Friday 4 November 2016

Kate in Familiar Pieces for Unannounced Engagements at HMP Eastwood Park Women's Prison & Nelson Charity Trust

The Duchess of Cambridge carried out two unannounced engagements today with visits to HMP Eastwood Park and the Nelson Trust Women's Centre.

When I saw Kensington Palace tweet about the events I immediately checked to see if photos were available yet; the first one that appeared was one of Kate picking up a water bottle as she exited the car.

This morning Kate made a private visit to the prison in Gloucestershire to learn more about what support is available to women prisoners and their families who live with complex social issues.

Kensington Palace reported: "The Duchess met with staff from Eastwood Park who explained the complex and often diverse needs of the women they work with including mental health concerns, family breakdowns, and treatment for addiction. Her Royal Highness also met with a small number of women prisoners to hear their personal stories."

A brief history of notable events and challenges the prison has faced over the years: Eastwood Park Prison originally opened as a male juvenile detention centre, and then became a young offenders institution. In March 1996 Eastwood Park was converted into a women's prison, receiving staff and prisoners brought from the old Pucklechurch Prison. In May 2002, the prison made headlines when an inspection of Eastwood Park found that inmates were at serious risk of suicide and self-harm. Referring to Eastwood as "an establishment in crisis", the inspection report noted that staff were having trouble creating decent conditions for inmates, among whom 56 women had been identified as suicide risks in a single month. In that same month, the report said 47 separate cases of self-harm had occurred. A further report in March 2004 stated that the prison was still facing "major challenges". The report also noted, however, that prisoners felt safer at Eastwood Park than in women's prisons generally.

Afterwards, the Duchess travelled to the to the Nelson's Trust Women's Centre, an organisation which provides support to vulnerable women and which works closely with Eastwood Park to provide ongoing support to women and their families after leaving prison. Below, the Duchess is greeted upon arrival.

How does the service provided by the trust work? Every woman is offered a detailed individual assessment of their needs across nine "pathways". These include accommodation; physical and mental health; drugs and alcohol; finance and benefits; family and relationships; domestic abuse; sex working; education and training; and attitudes, thinking and behaviour. Each client has their own Keyworker who works with them to develop a support plan to address their needs. This will be achieved through one-to-one sessions, group work and access to specialist services across the county. Over 500 women are supported each year across the Southwest of the UK.

Women who have availed of Nelson Trust's services shared their personal experiences with Kate.

During the meeting, Kate was clearly taken with a four-month-old boy called Gabriel, who was with his mother, Hlengiwe Sithole.

More from the Mail Online:

'She has been getting help at Nelson Trust since leaving prison in October last year. "Is he a good boy?" Kate asked Sithole, and then when his mom put a pacifier in his mouth to calm him, Kate said: "Is that better?" Kate told the women, "It's really great to have everything under one roof and have the expert advice here. It must be a great support."
Niki Gould, head of women's community services at the centre, chaperoned Kate around. "It was really important that the women have a voice and have been able to talk about their experiences to the Duchess," she said. She said some of the women had been to prison and told the Duchess their stories, including how they were separated from their children. "She was very, very friendly, very easy to talk to and very empathetic. You could tell they were all very comfortable about talking to her. You can tell she's got the understanding and the empathy. She has got very good insight into the vulnerabilities of women in the criminal justice system and she could see the journey from prison to the community. She totally gets that you need to support these women."'

Kate learned about the practical and emotional support offered for issues including mental health, addiction and abuse.

Much of the work carried out by the Trust focuses on rebuilding family relationships. Kate met with young families.

The Duchess unveiled a plaque to mark her visit.

Before departing, the Duchess was given a beautiful bouquet of flowers by four-year-old Tilly. "Which one is your favourite?" Kate asked. And when Tilly pointed out an orange carnation in the bouquet, the royal mother said: "I think George would like that too."

Chief executive of the trust John Trolan said:

 'We know that she has a special interest in this area and she understands the needs of those using our services. We see her as an inspirational individual who can motivate our staff as they continue to work in this very difficult operating environment.' He says they see their role as preventing women going into prison and if they have been there, prevent them going again. 'We seek to support them so they can turn their lives around,' he said. Everybody agrees that these women should not be in prison -- they are low level offenders. The duchess's insights are impressive and her interest is sincere and it's very obvious from the other work of she does and the interest she shows on the area.'

Kensington Palace noted: "Today's engagements follow a visit to HMP Send last September, where the Duchess joined Rehabilitation of Addicted Prisoners Trust (RAPt), an addiction charity working to help prisoners addicted to drugs and alcohol. This visit continues to build on similar themes, as the Duchess seeks to broaden her understanding of problems such as addiction, poor mental health, family breakdown, and what support can be offered to vulnerable families to help break the cycles which are so often at the heart of these issues."

You may have noticed Kate was wearing a plaster on her hand. There was some media speculation it may have happened at last night's movie premiere. When Kate met Bob the cat she asked: "Is he purring or growling?"

Moving on to what Kate wore today, the Duchess repeated several pieces.

The Duchess sported her very chic Mulberry Paddington Coat. The coat "is designed in a fresh sky-blue hue for fall. Classically tailored, this slightly loose style has been cut in Italy from a luxurious wool-blend with a tactile touch of mohair - guaranteed to keep you warm without weighing you down. It's fully lined to slip on easily". It retailed for $1,580 before selling out.


Kate was first spotted wearing the coat last February when boarding a helicopter from Anmer Hall to Kensington Palace.

Kate teamed the coat with a black turtleneck sweater and her Dolce & Gabbana Boucle Wool Blend Skirt. The skirt is described as a "modern approach to a classic". It features contrast button fastenings and a yarn fringe detail peeking out from the side.

My Theresa

Kate wore the skirt in January when she guest edited The Huffington Post. It's a great piece and worked very well again today.

Kate wore a poppy again today.

The Duchess carried her Mulberry clutch in black suede.

And it appears she wore her black suede Stuart Weitzman Power Pump (with thanks to What Kate Wore).

The look was completed with Kate's Annoushka pearls and Kiki McDonough hoops.

You can view a video here.

When Kate visited HMP Send women's prison in Surrey last year, the visit was hailed as an unusually gritty one for the Duchess who had never stepped through the doors of a prison before. The visit was very much an extension of Kate's work with Action on Addiction and she met people availing of the RAPt 12 step, prison-based drug and alcohol programme. Kate obviously left HMP Send last year eager to learn more and today's visit took her to closed category prison HMP Eastwood Park (for women who do not require Restricted Status, but for whom escape needs to be very difficult) to learn how the prison supports women with complex needs. A visit immediately afterwards to Nelson Trust which provides support to women after they leave prison offered the perfect opportunity to learn more about the issues they face when they return to society, and seeing the women with their children put names and faces to the struggles prisoners often face once their time is served - especially highlighting the struggles mothers in particular face being separated from their children. I imagine Kate was eager to see the role addiction has played in their stories. It's certainly a meatier area for Kate, and one I'm delighted to see her exploring. I had never heard of the Nelson Trust before today and it put a spotlight on the terrific work they are doing.


  1. I love these surprise engagements. Just when you think she has nothing, it's nice to have the surprise every once in a while. I immediately thought of her visit last year to Send and the continuation of the theme. I don't think that it is coincidental to have the visits at this time of year with this theme as we approach the holidays. It is a very hard time of year for a lot of people. Is it possible this is the ground work to unveil a new patronage?

