Tuesday 16 January 2018

Flowers, Prayer & Nurse Kate: The Cambridges' Away Day in Coventry

For their first 'away day' of 2018, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited Coventry for a day of engagements. The couple's visit was planned as an opportunity to congratulate Coventry on becoming the new UK City of Culture and open Coventry University’s new Science and Health Building.

There's been a great atmosphere surrounding the visit. Lord Mayor of Coventry, Councillor Tony Skipper told The Coventry Telegraph:

“It’s going to be another memorable day for our city and we’re looking forward to seeing many Coventry people there, waving flags and cheering for our Royal visitors.
“We want people from right across the city, young and old, to help give the Duke and Duchess a warm Coventry welcome and show how proud we are to be UK City of Culture in 2021.”

Local children cheer as the royals arrive.

Victoria Murphy shared a video of Kate thanking the lady who helped organise the programme for the day.

The day began at Coventry Cathedral where the couple met members of the public before going inside.

Kate chatted with locals who waited for hours to meet the couple.

The Duchess received a selection of flowers and teddy bears.

People reports:

The couple arrived to cheers from hundreds of flag-waving schoolchildren from the local Sacred Heart School. Among them, was Darcy Hayes, 9, who gave Kate some bright orange flowers. “She said her son George will love the flowers because he loves orange — and police colors. I told them I had an American girl doll for Christmas and William said Charlotte loves dolls,” said Hayes. “They were nice and cheerful.”
When William and Kate were last in the English Midlands, they visited a famous whistle factory in Birmingham. There, they were given whistles. 
Seeing them again, Connie Hudson — wife of the High Sheriff of the West Midlands, who was in the welcoming committee at the cathedral — said she asked William, “Did you actually give the whistles to the children or did you chicken out?” Continued Hudson, “And he said ‘We did give them but they soon found their way into a cupboard because of the noise!’ “I said to the duchess that she’s ‘blossoming’ because she was just getting over the awful sickness when we last saw her,” said Hudson. “She’s doing well now and it’s an exciting year to look forward to with the baby and the wedding. What’s not to like?”

Kate was accompanied by her private secretary Catherine Quinn and RPO Emma Probert.

A video from the walkabout.

The Mail online reports Kate came to the aid of a sick boy.

'The Duchess came to the rescue of a 10-year-old boy who felt unwell after waiting three hours in the cold to see her. When she spotted that he was not well, she turned to one of her police protection officers for a sickbag. 'Princess Kate came over and give him a sickbag, our little Craig,' said Carole Flynn, a learning mentor at the school. 'I think he was a little bit overcome.'
The Duchess met Craig Skipper, a pupil at Corpus Christi primary school, on a walkabout outside Coventry Cathedral. Ms Flynn said: 'He went quite pale. She came over to speak to him, and noticed he was not very well. She asked if he was OK. She bent down, and was concerned.' The duchess then went over to talk to one of her police bodyguards, and came back with a brown paper bag of the type used by cafes for takeaway coffee and sandwiches. It was lovely of her,' said Ms Flynn. 'She really took time with him. You can tell she is a mum, and has got that caring side.'

The Cathedral has a fascinating history. St Michael's Church was largely constructed between the late 14th century and early 15th century. It was one of the largest parish churches in England when, in 1918, it was elevated to cathedral status on the creation of Coventry Diocese. This St Michael's Cathedral now stands ruined, bombed almost to destruction during the Coventry Blitz of 14 November 1940 by the German Luftwaffe. Only the tower, spire, the outer wall and the bronze effigy and tomb of its first bishop, Huyshe Yeatman-Biggs, survived. The ruins of this older cathedral remain hallowed ground and are listed at Grade I.

Following the bombing of the medieval cathedral in 1940, Provost Richard Howard had the words "Father Forgive" inscribed on the wall behind the altar of the ruined building. Theories claiming Winston Churchill had prior knowledge but chose not to act, because it would have alerted Adolf Hitler to the fact the Allies had recently cracked the Nazis' top-secret Enigma codes, only added to the fallout. The theory has never been proven.

William and Kate were given a short tour of the ruins of the original building

Afterwards, they met members of the local community gathered there.

