Wednesday 28 February 2018

Curator Kate in Orla Kiely for Victorian Giants Exhibition!

Following the first Royal Foundation Forum this morning, the Duchess of Cambridge visited her patronage, the National Portrait Gallery this evening, to visit the exhibition 'Victorian Giants: The Birth of Art Photography'.

The Duchess arrived amid a flurry of snow.

'Victorian Giants: The Birth of Art Photography' brings together for the first time portraits by Oscar Rejlander, Lewis Carroll, Julia Margaret Cameron and Lady Clementina Hawarden. These four artists would come to embody the very best in photography of the era, experimenting with new approaches to picture making, and shaping attitudes to the medium that have informed artistic practice ever since.

The exhibition explores the birth of art photography in England and provides a fresh perspective on one of photography's formative periods.

Kate wrote a foreword to the exhibition catalogue in which she discussed her interest in 19th century photography, the subject of her undergraduate thesis while an art history student at the University of St Andrews. "This period of history has long interested me. Photographs of children in particular, which feature predominately within the exhibition are of real interest to me. The photographs allow us to reflect on the importance of preserving and appreciating childhood while it lasts. Children held a special place in the Victorian imagination and were celebrated for their seemingly boundless potential. The notion still rings true for us today and it underpins much of my official work and the charities I have chosen to support, and, indeed, my role as a mother of a young family."

The Duchess added: "Queen Victoria and Prince Albert became enthusiastic patrons of the new form of picture-making following its invention in 1839. Rejlander undertook commissions for the Royal family, and this exhibition contains photography by him borrowed from the Royal Collection at Windsor." The foreword is by far the most personal one Kate has written, drawing on her interests, education and the exhibition's connections to the Royal family.

The Duchess put her history of art degree to good use, helping to curate the exhibition at the gallery.

Kate selected several Victorian photographs and wrote captions which are displayed with the images for a special 'Patron's Trail'.

A video from Hannah Furness.

The Telegraph writes:

'The show is a daring choice for the Duchess, based on the “radical attitudes” of the four artists and detailing how they “formed a bridge between the art of the past and the art of the future”. Many of the photographs on display are rarely seen for conservation reasons, and others loaned from galleries around the world.
Dr Nicholas Cullinan, director of NPG, said: "We are delighted that our patron, the Duchess of Cambridge, has supported this exhibition in such a direct and personal manner, given her longstanding interest in this material. As always, it is privilege to collaborate with her.”

Kate enjoyed a tour of the exhibition and then met lenders and supporters in the Gallery's Ondaatje Wing Main Hall.

In one caption Kate wrote a child's natural curiosity is "so hard to capture in posed photographs".

It's interesting the four artists haven't been exhibited together before now. Rejlander was a Swedish émigré with a mysterious past; Cameron was a middle-aged expatriate from colonial Ceylon (now Sri Lanka); Carroll was an Oxford academic and writer of fantasy literature; and Lady Clementina was a member of the landed gentry, the child of a Scottish naval hero and a Spanish beauty, 26 years younger. All three latter artists briefly studied under Rejlander and maintained lasting associations, exchanging ideas about portraiture and narrative. Influenced by historical painting and frequently associated with the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood, they formed a bridge between the art of the past and the art of the future, standing as true giants in Victorian photography. Their radical attitudes towards photography have informed artistic practice ever since.

Swedish-born 'Father of Photoshop' Oscar Rejlander's pieces include the finest surviving print of his famous picture 'Two Ways of Life', an example of his pioneering technique of combining several negatives to create a single final image. Constructed from over thirty separate negatives, 'Two Ways of Life' was so large that it had to be printed on two sheets of paper joined together.

Lady Clementina Hawarden was a pioneering portrait photographer of the 1860s. Hawarden first began to experiment with photography in 1857, taking stereoscopic landscape photographs before moving to large-format, stand-alone portraits of her daughters.

Lewis Carroll’s photographs of Alice Liddell, his muse and inspiration for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, are among the most beloved photographs of the National Portrait Gallery’s Collection. Less well known are the photographs made of Alice in her years later, showing her as an adult. The exhibition brings together these works for the first time. Kate wrote her honours dissertation on Carroll's photography, 'Angels from Heaven: Lewis Carroll’s Photographic Interpretation of Childhood'.

Julia Margaret Cameron is best known for her powerful portraits of great Victorians such as Darwin, Herschel, Watts and Tennyson.

The exhibition runs from tomorrow until 20 May.

The accompanying catalogue can be purchased on the NPG website.

Below, the Duchess leaving. She was accompanied by her assistant private secretary Laura Baker once again tonight.

The Duchess selected the Orla Kiely Margaret Viscose Print Smock Bib Dress in Black for the event (with thanks to What Kate Wore). The £490 dress is described as a "slim fit, long sleeved dress with smocked front panel feature, velvet ribbon collar, invisible zip back opening, suits all shapes". The dress is sold at the designer's Covent Garden and King's Road shops; the latter has been a favourite shopping haunt of Kate's for years. It's available online at Very Exclusive.

Kate carried her Jimmy Choo Celeste clutch.

A look at the clutch tonight.

The Duchess wore her Gianvito Rossi praline pumps.

Kate accessorised with her bespoke pink tourmaline and green amethyst Kiki McDonough earrings. They are very similar to the pair shown below.

If you're just joining us, you can view today's earlier post covering the Royal Foundation Forum here.

What do you think of today's events?


  1. Another floral dress with high neck! I'm prepared for the outcry! or me, she's pretty enough and I'm just so happy to see her again so soon! I love the earrings and bag! And she looks really happy and comfortable in herself nowdays!

    And I do like that she's once again going back to Orla Kiely even though this dress might not be my favourite!

    Looking forward to seeing some of Kate's selection for the Gallery! How very fitting with Kate's field of study!

  2. I am excited for this event because of the active role she has played in the exhibit, however I have to admit to being thoroughly disappointed by my first look at the dress! It is far too busy, with the high neck, frills and bland print.

  3. Oh my...I guess we all inevitability go through the transition from trendy twenties to thirties mommies...and hopefully reach mature sexy fourties. And Kate is no different...

