Sunday 13 November 2016

The Royal Family Gathers for Sombre Remembrance Sunday

The Duchess of Cambridge joined members of the Royal family for this morning's Remembrance Sunday ceremonies in London.

As always, the Duchess watched the ceremony from the balcony of the Foreign Office in Whitehall with the Duchess of Cornwall and the Countess of Wessex. Protocol dictates that those married into the family, with the exception of the Duke of Edinburgh, watch from a distance.

The National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall is a unique expression of homage devoted to the memory of those who have given their lives in war. It was originally conceived as a commemoration of the First World War's dead by King George V in 1919, but after the Second World War the scope of the ceremony was extended to focus on the dead of both wars. Remembrance Day or Memorial Day is observed in Commonwealth countries.

As the clock struck eleven, a two minute silence was observed. The silence represents the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, when the guns of Europe fell silent. The time is marked by the firing of a field gun on Horse Guards Parade.

Remembrance Sunday is marked on the second Sunday in November. It is the day traditionally put aside to remember those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today. This year's notable anniversaries include the centenaries of the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Jutland, the 25th anniversary of the Gulf War, and the 80th anniversary of the first flight of the Supermarine Spitfire.

More from the Royal British Legion:

'The National Service of Remembrance, held at the Cenotaph in Whitehall on Remembrance Sunday, ensures that no-one is forgotten as the nation unites to honour all who have suffered or died in war. HM the Queen will pay tribute alongside Members of the Cabinet, Opposition Party leaders, former Prime Ministers, the Mayor of London and other ministers. Representatives of the Armed Forces, Fishing Fleets and Merchant Air and Navy will be there, as well as faith communities and High Commissioners of Commonwealth countries.'

The Queen led the sombre service at the Cenotaph by laying a wreath.

Other members of the Royal family, including Prince Philip,  Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, the Duke of York, the Earl of Wessex and the Princess Royal also laid wreaths.

Members of the Royal Family paying their respects to our Armed Forces at the Cenotaph.

Below Prince William in RAF dress uniform and Prince Harry in Household Cavalry dress uniform.

Crowds at the Cenotaph.

An overview of the ceremony.

Veterans preparing for the march past.

Marching past the Cenotaph.

Today marks the sixth consecutive year Kate has attended the event.

The Duchess looked solemn in black. Her choice of coat will be a familiar one - the DVF 'Lio' Coat previously worn for Remembrance Sunday in 2011 and 2012.

The wool coat is from the Autumn/Winter 2008 Collection and has detachable cuffs and collar. I thought it an appropriate choice for the nature of the occasion; wearing a coat seen twice before at the same event ensures the focus remains on Remembrance.


Kate wore three poppies on her lapel.

A closer look at Kate's new black velvet and felt John Boyd hat and stunning earrings. The Duchess wore her hair in an elegant chignon.

Another view.

As you can see, it's remarkably similar to the wide brimmed hat by John Boyd Kate wore for the Commonwealth Service in March.

The amazing Anna suggests Kate is wearing the Queen's Bahrain Pearl Drop Earrings. In 1947 the then Princess Elizabeth received seven larger pearls from the ruler of Bahrain, and two of the pearls were used to create the beautiful pair of earrings.

From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault

From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault reports: "The earrings each contain one large round diamond and four smaller ones, three baguette diamonds, and a Bahrain pearl dangling below. The Queen seems to have worn them mainly in the early years of her reign; they were later unearthed for the Buckingham Palace summer exhibit marking her 60th wedding anniversary." More recently they were loaned to the Countess of Wessex and now the Duchess of Cambridge.

Her Majesty's Jewel Vault/I-Images

At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.

Lest we forget.


  1. What a moving event. The personal stories involved in this is really poignant and you cannot help but be moved when watching the coverage!

    On the clothes: Very nice! I like the hat. The slice of the brim is very pretty. Something with the hair is not 100%, but it's a great move towards a nice hair up look for this event. And the coat again is very pretty and look comfy and warm. Nice repeat. And are those the Queens earrings? Very nice and regal either way. And if they are the Queens, nice seeing her loaning more of the royal jewels :)

    1. At first I wasn't 100% onboard with the hair and the hat. But after comparing it with the last 5 looks, I think this is her best Remembrance Day look to date. Something is slightly off with her hair, but it still looks much better up than down at this occasion.

    2. Yeah, it's 90% or so. And the hat is better from a more underward angle than straight on. And the hair is nice, just some tweaking would have made it even better. Maybe have it a bit lower and not standing out so much from her head. More like a.. sidepushed gibson roll? :P

    3. Queen Maxima Remembrance Sunday 2015.

    4. That's exactly what went through my head anon 13:52. Inspired by Maxima.

    5. Kate and others had done Big hats and side-chignons long before that.Nothing new or exclusive to Maxima. Been done. I'm thinking of a photo of Princess Grace. And Ava Gardner.Maxima looked amazing, as usual. The expression on her face
      was award-worthy in that picture. "She said WHAT?" ha ha!

  2. Thank you for the speedy post, Charlotte. No issue for me with a repeat coat; after all, how many different black coats does one need to have in their closet? ;)
    Her earrings are gorgeous.

  3. Sober look and a repeat of coat finally. Her bun does not work for me here though.

    Thank you for the post Charlotte!

    1. I like her hair here.I'm glad she didn't wear her hair down.

    2. I think from certain angle the bun is too big but it is way better than fiddling with it.

    3. Design-wise I think the look works very well. The hat, her face and the knot of hair create 3 asymmetrical circular shapes on a diagonal line. The heavy knot of hair balances the wide rim in color and visual weight. I liked it very much. I wish Catherine would wear more wide-brimmed hats.

    4. That's a pretty interesting way to exam her look Philly. Definitely didn't think about to that level of detail but it makes sense. More complicated than picking a hat, coat, and hair style. Thank you for that perspective

    5. Since Kate is an Art History graduate, that makes sense that she has those same sensibilities Philly. Glad you pointed that out. She is also a photographer so that might play into her choices.

    6. Like designing her wedding cake. That was a work of art displayed artfully in the art (portrait) gallery of Buckingham Palace. Kate has is a detail person.

  4. charlotte your so fast looking the duchess looks good but she looks fine in her warm coat

  5. She looks AMAZING. So incredibly elegant.

  6. Wow :-) I think she looks perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. This is one of my favorite coats and due to the "up top" design details, is perfect for this event. The hat is spectacular and the gorgeous side chignon its perfect complement, and the earrings are some serious jewels without being ostentatious. I hope she wears them again and again.