The Duke and Duchess proceeded into the new cathedral, completed in 1962 and consecrated that year in the presence of the Queen.

The new Cathedral.

They heard about the history of the Cathedral before taking part in the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation. The Litany is prayed by those inspired by the story of Coventry Cathedral, aimed at healing the wounds of history and building a culture of peace. Written in 1958 by Rev Joseph Poole. It is a prayer that has been in use for decades and continues to be prayed each weekday at noon in a short ceremony in Coventry Cathedral as well as by thousands of people around the world.

The Coventry Litany of Reconciliation:

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
The hatred which divides nation from nation, race from race, class from class,
The covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own,
The greed which exploits the work of human hands and lays waste the earth,
Our envy of the welfare and happiness of others,
Our indifference to the plight of the imprisoned, the homeless, the refugee,
The lust which dishonours the bodies of men, women and children,
The pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God,
Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Coventry Cathedral shared this image of the couple leaving.

The couple enjoyed a cup of tea with staff and volunteers at the Rising Café, a social enterprise aimed at providing work and opportunity for those overcoming drug and alcohol addictions.

The Express reports: William said that Charlotte would like the princess cake - and described the Union Jack one as “very patriotic”. He added: “You should be on Bake Off.”

A selection of beautifully decorated cakes, scones and afternoon tea were prepared for the royals.

Kate revealed she isn't a fan of almond milk. More from the Evening Standard:

'Ms Gardener, who lives in Birmingham, revealed how the best planned royal visits can have slip-ups. “We put almond milk on the table, because we had read that she had it. She said, ‘Don’t believe everything you read - I don’t even like almond milk.'

From there, the Duke and Duchess travelled on to Coventry University to open the new Science and Health Building.

William and Kate with staff.

And shared a lighthearted moment with a patient.

The University is one of the fastest growing in the country, with more than 26,000 students. The £59 million Science and Health Building trains nurses, midwives, paramedics and other health professionals using the latest technology and simulation methods. It is the only facility of its kind in the UK, where students can learn to care for a patient at every stage of their medical experience; from paramedics arriving at their house and their ambulance journey, to their stay in hospital, through to their rehabilitation at home.

William and Kate met students before following the journey of a fictional patient through the various areas of specialty taught at the faculty, from the Paramedic Ambulance Simulator and operating theatre to the rehabilitation area and adapted living 'houses'.

The couple met 'Meti-Man'... A state-of-the-art patient simulator, who needs and responds to care like a real life patient.

Time for a 'wiggle dance' during a communications training session :)

William and Kate officially opened the Science and Health building.

Finally, the Duke and Duchess saw first-hand the work of the Positive Youth Foundation in the city.

The Foundation works with young people who find themselves living in challenging circumstances. It provides education programmes for excluded young people or those at risk of a range of social issues. The Foundation also provides community sessions for young people newly arrived into the UK and a variety of other support programmes, working with over 2,500 young people each year. The charity formed an integral part of Coventry’s successful UK City of Culture 2021 bid.

The Duchess joined a discussion about mental health.

Meanwhile, William headed to the sports and music area. James Ogundare, 18, spoke to Prince William on his visit. He said: “He was a genuine guy, he enjoyed our games and I was telling him he would take it away with him. I wish he could have joined in but he didn’t want his suit to rip! He enjoyed our energy. That’s why all of us come because this is who we are. We had to tone it down a bit so Kate could hear. We were excited and nervous but the excitement took over. We were just ourselves and relaxed.”

More from the Foundation:

'The Positive Youth Foundation has been working with young people for over two decades across Coventry. Many young people in challenging circumstances are dealing with issues related to poverty, the lure of gangs and family concerns. All of which can have a profound effect on their future lifestyle choices.
At the Positive Youth Foundation, we work with young people to help them overcome their barriers through targeted provision across multiple areas of engagement. For the young people of Coventry, the chance to talk to their Highnesses is an incredibly inspiring and significant moment for them.
Rashid Bhayat, CEO of Positive Youth Foundation, said: “The Positive Youth Foundation support young people through targeted education, health, creative and social-engagement programmes'

The couple met staff and volunteers.

William and Kate watched a performance from young people.

