Saturday 17 April 2021

A Poignant Farewell to the Duke of Edinburgh

Her Majesty the Queen led the Royal family and the nation today in a poignant farewell to the Duke of Edinburgh at St George's Chapel, Windsor.

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As the day began, I was reminded of the words of Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, yesterday: "She's the Queen. She will behave with the extraordinary dignity, extraordinary courage that she always does. And at the same time she is saying farewell to someone to whom she was married for 73 years. I think that must be a very, very profound thing in anybody's life." Last night, the Queen chose one of her favourite photos, which was taken by the Countess of Wessex in 2003 atop the Coyles of Muick on the Balmoral estate, where Her Majesty and Prince Philip enjoyed walks and picnics throughout their life together.

The funeral has been described by the palace as a "ceremonial royal funeral" rather than a State funeral -- something usually reserved for monarchs. Whilst the pandemic necessitated a small funeral, all elements are very much in keeping with the Duke's wishes for a low-key event.

Indeed, Philip planned his own funeral -- codenamed Operation Forth Bridge -- eighteen years ago with military precision.

The Duchess of Cambridge arriving.

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Despite the enormity of the day for the monarchy and the family as a whole, the Queen was determined to ensure all Covid-19 guidelines were met, meaning just thirty mourners were invited to the service: the Queen and Philip's children and grandchildren and their respective spouses; Princess Margaret's children, the Earl of Snowdon and Sarah Chatto and her husband Daniel. Also in attendance were the Queen's cousins, the Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Kent. Prince Philip's great-nephew, the Hereditary Prince of Baden, his nephew the Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, and Philip's cousin the Landgrave of Hess. The late Duke's close friend Countess Mountbatten of Burma (known as Penny Romney) was also present.

Buckingham Palace noted, "The coffin, covered with His Royal Highness’s personal standard and surmounted with his sword, naval cap and a wreath of flowers, will be moved privately from its present location in the private chapel at Windsor Castle to the Inner Hall of Windsor Castle. After prayers are said by the Dean of Windsor in the Inner Hall, the coffin will be carried to the State Entrance by a bearer party found by the Queen’s Company, 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards."

At 2.40 pm, the Duke's coffin emerged from the State Entrance of Windsor Castle into the Quadrangle.

It was followed by a procession led by Charles and Anne followed by Andrew and Edward, William, Princess Anne's son Peter Phillips and Harry, Princess Anne's husband Sir Timothy Laurence, and the Earl of Snowdon. Several members of the Duke's staff joined the procession.

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Prince William, Peter Phillips and Prince Harry.

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The Queen departing the Sovereign's Entrance in the State Bentley.

Her Majesty was accompanied in the car by her lady-in-waiting, Lady Susan Hussey. Part of the 'HMS Windsor Bubble' during the pandemic, Susan is Prince William's godmother and close to the Prince of Wales.

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Following the Royal Salute, the coffin was placed onto a purpose-built Land Rover. Philip began the project almost two decades ago -- with an open top section to carry the coffin made to his specifications.

The hearse was built using a Land Rover Defender TD5 130 chassis cab vehicle, which was made at Land Rover’s factory in Solihull in 2003 and subsequently modified. The original colour was changed from "belize green" to a dark bronze green, echoing the hue of military vehicles. The final changes were made just two years ago.

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The Palace continued:

'The Duke used Land Rovers throughout his adult life and granted his Royal Warrant to Land Rover over 40 years ago. He visited Jaguar Land Rover’s manufacturing facilities on numerous occasions over the decades and accompanied the Queen when she opened Jaguar Land Rover’s new Engine Manufacturing Centre in Wolverhampton in 2014.

Thierry BollorĂ©, Jaguar Land Rover’s Chief Executive said: “We are deeply privileged to have enjoyed a very long and happy association with the Duke of Edinburgh over many decades. We are also honoured that the Land Rover which the Duke designed will be used at the funeral on Saturday. 

"The Duke was a tremendous champion for design, engineering and technology. During his visits to our sites he engaged with hundreds of employees and demonstrated his impressive knowledge and deep interest in vehicle design, engineering and manufacturing. The Duke was a truly remarkable man and will be greatly missed.”

The Duke's fell ponies, Balmoral Nevis and Notlaw Storm, pulled a carriage designed by Philip. Accompanied by two of his grooms, they stood in the Quadrangle as the coffin was carried past. Carriage driving was a great love for the Prince over the past fifty years and he competed in events for decades. In the days following the Duke's passing, his granddaughter Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor was seen carriage driving - undoubtedly in honour of her grandfather.

