Saturday 9 January 2016

Happy Birthday Kate & The Duchess in L.K. Bennett for August Dinner

Good evening, dear readers,

As we mentioned in yesterday's post the Duchess of Cambridge is celebrating her 34th birthday; Happy Birthday, Kate! It is understood HRH is spending the day privately, and no doubt a family dinner is on the agenda, with George on hand to help Kate blow out the candles.  Kensington Palace thanked fans for their warm wishes via their Twitter account.

Kensington Palace Twitter Feed

The official British Monarchy Twitter account sent Kate birthday wishes. The two photos side by side were a wonderful choice.

British Monarchy Twitter Feed

In an unexpected treat for royal fans Ashley Marie discovered an Instagram video from late August showing William and Kate entering their vehicle following a private dinner at Berry Bros. & Rudd.

Below, the video as shared by Ulterior Events with the caption: "The ultimate celeb spot whilst strolling through London late at night".

Three close-up stills from the video. 

Royal warrant holders Berry Bros. & Rudd is one of Britain's oldest wine merchants, established in the 17th century. Their flagship store has been located at No. 3 St James's Street, London since 1698 when it was founded by the Widow Bourne. A supplier to the Royal family since the reign of King George III, historic customers have included Lord Byron, William Pitt the Younger and the Aga Khan.

Berry Bros. & Rudd

In 1998, two years before the start of a new century, Berry Bros. & Rudd celebrated 300 years in business. The run-up to the 300th anniversary celebrations was marked in 1997 with the award of Berry Bros. & Rudd’s second Royal Warrant by Prince Charles.

Berry Bros. & Rudd

The royal connections don't end there. In June the Cambridges joined members of the Royal family including the Queen, Prince Philip,  Prince Harry, Princess Anne and her family, and Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice at the exclusive wine bar and dining club to mark the monarch's 89th birthday.

Berry. Bros & Rudd

The Mirror shared these details in their article on the outing:

'The lavish dinner was held in the private Townhouse dining room, which seats 14. A minimum spend of £2,500 applies with set four-course menus costing up to £295 a head and wine at up to £7,000 a bottle. Dishes on offer include veal sweetbread, beef cheek, tandoori monkfish and oysters with chorizo jam.'

Various options for the evening are available, including Long Room dinners which are described as: "Beginning with a drinks reception, you will then be invited to take your seat in the intimate Long Room, along with other guests and your knowledgeable host. A superb meal will follow, accompanied by at least five exceptional wines in an affable and informal atmosphere."

Berry. Bros & Rudd

For wine connoisseurs in London or those planning to visit, the shop is defiintely one to see. Customers can browse by grape, region of origin and vintage year.

Berry Bros & Rudd

The Duchess looked very chic in the summery L.K. Bennett 'Madison' chiffon print dress (again, a thank you to Ashley for speedy I.D.). The floaty and feminine silk dress has a delicate animal print in orange and blue tones, and a loose, tiered silhouette. It's a lovely choice for a night out in London.

L.K. Bennett

A closer look at the print.

L.K. Bennett

It originally retailed for £325 before going on sale for £150 and selling out. If you're interested in purchasing the dress L.K. Bennett are asking customers to enter their details and they will get in touch if it comes back in stock.

L.K. Bennett

It appears Kate wore her Jimmy Choo Gilbert pumps and carried her L.K. Bennett Natalie clutch. From what we could see it looked like Kate's hair was straight and sleek - a great look for her.

Jimmy Choo / L.K. Bennett

It was a stellar look for the Duchess, and it's always fun to see William and Kate enjoying a night out. Berry. Bros & Rudd appears to be something of a favoured haunt for the royals; it's also a popular spot for pre-theatre dinner and drinks. I expect the couple may have booked one of the dining rooms for an outing or celebration with family or friends.