    1. This comment is so on the nose for me as I approach 39!

    2. Haha Im 50! Been in the twenties. Just easy to be trendy before kiddies. And though of course we are still beautiful etc in our thirties, becomes more about family and you are just in a very different space. But yes as the kiddies grow up and not so dependant on you, you get time to refocus on yourself...and with gets even better!@

  4. What a busy day for Kate.Today she do a great job.She get involoved so much in forum and exhibition.I am waiting to see beautiful victorian ages with Catherine.
    She choose dress in her style and fitting for topic of conservative ages.Snow and nude accessorises -it looks beautiful.

    1. I like your take Karolina Joanna! It's a great dress, if you look at it through a Victorian Lens. The Neckline, the sleeves & the floral print. Not to mention the black background with regards to to the black & white photography exhibit. We know about "The Victorian Language of Flowers"! Quite perfect from an artistic perspective. I'm so tickled for Kate! Here she gets to wrap up so many of her loves & expertise. I Wish I could fly over to London to see this exhibit! She must feel like a kid in a candy shop! :)
      PS..... Can I just say that Kate Rocks! What a day, this heavily pregnant & she looks as fresh & light as a daisy! :)

    2. I 'm glad that someone has the same opinion as I.Thank you,Becca :)

    3. Yes, me too!:) I just took another look at the dress from the designer that Charlotte posted. I missed that underneath the velvet "V's" on both the front & back of the dresses bodice, there are ruffles. So the lines & ruffles in the design are quite Victorian in nature! I really think she chose this dress for exactly this reason. I think this is one of those times where she has chosen what was recently called "literal dressing", as she did when she had her engagements at RCOG & NursesNow. I think she looks lovely, especially on an evening when she might rather be putting her feel up after such a big day! :)

  5. I just read on DM that this is Orla Kiely! I am shocked, it has so many similarities to Erdem. I normally like Orla, but this dress is a miss. I love the clutch though and I hope we get to see what she wrote for certain photos at the exhibit. I like when we get little glimpses into things she likes.

    1. Yes, very similar to Erdem. She probably likes this style during the pregnancy.

  6. At first glance, its going to be one of my least favourite dresses. However, Im open to see how it looks with updates as the night goes on.

  7. 🌸 Thin fabric light flowy dress no coat no boots no scarf no gloves??? baby Cambridge says, “WHHHAT Brrrr WHHHAT?” 😳

    1. Ha!!!!! Well at least we have Someone here looking out for Baby Cambridge!! :) lol lol lol
      I have to admit I too was like.... "What? No Coat??" I mean you can't swing a stick in KP Apt 1A & not hit a coat! lol :)

    2. Lol. A humans body temperature is always around 98.6*F so I think baby Cambridge is pretty cozy. But he or she probably wouldn’t mind getting some cold air with all that heat. ;)

    3. That's funny you two! 😆 And true!

    4. Becca, you provided me a much-needed laugh-out-loud at the end of my long can't swing a stick in KP Apt 1A & not hit a coat! lol :)

      I am not a fan of Kate's recent floral dress choices, but she seems so happy and comfortable in her public role recently and it shows. I applaud her for ramping up her patronage appearances at this stage of her pregnancy.

    5. Intrigued By Royals1 March 2018 at 03:41

      When I was pregnant I called my unborn child my live in heater! Never the less I was surprised to see Kate without a coat. :-)

    6. @surfer girl and @ Becca USA - Hilarious ! Made me smile :-)

    7. LOL!!!!! You guys are hilarious! :) :) :)

    8. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 15:46

      she just cant win. wears coats and its omg, what up with the coats, take them off, blah blah. doesn't wear a coat and she's putting her baby in jeopardy. insert head slap here and sigh...

    9. Ha Ha! We aim to please :) lol

    10. Caroline in Montana - Just because you dont agree with someone's comment doesnt necessarily mean their comment is not valid. Your comment above is really rude and you are implying things that are not written anywhere in the comments in this post. Noone said she put her baby in jeopardy. I'm even surprised that these denigrating comments make the cut

    11. Caroline in Montana2 March 2018 at 15:47

      "Anonymous" (Which I though folks were asked not to do anymore?) the coat debate has loooong been going on here if you didn't know. its true she cant win, coat or no coat. you cant make all the people happy all the time. I guess I thought the "Baby" saying what?? brrrr, meant the baby was freezing, as in kate is freezing her baby?? and thus not good for the baby? but I guess its ok to put words in an unborn babies mouth, but not to comment on it?! just a tired argument and don't really see how "denigrating" it was? (Not sure how my comment blackened/defamed or sullied someones reputation?) sorry for the offense you feel.

    12. 🌸 Caroline. If it makes you feel any better, the comment was obviously, obviously said in humor. Totally.
      Do you really think we thought Kate was putting her baby in danger? Really???

    13. Caroline in Montana2 March 2018 at 17:28

      surfer girl, if it makes you feel any better, my comment was obviously said in humor. totally. the poor girl just cant win!! I did apologize to the "Anonymous" for their hurt feelings and my comment wasn't even directed at you, just a general comment.
      but again, ill apologize to you if that makes you feel better.

    14. 🌸 Caroline. No apology necessary at all. I’m good. :)

  8. I love Kate but i dont understand how she isn't wearing a coat though it is snowing ! What are the temperature in London right now? Plus I dislike all floral dresses. She wears them a lot.i thought she will be wearing more of an evening gown and not an afternoon cocktail dress. Anyway God bless her she must be tired. Pregnant and all.

    1. As a person used to cold, that short a walk you really don't need to put something on unless you're getting drenched or there are snow getting in your shoes or something. The cold barely has time to "take" if you just walk in.

    2. It's super cold in London right now! Seriously, it's freezing!

    3. I imagine she pops right out her door into a pre-heated car, then pops out 5 steps from the door of the venue and is immediately whisked inside. I guess a whole coat removing thing would spoil arrival pics? Honestly the whole coat-no coat thing with her is inscrutable. I’m getting a Victorian vibe from this dress. Charlotte, awesome job keeping up with today’s activities!

    4. Super cold? I have in Sweden right now -33,5 de :)

    5. It’s not really that cold in London, about 0 Celsius. It’s currently -15 Celsius where I am, so 0 would be balmy, lol. And Kate only walks from the car inside the building, maybe 2-3 minutes.
      Also, pregnant women’s temperatures run higher than normal. I’ve spend many a pregnant winter day walking around in jeans and a sweatshirt when people around me were in coats and puffy jackets.