Members of the Windsor household say goodbye.

It was a beautiful day at Windsor.

Members of the Royal family arriving at St George's Chapel.

The Duchess of Cambridge.

Due to the nature of the occasion, I will not be covering fashion, however I thought it important to note the symbolism of Kate's jewellery from the royal vault which paid tribute to the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. Kate chose the Queen's Bahrain pearl earrings - made from pearls gifted to the then Princess Elizabeth for her wedding. The Duchess also wore the Queen's Four Row Japanese Pearl Choker which she sported for the Queen and the Duke's 70th anniversary dinner. It's been worn by Her Majesty and Diana over the years.

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It was important to the Duke that his military affiliations were included for the funeral. As the procession continued, the route was lined by representatives from the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the Royal Air Force, the 4th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland and the Highlanders. The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery fired Minute Guns from the East Lawn of Windsor Castle for the duration of the procession.

Her Majesty arrives at the chapel.

Scenes as the procession continued.

Attendees bowed as the procession passed.

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Below Mike and Zara Tindall.

Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank.

Princess Beatrice and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi.

Kate bows.

The Duchess, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Countess of Wessex and her children.

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Prince Charles had tears in his eyes as he led the procession.

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A moving scene.

The Bearer Party carried the coffin up the West Steps of the Chapel.

Before pausing for a National Minute's Silence at 3pm.

A moment of pause for Princess Anne who was incredibly close to her father.

Solemn scenes inside.

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The service was conducted by the Dean of Windsor.

Philip's navy cap and sword along with flowers and a note written by Her Majesty. 

Seeing Her Majesty sitting alone painfully evoked the loneliness families all over the world have endured during the pandemic.

A deeply solemn picture.

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Edward and Sophie with their children Louise and James.

A view of the Cambridges.

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Prince Andrew, Princess Anne, Sir Timothy Laurence and Prince Harry. 

Philip also personally selected medals, decorations and insignia to be displayed at the funeral conferred on him by UK and Commonwealth nations and his Royal Air Force Wings and Field Marshal's baton.

The Brilliant Star of Zanzibar, the Brunei Esteemed Family Order, and the Singapore Order of Darjah Utama Temasek.

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The Garter Collar and Greater George, and the Garter Breast Star and Lesser George sewn onto a velvet cushion.

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The British Empire Collar and Grand Masters Badge, and the British Empire Breast Star and Badge.

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In a nod to his heritage, he selected insignia from Denmark and Greece to lie on the altar. Below, the Order of the Elephant (Denmark) and the Order of the Redeemer (Greece).

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More from Wales Online:

'Stephen Segrave, Secretary of the Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood, said: “There will be nine cushions with insignia placed on pre-positioned around the altar at St George’s Chapel in Windsor. They represent British and Commonwealth orders and decorations, and the final cushion with orders from Greece and Denmark, for obvious reasons.

“The Duke of Edinburgh had, I think, 61 decorations and awards from 53 different other countries, and there simply just wasn’t the space to have them all on display at the funeral.”

And he certainly had a hand in planning his arrangements, so he would have made the decision himself.” Mr Segrave said the chosen insignia would have “absolutely” meant a great deal to Philip.'
In tribute to the Prince, the Dean of Windsor said, "With grateful hearts we remember the many ways in which his long life has been a blessing to us. We have been inspired to his long loyalty, by his service to the nation and the Commonwealth, by his courage, fortitude and faith."

The Archbishop of Canterbury read the Second Lesson, which is taken from the Gospel of John: "I am the resurrection and the life."

More from the Telegraph:
'This is the bare minimum necessary to sing four-part settings of the key elements of the Burial Service. They include the Funeral Sentences by William Croft, first sung at Handel’s funeral in 1759 and used for every Royal funeral since. They are plain and solemn and will sound just as beautiful sung by four voices as by a choir, if not more so. Even more sturdily plain is the setting of the Lord’s Prayer by Robert Stone, himself a singer at the Chapel Royal, which dates from around 1550, and the Responses by William Smith – about 80 years later in date but hardly different in style.

That note of solemn, sturdy simplicity is echoed in the Anthem, the Russian orthodox chant known as the Kontakion of the Departed, and the Duke of Edinburgh’s favourite hymn, Eternal Father Strong to Save, which everyone predicted would be part of the service because of its naval associations. Only the setting of Psalm 104 by William Lovelady and Benjamin Britten’s Jubilate, both composed at the Duke of Edinburgh’s request, will strike a more cheerful note.'
A small choir of four sang pieces chosen by the Duke. In line with Covid guidance, they were located in the Nave away from the congregation, and all guests wore face masks throughout the service.
Naval battle cry 'Actions Stations' was chosen by the Duke. The traditional alert is associated with navy funerals and marked Philip's service in the navy during World War II. Philip carried his navy service with him throughout his life. A Palace official said, "Action Stations is a naval tradition and it is an announcement that would be made on a naval warship to signify that all hands, all those serving, on that warship should go into battle stations."

