Sunday 10 January 2016

The Cambridges & Middletons Join the Queen for Sunday Service

It was very much a family affair at Sandringham today as the Cambridges and the Middletons joined the Queen and Prince Philip at St. Mary Magdalene Church for a service marking the 100th anniversary of the First World War Gallipoli campaign.

Kate celebrated her 34th birthday yesterday and reportedly enjoyed a celebration at Anmer Hall, with her family visiting. Pippa and James recently returned from a holiday week away at celebrity favourite St. Barts and the Cambridges usually join the Middletons for their annual trip to Mustique in late January.

Princess Charlotte's godparents James Meade and Sophie Carter joined the Cambridges, and I expect it's quite likely they are also spending the weekend at Anmer for Kate's birthday.

Following the fifty minute service, the Middletons made the walk back whilst the Queen, Prince Philip and the Cambridges walked to the Sandringham War Memorial where they laid wreaths.

The memorial cross was erected by King George V and Queen Mary to honour officers and those from the estate who died in the war. Both were very upset by the loss of men they knew personally and wanted to honour their memory.

More from the Express story:

'The ceremony was a poignant one as more than 100 gardeners, gamekeepers, farm labourers and servants from the Sandringham estate fought in the ill-fated campaign while in the Norfolk Regiment Seventeen of the staff including their senior officer Captain Frank Beck, 54, who was the Sandringham land agent were listed as missing in action after an attack on Turkish troops.'

A minute's silence was held in memory of those who lost their lives at Gallipoli.

Prince Philip's patronage,the Gallipoli Association, states that 141 soldiers from Norfolk regiment including Captain Beck and 16 others recruited from the Sandringham estate were killed on the day.

Afterwards, William and Kate chatted with members of the Royal British Legion, soldiers, and relatives of soldiers who lost their lives at Gallipoli.

One well-wisher spoke to Kate about George and Charlotte and the Duchess revealed the prince thoroughly enjoyed his first day at nursery.

The Duchess repeated the Michael Kors suit she wore for Sunday service at Sandringham on 27 December.

I loved the suit on Kate on its first outing and it's great to get a proper look at it today. It's very chic and appropriate for the occasion.

A recap on the details: the slate/claret Virgin Wool Plaid Blazer is described as a "vintage-inspired equestrian silhouette" with notched lapels, long sleeves, four-button closure and plaid knit print. The piece originally retailed for £1000. Once again, Kate wore a black turtleneck underneath.

Michael Kors

The Guncheck Wool Trumpet Skirt is crafted from heritage guncheck wool with the trumpet silhouette offering a flattering feminine fit.

Michael Kors

Kate wore her popular Aquatalia 'Rhumba' boots. As we mentioned before, the brand have discontinued the 'Rhumba' but suggest the 'Raine' boots as a substitute. They are currently discounted from $650 to $455 at Saks Fifth Avenue.


Kate completed the look with her Lock & Co. Fairy Tale hat, her Kiki McDonough Citrine Drop earrings, black suede clutch, black gloves and an elegant updo.

Interestingly, Pippa Style notes Pippa Middleton also wore Aquatalia boots and Kiki McDonough earrings. Several readers noted she wore the same hat Kate wore to Cheltenham in 2006. It also looks like Carole borrowed one of Kate's hats.

It looks like Kate had a lovely birthday with family and friends. It's been a busy week on the blog with several posts, if you're just joining us and missed anything do scroll down. :)


  1. Anett from Austria10 January 2016 at 18:31

    What a week! We had so many lovely posts, Charlotte they made you work hard really:-) Thanks!!

    I loved this suit for the first time, love it again. She had one lovely updo too. I wonder she has a hands on hairdresser or because of her bday and this event she had just had one.
    Someone else visited his hairdresser:-))

    It was a lovely thing to see them! All the family looked happy and cheerful. The only thing that raised my eyebrow is Pip's soooo short skirt.

    Sorry if it is double posted please delete it.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 18:45

      It seems like William is cutting his hair shorter and shorter every time. Maybe it's his diplomatic way of gradually easing into a crop cut?

    2. Anett from Austria10 January 2016 at 18:56

      I feel sorry for him, some men do not take it so well and afterall he is so young. But what can he do?:-)

    3. I agree about Pippa's short skirt, Anett. She sticks out from everyone else, but maybe that's what she's going for?

      And as long as he doesn't do a comb-over like his father, he can take as long as he likes, Rebecca!!

    4. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 19:04

      Yeah, I agree bluhare. I like that he seems rather ok with it. But I agree Anett, must be hard to start losing it so early...

    5. I agree Anett I do feel for William on this too! He had a great head of hair and is young to lose it... sometimes we women don't understand that a man (especially a younger one) can be as sensitive and self-conscious about his looks as a woman!

      And I know Pippa is a private citizen but oh dear, it wasn't even that the coat was far too short it didn't seem to fit anywhere, the sleeves were up her arms as well. Inappropriate, In My Opinion ;)

  2. Thank you Charlotte. Does anyone know who the man is to Carole's right and who the woman is to Michael's left? And who the older woman in the long red coat is that was to Kate's right in some of the photos? I think she might be the Queen's lady-in-waiting?

    1. The lady in Red is Mary Morrison, one of the Queen Ladies in Waiting. If you ever write to the Queen she might be the person who writes you a letter in reply.

    2. Thanks Gerts. :)

    3. Did you or anyone else you know write to Queen or Kate for christmas?

    4. I didn't know that was the Queen's lady in waiting. Thank you for telling us. :)

  3. I quite liked how William and Kate's 1st engagement of the year was so early and unannounced. Quite often January is quite slow for them. Last year, William didn't do any engagements in the month. So this was nice in that it will keep the people who say they do so little from complaining for bit. Very Busy year head with their royal tours and the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 18:46

      Was it and engagement though? It probably was for the Queen and Phillip, but will it be a "CC worthy" engagement for William and Kate? :)

    2. It definitely was a engagement for The Queen and Philip. I don't know why It wouldn't be one for Will and Kate. Just because they didn't lay wreaths doesn't mean anything. Kate never lays a wreath a Remembrance Sunday, and sometimes when it William and Kate, William lays a wreath solo and Kate watches. That doesn't mean it's not a official engagement.

      I think why It doesn't seem like a engagement was because William and Kate's attendance wasn't announced ahead of time

    3. If this counts for HM, then it should count for them. Otherwise, no, in my opinion. The memorial was to honor the Sandringham workers killed at Gallipoli so to me that seems more personal than business. But Charlotte's birth was counted as business, so I am clueless!

    4. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 19:06

      Bluhare, that Charlotte line is wrong though. Alot of the birthdays etc are listed in the CC without being engagement. It's both a calendar for engagements but also for notable milestones. It's just that some think saw Charlottes birth in the CC and ran with "Will and Kate do so little, they even count Charlottes birth as an engagement".

    5. Point taken, Rebecca. I'm too lazy to see if they actually included it in both of their year end totals, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

    6. The Royals don't calculate their end of the year totals, it is don't by outside parties. The Telegraph has a man who counts them all up and then mails in his total every year.

    7. Then I assume he knows the protocol, Gert. Was it included?

    8. Gert you are right although I thought the individual was from the Times. He also does it as a hobby. BRF do not count their engagements.

    9. PS And thanks for the clarifications!

    10. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 19:41

      He's just a civilian doing it for fun. There is another one who has recently started doing it as well. Their numbers can vary rather hard depending on if "meeting with x then y" is counted the same as "meeting with x and y". One is 2 meetings and the other a meeting with 2 people. There is alot of leeway in both ways with counting the numbers, hence why I and many get so annoyed about people listening so hard to it. As a rough estimate they are great. But a "shaking hand at airport engagement" is counted the same as "3 hour meeting with stigmatized and sick kids" so it's really not a "fair way" to be the only thing to base a royals work on.