    6. There's a polar wave in UK it has been called "the beast from the East", Hundreds of schools set to close.... Even -20C in the North of Spain and Tuscany in Italy...

    7. It depends on what used too. Don.t judge other countries' concept of supercold.
      It.s not a competition.


    8. Well, I think we need a proper contest! Lets all post our local temps & we can call it "My Town Is Colder Than Your Town"! :) lol lol lol Ba dum Ching! :) Just a little weather humor. :)

    9. Which leads me to my new theory, especially as we see how much she loves the photography from The Victorian Age. Also, hearing her reference to how much Victoria & Albert supported this new art form. I'm wondering if we may a little Victoria (Vicki) if Baby#3 is a girl?

    10. Or Albert, the name of The Queen's Father before he became King George VI! I think Victoria or Albert would be very sweet! :)

    11. Becca, I like those choices as well. Especially given I'm watching Young Victoria every Sunday night. I love both Victoria and Albert what an amazing couple.

  9. Another high necked fussy floral dress! That's truly been her go-to style this pregnancy. I think this one is more tolerable than the Erdems at least. The pattern is quite pretty.

    Thank you for your fast updates today, Charlotte.

  10. *sigh* Again. I feel like I sigh a lot lately. So many prairie ruffles.

    She looks beautiful as always, but I really dislike the dress styles she keeps returning to.

    1. Lets not forget that "Prarie Ruffles" came along during The Victorian Years! :) It's easy to forget that the settling of The Wild West was during The Victorian Era. I just realized that, as I was thinking she was giving a nod to The Era of The Photography Exhibit! As far as other ruffles she's worn? I plead the 5th! :) lol

  11. Wow - she looks amazing - lovely. Linda

    1. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 15:48

      Agree, she looks happy and healthy.

  12. I’m just not loving Kate’s looks this pregnancy at all! This dress is so frumpy, the print in terrible. But she will always be beautiful nonetheless

  13. Many women feel a lot hotter than normal during pregnancy so she may not feel the need for so many layers on a short walk between car and gallery. Also, if she gets nauseous again in the final few weeks (also common) being cool really helps.

  14. 7 almost 8 months pregnant, your body is a furnace. Trust me - my baby was born in December and I was wearing light clothes the last 2 months. Hormones plus extra human inside you means you become pretty much oblivious to cold. So, I totally commiserate with her not wearing a coat right now!

  15. Ok, I'm going to adjust my original guesses for names for Baby #3! Methinks it would be "Victoria" or "Albert"! :)

    1. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 15:49

      I also would love Albert, after the queens father, bertie is such a cute nickname especially in the English accent:)

  16. I think she looks very good. I am not a big fan of florals, but Kate loves them and i think it works with this dress and for this event. I am sure she was just fine going the few steps from the car to the Portrait Gallery. I bet she felt very pretty in the dress. I do not think it was a maternity piece so they must have adjusted the hem to make it work.

    1. Ali, what a nice comment. I like that the fact that the shoes and the Jimmy Choo clutch - which I wish I owned - look nice with the dress. And together they dress it up with those beautiful earrings.

      Wondering how she took a dress off the rack and maybe it work as a maternity dress as well.

    2. Thanks Elle, I like the shoes, clutch and earrings with it also.

    3. I still believe that Kate has some of these dresses made bespoke for her, to be able to be worn as maternity pieces. It would be very difficult for any regular dress, no matter how stretchy, to fit so well in the shoulders etc & have enough give to accommodate a maternity bust & Baby bump. Also, the hem is even in photos, so that too leaves me to sense this dress was made for her to use as maternity wear. I mean, today she was wearing maternity & it looked like she was ready to pop out of it, compared to her last wearing of it. Yep, I just double checked (watching her walking in the first video) & the dress does not ride up at all in the front at the hemline area. So I do believe it is a bespoke maternity piece by The Designer.

  17. -4C in London right now, feels like -10C.....There is a polar wave from Russia all around Europe, it's snowing in Italy, Spain, UK...let alone Scandinavia...

    1. Have barely stopped snowing outside since January so can't say I've noticed much of a difference other than it being colder :P

    2. In the Noth of Spain and Italy, it has snowed even on the beaches and freezing. People have bought parkas and boots. A month ago it snowed in Madrid also. Difficult winter!!
      That's a good thing, I'm visiting Stockholm in a month, I have been to Malmö though, gorgeous!!

    3. Now Emma storm!! Paddington station is closed due to the ice!! Gatwick ;delays and cancellations.. Drivers stuck in the snow...

    4. Welcome to standard winter weather of the US upper midwest. Your cold temps sound rather moderate, in fact, though ours are a bit warmer at the moment as we approach early spring.

    5. Zora from Prague1 March 2018 at 18:57

      We've been having hard frosts here in Prague as well. Minus 15 in the morning is certainly unusual for March; on the other hand, we had an exceptionally warm January. It all seems to be upside down. The forecast looks more hopeful though.

  18. I actually really like this dress. I haven't been a huge fan of the flowery high necked dresses she has chosen lately, but I really like the pattern on this one. Very 70's looking.

  19. Kate is beautiful as always, but I really, really dislike this dress.

  20. Julia from Leominster28 February 2018 at 22:08

    An interesting choice of the four photographers - I'm glad one is a woman. I always thought Dodgson controversial with regards to his photography of children - so Kate's introduction is interesting in its innocence and mention of 'boundless potential.' I wonder what her thesis said - we'll probably never know. I'm not familiar with the other photographers - I must ask Leo who knows more about photography. I hope to see the exhibit.

    I've been hoping Kate's interest in photography would lead to some unique and memorable photos of her own children - that's still untapped, European royal children have been a little better captured but maybe this isn't a great period for royal photography.

    As for the dress - it looks like something Mette-Marit would like but such are the styles now. (What will Mette-Marit do when styles shift?) I'll leave the comments at that - it certainly doesn't rank as one of my favourites and I'm almost phobic about those valence skirts - but this late in Kate's pregnancy, at least it is slimming and darkly suitable for a cold day.

    1. Julia from Leominster28 February 2018 at 23:01

      Correction -writing when sleepy - two are women!!