'The Last Post' was also played - symbolising a soldier gone to his final rest.

Following his training at Dartmouth, he became one of the youngest first lieutenants. The Duke was present in Tokyo Bay when the Japanese signed the surrender on 2 September 1945.

At the end of the service, the Duke's coffin was lowered into the Royal Vault followed by a blessing from the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Afterwards Her Majesty led the Royal family back to Windsor Castle.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry departing.

William, Kate and Harry made the walk back together.

Click here to watch BBC's coverage of the funeral.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said, "While this is naturally a time of sadness and mourning for the Royal Family and the many others who knew or admired the Duke of Edinburgh, it is hoped that the coming days will also be seen as an opportunity to celebrate a remarkable life. Remarkable both in terms of his vast contribution and lasting legacy. If you consider that in his lifetime he was a decorated veteran of World War Two, of his love and passion for the skills of science, engineering, design and art, his dedication to the military, his support for the Commonwealth, his promotion of Outward Bound Trust, the World Wildlife Fund and The Duke of Edinburgh Award you can see why his influence is so much greater than many may imagine the role of a consort to be."

The Queen has been "touched" by tributes from all over the world. I was particularly taken by the miniature Land Rover and thoughtful card Charles and Camilla had the opportunity to view at Marlborough House Gardens.

This beautiful drawing from five-year-old Sophia was seen by the Earl and Countess of Wessex and their daughter Lady Louise in Windsor.

Floral tributes from members of the public outside St George's chapel.

Messages from members of the family have been especially moving. Yesterday, Mike Tindall shared a beautiful photo of Mia with her great-grandfather taken by the Duchess of Cambridge. "It’s been a very sad week but it has given us time to reflect on great memories and stories both personal and shared. A devoted family man who we will forever miss but always love."

Above all, over this past week, I've been reminded of the Queen and Duke's enduring relationship. In 1946, Prince Philip wrote to the then Princess Elizabeth, according to author Philip Eade, "To have been spared in the war and seen victory, to have been given the chance to rest and to re-adjust myself, to have fallen in love completely and unreservedly, makes all one's personal and even the world's troubles seem small and petty."

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During her Golden Anniversary speech, the Queen said, "He has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know."

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In a message written following 9/11, the Queen echoed Colin Murray Parkes "Grief is the price we pay for love".

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Amidst the loss of her beloved husband, the Queen will be comforted by a lifetime of treasured memories. 'People Will Say We're in Love' from Oklahoma! was a treasured favourite of the couple since the early days of their romance.

His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh 1921-2021.


  1. Tammy from California17 April 2021 at 19:20

    Charlotte, any idea what the letter on his hat said?

    1. Hello Tammy, the flowers and note on the coffin are from Her Majesty.

    2. “Your loving Lilibeth”

    3. I think you're correct Anon, thank you.


      Twitter suggests that it could say “In Loving Memory”. Looking at the first word, it does look a bit short to say “your”. Hope we can get a better resolution of this pic in the coming days.


      This article suggests “In Loving Memory, Elizabeth”

    6. Tammy from California18 April 2021 at 03:49

      Thank you Anon!

    7. In loving memory (with the signature obscured by the flowers) is being reported in Australia.

    8. „In loving memory”

    9. Are you sure? I think it read “in loving memory”. The beginning of the last word didn’t show any heights in the letters as a l or t would show. But who knows, handwritten is often not completely even.

    10. I believe it says In Loving Memory.

  2. Tears came to my eyes several times, both in the video and in reading the post. A remarkable life. God bless the Queen during this time.

  3. Every single element of the funeral was perfect, with the exception of HM sitting by herself of course.
    From the military bands playing I vow to thee, in the Quadrangle, to the procession, the absolute precision of arriving at the west step at exactly 15:00.
    The empty nave, with the 4 voices climbing up the bare walls towards heaven. The exceptional camera work, allowing us all to share without being intrusive. To the haunting bagpipe solo and the last post. And ending with the family walking up the hill together.

    1. All various ministries of the military gave him a dignified, professional farewell with all its precision. Music was good, and the Scottish bag piper is memorable.