    1. I agree, I thought she was picture perfect. I thought everyone looked very well.

      I do wish she had trotted out that hair and those earrings last night! Would have been perfect for the evening engagement and might have helped the great coat cover-up ;)

    2. I agree Claudia, and I also think that last night's coat would have photographed better in the daylight. The pretty fabric and design was lost in the hall's lighting.

    3. Maybe she did wear the earrings last night. Who could tell! I thought Kate's coat for the evening festival was beautiful, but it and her jewelry were invisible in that environment.

    4. She wore the gold and pearl-ish de la Renta earrings last night. I can't post a picture, but if you go on the katesclothes website, on the front page there are rolling pictures. The first one (right now) is from the festival and you can see her earrings in that picture :)

    5. Thanks Rebecca, that is a lovely photo and indeed shows the earrings.

  7. I love the hair and the hat! Much nicer look than last night. Regal and serious as befits the occasion.
    Is there any significance to wearing three poppies instead of just one?

  8. Perhaps Kate wore three poppies to commemorate her three paternal great uncles who died at the Battle of Somme, one of the battles commemorated there today.

  9. Those earrings were the first thing I saw. They are stunning. Hope we see them more often. She looks so nice, hat, hair, coat. Very nice.

  10. Thanks for this, Charlotte.

    I was a little surprised that Remembrance Day services were held today (after Nov. 11, which is the actual day of commemoration) and not last weekend. Doesn't really matter-still a very moving event.

    I really so much prefer wide brimmed hats on Kate. So pleased to see this one. I think they really flatter her. I don't like the side chignon. It always looks like a big bulb of hair. The earrings are gorgeous and the coat is a great recycle.

    I wonder if the three poppies today represent the three uncles from Kate's Middleton side of the family who died in WW1. Since we're in the midst of the WW1 centenary, I wonder if Kate chose to specifically commemorate her family's losses in that war.

    I believe Charlotte wrote in her post on the Somme visit to France that these uncles were the brothers of Kate's Luton (?) great-grandmother who eventually married into the Middleton family or had a child who married into the Middleton family. I believe that the Luton family were quite financially well-off and that the death of those uncles left only her great-grandmother as an heir which led to the trust funds which allowed Kate to go to a school as costly as Marlborough and exposed her to the upper crust of British society, making her a much more possible mate for William.

    So strange to think of the profound consequences of that horrible war and how they persist for many generations in ways we can't imagine.

    1. Yes, it's very powerful how the past continues to effect the present & will the future in many ways.

    2. Remembrance Sunday is the 2nd Sunday in November for the U.K. which is today. Today is closer to the 11 than last Sunday would be. Next year it's on the 12th and in 2018 it will be on the 11th.

    3. I think Kate wore the three poppies to commemorate her great uncles (her father's uncles), Maurice, Lionel, and Francis (Michael's namesake). At least one or two of them died in the battle of Sommes.
      Their mother was Olive Lupton Middleton. Their deaths, leaving Olive with the bulk of their inheritances, did help facilitate Kate and her sibling's higher education. Perhaps Kate was remembering that, in addition to her father losing three uncles, their deaths allowed her, in a way, to be where she is today. Her uncles gave their lives for their country and now Kate will one day be Queen of that country and her son, King, and so on.

    4. Those are definitely thought proving facts. I am sure Michael and his brothers appreciate Kate (wait, did someone just say appreciate Kate, lol)
      wearing the three poppies.

    5. 2nd Sunday in November, correct Skippyboo.

  11. To me Her look is Absolute Sophisticated Perfection from Head to Toe! :) My first thought was that the hat & chignon combo reminded me of Maxima:)

    1. Hi Becca, you wrote a thoughtful response to me in the post a couple back and I did not acknowledge it. I apologize for that. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

    2. Yes, Becca, I made the same correlation. I figured some of Maxima's style rubbed off on Kate after last year's event :-)

    3. I doubt Kate had even met Max in 2005 when Kate first wore that broad-brimmed hat. Perhaps Maxima was inspired by Catherine.I haven't noticed Kate wearing day-glow orange or giant insect jewelry.

    4. Becca, I thought so too. Sophisticated indeed. I love large hats and Max is a pro! :)

    5. Oh my goodness bluhare you are so welcome:)

  12. I also feel, looking back over the years, that for this occasion She the hats with wider brims flatter her more than the smaller hats.

  13. While I know the event isn't about the clothes, I like talking about her choices :)
    I'm dissappointed she wore a coat she's worn a couple times before, especially considering she has quite a few black coats, I do like this coat a lot, just would have been nice to see a different one or a repeat she's only wore once here, again though, I do get that isn't what it's about! I personally don't think that's why she wore a repeat though, since she's worn plenty of new coats to this event, but I could be wrong:) I think she just loves this coat lol

    I thought I would like her in a larger hat, but I don't like this hat at all. The felt going around the bottom trim of the hat almost can be mistaken for glue. While I know that isn't what it is, it makes it look off. I do like the large hat she wore in 2011, so I don't think it's the size I think I'm just not a fan of this hat! I actually like Sophie's hat way better and think it would also look nice on Kate. Usually I'm not a huge fan of Sophie's hat choices, but this one looks really elegant to me!

    I also don't like her Kate's hair with this hat, i think it would have been nicer half up half down. I assume she did it though so it wasn't blowing in the wind, and also didn't cover her poppy like last night, so a good choice and looks fine, I just don't think it goes with the hat. She still looks nice, just personal preference on the clothes choices :) I wish we could see the shoes, but I assume it's a black suede pair lol

    as always a really special event and we all should remember the sacrifices that were made all those years ago!

  14. When my dad died I wrote his closest friend to tell him (he lives in another state) and we struck up a friendship. Dad's friend was in the US Air Force stationed in Norfolk in WWII, so I would send him things I saw on the internet about the vets, airplanes, and anything I saw about WWI and II. He was stunned at how Britain honors their military dead and veterans and said many times that he wished we did the same over here.

    I haven't been able to get hold of him in a while; he's over 90 and had some issues recently and he lives out of state I hope he is OK, but I worry.

    So this is for Frank. WWII veteran and inventor. Lest we forget.

    1. For Frank!

    2. The US does honor the veterans on Verterans Day. The POTUS lays a wreath in Arlington at the Tomb of the Unkown Solider. Some cities have parades, the NFL wears camouflage, flags are placed in front of the head stones in all military cemeteries, etc. I'm sure there are a ton of other stuff that goes on across the nation, like at war memorials. there should be more media coverage of those things to raise awareness. I think if you asked people they have a very high level of respect for our veterans. We just do it differently and it makes me sad to think that your friend didn't feel that he was appreciated.