    11. I don't know if he included it or not, The CC is always up for interpretation. How you choose to count each entry. I came up with different numbers than him, because I counted somethings as one engagement which he counted as multiple engagements. I also included somethings that weren't on the CC but I thought should be included on the count, like Signing the Book of Condolences at the French Embassy.

      Sometimes Signing the book of condolences is included in the CC, sometimes its not. The CC can be very inconsistent like that.

      I personally didn't include the Christening, just like I wouldn't include Birthdays, arriving and departing from airports, or occasions where the royal was represented at a engagement by someone else. All of which is included on the CC.

    12. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 20:02

      The person whos count I follow has a rule on arrival and departures. If they are greeted/sent of by an official, it's an engagement. If they just leave/enter a plane etc it doesn't count.

    13. Just speculation on my part... but I wonder if maybe the Queen issued a rather recent and insistent "invitation" to this?

      And the response was "oh we'd love to but we have a houseful of guests that weekend" and she replied "they're welcome to attend services in the morning too"... just a thought, don't pounce on me :)

      Just unusual to see everyone tag along like this and that it wasn't announced in advance. Not unheard of, just unusual. The Queen may be almost 90 but she's still awfully shrewd about the monarchy and the public and she's done that kind of thing in the past.

      Either way, great to see them attend. These are important remembrances and I think it's crucial to drawer "younger" attention to them.

    14. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 21:12

      Hmmm, you might be onto something. Look at this post:

      Looks like Middleton women were borrowing Kates hats.

    15. Courtney from NC10 January 2016 at 21:39

      Or it could mean that Catherine and William were scheduled, and intended, to go all along and the invitation wasn't extended to the Middletons until last minute. There are so many ways it could have happened. I just don't understand how when Catherine is being seen in public and what not the discussion becomes about intentions. No one has altruistic motives 100% of the time. Can we not just focus on what is being done and quit the "Oh well they are doing this because of xyz." She is quite damned if she doesn't and double damned if she does.

    16. I so agree Courteney from NC. Didn't take too many comments before someone has to toss in a 'potential problem or issue'. Just enjoy a surprise post. The increasingly noted direction lately of always spinning is growing old.

    17. The gentleman's name is Tim O'Donovan and you're right Rebecca he started it to show some information to his friends who kept asking "What do the royals do anyway?" :) Some things never change!

      It is open to a lot of interpretation, although I have to say I like Gertrude's plan, representing your country at a time of condolence seems an obvious engagement, whereas a christening or birthday not really. I would always ask, would they be doing this if they were not members of the BRF? And for personal family milestones and events the answer would be yes, they'd be having a christening anyway so it's not really an official thing.

      Several great articles have been written about Mr. O'Donovan, worth looking up!

    18. Thank you Courtney, I so agree. So nice to see them all out. I doubt it was too last minute as she had her hair freshly done.

    19. It was quite likely not a planned event because nothing explains the inclusion of the Middletons and the godparents. Especially the godparents who have no relation whatsoever with the Crown. So, I agree with Claudia - this was the Queen's way of giving Kate and William a little prod.

    20. Anon 22:37. You can bet money on it and I guarantee you will win!

    21. Courtney from NC, I completely agree. Anon 22:37, YES. Ugh.

    22. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2016 at 18:27

      Appearantly this "engagement" was not in the CC for either of them, not the Queen, Phillip, William or Catherine. So it was a private thing.

    23. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2016 at 18:28

      Anon 01.17 What do you mean "nothing explains the inclusion". As far as I know that is a normal church open to the public. They were in the area and has the same right as everyone to go to church there.

    24. Julia from Leominster11 January 2016 at 21:25

      I'm always unhappy when I see remarks like "ugh". There are varied reasons why we are all here. Some just enjoy seeing Kate, some are interested in her clothes, some, including myself, are interested in the monarchy and the development of a future queen. So speculation that interests one person may not appeal to another - but no purpose for being here is more valid than another. It's easy for all of us to forget that not everyone sees things in the same way and that Kate is in public life and presumably a future queen.

      As far as engagements I find both numbers and the C.C. something of a black art. Numbers obviously do matter to the public - and I'm sure the tour will bring William's and Kate's up this year. Personally, I look more at the type and quality of engagements. To me - and this is completely personal - some engagements count a bit more than others. I generally use the standard (for all royals, not just Kate) as to whether an average member of the public would see the engagement as something fun they would love to do (football matches, film premieres, Olympics, river trips visits to Downton Abbey sets) or something that most would count as work (visits to hospitals, charities, diplomatic events, visiting flood victims.) This is obviously not a clear line - state banquets might be fun to some, a snooze to others, and I don't use my own perculiar tastes (I have no interest in meeting "James Bond" or the actor who plays him and while I had friends deeply disappointed they couldn't get tickets to the Olympics but I couldn't have cared less), but a successful royal family member in my opinion will have a good balance of all types of engagements. I certainly enjoy watching the gowns for things like film premieres and yet I rate the laying of wreaths in memory of the enormous losses at Gallipoli vastly more important whether it counts in some numbering system or not. I agree that birthdays (other than the queen's official one) and christenings (unless attended officially) should not be counted.

      As for the house party- I doubt the queen "invites" people to attend church - that doesn't sound right. I think it more likely that if your hosts are to attend, you as a guest, would probably expect to attend as well. The guests were not included in the wreath laying, which seems right, but I'm certain the anniversary was mentioned in the service with prayers for the fallen.

      As far as Kate's clothes, I thought her suit was fine but understand those who were disappointed at so close a repeat. Since Kate has many coats, as all of us who had fun recently voting on our favorites know - a quiet repeat that has not been worn so recently would have been perhaps more approrpriate.

    25. Julia, I think the occasional "ugh" is well diluted by some of the negative comments.

    26. Julia, I think the Queen, more than anyone, is aware that the ice where William and Kate are standing is getting a little thin. In a matter of months they'll be married 5 years, if their workload doesn't increase soon even our dear royalfan may have a tough time explaining why ;)

      I think this was a little prod, just my opinion. It struck me right away that all the family and guests would go to early services, especially when there two small children at home, and the modus operandi up till now would indicate that if Kate had an early engagement, her mother at least would help with the children.

      In my opinion, the Queen asked William to attend with Kate, and William may have used the guests as an excuse not to attend, then the Queen in her subtle but firm way said well the guests could come along as well. This is in keeping with how she has handled some situations in the past. William was backed into a bit of a corner then. He knew his grandmother was not asking but insisting, and not only should he and Kate be there, but now he had to bring his guests as well.

      Again, this is just a theory I considered when I saw them all, just a point of discussion. (and I increasingly wonder if people understand how fluid chat and discussion work!)

      But now that I see they all seem to have rummaged around in each other's closets to get dressed, I think I may be on to something :)

    27. By the way Julia, I see the Telegraph has a piece on an upcoming Beaton exhibit, very nice.

    28. Claudia, I am not dismissing your theory. It is possible, but let me throw this out there... :) Did Pippa's outfit appear to be a product of rummaging? She looked very pulled together to me. And the odds that James, the godparents, etc, would all be prepared? I don't know... :)

    29. Negative comments are in the eye of the beholder, royalfan. I find some of the most negative and judgmental comments are made by the die hard fans.

      Other than not understanding why anyone would not want to meet Daniel Craig, Julia, I am in complete agreement!

    30. Julia from Leominster12 January 2016 at 04:03

      Do you mean the one at Wilton? It sounds very interesting, very Vile Bodies, and Goodbye to All That.

    31. Claudia your theory sounds very plausible to me as well. Given how the looks are pulled together and looking at the how they borrowed from each other I think it's extremely plausible. BTW, just technically, Carole actually should not be wearing something that was purchased by the Crown for Kate's royal appearances. I am talking about the Betty Boop hat. I don't think that it looks good that she is wearing it.