    2. Mette-Marit has been wearing her prairies ruffled dresses for years, so I expect she'll just keep on wearing them when the current trend passes. Much to my dismay.

    3. Julia, I think we don't really have a true accurate sense of the depth & extent, of the photos of Kate's children. All we have to go on are the few that they have released. There is no way we can know what she has taken & curated. We also don't know what photography they have possibly had done by professional photographers, for their own private or Royal Family History. We also don't know if perchance they have even had portraits painted.

    4. Julia from Leominster1 March 2018 at 06:27

      Very true - and I'm sure the portrait gallery reviewed the her writing to make sure it was appropriate for the exhibit.

    5. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 15:57

      Becca USA, thank you for your reply. I could not agree more with you!!!

  21. I like the dress and its floral pattern! I think its quite a 'playful' dress.

  22. I actually *like* this dress (shock!) I think it's the best iteration of the aesthetic she's obviously been seemingly married to for some time (she did another dark floral last year around this time that I enjoyed as well). I think the print is more modern and fresher than most of the others she has deployed recently and Im digging on the pink/green accessories. Sigh, I must admit it not being Erdem is a big plus for me.

    SE TX, USA

    1. You took the words right out of my mouth. :-)

  23. I like this dress, I for one cannot carry off floral prints, but Kate can and good for her :-)

  24. Hi there - I don't want to come across as critical, but I work in a museum. She didn't curate this exhibition, merely wrote a foreword to the catalogue. Curators research and put together exhibits years in advance, and work on them for years at a time. It's painstaking, heavy-duty work, and to say she helped do so demeans the work of museum employees.

    1. Having a dear friend who is a museum curator, I certainly understand what you are saying. I think it's important to note that neither Kate nor members of the museum staff referred to her as curating the exhibit. The headline of the Telegraph's article included the word *curates* in quotation marks, to indicate she wasn't the curator. But the word was used as a way to acknowledge that in fact, as the article goes on to say, she chose four photographs for the exhibit and wrote information labels explaining why she chose them. This is certainly not the same as curating an exhibit, but it is also more than simply writing a forward to the catalogue.

    2. Annette New Zealand1 March 2018 at 06:59

      They said she "helped curate" and as well as the foreword also wrote captions for the photographs she selected, so I think it is fair enough for them to acknowledge that. As Victorian photography was the subject of her thesis, she must know more about it than most people.

    3. Zora from Prague1 March 2018 at 18:50

      I agree, Annette. I think Kate must be very excited to be able to "take part" in the exhibition in this way.

    4. She didn't choose the photos - I have a friend who works at the National Portrait Gallery and all Kate did was write the foreword. The Gallery has contacted the writer of the article to set them straight.

  25. I thought this dress rather frumpy but then thought, as some have said above, that it's style is very reminiscent of the Victorian theme of this exhibition. High neck, 'V' shape on the bodice etc. etc.

  26. This dress is definitely slimming which in part may be part of reason for choice. I'm not real fond of high necks but Kate apparently is. A poster pointed out the Victorian appearance I would not have noticed but seems to be an appropriate choice for this venue. I wish she would grow her hair out but it appears shorter and shorter. She is glowing and a delight. I don't blame her for not feeling the need for a coat at this stage of her pregnancy.

    1. Maybe high necks are for the cold and for the swelling bust, that might be considered vulgar.


  27. What a beautiful dress! I really have loved all of the dresses by Orla Kiely. I agree with the other readers that they are a bit better with florals and frills than Erdem. I've always loved her patronage with the National Portrait Gallery. i was able to go there when I was in college and it was fantastic.

    I love the way Orla used the fabric in this design. The turning of the fabric from the bias to horizontal on the ruffled hem is brilliant.

  28. I love that Catherine curated this exhibition. It looks very interesting. She looked lovely tonight - love her hair. She's gorgeous no matter what she wears. As for the dress, it's just "what was she thinking???" SMH. I just don't understand her taste in clothes. All wrong. I give up. I'm following her now more because of my interest in her good works, plus I really like her as a person. She is in dire need of a stylist. Her clutch and shoes should have been black. I'll leave it at that. Another great post. Thank you.

    1. Lol Ms Becky! this is what I love about varying fashion tastes, I loved the fact that Kate didn't wear her standard black pumps/black clutch but instead branched out a bit. I do agree though that she is in dire need of a stylist. For someone who was an accessories buyer, she doesn't accessorize well.

    2. You can say ypu don't like it, not that it's all wrong.
      I like it.


    3. I actually like the pumps and clutch not being black. She's always so matchy matchy.... I for one am tired of blue shoes with blue dresses, red shoes with red dresses, etc. I'm not a fan of nude colored anything, but these have a bit of pink in them and I think "go" with the pink in the dress quite nicely.

    4. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 17:02

      I like it too Camilla and I agree that folks can not like it, doesn't make it wrong. I think she was thinking she was comfortable and looked awesome. I'm sorry some don't like floral prints, but she looks great. and I liked her accessories, not just safe black. I'm sorry you are giving up on her over a dress.

  29. For what is worth, flowers during Victorian times often represented quick research for such an interpretation, this dress is covered in anemones...which frequently was representative of “Anticipation and excitement for something in the future”or another interpretation “arrival of the first spring winds”. Either would make this pattern spot on for the Duchess. (Lots of other interpretations as well but these are most positive and appropriate for this lovely young woman.)

    Love the blog, Charlotte. You deserve a special honor!


    PS I am so envious of her ability to wear anything and look fantastic!

    1. Anon 00:26 I too thought of The Victorian Language of Flowers, but I am not versed on the languages! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge! Such lovely meaning! I believe this was an Event where Kate went with what has been called, "literal dressing". I love the thought she puts into what she wears & it's message & meaning! :)

    2. I love anemones but always linked them with sadness because I associated them with Adonis being gored by the boar and his blood falling on the flower - so I don't know how much symbolism we can assume from Kate here - although I have seen anemones used in wedding bouquets.

  30. Kate looks especially beautiful during pregnancy. She just seems to glow with happiness and motherhood.

  31. Kate looks especially beautiful during pregnancy. She just seems to glow with happiness and motherhood.

  32. Hope she got some much-needed rest after today’s events!

  33. Kate always looks beautiful but this dress is an unfortunate choice. It would have looked better with sheer black tights & black shoes. I think it’s time for a new stylist, these busy prints & high necklines are swamping her & are unflattering.