    I think she has a good job this year of attending events in support of all her charities. Each one different and unique. I like she chose to wear this coat again so we can get a better look and I adore the skirt. I'm glad it is getting a second outing. She looks young and fresh. The only quibble is I wish she had a half up/down hairstyle today.

    Thanks Charlotte for your quick and informative post.

  2. Sarah Maryland USA4 November 2016 at 15:05

    I don't think the coat really goes with the rest of the outfit
    Also I wonder why she decided to keep it unbuttoned this time?
    I'm not a huge fan of the skirt but like the top and accessories

    1. Do you like her work?

    2. Maybe she has read all the complaints about keeping her coats buttoned. :-)

    3. funny, RF. She no doubt was doing that because of us. :)

  3. Love the whole look. She looks great.

  4. Rebecca - Sweden4 November 2016 at 15:08

    What a nice surprise today! And such great causes! I am very happy that she is continuing on this path. Very proud of her for this!

    Visiting a prison must be very jarring, but also very valuable. Very happy that last time she did it wasn't a one time thing!

    I've seen people complain about the embargo on other places and I think they are being silly. Not only is Kate more watched and her events will be more published than other royals (hence people at her events are more exposed), but in general, events involving prisoners and abuse victims of course have to be more carefully managed when it comes to press. Imagine the horror if an abuser found their victim though an event like this!!

    On the (very unimprotant) clothes. A good safe look with repeat pieces. I like her go to look with turtleneck and a skirt. Good choice!

    1. Agree regarding the embargoe. People should also take into account that this might have been at the request of the Refuge and Prison - not KP

      REally liked the look today. Very appropriate and fresh looking.

    2. When people moan about embargoes it always sound as if they think the only value of a royal visit is the publicity it provide. Don't get me wrong, royals can do lots of good by using their presence to put the spotlight on an issue, but I think their visit can also have value in its own right. I am sure a meant the world to these women that they could tell their stories to the future queen. The same goes for a lot of the private visits Harry does. Even if there is no photos just the joy that their visit brings is a good days work. And I think it actually means more when it is not part of a big publicity effort.

    3. Hi Rebecca, you may be surprised to find I'm not totally in agreement with you. :) I don't understand the need to embargo engagements. I take your point about abuse survivors and totally agree; however, photographs were taken (and care was taken to not show faces) so I don't understand how releasing them later creates less danger than releasing them immediately after the event. However, this is one situation where I do agree care needs to be taken to protect people who may be victims of abuse. However I'm not sure how an embargo does that.

      As far as the prison, I really don't understand that as by nature they are very secure facilities. So one would think there would be more security there than at any other engagement she does. If having a huge media presence in a prison is the issue, then one would think that could be restricted, but I don't understand the need for no advance announcement. If someone actually knows, I'd be interested. Thanks!

    4. I've actually done volunteer work at a women's prison. Now this is in the U.S. so there may be differences, but... Just with our group of "civilians," we were given strict instructions about such ordinary things as how to walk down a hallway and then negotiate a turn into another hallway. Why? Because some inmates are not interested in reforming their lives, and they will take advantage of unaware visitors blocking the guards' view of what they are doing to harm other inmates or even take hostages.

      Visitors who are having direct contact with inmates (as opposed to the controlled setting where they are physically separated as you see on TV) are a security nightmare for the prison staff. It creates a situation where the routine, which has been established to create maximum security, is disrupted. When you add royalty to that mix, it creates another level of headache. And if by reading a paper or watching TV (activities that are allowed in U.S. prisons), inmates lacking good intentions learn that tomorrow or next week a VIP will be visiting their facility, it gives them time to plan how to take advantage of the disruption.

      Even assuming Kate's contact would be limited to "trustees" and she would be confined to meeting rooms that didn't require walking the halls to reach them, prison authorities can't assume that everyone involved in the activity has good intentions. They are paid to assume and prepare for the worst. Some of their inmates are frankly full of evil intent and aren't above behaving well to earn a trustee reputation so that they can exploit the extra activities trustees are allowed to take part in.

    5. That makes some sense, and I did wonder about that. Thank you.

    6. I think the security angle may be more a threat from outside the site. If the
      event is given the standard two weeks notice it just allows more time for
      planning potentially harmful activities.
      I think I read the difference in when the site and photos are released means
      Kate can be safely out of the area by the time it hits the news. With real-time,
      instant internet uploading, even non pre-announced activities open to live
      press coverage of arrival could have a threat in place by her departure.
      An embargo prevents this.
      I really don't think we can blame this on William, if that was the implication.
      It is simply good security strategy.
      I have noticed in the past few months there seems to have been even less than
      the usual two weeks notice for engagements. That's why there have been a number of "suprise" engagements.

    7. The fact that they even let a "high value" target in there is very heroic of Kate. To publicize it in advance would have been the height of stupidity. Anyone who has worked in that venue knows you were telling it true Becky. When people questioned the embargo I couldn't believe it. Obviously they know nothing about the venue. I am surprised they even let her near there and for the very reasons you mentioned. Kudos to Kate.

    8. Becky,
      Thank you so much for this incredibly helpful background information. Fascinating.

    9. Becky
      Thank you for your input. I have always assumed non disclosed activities were due to security and privacy concerns.

    10. Maggie - Minneapolis8 November 2016 at 01:56

      Goodness gracious yall (esp Anon 23:54) - why in the world are so many of you mocking others for asking a simple question? Becky, thanks for that insight btw, it's quite interesting.

    11. Becky,
      Thank you for your solid & informative insights! I feel & hope that people will stop this ridiculous business of blaming William or KP for Pettiness, when it comes to Privacy & Safety! We are living in Very Difficult Times! Bravo to The Royals for Still Prioritizing Being Out Amongst The People! Especially Will, Kate & Harry's Initiatives, That Deal with The Potentially Dicey/ yet Very Important Issues of Mental Health....including The Darker Aspects of Addiction & Violence! They are Exposing Themselves To Potential Dangers by Doing The More Serious/Heavy Visits. Then there are The Attack Threats & Increasingly High Alerts KP etc is working around, to protect The Royals. In this case W,K&H.
      I feel Embargoes are Very Smart & I would hope they would use them as often as they need. They still provide Publicity for The Given Cause, & yet They Provide Extra Security to All Involved. Not Just The Royals W,K &H. The Photos are Still Taken & Publicity is Still Gained for The Cause, but There is The Safety of a Time Delay, as well as The Opportunity To Screen Any Photos for Privacy Issues (for inmates in this case)! Of Course we all want to see Kate "Real Time", but isn't Her & The Other Royals' Safety of Greater Importance? We will hopefully have more than enough "Real Time" Events & Walkabouts to satisfy The People during any given year....... But isn't it "Better To Be Safe Than Sorry"?
      My Vote Is Yes!
      oh & ps.... I loved her outfit! I'm a fan of Her Turtleneck, Skirt, Tights, Pumps/Boots look! Big Thumbs Up! I also appreciated seeing her coat open. She is really hitting her stride! Go Kate!

    12. Julia from Leominster8 November 2016 at 09:45

      A simple way to judge about the purpose of the embargo would be to see if it applied to other royal women who toured prisons. I believe both Camilla and Sophie have. I don't know the answer.