The Duchess brought back the cerise pink Mulberry coat she debuted in New York in 2014. Kate has repeated a number of looks from the maternity wardrobe she wore when expecting Charlotte.

The £2,600 coat was described this way: 'A double-breasted coat is a timeless winter style with a reassuringly classic silhouette. Updated in vibrant cerise, this version has beautiful finishing details including elegant horn buttons and contrasting midnight blue lining.'


A closer look.


Middleton Maven shared an excellent Repli-Kate for the coat; the L.K. Bennett Bay Raspberry Coat.

L.K. Bennett

Kate wore her much loved TOD's suede pumps.


Kate accessorised with her Kiki McDonough Morganite earrings.

Kiki McDonough

The Duchess carried her black suede Mulberry clutch and wore Cornelia James Beatrice gloves.

A lovely day in Coventry with an excellent itinerary!

The Duchess has two engagements tomorrow. First, she will visit Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to officially open the Mittal Children's Medical Centre, home to the new Premier Inn Clinical Building. Later that afternoon, the Duchess will visit Bond Primary School in Mitcham to see the work of the Wimbledon Junior Tennis Initiative 


  1. Rebecca - Sweden16 January 2018 at 11:58

    I love these away days. They're like small mini tours!

    Lovely to see this coat again. It is such a pretty colour and made her easily seen on the walkabout and such!

    Looking forward to further reports and pictures!! :)

  2. Nica (South Africa)16 January 2018 at 12:01

    What a beautiful prayer. As always a fascinating post. And I love this coat. Away days are so exciting. It's also wonderful to see the Duke and Duchess on an engagement together. Can't wait for more pictures.

    1. Amen to this and everything you said. I love reading about away days because I also get to learn about the city on the side. Can't wait to see more photos and read about their visit to the youth centre, not to mention Sweden and Norway soon!

    2. Agreed Nica-such a beautiful expression of our individual and collective need for forgiveness. I am praying this prayer today!

  3. Hard to believe that Kate might have 2 such similar coats, BUT...the pockets today are distinctly different from the ones on the coat in 2014. Horizontal flaps then, vertical slits now. Is it possible to have a coat altered in such a way?

    1. Anglophile in Ohio16 January 2018 at 12:32

      It is the same coat-if you look closely at various photos you can see both were present before, both are present now.

    2. It has both. The horizontal flaps are covered by her arms in one shot but it is the same coat.

    3. Madeline, if you look carefully, both coats have the same pocket situation. I would water the flaps are just for show and the skits are the actual pockets. It took a careful look after reading your comment to suss this out.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden16 January 2018 at 12:38

      Huh.. good catch! Could it possibly be that the flaps were purely decorative? Those annoying faux-pockets that sometimes are on womens clothing? And that Kate used this coat a bit on her off time and wanted some proper pockets so they added these?

    5. Good catch! But I believe it’s the same coat. Other photos show flaps above the side pockets.

    6. Rebecca - Sweden16 January 2018 at 12:41

      Never mind! I looked again! It IS the same. In the picture from the past the angle is hiding the line and in the picture from today her arm is hiding the flap. If you look at the product pictures you can see the line in them!

    7. I originally commented before there were many photos available, but having seen several since then, I do see that it's the same! And I find the dual pockets perplexing :)

    8. I have a jacket with dual pockets, the pocket with the flap is above the other and that's where I put things I don't want to lose, the lower pockets with the angled opening are great for keeping my hands warm!

  4. Wonderful to see such a splendid write-up of Coventry Cathedral - a very moving place and one for contemplation (but no photo of St. Michael so far.) I'm glad there was a visit there.

    Unlike, New York, I'm glad to see the coat here - it feels right and Kate looks nice, but I believe the pockets are the same - slits below the flap if my old eyes are seeing correctly - just visible on the second photo on the model.

    1. I agree about the coat, the only thing that bugging me is what kind of dress she is wearing under it (something white ?)and why not taking it off inside?!:)

    2. Plus 1 for everything Julia said!

    3. Kate was inside and outside, and going back and forth. Good reason to wear a warm coat. As for not removing it, doing so causes hiccups in the schedule, and someone has to manage the coat. But I also wonder whether Kate is tired of closeups of her baby bump, and just wants to be subtly pregnant without calling too much attention. She was beautifully and suitably dressed for the day.