    2. Yes, exceptionally well carried out.

    3. No one does grand spectacles, even when it's a funeral, like the British.

  4. What a beautiful picture of them, taken atop the Coyles of Muick, and what a glorious life they shared together. The video of them over the years with that lovely song by Rodgers and Hammerstein brought me to tears. What a tribute.

    1. Tedi, their expressions, their happiness says it all for me. Perhaps because I'm in the US, but I am used to seeing more solemn expressions, nothing so personal and relaxed.

  5. Such a solemn day. I read a tweet from someone on Twitter that kind of summed it up for me-basically that typically monarchs lead royal processions but in this case, unlike his life where he was to walk behind the monarch, today he led and she followed as the adoring wife.

    I do love the pics that have been released this week, but I think my favorite is the one of Philip and Mia. They look like they are having quite the serious conversation!

    1. The bbc reporter said something similar, that the Duke of Edinburg, who all his life has walked 2 steps behind his wife, for the first and the last time was ahead of her.
      I thought the service was very moving, and reflected his personality very well.

    2. Hue Edward of BBC - that is when good journalism is observant. It was vey touching.

    3. Correction: British journalist Huw Edwards

  6. What a wonderful post!

    1. Of course it is Carliote, in as lengthy it is. He was a true hero for a family man icon designing his own funeral. The Land Rover in its perfectly tuned colour is the humblest and most noble of them all. Resplendent x

  7. Thank you for your wonderful post. What a poignant day for the whole family. I thought Catherine looked stunning.

    1. She really did. She looked so confident, almost like she was the head of the group. She has really grown into her role.

    2. She was stunning. There is a picture of her in the car, looking up, absolutely breathtaking.

  8. Thank you for the beautiful written post. Prince Philip will be greatly missed by all.

  9. Thank you Charlotte, I sincerely appreciate all the work you put in with this post and ALL your posts. A wonderful personal a fitting funeral in fact it was so brilliantly arranged by the Duke and very emotional for us all. I was up to 3am down here in Australia watching. Thank you again.

  10. Zora from Prague17 April 2021 at 22:09

    Thank you for one of the most beautiful posts of yours ever, Charlotte. Somehow, my day of reflection and "taking part" in the funeral by watching it is complete now. I believe the Queen takes comfort from her profound faith which also gives her hope of being reunited with her beloved husband one day. (Despite the fact that, of course, we would like her to go on for ever.) The ceremony was so poignant, simple, dignified and beautiful. I loved all the readings, prayers and music (Benjamin Britten's composition was so joyful!). A lovely way of saying goodbye to Prince Philip, everything done according to his wishes and instructions. I was very happy to see William, Harry and Kate walking back together. God bless Her Majesty!

  11. ..a truly solemn an dignified farewell to a great husband, father and Prince. Although the wishes of the Prince was to have a small event, to me, the absences of the people, the crowds, their silence and tears was to me quite sad. But it is what it is --we might be living under restrictions because of a pandemic, but it cannot take away what the Prince accomplished in his life, the many memories we have of him on film, pictures and written words.

    Blessings on the British Royal Family and a special prayer of comfort for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

    Thank you Charlotte for your coverage. It is truly appreciated especially by those of us across the pond.



  12. Bravo Charlotte. You always strike the right tone.

  13. A perfect family funeral for a perfect gentleman. Absolutely heartbreaking to see the Queen sat alone, Again she leads by example. I hope and pray that she finds comfort in the family and the love of her people. Loved and respected the world over. We had all our flags at half mast here in Ireland. The Duchess looked as she should, like a future Queen. Born to wear pearls. I think I read somewhere that as the pearls were a wedding present, the earrings were designed by Prince Philip. A lovely touch on the day.

    1. Glad you brought the pearls in, I felt a bit callous thinking about fashion, but I thought the earrings and necklace were lovely.

  14. Thank you Charlotte, for a fine post (as always!)

  15. Oh my, "Last Post" always gets to me. This was a good funeral and your reporting of it includes such touching images and information as add to the entire thing. Thank you.

  16. Valerie in Arizona18 April 2021 at 00:33

    Thank you Charlotte, beautiful post. At my cousin's funeral, the priest told my cousin's wife that he would have wanted to go first, to get things ready on the other side so he'd be there to greet her when her time came. I thought the same thing today, especially after people mentioned how the Queen followed Philip's cortege, where in life she had always gone first.

  17. It is such a sad and solemn occasion. I have just lost my own beautiful mum at only 75. My dad is so devastated after 50 years of marriage. I miss her so much. I can only begin to imagine the loss of such a dearly loved life partner.