    3. Lovely bluhare. Just lovely.

    4. Tammy from California13 November 2016 at 16:46

      Bluhare, my husband currently is a pilot in the US Air Force. Not only the ceremonies, but the disrespect by the people in our country, is unbelievable. I personally feel they don't mean it to him personally, more of a stance on war in general (and more so, senseless war), but people don't realize the toll it takes on military members.

      So in your words, "For Frank" and I add to it, "and the other brave souls. Lest we forget".
      Love to you Bluhare for supporting a vet!

    5. Thank you everyone. And Tammy, definitely for the other brave souls.

      Julie, Frank doesn't think the US does nothing. He thinks the British people do more, is all. The fact that I send him everything I come across probably perpetuates that thought.

    6. Hope you make contact with him and let us know how that goes. You can tell him the girls at DKB give a BIG hug.

    7. Please tell Frank thank you from me for his service to all of us. Thank you, bluhare, for bringing his name and story to our attention.

    8. Julia from Leominster14 November 2016 at 06:18

      Thinking of Frank - for ex-service, hands should extend across the Atlantic.

    9. If he is okay that would be sweet letting him know the ladies at DKB send a big hug like 1938 suggested. He might even blush. :)

    10. For lack of a better word I think Frank "enjoyed" his time in England, Julia. He has some great tales about wartime London and he and dad reminisced about their wartime experiences in England. Dad was younger and lived on the ground that Frank flew over.

    11. I always enjoy hearing your story of Uncle Frank. He must be tough, like the queen, to have made it this far. I know you must worry. You should take comfort in knowing you gave him something to look forward to. Let us know when you hear from him.

    12. Julia from Leominster18 November 2016 at 06:54

      I'm glad Frank "enjoyed" his time there, bluhare. (with a lass of two?)

      For a charmingly ribald remark on the Yanks in Britain, everyone should try Ethel and Ernest - either the graphic book or the new animated film with Broadbent and Blethyn by Raymond Briggs who did The Snowman (one of my favourites) and Where the Wind Blows. It's delightful and a bit teary too, at least for me.

      The critics weren't quite sure what to make of something so gentle but here's a review link.

    13. "Mrs. Miniver" Jennifer Jones or Greer Garson. I get the two mixed up.
      Wonderful wartime England story.
      Leo, I think you might know what I'm talking about. I'm not sure I got the
      names right.

    14. Frank's best story was about a weekend pass and a club in London with an airman friend, a couple of questionable ladies and getting stuck with the bill for the whole thing. He said he couldn't believe the food that club got in the middle of rationing!!

    15. PS And that film sounds lovely!!

  15. I love "The Queen's Earrings" that She is wearing! After watching "The Crown" I can't see HM & DE without having such Respect & Appreciation of how far They have come on Their Journey as Monarch & Consort, Heads of The Family/Firm & as a Married Couple! Something so powerful about watching The Story of Them starting out (complete with Phillip dragging his heels & questioning everything) & then fast forward we see Them in Their 90's & leading Their Family & Their Countries & The Commonwealth! It makes me think back to Beatrice & Eugenie's sweet comments about their Grandparents & how The DE is The Rock that holds The Family Together & is Granny's Constant Support!

    1. Yes, Becca, it was really beautiful hearing the Princesses' comments about HM and PP as their Grandma and Grandpa! And to see how emotional they were, talking about them.

  16. Considering the occasion everything about this outfit is spot on!! Have always liked this coat and this is certainly the event for a repeat. I like the hair ...elegant and classy. Kate looks good in all hats but not everyone can wear wide brimmed hats. She can. The velevet ribbon around the base of the hat is a nice compliment to the coat. And LOVE the earrrings. Simple but gorgeous. Again. Perfect for the occasion.

    I was also wondering if there was significance behind wearing 3 poppies. Does anyone know??

    Also HM is wearing quite the jaunty hat today. Love it!

    1. Yes, Kate's father lost three uncles in WW1 in France and at the battle of Sommes.

    2. Not Kate's father's uncles but great uncles. Kate :Michael: Peter: Olive Lupton. Olive Lupton who married Noel Middleton and is Kate great grandmother lost 3 brothers in WWI.

    3. Thank you Skippyboo. That is right. There is a very nice article in the Daily Mail, November 20, 2010, by Claudia Joseph entitled, "The Intriguing Woman Who Gave Kate Her Looks and Wealth".
      There are also a couple of websites on the Lupton family. Thanks again. :)

    4. That article is amazing. Thanks. The Lupton websites have a lot more information on them now than when I read them some time ago. People have had time to do more research. Very intriguing family history. I am so glad Claudia Joseph also mentioned the fortitude of Carole's ancestors.

  17. I can't help but notice one eyebrow is much thicker than the other. It looks like she didn't fill one in as much. I kinda love it when famous people have makeup snags. Makes her appear more approachable!

  18. I love everything about Kate today and those earrings are certainly beautiful.

    My dad was stationed near Dover during WW II as a US Air Force pilot and talked often about the kind people of that area. He said as he'd return from a mission and saw the white cliffs he knew he was safe.

    Thank you to all Veterans for all you've gone and given.

  19. A very moving service and Day. I feel it's so important to have respect and honor those that sacrificed for their countries. A day of reflection and thankfulness.

    I really like this coat and I'm glad to see it again. It looks like this time she wore the cuffs were in years past she didn't. A nice subtle update to the look. Nice hat, indifferent about her hair. Love that she is wearing another pair of earrings on loan from the queen. Wonder why she has borrowed so many as of late. I was hoping Charlene of Monaco was going to join them today since she attended the rugby game yesterday.

    1. She was at Westminster Abbey honouring the South African and Rhodesian service men and women. Royal hats blog had a write up

  20. some of the drama concerning Phillip is questionable to me. I think Phillip has a very strong sense of duty and patriotism and his love and support of Elizabeth has always been steady and true in my opinion. drama sells though.

  21. I think Kate looked very beautiful and elegant. I love the hat. Love when she wears the Queen's Jewelry.
    Sweet that she wore the three poppies for her father's three uncles who died in WW1. I am sure that that kindness was noticed by her father and his brothers.

  22. Tammy from California13 November 2016 at 16:36

    I always look forward to seeing what Kate wears at this ceremony. She has looked stunning every year and this year is no exception.

