Sunday 10 April 2016

Royal Tour 2016 Begins as the Cambridges Arrive in Mumbai!

Royal Tour 2016 has officially begun! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived in Mumbai this morning following an overnight scheduled flight from London. The couple arrived twenty minutes ahead of schedule.

The couple's first destination was The Taj Mahal Palace, the hotel where they will be staying tonight. The Cambridges received an enormously warm welcome upon arrival with excited locals and the world's media eagerly awaiting the much anticipated royal tour. It is the first time William and Kate have visited either India and Bhutan, and both are immensely looking forward to the week ahead. Kensington Palace said the couple are excited about "making new memories and seeing this beautiful place for themselves".

The hotel shared their delight at welcoming the royal couple shortly before their arrival: "The Duke and Duchess are making their way to India to lend support to charitable causes today. We're privileged to welcome Their Royal Highnesses to Taj Mahal Palace as they visit Mumbai."

During the terror attacks in 2008, the hotel was targeted leading to destruction of its roof. Tragically, 167 people lost their lives, with at least 31 deaths at the The Taj Mahal Palace. In the years since, the hotel has become a symbol of the city's resilience and strength.

The staff's bravery during the attacks is known around the world. William and Kate follow in the footsteps of Prince Charles, President Obama and Hilary Clinton who all stayed at the hotel to display solidarity.

From the staff when the hotel reopened:

Taj Mahal Palace Facebook Page

The Duke and Duchess laid a wreath at a memorial inside the hotel.

The card read ""In memory of those who lost their lives & those injured in the senseless atrocities at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel."

They met staff who helped protect guests during the attacks.

More from People:

"The couple also met with Sunil Kudiyadi, the hotel’s security manager, who called the police and security services to the scene and helped save guests' lives during the attack eight years ago. "You’re very brave, you saved a lot of lives. Well done," William told him. They were then introduced to hotel chef Raghu Deora, 41, who was shot in the stomach and in the leg as he helped guests to safety. William talked to him about his experience, while Kate said, "It must have been a surreal time." 

The couple were given frangipani and rose garlands.

The five-star Taj Mahal Palace was opened in 1903 and has since been renowned for its professional service. It is understood the couple are not staying in the presidential suite as expected. Below, a look at another lavish suite, the Ravi Shankar. It includes a 50-inch flat screen TV, complimentary newspapers, wine and a fruit basket, and ploh duvets and covers.

Taj Mahal Palace Hotel

A little history on the suite: in 1966, George Harrison of the Beatles stayed in this suite under an assumed name and studied sitar under Pandit Ravi Shankar. Adorned with original artefacts and memorabilia, this whimsically luxuriant suite is an inspiration, much like the man himself.

Taj Mahal Palace

The Duke and Duchess also extended their sympathy to those affected by the fire in Kollam this morning. Indian officials believe more than 100 have lost their lives following a fire at a temple. A statement from KP read "Upon their arrival this morning, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were informed about the tragic fire in Kollam. Their Royal Highnesses are saddened by the news and send their thoughts to all those who are assisting victims".

We were very much hoping to see Kate select a colourful, vibrant look for her arrival and we certainly were not disappointed. The Duchess wore bespoke red Alexander McQueen (with thanks to Call Me Kate). The look features a striking print, peplum detail, three-quarter sleeves and a below the knee skirt. Kate's dress is a bespoke version of the Pre-Fall 2016 design shown below.

Alexander McQueen

A closer look at the print.

The back.

It was thought the Duchess sported a new pair of nude pumps by Gianvito Rossi today.

Gianvito Rossi

However, L.K. Bennett shared news they are in fact their Fern Pumps. They are not yet available in 'trench leather', but you can register your interest here. If interested in the pumps they are available in a plethora of colours for195 on the L.K. Bennett website.

L.K. Bennett

Kate accessorised with her Cassandra Goad Temple of Heaven earrings. Kate also wore them at Wednesday's pre-tour reception.

Cassandra Goad

Sara quickly identified Kate's new clutch as the Russell & Bromley Curvy Clutch Bag. The £165 bag is described: "Crafted in luxurious taupe suede with a gunmetal frame and clasp closure, this statement piece can either be carried in hand or use the optional shoulder strap for hands-free wear."

