Tuesday 13 March 2018

Duchess Kate Discusses Children's Tennis Initiatives at Kensington Palace!

An unannounced engagement for Kate today! The Duchess met with representatives from British Tennis, Wimbledon and Coach Core at Kensington Palace to discuss children's tennis initiatives in the UK and sports at grassroots level.

Participants in the discussion included well known faces Judy Murray and former British number one Tim Henman. Since his retirement from courtside action, Tim is a familiar face commentating tournaments including Wimbledon. Kate's private secretary Catherine Quinn and assistant private secretary Laura Baker were also present.

The meeting follows William and Kate's appearance at yesterday's Commonwealth Day service. Kate has stepped up her engagements markedly over the past couple of months. A number of you have been in touch asking when she's taking maternity leave; I think it's quite possible St Patrick's Day will be her last engagement before then. It's a nice one to finish up with.

Kate and Judy Murray appear to get along incredibly well thanks to their shared love of tennis. Kate has spent time with Judy at a number of engagements over the years, most recently at a Coach Core graduation ceremony last October.

Kate visited Judy's tennis programme in Scotland in 2016. Built on the assumption that more can be done to capitalise on the success of the Murray brothers, 'Tennis on the Road' was created to increase coaching capacity in Scotland and grow the game at a grassroots level. Featuring engaging and creative activities, the programme is tailored to teach the basics of tennis to parents, teachers, volunteers and sports development teams to help children develop core skills. Since Judy founded the workshops in 2014 over 2,200 adults have been trained and over 35,000 children have had access to tennis as a direct result of the programme.

As noted above, representatives from Coach Core were present:

The Coach Core apprenticeship scheme was designed by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry to take young people aged 16 – 24 with limited opportunities, and train them to be sports coaches and positive role models and mentors in their communities. The apprentices learn technical sport skills alongside an inclusive and holistic approach to coaching, with an emphasis on employability and mentoring skills.
Coach Core is proud to have transformed the lives of its apprentices with 98% of its graduates now being in full-time employment or education, and 80% retain strong ties with their employers and continue to engage in community sport. Apart from qualifications, participants gain the opportunity to grow, support from a network  of professionals and the chance to develop personal qualities including leadership and confidence.

In December 2016, Kate took over from the Queen as Royal Patron of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, better known as Wimbledon. The choice was a splendid fit for Kate, who is a keen player and avid tennis fan. Kate generally spends a day or two at the tournament every summer.

It very much looks like Kate wore her GOAT Redgrave coat for the meeting. Kate first wore the piece in 2013 when she was expecting Prince George for a visit to Child Bereavement UK and again last November for an engagement with Family Action. The label has served as a firm favourite throughout Kate's pregnancy.

The nude A lined shaped coat features side seam diagonal welt pockets. It's described as "classic and sophisticated". The piece remains available in several colours at GOAT and FarFetch.

It's always interesting to see behind-the-scenes royal work. Perhaps we'll see a children's tennis initiative developed by the Royal Foundation down the line? It was also noted in the Court Circular, Kate received the Rt. Hon. Nicolas Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards, this morning.

We'll see William and Kate on Saturday for St Patrick's Day :)


  1. I'm amazed that coat still fits!

  2. Caroline in Montana13 March 2018 at 18:56

    Dang your fast! lol I went to go look at more photos of the ladies commonwealth outfits and came back to a surprise new post:) love this coat on her as well. she really must be nearing the end, I agree with an early April baby.

  3. While I like the coat, I'm confused at her wearing it at an indoor meeting? Is this common in the UK? I would have thought a dress instead.

    I love how detailed your posts are!

    1. I totally agree with you! I love the coat, but it's quite strange for an indoor meeting

    2. I agree, why wear a coat inside?

    3. The rest of the group are wearing suiting jackets. I believe she is wearing this lightweight coat as a suiting type jacket! She may feel it lends itself to being a more business type ensemble. She probably doesn't have much in the way of "suiting" looks at this stage of her pregnancy. She likely mostly has dresses or True Coats! She also wasn't holding business meetings (that we know of) this late into her past pregnancies. I'm glad she had something that would work! :)

    4. MizBev from Colorado14 March 2018 at 15:39

      Maybe she was cold or maybe she just likes wearing her coat inside. I am so tried of this debate when there are so many, more important things to comment on.