    13. Julia,

      Camilla and Sophie are not the same as Kate.
      Becky's perspective is a valid one. I have worked in minimum security facility. She is accurate in her explanations. Due diligence was met in all they did for Kate, including the embargo.

  5. I love when Kate wears what I think of as "normal" things; normal as in what many of us might where to the same type of meeting.

    Of course her legs are a bit less chubby than mine so my skit would be well below my dimpled knees.

    1. I agree with you so much about the 'normal' wear ! She must find it more relaxing too.

  6. I LOVE surprise engagements, especially with important matters like today. Thank you for the fast post Charlotte!

  7. The first thing that comes to mind was what was she thinking. Not a good look. The coat just looks like a sack on her. Its unflattering and boring. I don't mind her look underneath but overall its rather underwhelming.


    1. Rebecca - Sweden4 November 2016 at 18:57

      "Rather underwhealming" sounds like the perfect note to hit on a day like this to me.

    2. I think she looks absolutely fabulous, and very chic.

    3. I agree with Rebecca completely!

    4. I agree Rebecca. No flash and dazzle. "Rather underwhelming" is just what was needed.

    5. I agree, Rebecca.

    6. I like the color of the coat but I'm shocked by the price. It's a cheap looking coat and looks a lot like what you'd find on the High Street (when I first saw it I could have sworn it was a Zara coat). I'm also disappointed to see that it's wrinkled in the back - not something I'd expect for a coat that expensive. I'm all for spending a lot of money on timeless, impeccably made designer clothes, but this coat is not worth the price. This is what disappoints me the most about the DofC. She used to be really good at mixing high street with designer pieces, but now I feel like she wants to spend as much money as possible and is "too good' for the high street. I think this is why she is losing a lot of her younger fans - we simply can't relate to her anymore.

    7. I don't think she is getting the better than everyone attitude at all. If anything I think she has been advised to buy more designer pieces befitting her position as a senior Royal. How do you know Brina that she is losing "a lot of her younger fans"? How many is a lot?

    8. Brina,
      Why would you think Kate "Wants to Spend as Much Money as Possible"? That's a pretty strong statement! I can see if you think her taste has changed & you feel disappointed in how much money she is spending...... but to feel She just "Wants" to spend as much money as possible? As if it's a race? A race to achieve what exactly? Of course her style & taste was bound to evolve & will continue to do so, but I still see her mixing it up, High & Low! Her taste will continue to change to the more refined, due to the simple nature of The Evolution of Her Position. It was bound to happen, but to spend more just to spend more? I'm so sorry you feel this way.... I think she is quite less vapid than that.

    9. I agree Becca.

      And Kate does not have a history of being a spendthrift. She has a history of shopping sales, re-wearing her clothing. The caliber of her wardrobe will become more refined as her position"evolves" just as you said Becca and that is right and to be expected. I personally believe that Kate has been instructed to step it up a little in her wardrobe choices. I hope she gets a real stylist.

  8. What a wonderful surprise! This whole outfit is lovely and perfectly appropriate to the day.

  9. Sonja from Bavaria4 November 2016 at 16:31

    YES! I absolutely ADORE this skirt, it is one of my favourite garments she has ever worn. So glad to see it again! A very pretty autumnal look and it's great that she's working much and also doing unexpected stuff.

  10. Charlotte, what a surprise to see this additional post today. Repeats for today was a great choice. That light blue coat is beautiful - wouldn't mind having it in my closet. And the turtleneck and skirt were both good choices. I'm surprised she didn't go with her Stuart Weitzman boots. Allover appropriate for the occasion IMHO.

    Kate really has an amazing wardrobe now given the number of appearances and royal tours she has completed. She has this light blue coat and the other light blue coat which is double breasted. I hope that she's smart when it comes to her clothing budget down the road.

  11. Julia from Leominster4 November 2016 at 16:57

    A very important engagement - glad to see Kate continuing her work with a visit like her one last year. Hopefully this will bring attention to work that helps many troubled women rebuild their families and particularly the Nelson Trust which helps support and monitor what happens after they leave prison.

    I like Kate's skirt much better paired with the black top and the blue coat looks nice with it. Very appropriate to the occasion.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden4 November 2016 at 19:00

      This "broad approach" on mental health and addiction (both with heads together but also otherwise) is so great. Her work with Action on addiction is not only about how to overcome addiction, but the cause, source and effects of it and what to do afterwards. It's very cleaver and I love how they have managed to show that these things doesn't exist in a vaccum and that mental health and addiction can sometimes go hand in hand. Showing that a kid with mental health issues is not in a vaccum, they are in a family (or some form of family like construction) that are buildt up of people who have their own troubles. So very great "bigger picture" engagements and causes they are focusing on. Very proud!

    2. I agree Julia. I like the black turtle neck a lot better with the skirt than the white blouse. What also struck me was how much better I like her hair in the Huffington Post picture than today. She looks really fresh and beautiful in that picture, it changes the whole look of her face. Not that she isn't beautiful today but it was a noticeable difference. I would like to know what you think as well.

    3. I agree, Rebecca. Their umbrella, network, lateral communication concepts are innovative for the fields involved, brilliant and far reaching. Campaigning for acceptance of those fields at the same time is superlative. I am so happy that William, Kate and Harry decided to approach the problems strategically rather just showing up and hoping for the best.

    4. Julia from Leominster5 November 2016 at 06:59

      Julie, I agree, I liked her shorter hairstyle - it seemed young and fresh and professional. I've always liked it more natural with less of the beauty queen rolled curls and a shorter style also kept it out of her face more. She looked so great and seemed fresher herself when she had it short.

    5. I like this outfit, except that I wish the skirt were a bit longer.

    6. Hello 2157: Could you explain what you mean by umbrella, network and lateral communication concepts? Do you mean one overarching concept with different areas underneath?

    7. I understood what you meant, I think, 2157.
      the umbrella, one "family" of mental health community so, rather than being individually isolated before, they can all network now and have that lateral communication with each other, rather than the usual vertical communications within the agencies being the only communication. Is that what you meant? :)

    8. yes, 18:30,

      That is what I meant, thanks.


    9. Thank you for clarifying. I'm not sure what the network is, though. Is that important? Because all I've seen are photo ops and a few sound bites, so I don't know where that factors in. Thanks.

    10. She is opening up avenues for the various mental health initiatives to network with each other more readily. That was clear to me. I think their approach to mental health is beautiful.

    11. I think she looks much better with longer hair. I think it helps keep her fresh and more modern looking. Too me her shorter hairstyles tend to make her look a bit schoolmarmish and too severe looking.:)ali

    12. 2348: Kate is opening avenues for mental health initiatives to work with each other more readily. OK; how? My point for these questions is to try to figure out exactly what she does. Because other than photo ops I haven't seen anything. And I think that mental health advocates probably already know that working with other organizations helps people more than one individual entity can -- as this program under discussion indicates. This organization is working with the prison system to help women enter mainstream life sucessfully and I imagine they work with addiction specialists and social service entities to help with functioning, childcare, and income assistance. I'm just curious what Kate is actually doing. You guys talk about her work, but what is it?

    13. bluhare I was wondering the same thing and I wrote out my interpretation below - as a reply to Moxie's comment. I would love to hear from others as well. What exactly IS Kate's body of work ? Other than raising awareness and bringing charities together - both concepts that are quite simple, well-understood and have been implemented and replicated for several decades in the world of NGOs. Not quite sure that is her contribution.