      As a reader and infrequent commenter I also wonder about how people think a discussion should look like. A discussion or a comment board is never going to have all very fawning remarks about anyone. Any public figure will have dissenters and some ardent fans and they know it. If Kate and William were to visit here ever I think that they would actually be pleasantly surprised at the calm-headed back and forth many posters are capable of. There is almost never any disrespect shown and things are argued in a logical fashion. That is the whole point of the royal family, btw, which is to get discussed in a calm-headed fashion.

      The only thing that bothers me about the comment section is that there are so many judgements and name-calling by some of the most ardent royal fans it makes things quite unpleasant sometimes. I find it really astonishing that someone can get away calling other posters jealous and envious on a *regular* basis and these comments are regularly allowed. Kate's critics are called jealous almost on a weekly basis here and that is considered fine. As far as I know there is no society where one can get away with that kind of face-to-face name calling and have that sanctioned. I find it disappointing but I can live with it because most posters are incredibly insightful and witty.

    32. It's as possible as a theory that Camilla leaks negative stories about the Cambridges, right royalfan ;) (I know, I'm being mischievous!)

      When I said "recent invitation" I didn't necessarily mean morning of, or night before, but definitely within days. I think it's also possible that they themselves decided to go at last minute, or that it was on the books for a while.

      As for Pippa, it looks to me more like dressing in the dark! The coat doesn't appear to fit her at all, the length is super short but did you notice the sleeves, they were awfully short too, up her forearms! (or is this a thing now with coats??)

      And, as Charlotte pointed out, she was wearing her sister's hat. Also according to Charlotte the godmother is wearing a cape identical to one Carole Middleton owns (another reader suggested it may have originally been Kate's?) So I think if we're working on my theory, it's possible it's one and the same and she borrowed it.

      I know I may sound like a conspiracy theorist! I don't think William and Kate are lazy, or wouldn't be interested in a war memorial, I do think they tend to be homebodies (or "nesters" as we used to say!) and need a little prodding. The problem is, the more nesting you do, the harder it becomes to eventually get out the door! And maybe they were also aware had they not gone, the stories might have been very negative "Cambridges can't be bothered with memorial while at Anmer"... you know the kind of thing.

  4. That was a very, very respectful memorial to keep and continue. I think the fallen soldiers whose families were there today are so appreciative. It helps to solidify that local community many of whom most likely still work on the estate as their ancestor's did.

  5. Kate looks so much better with this hat and the haircut. But even I wouldn't wear the same outfit in a such short space of time. And I'm a poor commoner (so to speak)! Show us Kate something new which we can only dream about!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 19:08

      I think she does it by choice. Here she is as a private citizen going to a local church. I think she wants to blend into the background (as much as possible at least) on occations like these. Also because of the memorial aspect (the queen wore lilac which is a half mourning colour as well) I think her non assuming and repeated look was 100% on purpose.

    2. Rebecca as an American I have a question regarding what you posted saying that at church the royal family are private citizens. I thought that royals are considered public people. I know comparing our current President to the royal family is totally different, but we as Americans don't consider The President and First Lady as private citizens. Are there times when royals are public citizens, and when they are private? Again being an American, something's royal confuses me.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 22:15

      No, I meant more that they were not there in official capazity. They are still public people, official people, but sometimes they are more or less in a public role. So I mean more that it could be that the Queen and Phillip were there in official capacity (as in scheduled on the CC and doing wreath laying) while Kate and William were there in the capacity of public people but in a private way (as in "popping by because they were at the church). I'm not saying it was this way. But let's say Obama goes to church. If he goes on a private sunday visit to a church while in Hawaii for example, as a public person he can expect fuss to be made about it, people to come up and want to watch him etc, but he's still there as a guy going to church. Or if he's at his kids school play his roles are 1. Father 2. President. But if he goes to church as a part of his job he's there in a public capacity. Or at a random schools play. Then his role is 1. President. I hope you get it?

      This is also not something that is set in stone. It's always in debate, especially around pictures of them. When are they "public people"? Does that account for all their time or are there times when they have a right to be "private citizens"? Is it alright to photograph a public person even when they're in a private capacity? How does this extend to children? etc etc.

    4. Sabine - California10 January 2016 at 22:18

      I have never posted yet, although I have been reading this blog from the beginning – Charlotte, you (and Jane Barr) set the gold standard for reporting on Kate and her life – speedy, insightful and wonderfully respectful. Thank you for an amazing blog!
      I want to weigh in on the debate about the fast repeat of her outfit. I wonder whether the private person Kate truly has a lot of clothing for everyday wear! When one looks at snapshots of her on outings, one always sees the same few items – skinny leggings, flats and the same tops over and over. A similar trend can be observed when she is out and about privately in London. The private Kate seems to like a classic, simple and comfortable style, and the Michael Kors costume fits right into it. If you look at little George’s clothing, a similar pattern already crops up – blue shorts, blue sweater, little shirt, crocs. Only when it is an “official” shot, do we see other styles – the work clothes of her position. It would be interesting to look at photos over the years from this viewpoint.
      My guess is – and that also pertains to the CC discussion - that this event was seen as a private event of the royal family, more of a family gathering of those living on or close to Sandringham estate – but with the awareness that inevitably photos will be taken.

    5. Thanks Rebecca for taking time to respond to my question. I get what you are saying. :)

    6. Kate looked so good today. Very appropriate. Glad that Kate and William's house party attended church with them and the Royal party and equally glad that they did not go to the memorial for several reasons. It was a solemn remembrance for local people who gave their lives by the Queen and her family who are locals, which the house party aren't. And secondly can you imagine the tabloids is they had gone headlining the Middletons as ambitious and encroaching. I think the balance was just right. And in the engagement count I would count church as private but the memorial ss an official engagement.

  6. Great to see them out and about this early. Fingers crossed that we'll see a few more before the month is out.

    From the pictures of the Middletons, it almost looks like Carole is wearing Kate's Betty Boop hat . Did anyone else notice that? Also, based on the zippers on their boots, I am willing to guess they are all wearing the same ones.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 19:09

      I noticed the hat as well. It looks like it, with the bow on the back instead and placed differently. But not clear enough pictures to make sure.

      Yeah, I saw that on the shoes as well. The woman next to Kate had similar boots as well.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 19:10

      Oh, I meant woman next to Pippa.

  7. I love this kind of unexpected appearances! And it’s great to see the Middleton family too!
    I have to say that I love Pippa’s outfit and how Sophie Carter was dressed. Maybe they watched War and peace on the BBC? Because their outfits remind me of the Russian Style!
    Sorry, i’m just curious: James Meade and Sophie Carter used to be an item, right?
    I read that William changed his “hairstyle”, I don’t like it. Sorry, Will!
    I like Kate’s suit, it’s very country - chic! It seems that Pippa and Kate like the Aquatalia boots too much, I think Pippa was wearing a pair too!

    1. Sophie used to data Thomas van Straubenzee, Charlotte's other godfather. James's wife Laura is there too. She is in the second photo next to Pippa.

      Kate looks very pretty today. I am glad she is having a fun weekend with her family and friends.

    2. Sorry, i was sure Sophie used to date one of Charlotte's Godfathers but i didn't remember who :) Thanks!

    3. Lady Laura's family is from Norfolk, so they could have been visiting her family as well as celebrating with the Cambridges.

  8. Kate, Texas, USA10 January 2016 at 19:20

    Wow Charlotte, you've been busy this week! I love an unexpected, but wonderful appearance of Will and Kate. I especially love when they have an engagement with HM and Prince Phillip. It looked to be a lovely remembrance for the fallen soldiers and their families.

