Wednesday 14 April 2021

The Cambridges Share Balmoral Family Photos with the Duke of Edinburgh

In a selection of photos in memory of the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared an informal photo taken at Balmoral in 2015 with the Queen and Prince Philip. It's a peek into the family with a lovely moment captured between the Queen and Baby Charlotte.

Of course, Balmoral was incredibly special to the Duke. Princess Eugenie said several years ago, "It’s a lovely base for Granny and Grandpa, for us to come and see them up there; where you just have room to breathe and run." I would wager some of the most personal and candid images of the family are these. One such image, taken by the Duchess of Cambridge at Balmoral in 2018, is a lovely photo of the Queen and Prince Philip with seven of their great-grandchildren: Prince George, Prince Louis in the Queen's arms, Princess Charlotte, Savannah Phillips, and beside Philip, Isla Phillips holding Lena Tindall beside big sister Mia Tindall.

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall shared two photos "remembering The Duke of Edinburgh as a much-loved Father and Father-in-Law".

Buckingham Palace shared a sweet photo of Prince Philip with Prince Harry from Trooping the Colour.

And a touching tribute shared by Princess Eugenie on her Instagram account:

"We all miss you. ⁣You would be so touched by all the tributes that have been shared with me the past few days. People remember sitting next to you at a dinner, or shaking your hand once, who remember you saying hello in passing, or remember how much their DofE award meant to them. ⁣I remember learning how to cook, how to paint, what to read. I remember laughing at your jokes and asking about your spectacular life and service in the navy. ⁣I remember incinerating the sausages and you swooping in to save the day.⁣ I remember your hands and your laugh and your favourite beer. ⁣I will remember you in your children, your grandchildren and great grandchildren. ⁣Thank you for your dedication and love for us all and especially Granny, who we will look after for you."

The Telegraph reports the Cambridges have been at their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall, for Easter break since holidays began at the end of March. It's understood they will return to KP at the end of this week ahead of the Duke's funeral on Saturday.


  1. What a wonderful glimpse into the more intimate moments of the royals, to see them as they are when they all gather together. Balmoral must hold very special memories indeed. Princess Eugenie's tribute is probably the most touching of all to me. These photos bring a tear to my eye, as this is what helps us to heal after a loss, the kaleidoscope of memories and moments shared. I can envision that all the great grandchildren had a grand time playing together, as your cousins are your first friends! They all are adorable, but Charlotte,and Mia look particularly full of spunk! One thing the royals have done well is to memorialize their life, not just for themselves but for the world. It has been a privilege to enjoy all the photos that are being shared, just very sad under these circumstances, but what a full life Prince Philip had with his family.

  2. Isla, Vernon, CANTERBURY14 April 2021 at 20:44

    Awesome, I was thinking of requesting for a roundup of some family photos when you tweeted.
    That is so what we expect from the look of a queen into her grand-daughter's eyes. Isla x

  3. So many lovely photographs! I was thinking about Kate's photos vs those of Annie Leibovitz. I love the professional photos; they seem like paintings. But Kate has such warm buttery lighting without shadows -- hers make it easier to really see the subjects. Her photograph, the second on this blog, is much more inviting than the first one. I wish that one would be forthcoming with Harry's children and the new babies of Zara and Eugenie, and any future babies! As an aside, I liked Kate's hair in the first photo. It seems Granny and Grandpa were very involved in the lives of their eight grandchildren, and then had a lot of love for their great-grandchildren.

  4. ...ever so touching! Thank you.

  5. What a lovely photo. Love that the girls are all in dresses and Mary Jane's! Even George reminds me of an illustration in a book when I was young, called The Bumper book, illustrated by Eulalie. All the illustrations are how you would envision childhood should be for every child, happy, well cared for, and loved. Spending time at Balmoral seems like really warm family memories, no wonder it's a favorite of the Queen's.

  6. Susan in Florida14 April 2021 at 22:57

    Charlotte, Thank you for sharing these, some of us do not have Twitter or Instagram. I love the photo of all the great-grand children. I heard the funeral will be televised in the US from the (Eastern time zone) 9 am-12 noon

  7. Charlotte - your blog here is just outstanding! I check in every day and have for several years now. I can't thank you enough. You amaze me with all the information, history, details and gorgeous photos you find. It is greatly appreciated and enjoyed. God bless you and God bless HRH Prince Philip and of course, God Bless the Queen! With love and thanks from me in the USA!

    1. Could not agree more. A very welcome blog.

  8. Such lovely photos of precious memories. Love the HM and Charlotte looking at each other so sweet.

  9. He loved 'her Lizzy' every inch what embodies them all. That priceless look of Lnea's face.

  10. I love the pictures that they shared. Definitely a peek into their more private side.. My random thoughts: Kate is wearing jeans.They got a lot of mileage out of George’s sweater. George has a skinned knee. The girls out number the boys in the next generation. Charlotte is a spit fire. I wonder how many shots Kate took to get the “one”.

    Hope from USA

  11. A wonderful post sharing intimate images of the Queen and the Duke with their great grandchildren. These images must give her comfort during this time of grief. Wishing HRM, her children, William, Catherine, and their children peace during this difficult time. The love among them is visible and endearing. Thank you for a lovely post!

  12. What lovely pic, this is one for the memory to share with the rest of family.

  13. Nice to see a family; grandparents and their great-grandchildren. No fuss. Kate really has a special talent in photography.

  14. Zora from Prague16 April 2021 at 08:23

    The pictures with the kids are precious!!!❤️Although the little ones are very young, they will have some lovely memories of their great-grandpa!

  15. It is lovely shot indeed. But I don't hink it is a very private moment we see here. The Cambridge children wear pretty different clothings in private (and the mix of George's shirt and shorts are pretty hard on the eye). I think they took the chance to put the children in some more formal clothes and take some nice family photos. Which is fine- I would do the same in their position. I wonder if they will take the chance, now that they are all in London, to take another big family photo? I will say, all of them in mourning clothes would be quite the picture for the history books. Or maybe again in the summer if the Queen travels to Balmoral again? It would be lovely to have one with the newest family members. 8 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren is a big bunch to have the luck to have a personal relationahip with.

  16. the pictures of the great grand children are very lovely I do love the there get a chance meeting great-grandfather the duchess of cambridge surely capture the moment


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