    To all of you friends across the ocean: from one military family to your's: thank you for your service for your great country AND ours. Your people's kindness and steadfastness to stick by us, no matter what we crazy war we call you for is never taken for granted by our military members (I know by many, many other Americans too!). We treasure your friendship. God Bless all of you!

  23. To those who are better informed than I am - I expect I know the answer, but I'm curious.

    Charlotte specifies that the protocol is for spouses to watch from a distance with the exception of the Duke of Edinburgh. When Prince Charles and Prince William ascend to the throne in turn, will Camilla and Catherine respectively then be at the Cenotaph?

    1. No the ladies stay on the balcony. Philip is there because he is a man. It's like the people walking behind the coffin at a Royal funeral-all guys.

      Anne is the only one to buck the tradition. She used to be up on the balcony but then started laying her own wreath and Tim is up on the balcony. She also walked with the men behind the Queen Mum's casket. I suspect she will do the same when her parents pass.

    2. This is why I so love Anne!

    3. I'm not sure it has a 100% to do with him being a man (although probably some). I think it has to do with his military service and proximity to the Queen. For example Tim does not do it even though he's a military man and married to a royal. But he's far down, and not a HRH, and therefore doesn't put a wreath. The Queen (and Phillip I assume) do put wreaths, but not from themselves per se, more of the role. So Tim laying one for himself would be odd among people laying wreaths in the name of the crown, government, faiths, groups etc. I don't know if Phillips wreath is laid in someones or somethings name though. But I don't think it 100% has to do with him being male. If Kate had served, maybe she would lay a wreath when William was king. Or maybe not. Maybe the wreathlaying for Phillip was one of the ways they tried to find his role as a male consort.

    4. Julia from Leominster14 November 2016 at 09:30

      I don't think it's specifically to do with what sex the spouse is - it has more to do with military connections and whether the person is a blood royal. Anne holds honourary military posts -she rides in uniform at the Trooping. Philip served in the war so his position is different from other spouses. In the past, there have been men on the balcony - Anne's husband Timothy - although in uniform has been up there because he wasn't presenting a wreath.

      As I mentioned in another comment - Diana presented wreaths at remembrance although probably not at the London ceremony - I can't recall where now - only the images. So in time Kate may well too - although possibly not in London unless she becomes an honourary colonel in uniform which I think unlikely or possibly if she becomes an honourary colonel of a regiment where a wreath is being presented. I don't understand all the nuances but it certainly isn't just limited to women on the balcony. It has to do also with birth and service.

    5. I believe that anyone, man or woman, not a blood Royal, watches from the balcony.

    6. I read that somewhere Beth. I think you are right on that. I will do a little research and let you know. :)

    7. I have wondered the same thing yesterday. The answers I got varied from all the in-law's watch from the balcony. That's why Anne lays a wreath while Tim is on the balcony. With DoE being the exception because he is the consort.
      Alternatively everybody in uniform lays a wreath, the rest upstairs (Question about Tim then) or the women folk are upstairs with Anne being the exception.
      Nobody seems to know the real truth.

    8. Beth, according to Wikipedia, "Remembrance Sunday", only the senior royals lay wreaths. Their spouses (with the exception of Prince Phillip, of course), watch from the balcony of the Foreign Office at Whitehall.

    9. Prince Philip served in the war and afterwards and is a prince in his own right.

    10. Prince Phillip had to give up his foreign titles upon marrying. He was made a Prince in GB, much as Catherine was made a Duchess. His current title is directly related to his marrying QEII.

    11. True. Actually, Phillip has considerably more "royal lineage" than the Queen. And they are cousins. Whether they are first cousins or second cousins I don't recall at the moment.

    12. Queen Victoria was their common great-great-grandmother, I believe. Not first
      cousins, although the BRF has known such marriages.

    13. Phillips family was the royal family of Greece until that monarchy was overthrown. Phillip does have direct bloodlines to more royal houses than does Elizabeth. He was a Prince of Greece prior to their having to flee the country when he was a boy. His history is a very poignant one and explains, I think, why he is such a dynamic personality and the lynchpin of the family.

    14. Through their relationship with Queen Victoria, they are third cousins (Queen Victoria was the great great grandmother of both HM and PP). Through the relationship with King Christian IX of Denmark they are second cousins once removed. (for those who want to know more: check ) :)

    15. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip are third cousins. Both are great-great grandchildren of Queen Victoria.

    16. I believe they are most closely related through the Danish royal family. The Queen's great grandmother Queen Alexandra was a Danish princess. Prince Philip's grandfather King George I of Greece was a Danish prince. Both were children of King Christian IX of Denmark. This makes the Queen and Prince Philip second cousins once removed.

      They are also both great great grandchildren of Queen Victoria, she through the British royal line and he via the Battenberg/Mountbatten family, and thus they are third cousins.

    17. Julia from Leominster17 November 2016 at 06:52

      Knew he wasn't a first cousin - he is a third cousin according to Wiki. He gave up being a foreign prince on marriage so this has nothing to do with his place at Remembrance. (Foreign monarchs also stand on the balcony - Norwegian and Dutch.) It is because of his war service.

      I don't think that Anne's husband Tim ever served actively in a war zone although he is in the navy (and is now an admiral.)

    18. Isn't Tim Lawrence retired from the Navy now?

    19. I believe it is Laurence, anon. I only mention this because it is often incorrectly
      spelled. I hope I got it right!

  24. Sophie's look is very elegant.

  25. Love her entire look. The earrings are gorgeous and really perfect for the hat, hair and coat. I do not mind the repeat coat. Do not know if she always wears the collar and cuffs but love the look today with both those details. The hair is beautiful. I thought all three ladies looked wonderful. ali

  26. How amazing is the Queen? Honestly. You have to sit back and remember that she's 90 years old! These wreath layings can be tricky for some 20 years younger! She carries out her engagements perfectly, day in, day out, week after week, year after year... "my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service." Just have to marvel at her every once in a while.

    I think Kate and all the royals looked terrific, from the men in uniform, to HM, to the royal wives on the balcony. Very nice.

    1. Exactly! Very inspiring! I have to admit, her (and Phillip) walking backwards on those steps after laying their wreaths did make me hold my breath!

    2. Claudia agree, everyone looked wonderful. The Queen and Philip are amazing. They are an inspiration to me to stay healthy and active. Loved her coat also:)

    3. Claudia, I agree a 100%! They are incredible. The sentence you quote is extremely powerful: to imagine she said it as a girl of 21, not knowing AT ALL what was ahead, just knowing she would serve her people... whenever I watch her say it I am deeply moved, and even reading it or thinking about it sends a shiver down my spine.
      Kate looked great today. I like both her hair and her hat.