A reminder: if you haven't voted for Kate's best coat, dress and gown of 2015 you can do so by visiting our Polls page. I hope you're all having a great weekend! :)


  1. Rebecca - Sweden9 January 2016 at 22:21

    I really hope we get to see that dress better. Looks very pretty! :)

  2. Happy Birthday Kate!!!!
    Thanks for the post! Do we have a photo of Kate in her dress that she wore with straight hair? Thanks again!! :)

    1. Hello,

      We just have the shots above, hopefully Kate will wear it again :)

    2. Knowing Kate she will absolutely wear it again! It might be in two months or two years but our girl knows how to recycle and especially since this one (somehow?!) slipped under the radar, it will seem like a "new" dress for many people when she wears it again :)

    3. Maybe she's saving that one just for William.

    4. Yes, I am surprised that that visit didn't get out more. We rarely ever see Kate with her hair straight so I would love to see her hair straight a few times. (But I do prefer it the way she wears it a lot) Have a Great Day! :)

  3. Happy 34th birthday, Kate!
    She's a true inspiration, a classy, sweet, lovely lady. She's one of the most beautiful women inside and out. I think the Duchess is a great role model for women of all ages.
    I read on twitter: "In a world full of Kardashians, be a Kate". Well, i think "In a world full of Kardashians, be yourself" is better, but you can always be inspired by a sweet, caring woman like HRH!
    Hope she had a great day celebrating with her loved ones :)
    I LOVE this L.K. Bennett dress, I hope Kate will wear it again, it's an amazing look!

    1. Emi, I LOVE that! "In a world of Kardashians, be a Kate." Just perfect!

    2. I love it too! It makes me giggle and it's so inspiring!

    3. I think Kate is being herself. And I will say it again, your English is just fine, Emi. :)

    4. Thank you, royalfan! It means a lot! :)

  4. Happy Birthday Kate!!
    Thanks for the post!! Have a great night! :)

  5. I have to add that the Duchess looks amazing with straight hair! I wonder why she doesn't style her hair in this way more often.. :)

  6. LOL, "In a world of Kardashians (and Paris Hilton's), be a Kate". Love it.

    1. So simple yet so perfect. I'm amazed it took this long for someone to come up with this catchphrase!

    2. I agree 05:41. I really, really hope that catchphrase becomes popular worldwide.

    3. "In a world of Kardashians, be a Kate." Definite t-shirt material.

  7. how surreal. you are walking in London and all of a sudden Kate and William appear right in front of you.
    what are the odds of getting a video like that?

    1. I had the very same thought. :)

    2. I don't even know what I would do. I would freeze, and then probably try to get my phone out to take a pic as quickly as possible but I would only get a shot of the car door closing. But at least I would know that it happened!

    3. I know. HOW did they get that quick walk, dart actually on video? Were they videoing to begin with before they saw W/K wiz before them?

    4. Wait a minute. You are right. How did they do that? William and Kate hurried from the restaurant to the car obviously. They had to have been videoing prior to their exit or they would never have gotten that on film. By the time they would have recognized and realized that that was William and Kate, gotten their phone/camera ready they would have already have been in the car.

    5. Their vehicles and security would have been in place prior to them exiting the restaurant which would allow plenty of time for someone to stop and pull out a phone if they wanted to see the "celebrity" causing the fuss.

    6. I don't know RF. I think their vehicles pull up just moments before exit.

    7. Oh, I'm not suggesting that the vehicles are in place for an extended period of time (that would draw unnecessary attention to the scene), but even allowing a few minutes for them to pull up and do a quick security scan of the area would allow someone with good timing, and curiosity, to stop and take a photo or video. IMO.

    8. got that. Thanks RF. :)

  8. Interesting to me that Kate and William walk to the car separately. I imagine that must be for the sake of security. Thinking about small things like not being able to walk WITH your husband makes me a little sad for them. No wonder they crave time away from prying eyes and security considerations, when they can be normal.