    14. All royals highlight initiatives and bring together initiatives. Read the statement after the Dutch visit from both charities that were there, and it explains precisely that she has used her position to bring such a meeting together. With an open mind it is not difficult to see how they all operate.

    15. Bluhare,

      perhaps you could write to the facility and ask them that yourself. Anything else would be speculation. And perhaps cc that letter to other venues she has visited or will visit.

    16. Read some of the follow-up comments from charity organisers and from the people
      being served. I believe Charlotte included some in her post.I realise some in the past have argued that, of course they've going to say nice things. I agree. However, many go on with praise beyond that
      usually considered mere politeness.
      Some of the remarks refer to encouragement and recognition of their problems
      from a person who is not only demonstrably sympathtic and interested in them but is also a popular, (to judge by crowds and news coverage) well-known person.
      The fact that she is a royal is a bonus.
      Don't sell encouragement short.
      Leeave the door to door and behind the scenes stuff to people like me-no one
      will write about that in multiple forums.
      Think about it-you have hornet's nest of problems and you have your choice between a visit from me and a visit from the Duchess.

    17. PS-the opening avenues thing. How? From what I have learned from both royal and non-royal sites, she has conducted meetings-no need to publicise those-of charity volunteers. Mental health resource cooperation was part of her visit to the Netherlands, for example.
      Some we hear about after the fact. Some, I imagine, we won't hear about. It is
      part of the nuts and bolts aspect of charity work. Apparently, WCH's part in the
      Head's together initiative kicked off this working together/sharing resources.

      Don't underestimate the value of organisational meetings. If one has not been involved in large-scale charity organisation, it might be difficult to understand how this can be considered "work."
      One doesn't have to roll bandages or drive a collection truck to be considered
      working for a charity. It's all necessary and each contributes according to
      one's abilities.

    18. Rebecca - Sweden8 November 2016 at 00:06

      I'm not very knowledgable about the field but I know someone who works in charities and they said that while charities often cooperate, there is also alot of "head-to-head" between them and they often compete for the same sources of money etc and therefore don't network as much as they should. This person said that something like the Royal Foundation where they bring together charities help charities to work together under a common goal instead of compeating for the deepest pocket.

    19. Actually Bluhare, They Don't Already Work Together That Way! To Us It Might Seem Terribly Obvious & Efficient To Do So! However, They Have Not Had An Over Reaching Arc, Nor Anyone To Initiate it, Oversee it, & To Be Inspired & Visionary Enough To Set It Up! Kate Has Been Working Closely With Many Organizations, Agencies & Services, To Educate Herself On What They Are Doing. Then She Has Helped To Form A Cohesive Vision & Implemented It By Introducing The Various Organizations To One Another (almost like a Mental Health Organization Match Up)! Thus Now, They Can All Begin The Process Of Working Together, They Will Be More Efficient & Able To Help Grow & Assist One Another in Their Functions & Missions. They Are Now Able To Pool There Resources, Fundraising & Knowledge, In Order To Learn From One Another & To Offer The Best Cutting Edge Services in The Areas of Mental Health (Personal & Family)! As Well As Addiction & It's Effects On The Family & The Greater Society! Two Public Ways She Did This, Was With Her Summit Day Of Editing The Huffington Post & Her Summit Meeting, During Her Trip to Denmark. However, The Various Organizations Have Gone On Record Raving About How Hard She Has Been Working To Use Herself As A Conduit To Bring Groups Together, That Previously Had Not Been Working Directly With One Another! This Has Enabled Them To Pool Resources & Knowledge! It's All Quite Cutting Edge & I Only Wish We Had Someone So Respected & Visionary Over Here in The US, To Take On Such An Initiative! As with Many Things, These Organizations Can Get Bogged Down With Redundancies, By Repeating Work Done By Other Organizations. Whereas, If They Can All Work Together In An Organized Fashion, Pulling Together, How Much More Efficient & Effective They Can & Will Be!
      So Bravo To Kate For Not Just Raising Money & Awareness, But For Being A Visionary! She Is Digging In & Starting A Process That I Surely Hope Will Catch On Around The Globe!
      I Hope That Answers Your Question Bluhare?

    20. Julia from Leominster8 November 2016 at 09:49

      To me the longer hair with big curls looks like a U.S. beauty queen. I prefer her hair shorter or at least natural-looking and pulled away from her face. Kate has a nervous habit of touching her hair - even when it's not windy - worse when it is - she handled her hair at least four times at the film. While engagements are the be all - end all - royal (and professional) polish is also important - it is much more a characteristic for royal ladies than celebrities.

    21. EXACTLY, Rebecca.

    22. Great Idea 15:56.

      If Kate's critics so very, very much want those answers. There is their solution. Write to each charity and ask them. Will the critics follow through or just continue to criticize?

    23. Thank you for your responses. However, none of you have indicated what *Kate's* work is other than photo ops and letting people be quoted after the engagement. She doesn't speak to the press and she doesn't release quotes for publication. She doesn't say anything about what she's doing, nor does she do anything other than these types of engagements. THAT is what I'm asking, not what charity workers do. I know what they do. I have worked with and for them. I also know about competing for money. None of what Kate does addresses any of that. All she does is "bring attention" by being photographed wearing nice clothes and picking up bottles while apparently having a domestic type of wound on her hand, in this case. She rarely stays more than 45 minutes to an hour at each engagement.

      I agree they're following through with the mental health theme; I just question how much good is done based on what I've seen.

    24. Julia,

      I really like Kate's hair longer with the big curls.
      As far as her touching her hair, I don't find that annoying at all. If anything it makes her seem more normal, more approachable.

    25. Does no one read Charlotte's narratives? They are excellent and most often answer questions posed here.

  12. I like the outfit very much indeed. She looks great and her legs are truly to die for. She seems to be clustering her engagements again. I wonder if they will be in London through the holidays and then head back to Norfolk. I can't imagine that cold and rainy Norfolk will be more fun than London around this time. At least London has the lights and the people.
    I wonder if the press intentionally touches up her pictures to make her look brighter because if you look at the raw images on getty she looks incredibly tired and worn out. For instance this one right here:

    1. Lighting and camera angles factor in-shadows. People who see her up close in a crowd remark she is even more beautiful in person.No touch ups there.

    2. Kate does look tired in the closeup above. Bob must have kept her out late!

  13. Im not a fan of the black nylon/legging things (On anyone not just Kate lol) But I do really like the skirt. I thought I read somewhere that royals were not allowed to were black unless for funerals and Remembrance day type things and I always thought that was sad because black can be so nice and classic and makes up most of my closet for some reason it makes me happy they can were black lol.

    1. Julia from Leominster5 November 2016 at 07:06

      It's somewhat traditional for royals not to wear a completely black outfit in the daytime except for funerals and Remembrance. Black at night is acceptable, even the queen wore it when young.

      I don't think Kate's outfit is really pure black even without the coat because of the skirt which has white. She would need the tights because the skirt is so short - a little too short in my opinion but the black top draws some attention away from that.