    5. Why? Why? Why? I do not understand.

    6. I agree, I don't get the coat indoors, especially this time; plus, doesn't she LIVE at Kensington Palace?

  4. I think that tennis and other sports will take big place in future engagements of Duchess next to mental health,arts and addiction.It will be interesting to see develop her works and projects but now I am only waiting for new Royal Baby !:)

  5. Julia from Leominster13 March 2018 at 19:36

    Nice to see Kate at work with her Wimbledon patronage and Coach Core - and good too that they are realising the importance of showing some of the backstage work royals do. In former times, people took royal work as a matter of course. Today, people are less willing to assume anything. I suppose they want to show the interface between two charities too.

    Tennis is rather an expensive sport, requiring equipment and most importantly, access to courts, not to mention lessons if you are to be good, so it's nice they're trying to open it to more young people and train more to be coaches.

    Kate looks very nice - it looks to be more a jacket than an outside coat. If I do have a pet peeve (all right, there's more than one) it is that the papers constantly refer to a pregnant woman 'showing her bump' or 'hiding her bump' which strikes me as absurd. I'm certain women choose what looks nice and is comfortable - with no intent to hide or display anything. I also don't like the term 'bump' but I suppose it's here to stay.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden13 March 2018 at 20:34

      Well, a woman with legs are "showing their legs" and a woman with a bump is "showing her bump" and an engaged woman is "showing off her ring". Papers seem to be unable to realize that the first two are very hard to leave at home when going out and the latter most people don't.

    2. Julia from Leominster14 March 2018 at 00:23

      Well, there are a few more choices with legs - you can wear a long skirt or trousers. If you wear a very short skirt, it might be assumed you're showing off your legs although I think a paper would be wise to avoid saying that, as intent can be hard to ascertain. When I worked, I avoided skirts that would show too much leg in the office, although when going out at night to party, I wore them.

      As for rings, unless someone is newly engaged and presenting her ring for inspection - I wouldn't say you were showing it off. And when you're pregnant, just wearing something loose doesn't mean you're hiding the fact - and something fitted doesn't mean you're showing it off.

    3. I hate even more when women are "flaunting" themselves. I see that all the time and it makes my skin crawl. Especially when it's a celebrity in a bathing suit and the photo has been taken on with a telephoto lens by the paparazzi.

    4. Well said, Julia and Rebecca. I'd like to add that the easiest (and so insidious we scarcely notice it) way to diminish a woman is to suggest that she is "showing" or "showing off" something. A man is never accused of "showing" his chest or belly when he opens a suit jacket or removes it. They're never accused of "showing" their legs or ankles. Like you, Julia, I dislike the word "bump" as well as the whole bump mania around pregnant celebrities.


    5. Yes, me thinks it's here to stay. I miss the days when some things were a given and every detail didn't need to be spelled out in print.

    6. Julia, so glad that someone else also finds those headlines silly. Kate is about 8 months pregnant - of course she has a bump.

      Another headline which I find even more ridiculous is "Kate wears blue, is she having a boy?" Or when she wore the pink Mulberry coat it was "Is Kate trying to tell us she's having a girl?" I wish someone would tell whoever writes these headlines that Kate has worn a number of coats from her previous pregnancies and it's really more a matter of comfort and diving into what she already has in her closet than it is about the gender of the baby. Can't wait to see what the headlines will be if she wears a green or brown coat for St. Patricks Day :)

    7. Oh my god that made me laugh SO hard! “Papers seem to be unable to realize that the first two are very hard to leave at home when going out and the latter most people don't.” BEST. COMMENT. EVER.

    8. ๐ŸŒธ that was funny. :)

    9. Julia from Leominster14 March 2018 at 12:23

      Green will mean she's having a leprechaun. The whole colour thing is silly - Kate loves blue and wears it frequently - and she wore pink just before George was born. I don't believe it means a thing, although if she has a boy, the papers will claim it did.

    10. Avee, regarding your comment about the media speculating, that the colour of Kate's outfit hints at the gender of the baby, I read a funny line: It said, "If she wears pink we say she is having a girl and if she wears blue we think she is having a boy. If she wears green, is she having a frog?"

    11. omg, you guys are cracking me up!!! :) xo

    12. Zora from Prague14 March 2018 at 17:57

      Julia and Laura, both the leprechaun and the frog gave me a good laugh! Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    13. I bet after St. Patricks Day, the papers will say she's having a Martian.