    4. I agree, all the Royals look regal in their uniforms,, especially Her Majesty. I loved the earrings Kate wore, I was looking for something similar (and affordable :)) for Christmas. Thank You Charlotte!XOXO

    5. Rebecca yes me too. :)

  27. Your uncle Frank might need help.Do you have any contacts near him? Hope he is okay. Let us know how he is please.

    1. Thank you for your concern. I have reached out but he does have family close by. I just don't know them to reach out to them.

  28. What a lovely, lovely ceremony. I am so glad that Britain does such a great job of leading the world in remembering this occasion and those who gave their lives in our service. Some gave up their lives, and others gave of their lives. Kudos to all.

  29. Great post, as usual! I loved her hair up today- really showed off the beautiful detailing around the collar of the coat. I know this is the same coat she wore in 2011 & 2012, but I don't see the beading/detail in the photos from that year- are the beads only on one side of the wrists? I didn't love the huge black hat, but the chignon was beautiful and she was again perfect for the occasion.

  30. Charlotte, thank you for the post and the added information for those of us in America. I was up in Toronto last week and both a poppy to wear in the label of my coat - first time I've ever done that.

    Kate chose well for this somber event. I wonder which came first the idea to recycle or the fact that the Queen loaned her those amazingly brilliant earrings. At first I thought the hat was the same as the previous wide-brimmed hat she wore. And yes, agreed Charlotte, it looks similar to the gray one she wore previously. I'm sure she'll get a lot of wear out of this hat.

    When did they all get together and meet with Harry and Meghan - doesn't anyone else wonder?

    I just hope that we hear about a third pregnancy around the start of 2017.

    1. Meghan was photographed entering the gate at Kensington Palace after having shopped at Whole Foods near the palace. I would assume she and Harry mingled with the family at some point during the weekend.

    2. I read on some site that she was back in Canada on Thursday, November 10.

    3. William and Kate live at Kensington Palace. It would have seemed rude for Harry not to socialize with them some with Meghan, especially since she has flown all the way from Canada to be there.

    4. Meghan has a blog called The Tig. It is fairly comprehensive in topics. Perhaps a good place to get to know Meghan.

    5. When Harry does ask someone to marry him, what ring will he give? Phillip used some of the diamonds from his mother's tiara to design the Queen's engagement ring. Charles gave Camilla the Queen Mother's ring, and William gave Kate Diana's ring.

    6. 20:20, great question. I do wonder and it reminds me of Andrew's engagement to Sarah .... Harry may give his fiancée a new ring that he will design.

    7. Julia from Leominster18 November 2016 at 10:03

      Harry might give his bride - whoever she may be - a new ring as Charles did Diana and Andrew did Sarah and Edward did for Sophie. However,there has been speculation that Diana had some other rings and those might be used by Harry. One of them, an aquamarine, looks more like a dinner ring to me although Diana did wear it on her left hand. But there is also a smaller sapphire worn when William was a baby and an emerald (which are rather soft for engagement rings.) There's nothing to say those rings belonged to Diana at the end - she did borrow jewels but there are possibilities there and it would make a nice parallel to William and Kate having her engagement ring. A couple of links below shed more light.

    8. Thanks Julia.

    9. If his choice would be Meghan, I think he might let her help design the ring since she seems to like design so much.

  31. Very lovely event!

    I noticed and am now wounding why some were different amount of poppies any know if theirs a reason for that? One year she wore 2 this year 3, some years there fancy ones I just noticed this.

    1. 05:05 I think she wore three to commemorate her three great uncles, Maurice, Lionel and Francis Lupton Middleton. They died in France in WW1, one or two of them at the battle of Sommes.

    2. I think two of them dies in Sommes. One is buried there and the other is buried nearby.

  32. Julia from Leominster14 November 2016 at 06:25

    Always a most moving day; hope no one felt excluded - I heard there was talk of that.

    All the royal ladies looked nice. Glad to see Kate with her hair up and poppies showing. The side bun worked with the hat.

    I do recall Diana laying a wreath of Remembrance Day but I'm thinking it could have been in Wales. I don't precisely remember. I didn't realise there was protocol as to royal spouses - I thought it had more to do with those with some official connection to the forces. In the past, those on the balcony were joined by the late king Olav - and of course last year by the Dutch royals. I do recall the Queen Mum was usually up there.

  33. It is so important to honor and remember the men and women who serve their country. This was a beautiful ceremony. The Queen and Prince Philip are amazing.
    I thought Kate looked stunning and appropriate today. Loved the entire look.

  34. Like most of your other readers I thought Kate looked really good today very regal and it was good to see her hair up I wish however she would have 3 or 4 inches cut off the length it would make the chignons less bulky and when her hair was down her face would not be swamped I really liked it when it was just below the shoulders. This coat is my favourite of those worn for this occasion and it dates back to 2011 - 2012 when I suspect she was selecting her clothes without much help and most of the outfits she wore were great. If true that her assistant is now advising her on clothes I wish she would return to her old safer classic style since Charlottes birth so many of her outfits have been poor.
    I presume it will now be a wait until 22nd Nov. before we see her again. She really should up the number of engagements she is letting herself down she is so good when she does engagements and could do so much for charities if she wanted to. Such a pity she seems to be such a lovely person but one who is not fulfilling her potential

  35. I thought she looked VERY stylish with that hair-do and I just LOVED those earrings! They look precious, but not over-the-top, great combination indeed - and appropriate for many different occasions, I´m sure...
    I certainly saw a little "Queen Maxima from last year" there which made me smile... Why not take a little look at what other royal women do? I think it´s great...

    I love how the British remember their veterans, with the poppies and everything. We over here in Germany remembered the veterans as well last Sunday, though it is all on a "smaller scale" if I may say so. Probably due to the role we played in both wars... Still, when a loved one dies in a war it does not matter really which side started it, you grieve just the same.... For me, on this special Sunday, it´s also about being grateful for over 70 years of peace where once EVERY generation had to go through some kind of war during their lifetime... I sincerely hope that despite all critizism (which very often is very justified) of the European Union we all do not forget which role it played in the fact that for the first time maybe ever, a generation is now getting old without ever having to experience a war in their country.....
    In November, we celebrate the opening of the Wall as well here in Germany. It amazes me every time how quickly "things get normal". I grew up with my parents telling me that the Wall will be there FOREVER. Somehow I just couldn´t/wouldn´t believe that. And today? It´s so hard for my daughter to even IMAGINE that it was there! Let´s not take peace and freedom and democracy for granted....
    Lest we forget.