  5. From what I can tell from the picture of Duke and Duchess standing together and looking up, it appears this coat has both flaps and slits.

  6. Oh i love these mini tour hmm its nice too see the duchess wearing recycle coat hmm i been a fan these coat since she wear that

  7. Lovely coat. Kate looks well and healthy. What strikes me the most in these pictures is how much William resembles Prince Edward - it's uncanny...

  8. Now that all 3 of my beloved New York coats have made a reappearance, I'm quite happy haha ;)

    1. I'm with you on this one Caroline! The black Goat coat, the Seraphine Marina coat and this gorgeous coat are my favourites and I'm happy to them return :)

      Love Avee in SA

    2. The Tory Burch as well.

    3. Oh I forgot about the Goat coat! I actually meant the Mulberry, Séraphine & Tory Burch! But the Goat coat is lovely as well!

  9. Great photos and videos of W & K. And the photos and background of the Cathedral are as usual very well chosen Charlotte! The prayer is solemn and thoughtful, would that it be so!

  10. Zora from Prague16 January 2018 at 13:55

    You are so fast, Charlotte! Kate looks lovely, I love the colour on her. The prayer "Father Forgive" is very moving.
    Looking forward to more pictures and information!

    1. I seem to recall that the southern English cathedrals were bombed because Cologne Cathedral in Germany was so heavily damaged by Allied bombing. Coventry was the only cathedral in Britain that was virtually destroyed. The forgiveness had to go both ways, even though the destruction in Cologne was the result of taking out military targets. I happened to be in Cologne about ten years after the war, and the desolation was incredible. When I was back there in the early 1990s, it was literally a different, modern city with a rebuilt cathedral. The devastation in London was acute, but in Germany it was overwhelming. I think no description of Coventry can overlook what war did to both countries.

  11. Louise, London, UK16 January 2018 at 13:57

    I lived in Coventry for a while and was lucky enough to be able to walk between the two cathedrals every day. I'm not religious at all but the cathedral ruins are incredibly moving and the message of forgiveness compelling. Coventry was bombed massively and the fact that the city has always talked about forgiveness and has used the ruins to further that message is endlessly impressive. The new cathedral is beautiful with wonderful modern stained and etched glass and a side chapel with a powerful crown of thorns sculpture. It should have been a very thought provoking visit for the pair.

    1. I too have Coventry connections and great affection for the city, and love how the old and new churches are blended - the new gives power to the ruins of the old and calls to mind the horrible destruction of the war, yet is strangely redemptive too - deeply moving - as is the depiction of Michael, the warrior angel, conquering evil. I don't think you have to be religious to feel the power - just being in the old part can make me a bit teary. For those who want a bit more, here's a link, I don't think Charlotte has it but apologies if it's a duplicate:


      I've been deeply moved visiting Germany and seeing so many rebuilt churches - Nuremberg which charts the painful yet uplifting rebuilding comes particularly to my mind - but I'm glad Coventry used the old to build something completely new and remarkable instead.

      Delighted to see attention brought to the university and a very important visit about the training of health workers - so necessary and will be even more so in the coming years.

  12. Beautiful coat! I think the buttons have been altered to accommodate her growing belly. Kate if you are reading this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE wear the gorgeous baby blue Seraphine maternity coat tomorrow!!!

    1. Yes, Yes, Yes, I hope so too. Absolutely love that coat, probably one of her best ever coats - Linda

    2. Intrigued By Royals16 January 2018 at 21:40

      I would love to see that coat again, too. If I am thinking of the same one she wore it with black underneath and the black collar on top. I would rather she not use the black collar this time.

  13. So many repeats from her pregnancy with Charlotte, I’m starting to wonder if she’s giving a subtle hint! Just having harmless fun and guessing is all, makes the wait until April more exciting! Love this coat!

    1. Isn't it more fun this time around that the pressure is off? Now that they have a boy and a girl, I truly will be happy with either gender! With the way she's carrying, though, I've got a feeling it's a boy.

