because I followed Diana (in print of course) in the past. I only post because, well, I guess I just like to comment or ask a question now and then. Otherwise I feel like the little kid with her nose pressed up against a windowpane watching a party inside the house.

    8. Jo, such a sweet text. I am not an IT person, lol, nor am I Charlotte, but I think you are fine. You use a name. Are you close to where William and Kate hand out shamrocks? :)

    9. That's not what I meant, Jo, and I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. The name changing and anonymous posting makes it difficult to know who you're really talking to, and it's usually because (a) someone stomped off mad but doesn't really want to leave, (b) someone got jumped on and doesn't want to get jumped on again, or (c) someone got called out and doesn't want to come back and get called out again.

      There have been a lot of new names and anonymous posting, quite a few of whom know an awful lot about the blog. That tells you they've been here before under another incarnation.

    10. Jo

      I second surfer girl, it was such a sweet thing you have written.


      I hope you know that on Twitter there is an option which is called 'protect my tweets', it basically means nobody will see what you tweet unless he or she is your follower. Who is your follower is up to you, of course.It makes life on twitter so easy:) It helps to keep in touch really, put up questions, follow events, chat!

    11. Jo in Ireland1 May 2017 at 15:01

      surfer girl, I live in a small village that I doubt W & K would ever visit. I am doing a major volunteer genealogy project involving solitary cataloguing of old burials in cemeteries around the south of Ireland--hence my desire to socialize a bit with the living (I assume everyone on here is alive hahaha.)

      I did see C & C once many years ago when I went to a clan gathering in Edinburgh (I am Scots/Irish in descent with no English in me that I know of--all Celt and Viking according to my DNA.) I have a photo of them walking by, it was quite exciting.

      The main thing I have learned in my time on the blog is to try not to say anything that would make it likely I would be jumped on. My skin is pretty thin which is why I like working with the dead--they tend not to snark at you.

    12. Well I confess that I have used anonymous in the past because I did not want people to get to know me better. Once I got comfortable I have been posting under this name.
      I honestly don't see too much of a problem if people post under anonymous. We can always tell who the rabble rousers are anyway. At least I can tell one person. I don't know if there are others, or other name-switchers ? How many people are we talking about here? Sometimes I don't read that often and miss things.
      I do want to take this opportunity to apologize to Anett for being inappropriate to you a few threads ago. I felt bad immediately and realized I should not have said what I did but haven't gotten time to log in since then. I hope you will accept my apology.

    13. Anett I did not know that! I will look into that. The people who are nasty all the time are easy to spot, it's the ones who inject it unexpectedly that really throw me. Thank you, you are keeping me hip on all things tech :) My daughters are useless they don't tell me anything, I think because they want to keep me offline!

      How do people sign in with google? I don't have google accounts so maybe wouldn't apply.

    14. Hi Claudia, I'm locked down on twitter as well. No one can contact me unless I OK it, and no one knows it's me unless I tell them.

      If you go to the top of the page, you can sign in, which will take you to an account creation page. You can set up an account, and totally lock that down as well. That's what I did.

    15. "They want to keep me offline" lol that is so funny Claudia. I think we can all relate. :)

    16. Jo, lol, lol, your comments about the dead made me laugh. :) Glad you are working to document the genealogies pertaining to the old burial sites.
      When I was younger, my father took me to see the burial site of my great (x's 5) grandfather. It was way in the country at the base of an old large tree. I so wish I had paid more attention to it's location because now no one in the family can tell me where that is.

    17. Thank you bluhare! This will be my project today/tomorrow.

      Yes surfergirl I get the eyeroll from them more times than I'd like... ;)

      Also the shamrocks are actually presented to the Irish Guards at their base in London,hope that helps!

    18. Didn't realize that about the shamrocks. Thanks, Claudia.

  6. Happy Anniversary, William and Kate! How fast time goes. It is going to be such an exciting few months coming up for the Cambridges.

    Congrats also to Natasha & Chris. It must be difficult for W&K who I'm sure want to support their staff and friends but could very quickly upstage the whole event.

  7. Dear Charlotte,

    Thank you for six years of terrific blogging. Yours really is the best.

  8. Dear Charlotte,

    I have often wondered if the Duke and Duchess ever read (or get word of) blogs about them. If they do, I would think your blog would be a favorite. You are always so kind, respectful and well-researched. Wouldn't it be great to hear from them directly! You deserve it.