    14. Lol Julia and Laura! I'm still laughing :)

    15. Oh rebecca thats a funny way to put it!!! :D

  6. Thanks for the update Charlotte! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. Wearing a coat at home? Additionally while no one else did to? Don't think so. Why would she put on a coat though she does not even have to leave the house?

    1. Maybe because she didn't want to buy a business dress so far in her pregnancy, that's what I thought. It's strange but she looks lovely anyway


    2. See this more as a jacket and she is dressed for a business meeting;it is obviously something she is comfortable in at this stage of her pregnancy. cc

    3. Caroline in Montana13 March 2018 at 21:36

      now im curious, does she not have to leave her actual home? is her home connected from the inside to the rest of the palace? I'm assuming that this board room is not really in her "home". Never thought of this before, but i just figured that all the residences were not connected and that you would have to "go around" if indeed they are all connected to the "inside" seems a security nightmare.

    4. Julia from Leominster14 March 2018 at 00:26

      I was just in Kensington Palace a couple of months ago to see the Diana exhibit - it is a maze of corridors - and I don't think Kate has to go out to go to a meeting there. I'm thinking those rooms are in the old flat of Charles and Diana that was later turned into offices.

    5. Here, she is wearing it like a jacket. And, yes, she does need to walk outside. This must be Princess Diana's former apartment and it's on the other side of the palace.

    6. No, it's not 1A. The office rooms are at Apartments 4, 8 and 9 :)

    7. American Army Wife14 March 2018 at 02:33

      I saw this post hours ago and thought, "oh no more coat hate". The last time she wore it, the way it draped and folded, I thought it was much more like a jacket or blazer weight garment. If she needs a jacket in that house (her home), so be it. It is also true she may have walked around the grounds and in a separate door. All the men were wearing jackets and I doubt her "coat" was much heavier than those garments. She could have been wearing slippers and sweatpants under it. :)

    8. Hi Caroline,

      It is at their "home"--KP is their residence, but which apartments determine if it's their'home". Their living quarters (home) is Apartment 1 A and their working offices are in Apartment 8 (formerly Diana's home). I hope that makes sense. And yes, it's an easy walk across to the offices. You might like this interesting article on the transformation from Diana's living quarters to today's office space: https://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/12/what-dianas-apartment-looks-like-today.html?m=1

    9. ๐ŸŒธ Julia. Did you enjoy the exhibit? Did Mr. Leo?

    10. Denise, thanks so much for the link!!! Looking forward to enjoyable reading later today. :-)

      P.S. if you recall the reception held in Princess Diana's former Apartments prior to William and Kate's India tour, we saw photos of them walking through the courtyards within the palace. So at least in that situation they did indeed walk outside.

    11. Julia from Leominster14 March 2018 at 12:30

      I loved the decoration of Charles and Diana's flat - although it was quite vibrant by today's muted fashions. It's sad to see it so neutrally bland now although I suppose it's quite useful.

      There have been times Kate's leaving coats on has bugged me a bit - particularly in Haakon's and Mette-Marit's home (at least taking it off for the photograph would have been nice) and when it makes it look as if she's just staying a brief time. Then Kate puzzled me by not wearing a coat the other day when it was quite cold. So it's the great Kate coat mystery.

    12. As the lovelsypicture shows. It is possible not to leave the house going from 1A to 8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3660144/The-court-Queen-Kate-Diana-s-old-apartment-Royal-Trio-annex-rooms-Princes-grew-charity-business-nerve-centre.html

    13. Wow, Denise, thanks for the link to a very interesting article. I loved the look of Diana's apartment and the color palette were the design of the times (I once had a pink sofa about the same time :)). I also think the neutral tones are beautiful and do make it seem more functional for the current royals. It's nice to see each royal put their personal touch on their homes with bits and pieces of the past included. But if only walls could talk....what stories they might tell. cc

    14. Julia, the code mystery is a mystery to me. :-) I say this because we see the Queen doing many engagements without ever removing her coat and no one questions it.

      Imke, it may be one structure, but unlike Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace is made up of separate Apartments. I'm just not sure that they have access to all of them! LOL

    15. Caroline in Montana14 March 2018 at 15:14

      Denise, thank you for your response. I do know that they live in Kensington palace as do quite a few, i just meant that this actual conference room is not just in her "home" or "apartment in the palace" it is else where is the building/apartments and that maybe she does have to go outside or thru a courtyard to get to the offices, hence the coat. I have just been studying a bunch of photos, and I am now curious again:) can people just wander around the grounds? in some of the photos people seem to be so close the private living quarters?! really need to make a trip across the pond!! thanks for everyone's response!