    2. So interesting! Strong feelings for another girl here. So exciting either way, though!

  14. Lady in pink :-)
    Love seeing them together on engagements! And like that today her hair has a slight side part and less waves than usual.

  15. I love this coat and it's a great colour to wear when lots of people have come out to see her - she's very noticeable in a crowd! Thanks for the fast updates Charlotte!

    1. Yes! It's a technique HM frequently employs. Lately Camilla has been following too, if you noticed their Christmas outfits. I think Kate looked very radiant and engaged today. And not to mention very kind.

  16. Wow, those are big crowds! They are really popular wherever they go. So happy to see William and Kate looking so vibrant and classy as always today. I like that she recycled her hot pink coat. I know some here may want to see new wardrobe but I always like it that Kate maintains her sensibilities. She looks beautiful and happy.

  17. I must add that the medical photos from their visit to the university look stunningly realistic! My husband works as an OR technician and even he commented on how good it looks. State of the art facility by all means!

  18. I would have thought that we're seeing repeats from the Charlotte pregnancy simply because she was at the same stage of pregnancy at (roughly) the same time of year so it fits with the weather.

    I like the coat - much prefer it on this outing because it fits better with what she's doing here. I hope she takes it off though so that we can see what she's wearing underneath (I don't know if she's finished for today or not)?

  19. General Royal Question...I've noticed that Prince William typically gets out of the car on the side of the crowd and Duchess Catherine walks around the car. However, in their recent engagements, Megan Markle exits on the crowd side and Prince Harry walks around. Is this just coincidence, or is there royal protocol on this?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden16 January 2018 at 16:34

      I'm not sure but it seems to me that the blood royal steps out closest and married in one (or William then Harry etc) on the outer side. Since they shake hands with the dignitaries based on rank usually it makes sense for the highest ranking royal to get to the dignitaries/whoever first. But I might be totally wrong!

    2. I am sure it's just coincidence.

    3. I have noticed this as well. In Denmark, CP Mary walks around the car like Kate, and Marie exits on the same side as MM.

      Don’t know what the protocol is or if it’s simply preference.

    4. Queen of the South17 January 2018 at 10:38

      I read somewhere, sometime that it was to give the people a better look at Kate’s outfit. But your explanation makes more sense to me, Rebecca.
      But in the end I think if we should ask them they would look slightly perplexed saying, “we don’t always get out on the same side, do we? Oh we do.”
      Couple fall into habits without even realising it.

  20. We can see a bit of white collar peeking above the coat in a few photos. Topshop dress?

  21. Beautiful pictures coming out of this visit. I don't know anything about Coventry, so interested in reading about this engagement. Won't have a chance to read in depth until much later, so only have a fashion comment. Love the coat and the color. The black legs make the coat pop in a lovely way. Just wish she hadn't purchased it in a bigger size to wear as maternity. This is one of the "big bulky" coats I complained about during Charlotte's pregnancy. The arms are too big, the shoulders too big, the chest area too big. Wish she would invest in some gorgeous higher end maternity coats that would look proportional on her during this time.

  22. Lovely Day for both William and Kate. I love the color of this coat- always have. I bet it's nice for William and Kate to spend some time together on "away days".

  23. Thank you, Charlotte, for another insightful report. Away days are a great mix of activities and history. Coventry Cathedral was moving just from the pictures... being there, surely more so.

    Love her pink coat. Whether baby #3 is a boy or girl, it's a great look on her.

  24. Does anyone know what the royals do with all of the flowers and gifts they receive at appearances like this? They receive so many items! :)

    1. Rebecca - Sweden16 January 2018 at 16:36

      Some stuff they take home (like a bouquet they get from a charity etc) but alot of it usually goes to hospitals/seniors centers and so on!

    2. Aimee.😊 I have wondered about that also. Has the Palace ever shed any light on that? Does anyone know?

    3. Loved the photo of the remnant of the church with the rainbow in the sky behind it. Thank you for including that, Charlotte.😊

    4. Here's an article that touches on gift protocol

  25. I know many of you were clamoring for the return of the pink coat, and here it is! I think it was a good choice for the mix of engagements today. Bright, cheery, and functional. I like that Kate has been recycling so many pieces. We have a similar simulation center at the university where I work (in the States), so it was kind of fun to see how they run their facility. The tea treats looked delicious. I always wish I could reach through my screen and pop a few into my mouth.