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis10 January 2016 at 01:12

      Then again, due to the immense amount of privilege they enjoy, they get to spend so much more time together than most husbands and wives. Remember that after Kate gave birth for the first time, William ended his job, while not upping his royal duties. Do you know of many couples that can afford having the primary/only money-earner quit his job right after they have their first child? Because I don't. They were both basically stay at home parents for the first year after having their first child, with a nanny and other help. William's status has also ensured that despite him working a "normal" job, he gets the perks of a royal, i.e. getting a day off in his first week of work for his son's birthday, getting both Christmas and New Year's off from work as well despite being a new employee, etc. They also get to work together a lot. Oh and this walk to the car in the video? Unlike most couples, who have to find parking and then walk to that car, William and Kate have a driver who is allowed to park illegally right in front of wherever they are. So yes, they didn't get to walk together for the 10 second walk from the front door of a restaurant to their car, but in general, they get to spend way more time together than most couples.

    2. That's what I was thinking Maggie. They get their car brought to them, and then they sit together in the back seat while someone else drives them home. They also don't have to pay the exorbitant parking in central London! I don't feel too sorry for them in this instance either.

    3. There are a large number of people with inherited wealth who don't have to work, and who don't have to drive themselves to dinner in the city. The vast majority of them can still walk hand in hand with their spouses. If the monarchy did not exist, William would still be part of this class - he would still be the Duke of Cornwall's heir, and even if they did away with all titles, he'd still have the money - so it is not as if the lack of privacy and safety is a necessary quid pro quo for the perks. It's also totally possible to think he, like everyone else in that wealth bracket, is fortune in many respects while also finding it quite sad that he and Catherine cannot walk hand and hand after a dinner out. I also thought the video was sad, partially because I also noticed them walking separately, but even more so because of the way they walked, Catherine moving quickly and darting into the car, William with his eyes scanning the area, almost like caged animals at the zoo.

    4. Excellent points Maggie... having to walk a million miles to and from a dodgy car park at night is one of the reasons my husband and I think twice about a night out.

    5. I think there are about equal number of minuses to their lifestyle as there are pluses.

    6. As I don't own a car, I use to call a taxi, sometimes, and in such occasions I have a driver and the car comes just in front of my door. I don't feel so privileged for that.

    7. Seriously, they have so many perks and spend so much time together. They don't need sympathy for not being able to walk side by side for 10-15 seconds. I don't know any couple who always walks side by side. And Kate and William hardly ever do. He normally walks in front of her. So I can hardly feel sorry for them over something so silly. It is comments like this that is the reason Kate and William have it so easy.

    8. He isn't the heir to tbe duke of Cornwall. That title is one of the Prince of Wales titles. William would probably get to keep the one he has.

    9. I don't really read the comments anymore and this type of comment is why. Gosh, poor Will and Kate can't walk side by side to the parked car waiting for them on the curb. Sorry, but the over fawning is really hard to stomach sometimes :(. I wish for more perspective. They got to sit side by side in the back, which is more than most couples since one has to drive usually.

    10. I don't think them walking separately has anything to do with security, especially since they walk usually walk side by side, at both official events and privately. It is probably more likely that William was chatting to someone - another guest/friend or the restaurant manager - and kate was simply ready to go and saw the car waiting so she walked out in front of him and he finished up saying his goodbyes and followed her a few seconds later.

    11. Elle
      Agree 100 percent. I do not value (respect or expect more from) a person because they are wealthy but neither do I value (respect more or expect more from) someone because they are poor. Lovely people exist in the lowest, middle and most upper class families, and also awful people exist in the lowest, middle and most upper class families. Life is just not always fair with its distribution of money or brains or looks or talents.

    12. Who knows? Maybe he still spoke some words to someone ...

    13. Nicole from France10 January 2016 at 14:22

      well said, Maggie ! William might have still been saying good bye to friends while Kathe started walking to the car ! and I quite agree with what you say about William, getting a "normal" job in "ab-normal conditions", I did think that, despites his royal duties, it had been quite unfair to his colleagues that he could have the whole Christmas WE out of duty, in such circumstances where emergency pilots might be required more than usual (i.e. drunk drivers etc). I suppose that, contrary to what is usually done, HE makes his schedules and the others cope with it ..... still I do appreciate them, and love to hear news and see photos, and read all comments !

    14. Everything is relative, but do their circumstances disqualify them from receiving basic, human empathy??

      If THEY looked at life that way, they'd be thrown to the blog version of lions.