    I think it's wonderful to see the Middleton's and friends at Anmer for the weekend. Everyone looked sharp for Sunday services. I loved Kate's suit when she wore it a couple weeks ago and love it even more with a better look at it. Classic English country dress with a lovely updo....perfect! I really like the attire of all the women from the photos. Everyone looked beautiful and classy!

    Thanks for all the recent posts Charlotte! It's been a great week!

    1. Yes, beautiful and classy.

  9. Kate looks like she has some things on her mind - unlike her to keep looking around like that. I liked the outfit better the first time with her hair down. The color, length of skirt and up do makes her look decades older. Her waist... Can she be expecting?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 January 2016 at 20:25

      I don't like to speculate on if she's pregnant or not. It's their buissness until they wanna tell us. I'm not saying you're wrong. But it could just as well be that the night before got rather late (since it was her birthday), that she has a cold, that the kids slept bad or that the lighting today made her look more tired.

    2. all of the above, as Rebecca said, and it was not a festive occasion. Solemnity can make one looked tired.

    3. PS I also agree with you 100% on the hair. This outfit looked so much better with her hair down, IMO. Wearing it up with this suit aged her horribly, I thought. I still think she's absolutely beautiful but she looked far older than 34 today if you ask me.

  10. Wow! You Miss a little & You Miss A lot! I Blinked & I came back to a Bumper Crop of New Sightings; New Events; New Updates & All with Many Wonderful Pics & an Uber Amount of Info! Whoosh! I've got my work cut out for me getting caught up with all of this! I left off with George's First Day of School & was Trying to read all The Responses, but hadn't completed That Task Yet & Now This?.... I just may have to cut my losses & start from this Newest Event & Work my way Back to George's First Day of School..... Charlotte! How Do You Do It All? Moderating All of Our Conversations, While Being At The Ready for Any Sighting or Appearance & Always loaded down with Lots of Great Photos. As Well As Accurate Super Timely Info & Historical Background To Boot!..... It Has To Be Said.... You Are A Rock Star!:) "Thanks" just Doesn't Seem Enough!
    Your Awestruck Fan,
    Becca USA:) xo

    1. Becca, ditto to every single thing that you said! I think the same of Susan, Anna, and Carly. They are always quickly on top of every story and sighting no matter how unexpected and they always have speedy and comprehensive posts up in the blink of an eye! I am so grateful to all of these ladies for what they do; reading their pages is so much fun for me and they work so hard 365 days a year on it! They improve our lives so much, more than they know, sometimes :)

  11. Kate looks wonderful - sophisticated and comfortable. Love the whole look, perfect for the occasion. What a lovely birthday weekend for her surrounded by family and friends.

  12. Wow, this week has been such a treat with unexpected sightings and multiple posts. It's made a seemingly quiet time go by pretty quickly.

    This was a wonderful thing to honor after church with the Queen, Prince Phillip, & the Middleton family.

    I really like Kate's outfit and really glad we have better pictures this time. It's really lovely and she looks fantastic.

    Thanks Charlotte for your hard work keeping us well informed.

  13. Loved the whole look today! Simple and sophisticated!

  14. I think Kate looks absolutely beautiful - much more elegant with the up do. And very respectful of he situation to choose an already-seen outfit. Australia.

    1. I think the repeat and the updo are in keeping with the solemnity of the memorial service.

    2. I agree. Plus, why shouldn't she wear the same outfit if she simply looks good and feels comfortable in it? Zora

    3. I completely agree with the three comments here. (3 so far :)

  15. I liked the look better as it was worn previously, for me it is about the hair. The suit is wonderful, elegant, but works better with hair worn down.

    1. I'm going to agree with you Marija. I thought the first wear was better too with the hair down. The look is severe and aging with the updo... and, ARGH that she is rewearing this suit so soon :-(

      I like what the rest of the ladies are wearing and I think Pippa looks fantastic. Fabulous coat! I don't think she is an attention seeker as has been implied. I think she loves fashion and enjoying experimenting. A woman after my own heart .

    2. Courtney from NC10 January 2016 at 22:21

      Catherine is the future queen. Haute Couture and monarchies rarely go together well. I thought Pippa's coat too short. Both for the occasion and the time of year. Catherine looks appropriate. I don't mind her wearing something this close together especially day time looks. She has to tread very carefully and I think she is doing as well as possible as far as clothing goes.

    3. Different strokes for different folks Erika! Nothing wrong with that :)

      (I don't think she was seeking attention either, just a poor choice IMO)

    4. As much as I would love to see her in a new awesome bespoke outfit like in the days of Diana, I agree Courtney, she is being thoughtful and practical in her choices and repetitions.

    5. No one mentioned Haute Couture, Courtney. However, several iiconic European princesses have had very close relationships with a couture house or two. Today, Princess Charlene, Queen Maxima and Queen Letizia do it well to name a few.

      Of course, these days one has to be concerned with monetary excess but I doubt Kate needs to tread as carefully as everyone seems to think she does. Why should the wife of the future heir to the throne need to rewear her outfits more than anyone else in the family? Why does she need to err on the extreme side of caution? I think she does not need to but chooses to for whatever that reason may be.

    6. IMO it has more to do with her hat than the hairstyle. The hairstyle has worked before, many time, but I do not care for this hat, especially the angle of it (worn flat on her head). I think her Betty Boop hat would have been a better choice.

    7. Absolutely Claudia:-) Makes the world a more interesting place.

      I think you're on to something about the hat royalfan. I think the updo with this outfit may have been more successful with a different hat.

    8. Courtney from NC11 January 2016 at 03:03

      Erika -- The term may not have been used here but it has been before and honestly the implication of this post leans that way.

      Do you know what all three women you mentioned have in common that Catherine does not? They are all married to reigning monarchs. Catherine isn't even married to the next in line which makes it a completely different ballgame. It isn't even having a relationship with a renowned designer but what is worn from said designers. Does Catherine not have a relationship with both Alexander McQueen (Sarah Burton) and Jenny Packham? She wears bespoke pieces from many designers as do the other royals you mentioned. I can't recall seeing Maxima in anything as short as Pippa's coat from today. The BRF has always been a bit slower to evolve with the world than the European royal families. Catherine has dressed relatively the same since they were married. She is usually very modest which the re-worn outfit is.

      With all the flack she gets for not doing enough engagements and spending money on KP and clothing I find it interesting that you think she doesn't need to exhibit extreme thoughtfulness. She was also not the main attraction today. The reason they were there is and after that the queen should be. Perhaps that is why or perhaps the suit is warm and it was cold. I just find it odd that no matter what Catherine does people aren't happy. Maybe it is because I have been reading this blog long enough to be over how critical things can become. Didn't take long at all for people to jump on any negative thought they had. I love debate but honestly some of the criticism on the blog isn't meant for debate and is just mean.

    9. Courtney from NC11 January 2016 at 03:27

      The group picture near the top of the post illustrates the difference. If you looks at all the women the only one who is dressed differently and looks out of place is Pippa. The length of her dress makes her stand out and not necessarily in a good way. They were going to church with the Queen of England and almost every person pictured dressed appropriately.

      There are days when Catherine has fashion fails and days when Pippa looks stunning. There are times I wish Catherine would dress with a little more youthfulness but she is usually spot on matching her look to what event she is attending.

    10. I was relieved to see Kate's hair up! I did not like the suit and hat with her hair down. It made her look tired.

    11. Yes! I hated to say it but "severe" and "aging" are exactly what popped into my mind upon seeing these pictures. I thought it looked lovely with her hair down but disliked everything about it today :(

    12. My reply disappeared but I was agreeing with Claudia and royalfan. Definitely, different strokes for different folks, Claudia. That's what makes this world so wonderful.

      And royalfan, you may be onto something with the hat. I have liked it with her hair down always.

    13. Oops, my comment is there now.

      Courtney, didn't you say Haute Couture and monarchies rarely go well together?Do you mean haute couture style rather than Haute Couture brands?