  14. Great outfit - LOVE her hair!!!!!!!

  15. That coat looks so warm and cozy! I like the look today, good fashion inspiration and very wearable (with less expensive pieces for my budget!). Her hair looks a bit "leftover" from last night. Probably easy for her, even if it's not quite as nice as a fresh blowout.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden4 November 2016 at 19:01

      It is a great look easily Copy-Kate, isn't it? :)

  16. If anyone knows the designer of the turtleneck sweater, I would love to know. I really like the piping around the neck. Just what I need for my fall/winter wardrobe!
    A nice, appropriate outfit. The coat adds a perfect hit of colour on a dull November day.

  17. Wonderful work in highlighting this area for vulnerable women and families.I agree with Rebecca above on the embargo issue. Very petty of some. The reporters knew of the visit to the Trust and it is understandable that visits to prisons should be controlled especially with the attention that Kate gets. Unfortunately Sophie and Camilla who also do good work in these vulnerable areas, just do not get the same attention.
    Love how the colour of the coat brings out the whole ensemble underneath. Very appropriate dressing for this engagement.

    1. Why should visits to prisons be controlled? Not sure I understand that. And why is it petty to question why some visits aren't announced? She didn't go to Aleppo or Afghanistan. She went to a secure facility. And, if protecting abuse victims is a concern, the address of the Nelson Trust was clearly visible on a photo that was released.

      I asked above if there's a real reason this was embargoed. If there is, that's great, but I don't think it's petty to question. On the contrary, I think it's ignorant to accept everything we're spoon fed by PR flacks.

    2. Reporters agreed with this embargo, and they knew about the visit to the trust. There were reporters on site for the trust visit. The embargo may have come at the request of the prison and seeing that the trust works with the prison it may be a carry over.

    3. Why are fans or non fans bothered by an embargo. Royal reporters knew. Point is she showed up and did two good engagements.

    4. I'm not bothered by an embargo. I'm just questioning why it wasn't announced. If there are good reasons for it, there are good reasons for it!

    5. Blue hare - I agree that asking why is not petty. Isn't the saying "The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked." I see that a commenter above provided insight to what it was like for them inside the prison here in US. I don't know why people are upset this time because wasn't the visit last year embargoed as well?

      Prisons aren't day camps and depending on the security level can house very dangerous and violent people. Those that have bad intentions will find ways to carry those out. Having a large group of visitors not only puts them in danger but also the guards and other inmates.

    6. I understand, Julie. I've been in a prison too and they do take great care to keep you segregated from the general population, and this was in a minimum security facility. I'm not sure why the other visit needed to be embargoed as well, but perhaps someone would have put two and two together.

    7. It was in a "minimum security" facility with a history of suicidal ideation and self harm. To say that there are not serious problems and dangers there just because it might be a minimal security facility is not quite accurate perhaps. Anyone who has worked in a minimal security facility would agree. And I have worked in one. I had to have a huge body guard by my side as I gave a resident a mandatory English exam for the on premise school. The resident did not want to take the test and had threatened me to the point that he was going to have to go to a higher security facility if he even threatened me again. What Becky was saying is true. The embargo was not an option IMO.

  18. I love this coat, especially with the mohair. Gives it nice texture.

  19. I think this is a great working outfit and I am really impressed that Kate is making this difficult area one of her key areas. Women are more likely than men to be sent to prison for more minor offences and it can be devastating to families. It's not glamorous or an easy sell to say that better, more effective interventions are needed to the often complex problems that lead people to prison. Well done, Kate.

  20. Great cause to highlight this time of year before the Christmas holidays. Thank you, Charlotte, for your background information and all. I hope the Duchess adds this cause to her official patronages.

  21. Funny. We call them band-aids, not plasters. :)
    I had never heard that before.

    Oh. I hope Bob didn't do that. :)

    1. "Two countries separated by a common language"


    2. I know. sweater/romper, hood/bonnet, undies/knickers, band-aid/plaster, yard/garden, etc.

      going to get me started using my British accent, as my family, for some reason, scatters to other rooms. :)

    3. Ha! :) So True! So True! lol :)

  22. Kate is so gorgeous! Inside and out! Even though I'm not British I still feel proud of her, she is the best thing to happen to the Monarchy in the modern age. I can't wait.....watching her grow into the Queen she will become is going to be awesome!

    1. Mel, thank you! You spoke so much better than I could have!!!

      And a huge thank you to the lovely Charlotte. I've had time to go back in time through her engaging posts. It truly is quite a journey that Kate has had.

    2. Anonymous in Colorado4 November 2016 at 21:02

      @mel in SoCal: I feel the same, well said! Growing up in the '80s/90s, I remember my mom loving Diana...I was so thrilled when Kate came along!

    3. So Well Said! I Believe Her Value & Worth Will Only Grow As The Years Go On! Well Done William For Falling In Love With Such A Lovely Person! Well Done That The Queen Supported Will's Choice & Has Seen Kate's Goodness! Well Done Will & Kate For Forging Their Own Path (laying the foundation for the future) With Their Sweet Little Family! Well Done Kate For Being The Best Woman She Can Be For Her Family, Her Country & Herself! Bravo! :) xo

    4. Becca,

      She can't do anymore than her best you are right Becca. AND, she always gives her best. I truly don't understand why some here seem to disdain
      her so much. I think she is such a blessing, excellent role model and a one in a million great gal. I wonder what Kate's critics think of Paris Hilton or
      kk. Maybe they would prefer them as Duchess of Cambridge. I truly believe that just might make them happy.

  23. Zora from Prague4 November 2016 at 19:36

    I was so glad to find this post today! What a great thing that Kate is focusing on such important issues. I'm sure it brings a lot of good, both to her (knowledge, understanding, growing experience of meeting people in really difficult conditions) and the women concerned (they can see that someone important is interested in them and their situations and, in a way, they may see her like a messenger of hope).
    On the fashion note, I really like the whole outfit.

    1. Mel and Zora, I certainly agree. :)

    2. That is very nicely said Zora, we should all take Kate's example and be 'messengers of hope ' for someone less fortunate.

      Royal fan in Northern Ontario

    3. Beautifully Said! "Messenger of Hope"! Something We Can All "Repli-Kate"! :) xo

  24. Great engagement!

    Sleek and chic. Love the monochromatic leg and the baby blue against the black.

    1. I agree, Erika. A very chic no-nonsense look. And the black panty hose are perfect with the shorter skirt.

    2. Yes, the opaque black stockings work well with the shorter skirt, royalfan. I like this look a lot.

    3. Julia from Leominster8 November 2016 at 09:56

      I have to admit, I prefer a longer skirt as being more professional but black tights do help.

  25. Love the look and want to copy it! She really looks tired in these photos though

  26. Fabulous! Both the event and her marvelous look. So fun to see the surprise day out. Kate is doing a brilliant job focusing on such important issues that are dear to her heart. And, doing the work while looking magnificent. Brava!

  27. This post was a lovely surprise! Love the baby blue color of the coat. As for the cause, I echo what the others have said, this is a sensitive but worthy issue and her support will bring the attention the cause needs. Thank You our dear Charlotte!!XOXO

  28. Prison work is a wonderful cause for her - so glad she's continuing it. Besides the ongoing good of reform and support, what a great boost it must be for those who live and work in such a grim environment to spend some time with her. Love the open coat! The whole look is just right.