    15. Julia from Leominster10 January 2016 at 18:16

      Actually, William would have to work, most probably in the City to support his quite lavish lifestyle.

      He presently relies on the support of the Duchy of Cornwall and the Duchy would not survive if the monarchy did not. William would be wealthy from his mother's inheritance and to some extent from his father's private wealth (although Charles has his own lifestyle to support) but not enormously so by the standards of wealth in London today. (In fact, by the standard's of London's rich, he would almost be a pauper.)

      It's worth remembering the Duchy is not a normal dukedom, it runs with the crown as does the Duchy of Lancaster. It is meant to support the monarch's heir - and would probably default to the government if the monarchy ended - most likely with a settlement to the royals. (Already there is talk that the Duchy should pay more corporate taxes.) The Mayer biography of Charles has a good dicussion towards the end of the complexities of the Duchy.

      The royals get privileges even the very rich don't - those are expected to be balanced with responsibilities. The rent free, custom designed flat in London alone is a huge perk, given the expense of London real estate, not to mention free security - a huge expense to most wealthy people. Kensington Palace would no longer be a royal residence and security would still be necessary but a private expense.

      From a practical viewpoint, should the monarchy end, the royals would end up having to sing for their supper as most former royals do now in Europe. So William, along with the rest of us (at least on this blog) should hope the monarchy doesn't end and work hard towards that goal.

    16. Empathy because they don't walk to their chauffeured driven car together as they go home to their mansion in a palace, royalfan? Really? They get plenty of empathy for the things that count like security for themselves and their children, the loss of some privacy that comes with their positions, how to pay the rent on two palatial homes . . . . forget that last one. They don't have that worry. They have so much privilege and we're supposed to feel for them because they don't walk to their car together???

    17. The comment posted by britstowmom was a reasonable one, yet the majority of responses point to the privileges enjoyed by W&K. It IS possible to understand, or express empathy, even if it is directed towards someone who is privileged. And then folks wonder why the concept of envy comes up.

    18. Anon 7:07, how very true.

    19. Well I've seen - or read - it all now.

      Who knows why they were a few steps apart??!! Maybe William stopped to have a final word with someone, maybe Kate was miffed at him for something he did at dinner and wanted to step out ahead of him... who knows!

      We've seen many photos of them walking together hand in hand to a car or elsewhere, and walking separately, and please don't ask me to prove it, a quick search will give you all the evidence you need.

      CuriousKat, Maggie et al, have it right... They are not Disney characters for goodness sake, moving in slow motion and staring into each other's eyes at all times! A lot of ordinary creeps into even the most romantic long term relationships and trust me that's a good thing.

    20. Claudia, I may be wrong, but I think they do walk separately on occasions such as this, and I believe it is related to security because their environment is not as "under control" as it is during an official appearance. I recall Andrew and Sarah, back in their day, exiting a restaurant or club when she was pregnant. She stumbled, but Andrew stuck with the program. Again, I do believe security is the key.

    21. exactly, RF.

    22. In this situation Melissa, it has everything to do with security.

    23. I don't understand why you are so concerned about what other people will say, royalfan. A huge chunk of your comments are concerned with what you think others will say or what their motivations might be. Here's a tip for mine: When I read a comment saying it's sad to be without her husband for a five second walk to the car, I am surprised. If you ever post that a five second walk to the car without your husband/partner makes you sad, I will be surprised at that too.

      So if you'd like to call me envious because I feel that way, that's fine with me.

    24. And CuriousKat, I've missed you!! I thought of you when I was thinking fashion names with Erika's Catherine. And you and I had a morphed name at one point for something I've forgotten. Made me think of you!

    25. bluhare, with all due respect, I am responding to comments just like everyone else here. And your very own comment questions MY motivation in a way I have not done so.

      Forgive me, but it does seem like the mention of envy has turned it into an issue with me, and perhaps that speaks for itself. What happened to don't attack the person -- change my opinion. Something along those lines does ring a bell.

    26. I stand by what I said, royalfan. You spend a lot of time speculating about others here and a whole lot less time talking about the actual subject. I didn't say anything about your motivation. I explained mine and said you're welcome to call me whatever you want. Get offended if you like, but that's what I said.