Russell & Bromley

The couple will freshen up following the flight and enjoy a lunch of vegetable kebabs, lentil curry and rice, ricotta cheese and okra cooked by Taj Mahal Palace chef Raghu Deora. Mr Deora said: "It is all vegetarian because I was told that was what they preferred." Royal reporters said the couple chose vegetarian to avoid any possibility of food poisoning.

You can view videos on YouTube and ITN Source.

Next, the couple will travel to the Oval Maidan to meet locals and enjoy cricket :)


  1. Rebecca - Sweden10 April 2016 at 09:01

    Wow, she's stunning! I really like the look! Nice PR for McQUeen to show that they can do this kind of look as well. Probably works well with the indian market! :D And Kate is wearing one of my favourite earrings. I am personally a great fan of peplums but I wonder if it's not the most flattering style for her long torso. Meh, pretty look none the less :P Already gotten their first garlands as well! :D So looking forward for the rest of the tour!!

    On the vegetarian thing. Doubt they are vegetarians (just based on that they've eaten lots of meats before). Sounds to me like they are being careful to avoid tummy troubles :P

    1. Is it only me but she looks very thin in that dress? But it could be because of the material and the image itself cheat a little?!

    2. Annette New Zealand10 April 2016 at 09:15

      Agree. this outfit is really striking and quite different from what I was expecting. Maybe they are being careful what they eat but quite an embarrassing remark by "royal reporters." After all this is a top class hotel.

    3. Totally agree Rebecca,this dress could be beautiful...the colour ,print and idea are gorgeous but the peplum doesn't work with the skirt shape .It reminds me of the Lela Rose on the Australian tour which is one of my least favourite dresses she had ever worn .Her torso is long and it accentuates this ,having said that I loved the grey ,think its (The Fold) that was worn on the visit to the jail last year !!! She does look gorgeous though ,the colour is fan and I love the nod tho their hosts.Can't wait for the rest of the tour !!!

    4. Rebecca - Sweden10 April 2016 at 09:23

      I don't know Anett. To me she doesn't look thinner than usual.

      I don't agree anon 10.17. I LOVE when you combine a peplum with a fuller skirt. The only thing is, Kate should have her peplums higher up to make her torso look shorter. But she still looks great.

    5. Julia from Leominster10 April 2016 at 11:13

      I agree that peplums aren't the best look for her proportions. I love the material and the colour and am glad she didn't worry about wearing something too quiet. The busy pattern disguises the proportion issue better than the white Lea Rose look but we all have styles that aren't the best, I'm short-waisted and boleros look wrong on me even though I like them, and someone long-waisted has more trouble with peplums.

      But the look is festive and that's what counts - and love no sledges, instead more graceful shoes whomever made them. How thrilling it must be to step off the plane into such a new culture and that brilliant heat and sun. A great start for the tour at that magnificent hotel. I recall that tragedy so clearly and the poor people.

    6. Well, it said in the first blog entry today that Kate's diet is largely plant-based, which seems highly likely to me as few people are able to say so thin while eating a lot of meat.

    7. I think she has lost some weight, probably the remaining baby weight from having Charlotte, as well as getting in shape for this trip. But she looks good, not emaciated like she looked a few years ago.

    8. Annette in NZ I couldn't agree more. That was so inappropriate for the royal reporter to say, and insulting and offensive to W&K's hosts and the chef. I think maybe the British reporters were somewhat bitter at not being invited to the hotel for the arrival photos and purposely said something unflattering- either way, very unprofessional.

  2. Thanks for the live coverage of the events once again, Charlotte!

    This hotel looks beautiful inside! The staff did great to save those people! I am still shocked how many people lost their lives that day! And now this fire. Really sad!

    I love that close up pic of Kate, she has such small eyes, long flight still lovely!

    I liked the pattern and the colour, so no green, yellow, white this time or at least so far;-) Nothing groundbreaking about his dress but pretty and appropriate. I am even happy about her nude shoes, finally leather!!!