    1. Thank you Eve. :)

    2. Thank you Eve for your great comment. In Italy as well we don't have such a large popular support to the army, because of our role in last war. In fact we went very close to a civil war. What you say about Europe is very deep and important. I feel European, in spite of all the critics and all the issues we are affording. I hope that Europe will survive and become real, built not just by bureaucracy but rooted in a common feeling for shared values. If we stay together we will have more opportunities to keep our countries peaceful.

    3. Thank you, Eve and Paola, for your words. I'm probably the same generation as you Eve; I also grew up thinking the division between the East and West would last forever and now I find it difficult to explain to my sons what it was like. It still makes me happy, after 26 years of living in freedom, that we can travel whenever and wherever we want, our children can study abroad, we have freedom of religion... I clearly remember my feeling when I was 17: going to Britain or the U.S. - it's about the same as going to the Moon! None of these things can ever happen to me! I'm sorry to be a little off-topic but events like Remembrance surely make one think about what is really important. And it's probably also why the idea of building bridges between people, whatever form it may take, makes me happy, whereas the concept of building walls brings anxiety and bad memories.

    4. Beautifully written comment, Eve.

    5. Eve and Zora. I so very much appreciate both of your beautiful and poignant comments. Very, very special. Thank you. x

      If those who lost their lives fighting for freedom could read your comments your words would give them great joy.

    6. Zora, your last sentence... perfectly sums up how many feel. Thanks to you and Eve for sharing your experiences/viewpoints.

    7. That would give them great joy. your comment also was very sweet.

      love to Eve and Zora.

    8. Julia from Leominster18 November 2016 at 10:06

      Lovely comments - love to Eve, Zora and Paola.

    9. Paola, how is school going? You started a new Job recently, yes?

    10. Hi Anon 23:37, thank you for asking! I didn't change my job, I added a new specialization to my former job. I can do some lessons in English, but I am not an English teacher, I am just an art history teacher who can read and say some parts of the syllabus in English. It's named CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). It goes rather well, I have a lot of things to do because I am not just teaching but I write books about art. Really challenging and hard work but it's so much fun!

    11. Thanks Paola. :)
      That sounds very innovative and fun. And being an Art History teacher helps you find those "Kate things" no doubt, yay. What areas of art are your books about, if you don't mind my asking. I am glad you are enjoying all your endeavors.

    12. Tammy from California19 November 2016 at 17:12

      Paola and Eve, It's time to: not forget, so it never happens again, but to let go. New generations, new people, new hearts: shame no more. Germany and Italy: beautiful places with beautiful faces and love both. Here's to all the great things that come from both! Hugs and kisses!

    13. Thank you Tammy, very sweet of you. I appreciate and share your point of view; we need to be conscious of past mistakes and we need to look to the future with courage and hope.
      Anon 16:30, I wrote a book about Marcel Duchamp and another (rather fun) about Botticelli.

    14. Thanks, Paola. To be honest, I have no Idea who Duchamp is. My bad? I have seen some of Botticelli's work but don't know much about him either. I will have to google that. Or, buy your books. Are they available on the Internet? Yay, very own published author. Sweet. That is so cool. Congratulations Paola. I have no doubt that Kate would love your books with her being an Art History graduate. Hopefully her team will see this comment and get her your books for Christmas. :) Wouldn't that be awesome. We have a lot of talent here on this blog, and starting with our very own Miss Charlotte. :) Thanks, Paola. (how do you say Thanks in Italian, btw? Grazie?) :)

    15. Yes Anon 22:11, "grazie" is perfect!

      If you google Paola Magi Treasure Hunt you will discover everything.

  36. A very beautiful ceremony and she looked wonderful, that is my favorite coat that she's worn EVER. William and Harry also looked handsome in their uniforms, and I loved, loved, loved the Queen's hat! topic, but I think she's pregnant. It's a few small things that to me add up to pregnant. She's looked very pale the last few engagements. Her face is drawn and her eyes a little glassy (same way she looked at the beginning of her last two pregnancies). William is always protective, but he seems especially so lately and when you see video of her last few engagements she is walking slower and very carefully, not as one would to protect a baby, but more the way one would when feeling ill and trying to get through it. My cousin also had Hyperemesis Gravidarum. She has now had 5 babies over 13 years and her first one was horrible, second was a little better and third she could work through but was still tired and sick, four was terrible again and five was a little better. It all depends on the woman.
    Just putting it out there. I hope she's okay no matter what.

    1. Yes I would tend to agree that she is pregnant. Her face is noticeably fuller and her skin seems a bit more glowy. I anticipate an announcement within the next couple of weeks.

    2. Sarah Maryland USA15 November 2016 at 23:24

      I don't know. It would be really something if she put herself through HG again. I understand for the second time to give George a sibiling but not a third time. It sounds truly awful what she goes through
      Also, we hardly see her during and right after her pregnancies so the selfish part of me hope she isn't pregnant because I want to see more of her!
      But if she is pregnant I think it would be fun if it were twins! Lol

    3. That was my immediate thought as well! She looks a bit fuller in her face just like in the beginning of her other pregnancies... That would be great!

    4. Sarah, her last engagement before the princess was about a month before she was born. She appeared at a charity polo match and on the balcony weeks after the birth.

    5. Sarah Maryland USA17 November 2016 at 20:58

      I said we hardly see here not that we didn't see her
      And only appearing in public 4 times that summer counts as hardly to me

  37. Catherine's look was perfection. Her coat, hat, hair, and earrings were all appropriate and beautiful.

    I have a question related to the photograph where the men were saluting. Charles, William, and Harry all have their palm facing out, whereas, Philip and the other gentlemen in the first room are saluting with their palm facing down. Just wondering why that is ...

    1. I assumed it had something to do with being navy vs other things. Wasn't Phillip, Andrew and Anne all in navy uniform? (I might be way off!)

    2. Rebecca-I think a salute is just a salute. It may have more to do with one's early military training ,Sandhurst for example or the generation- an older/younger thing. Otherwise, I think one can see a variety of subtle hand position differences in any group of military men.

    3. Might be, anon 17.03. I'm not very knowledgeable about military. But from what I've seen, there are protocols of where you put your poppy depending on your branch, when you remove your hat/headcovering etc etc so it would surprise me if the salutes are not as meticilously protocolled as well.