    27. Well, bluhare, I too stand by my comment. I express my opinions, a right championed repeatedly on this blog; a position I agree with, but it is somewhat ironic when it is not followed up with a willingness to see the right exercised.

      On quite a few occasions, you have responded rather bluntly and directly at a person posting a comment, and I believe you had more tolerance and respect for different opinions, than you did for games played while expressing them. I hope that is still the case.

      Agree with me or disagree with me, but please do not question my motivation when it is clear as the words I write. My words, both written by and posted by me.

    28. Apparently I must need to go to specsavers because nowhere do I read where I question YOUR motivation for posting. I said you question OTHERS' motivation, and you do it constantly. If you refuse to accept that, then no problem. But I know what I read and I certainly know what I said.

      With that, I'm out of this conversation.

  9. Wow. I NEED to see Kate wear that dress again! It looks gorgeous!

    1. ^^ What Jemma Said! ^^

      That dress is quintessential Kate.

    2. Courtney from NC10 January 2016 at 09:43

      I totally agree that the dress just screams Catherine. To me it is reminiscent of her first year of marriage wardrobe. She has made some excellent clothing choices lately and I am hoping it continues for the April tour!

    3. Had that dress been in the poll, I would have voted for it! I love it..I actually don't think it's quintessential Kate, her look is usually a more tailored, her dresses usually less romantic and flowy. On the other hand, we usually don't get to see what she chooses to wear on a romantic date with her husband, so maybe this is typical of what she wears in private vs. a public appearance. Anyway, this dress is quintessential me - or at least me before I acquired 4 kids and full time job and few opportunities much to wear a dress like that!

    4. Lol, The quintessential me, too -- in another life! Well said, Pam! I'm so glad Kate had somewhere to wear it and we could enjoy it "live"! ~ Sue T.

  10. hmm wishing the duchess cambridge happy birthday i hope we can see the the dress again hmm walking with husband with prying eyes is not easy when they are tittled to be next king and queen in england hmm they can always use dress up like everyone else so they normal

  11. I know Bristowoman. How anyone could ever begrudge them privacy is beyond me.

  12. oops. sorry for typo. 00:29

  13. I hope they both had just a little wine buzz on after being in that fancy wine place. And, especially since they were not driving. Can you imagine their wine cellar there. They have been in business since 1698.

    1. I'm not even a wine "connoisseur" by ANY stretch of the inagination, but that must be an absolutely unbelievable celler. They must have top of the line security and some of that wine in vaults!

    2. Agree looks like a wonderful dining/wine experience. How fun. ali

    3. One huge wine cellar was taken from them recently and the contents auctioned. That was just one of their wine cellars. Why the cellar and wines was taken from them I don't recall at the moment. I am sure they were not very happy about that.

    4. so good to see Michael with the family. I was beginning to really worry. I so want Carole and Michael's marriage to successfully weather all the radical changes they have experienced over the past six years and before.

    5. *were taken from them

    6. I have no worries regarding Mike and Carole's marriage. I think they are well grounded and have their act together, and I suspect that any press suggestions to the contrary are just another way of undermining the Middleton family. Sadly, a desire not given up on even after their daughter shared a wedding day kiss with her prince on the BP balcony. Lol.

    7. THANKS for the encouragement RF, truly. I would cry many tears if their marriage didn't make it.

      Upon reflection, I do think that Michael would stay in the marriage no matter what as a duty to the Queen, since his daughter will be Queen and his grandson King, and his future progeny on the throne in perpetuity. I think he is easily that patriotic. I think he also will always be a gentleman to Carole, no matter what. And he can always escape to his riding lawn mower when the going gets tough. :) That seemed to help him decompress the days after the wedding. Don't know what he does in the winter months though but I am sure he has thought of something simple and constructive.

      My prayers are with them that God continues to guide, strengthen, bless and protect them.

  14. I wonder if Kate will get any bling for her birthday. Hope so.

    1. I would do enjoy finding out about all the bling Kate has received as gifts. I imagine she has received quite a lot over the years.