  29. I'm so happy to read about her engagements today. This is one of my favourite causes of hers. It's such a challenging issue and one that certainly doesn't get enough attention and interest. With the media attention she gets,she can truly shed a light on it and I'm so glad that she chose to.
    I love her outfit. It looks very much like something I'd wear.

  30. Loved that she picked up the bottled water. sweet. Evian, btw. How many times has that happened to us, or they fall out of the cup holder on the console when you turn or stop and onto the floor they go.

    1. Yes. A simple gesture but it does point to character. She could, but did not, ask or expect the PPO to do it.

    2. Wonder what the other royals would have done? That's the way to really test one's attitude of entitlement. Phillip would likely have kicked it aside. Ha!
      Anne probably would not have been carrying it. The queen? the lady in waiting
      would carry it and not pick it up if dropped. It would have been quietly discarded by someone else. C&C? I leave that to you, royalfan. :)
      There's the answer for those who declare Rebecca does everything for her.

    3. Zora from Prague5 November 2016 at 21:26

      I really like your little analysis, Anon 19:37! :) How about Edward and Sophie? I suppose both would do the same Kate did. And Andrew and his daughters? Perhaps all of them would do the same, who knows...

    4. I think you're right on, Anonymous 19:37! And though I'm not royalfan, if I may offer my opinion: Camilla would have picked it up, Charles wouldn't have.

    5. I do not know that they all would not have bothered to pick up,:) but I agree probably few of them except Kate, William, Andrews daughters, Harry would have been carrying a water bottle as they exited a car or how many of them would even have been sipping on one in the car if they were not coming from a workout. Are there any photos showing where the bottle actually came from?

    6. I agree, 22:13. :) I do think Camilla might have dithered a bit first. "Should I? Would that be queenly?.....

    7. I also think that if the queen were on the grounds of Windsor, she would have immediately picked it up, whether she dropped it or not. It is a matter of being
      consistently in public the image of the sort of queen that the public has grown used to.
      I understand that no one forgets her role, even in her home. Other's behavior
      likely remains the same toward her.
      anon 19:37

    8. Evian water. Anyone can buy that water. It is a public brand. I carry water with me everywhere I go, not just after a workout.

      As for the band-aid, maybe one of their pets at home (not Lupo, of course) scratched her or she could have scraped her hand on the gerbil wheel while cleaning out the gerbil's cage. Or maybe she was retrieving one of the children from their explorations in the shrubs. It could have been just about anything.

    9. Okay, a P.S. to my "Ha!" ...

      Camilla would pick it up AND make sure the cameras caught it. ;)

    10. Ha ha,royalfan!

    11. Ha! & Double Ha! :) xo royalfan

    12. Julia from Leominster8 November 2016 at 09:59

      I wonder about Charles - Diana I remember picked up a photographer's camera lens for him - and it does make up for a video I saw of Kate in Canada - waggling her flowers for a military man to have to rush over and relieve her of - it was a very ungracious - actually quite rude - moment on her part - and the reason royal ladies usually have ladies-in-waiting or aides at hand.

      I think most of the other royals would probably pick things up themselves.

    13. Rebecca - Sweden8 November 2016 at 18:49

      I remember that moment Julia. Only time I've seen her do that. But also, she had Charlotte on her hip and if you look closely you can see her sliding down so I think it was a bit "time sensitive" unless squished flowers or dropped kid would be the result :P

    14. Julia,

      I don't think that moment was rude at all. She was just getting his attention and as always in a meet and greet they were being rushed and herded around.

    15. Rebecca,

      That was my assessment of why Kate did that also.

      I didn't think that was ungracious at all. It was save the flowers or drop Charlotte as you said. She quickly made a very practical decision. After following Kate since 2001, I do not perceive Kate as a rude person, ever.

  31. That looks like a knife injury to me - like from chopping during cooking. :) She looks fantastic, it's nice to see her in seasonally-appropriate colours and fabrics finally!

    1. Whose season? London or BC or Kansas? Probably better to be appropriate to weather, temp, occasion than a "season." In the midst of Fall here-sweaters,dark colors (colours to you)
      and wool skirts,right? Also was 85° F.

    2. In Britain there are not seasons, neither heat nor cold, always cool, drizzle and grey..

    3. I wonder whether Kate scraped her hand when she picked up the water bottle.

    4. Didn't she pick up the bottle with her right hand? Is the bandage on her left
      hand? It looks like it could be a cooking/baking injury/burn
      If Bob The Cat had done it, you can bet that it would have been seen , photographed, and

    5. Nope. After second look-both left hand, but bandage side not shown to tell if
      she arrived with it.
      Good catch, though.

    6. I agree with Anonymous 19:21 that it would have been seen and written about if it had been Bob the cat. Also, being used to a lot of people and noise, I don't think he'd be the kind of cat to easily scratch someone.

    7. It is an odd spot for an injury so maybe just a nasty scrape? Burns should not be under a bandage and it is a large bandage. Who know maybe a recent scrape that still was bleeding when she left home?

    8. I think a burn would at least be covered during the engagement, for arious reasons.

  32. Charlotte, you might also want to note for royal fans that the new series The Crown starts on Netflix today, about the early days of HM. :)

    1. Thank you for the reminder!

      Have any of you watched it yet? The reviews look promising.

    2. I love it, I have seen the first four episodes of season one on Netflix. Terrific actors all. The costumes and set design are breathtaking. I will be watching a couple more episodes this afternoon.

    3. I'm already on episode six!! It's very good......Claire Foy is perfect as HM :)

    4. Have watched the first two episodes. It is beautifully made television. Beautifully filmed and the outfits are to die for! I keep googling images of the real events portrayed in the series while I am watching... to see the comparisons.. but this is stopping me from immersing myself in the series and enjoying it for what it is: Entertainment!
      Cara, Australia

    5. Watched two episodes last night and I am hooked! The performance of Jared Harris as King George is absolutely masterful. The inner workings of the monarchs and their court are fascinating.

    6. Watched two episodes last night and I am hooked! The performance of Jared Harris as King George is absolutely masterful. The inner workings of the monarchs and their court are fascinating.

    7. I've made it through 6 or 7 episodes now. It's very well done and I highly recommend it. The scenes, costumes, jewelry are amazing. The acting by all is wonderful. I find it fascinating.

    8. Would like to hear from some Brits about their opinions. Is the series available in UK?

    9. I think it's very well done and the actress playing the Queen is doing a fantastic job. It's always hard to do living and greatly admired people justice but she manages to do so incredibly well. One very interesting aspect to me was the portrayal of the relationship between the Queen and her sister. But it's really just very well done overall.

    10. In the US, Netflix has a "free month trial" promotion, which showed up at just the right time for me! Easy peasy.
      Terry in NJ

    11. Are you a Brit, by any chance, Caroline?

    12. It's Incredible!! It Started Here Nov 4 & I Watched The Whole Season 1 Nov 5-7! :) lol & Have So Much To Say & Hope We Can Chat About It As More People Watch it? I Looooove That It's Out While TRHs Are Still Here & In Their 90s! What An Amazing Perspective Seeing The Gist Of Where They Began As Individuals, Parents & A Married Couple At The Beginning Of Their Journey With Her As Queen! Amazing Insights On All The Family! (Then & Now!) Watch It! Watch It! Watch It! As A Gift To Yourselves! You Can Start Netflix (it's month by month) Watch The Whole Season Several Times Over & Then Cancel! Then Just ReStart Your Acct When The Next Season Drops......... I'm Already Bummed To Have Such A Wait For Season 2! :( boo hoo lol xo

    13. I like it very much so far; very serious, though. Wouldn't the Queen have been a little less reserved at home in her younger days? I've seen pictures where she is much more jolly even in recent times! But it is certainly interesting to see the intricacies of royal family life play out onscreen.