    1. Yes, she (and Mr. Charlotte) certainly deserve it. If they did, would that change our conversations? our candor?

    2. P.S. IF you are reading DKB Kate/William, please
      do say hi. :) Uber niceties might take the place of candor briefly but really, we would resume status quo quickly, you know us, lol. So, if you are reading, and I truly think you might be, :) please acknowledge and give us a quick shout out. :)

  9. Yes,

    🎂Happy Anniversary Charlotte and Mr. Charlotte🎂

  10. And,

    🔔Congratulations Chris and Natasha🔔

  11. I love that light blue Catherine Walker suit.

  12. Happy anniversary William and Kate!
    Happy birthday Charlotte!

  13. And,

    🌸Happy Birthday Little Princess Charlotte🌸

  14. Looking forward to Muck and Magic! Luxembourg, too. Hope we see a new Charlotte photo on Tuesday.
    Thank you, Charlotte, for this post.

  15. Zora from Prague30 April 2017 at 17:34

    Thank you for the post, Charlotte! I didn't think we would be getting another one before May 3. Great job as always. Thank you for everything you have been doing for your grateful readers!!!
    I can't wait for the Luxembourg tour! What a treat, such interesting engagements. No doubt Kate will enjoy her visit to the Museum.
    What a pity the election in the UK means reduced royal events. Why and how will it affect the Trooping of the colour? Could someone enlighten me about this, please?
    I can't believe it's been 2 years since we were all so excited, waiting for Baby 2 arrival! And what a lovely addition to the family Charlotte is. It's already hard to imagine the Cambridges without her! I'm sure George wouldn't trade his little sister for all helicopters, volcanoes and dinosaurs in the world :)

  16. Nice appeal to common sense and decency. It really should go without saying.

    I hope William and Katherine had a wonderful anniversary celebration yesterday, we all wish them a long and harmonious life together. As to little Charlotte, she seems such a lively, boisterous girl, I hope she stays like this for a long time, such a lovely personality!!

    Royal fan in Northern Ontario

  17. Cara, Australia30 April 2017 at 20:22

    The runner's stories in the documentaries moved me to tears. Catherine, William and Harry were lovely to watch conversing with them.

    We're celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, soon we will celebrate a wedding. Wouldn't it be nice to celebrate an engagement later this year too ;)


  18. Can't help but wonder if the schedule changes/adjustments have anything to do with the Queen's health? Or the DoE? Or perhaps increased security concerns? Just seems a little unusual, I would think they have many ways to adjust to an unexpected event, seems like these things are taken in stride all the time...

    Just me thinking aloud...

    1. I was questioning why also Claudia. Surely elections have come and gone but the Royal schedule has carried on, with very few exceptions.

    2. Julia from Leominster1 May 2017 at 06:09

      I believe they have to do with the election - it is a most unsettled time - the queen has seemed in good health in her last few engagements. She was in high spirits at the races at Newbury. It's a shame about the Garter for those who would be involved. The most I can say is it is an historic situation - and royals must flow with it - as the Spanish king and queen did last year when there was no government.

      I don't believe the Trooping will be affected. I hope William and Kate's tour won't overlap with the Spanish visit but I'm not holding my breath.

    3. You're right Julia she has seemed to be in great spirits. Just seems odd decision making but it could be security which is always the lurking issue these days...

    4. The timing of the election and the change in formality for the Opening of Parliament make me wonder if there was something deliberate about the scheduling on the Government's part. Did they want to supplant the Garter Service and the elaborate Parliamentary traditions? If so, what would be the reasons? Modernization? Keeping the emphasis on Brexit and the issues at hand? There were after all plenty of days available, so why the conflict of events, which resulted in such unusual disruption?

  19. Hello,

    Thank you very much for the feedback and your suggestions. All very good ideas to consider moving forward.

    I've added a photo of Chris and Natasha from their wedding to the post. I know a few of you were hoping to see the dress :)

    1. Marci in Utah1 May 2017 at 03:50

      And WHAT a lovely dress it is! Thank you!

      I am reading all the comments once again, now that the bad patch seems to be over and things are much more pleasant. I don't mean to say I don't like disagreements--I really do enjoy the exchange of opposite ideas, it is so stimulating to my mind--but I couldn't keep subjecting myself to such negative personal attacks, so I had quit reading for a time. Glad to be back and to see such a great community of determined people solving a problem in the best global manner possible. It's a tribute to what united people can do. Thanks all!

  20. Charlotte, thank you for the wedding photo. Like Rebecca and Adam, I didn't think they would publish many, if any. Sweet couple. :)

  21. The Chateau Rigaud, where they got married, in Bourdeaux is very private and very quaint. Beautiful photos of the venue on that website.

  22. Hello to all. I enjoyed your comments, Charlotte and congrats on blog anniversary. Happy anniversary to Prince William and Duchess Catherine. A wonderful couple and may they remain that way through out their married lives.