      As for Pippa's coat, no where did I say Kate should wear it, although if it were a couple inches longer, I think she would look great. I was simply admiring the coat in and of itself. I was just over at WKW and a poster likened it to a bluebird in among brown sparrows, and I quute liked that analogy. As Claudia says, "different strokes" and, for me, Pippa looks fabulous. It may not be everyone's taste but its not an inappropriate length worn with the opague tights and the tall
      boots. Ive seen Zara wear equally as short and much tighter clothing to church with her grandmother.

      If you have read this blog as long as you say, you know that I enjoy most of what the DoC wears and not highly critical. I am an advocate of more young and fun clothing for her at times. You are wrong about Kate having worn extremely conservative clothing since her marriage. She has many interesting pieces in her closet.

      Lastly, I think she does neef to be thoughtful but not extremely thoughtful. She recycles like no other royal around but back to back rewears are unnecessary. I can only think that this engagement was spur of the moment and that was what was available. Don't let her recycling fool you though. She spends a lot of money on her wardrobe. She wears very expensive clothing. I don't see her being extremely thoughtful in that category at all.

    14. Regarding the three other royal ladies mentioned above...

      Letizia stepped it up big time AFTER becoming Queen. Prior to that, she appeared to have the monopoly on navy pants suits. Today, I agree, she looks terrific.

      Maxima's style is very much like her personality and I love the majority of what she wears. But it is my impression that she never had to fear stepping on anyone's toes (an issue that has existed in BRF); Beatrix and Maxima appear to have a very loving relationship.

      Princess Charlene, well, I have sympathy for her circumstances (I do not believe she is a happy lady), but I also see her as more of a celebrity type than a royal. Perhaps I would feel differently if more of her spirit came through.

    15. Thanks, Erika. :) I must admit I am not a fan of these types of hats, but the angle here, in particular, covers too much of her forehead.

      I love this outfit and I am imagining it with a belt and her Betty Boop hat for a different twist.

    16. Yes, royalfan, I admit, they are all very different women but you know me. It irks me when it is said that her sartorial role is only to dress appropriately and blend in when other royal women don' t seem to follow that rule. I understand there are guidelines to follow but I really believe
      she can be chic and a member of the
      BRF as well. Sophie does it often, and
      Kate used to do it.

      Definitely a gorgeous suit with many possibilities for accessories. I love your vintage ideas and I love the way it was styled on the Kors website.

    17. Julia from Leominster11 January 2016 at 22:59

      I respectfully disagree as always with the statement Kate isn't even the next in line... I will simply say what I've said before - that at the queen's jubilee - it is worth noting who was on the balcony. Anne wasn't. Andrew wasn't. Edward and Sophie weren't. At that defining and extremely important occasion, it was Charles and Camilla, William and Kate, and Harry who were up there. Kate isn't some minor royal. The family made that clear with that line-up. The idea that when Charles takes the throne that there will be some major status change is wrong - there is just one less step. (It's not even a given that William will become Prince of Wales - it is almost a certainty but not absolute - until Charles makes him so William and Kate will still be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The future queen mum (and of course, the Duke of York) were not next in line until 1936, but there was enormous attention paid to Elizabeth and her daughters and their style and the Yorks were very active royals. It was important then because of the uncertainty of Edward VIII, it is important now because of the age of Charles and his lack of popularity - while I don't agree that William should take over Charles - the youthful future of the monarchy needs to be visible and active.

      And that goes for what Kate wears. I personally think she looked fine, - but I would never say her choice was unimportant.

    18. Erika, I too would love to see her step it up and be less cautious. I would be fibbing if I said I did not, but I go back to my theory that she is treading carefully for a reason. Fair? No. Reality? IMO, yes.

    19. I'm sure there is a reason royalfan but it must be a fairly new one because this "dumbing down" of fashion is relatively new for her. Not sure what would be different since 2013. I think it is her own choice but unsure why.

    20. Courtney, I had to scroll a long way to get here, but I agree with you on what you said. And as far as "debate" goes, that is one thing, but mean is quite another and you don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows on those occasions. Why anyone wants to be mean about topics here is beyond me. I do believe it is much better than it used to be though so that's promising.

  16. Did anyone else see her suit and think of Diana's suit from after her honeymoon?

    1. They do very much resemble each other. Classic never goes out of style.

    2. Yes. :) Both are English, country looks.

  17. Tedi in California10 January 2016 at 20:54

    Lovely to see the family all together. I agree with the posters who pointed out how inappropriate Pippa looked. I thought she looked ridiculous. Kate looked beautiful, love the suit, boots and hat. Very moving ceremony.

    1. I thought both Pippa and James looked a bit underdressed but maybe many of the churchgoers looked more like they did for the service. Ali

    2. That is another indication to me that the invitation was a last minute invitation.

  18. Glad we got a better look of her outfit so soon!!! Looks like William got a haircut.

  19. Love the photos of Kate in this! Thanks for the post! :)

    1. The hat that Pippa had on I think Carole wore at William's graduation from Sandhurst. Kate has worn it to the Cheltenham races and pheasant hunting with William, and Pippa has worn the hat before also with a beautiful yellow coat.
      I thought Carole was wearing the Brown Betty Boop hat of Kate's also but Carole seems to have it positioned differently.

      I thought Pippa's outfit was so cute, but perhaps a tad inappropriate for the solemnity of the occasion.

      Does anyone know who the handsome man by Carole's side is, the one in the Camel colored coat?
      He is very handsome.

      Does anyone know who the blonde is by Michael Middleton's side? Why the media doesn't identify the people in the photos is beyond me.

      At first I thought Kate's outfit was too austere, but the more photos I saw, the more it seemed appropriate.

    2. AHUM,

      Am I the only one enamored of the historical significance of this day? :)

      I am just SO happy to see the Middletons all together again (HalleluYah) AND at yet another function with THE QUEEN. It is so amazing and awesome that they are being included as they are and have been. Historical.

      Add to THAT, the Godparents are being included also. (Nice additional perk to being a Godparent to George/Charlotte.) Historical.

      How refreshing and sweet. YAY Elizabeth. :)

    3. Anon 23:14, I thought it more likely that they were there because they were probably visiting for Kate's birthday? I could be wrong and it could have been a hugely significant decision by the Queen but it seemed to many of us that they were there just because they were staying at Anmer...but I would definitely like to hear other opinions on this!

    4. Yes. I knew that, but thanks. Still, that they didn't stay home but were included is still significant in my opinion.

    5. IMHO, it doesn't matter how it happened, but the key is that the Middleton's and godparents were included. I see moments like this as William and the Queen shaking hands and meeting in the middle. He is standing up for his family unit, and the Queen's gesture is a recognition of the past and more difficult times.

    6. We can agree to disagree on it's "significance." I think HM probably just knew it would have been worse if word had leaked to the media that they had been "asked to stay home" and it got blown out of proportion.

    7. Julia from Leominster12 January 2016 at 04:07

      Somehow, I can't see the queen asking anyone to stay home from church. There has to be some control on who attends but I can't think she would be upset with guests of William and Kate's family being present.

  20. Thought Catherine looked great. Loved her hair especially suitable for the follow up ceremony with the Queen and Prince Philip. No issue with she wearing that fantastic country suit again so quickly. She probably loves it, finds it comfortable and warm.Thought Sophies coat was wonderful also. What little I could see of Carole Middleton her outfit looked good also. Fun to see the photos. Looked like a lovely morning to walk to Church and for the wreath laying ceremony. ali

  21. I love the repeat confident and low key. A perfect ten!

  22. Just for fun - Kate with different hair

    1. That is HILARIOUS!!! 😂😂😂

  23. Tammy from California10 January 2016 at 23:31

    I have so many things to say!
    1) I am surprised Kate wore this outfit so soon and to the same event: church. I like the outfit and don't really care how/when she wears it, I'm just surprised is all.
    2) I am equally as surprised that she wore yellow earrings.
    3) It looked to me like Carole Middleton was also wearing the same boots, but I couldn't quite tell.