    2. Just notice her bling from now on and see if anything new appears soon. That could be her birthday bling from William or the Middletons. Maybe from the Queen. If I were Queen Elizabeth, (and I'm sure she just got a brief chill when I texted that, lol), I would be gifting beautiful and thoughtful pieces of bling for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings etc. to my family members as momentos that last and even become heritage pieces. How endearing and special would that be? They wouldn't have to be expensive pieces at all. Just designed by the Queen (who apparently loves bling and the design of it). She has all the recourses to easily do that. Your Majesty, are you listening? :)

    3. That would be lovely 21:39.

  15. Happy Birthday Kate. I hope she has a wonderful 34th birthday celebrating with family and friends. Thanks for all your hard work Charlotte.

  16. I dont think those are Jimmy Choo pumps. I think they look like nude sandals with straps that tie around the ankle.

    1. They did look different than the Choo pumps. Too fuzzy to tell if an ankle strap, but that was my first impression also and the overall shape and the heel did not look like the pump, could be a Choo shoe for sure just did not look like a pump. The dress I am also not sure about, the front looks different to me, but it is so hard to tell on the video and screen shots. With her straight hair it was surprisingly a very different look, actually a great look, but with her curls to get that look is very very time consuming. I have friends with her type of hair and it is a process to have it do anything except be a big fuzz ball. I have stick straight hair and always wanted curls but have since changed my tune after seeing the hours my curly haired friends need to spend on their hair. ali

    2. I thought I saw straps around her ankle too Karen.

    3. Karen, I would love to see sandals like that in her closet. :) But in these photos, I see what appears to be the shine from the heel portion of the shoe...

  17. Happy Birthday to the Duchess! Anyone else think that in that (very pretty) dress and straight hair she looked very "Angelina"?

    1. I thought the same thing when I saw the still of the photo. I think she wants to look like Angelina personally.

    2. I thought that too! Straight hair, this kind of dress, nude heels.. I don't like Angelina too much but her sense of style is great.
      It's interesting too see The Duchess with her hair styled in this different way :)

    3. It could just as easily been Angelina as Kate. I don't know who that was but I am not so sure that was Kate. That video has been altered in my opinion.

  18. a verry happy birthday to the dutches of cambrige such a lovely person i hope she has a wonderful 34th with hubby and her chirldren!!

  19. Thank you for this, Charlotte.

    Happy Birthday, YRH!

    When cameras aren't officially on her, HRH appears to move even more gracefully than when we usually get to see her (..for instance, when getting out of the car in the controversial Erdem gown). Oh to be so effortless in heels...

    Check this out for some fun:


  20. I hope Kate had a wonderful birthday and I love the side by side photos they released.

  21. I know she straightened it, but her hair looks like it grew out quite fast from her shorter cut a month ago!

    1. This video was taken over the summer, before Kate cut her hair.

  22. Ah it was from late August. I missed that (I was wondering about no coats). Oops.

  23. ohhh it must be wonderful to wine and dine like a royal! Despite all the negative apsects, their lives are so magical. My toddler daughter and I had a 'cake party' for 'Georgies mummy'. Can't wait for the tour in April.

  24. Happy Birthday Duchess! I hope she has a very special day with her beloved family!

  25. Good to see Mr Security was into the "zone " as well. Kate's dress looked romantic.

  26. Who knows? Maybe he spoke some words to someone ...

  27. Tedi in California10 January 2016 at 09:27

    Happy Birthday dear Kate. What a lovely look for her. Love the dress, her hair, and shoes etc.

  28. Courtney from NC10 January 2016 at 09:41

    I am super excited about these pictures! I don't really love the dress but to me it is very Catherine from the first year of their marriage. She has been on a roll lately and I am hoping it is because she has hit her stride and is comfortable in her position.

  29. I read somewhere online that the video was a hoax. I think I saw it on someone's Instagram. Would be a weird video to hoax. Can anyone confirm those are the correct bodyguards? It does look a bit short for Kate and both mostly turn their heads away. Definitely looks like Will. Even her arm looks a bit strange holding the clutch doesn't it? A bit thicker than usual? Am I going Kate crazy?

