Sunday 5 June 2022

Watch the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Pageant

It's the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Pageant! It's going to be a fantastic event with incredible entertainment. I'm including two live streams, first from the Royal Family Channel.

And Sky News Live.

If you have access to the BBC, definitely check it out too. I'll add a 'First Look' photo shortly to this post.

UPDATE: The Cambridge family watching the pageant. 


  1. This is lovely!

  2. Susan in Florida5 June 2022 at 14:09

    I was SO nice to see the Queen and Paddington, the bear inspired by the children who were evacuated from London during WWII. What a nice tie-in to HMs younger life. I really enjoyed seeing the Cambridge family and how they interact. Thank you for all the links and the photos, Charlotte !

  3. Im actually so unhappy with the official royal family streams :( it’s so hard for people outside the uk to watch it and then the stream is so bad :(

    1. I switched to the sky news YouTube live.

  4. I don’t know which I’ve loved watching more- the naughty horses or the kids. I’m glad they’ve got a goody bag with snacks!

  5. Catherine looks gorgeous 🥰 And how wonderful to see the ENTIRE cambridge family on the last of jubilee !!

  6. I’d love to be a fly on the wall between the prime minister and Mike Tindall. 😂

  7. Bravo Charlotte, Thank you so much for your fantastic coverage over the weekend. Here has been the first place that I have looked for undates the whole weekend. That's for your time and effort. Looking forward to the update later. S. ☺

  8. Such a lovely moment at the balcony: the present and the future!

  9. What extremely well-behaved children! What fun to see the families together! You can see how well the Cambridge kids know each other- cousins seem to be great friends. I can't believe how long the youngest could sit still. I would have been walking up & down stairs or having to find a place for movement after an hour. Great coverage and a great day! I'm looking forward to seeing a full picture of that fabulous dress Kate was wearing.

    1. What a wonderful insight into the private world of the cousins! These are bonds and friendships that will last a lifetime! Mike and Zara Tindall have to be the 'chillest' cousins, and 'godparents' ever!!! These relationships have been on display these past few days and it is heartwarming. Switching seats, talking to each other, teasing each other (loved the photo of Mike Tindall keeping his eye on Louis), and everybody seemed at ease and comfortable, including Prince Charles. Thank you Charlotte for allowing us to have our own front seats into this pictorial feast!

  10. That was such a great show! I‘m happy for all the people that have seen Her Majesty in person on the balcony today. The Cambridges are such a sympathtic family

  11. Thank you for the informed and creative covering of these wonderful few days.

  12. As a mother, I watched with admiration and awe the very public way Kate parented her little, energetic Louis to sit for 2 hours or more. Calm, loving, patient, and equipped (like all moms) with a bag of treats. As always, Kate was focused on her children's happiness and indifferent to whether Louis mussed her hair or touched her pretty dress with sticky fingers. She and William should be very proud of the way their children behaved and their proper and respectful manner on the balcony. Well done!!

    1. I agree Anon, I come away with a new found admiration for Kate. I dare say I would be a wreck trying to cope with my children under such public scrutiny, but she takes it all in stride. I have great for respect for her style of parenting, she is even handed in both dealing with certain behavior and shows a loving tenderness in a supportive way, at all times ensuring her children are happy. It truly is in her nature to be so good natured! Well done indeed!

  13. Kate looks stunning in this Stella McCartney dress. I love Kate in rich berry pink tones like the Mcqueen pink dress she wore at Princess Eugene's wedding. These two dresses go to my favourites of what Kate wore list.

  14. Catherine looks beautiful, and like a tireless and clever mom. Those kids have been under so much Royal training these last few days, and she’s been there to guide them all the way. So good at her job.

  15. Catherine looked beautiful in this Stella McCartney rich pink dress. It had some very interesting features. Well done to the children they did remarkably well over the 4 days.

  16. it was lovely to see the Queen’s extended family spending time enjoying each other’s company over the last four days. The luncheon after the the Thanksgiving service & the pageant
    /parade really showcased the close bond between the Windsors, with almost all of the Queen’s family in attendance, from the Queen’s generation, down to one year old great-grand. The finale of the balcony appearance with the direct line present, the future of the monarchy, really capped-off the spectacular celebration of the Queen!

  17. Catherine looks like a great mom nice to see her so happy with the kids and the outfits she picked are all lovely in these posts. it was a wonderful Jubilee for a wonderful Queen! Thanks Charlotte for all your coverage.


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