  34. When I saw the dress I said “yes!” It works and honestly I will take anything over the strange-buttoned blue coat from earlier this week.

  35. Omg I thought that this pregnancy was the end of the "praline" pumps which IMO rival her Sledge pumps as the most overused, disliked wardrobe staple of hers. But no! I guess they are back. But nude pumps with a black dress? No.

  36. Hmm i love the floral dress its such a. Busy day for the duchess she looks very lovely tonight

  37. Anonymous in Colorado1 March 2018 at 01:45

    You know, for being another high-necked, frilly, floral dress.....I don't hate it ;-)

  38. Photography has always fascinated me. Capturing light, timing, subject matter, POV etc. Same thing with paintings. Some people are naturally talented and other are not. Loved HRH visits since she started. She is a strong woman - braving the snow and rain in her condition. Chapeau!
    She is always charming, friendly and elegant! XOXOXOXOXOX

  39. I think it is fabulous that Catherine is using her university education to help promote the arts and particularly this exhibit, including favorites of Victoria and Albert as they are so popular now with the BBC drama series. I have been hoping she would do this. Her foreword is well-written and her educational background gives her the authority and experience to make a real difference. I always loved the Prince Charles promoted the arts, and now we have a new face for a new generation. It's wonderful!

    1. I completely agree with you artistswriter!! I think Kate has quite a bit to offer with regard to promoting the arts. Her foreword was well written and that her honors dissertation was on Carroll's photography lends that personal signature of hers to this exhibit. I sometimes think Kate isn't given the credit she deserves for her education and her brain. She seems to approach everything with a thoughtful countenance and believe she is the perfect "new face for a new generation" of promoting the arts. cc

    2. Susan in Florida3 March 2018 at 01:05

      I believe she will be the first Queen to have a college degree. Not to imply other Queens were not well educated or knowledgeable. I am very happy she has a chance to show the world her brain power.

    3. CeCe, i agree, I think she is assumed to be a bit dim...but the truth is no one knows and frankly the judgement of dim is often not very can be very quick with little knowledge, can be very knowledgeable i.e. book smart without much real "intellect" etc. Long distance I have no idea what Catherine is "with regards to either IQ or Book Smarts' but because she is attractive and more on the quiet side assumptions are made...I have dealt with this, and it is not easy.

    4. CeCe, I agree, also! She isn’t just a pretty face :)

  40. *sigh* Well. It’s not great, but it’s not as horrible as an Erdem. I do love this event, though! Still super happy that Kate has continued to work this pregnancy instead of disappearing.

    1. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 17:03

      Some Erdems have been very beautiful on her just like some jenny packhams have been bad.

  41. I love the the pattern of the dress, it’s a modern floral that i quite like. I don’t mind the high neck, but the ruffling at the bottom is a huge miss for me. I’m guessing that it’s very trendy lately as Kate has worn it quite frequently. I will be happy when the trend changes.

  42. I am also tired of the bottom flounces but this is a pretty dress and probably felt really good to wear. I would love to have something made of the fabric. I think Kate may be dressing more for herself than for others, but she always looks great.

    I love that she and MM giggle with their hands in the same position!!

  43. I think this is one of my favorite looks from this pregnancy! The cut of this dress is so flattering - it doesn't pull anywhere or look uncomfortably tight as some of the other dresses have done. I also like the print and accessories. Well done Kate!

  44. The Duchess of Cambridge looked lovely. I’m sure her photo selections were more than appropriate. But for me, I’d like to see her rest, get off her feet. It’s been a lonnnnng day. Bless you, “Kate”. Thanks, Charlotte. Lonnng day for you, too. Get some rest. Great post!

  45. Honestly, I think it’s high time the designers be called out for their obnoxious ideas they call fashion, personally I have had enough of these high fashion couture labels strutting about NYC thinking their all too important to associate with mass produced garments. I actually never blame Kate herself but I believe she is perhaps putting her trust like a lot of us in the label itself and guess what it’s the label whose failing her and thousands of others. We assume that because it’s this label or that label that it’s automatically going to work but guess what—most of what I am seeing from couture lately is rediculous costumey crap.

    1. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 17:09

      I agree with you on the fashion front, as if more "daring", which to me is just ugly, is the cutting edge. and this goes for ALL of the designers, including packham

  46. I think this dress is much better than most of her Erdems...conserning the topics of today, an interesting day for sure!

  47. She looks so happy and healthy and like a joy to be around. That said - ugh, more dust ruffles. more high necks, long sleeves, crazy florals - and SO many hair-down days - I think Catherine's looks are far too casual. She looks like a regular mum, every time she's out.

  48. Poor Kate, must be ready to put her feet up and rest up before the birth. She seems to be far prominent during this pregnancy, than she was with her previous two.
    Was not blown away with tonight's outfit. I don't feel the flowery and flowy designs are the most flattering on Kate. Aswell, it would be lovely if her hair had been styled in an updo.

  49. Really like this look - would look fussy and frumpy on anyone else who was heavily pregnant. I feel she certainly does slimline in pregnancy better than full - I think I'm the only one who didn't like the billowy white McQueen!!! Lol loving the nude accessories too - usually I would agree with black, but I think this just lifts the outfit. I agree with the feeling boiling when you're heavily pregnant too! Always love the gallery visits x

    1. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 17:11

      I also did not like the billowy McQueen! agree with all you said!

    2. I couldn't stand the billowy dress. And guess what I saw at Macy's Department store today? A repliKate, knee length and with the jeweled collar. Could not believe it.

  50. I like this dress and would wear it myself. At least in photographs it is more slimming than the blue dress of earlier. I agree with Becca that the dress matches the exhibit theme; both in style, black and white color and the language of flowers.

  51. I love this dress, especially the floral print! I’ve always found Orla Kiely’s designs appealing. The accessories here, though, I’m not so sure about. She can kind of get away with it...just! I agree with others suggesting that black would’ve looked better. I’m starting to get used to the fact that Kate loves midi length dresses with a high neck & ruffles! But I must admit, it’s getting a bit boring. She always looks great...I just personally don’t like her sense of style much anymore. I hope once she’s settled down with baby Cambridge #3, we’ll get the old Kate back! It is great to see her looking relaxed & happy in her role now, though. She looks a lot more engaged & confident.