  26. Wow what a beautiful engagement and a lovely setting. Loved reading about the history of Coventry! The juxtaposition of the old church with the new is moving as is the prayer. Love the coat on Kate, she looks great. Kate just looks so happy, love the picture of her laughing with William up ahead. A very positive day!1 cc

  27. Thank you for covering yet another stellar away day! I loved reading everything about it! Charlotte, there's a very cute video of Kate and William wiggle dancing during a paramedics exercise. It's really cute. You should add that here. I think i found it in the DM.

    1. Video is here - https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5353076/prince-william-bizarre-dance-kate-middleton/
      It's endearing. Kate chatting with the boy trying to find a heart rate on the dummy is cute.

  28. What an amazing and beautiful prayer. Taking what was meant through hatred and aggression, and making it a standing testament of grace and mercy. Exquisite. 🌷
    (The timbers that landed to form a cross there remind me of the steel beams at the World Trade Center that also formed a cross.)

    1. P.S. Those timbers have since been put together to form the current cross there at the remnant.

  29. Coventry was one of my very favorite places to visit during my time in Britain. I'm so glad to see them visit the cathedral and spend some time in both parts. Kate's coat is beautiful and she looks great. She and William strike the right notes today.

    Regarding the sick child, I can't help but think the mother was being selfish not to have noticed his condition enough to take him immediately home (or to have stayed home instead of risking coming). The situation reminded me of the old Agatha Christie story "The Mirror Cracked" where the famous movie star contracts rubella during pregnancy and loses the child because her adoring fan didn't stop herself from getting up out of a sickbed to go see the star. Selfish people. This used to annoy me when my physically challenged son was small and I wanted to go to church with him but didn't dare because of all the sick folks and children who don't want to miss for whatever reason. Other people might catch only a cold, but my son would end up back in a hospital with life-threatening respiratory problems.

    1. Maybe the child was not sick when he left home. Many possible explanations. I, too, prefer to keep my children at home when they're sick because kids' viruses are so strong, they almost always infect another child or adult. Anyway, glad it's all sorted and it was kind of Kate to have noticed it and brought attention to it. I think she's a very caring person at heart and looks after her loved ones wonderfully.

    2. I don't know which kid it was but to me those kids seemed like coming from the same class at school, so probably that's why there was no parent around. Correct me if anybody knows!

    3. The Mirror Cracked was based on the real life tragedy of the American actress, Gene Tierney. The child was born with horrible afflictions and lived out its life in an institution.

  30. I think Kate looks fabulous and glowing but does anyone miss the days when royals would always wear a hat to an event like this? I just think wearing a matching hat would take this look to the next level and it would just scream royal visit. But I get that Kate is a modern duchess and I guess hats for these types of events are out.

    1. I don't think days like this require a hat. Hats are for more formal occasions. I think Kate is appropriate dressed today.

    2. Mary Teather, I wholeheartedly agree that I miss the days when hats were standard for an event like this (or standard day-to-day wear for anyone royal or commoner alike), but I doubt we will be seeing hats of Kate accept for church attendance, commemorations, and foreign tour arrival/departures (to my disappointment). I will say if anyone could bring back hats as major fashion, it would be Kate so we shall see.

    3. Mary, I see your point. In the Black and White photo of HRH visit to the church she has a hat on. A hat does create a different look.

    4. Maybe it's because I am American, but I feel like a hat worn on normal work occasions like this would look odd. It's just not something that is done nowadays. A cute knit cap on cold days can work, but a hat a la the Queen or Jackie Kennedy would just look dated and out of touch.

  31. What a great day. The cathedral is both beautiful and haunting. What Kate Wore retweeted a photo that has W/K walking down steps with the skyline of the catherdral backlit with the sun behind them. It's a very striking image.

    They seemed to have a great time interacting with everyone in a vary wide range of situations.

    Kate looked good today. Here's an example where she clearly is making the coat the outfit. It's a terrific color on her and she is definitely taking a cue from the Queen with the bright pink in the crowd!