    Let's see some more!:-)

  3. i think her dress is just beatufil love the color and print she looks so good in red is the dress silk? for such a long flight i don't think they look tired at all the pink flowers she was given are just lovely now for the shoes i don't like nude shoes with this dress she should have on maybe a red sandle the shoes just seem to boring thanks charlotte for the fast post will be checking in all day

  4. Can't believe their here in my motherland! :) it is so exciting! I'm really excited for the rest if the tour! :) :)

  5. Thanks for the speedy coverage!! Great start to the tour. HRH looks absolutely perfect. I like the dress a lot, but above all, she looks amazing in it (or rather, her figure works splendidly with the cu). Love the hair, the cut/the color. Gorgeous. And loved her signature-look accessories (i.e. earrings and cream pumps although the LK Bennett pump-era is definitely over). Silvia

    1. Actually, LK Bennett is claiming on their Instagram account that the shoes are their "Fern" shoe in trench color.

    2. And there you have it! :) Ha! Goes to show I need to heed to the fashion maven sleuths on this blog. :) ;)
      Glad to know. I've always liked her loyalty to LKB shoes. Silvia

  6. What a fantastic post to kick off the Royal Tour 2016. It's such a treat to wake up and see such beautiful photographs and read such excellent analysis. I'm a long-time reader of your blog and look forward to more high-quality posts during the Royal Tour 2016,
    Helen x

  7. Fast work Charlotte, thanks for such a great post. Duchess looking fantastic - that McQueen print is to die for!!

  8. Gertsroyals said William is host a investture tomorrow and that William and Kate are attending a Launch the 2016-2017 Technology Rocketships Awards, but I don't see that on your calander. Is that true?

  9. Sarah Maryland USA10 April 2016 at 10:16

    Love LOVE LOVE the outfit!
    Also, isn't it a little insulting for the royal couple to automatically think they would get food poisoning if they ate meat in India? That struck me as so weird when I read it!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 April 2016 at 10:50

      Hmm.. I think most precautions are taken. Like no garlic for bad breath etc. I think those might be standard precautions on tours like these. But I'm not sure.

    2. That is the reporters speculation. William and Kate did not actually say that

    3. I know Sarah. Why comment at all? So they are having a vegetarian lunch? Nuff said��

    4. Julia from Leominster10 April 2016 at 11:17

      I agree, that isn't how I would have put it - more based on giving their tummies a chance to adapt, especially after the duke mentioned his was sensitive. After all, the meat would most likely be chicken or lamb - hardly risky.

    5. Diane from Boston10 April 2016 at 11:17

      Well, supposedly that came from "royal reporters," and we all know how friendly and helpful royal reporters have been lately. My immediate thought was that someone said it spitefully to stir up controversy and make the Cambridges appear rude. Nothing would surprise me from a couple of those papers, honestly.

    6. I'm sure that's not the reason they didn't have meat for lunch. It's an expensive hotel they're staying at no danger of getting food poisoning there. As I've commented above, the first blog entry quoted the DailyMail in saying that Kate's diet is largely plant-based, which is highly likely considering her figure. There'll be meat at the Bollywood dinner tonight, so I'm sure she wanted to keep it light for lunch.

    7. I've been checking into travel to India for awhile. Being cautious about what you eat/drink is one of the things to be aware of on your trip. Even m Indian colleagues have told me to be careful since I'm a traveler. Only drink water from unopened bottles, no tab water at all, even to brush teeth. No street vendors, no opened drinks, use straws etc. If you look at the US State Dept website it also tells you to be cautious. I didn't find that comment strange or insulting based on what I have been told. Food illness is terrible and with their schedule, it would be disastrous.

    8. Diane, I had the same thought. The media stirring up trouble before W&K's bags are unpacked. Perhaps they wanted a light lunch given that they just arrived, and the heat would be a factor too. Perhaps they don't eat a true meal for lunch and this was a way of being courteous while not eating anything to heavy early in the day. Sooo many possibilities!

      And, YES, certain precautions are common sense when traveling, as Julie pointed out. This is not breaking news here. :)

    9. It was remarked on because they said they wanted to eat vegetarian and they are not, especially William. However, you can get food poisoning from eating vegetables not washed properly.

      Nice to see you back, Diane!