  52. Charlotte thank you very much for your as always interesting post.

    Sadly I have just stumbled quite by chance on a tweet by someone denigrating by name one of our commentators on this blog. And it appears to be someone who at one stage was and might well still be a commentator here. I am very uncomfortable about this sort of bullying and want no part of this. It is a breach of trust of Charlotte and all the many people from all over the world who read and comment on this blog. What is the point of paying lips service to and calling people out for the many isims and ists in the world if we cannot behave decently to one another. My decision is to severe all connection with social media. It is looking to me more bad than good. I have forwarded to Charlotte a copy of the tweet to deal with as she sees fit.

    1. alimai, how distressing! I support what you need to do, in order to center yourself. Things can get so toxic on social media.... ergo why I stay away from it, except for interacting with friends & then being here. I truly hope that when you feel better about things, that you might reconsider & at least post your thoughts & comments here? I know I would miss you sooo much! I always enjoy your thoughts & have really liked interacting with you! I'm going to hope that, you will at least stay here, when you feel better about things?
      Becca USA

    2. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 17:17

      Alimai, thank you for letting Charlotte know about this. I think its very sad that anyone from here would go on a social media platform and bad mouth another from Charlottes wonderful blog here. I know we all may have differing opinions, but letting that over take you to that degree is just ridiculous.

    3. alimai: I gave up social media for 9-months and took time to speak with live strangers. Such richness! Sadly, I am finding it more and more difficult to read this blog's comments without wanting to stick up for Kate. The comments regularly judge Kate's confidence. Stating that she doesn't speak well or that MM sitting beside her made Kate more relaxed. Is this not cruel and unnecessary? Personally, I prefer Charlotte cover Kate exclusively on this blog and refocus comments to the day's fashion and charitable purpose. The joy of the blog is diminishing:-(.

    4. If you have an issue with a comment on Twitter, Twitter is where you should address it. Why bring it here? It has no place here other than to ruffle feathers and rally people round you. First rule of internet commenting is don't foul someone else's nest. You should have addressed the tweet personally on Twitter if you're that upset.

    5. I think that the conversation has been very civil and fair on this blog for a long time now. People here seem to agree and disagree respectfully, which is absolutely normal. What happens on twitter, hey let it stay on twitter!

    6. I don't know what, if anything, Charlotte can do anything about it. And I suspect that she is more aware of this sort of input than we are; she does have the delete button, after all. On a happier note, there has been less of that traffic here recently and that's a good thing. :-)

  53. Thumbs down on the dress, the strange decision to pair it with nude accessories, and the decision to not wear a coat outtside?? Thumbs up for being a trooper and doing all of these events with good spirit and a beautiful smile so far along in her third pregnancy. I would love to support an Irish clothing line but just can’t get on board with the prints and the color pairings. Kate obviously likes them, though, as well as that Victorian vibe.

    1. Caroline in Montana1 March 2018 at 17:20

      I believe that she was not outside for long, only a few steps, so its not like she was freezing. as for the Victorian vibe, I thought this was a Victorian exhibit and that she was dressing for the occasion which she usually does!

    2. Regarding wearing a coat ... I believe that Kate (and other members of the RF) dress in a way that makes an engagement go smoothly without having an article of clothing become an issue (who takes it, where do they keep it, who gives it back to him/her?).

  54. It appears to me that the shoes and purse are picking up the colour of some of the flowers in the fabric pattern. In In regard to the press going on about "no coat" and "bare legs", Kate is wearing nude panty hose, so her legs are not "bare" at least to my mind.

  55. I like this outfit! The dress is lovely, and the blush accessories echo the flowers. So mch nicer than the tight blue dress from earlier in the day, and I am tired of all the blue. Kate has a light pink coat she could have tossed on, but thankfully she let us see the dress unimpeded. The snow falling around her even echoed the white dots inthe print. Altogether, very ptetty.

  56. SierrafromMontana1 March 2018 at 16:15

    I'll take all the Kate engagements I can get because soon it will be the Great Kate Wait/Drought! At least we'll be preoccupied with Meghan and Harry's upcoming wedding. I think the dress is pretty and works just fine - especially at this stage in her pregnancy. She had a busy day and anyone who can wear heals while preggars - I commend you. You can tell she loves art and jumps at the chance to involve herself.

  57. Kate looks good in that dress which print worked out with nature’s snowflakes especially at night with the black background of the dress. It photographed well; she looked comfortable. The shoes has picked up the main flower color from the dress’s print. It is pale orange rose or peach, depending what color it coordinates with. It is the kind of shoes color which seems to be versatile to coordinate in its own family of shades of color. Some may defer it as pale pink undertone especially because of parts of the earrings. Mauve can go in variation of peach and pink.

    The above link to the flower color seems to be a close match to the print, shoes and clutch.

  58. Zora from Prague1 March 2018 at 19:11

    I like the dress, more from the distance than from a close look. I think it was a nice fit for the exhibition and I agree that Kate probably felt very comfortable in it. I can't even imagine wearing those heels at this stage - just the idea makes my feet aching and swollen!

  59. She looks wonderful. I like the blush pinkish shoes and clutch.

  60. At first I was not sure about the dress. But after seeing the video it has grown on me. The dress IMO does not photograph well. When you see it in the video it is so much nicer. I think Kate can wear anything and it always looks great regardless if i personally like it or not.
    Question: Does anything think Kate's bump looks bigger at this stage then in her other two
    pregnancies??? Maybe it is my eyes but I think the bump is muck bigger

    1. I think her bump looks A LOT bigger this time around! I know people have said it’s because the muscles stretch with each subsequent pregnancy...but I’m secretly hoping that she could be having twins (William would have a heart attack! :P). I know it’s not happening, though, so William can rest assured :)

    2. Zora from Prague2 March 2018 at 14:13

      I think it is bigger, Julie. I had it the same way: in my 3rd pregnancy the bump was bigger (and visible sooner) than in the previous two, even though my third son was the smallest :).