    I am not sure if Charlotte did a 'first look' with this one, but after watching and waiting, I realized part of my enjoyment in following Kate is reading both Charlotte's posts and the reaction/interaction here on the blog. It's just not the same to read random tweets.

  32. I expect this coat today.I love it .She choose it in New York and also in last engagement in March 2015.

  33. Caroline in Montana16 January 2018 at 20:02

    I love todays visit and outfit, an A+ from me. I like this coat even better than the first time, it is just the right length, not to long and not so short as she has been wearing of late. I really like the length of her hair today, it looks wonderful. the earings I adore but really those shoes, cant wait to wear heels again, those are just yummy! like it when she wears the chunky heal, more comfortable and less accident prone. she looks just wonderful.

    Charlotte, thank you for the informative post on Coventry, what a beautiful place. adding it to my list if i ever get across the pond!!

  34. Yes! I love this coat and am thrilled we saw it again.

  35. Intrigued By Royals16 January 2018 at 21:36

    I have been hoping for this coat to be repeated ever since I heard she was pregnant again. It looked beautiful as Kate did wearing it. The black accessories were just right.

  36. Lovely and informative post Charlotte. Gorgeous coat, love the color. Wonderful history about Coventry.

  37. Lovely pink coat. Liked it better when worn on previous occasions. The Mulberry clutch + the Tods shoes are getting so predictable that I no longer need to look down to see what bag + shoes have been chosen!!! Nice choice of earrings + very pretty Cornelia James gloves.

  38. Sarah Maryland USA16 January 2018 at 22:54

    I love the outfit! However, when I saw photos of the last time she wore it I found myself pining for her longer hair! haha
    I am a super british history buff despite being American and I was so jealous of their visit to coventry today! The stuff about Winston Churchill might be true because I have read a lot that because they didn't want the germans to find out that they had broken their code they only used that information if they could verify it through another source first. Very interesting stuff!
    SO all in all, loved the outfit but miss the longer hair!

  39. Love this look -- bright coat with black accessories. Gorgeous coat. Catherine looks great. Very regal. History of Coventry is very moving. So beautiful and sad it had to be sacrificed. They have done a beautiful job with the restoration of the remains.

  40. Beautiful outing, beautiful coat and beautiful couple. That is all I can say. I love all the stories that came with it as well.

  41. Amy K from the USA16 January 2018 at 23:56

    I have been reading this blog for years, and I LOVE that you always put mission above fashion! Your information is so comprehensive - much better than the "news" articles that focus on gossip - and I learn so much about the amazing programs that the Cambridges support. Thank you for all your work to keep this blog timely, informative, and interesting. And of course, the Duchess looks lovely!

    1. The blog is everything you said and more, Amy.😊
      Quality that stands alone.

  42. She looks great - beautiful color on her and she looks healthy and happy and I love the shorter hair. The only thing I find strange is wearing the coat the entire day and never taking it off.

  43. Thanks, Charlotte. I enjoyed every bit of the Coventry visit. Duchess Kate looked rested and happy. The Coventry Litany of Reconciliation is beautiful. Thank you for posting it.

  44. I so enjoy your detailed posts! Thank you so much for all you do in reporting on the life and style of Kate. I so much prefer to read your posts than other reporting. You strike such a good balance of elements in your posts. Thanks again!

  45. Lovely to see another joint appearance as well as the enthusiasm from the crowd.

  46. What a classic look. Bold coloured coat, dark accessories. And a pair of Kiki McDonough for sparkle ! Also her hair is looking so much better with a side part, and little or no curls. Even when she looked a little wind swept, it fell back into style.

  47. Just when i think 'Catherine is a lovely and well dressed woman but her fashion is just not so much fun too follow', there is this hilarious picture of her in the cathedral among the people in the purple coats LOL ... is this a coincidence?

  48. Zora from Prague17 January 2018 at 19:25

    Fabulousdaan, the picture of Kate among the choristers (?) in almost the same colour is my absolute favourite! :)
    On the whole, this was a great day. So many interesting places and people! I liked everything about it. Plus the lovely outfit. I usually like away-days but this was possibly one of the best ever, at least from my point of view.


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