    10. Can we please stop blaming everything on the media, ladies? I mean, we're starting to sound like the US Cheeto Candidate "It's ALLLL their faullllttt!!"
      There are very, very, very devoted royalist and royal reporters covering this tour and it's just plain mean (and wrong) to paint all media with that broad brush. Arthur Edwards covered William when he was a baby. Victoria Arbiter grew up in Kensington Palace. Richard Palmer is as devoted a royalist as I can imagine.
      I think the lunch comment was just that, a question about lunch and an answer. I'm sure people are curious about what they eat, I know I am. Not in a malicious way, just curious. And people are curious about this tour, I'm sure those of Indian descent are curious about what native dishes the Cambridges will enjoy. Also consider this - you can bet that ALL staff have been briefed on what they can reveal and what they cannot, as well as vetted for security, confidentiality, etc. So if the lunch menu was secret, there would have been some non-descript answer.
      Eating a vegetarian meal after a long-haul flight isn't meant to offend anyone or stir up trouble. It's eminently sensible and recommended to try to recover from any possible jet lag.
      They've got a long week ahead of them. They are in a tropical part of a different country where food preparation and sanitation practices are different from at home, where meat may be processed differently, stored differently. There are cultural issues to be considered as well with no beef for Hindus and no pork for Muslims.
      Nobody said this was "breaking" news either. Deciding where Kate's wedges came from and how much her earrings cost isn't "breaking" news but it still gets reported, Charlote does an excellent, amazing job, and we gobble it up. It's just an interesting and fun little factoid of this trip.
      Let's please slow the roll, ladies. Every news bit that isn't specifically a comment from Will or Kate is not the media trying to stir up trouble. They're reporting. That's what reporters do. :)

    11. Julie from NC, well said. Travelers abroad have to be cautious anywhere they go, even if they go to a different area of their own country, food and water can cause issues.
      This is a grueling trip WITHOUT the threat of foodborne illness. They are wise to take every precaution. Nobody thinks the lesser of them for their diet.
      And, again, no staff would have revealed those details unless they had permission. You can bet that every single member of the hotel staff has been chosen and vetted for security and confidentiality, and briefed, probably repeatedly, on what they can and cannot say to reporters.

    12. May we also stop pretending that all members of the press have halos and only the purest of intentions...and only wish to report the facts, and nothing but the facts? ;)

  10. OMG! It's Begun���������� & I'm having my First Ever Struggle Liking a "Look" Ever!�� I did Not think it possible for me to Ever Not like Kate in Anything Even a Bag..... But Ouch! (I can hardly bring myself to type these words) but.... Gosh Its just so...... All over the place! Only "My" opinion & I Hope a lot of You All Like "The Look" because I feel like a Traitor Not liking it�� Where do I begin? I guess to me I'd say the fabric would make an Amazing "Shift Dress" with the Fabric & it's Striking Intricate Design having a Simple Canvas whereupon to Shine. But you've got The Fabric & The Rouched Neckline & The Peplum & The Split Front of The Skirt with an Additional Border Print Outlining The Split & I want to Scream Stop! My Head Is Spinning! lol �� Gosh I Hope I'm The Only One Who Had This Reaction, as I Know a Lot of Time, Thought & Effort went into This Design & Choice! Also, I've Never Ever Agreed or thought it gracious when comments were made about her looking Tired at various times.... But I had to chuckle at myself (Ye Old "Never Say Never" kicking in) as I recognized what I like to call "Puffy I'm dehydrated & have Tried to catch a wink on an Insanely long Flight Travel Face" & The requisite "I'm gonna stay awake all day & show that Jet Lag Who's Boss" look�� God Bless Them Both as They Kick Off This Exciting & Amazing Tour! Yeah!������

    1. Your comments made me laugh! I agree that a shift dress in this fabric would be amazing. What made me chuckle is the flight face description because I can really relate. Had that same face on all my trips to/from Europe and the one red eye flight I took from CA to NC. It's awful but if yo can power through the rest of the trip is so much easier.

    2. Oh Julie I'm glad I could give you a chuckle:) I'm quite slap happy right about now:) I'm in Chicagoland & have found myself up all night. Too restless to sleep & didn't want to wake Hubby (who marvels/aka thinks im nuts) at my love of this blog :) So now that the sun is rising over here I'm nodding off, but will sleep with a smile knowing I'll have much to wake up to:) Off for a Sunrise Nap! lol :)

    3. Well Becca, you are not alone in your reaction to Kate's tour opening choice. I do have one good thought and that is that the color is amazing. I totally agree that there is too much going on. If there was less instead of more (bye bye peplum and rushing and fabric around the slit), and you have a beautifully tailored dress that is still respectful of the host country. I think we're in the minority Becca and I am glad. I must put myself in time out now! LOL

    4. You and Becca are not alone in your thoughts about the dress. I agree. The bodice was not fitting her properly and the pattern was busy enough without that and without the peplum.

  11. Loving your posts - the lead up was great, thank you for the hard work you put in and the hard work that is coming up for us all to enjoy.