    3. Also, I don't believe we've seen her working this far into a pregnancy before! How far along into her pregnancy she is? We don't know! However, even if we guess that it may be early April ( it seems that's the most popular guess) then that means she will have worked up to the last several weeks of her pregnancy this time, something she has definitely not done before! What I remember with George is that her last appearance was Trooping, which would mean she was not seen during the last 6-7 weeks of that pregnancy. Charlotte? I don't remember, but I think it was about the same? (Charlotte will know! :) I like that this time she is working right up to the end stretch of her pregnancy, like so many other working Moms. It is yet another sign of how seriously she's embracing her new life as a Full Time Royal! I just love how Will & Kate have embraced this new phase of their life! They also seem to me, to be doing it with such Joy! Yet again I see this as a benefit of all the years they had to establish their family & grow into their roles! Again I Praise The Queen's Wisdom! :)

    4. I think with Charlotte her last Engagement was something like the 27th of March. Considering she was also due in April with Charlotte, I dont think there is any possible calculation that she worked further to her due date with #3 compared to Charlotte (at least for now). I think its just her bigger bump and the fact that she has a few more Engagements this time around. Hope to see her at least until st. Patricks day!

    5. Kiwi Gal, either that (although I heard William confirmed it wasn't twins) or I'm hoping it means she's actually due before April or at the very, very beginning of April. Is it possible for the due date to actually be before April, even though the palace said April, like as a trick to have less media there, or wouldn't they do something like that?

    6. Her last engagement with Charlotte was March 27th and she was due in late April, so she has definitely worked as long as now before. I believe both George and Charlotte were born past their due date and seems to me she starts her maternity leave about a month before her due date.

    7. I do get the feeling that besides the fact that William and Kate are now in London, that Kate and her consultants may just be more confident about her pregnancies and think there isn't much chance of an early arrival - although you never know.

    8. AmyA – no they wouldn’t lie about her due date. They didn’t the first two times, so no reason to start with her 3rd pregnancy. That’s something celebrities do and it would not go over well if the royals started down this road, imo.

  61. I agree Julie. When I saw the dress's movement in the video, I thought it was beautiful. And - some of the photographs that capture Kate amidst the falling snow might end up quite iconic.
    Yes, I think her bump is a bit bigger, but I'm not sure anyone really knows when her actual due date is - 1st April or 30th April? So, I guess at the moment, she could be 7 months pregnant or 8 months pregnant...May be Charlotte could run a poll to guess the date? Although, with the date of H & M's wedding being May 15, for many reasons, early April would be preferable. In that case, I definitely think she is slightly bigger, particularly in the Seraphine dress.

    1. I looked and the date when Kate's pregnancy for Charlotte was announced and the announcement for this little one were only four days apart- statistically insignificant as they say, since the announcements were linked to cancelled engagements. We can't know Kate's H.G. started in the same way each time but it seems likely.

      I would hesitate to be sure of the last point since Kate was coming off the long summer holiday and could have taken ill during that and only waited to announce when engagements were coming. But it seems unlikely they would have booked some of those engagements for her had they known she'd fallen pregnant and also she did an appearance at the Kensington Palace gardens and didn't look poorly.

      Babies of course come when they come and I've friends say third babies came faster - or slower - or about the same! - so I don't know that we can make anything of that. But it seems likely that Kate's due date isn't terribly different from Charlotte - perhaps a little earlier. So I would guess mid to late April, but early April seems much less likely based on what we know.

      I hope Charlotte will have a poll - I seem to remember she did before or at least at a post where we could guess - it would be fun.

  62. This was such a lovely event. It is so great to get to hear Kate's voice and thoughts in the forward to the catalogue, and for her to be able to incorporate her interest in photography into her patronage work for the NPG.

    Thank you Charlotte for so much interesting coverage recently. As a regular reader and occasional commenter, I am grateful for such a reliable, in depth, and thoughtful approach to covering the work of Kate and the BRF. As a side note, I feel like recently (and I could be wrong) I have noticed more "Anonymous" posters than usual, and am wondering if it is possible to remind people to sign their name at the bottom if entering a user name is something they do not want to do for whatever reason. Most of time I just scroll past and don't read the Anonymous comments, but even doing that, it is making me feel a little strange having a lot of Anonymous posters. Less of a community somehow. I apologize in advance if this offends anyone or if there are other reasons I am not thinking of for having Anonymous postings as is.

  63. OMG!!!!! I'm home sick & watching "Spring Fashion Days" on QVC/USA & "ORLY KIELY" Is On!!!! They are saying She couldn't make it due to The Crazy Weather (bombarding the British Isles & all the way to hurrican force winds & snow/ice bashing the east coast closing airports) so She has a Rep stepping in for her on the show! They are talking Lots about "Check & see what's trending on Social Media, because a Certain Famous Person Put Orla Keily in The News & We Can't Talk About it, but We're Really Excited & Honored!"... Of course "I" knew Exactly Who Put Them In The News!!! *wink wink* :) I Just Bought An "Orla Keily" Bag!!! Yay!! :)

    1. Becca USA---I went to the website and thought the bags were really neat! Some of them reminded me of the hippie days and some reminded me of when it was not unusual to have a little bag (usually on a gold chain) of the same fabric as your A-line mini dress. I also used to buy wooden bag handles and sew fabric bags to attach. I particularly liked the ones with repetitive designs. The dress fabric that Kate wore would make a nice bag, or umbrella! I miss the days when you could consider actually purchasing something that Kate wears. :)

    2. Hi Allison, I agree about the prints. :) I chose a black & white/cream tulip type pattern. It's a handbag with an attachable strap for using cross body. I tend to like to wear the black & white "spectator look" during spring & summer. I wear lots of white long or crop while pants & then wear a black top etc. on top & pop it with a patterned shoe/sandal jacket or purse. So we'll see how much I like the purse when it arrives & I see it in person. I too miss the days of the more accessible "Kate Effect"! But it's only right, as she is growing into her Full Time Royal Role, that her wardrobe should reflect that change. :)

  64. For those saying she looks bigger, here she is with Charlotte on March 17th and March 27th:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/kate-middleton-aldershot-england.jpg

    I don’t think she looks that different, maybe a bit bigger, but I expect this baby is due 2-3 weeks sooner than Charlotte was.