  23. Hi
    I so enjoy this blog. I love to keep up with the news on The Royals.
    Greetings from New Zealand

  24. Hm, i love natashia weeding dress hmm the mind over marathon has. Moved stories that making cried that fantastic week another mental health

  25. Natasha's dress is beautiful!

    Charlotte, you do an outstanding job with this blog. For sure covering engagements and events for Kate, but also in keeping steady in maintaining interested followers when things are quiet. Thank you for everything you do!

  26. Florida Moxie1 May 2017 at 00:51

    Charlotte, or other readers, do you know who designed that Muck and Magic logo? That is the most charming thing I think I've seen. I can't quite make out the name of the artist - I assume it is someone well known?

    1. Moxie I think it's Quentin Blake who also does the books.

    2. Probably the same as all of Quentin Blake's books. All of his books have the same kind of illustrations which I believe were his own. Someone probably copied his style. Quite apt I have to say because QB would thoroughly approve of Muck and Magic, I think.

    3. Florida Moxie1 May 2017 at 17:07

      Quentin Blake is confirmed. He is on the board.

  27. Alejandra Campos1 May 2017 at 01:34

    Hello Charlotte!
    Super amazing post!
    One of your best! Love how you wrote about all, so here are some of my thoughts:

    - I do not why but I have a feeling that we might not see a photo of Charlotte, but instead she is going to join Catherine the next day at the engagement of Farms for City Children. :p

    - I love how you described each of the engagements at Luxembourg, I believe that due to the nature of the engagements we will see at least 2 outfit changes.

    - I was sad to see the Order of the Garter cancelled, but if this has to do with the general election then I see why it might have been cancelled. However this general election must be the most important one in years since it has 40 years since the Order of the Garter was cancelled.

    - As for the State visit of Spain, I am sad it got postponed but happy because it is still a go. It will be very interesting to see the outfits and all!

    Congratulations to Natasha on her marriage! Her dress and hair were sooooooo pretty!
    And Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess!

    Thanks for all Charlotte! You make so many people happy!

  28. A beautiful bride. And what a lovely setting!

  29. The dress is beautiful, and Natasha looks lovely and very happy! Thanks for the photo, Charlotte. They must have had a nice and very private wedding in France.

  30. I truly appreciate this blog and your efforts Charlotte. I find that reading it enhances my mornings (when I usually stop in to read it and the comments). I also like the lighter tone in the comments. I often feel a little sorry for those that post nasty comments and wonder if it isn't a reflection of their personal life. How sad to be so internally tormented that it bubbles out in such vile ways.

  31. What an interesting post, with so many different items, thank you Charlotte. Wishing William and Kate a very happy 6th anniversary. I've just seen the photo released of Princess Charlotte, taken by Kate. She looks like a very bright little spark, who I'm sure bring so much joy to her family.

    Would someone kindly let me know how to create a Google account so that I can post my name, instead of Anonymous, as I whole-heartedly agreed with your comments about getting to 'know' posters. Thanks.

    Fiona in Australia

    1. Fiona, if you otherwise don't need the account, just click on Select profile... and then on Name/URL. Put your moniker in the Name slot, and ignore URL. Then click Continue and Publish. You'll need to do this each time you comment, but eventually the software will recognize your name as soon as you type the initial F. Very easy to do.

    2. Fiona in Australia3 May 2017 at 11:10

      Thanks so much Patricia, while I know we're onto the next post about the beautiful little Princess Charlotte's first birthday, I'll try this now.

  32. I just want to say these happy birthday princess charlotte the palace release for her 2nd birthday

  33. Cute photo of Princess Charlotte available. She doesn't look like a toddler anymore. She looks very grown up and looks more like her daddy for sure.

  34. SherryD American2 May 2017 at 05:02

    I think it's great that William and Kate seem to be allowed to protect their kids from the lime light more than Charles and Diana were allowed to do with William and Harry when they were young.
    Mostly we just see a picture here and there. Good for them!!

  35. Ellen from Belgium2 May 2017 at 18:20

    Dear Charlotte,
    I've been reading your blog for years.
    Never commented though.
    I just wanna take the opportunity to thank you for the great work you put into it.
    I used the discount code from MerciMaman and bought myself a necklace.
    I ordered a silver necklace with a heart charm (with the initials of me and my husband) and a girl charm with my daughter's name and date of birth.
    Thanks for the discount code!
    Have a lovely week!

    1. Hello Ellen,

      Welcome to the comments section and thank you for reading! Your necklace sounds just beautiful, I hope you enjoy wearing it :)


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