    4. My husband is ex serviceman. He says salute depends on country,in some countries unit or service and also changes if the person saluting is bearing arms

    5. Thanks alimai- Most interesting! Charles saluted palm out and carried a sword.
      His greatcoat remind me of a (US) Confederate officer's coat. I think the three
      younger men saluted palm in, but I think they were all Sandhurst?

    6. Looking again- Phillip is wearing sword, palm in, older group, Navy.
      I don't see a pattern.

  38. What a wonderful and impressive ceremony. While all countries have their manner of honoring the fallen and the military, have to say the British tradition is something to admire. It is very moving and sobering....these traditions should never fall by the wayside.

    Kate looks exceptionally elegant. She has the complete look of a royal English lady....even a little Downtown Abbeyish!! Love her in wide brim hats, it suits her as does the side chignon! Love, love this coat and think the added cuffs certainly take it up a notch. The earrings are a beautiful addition and completely adds to the elegance of this look! How does it work with the lending of jewelry from the Queen? Is there a protocol? Does she have to offer to lend, or can any royal ask to borrow? Does she give suggestions? Just very curious about how one would borrow jewelry from a Queen! cc

    1. None of us know how the jewelry loaning works, and those who know doesn't talk. It is all speculation. Queen offers? Person asks? Staff talks? Who knows. Maybe a bit of all?

    2. Anonymous, I echo your comments. It's wonderful to see Britain's war heroes honored in such a beautiful and moving way.

      Kate looked splendid.

    3. I just noticed that, in that photo of QEII in the earrings, Kate has worn both the Queens's earrings and the Hyderabad necklace. I think the crown/tiara is worn only by queens regnant-although, didn't Queen Elizabeth the Queen mother wear it? I was thinking that someday Catherine will have such a photo.

    4. Anon 16:48, I hope someday Catherine will have a similar photo too!!

    5. I believe the Queen Mother did not wear the diamond diadem. It was worn by Queens Victotia, Alexandra, and Mary.

    6. Thanks, anon 04:37- I have this picture in my head of the Queen Mum in a white fox stole, opera gloves, and dripping in diamonds and wearing that crown. I think it is actually called a crown, as it goes all around the head. So consorts have worn it.

    7. Victoria 4:37

    8. The diadem was made for George IV but is now only worn by queens, both regnant and consort. I thought I'd found a picture if the queen mother wearing it but it turned out it was the circlet from her crown that she wore on the way to her coronation. Perhaps it went straight from queen Mary to our current queen. QM was renowned for hanging on to jewels.

    9. What did she wear to her daughter's coronation? I think that's what I'm thinking

    10. Thanks 23:26. Perhaps that's what I was thinking of. Yes, George IV. It seems such a feminine piece to me for a king. I think Catherine would look smashing in it.

    11. George IV wore the diadem around his elegant velvet hat on the way to his coronation. After that it became a quasi official diadem for queens. The Queen Mother wore an even more elegant hat to her daughter's wedding, but no tiara as it was a daytime ceremony during austerity after WWII.

    12. Thanks, 01:11- the cornation? I don't think the BRF generally wear tiaras -( other than the bride),or honors to weddings-Probably because they are daytime affairs due to the need for daylight for the procession and parade pageantry.
      I believe the Swedish RF haul out the tiaras for their formal, white-tie weddings. They all look splendid in their gowns and sparkles. Rebecca?

  39. she looks gorgeous thanks for the great post and thank you to all who served

  40. A great question, anon 20:38. I can't see Kate saying, "How about lending me those
    gorgeous pearl and diamond ear bobs Grannie?" Perhaps the Queen's tailor and dresser
    makes suggestions? She wrote a book and there are others detailing the Queen's jewels.
    I see a future DK blog topic-if it hasn't already been covered.

    1. There's another one. ear bobs/earrings.

  41. I also wonder how this all works but suspect we will not know till 100 years out:) when someone writes a book which I will not read :):)

  42. I'm re-posting this question:

    I'm going to be in London for the 22 November engagement at Mansion House.

    Where can I get details on how to see Kate?

    Where do others typically get information on these things for engagements?

    1. Charlotte has Kate's schedule listed here. Kensington Palace website might be helpful. Mansion House might be able to help you. William and Kate's website might information for you.

  43. Read this morning in the court circular that William, Kate & Harry attended the Autumn Dinner for their Royal Foundation yesterday evening. Glad that Kate had an evening out at a less stressful event before William leaves for Hanoi all her recent event have been on serious topics even the Film Premiere was on a serious Story which can be quite stressful so it is nice to hear of her having a more light hearted evening.

    1. How has what she's attended lately been stressful??

    2. You mean the evening Kate viewed the film shorts created by former substance abuse members of her charity? Prison visits? Just about any appearance, for that matter because they are met with such remarks and worse. Just read the last comment section, not to meantion most tabloid comment sections. Royal writers'
      I have to admit, those without empathy will not be able to understand how such
      visits and resultant criticism could be stressful.

    3. Memorial services she has attended can easily be stressful. Like attending three or more funerals in a row but magnified. Media, solemn pomp and circumstance. If you don't think that is stressful you must be very young and perhaps have not attended many funerals or memorial services. No offense, just a guess.

    4. What? 1622. And they didn't tell us about it? didn't let us in on their plans? what were they thinking? shades of embargo. That means they do stuff behind the scenes, ya think? nawh, no they don't. they are lazy, remember?

    5. Seeing as you broached the awful poster topic again 2039, shall we talk about some posters who send the owner of this blog vile email and submit posts making ugly statements about her knowing they won't get posted but knowing she'll have to read them? Whose posts have such an attitude that a lot of them don't make it past moderation? Who then complain about censorship and freedom of speech? Who apparently have no empathy at all for others or they wouldn't do half of the things they've done, including repeatedly returning when asked not to?

      Just wondering.

    6. May we walk in Kate's shoes before making a determination on what is or is not stressful?

    7. So nicely put Bluhare!!!! This topic is worth actually more than a stressed Kate attending Remembrance Day!

    8. LOL. Thanks Anett. If Kate is stressed now, heaven help her when she becomes Princess of Wales or Queen!

    9. I doubt that Kate is stressed now and I doubt she will be in the future. The Queen and the rest of their family seem to have no qualms about Kate successfully fulfilling any of her roles, now and in the future.
      It was a solemn occasion. She was solemn, not stressed. She looked relaxed and happy when speaking to Camilla and others.

  44. A very poignant ceremony. May the fallen and those who served ever be honoured and remembered. This highlights one of the great strenghts in having a monarchy. Sure the Prime Minister can and should do the same. However with politicians there are always nuances and an eye for the main game. The ceremonies over the last few days have been without political agenda and a great unifying force in Britain.

