Sunday 21 July 2019

Prince George Celebrates 6th Birthday On Mustique

Ahead of Prince George's sixth birthday tomorrow, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge released three new photos of their eldest son to celebrate the occasion. It's hard to believe George is six! I will always fondly think of him as 'Baby Cambridge' due to the excitement in the months ahead of his birth. From those first photos of the future king in his parents arms outside St Mary's to his boisterous appearance during the 2014 Australia and New Zealand tour, to watching him develop into a quiet thoughtful boy, whilst retaining his playful side as seen at Trooping and the polo, it's been a joy watching him grow up.

The images were taken by Kate in the garden at Kensington Palace. It marks the first time George's birthday photos were captured by his mother. The gorgeous photo below depicts George smiling (he's losing his baby teeth), wearing his Nike England football shirt.

The Mail reports:

'The prince has clearly inherited his father's love for football - the Duke of Cambridge is president of the FA and an Aston Villa fan - as evidenced in his white England team top in two of the new portraits.
The Mail understands that while those pictures were taken at Kensington Palace during the England 'lionesses' recent World Cup campaign, the top is one of his favourite items of clothing and George can frequently be seen haring around Kensington Palace with a football at his feet.
In the snap, the future king laughs as he lies playfully in the garden of their home at Kensington Palace - clad in the white England football home shirt.'

George will celebrate the day surrounded by his family for the second consecutive year on the paradise island of Mustique. Emily Andrews reports the family are expected to stay there for a fortnight before returning to the UK. The Palace revealed the third image was taken "on holiday", most likely earlier this week during the family getaway. The Mail reports George wore a £6 H&M polo shirt and stripe shirts.

Last year we discussed the possibility we would see a shift in the family's holiday schedule to accommodate the school one. I expect the Middleton family are there too, and a birthday party filled with fun on the beach and of course cake will be enjoyed.

Sunset on Mustique.

Island life will offer a tranquil break for the family, from picnics and barbecues to relaxing swims and afternoons spent on the tennis courts and in an extensive array of watersports, including scuba diving and sailing. We know this an area Kate enjoys immensely; the Duchess received her PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) qualification on the island several years ago.

The island has been a favourite haunt of William and Kate's since their dating days and looks set to continue to be the location for their annual summer holiday.

George has had a very busy year since his fifth birthday. 2018 was very much a year of weddings, with scene stealing moments from George and Charlotte in their roles as page boy and bridesmaid. 

There was, of course, a moment or two of fun enjoyed before the bridal party followed Princess Eugenie at St George's Chapel. George and his cousin Savannah definitely bring out each other's cheeky sides.

A lovely moment captured as George sat on granddad Charles' knee for his 70th birthday portraits.

There was a festive royal surprise from Kensington Palace with the release of a gorgeous new family photograph of the Cambridges for their Christmas card. The photo was taken in the autumn at their Norfolk bolthole, Anmer Hall. The family were casually dressed in blues, earthy greens and jeans for the photoshoot. Playful George held on to William's shoulders for the shot.

We saw just a peek of George arriving for the Queen's pre-Christmas luncheon.

Some of my favourite photos of the Cambridge children came in May when they accompanied their parents to view Kate's 'Back to Nature' garden at RHS Chelsea. Kate said she brings the children out "rain or shine", and took them for several day's break in Cumbria where they had a fantastic time exploring. Outdoor play and time spent in nature is clearly a big part of the children's lives.

George awarded his Mum 20 out of 10 for her efforts in the garden. Kate was delighted, saying: "How amazing is that?" For all the positive reviews she received for Back to Nature, I suspect it was the reaction from her own children which meant the most.

Big brother George taking a peek with his siblings ahead of the Trooping the Colour balcony appearance. 

Those classic Prince George expressions: "Trooping the Colour? I've seen all this before!" :)

And earlier this month, it was a family-filled day of polo for the Cambridges and the Sussexes. With William and Harry markedly reducing their polo commitments, I do hope we continue to see one family day out each summer. They offer the most candid, relaxed shots of the children. It looks like it was a pretty great day!

The Army in London shared this terrific photo of William and the children at the polo with Irish Guards mascot Domhnall - a familiar furry face from the St Patrick's Day parade :)

Sending Prince George the happiest of birthday wishes! I have a feeling a fun-packed day is awaiting him on Mustique tomorrow :)


  1. Oh gosh. That first pic of him lying in the grass is adorable, and so casual I'm almost surprised they released it to us!

    1. I think W&K is very deliberate in the photos they choose to share. At official events George often look shy/intimidated and while nobody (at least not me) would blame him, it doesn’t prevent people from drawing conclusions about his personality. Sharing photos of him being relaxed, happy and full of spirit behind the scenes is important to counter those impressions.