    Nice to see them out and about. Loved seeing the Middleton clan too.

    1. Wasn't Pippa also wearing the same boots?

  24. Tammy from California10 January 2016 at 23:32

    OH, I forgot to say this: SOPHIE'S CAPE! My Gosh, I need this in my wardrobe! Charlotte, can we have an ID this once on something someone else wore? Pleeeeeease? XOXO

    1. I will certainly look for it, I love capes :)

    2. Agree Sophie looks so great! What a lovely cape. Long enough to actually be warm but so fun. The few photos I have seen of her are intriguing. She does just look like a fun but really lovely friend.

    3. I think Carol has the same cape - she had it draped over her chair during the dinner at Clos Maggiore

    4. I think you are correct Clara.

    5. Actually, I think Kate wore that cape before Carole did. I am trying to remember when but I am pretty sure she did.

    6. Balbina - Austria11 January 2016 at 22:48

      I've found nice fur trim capes. Not 100% certain but it looks like they don't even involve any animal killing.

  25. so over her wearing turtlenecks. she would have looked better with a nice warm scarf.

    1. Agreed. Even Kate can't pull off a turtleneck IMO! (With the exception of the Temperley honeycomb.)

    2. IMHO this suit wouldn't look good at all with a scarf- love the turtleneck look with the style of the collar of the jacket.

    3. Nicole from France11 January 2016 at 13:48

      she would, definitely ! I still like very much the blazer, fits perfect ! and I still absolutely dislike the skirt ! it hangs like nothing around Kate's body, and that's normal seeing how bias and right thread are used , quite difficult to mix the two !!! and especially on a rather thick woolly material. I feel she just does not really enjoy beeing there .... I am not usually a great fan of Pippa clothes, but I must say I really like her look on these photos ! and reading all the comments about the Middleton women wearing each others clothes, I laughed thinking that the invitation to church might have been extended to them at the last minute, and as they did not have the right clothes, they just went to kate's closet and choose .... LOL

    4. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2016 at 18:32

      I like the turtleneck. Keeps it young and practical. Scarves have a tendency to pull an outfit into "older lady" territory (just as brooches etc can if not done right) so together with this rather classic suit I think she would look too matronly with a scarf as well.

    5. I think they went to Kate's closet and chose also.

    6. I agree with you Rebecca, I love the turtleneck. Very appropriate with this outfit and the cold weather. I have several cashmere ones from Scotland and they are both comfortable and warm as well as great fit.

  26. I wonder if Kate uses 2 different eyeliners? The top liner looks like liquid. The bottom looks like pencil.

  27. Wondering? Any UK folks here who know the background of James Meade and Sophie Carter. Read a bit about their backgrounds and how they know Catherine and William but does anyone know if they come from wealthy backgrounds? What work they do? Does James have children? Do they live near Sandringham? Just interested in who they are as they must be close friends to be included in a small birthday celebration. Ali

    1. Good questions Ali. I would like to know that also.

    2. Ali I am glad you asked because I was wondering this too. I assumed they were married when I first saw the photos, but apparently not. Sophie is really quite gorgeous! It takes a lot to look so pretty in a photo next to Kate, but she does it :)

  28. Julia from Leominster11 January 2016 at 04:07

    As mentioned in the earlier post, I think Kate looked very nice and a conservative repeat was appropriate for such a serious occasion and sad memorial. The polo neck was no doubt to ward off the cold - it can be as cold inside a church as out, although hopefully for the queen's sake, they provide some heat.

    Nice to see they had the Middletons and a birthday house party but Pippa's suit was far too short - questionable for church, but certainly not right for a serious memorial. You do think Mum (who was quite well dressed) might have said something to her. (My late mum would not have been shy about telling me to change!)

    Kate does tend to look tired when she looks serious - I think the eye makeup contributes to it too - but her dazzling smile makes up for it many times over. I liked her hair up in a neat knot.

    Thanks to GertsRoyals for her identifications and information and as always thanks to Charlotte, for keeping us up to date so quickly. I was a bit surprised the lady in waiting wore red but she looked nice and perhaps it was her warmest coat.

    Daily Mail has some nice photos too (never mind the text) some fine historical ones of Gallipoli (the memorials of different nations at the site in Turkey are terribly moving) as well as one of Kate curtseying to the queen.

    1. Absolutely spot on. The main thing to remember is the royals will gather, after church, for the solemn Gallipoli memorial. Those who lost their lives in service to King & Country are the main topic. The Duchess is dressed appropriately for this occasion, having her hair up looks respectable. It’s not fair to compare the Duchess to the Queen’s of Europe, i.e., Queen Maxima, Queen Letitzia, etc. because Catherine is not in that position quite yet. Pippa should know what to where to church, but it’s possible that they all appeared at the door to leave when it was too late to change...

    2. So only Queens are allowed to look fabulous?

    3. Erika yes. I think that in the monarchy there is a strict hierarchy on who should get to wear the best dress and the sparkliest bling and so on. That is why we don't see Sophie wearing the large tiaras or the Queen Mum's bracelets. Kate is not encouraged to go all couture on us for this reason. When she is Queen no doubt that her already substantial clothing budget will be doubled at least.

    4. Julia, I had to laugh at the multiple mistakes the DM made, especially on the date of the battle being "2015".
      I then went on the Daily Express and found almost the exact same text including the mistakes. How can anyone have proof read this copy!!

    5. Anon, 22:06, , no one is saying Kate should upstage the Queen in dress or jewels. She couldn't if she tried anyway. She is the Queen. However, where people are getting the notion that Kate must not call any attention to herself whatsoever but blend in with extremely conservative clothing is beyond me. She is young and beautiful, and because of that, one of their best assets. I would think they would want her to be very visible. Excuse me for saying this but I really think people are making this stuff

    6. Erika, the theory is as made up as the reality of the Diana years. And I am not saying that in a sarcastic manner, really. :) I may be outnumbered here, but I totally get where Kate is coming from. And I know people point to other royals and say they do not worry about outshining anyone, but the reality is that they don't, and won't, outshine anyone (in comparison). You could put Kate in a paper bag and line her up with the in-laws and she'd be the one making the cover.

    7. Julia from Leominster12 January 2016 at 04:17

      Royalfan, you do think DM would make at least a tiny effort to proof, although since I went very American with favourite above, offered a peculiar spelling of peculiar and tried to get a distracted Mr Leo to spell premiere correctly rather than looking it up myself - the wretched service I have to use to post here has no spell-checking -I'm no one to be talking.

      I've actually been quite happy with Kate's clothes of late - she always has been a conservative dresser but she stepped out a bit with her Hedge Fund dress and the film ah...premiere. Even if not everyone liked these choices, they showed imagination. I was delighted to see the lover's knot too. I've been hoping for more jewels on the all too rare occasions for such things - and was very pleased to see her face that tiara and its legacy boldly and with success.

      I agree though - I normally see no reason why Kate shouldn't call attention to herself - the queen surely wouldn't be threatened nor did she seem so in earlier days when she did engagements with Kate. I'm thinking it was the seriousness of this occasion that dictated a cautious choice - or Kate's like me - and was having such a nice party, that she quickly grabbed what was most handy from the wardrobe.

    8. Well, royalfan, if your theory is correct then she might as well opt to look great because she will get the brunt of the attention anyway no matter what she chooses to wear. Right? :-)

      I don' t discount that there is something nefarious afoot here. I'm questioning if it is coming from the Queen herself. I can't imagine the Queen has the time or inclination to meddle in the clothing choices of family members. Maybe, its Kate decision to appear more self deprecating these days. I just feel that statements like, this is what she needs to be wearing because of who she is right now wrong. Ok, she shouldn't outshine higher ranking royals but I don't think that means she needs to dress years ahead of her age either. Isn' t there an unfrumpy middle ground? Some posters seem to be revelling in all the conservatism going on. Makes me wonder if they have her best interests
      at heart at times.