  33. hmm I love surprise engagement once in while love the coat its warm and cozy the duchess is really down to earth and I love the series crown the episode is nice

  34. What a lovely surprise, Charlotte, to get an e-mail notice of an extra Kate engagement this week! She is really coming into her own and espousing very down-to-earth, daresay difficult, causes. And I like that she did it without great fanfare. Shows sensitivity to the people being visited. A Royal visit can be very stressful and to just have someone "pop by" (although I am sure it wasn't done as easily as that) can make it so much easier without a demanding Press calling for photographers or asking people what they thought.

  35. Alejandra Ramirez5 November 2016 at 03:17

    Excellent post Charlotte! As usual you gave us the insights and the extra information surrounding the engagements! Thank you so much! :)

  36. i love this skirt and it really looks good with the black turtleneck and black goes very well with the light blue i'm glad we got to see the coat up close i think it is really pretty all around good look for todays engagement. thanks charlotte for the fast post

  37. 1. The coat is too short. A coat must be knee length.
    2. The skirt goes well with the turtle neck sweater. The white shirt needs a more elegant skirt, not a sportive one.

    1. Coats are short this year, I have bought one ...

    2. "Must" be knee length?

    3. This length of a coat has been the norm, at least here in the north, for quite some time. It is considered more of a casual style than a full length coat. That said, this is one of my favorite coats of Kates, for the very reason that it's more casual and not so tightly fitted. It's something I Myself would get a lot of wear of.
      Again I am dismayed by people saying she looks tired and worn out. She is pushing 35, not 21 anymore! She looks probably younger than her years, but more like a maturing woman looks. But wish she would trim her hair a couple inches.

    4. Barbara, I also love the coat, it is very fresh looking, both in color and the texture. I really like the look and love it with the skirt and top.

  38. Charlotte I'm just curious here on a slow Saturday - with all the chat about Harry's love life do you ever see yourself doing the HRHPrincessHarry blog :) Will it depend on your level of interest in his future wife - or are you at blog capacity regardless!

    As I've told you many times your skills as a producer/editor are excellent.

    1. Hello Claudia,

      Thank you for your very kind words!

      That is a fun suggestion :) I think it would depend on who she would be. It would be very enjoyable and interesting to see how Harry and his wife might forge their own roles within the firm. Whilst Harry is not in line to the throne, Charles' plans for a streamlined monarchy when he becomes king will see a significant focus and thus increased responsibility for the Cambridges, Harry and his wife. It will be fascinating to see how they navigate the changes as the monarchy strives to modernise. There will be huge changes when HM passes and it's really up to the younger royals to cement the monarchy's relevance and begin a new chapter for the family without HM at the helm.

      And who doesn't enjoy a good love story and a royal wedding? :)

    2. Ahhh, a good love story and a royal wedding.
      I am looking forward to those for sure. And your coverage, Charlotte, will be the very best.

    3. Charlotte, maybe another blog - or even forum if you will - should cover both couples! The engagements they choose, how they're handling their roles, how they're communicating with the public, press relations, and even "what are they wearing" thrown in :) And how the royal roles of the "main four" are evolving after the historic reign of Elizabeth II.
      Now just come up with an all encompassing name... "WayAhead blog" "RoyalFour blog" "TheWindsors" - Start thinking! ;)

      I know fashion is probably the draw for most people, but I would love a broader look and discussion, providing the young royals can provide the substance!

      I know I sound like a broken record, but we are on the cusp of very fluid and fascinating times for the BRF. When the Queen dies it will be seismic and the first year after her death will be a roller coaster. Yes there will be King Charles, there won't be time for any serious alternative discussion, but who knows how the country will feel after King Charles (and maybe) Queen Camilla.

      We are certainly living in interesting times! Charlotte, you'll be busy :)

    4. Would love a blog about Harry and any future love interest, hope it is not the current one being gossiped about:):) ali

    5. Claudia, have you considered starting your proposed blog? You seem to have it all really well thought out. Charlotte does so much already, maybe you can start and work with Charlotte as a mentor

    6. Courtney from nc- missing your posts :( hope everything is ok with you and your family. Thinking of you.

    7. "Unannounced engagements." You had a choice of words, Charlotte, and you chose well.

    8. yes, Courtney, are you okay?

    9. I second that, Cherie. I think she had a lot going on.

    10. Not a chance Julie! I have enough trouble submitting comments at times :)

      Just some rambling thoughts on a lazy Saturday for Charlotte - or anyone who cares to listen!

  39. I'm a sucker for engagements like this. Anything that benefits the mental well being for people at risk is a big winner for me. Catherine looks really focused and 'in the moment' with these women.

    Cara, Australia

  40. This coat and it's shape reminds me of Diana's:

  41. There's this one which is more of a swing coat as I recall, but I can't locate a full length photo (I have one in one of my books though).

  42. Kate is beautiful and elegant as always and I love that skirt! I especially loved her total look the first time she wore the skirt in January. And I have to admit I even like her hair better with the cut she had in January!

  43. Would anyone care to explain to me what the purpose of Kate visiting prisons is - besides photo opportunities? And is the Nelson Trust kicking off a fundraising drive? What is the point of reporting on her attendance? She visits prisons like I visit aquariums.

    1. Moxie I also wonder about this as well. And I think bluhare asks the same question above. These engagements form part of her "awareness on mental health" campaign. But they seem to stop at "raising awareness" without progressing forward after that. And the same thing is repeated over and over again. I don't quite understand what people are supposed to take away from these kinds of visits other than the message that people can have mental illness and there are certain charities that help certain people when such issues arise. This is how I am interpreting all of this. I may be missing something though.
      I would love to hear from others on what they think.

    2. I take it your visits to aquariums are embargoed, Moxie? No one knows until you've been? I confess the last time I went to one was when the nephews were small and all I heard was "SHARKS!" all day. Ah, they were cute back then.

      In all seriousness there is a connection between the prison and Nelson Trust; however, I'm not sure why Kate went to the prison unless it was to meet with women who will soon be using the services offered by Nelson Trust. I don't think the fans care that much either, as the longest topics besides clothes are about the embargo, how Kate picked up a bottle of water, and whether Bob the Cat bit her.

    3. It's to find out how intervention might have changed the course of these women's life's. Mental health, stable role model, structured home and school environments. Maryland Moxie I usually enjoy your comments and point of view but this one confuses me. Did you read the post or just the headline?

    4. Rebecca - Sweden8 November 2016 at 00:11

      Well, that is a wiiiide question having to do with the role of royalty in all. Why are the minor royals doing visits without getting press? Does that do any good? Is it valuable for the royals to visit without much press or is the wide press important? Is a visit by a royal for the good of the people they are meeting or for the people who are watching? Is ribbon cutting just ribbon cutting or does it have an impact? Does a royal listening to someones trouble validate their trouble more than a professional listening? Does it give a value and self esteem to a prisoner to get visited by a royal? And does the level/popularity of a royal factor into this? Way too big questions to be shouldered on Kate alone.