    2. Lucille in Tn.22 July 2019 at 14:59

      Although...weddings and Trooping seem to bring out his extroverted, mischievous self. They are certainly official, formal, public events.I think the few anxious-looking photos represent more a dislike of noisy, flashing cameras in his face such as at christenings and the hospital shots where the media is much closer than at the Trooping and wedding photos. He also seems more relaxed in photos taken by a single photographer rather than the whole press corps such as the school and group family pictures. That is a completely normal response to me. Most of the photos taken of the Scandinavian children are.taken by a court photographer or a paremt. CP Victoria of Sweden especially has released photos of her children she has taken herself. It is also normal for parents, whether for international release or family Christmas card or social media release, to select the most flattering photos to share.

  2. Well done! Thank you for this amazing post! I enjoyed the new pictures of George, as well as the family pictures from the past. I so enjoy seeing George and his siblings acting like normal children. We only have one childhood, and I believe William and Kate's children will look back on their childhood with warm and happy memories.

  3. That big smile is all mum! What a lovely boy.

  4. What wonderful photos of the birthday boy! He looks so much like his father.

  5. happy bday to the little prince!!

  6. His mother takes wonderful pictures of her children. Just terrific shots! Happy Birthday to the growing, oh so fast, Prince.

  7. Thank you Charlotte for the lovely post. Gosh, to me Prince George is looking more like Prince William as he’s getting older. Adorable pics. Lovely family πŸ’›

  8. What a Wonderful little man? Amazing photos of an handsome prince. Happy 4th Birthday Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŒΉπŸ’—πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‡πŸŽˆπŸŽŠπŸŽ†. God blessπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™.

  9. You can almost hear him laughing in that first shot. It makes me laugh every time I see it. Great photos by Kate and great post by you!

  10. wishing the prince george happy sixth birthday prince george laying grass he so playful he growing fast her mother really capture well

  11. Kate certainly takes lovely photos! I hope one day we'll get to see a collection by her in an exhibition. She could raise money for one of her patronages and I'd make a special trip across the pond to see it. I could see King Charles commissioning her to take a special coronation portrait. Lovely little boy that George. I think his hair will get darker as he matures. Looks like dark hair for the kiddos all around- those Middleton genes are stronger than the Windsor ones!!! Yay for Kate the Great!

  12. Wonderful shots!!!!
    He looks like a happy kid and honestly that’s all that matters. He looks happy and healthy and that’s the prayer i say over my toddler every night. He lives a rarefied life, but That doesn’t always equal a happy life. He seems to have a very loving family.
    Happy birthday Prince George!

  13. A handsome boy in a world of privilege. Happy Birthday Prince George!

  14. From day one, we have seen so much personality with this adorable lad. Who can forget Kate carrying him off the plane in Australia? Even his meltdowns are adorable! Kudos and appreciation to Kate for these photos. No, they aren’t carefully staged professional, polished photos, but who cares? These show real personality. Hip hip hooray!

  15. Sheryl from BC Canada22 July 2019 at 03:04

    wonderful photos...I especially like the one where you can see his missing tooth. Happy Happy Birthday Prince George.

  16. Happy birthday to the future king! He is Michael Middleton’s mini!

    1. Agree Anon 4:32. He's a spitting image of his granddad Middleton!

  17. No idea who he will end up looking like when 25 but right now, he looks like Charles, Kate and William. Kates nose but the rest of the face looks like William and Charles.

  18. I think George in his dark green shirt looks very, very much like his dad!

    1. Increasingly I'm also seeing a bit of Diana & the Spencers! Especially with his short waving hair. His hairstyle reminds me of some of Diana's iconic photos! :)

  19. Happy birthday, sweet prince!

  20. Royal πŸ‘‘ Watcher22 July 2019 at 07:14

    Happy Birthday πŸ₯³ Prince George!! Lovely photos!

  21. Jean from Lancs22 July 2019 at 08:24

    Such beautiful photos to brighten our Monday morning.
    Happy birthday Prince George.

  22. So sweet. Happy birthday, Prince George!

  23. I used to see more Middleton in George, but gosh, he is really channeling his Dad in these pics!! Fascinating. Lovely photographs. Sylvia

  24. I adore that first picture and love that he loves that shirt so much! happy bday prince George!

  25. Adorable! These shots are so relatable--especially the football jersey he is wearing!

  26. Zora from Prague22 July 2019 at 11:17

    Gorgeous photos of Prince George! :-) It's been such fun watching him grow! Thanks to the best source = Charlotte's blog!
    Happy Birthday, dear Prince!