    1. My parents will celebrate 60 years in September. My dad has had some major health issues this year, and has gone from hospital to rehab to assisted living. Because of the pandemic, they haven't seen each other since the first of the year. Every time I talk to my dad, he asks if my mom is OK. He's so worried about her having to be alone and take care of everything herself. My mom can't bring herself to go see him because she wants to remember how he was, not how he is now, but she really misses him. It's wonderful to see couples stay together for so long and still love each other that much.

      Prince Philip was the perfect match for the Queen. His personality complemented hers so well: they each had traits that made up for the other's lack of them, like his being so outgoing and forthright where the Queen was more reserved and introverted. I'm sure she depended on him in so many ways, and it's going to be hard to adjust to life without her rock.

  18. I watched the entire funeral from procession to the end here in America. It was a very bittersweet time for me, as I lost my beloved husband just 3 months ago, and I could very much imagine how the Queen was feeling. I love her quote: "grief is the price we pay for love." I was married just 40 years, but my husband, too, was the love of my life. This was a very triumphant day, too, with the wonderful service full of Scripture and hymns and music giving glory to God. God bless the Queen and the royal family at this difficult time. They are in my prayers.

  19. This was such a lovely post Charlotte thank you. I watched the funeral service with tears. It was beautiful and nice to see Harry, Kate and Wills chatting at the end of the funeral. Kate looked especially beautiful. It was sad to see Her Majesty sitting all alone. I wish her strength and I saw tears in Charles eyes and Anne.

    I don't know if you have seen this or your readers but Canada put on a beautiful tribute service to Prince Philip today and you can watch it on youtube.

    He took over 70 visits to Canada with his last one in 2013.

    May he rest in peace and comfort to the royal family and especially to Her Majesty. God Save the Queen.

  20. Thank you for a beautiful post, which I read just after watching our recording of the occasion. It is simply the best public funeral I have ever seen, just overflowing with perfect tributes and a wonderful reflection of Prince Philip's life. Your addition of 'their song', one of my favourites too, is a delightful touch. They were a magnificent couple. How sad for the whole family.

  21. ”Grief is the price we pay for love.”

  22. Does anyone know the flowers from HM? Were they sweet peas?

    Kate's choice of jewellery was a touching nod to The Queen and Prince Philip.

    1. The flowers were white lilies, small white roses, white freesia, white wax flower, white sweet peas and jasmine. White lilies are often seen at weddings and funerals since they represent rebirth, while the white rose is a sign of respect or remembrance. Notably, it is also the flower of June, Philip's birth month. Jasmine, meanwhile, is symbolic of purity, and sweet peas represent a departure or thank you. The white wax flowers symbolises a lasting love or a love that endures time and trials. (As described on the Hello! website)

  23. Thank you Charlotte for chronicling this living history for us in your usual respectful style. When I was in grade 9; I had a history teacher who piqued my interest in the subject that has only grown in recent years. To be able to witness this great and unusual milestone with our Royal Family is a gift. And I mean that in the most respectful way. I know the Prince will be missed by the Queen and her family. Prince Charles with tears on his cheeks was poignant. There is very few people who are saying good bye to a parent when they are themselves in their 70’s!

  24. Thank you so much for the beautiful post.

  25. Such a beautiful, moving service. I learned more about the Duke this week, and he seems like such a good man - I find myself sorry he's gone now. That his family and friends seem so devastated speaks to how much he was valued by them.

    1. Me too, I learned a lot about him, I didn't know much.And I agree, a good man. Integrity and loyalty. And I love his sense of humor

  26. RIP Philip. God bless the Queen.

  27. Gone but never forgotten.

  28. It is very sad when a beloved member of the family passes away. HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh was bigger then life. He was head of the family, while the love of life for 73 years, was and is head of State. May he be remembered for his service in the Navy and to the Queen and Country. RIP, you will always be remembered. Thank you for your Service.

  29. Dear Charlotte, I have not been able to read all comments but I want to thank you for your report style blog, written with the highest form of integrity. Warm and understanding without judging. It is very pleasant to visit your blog and learn about fashion and content as well. Thank you so much for your professionalism in this world of guessing, implying and scoring at the expense of others.
    Warm regards from the Netherlands

  30. This post was a wonderful overview of Prince Philip's funeral; it was so respectful while showing a little bit of everything.

    I have a couple questions that came to mind while reading the post:
    1. Where was the Land Rover in the years before Philip's death, and what will happen to it now?
    2. How do the royal women manage to never have a run in their panty hose/tights? I've put a run in mine while putting them on!

  31. I don't care much for Funerals. Because this is so final.


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