    I love the colour of Kate's outfit, love the shape, I love she is making a change with a bold print but somehow it leaves me cold on Kate. Not sure why. Not sure if its because she has her hair down and I'd like it more if it was up. Shame, because I think its about the boldest print Ive seen her in.


  12. I hope they have a wonderful time, meeting a very wonderful and generous nation of people. When I visited I was blown away by the 'assault on the senses' that is India. The colour, sights, smells will blow them away. People are gracious and hard working in difficult heat and economic struggle. I bet they will miss the children but may even get to enjoy some time together making memories. :-)
    Thanks to you Charlotte, remember to try and get some sleep over next seven days 😃

  13. But!....... Kate is Stunningly Radiant which Yet Again is a Testament to Her Beauty Inside & Out & Most Important.... They look Sooo Excited & Already Having Fun Soaking Everything Up Despite All The Work & The Packed Schedule Laying Ahead for Them Today!��❤️ Oh & I Almost Forgot..... I Found the "Right Words" to Express what I was Trying to Say (after the KP Reception about them having a romantic getaway) I'm Excited for Them as They "Make New Memories" Together����

  14. Hello, me again�� I forgot to mention after The KP Reception that I Loved The Earrings with her long Blue Dress & I Love them with her Red McQueen! I have Always liked them but Wow! What a Great "Go To" for This Tour! They are So Versitile & will likely go with most Anything dressed up or down! Besides being Design Inspired by a Temple!��
    Can't Wait for The Day To Unfold! Thank you Charlotte for The Live Blog, The Curated Information & The Insanely Fast Post Updates! Let's Hear It For Charlotte! Hip Hip Hooray!��❤️������

    1. Becca, I like the earrings with this dress. The design and gold tone is perfect. And the more I look at this McQueen outfit, the more I think **THIS** is more of what I expected to see at the reception at KP, and not the floor length dress.

  15. Charlotte, thank you for the lightning fast posts and excellent coverage. What a treat to wake up to! I love Kate's look, better from the waist up as I'm not a huge fan of the skirt, but overall excellent. I would have preferred a darker shoe, as well. I can't wait to see the rest of her choices for this tour.

  16. Love her in red, and I like the pattern. To make it even better, I would lose the peplum and go for a darker shoe, but a nice start to this tour!

  17. Sarah from Calif.10 April 2016 at 11:04

    Oh I think Kate looks lovely!

  18. Is it just me or does anyone else think, that in a few of the first photos, especially the Beautiful Close up of Kate, that she looks a bit like Crown Princess Mary of Denmark? Kate is so striking in Red & The Fabric really is Quite Intricate & amazing. How 'bout a shout out for William. Bless his heart & his Trusty "Blue Suits"��❤️

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 April 2016 at 12:02

      I also thought she looked an extra lot like Mary in the second dress she wore today. Probably because Mary frequents that kind of bohemian style on a regular basis.

  19. Love the dress im on my iphone i really love the pattern hmm i nice to start the tour

  20. Just waking up here on the East Coast...and couldn't wait to check the blog. Love Kate's look for her arrival. She promised color and she delivered. With the expected heat I wonder if we'll see her wearing her hair down again? So excited to see her look this evening!!

  21. Julia from Leominster10 April 2016 at 11:27

    Coming soon, wonderful pictures of Kate bowling at cricket - a very pretty dress, the sort of thing I wore in the seventies. Just caught one DM comment - the seventies called and they want their dress back - and it is very true. But it's fun and it works for the occasion - a lot more fun than the old uniform would have been. And it's so exciting to see them there.

  22. thank you Charlotte for such a great post.... thank you soo much
    kate is looking good in red... she is looking more asian because of the design of the fabric jst beautiful. .. m very very exited for yhe tour it jav officially began.... kate is in south asia and i m too.... its a very strange feeling of joy
    faiza, pakistan

  23. kate is looking amazing 10/10

  24. Wow! I love the print of the dress, it is stunning. I agree with some that there are a lot of design elements in this piece and with the busy print it can be overwhelming on the eyes. But I quite like it and Kate looks stunning in red. I like the earrings usually but the dress is already so busy that I think a simpler earring would have been better. In like the nude shoes and New clutch. I still think this look is a win for me. I would wear it if it were given to me.

    The tour is off to a great start. Thanks Charlotte for your tireless work on the blog. Hands down this is the best Kate site on the web!