    9. One of my favorite Erika lines :) Lots of middle ground indeed!

      You know, I am actually not a fan of her look here at all for a variety of reasons, but I was reluctant to put it down in a comment thinking it would come off as too negative. But it seems I may have upset the apple cart anyway!

  29. hmmm I love the middleton joins forces with the royals the duchess kate looks beautiful in her outfit I love the suit hmm pippa and carole looks lovely too their neat and nice thw quwwn and prince phillp are lovely too im sure they have a great morning breakfast after the church service love too see middleton clan more often events like these

  30. The same boots. Are Kate, Carole and Pippa all three wearing the same boots?

  31. You've done a wonderful job in the past ten days, Charlotte, keeping up with all these events. Congratulations and many thanks for your tremendous effort.

    My thought was first that Michael Middleton's bemused stare at the cameras shows us exactly what Prince George is going to look like in the future.

    I am so pleased with this event on a number of levels. Others have already mentioned how interesting it is, and of historical importance, that Catherine's family are invited by the Queen so often. (Can you imagine receiving this invitation: "You're invited to my birthday party and to go to church with Her Majesty next morning." Or maybe they did come to the birthday party and received Her Majesty's invitation after arriving at Anmer, thus the scramble for hats and other church-type wear--maybe those who couldn't send home for clothes in time raided Catherine's coat closet!)

    It is touching and fitting that the Queen and the Cambridges remember the fallen soldiers in this manner. It looks very much like a sort of passing of the torch, or anyway a teaching moment from the Queen and Prince Philip to their grandson and his wife.

    I love that suit that Catherine is wearing. And her updo is gorgeous. Hope she had a happy birthday--it does look as if she did.

    Speaking of birthdays, now that she is 34 I wonder when she will be considered "middle aged"? What do you think is the onset of "middle age" and what is now considered "old age"? I ti

  32. (Ooops, hit the wrong key in typing before I was finished!)-- I was going to ask, are the ages creeping ever higher?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2016 at 18:36

      Ages are probably creeping higher since we live longer. We are young adults longer (studying and living at home longer, marrying later) so I think the rest is pushed forward as well.

    2. Julia from Leominster11 January 2016 at 23:05

      To me, middle aged starts roughly in your forties - but I always remember my mum saying when I made some remark about being a middle aged forty-something (when she was treating me like a teenager) "What does that make me!"

    3. Technically "middle age" spans peri-menopause, menopause to post menopause. With men it is peri-andropause, andropause to post andropause. That varies with individual genetic patterns but typically is from around 45 to 54.

  33. I'm absolutely gutted by this Michael Kors suit. It makes her look so old and fuddy duddy. Both Amelia and her sister Pippa outshone her today. I don't know if she's getting pressure from the Queen or if she just really likes to be so covered up, but it seems ridiculous. It lacks any fun or imagination.

    I disagree that Pippa's outfit was inappropriate for the occasion. We've seen Sophie be appropriate and absolutely fashionable quite a few times. I think it's entirely possible to be both. If that's in question, then it seems strange the Queen herself chose such a bright and fun color for the day.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2016 at 18:37

      I thoought the queens coat was lavender which is considered a "half mourning" colour. Perfect for a non-funeral event that is sombre but still involves normal church going etc.

    2. I loved Pippa's outfit, from her hat to her boots, and black pantyhose do make a shorter length work quite well.

      However, I thought the length was too short for attending church with the royal family. And I am not suggesting that she should dress like her sister, but given that she was included in a situation where her sister was making a somewhat formal appearance, a more subdued look would have been a better choice.

    3. Different strokes for different folks. I really love this outfit on Kate.. It was very appropriate for both church and then the brief rememberance ceremony after. As a future queen consort and as a mother of two she is in a totally different place and than either Pipa or Sophie. Even though I really liked Sophie's outfit it would not have been appropriate for that particular situation.

    4. Julia from Leominster11 January 2016 at 23:09

      I agree, Rebecca - one reason given for the queen mum or the queen disposing of the amethyst tiara was that the stone is one used for mourning - no more, but I don't think the queen would see that colour as festive - more as one of hope and remembrance.

      Sophie has kept her more glamourous looks for festive times like Christmas and Easter.

    5. I thought Pippa looked amazing. From Charlotte's information it seems that the Middletons were not included in the memorial service; therefore, her outfit was quite appropriate for church. When you see some of the things worn to church nowadays this look is ultra conservative and covered. Now if she'd worn sheer tights and heels that might be different, but this was a wintery and appropriate look. I loved how she stood out in that winter-sky blue promising spring hue. Lovely.

      And why not trade hats and jewels around or have the same boots? Let's remember that the walk to church is not a runway. That might indicate that the service is more important than the shoes. Or that being guests of the Queen is not something that makes the Middleton women run to buy non-matching boots.

    6. I agree with the comments regarding the length of Pippa's skirt, I think it's borderline for mass. That being said, it's "borderline" and certainly not offensive or inappropriate. Kate's gone a little too far with that long skirt. The turtle neck keeps bugging me too. Was the weather super cold that day?

      I didn't realise light purple was a colour for mourning. That certainly is interesting. I still think by keeping it bright the Queen is on the right track anyways.

      This is absolutely the worst outfit she's ever worn. Just because she's going to be Queen doesn't mean she can't have fun anymore. I absolutely hate to compare her to anyone else, but the Princesses from Norway and Sweden are kicking her butt these days. I've been such a fan of hers for years. Is anyone else getting bored?

    7. A harbinger of spring :-) I love that Philly. The coat is lovely.

  34. I think kate seems older with this outfit. I would have seen high heels (like the picture's model) and not boots.
    Anyway i like her hat, definitely. She's so pretty with hats
    Good week to all the community :-)

    1. I agree. I love hats and this one in particular is spot on. The hair is nice too.

      But the styling does make her look older. I've said it before and I'll say it again (causing waves here!) but she needs a stylist. She has great pieces, she just doesn't always put them together the best.

  35. I'm obviously in the minority here,I really really don't like this outfit, wasn't a fan the first time she wore it and still not convinced... While I will concede it is appropriate for such a sombre event and it looks better with the updo it just is so drab and dreary and adds years to Kate,she is such a stunningly beautiful young woman and this is by far my least favourite of anything she has ever worn except maybe the flowery Erdem from the Hedge fund gala!! I get that there are times when she wants to and needs to blend in but she is really dressing more like her mother who is a very classic lady but is sixty after all.

    1. I couldn't agree more. Appropriate or not, the whole outfit makes her look older. It was slightly better with her hair down. Does anyone even wear turtlenecks anymore? I got rid of my last one last winter. She has no neck, no shape and no colour. How could this outfit not possibly be the worst she's ever worn?

    2. Nicole, I must admit I have turtlenecks and wear them often. I just wore a tan RL one with a black hooded vest and Vera Wang black corduroy leggings with black leather ballet flats. I even got a compliment, miracle of miracles. :)

  36. Sorry, coming to these posts late. Thanks Charlotte for the flurry of updates, spot on as ever!

    Great to see them out and about and I think Kate looks elegant and appropriate for such a sombre occasion - I think the country look ( and the repeat) was probably apt. I suppose we forget back in the days of Queen Mother and et al, the country set and royalty had a set uniform which they stuck to, for practical purposes and warmth. Great for keeping the winter chills at bay I'd imagine. It does niggle me a touch though, that Kate and Carole seem to dress in similar styles on occasion - be it here (or that night of the Royal Variety I think) as an example. Borrowing jewellery and accessorises in one thing, and shows the closeness of all the Middleton ladies, and that Mother and Daughter have the same taste is fine. I'd just wish sometimes the gals would have a think about who's wearing what!