      Julia, super jealous of your proximity!! :)

    16. Denise, thank you so vey much for the link showing Diannas apartments before and after. It's fascinating and there are so many pictures I haven't seen before. I also think it would be strange to have ones private apartments turned into reception rooms. But being royal isn't normal and they live with so many ghosts and such a deep known history.

    17. Hm I can't recall the Queen sitting at a meeting or entertaining royalty in a coat. But I must have missed something.

    18. Denise, Thank you so much for the link to all the pics & info about the past & present looks of Diana's apts. I just poured over it all! So much insight & information included too! :)

    19. I can't recall a photo of the Queen sitting at a meeting or entertaining/or meeting with royalty at eight-nine months pregnant.

    20. After we get to the root of Her Majesty's need to carry her pocketbook around in her own home, we can get back to the great coat debate. ๐Ÿ˜€

    21. HM in a meeting AND wearing a coat. :-)


  8. That is SO impressive. Love the coat. HRH is so busy. I can't hardly keep up.

  9. Its alwalys great to see a "behind the scenes" photo. As much as I love to see the duchess, I think she deserves to go on maternity leave and have a little bit of rest before baby no 3 will arrive.

    1. I think that Kate's coat at this tennis meeting was appropriate. I thought it looked professional, love the color; it looked like longer blazer. I don't know how it would have looked had it been opened with a light accent scarf or a gold toggle chain to add a polished finish. I am not commenting about the inconsistencies that people have noticed when Kate has kept a dress coat on for an entire, mostly indoor event; yet has not worn a coat in frigid weather, such as this year's and last year's BAFTA Awards; nor am I very curious about this style protocol.

      Allegraflora, I'm impressed at Kate's appearances this year. I assume that if there were any health concerns at this stage in her pregnancy, the finest physicians in the UK are assembled to preside over her health and would not advise any outings. Plus, she has an exceptional support system at home to allow her to focus upon her professional role. Personally, I believe it is great that women continue to work and are active during their pregnancy- including the 3rd trimester if they have their doctor's approval. I worked until the last day prior to having my 2 children; and many of my pregnant contemporaries have done the same in a variety of professionals. Waiting for the clock to tick until the anticipated due dated is enhanced by being engaged in healthy, active work/family activities. I think all of us can agree that fatigue is a part of life; and a healthy pregnancy is not a sickness but an amazing challenge that is rewarded with the miracle of life and joy. And then the challenges continue as you raise your bungle of joy! We all could use a little bit of rest, couldn't we? I'm sure Kate will have ample time to recover and spend time with her lovely family after the precious baby arrives.

  10. Nice to see the behind the scenes meetings, and important too, especially for those who don't necessarily believe a lot of work goes into the different projects the duchess undertakes.

    1. Completely agree Tedi! It's a nice bonus to see the Duchess again, unnanounced, but additionally rewarding that we get a glimpse of the effort that is extended behind the scenes. cc

    2. If they're going to release photos, I suggest releasing a photo that shows someone other than Catherine Quinn looking engaged in the discussion. Kate looks unengaged and bored. Whether she is or not I don't know, but looking at the photo I'd think Catherine Quinn is the key player if I didn't know she isn't.

      Bad optics, Kensington Palace.

    3. Pam from Boston14 March 2018 at 22:27

      It appears they are all listening very intently to the young man in the dark suit sitting in the middle opposite Kate. I don’t think they look disengaged at all. Rather they all look very interested in what he’s saying.

    4. Me in Vancouver15 March 2018 at 14:56

      I don't know Bluhare - maybe I'm looking at a different photo. To me the expressions on CQ and Kate's faces are pretty much the same, indicating the same level of interest and engagement. The only difference is that CQ is leaning in and Kate isn't. But it would be more difficult (and uncomfortable) for her to do the same given her pregnancy. I'm going to give her a break on this one and thank KP for letting us in on this engagement.

    5. Caroline in Montana15 March 2018 at 17:16

      interesting bluhare, it appears to me that she is looking at the same person everyone else is looking at and listening to what he is saying. she looks engaged and interested to me.

    6. I think it's interesting that we see what our non visual perceptions tell us, don't you? I see someone who's listening but not engaged at all. She doesn't look excited or invigorated by what she's hearing. But to be fair, neither does anyone else except for Catherine Quinn. But the point was why would they release a photo like that? Why not release one with *her* leaning across the table asking a question? Or doing something that indicates interest?