  25. I've been reading this wonderful blog since the Royal Wedding, but I've never commented until now. Seeing some of the comments, I feel like I must put in a good word for Kate's arrival look. I love the dress! The pattern, the vibrant colours, the peplum, and box pleat split in the skirt accentuated by the square edge of the pattern. It's not too much. It's India after all, where everything is bright and vivid! Wouldn't we be disappointed with anything less? I for one am pleased to see colour and pattern rather than the monochrome pallette the Duchess favours at times.
    Thanks for the amazing work you do on the blog Charlotte!
    Melissa from Melbourne

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 April 2016 at 12:03

      Welcome to commenting :) Always nice to see people pop in with a comment :) I agree that it's a great look for her :)

    2. Thank you Rebecca! It's lovely to be a part of the conversation finally. I don't know what took me so long :) I've read so much from the regular commenters that I feel like I am among friends!

    3. Welcome Melissa.

  26. Thanks Charlotte for everything you've done so far!!

    I really liked the dress. Not so much for me, but for a visit to a country chock full of vibrancy and color, it works well. I also would have liked her hair up but in looking at the pics of previous tour arrivals, she has always seems to have a half up do of sorts. Maybe they are trying to mix it up.

    I was also surprised that it was mentioned about no meat due to food poisoning fears. I thought that KP said it(which would have been crazy) but saw it was just reporters. Still surprising because it seems so insulting to the chefs. But I can also see the issue of not saying vegetarian and only eating a ' thank you' bite of meat and leaving the rest to go to waste in a country full of poverty.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden10 April 2016 at 12:07

      I don't think it was odd at all. People eat vegetarian for all kinds of reasons. In India, it's surely not uncommon to be a vegetarian. You can be it for health reasons, religious or moral reasons, and for dietary reasons. Some diets just eat meat on the weekends and dont on the weekdays. Some limit you to one portion of meat a day etc. So since it's meat in the eveing for them, and if Kate (and William?) are keeping down the amount of meat they eat, it makes full sense that they choose to ask the chef to do it vegetarian.

    2. People are blowing this 'vegetarian story' up way too much. This is the chef of the hotel they're staying at and I'm sure he doesn't feel insulted. If this was a lunch that they were invited to by someone you could argue about whether or not it's polite to make your dietary preferences known but in a hotel it is completely normal that people - royal or not- do so.
      And as Rebecca has pointed out, India has many vegetarians and a large variety of vegetarian dishes, it's really no big deal.
      This is just such a strange discussion; I feel that what you eat or don't eat is a personal choice.
      Personally, I think what they had sounds delicious! ;-) Though after this great big non-story, they'll probably make sure that we won't find out what they do or don't have for private meals at a hotel again.

    3. No, being vegetarian is not odd at all. My roommate was Indian and she and her family limited the meat they are. But W&K are not vegetarians. And it may well be just gossip but again, without context, they could be perceived as rude and insulting.

      I always wondered how this works anyways. It was always awkward when my roommate wanted to cook because I am not a big spice person and there is some spice that is big in Indian food that I dislike. I always wondered how W/K (and the Queen, Harry, Charles, etc) could balance being polite and not eating something that they didn't like. Not in a clueless way, I just know for me it's awkward when someone feeds me something I don't like and then they feel awkward and then I am awkward. I imagine it's 100 times worse when you are royalty.

    4. Katie, actually I think it's a bit less awkward because it's their aides alerting the aides of whoever they are a guest of. I know Queen Sofia of Spain is a vegetarian, so that's probably what they do for her. But of course mistakes can happen and then you probably just have to eat it or you might seem rude.
      My personal feeling about Kate is that in order to keep her weight down she sticks to a certain diet in private but will probably eat whatever she's being served at formal dinners and such.

  27. Tedi in California10 April 2016 at 13:02

    I love the dress. I think she looks stunning. As far as the food is concerned, you have to be very careful. It would be s disaster if one of them fell ill.

    1. Agree about the food, they can't be too careful. However it's unfortunate that the media mentioned it with so little tact. A bit unkind to the host nations.

    2. Tedi in California10 April 2016 at 14:35

      Agree, but then when have the press ever been tactful. Ha!

  28. Laura in Canada10 April 2016 at 14:40

    Good morning Kate fans....Well I am just catching up. After last night's anticipation this did not disappoint.