    1. Anett from Austria12 January 2016 at 05:34

      I also find it interesting that with all the resources they have, can only come up with the same pair of boots. At least 4 of them. They are close fine, they have the same taste well of course fine. But what is the difference between them then?

    2. Rebecca - Sweden12 January 2016 at 19:45

      Meh, they probably think they're comfortable. And when they go shopping or ask "where did you buy those?" or need a tip on where to buy the best boots etc it's not wierd that close friends and family end up with similar/the same stuff or from the same brands. When I look for shoes that need to be comfortable and well made I instinctivly go to my mothers go to brand because that is what I'm familiar with. Doesn't mean I'm copying her. Just that I know the brand is good.

    3. the ability to accessorize.

    4. I've said this before but if you find a pair of boots that looks nice, is warm, comfortable and prevents slipping, you stick with it! Well, at least I do and the Middletons do too, it appears ;)

  37. so true Mr. D,

    Usually if we girls are going to share a accessories and clothes. etc,. we usually find out the particulars so we don't look like clones, although, given Kate's situation, I don't mind when they dress alike if that gives her comfort.

    And thanks, I just learned another British word, "niggles". :)

    1. "Gives her comfort"...really? :)

    2. By that I meant that when my mom and I would
      wear similar outfits on purpose or when I and my little nieces have a turtleneck day or a similar scarves days it is fun. When my mom and I used to do that for club functions that I particularly did not want to attend, it did give me comfort that my mom and were dressed similarly. (Country) club rooms can be tough rooms. The women (and men) very picky. Maybe Kate sort of feels the same way. That's all.

    3. 18:39,

      I understand clearly what you meant. Sharing clothes with your sisters and mom (and aunts) can be very heartwarming and fun, yes, even comforting. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that.

    4. Given the fact that the Queen seemed to be less than happy with Pippa's dress at the wedding,
      (Just watch the video), perhaps the short coat for this memorial service was not the best choice, although I thought it was a very cute outfit.

      I agree with those who think that their attendance was a last minute decision. And I agree that that was a special blessing for the Middletons and godparents/guests to be with the Queen. In the aristocracy that is huge. I don't know why William, James (Michael?) didn't have on an nice wool overcoat. I get cold just looking at the photos. It looked like it was freezing there. Why the men don't wear hats is a curiosity also. They have short hair, or less. And you would think that their ears get very cold.

    5. My mom and sisters and I often get the same thing, sometimes in different colors. We don't care if we wear the same stuff at all. It is fun and there is a certain comfort there. Never thought about it like that. If we are all shopping and find something that is so cool, we are certainly not going to fight over who gets to buy it. Anyone of us who wants it can buy, no problem. Sweet memories made that way. We have already hit all the post season sales and had so much fun.

    6. Rebecca - Sweden12 January 2016 at 19:11

      Same anon 18.02. A funny little story. My mum came to my school (I was like... 17 so the last year the parents sits with you on the parent teacher "how is school going" meeting) and my mum walks up in the corridor and we both start laughing. I had a black cardigan, pink shirt and black skirt. My mum had a pink cardigan, black shirt and pink skirt. We basically had picked the same clothes in the same colours but on opposite pieces without seeing eachother :P

  38. Kate had her hair done for the service. Do you think her hairdresser comes in on the morning of the event from London to do her hair?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2016 at 19:57

      I thought the bobby pin was rather visible and this "twist in the back" of her bun was also there on christmas. Her professionally done buns have looked more flat or styled in the back. I think it possible that Kate has learned to do this one herself, maybe with some help from mum or Pippa this time. Because that "twist" is typical of putting your hair in a tie, then twisting the hair "inwards itself" and then tucking it in a bun. I usually do this hairstyle. Sometimes I don't tuck it into a bun and just have the twist with a low ponytail. It's rather easy to do yourself when you get the hang of it :)

    2. Agree looks like she did her own hair, or family helped. . A hairdresser most likel would have covered the clip with hair so it blended in.

    3. This sort of would make even more sense if the event was not planned in advance and they did not know that they would be going.

  39. I thought the same thing Rebecca. I truly believe that this is a style that Kate has learned to do herself.

  40. You know, since that girl wore the same cape Carole had at dinner that night, and since Pippa is wearing the family fur hat, and Carole the Brown Betty Boop hat and since her outfit seems to be a collections of separates, since Kate wore the Michael Kors outfit again so soon, they may truly have been requested to attend the services at the last minute. Just a guess.

    1. I actually had the same thought.

    2. Yes I agree. I think that they all pooled whatever formal wear they had. I think it was completely unplanned and last minute.

    3. Well if we are going to speculate and you all might be right but I am going to put a positive slant on this. Family and friends were up for Cahterine's Birthday, they all went out on a shoot yesterday, maybe Phillip came out for a bit and invited everyone back to the house for drinks. They sit around having some snacks and drinks, the Queen joins them they have a nice time and on their out to head back to William and Catherrine's Phillip says "why don't you all join us for Church in the morning before we lay the wreaths." Of course the only answer is "Sounds lovely" and they all scramble once home to get some proper church outfits.:):) This is how I see it. ali

    4. I love that ali:-) I think we should all go with that.

    5. Rebecca - Sweden12 January 2016 at 19:47

      Exactly Anon 03.14. It boggles me how when people are speculating they always end up choosing the option that look the worst. Both of these options are just as plausable along with a bunch of other options. So why people jump to "William and Kate wwere forced to go to the event and "in exchange" for doing the event the guests were "allowed" to go to church" as their first thought is rather odd to me :P

    6. When did Carole wear that cape?

    7. It's as possible as anything else Ali!

  41. The top half of William's head is starting to look like his Uncle Ed...

  42. The suit looks better to me on this outing than last time. Maybe it's because the look is more put together with the updo. One quibble, I would have like to have seen a different pair of earrings. I like these earrings, but they never seem to be worn with an outfit that really shows them off.

    1. It would be nice if she really showcased these earrings. Her hair would need to be off her face. A white dress?

    2. Rebecca - Sweden12 January 2016 at 19:13

      I think these are her "neutral" earings thoough. Not made to be shown off, but rather just "be there"

  43. the duchess looks better in updo well she even know what to suite her pippa looks so nice and loving her outfit they should do it more often the church service with be great

  44. I agree, so nice to see her hair up! It's a very classic outfit. Very Grace Kelly.

  45. No one has mentioned that William and Catherine attended Anzac Day remembrances at the end of their Australia tour. Kate wore Michael Kors then, and repeated her Anzac brooch in London the next November. I believe they were scheduled to go to the centennial services at Gallipoli last year, but Charles went since Charlotte was expected. Perhaps the Cambridges asked to attend the wreath laying at Sandringham, or even instigated it. Rather than the Queen nudging them, they may have inspired the gesture toward the memory of Sandringham men lost at Gallipoli. This is of course pure theory, but so is the idea that they were pushed to attend! In any case, I sincerely doubt that they were reluctant to do so, given their connection with Gallipoli.

    I also think it is odd to expect Kate to keep much of her official wardrobe in Norfolk. She probably had a choice between the MK suit and a coat or two that she has worn for Christmas, especially if the idea of the wreath laying came up suddenly.

    There seems to have been official photography, but Kate's expression and the Queen's, during the moment of silence, lead me to believe that the photographer(s) were not as quiet as they could have been. Photographers have often elicited frowns from the Queen. One should not assume other reasons for frowns when they are around!

    1. If one assumes the noisy photographers may have caused the frowns, others may equally assume other reasons.

  46. Sonja from Bavaria12 January 2016 at 15:25

    Phozos of Kate shopping with George
    Too cute!


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