    Catherine looked somberly beautiful and very appropriate. Some of the photographs from this day will become iconic, as will Prince Harry's rendition of Rupert Brooke's poem. Someone commented that his poem was inappropriate as he only mention England and not Ireland and Scotland. I am sure the commentator was unaware that he died in World War 1 and that the poem was written before he left to serve and was dealing with perhaps not coming back. He was just 27 when he died. So what could be more appropriate. We are in this generation a bit of foot in mouth commentators and often comment with a lack of knowledge the first thing that comes into our heads without checking facts.

    I saw that Princess Charlene went and laid a wreath at the Garden of Rememberance in Westminster Abbey for the South African and Rhodesians. How fitting she honoured the peoples of her the countries she comes from.

    1. Alimai your comment that Catherine's look from this day will become iconic is probably very true. Thought I would share this photo album from Harper's Bazaar that was just put out today. It is a side by side of Diana and Kate looks that have been similar. I do not share to compare the two because I don't believe that they should be compared, but I liked how the author felt that Kate's looks were saratorical nods to Diana. Whether or not this is true, we will probably never know, but it is a great pictoral of both of these women. While we know that Diana will forever be iconic, looking through these pictures, I believe that Kate definitely has had some iconic moments of her own. The picture that Charlotte opened with in this post is probably one of those photographed moments and it would appear that others may feel the same. Not posting to create a critique or dialogue about comparisons, but rather just to enjoy the photos of the two women together. I never tire of seeing pictures of Diana and I for one would like to think that Kate and Diana would have gotten along very well and while very different, maybe perhaps a lot alike in some ways. For sure they both love William!


    2. Nice comments cc. I would not surprised if the similarity to Diana's outfit was a "Kate thing".
      They both certainly do both love and adore William.

    3. Some of the comparison photos are a stretch, but without a doubt, I see two kind hearted souls; two ladies who love William unconditionally and have his best interest at heart. And, yes, I believe that Diana still does...

    4. Thank you for sharing. Both in their own ways photogenic women with good bone structure and a sense of time and place.

    5. Julia from Leominster20 November 2016 at 12:28

      There are only so many colours in the world - I really don't see that much connection in actual style in those comparisons which is to say nothing against the style of either lady.

  45. This is a great piece about what Kate does all day. It includes her likely professional and personal responsibilities. I really like that by breaking down Kate's responsibilities, one can see how quickly her time must be filled.

  46. Charlotte:

    I know this blog is about the Duchess, but the Duke is in Vietnam at the moment. I was looking at photographs of his visit which looked really interesting and which I know you would do such a great and informative write up, please?

    Thank you kindly.


  47. I think Kate looked beautiful. Portrait ready actually from some of the photos. Very elegant, sweet and appropriate.

  48. Ah, Julia. We need Royal Digest so we can go over and natter about the Buckingham Palace renovations and the increase in the Queen's sovereign grant!! :)

    1. Julia from Leominster20 November 2016 at 12:25

      Miserable cold and a pile of work I'm not getting done because of that here so I'm slow to answer!

      I agree - I loved the Royal Digest and that Palace renovation (while undoubtedly necessary) is worthy of discussion as to how it is to be paid for.)

      As much a monarchist as I am, there are moments like this. Also William's glib comment about George and Charlotte being less materialistic - this is a man who was handed a country house!

      The great thing about the Royal Digest too was it showed how other royals - even those with young children are spending their time. Now we're mostly confined to Jewel Vault, Princess Monarchy and even the Luxembourg royal blog,Luxarazzi, one of the best for giving the feel for the day to day work - much of it quite dull - of a working royal.

      I appreciate that poster who submitted the article on Kate spends her days but I wonder how on earth she will manage when she is expected to take on multiple engagements a week - even a day, and still has to do all the prep work. A huge amount is going to be demanded of Kate about the time most of us are starting to slow down. I hope she and William will be ready for it.

    2. To me, everything indicates that "will be ready for it".

    3. I find William's comments on the kids, monotonous, to say the least. Now wonder Twitter had reacted as it did. His comments on being not materialistic and his struggle rubbed people in a wrong way. He came down as a tactless ......

    4. It is indeed worthy of discussion about how it will be paid for when I think there was a government report of some sort which said the Queen and/or her staff had mismanaged the money that was given her for this purpose already. And now they give her more? Talk about being rewarded for bad stewardship of money! Makes me wonder where it all went. We know that £4++ million went to William and Kate's apartment at Kensington Palace. Where did the rest of it go? I hope the government got an accounting of it before they gave her more.

    5. saying that he wanted his children to have good core values is not wrong. They are surrounded by a lot of surreal stuff. I understood what he meant,

    6. Anett, I don't think William's sharing his feelings was "monotonous" any more than any other human being sharing their feelings would be. everyone counts and so do their feelings. If we all cared about each other's feelings more the world would be a better place.

  49. Julia,
    I believe Kate married William with a full understanding of what was going to be her future, now and in the years to come. I believe the Royal family saw this in Kate and that has helped her fit seemlessly into their family. She had had at least ten years to think about it and many years to find out personally about the workings of the Royal family. In addition, there are many levels of instruction and support for William and Kate as they approach the helm. Kate is smart, self-disciplined and organized and has a deep desire, I believe, to do things right. I think she and William will be the best monarchs the throne has seen yet, with all due respect to her Majesty. Hopefully, through his parent's training and influence, George's reign will even surpass theirs in terms of excellence.

  50. Julia,
    I believe Kate married William with a full understanding of what her responsibilities would be, both now, and in the future. I believe the Royal family saw this in Kate and that is why she has fit so seamlessly into their family. Kate had at least eight years to think about it and many years to find out personally about the Royal family and the workings of the monarchy. In addition, there are many levels of support and instruction on their way to the helm. Kate is smart, self-disciplined, organized, and I believe, has a strong desire to do what is right. I think she and William will be the best monarchs yet, with all due respect to her Majesty. I can easily imagine George's reign, through his parent's training and influence, easily even surpassing theirs in excellence.

  51. And let us not condemn George and Charlotte for materialism because their father has a country house.
    There are those who have country houses and those who admire them from afar. Then there are those who become bitter when they don't have country houses.

  52. I don't think it was strange at all for William to say he wants his children to not be materialistic even though they are surrounded by lavish wealth. They can have have but the wealth won't have them. I think that is what he meant. I think that is a very normal desire for every parent.

  53. *they can have wealth


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