    The dress did not wow me at first but once I got a good look at it...I think it is highly appropriate and gorgeous. I love the pattern and really love the split front and the pattern on the skirt. Anyone who has said Kate's outfits are boring are eating their words now. This is really gorgeous. I like the shoes as well...agree that a red sandal would have been lovely but not Kate's style. I have the LK Bennet fern pumps in navy and they are super comfortable to walk in but also have an elegant cut and shape. Her hair looks incredible after a 9 hour flight. This was definitely a win for me!

  29. I think both outfits were ideal for the place and the occasions. The causes are great too and I hope people become more aware of how much good can be done from this visit.

  30. What a colorful arrival. When I saw the dress, I was wondering who the designer was. Surprised that is McQueen. It's a wonderful dress and "look" to kick off the tour. I'm not surprised she choose this dress. This is going to be a very long day for the couple. Let's all enjoy this journey!

    Elle in San Jose

  31. I wouldn`t wear a pattern like that, but the colour is great on Kate, and it is PERFECT for India. I do think that different earrings(say, pearls,) and black or red shoes would have looked better. Also, when she had linger hair and no fringe/more curls/shine, I liked it down a lot better. Now, with the fringe/shorter length, it is just too (I hate to say this) but it`s bulky and un-flattering. I usually look better with my hair pulled back, except when it`s straightened, even when it`s curled, it`s still bulky. But that`s just my opinion, it`s Kate`s life, she can wear whatever she deems appropriate. :)

  32. P.S. I thought she was gorgeous, anyhow, despite the few tweaks that I would have made. ;)

  33. Not a fan of this dress at all. It just looks - hot. And sticky. Hope this one goes to charity when she gets home. Just didn't do it for me but I'm sure it's tough to plan for the arrival ceremony.
    I wish she would have done her hair in that half-up, half-down 'do, which would have made this a little better.
    I'm not a fan of peplums, it's hard to make them look like they're supposed to, wearing them well is a gift that ladies in the 1930s and 1940s, unfortunately, didn't passed down to next generations.

  34. Charlotte, you are the best! What a wonderful trove of beautiful pictures and in depth info to wake up to.

  35. I'm looking forward to your coverage of this trip; you're always a wonderful reporter about these things. I'm a believer in the phrase "if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all". Having siad that, it's hard to hold back about this look. NO. NO. NO. It's such a mess that it doesn't even warrant description. And the color of her shoes is all wrong too - should be a bit darker, like soft brown.
    I'll leave it at that.

  36. I think Kate really did well with this outfit. She really delivered with the vibrant color and intricate motif of this McQueen outfit.

    I was wondering why she bought another pair of nude/beige shoes? She has so many pairs already.

  37. I love this look on Kate - very different from what we're accustomed to seeing. And the nude shoes and clutch allow the dress to shine. A smart choice, IMO.
    Looking forward to your posts from the remainder of the tour, Charlotte. I enjoy your blog so much!

  38. Let’s see what I can already tick off after outfit n° 1 only :)

    1 Catherine Walker / x McQueen / 1 Beulah / 1 Saloni or Erdem
    x nod to India / 1 to Bhutan / 1 to Diana / 1 to the Queen
    x fashionable / 1 classic / 1 simple / 1 casual
    1 about knee-length / 1 maxi / x long / 1 floor-length
    x new / 1 repeat / 1 bespoke / 1 off the peg
    1 love it / x interesting / 1 growing on me / 1 divisive
    ? dress / ? suit / 1 gown / 1 pair of trousers
    x high heels / 1 flats / 1 sandals / 1 boots
    1 up do / 1 half-up / x down / 1 ponytail
    x jewelry repeat / 1 borrowed / 1 whow / 1 simple

    bonus :)

    x very good blend with the colours of the floor
    x no watch


  39. Kate, Texas, USA10 April 2016 at 22:15

    Charlotte, AMAZING job as usual! It's going to be a great few days following the blog and commenting. William and Kate's arrival went well! I love the pattern on Kate's dress and the rich color is a perfect choice to begin the tour. I know there have been mixed opinions on Kate's dress, but I personally like it. I think it's beautiful and again a perfect choice for their arrival. They do make a beautiful couple!

    My thoughts and prayers to those affected by the temple fire in Kollam. I'm looking forward to the tour and know William and Kate will represent the Queen and Britain well!

  40. She is s glowing and gorgeous love this piece and color on her. Thank you Charlotte

  41. Loved the dress and the earrings. The taupe suede Russell and Bromley clutch looked so cute that I had to run out and buy it! The suede is so soft to hold, excellent purchase!!


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