  65. For those saying she looks bigger, here she is with Charlotte on March 17th and March 27th:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/kate-middleton-aldershot-england.jpg

    I don’t think she looks that different, maybe a bit bigger, but I expect this baby is due 2-3 weeks sooner than Charlotte was, so she’s at the same stage as March 17th engagement.

    1. Thanks, and that's good. I'm too impatient to wait until early May, haha!

  66. Kudos to Kate for doing all these engagements while being highly pregnant.It must be really exhausting.By the way-I will never understand how women are able to walk in high-heels,especially not when you are having a big bump to navigate in front of you...Chapeau!Apart from that:I‘m a long time reader of both your blogs Charlotte but seldomly took the time to comment myself.After I got to know about all the terrible comments you receive every day,I decided this (me not commenting) needs to change- everybody should stand up to the hatred out there.The good old saying „Talk is silver,silence is golden“ nowadays doesn‘t seem to count anymore...

  67. I’ve decided to only focus on clothes for a while on both blogs to make things easier on Charlotte and more joyful for us all.
    So here are my pics for Kate’s next engagements, concentrating on repeats:

    March 6 - visit to Pegasus Primary School

    March 7 - opening headquarters of Place2Be

    March 12 - Commonwealth Day service
    -repeating this brown coat with a new hat!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/kate-middleton-aldershot-england.jpg

    March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
    -repeating this green coat without fur and a new hat

    1. sofy, I love your new idea & your sweet caring attitude. :) I also love your pics for Kate! :) I'm wondering tho, if the white outfit (one of my favs from her Downton Abbey visit) would be perfect for The Commonwealth Service? I remember with Charlotte she wore a Cream & Peach coat & dress (if I remember correctly?). I do really hope we not only see Kate on St. Patrick's Day, but that we also see a repeat of that wonderful Green Coat & dress from the Scandinavian Tour! I just loved that so much! Also, it'd be intriguing to see it without the fur & with a different hat! :) I surely will miss her while she is on Maternity Leave!

    2. I actually think the white coat might be a bit tight, but she could wear it unbuttoned for a casual daytime visit. I have a feeling we will see a new coat for the church service, but I’d really love to see some of these coats again and time is running out before her maternity leave starts.

    3. Good guesses. It looks like the white coat you picked for the 7th is being worn today. I really like the red houndstooth coat. I hope she wears that one again.

  68. Charlotte any idea if Kate and William will do their thing on St. Patrick’s Day by giving out the shamrocks. I would think this could be her last engagement before maternity leave.
    Thanks again for this great blog. Been reading but not posting much.

    1. Hello Pauline,

      No word from the Palace yet. I think it's quite likely it might be Kate's last one before maternity leave though :)

    2. I am hopeful that Kate will be handing out shamrocks and maybe even repeating with "sofy's choice" of her green coat without fur and a new hat!! What a fitting send off for maternity leave!! cc

    3. Kate had been so actively busy with engagements in her last trimester. She is the opposite of some women’s pregnancies I know of. The immediate experiences I know of, was active through the end of the seventh month, and take it easy during the eighth and ninth months. One memorable exception was someone I have worked with, who had similar HG type problem during her first trimester. As much as she wanted to work, the vomiting became so forceful, consistent and intrusive; she had to take a leave of absence and never returned to work. I remember how much it depleted her energy.

      It will be nice if she manages to attend St. Patrick's day, and make it her last. I think there was a lot of criticism she skipped last year or the year before. It is 12 days from now.

    4. Most of the women I know work almost up to their due date - so they can maximise the time they take off after the baby comes - I have a relative doing that right now - she worked up until almost the very day.

      I'm hoping she will make it to the Irish Guards - or perhaps the Commonwealth Service will be her last engagement. I would love to see her join the family for Easter again - here's hoping. If the Irish Guards is too long an engagement for Kate, maybe Meghan could do it. It would be nice to see the brothers together.

    5. Butterflies Are Free6 March 2018 at 19:27

      I have worked alongside of women doing just what you describe. I have also ended up taking over their workload when their water broke on the job and they had to go to the ER. More than once.Other workers also assisted during the final few weeks with the heavier, more strenuous tasks. Most Western women were not brought up to work in the fields from childhood up and I don't think an example of women working in the fields up to birth applies. I think a job that does not involve standing and walking around in public in front of cameras and that is a desk-type/sedentary job performed in a private environment would work. Imagine Kate's membranes rupturing as she walks down the aisle in church or stands in front of soldiers and cameras handing out shamrocks.
      There is no shame in being positioned to avoid such embarrassing and potentially dangerous situations. Kate is and I can't for the life of me see what she must be pressured by media, fans, or her own code of duty to do so.
      Back in the day, school teachers had to take leave as soon as they "showed." One pregnancy, I was teaching in a smaller school in a suburban area and had a very understanding female principal and continued to work--luckily, the summer break for teachers makes an early Fall baby convenient. I also worked some years later in an organization in which there was a mandatory six week's leave before due date. My work involved driving around the county and probably would not have been a good idea later on . I felt the decision of when to take leave should be based on the judgement of the woman and her physician. I appealed that decision and later there were laws passed to prevent that discrimination against female employees.

  69. ILoveElephants5 March 2018 at 18:01

    Charlotte, I just saw the article that you posted on Facebook about Kate due date being around St. George’s day. I was just wondering where does Emily Andrews get her information? Because I don’t think Kate’s close friends would tell such personal information to a reporter.

    1. I suspect it's an educated guess based on the announcements and something that gives an excuse for an article - that date's around when I would guess just based on the announcement and the fact Kate seems a bit further along than with Charlotte.

      Today, someone was saying Charlotte's birthday - we also have the wedding anniversary (St. Catherine of Siena's Day) in there too which will no doubt be speculated about.

    2. I’m officially putting my bet down for baby 3 on April 15th. I’m hoping for a girl, but have a feeling it’s a boy.

    3. I'm hoping it will be before St. George's Day. April 15th would be good. I looked up St. George's Day, and it's a little over a week before Charlotte's birthday. Weren't both George and Charlotte born late, or am I mistaken?

  70. I so enjoy this blog and the beautiful photos of the Duchess. I tend not to get involved in the discussions much, because I am no stylist, and also because I think the Duchess looks absolutely marvelous in anything she chooses to wear! Thank you for your work!


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