Thursday 21 July 2022

A Holiday Photo Marks Prince George's 9th Birthday

Happy Birthday, Prince George! To celebrate the future king's 9th birthday, Kensington Palace shared a snapshot taken on the beach by Kate during a family holiday in the UK earlier this month. At first glance, I thought it may have been taken on Mustique, but no, the temperatures have been scorching over here, too. George looks like he's having a lovely summer ahead of starting at a new school and a move to Windsor.

One of my most vivid memories of royal watching will always be the announcement Kate had safely delivered a baby boy at the Lindo Wing on 22 July 2013. Now 'Baby Cambridge' is nine years old...

To mark George's first birthday in 2014, photos of the Prince with his parents were taken at the Natural History Museum's 'Sensational Butterflies' exhibition. The photo of him staring intently when touching a butterfly on William's hand is one of my favourites.

To mark Prince George's second birthday, Kensington Palace released a new photo from Princess Charlotte's christening, taken earlier that month by Mario Testino. The Prince was captured in his father's arms, smiling and leaning towards the camera.

Several lovely photographs taken by Matt Porteous were released for George's third birthday. The show-stealing photo from the set for me was the image of George and Lupo sitting on a rug outside. It captured a darling moment showing the Prince offering the family pet a taste of his ice-cream. Very sadly, Lupo passed away last year. Images like this are now treasured memories of time spent with his first pet.

For George's fourth birthday, William and Kate chose a photo taken by Chris Jackson at Kensington Palace.

For his fifth birthday, Kensington Palace released a photo of the future king taken in the Clarence House garden by Matt Porteous after Louis' christening. The release followed the pattern of 2015 when Charlotte was christened at Sandringham in July and a photo taken with the official portraits was chosen to mark the Prince's birthday.

Photos including one from sun-soaked Mustique, depicting the Prince having a ball, marked his sixth birthday.

For his seventh birthday, we saw a very grown up Prince George captured by mum in Norfolk. 

And in Norfolk, photographed by mum last year.

Sending George the happiest of birthday wishes!

We'll see the Duchess on 31st July when she'll join Ben Ainslie in Plymouth for a 'Commonwealth Race' v 'Team NZ' according to reporting in the Daily Mail. The Commonwealth Games kick off on the 28th, so I wouldn't be surprised to see additional appearances.


  1. This is such a darling photo! I know we’ve seen him more often this year, but kate’s photos capture a part of him that we don’t see when he is “on duty”. It’s been fun to watch him grow up! Sue

  2. Where has the time gone? He is growing up beautifully, a delightful young Prince.

  3. Time flies by so gady. Still can't believe Prince George is 9

  4. Wow, does he ever look like his dad!! What a nice shot.

    1. Totally agree! I thought this of an earlier photo. Same teeth.

  5. He looks so much like his dad in this photo. Great shot by the duchess

  6. What a wonderful photo. Hope the whole family has a wonderful private time with family and friends before resuming school and official duties later. Ali

  7. May I say he looks very handsome in this photo I can beging to see the future teenager and he is going to be quite the handsome prince!

  8. Happy birthday to the little Prince! What a little darling HRH Prince George is. I can't believe how time flies. I still remember the day he was born. He's growing up so lovely too.

  9. First time I see William in him. I love seeing how happy he is.
    George’s birth was one of the most anticipated moments ever, I still remember reporters and people camping outside the hospital for weeks. If social media had been what it is today it would have been crazy lol

  10. What a great shot! And he is sooo cute! He's grown up fast, time really flies. Thank you Charlotte for this thourough post. I must admit, the 5th birthday photo is my favorite.
    Maybe on July 31st we will see him too at the race...Who knows!? Never say never.

  11. Oh my gosh! What an absolutely beautiful photo of their precious boy. I am actually quite a taken back by the striking resemblance to William in this gorgeous shot. He is the image of his handsome Dad - WOW. What a handsome young Prince he is going to be. Happy Birthday Prince George!

  12. Zora from Prague22 July 2022 at 11:46

    I can see Prince William like never before! 🥰 What a lovely photo!

  13. Great photo. Ali

  14. Cute kid. Time goes by so quickly! He's halfway to adulthood (18).

  15. It is for me too the first time I see how much he looks like his father.

  16. Kate captures the Cambridge children beautifully with her photography. Happy Birthday!

    Except, my all time favorite picture of Prince George, is his christening photograph with the BRF and his arms are in the air.

  17. Susan in Florida22 July 2022 at 16:47

    I remember outside the hospital , his little hand came up. His first wave. I do see William in him in this photo. The photos taken by Kate are just beautiful. She’s a true artist. Thanks for sharing all the years with us Charlotte.

  18. It’s been such a joy watching George grow up!

    1. I agree Lynn, it is a joy watching him grow up, hard to believe we've been doing this for nine years plus! Thanks Charlotte for this wonderful blog and chronicle!

  19. What a handsome young Prince. He resembles his Dad more and more. Wishing Prince George a very happy birthday.

  20. Great pic by his mother.He is a handsome young boy. I think a small version of his father. Happy 9th Birthday, prince George. Josebabe

  21. A beautiful picture. The young Prince looked very happy. Another very good picture taken by Kate. The recent photos she took of The Duchess of Cornwall were very nice as well. A new home and school will be very exciting for the children. I'm delighted they are moving to Windsor Castle. The Queen having them so close will fantastic for her and Williams family. The benefits that the children will have living at Windsor will be amazing. Very private and lots of space to enjoy more countryside life compared to Kensington Palace. The very best of luck to them on the move. S. ☺

  22. Love this photo. In public he seems much more reserved or maybe shy. His mother captures his personality beautifully.

    I’m hoping the whole family goes to the sailing event.

    Hope from USA


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