    1. No Nicole you are not going crazy.. I thought the same thing. I went over that video with a fine tooth comb to try to convince myself that was Kate.

    2. Nicole,

      Someone here commented on the video saying how much more more gracefully she moves in "private". That additionally leads me to believe that perhaps is not Kate, although Kate does move very gracefully. This "gait" seemed different. And the blurry portion of video of Kate seems intentional.

  30. I hope they are happy. Despite wealth and privilege, they are trying to create a normal life for their family. To be under such scrutiny would not be worth all the money in the world. I think William understands that after what he has gone through in his life. Good wishes to them both.

    1. Lovely comment. I do agree.

    2. 12:28, William himself said, in the interview he did with that cute blonde guy while in riding in a Land Rover convertible in Africa, "There is a lot about my life that is surreal." So nice to hear him say that.

      He went on to say that that is why he tries to balance that with normalcy whenever he can. Since they were in Africa at that time, he said that, in particular, being in Africa facilitates that very easily.

  31. awh, Aussie. how sweet.

    I would love to wine and dine like that also. Can you imagine some of the amazing food and wine pairings William and Kate have experienced. I am sure they broke out the rare wines (and they no doubt have a lot of them) for the Royal wedding, Phillip's birthday, the Queen's birthday, and probably for George's birth and Charlotte's birth, etc. plus when they travel you know each country presents it's best also.

    1. Since they are friends with the Rothschilds, it wouldn't surprise me if they have some of the vintage Rothchild's in their cellar also. Aside from everything else, the Queen is probably wealthy just from her wine collection alone.

    2. Not to mention her personal real estate, bling, artwork, furniture, China, silverware, HORSES, etc. It is GOOD to be Queen. :)

  32. William and Kate and the Middletons and some of George's godparents accompanied the Queen this morning for memorial services.

  33. The Townhouse Dining Room menu does not appeal to me at all, except perhaps the wine selection.

    1. I know. Veal brains, beef cheek, monkfish and oysters? oooh.

    2. ha ha. I agree with that, lol. Give me instead some grilled Wild Alaskan Salmon, Prime Rib with Yorkshire pudding, a good New York Strip or Porterhouse steak or a good old In-and-Out Burger with Zucchini fries. Yum

  34. Surely far more important than what she wore when is the fact Kate was part of the honouring of Gallipoli dead today.

    1. Many of the employees at Sandringham are family members of the fallen. Many of the townspeople also. They have all known and/or worked for the Queen, for generations and are most likely, some of them, like extended family. So it was very kind and appropriate to do and continue to do the memorial. I think Kate was a little more somber at this memorial because she does know, personally, the some of the families of those fallen.

    2. Thank you for the reminder, Anon 22:13. It was a solemn and special day for those attending.

      As a side note, I was happy to see the Middleton family since they were not present on Christmas day. Kate's family deserves the RF's appreciation and respect and I like these nods of approval.

  35. I love when pictures/video such as this emerges. I would be interested in seeing Kate's hair stick straight like this again. Appears to be very flattering.

    The lines of this dress with the heels is a great look for the duchess. I hope we see it again. My verdict is suspended on the fabric pattern, however. I would have to see it again in better light. Right now it reminds me of fancy goldfish scales, specifically of the goldfish swimming around in the tank right in
    front of me at the moment.

    1. lol, Erika. (did you show the photo of the fabric to them to get their reaction?) :)

    2. No, not yet:-)

  36. What a great surprise. Daily Mail has new pics of the queen and prince Phillip, as well as William and Kate attending a church service. The Middleton family was also in attendence, but they did not stay for service.

  37. Tammy from California10 January 2016 at 18:14

    The picture and tweet sent out by British Monarchy was just darling. It made me tear up. Because of Diana's story, I just love when the Monarchy shows they love and embrace Kate and her family. So sweet. Happy Birthday to the only family I am interested in, other than my own. Many, many more!