  27. I love these pictures. Kate is a wonderful photographer and she captures her children perfectly. George is a handsome combination of William, Michael Middleton, and Charles. He has some facial expressions that are exactly like William and Charles. It always makes me smile to see them. George also seems to be a sensitive child, much like Charles was. And, that also makes me smile, because I was a sensitive child and can identify with that. It seems that William and Kate have not only provided their children with a stable, supportive, and loving home, but they have carefully selected schools that will be the best fit for their children. William and Kate have also made it clear that they want their children to feel free to talk about their feelings and concerns, and that is going to be helpful to George, Charlotte, and Louis throughout their lives. It is so important to break that cycle of keeping emotions and feelings bottled up and suppressed. Their passion for mental health and wellbeing is a vital part of how they parent and it shows.

    1. I loved what you said Sarah about the sensitive personality. I thought the same thing too, that he reminds me of Charles in that way! :)

  28. As said earlier, lovely photos of George. Just seeing the polo one and isn't that a great picture of everyone, including the dog:).

  29. Thanks for the in depth post, Charlotte! Lots of enjoyment reading it. And so many pictures! I especially like that last one that I hadn't seen before. I like how Charlotte is smiling, as she should, but her eyes are fixed on the dog. It looks like she is a good girl but restraining her childhood desire to play with him. I can just imagine she went right to pet him when the photos were done. 😁

  30. Wow! What wonderful photos & Yes.... where has the time gone!? Wishing Prince George An Absolutely Magical Birthday!! :) I love these pics taken by Kate & I see such a mix of both William & Michael Middleton in George... but especially in the last photo, I see Diana, especially is his hair! His hair reminds me so much of her hair when she would wear it short & let it have a wave to it! The color, the texture... :)

    1. I agree, for the first time I see Diana and/or Spencer in him.

  31. Happy birthday, Prince George! I awaited your introduction to the world via live stream with much anticipation. It sure is special to see Kate's handiwork as a photographer this year, turning a routine and public announcement into something personal and authentic.

    In other news, is that picture from the polo outing the FIRST we've seen Princess Charlotte with a purse? And a unicorn one at that! :)

    Thanks so much Charlotte for all your efforts over the past year to report accurately and comprehensively on the beloved Cambridge family!

  32. Gorgeous George!

  33. Great shots of Prince George! Kate certainly knows how to capture her children's personalities in photos! Love the surprise last photo of William with his children, and love the way Charlotte is looking at Domhnall...maybe someday she can attend the St. Patrick's day tradition with her mother. The children are beautiful with characteristics of both their parents, and to echo what Anon 01:46 said, they seem to have a very loving family. Happy Birthday Prince George, you are quite the handsome young man. cc

    1. Zora from Prague22 July 2019 at 19:03

      I love the additional photo too! Great to see William as a Dad of 3! :-) Both boys look so much like him - and Charlotte is her Daddy's girl, no doubt about that!

    2. Lucille in Tn.22 July 2019 at 20:43

      Yes, Zora and CeCe! That last photo was special for me as well. There is something about seeing William as the Dad Next Door..If course, Domhnall steals the show. It does make me wonder how many other such photos are out there amongst their friends, family, and daily life.
      Thank-you, Charlotte, for rooting this one out. Highlight of my day so far. ;)

  34. Love the pics of Prince George on the occasion of his 6th Birthday. He is ,who he is, a cutie from day one. The pic of Prince William holding little Louis and his children is lovely. Prince Louis is not smiling the focus is not on him,ha ha. Happy Birthday Prince George.

  35. George stands and is built just like William. Charlotte stands just like Kate, but it seems she might have Diana's physique. Every time I see those two they resemble someone else! A couple of chimeras! I can't believe (our) gorgeous Baby Cambridge is six years old, it seems like yesterday we were all waiting anxiously for his appearance. What a beautiful birthday boy, I'm glad he will be able to have a private celebration with his family.

  36. Completely adorable and probably true to his personality away from the public eye.

  37. Great pictures! Such a lovely and happy young boy! God bless him always! 😊❤️

  38. Rose from Montreal23 July 2019 at 02:23

    Happy Birthday to Prinve George. Where has the time gone. Hope he has a wonderful magical birthday

  39. Happy Birthday George ! The more Spencer of the 3.
    Kate and Will are wonderful parents. They are able to give a true childhood to these little princes et princess. They play, they learn, they have fun. I am having fun and much pleasure too while watching them growing up.

  40. OMGosh!! I just watched the video of William asking George to rate Kate's Garden..... I had thought it was one I'd seen before.... How flipping adorable!! I don't know if we've ever seen or heard such a natural interaction between William & his children & I love him on the swing too!! Absolutely one of the Best things I've seen!!! Thanks Charlotte, What A Treat!! :) xx

  41. Prince George is sooooo handsome. Enjoyed this post. Thank you, Charlotte. The pic of the missing tooth is sooooo cute. With her camera, the Duchess of Cambridge captures moments that one would want to remember. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


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