      And I don't think sitting in and listening to stories from prisoners and guards can constitute the same as watching some fish!

    5. I can think of a few things Kate may be trying to accomplish with her visits. First of all, most women in prison have self-esteem issues. When anyone who isn't paid to spend time with them volunteers to, it makes an impression. For Kate or Anne or Camilla to do so creates an even greater impact. Furthermore, when Kate spends time with these women, she is implicitly stating to the general public that these women are worth our time. That our concern for them shouldn't stop when they get caught and punished for their crimes. I would guess she hopes that others will volunteer to be involved in prison programs, similar to the uptick in volunteers for Scouts after her involvement was publicized. Third, she is communicating to the families of these women that she doesn't think they are hopeless or should be written off. That may encourage some of them to offer forgiveness.

    6. MM,
      Did you read the comments all the way from the start? There's lots of great relevant information that will likely answer your question. :)

  44. Moxie,

    Maybe your should write to the prison and ask them that. They would be happy to help you out.

  45. Welcome back, Mox. Your writing style is unique. I would recognise it anywhere. :)

  46. Moxie @ 04:20 and Bluhare @ 01:45,

    In all fairness to Kate, I guess you would have to get a business prospectus and fiscal financial statement from every venue that the Queen, Charles, Anne, Sophie, William and Harry have visited to determine the worth and value of their "photo ops". Only fair, yeh?

    1. lol, lol, ha ha. 20:04. THAT is SO true. If Kate's visits to a prison were just "insignificant" as some have said and others have alluded to then the Queen's 60 YEARS of visiting charities, etc. have been for nothing. NOT.
      I guess Kate's critics would tell the Queen, Phillip, Charles, Anne, Sophie, William and Harry, to book season tickets to the aquarium instead.

      Great point, 20:04.

  47. Moxie,

    you can visits prisons and Kate can visit aquariums then. that way you can find out firsthand what benefits come from your visit and Kate can get to see the fishies for a change.

    A certain someone said if you have done it to the least of these you have done it to me. That includes visiting prisoners. Quite a mandate. Quite a reward.

    1. wow. right on 21:36. Matthew 25:39,40. He would not have considered that just a "photo op".

  48. Zora from Prague7 November 2016 at 21:51

    Maryland Moxie, you can't be serious. I believe it's not so difficult to imagine how much it means for someone in a prison if a visitor comes to see them (they can't go to see anyone of course), shows them that he/she still considers them worth talking to, despite the fact that they have done something really wrong, and shows them his/her interest. Plus, if this visitor is someone famous and shows them s/he cares, it can help them to find courage for a new beginning. Another point is that in this way, Kate herself can get more experience, grow in empathy and compassion. It can add to her maturity and ability to listen to people which is really important for a future queen. I don't understand your parallel with your visiting aquariums and even find it a bit offensive, although it probably wasn't meant so. If you go to visit an aquarium you usually do it because it's fun or a good way of spending leisure time. If you have an opportunity and visit someone in prison you may find out for yourself that it is neither fun nor a leisure activity. And thinking about visiting a prison as a photo opportunity for Kate is just absurd. She has enough other opportunities, maybe a lot more than she likes.

  49. Moxie

    I think, since William, Kate and Harry have philanthropic trusts, it is excellent for her to visit and see firsthand how the "nine pathways" offered by the Nelson Trust and how the other services offered by RAPt (also a Trust) are making a difference in the field of mental health there. If nothing else it is educational for Kate just as the "officially stated purpose"
    said, and it had to be an encouragement to morale to a significant extent at the facility. And, the visits create a link for Kate, even if only social at this point, to her other mental health initiatives. Go ahead and enjoy the aquariums Moxie as you said. Meanwhile Kate will continue encouraging those who are caregivers and those who need care.

  50. Looking forward to seeing Kate and the other members of the Royal Family this weekend. Does anyone know if all the Royal Residences are decorated for Christmas?

  51. Yes, someone does care to explain that Moxie.

    Charlotte already has explained that in her narrative above, in the paragraph below Mr. Trolan's (the Chief Executive of the Trust) comments and in the
    last paragraph of her narrative.

    Bluhare that answers your "Okay, how?" question also.

  52. Maggie - Minneapolis8 November 2016 at 01:46

    I like the contrast of the pop of color of the coat against the black and white underneath. The skirt is cute, but imo it's a little too short and also very "girlish" - it's something I would imagine a 19 year old intern for some company wearing, but not many professional women in their mid-thirties. Yes, Kate isn't the typical "professional" but I make this comparison not to mean Kate should dress just like most working women, but just because it's still the most useful one to make for my point. But minor complaint - the actual cause is a great one and I'm glad to see Kate out and about. I do think these last 4 engagements are the perfect example of why bunching together her engagements is not a great strategy in terms of shining a spotlight on issues - all 4 engagements have kind of run together, hurting the possible attention Kate should be bringing to each individual cause. Hopefully the rumors are true that they will be relocating to London next year, which will obviously help in being able to space out engagements more regularly. But anyways, like I said, wonderful cause!

  53. No offense Moxie, but I can't even believe you said something like that about equating Kate's visit to your visits to the aquarium. That's like comparing apples and kangaroos. strange.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden8 November 2016 at 18:55

      Yeah, and very offensive to the prisoners. Equating them with monkeys in a zoo or something!

    2. Kate's just looking around, learning - same thing you do in an aquarium. She's not on any prison reform task force or non-profit fundraising campaign. She's just hanging out for the day and having her picture taken. It IS very strange.

    3. Rebecca, some questions seek a serious reply while others are intended to get a reaction from posters. Dismissing or undermining the significance of Kate's visit is unfortunate to say the least. And yes, that was the intent. Imagine the circumstances of these women (past and present). Imagine the judgment directed at them by society as a whole. Imagine feeling like you're forgotten about or somehow less than human. Now imagine the positive impact by such a visit. Kate is showing that she is not too grand to sit and talk with these women. She acknowledges their existence and shows that she cares and wants to listen to their concerns. And consider the more tangible impact from highlighting their plight. I could go on, but the bottom line is that a bit of human compassion and empathy is nothing to sneeze at; it makes the world a nicer place for all.

  54. In the photo with Kate seated and speaking with four of the women there, they have three personnel people there also, including two guards. One of the two guards was a big guy. There is a reason they did it that way. The embargo was very necessary.

  55. In the photo with Kate seated and speaking with four of the women there, they have three personnel people there also, including two guards. One of the two guards was a big guy. There is a reason they did it that way. The embargo was very necessary.

    1. The two guards are sitting directly beside Kate with the residents there away in a half circle. Kate's flanks are covered and the lady standing has the area behind Kate covered and she is between the entrance and Kate.

  56. oh I love the crown Claire foy superb acting as her majesty I love matt smith also playing prince phillp hmm getting off the bridge the KP release statement about prince harry dating suits star megan Clarke did spell right happy for them

  57. Seems to me that some people like to stop by here ocassionally, drop controversial (usually critical) comments that elicit many responses, and then they leave the conversation.

  58. The statement that Prince Harry released concerning Meghan Markle is probably so welcomed by Meghan.
    Apparently people have tried to break into her house, her ex-husband has been offered bribes, her mother is being harrassed, friends and co-workers also.


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