    1. That brought a big smile to my heart also Tammy.
      Kate was born for the role she now has. I am convinced of that. She has such a sweet and loving personality, disarmingly loving, as she seems to make friends of almost everyone around her. No one she went to school with or Bucklebury people had anything bad to say about Kate. And you know the media tried their best to find something. The infrastructure at the palace is infamously a tough nut to crack. Obviously Kate has warmed their hearts also. Oh happy day. :)

    2. Tammy and Anon 19:09, I agree...wholeheartedly! It's all good. :)

    3. Kate is one in a million.

    4. Anon at 19:09. That isn't true. There actually has been people in Kate's past that have said not nice things about her. Including professor's at St. Andrews. One professor even was quoted as saying she and William were very stuck up. It is just the palace has tried very hard to cover up any negative aspect of Kate's past, but it does exist. They are trying to make her image into that of wholesome and sweet, but if you google her past, there are some shady things said. No one is perfect, so there will be things in everyone's past.

  38. Julia from Leominster10 January 2016 at 18:19

    I love Kate's dress, it is very pretty and a lovely colour on her. Her hair looks nice straight as well.

    Today she has been at church with her family and the queen. Kate looks very appropriate - alas to my eyes, Pippa did not for such a serious service - far too flash - but my age may be telling again. I thought Kate dressed extremely well this autumn, while many others seemed to have been bored by her style.

    1. Julia, I do agree with you regarding Pippa. Nice look but the length could have been longer.

      I believe we have seen Pippa's hat on Kate during her single days. And I am almost certain that Carol's jacket is the same one she wore during the brief statement given to the press on W&K's engagement day.

    2. I think Kate wore that hat to the Cheltenham races and Carole wore it to the ceremony where William graduated from military school and I think Pippa wore it before with a beautiful yellow coat.
      Was the brown hat Carole wore today the Brown Betty Boop hat Kate wore for the Christmas walk and for the Shamrock ceremony and to that wedding where she wore a fur collar/scarf with it?
      I think Carole wore the hat with the bow to the back sort of.

    3. That they did 21:29. It is easy to remember a hat you love isn't it? I have a hat like that although mine is faux fur. Even my brother likes it. My son, eh, he won't comment. :)

  39. That dress so reminds me of a beautiful white dress I had. I wore it with a sun-drenched tan and beautiful turquoise necklace and earrings and a beautiful pair of grey snakeskin heels (sounds wintry but they looked great with the dress). I still have the turquoise. My boyfriend at the time loved it. Ahh, romance.

    1. sounds beautiful 22:30. So neat how we remember events by outfits and vica-versa.

  40. That does not look like Kate. Not tall enough. Maybe I am off base but I can't see it.

    1. I agree Cynthia as much as I would like not to in this instance.

  41. Hello everyone,

    Thank you so much for your comments. I asked around and have heard from a very reliable source it was definitely Kate in the video.

  42. Love that she's wearing LK Bennett...but did she retire the patent beige LK Bennett pumps forever? We have not seen them for a very long time. I know lots of people would be delighted if that were the case, but I kind of like them as her "signature" look. Silvia.

  43. Thanks Charlotte. Huge relief.

  44. She probably heard that the Duchess Kate Blog was getting very frustrated with the beige heels and gave them to Goodwill.

  45. After seeing a photo of Carol Middleton, I now see such a likeness with Princess Charlotte. Some thought she looks like Kate, and she does have her coloring. She has Williams blue eyes, but her resemblance to her father is nothing like Prince George. Please someone, tell me you agree. She looks like her maternal granny.

    1. I totally agree with you. Her eyes, especially. :))

  46. I cannot get a reply box to open above. I watched the video of the walk to the car after I had read many of the comments about it. To my surprise, William was right behind Kate, and her hair as in a long curl. Who would have thought either, given the opinions here! I did notice that they both walked quickly, no doubt as requested by security.

    Prince Charles was referred to as Duke of Cornwall from birth; he became Prince of Wales in young adulthood. The duchy supports the heir to the throne, not the Prince of Wales. Elizabeth, however, did not have access to it because she could have given up her place to a younger brother. She was supported via the Civil List.


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