    7. Me in Vancouver15 March 2018 at 20:24

      Sorry Bluhare. I respect your opinion, but I still don't see CQ as being any more interested or engaged than Kate or anyone else for that matter. It may be the angle. I don't think KP or almost anyone else would look at this photo and say "ooh - better find a different photo as Kate looks bored". But it's all in the eyes of the beholder and you definitely see something that I just don't. Fair enough.

    8. Bluhare, luv ya & get what you are saying, but at this point of her pregnancy, I don't think Kate's doing much leaning in anywhere! lol :)

    9. Also, I think the wide angle pic gives a different impression that the close up pic. In the wide angle, to me, Kate is actually giving the guy speaking across from her such an intense look, compared to CQ. Just my observation.

    10. ๐ŸŒธ I agree, Me in Vancouver. Kate does have, by far, the largest portfolio of info in front of her. And she looked to me to be intently listening.

    11. ๐ŸŒธ I agree, bluhare. Kensington Palace strikes again. 2 strikes and 3 balls. They’d better make some changes before they totally strike out. :)
      Those photos were lifeless.

    12. Am I alone in thinking that the "she doesn't work enough", "there is no behind the scenes work" criticism has shifted into concerns about about facial expressions and whether or not she takes her coat off? ๐Ÿ˜Š

    13. Now I'm surprised you say that about Catherine Quinn, Me. She's leaning forward with her hands on the table and that body language, to me anyway, looks like she's participating rather than sitting back and listening. Like she's ready to ask a question. And Kate is the chair, or star, of the meeting if you will and has the biggest notepad of those on the table, and she's sitting back. I think their roles should have been reversed in the photo.

      But I get what you say; and I can see where you're coming from. Well, except for Catherine Quinn. Totally don't get that! :)

    14. Am I alone in wondering why someone has to interject into a conversation just to slam it? :)

      Passive/aggressive at its finest, royalfan. My hat is off to you.

    15. I just now saw your comment, becca, and that's the best response yet! An excellent point.

    16. hmmm...and upping the criticism every time Kate ups her game isn't?

    17. bluhare

      No, you are not alone at all.

    18. All I can see is one person leaning on the table, and the other one isn't. It is a bit hard to lean in when you have a pregnant belly in front of you. Besides, Kate looks engaged to me, she is obviously listening intently. Catherine Quinn has a lot more to prove, she is the one who is employed and has to show that she is worth her salary. Which I very much believe that she is ;-) tomatoes potatoes whatever lol

    19. Are royalfan and ROYALFAN two different people? Just wondering...

    20. Royal watcher, same person. It depends on how I post. Sorry for any confusion. ☺

    21. ๐ŸŒธ lol, Becca. Good point. And, maybe the baby is kicking, not liking sitting in one position that long. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    22. Royal Watcher

      No, ofc not. Both comments were written with the same tone and intent!

    23. Zora from Prague16 March 2018 at 20:11

      Anett, I wonder how anybody can know what another person's intents are. Truly. I believe a lot of misunderstandings arise from just this: ascribing other people intents we think they have.

    24. Thank you, royalfan/ROYALFAN :-) for clarifying. I always think your posts are very clear and to the point. I am really looking forward to St Patricks Day, and hope that Kate wears an amazing green coat!

    25. When I start leaning on a table supported by both my arms -not just sitting forward, which could indicate interest--it usually means I am physically and/or mentally exhausted (bored) by the meeting. Just my opinion.

    26. Thank you, RW. ☺ and I do believe that your St Patrick's Day wish came true....

  11. I don't believe this is the Goat coat. Maybe Max Mara...

  12. That GOAT coat would be do short with the bump that she has now. Not sure it was really that coat, since I cannot imagine her wearing trousers.

  13. Wills looks fantastic in that sport jacket! He should wear them more often. He always appears in blue. Mix it up a bit. He looks stylish and classy! Blueskygal USA

  14. Maybe today she wanted to wear something that not only looks professional, but also would be accommodating without drawing too much attention to herself at a business meeting.
    Charlotte, I like the new picture of the royal quartet just inside the cathedral. The two women seem to be really friendly and supportive of each other.
    The pic also gives me a chance to revisit Kate's look from yesterday. While I don't particularly care for the "Tiffany" hat, I have to admit that it's a classic that works much better with the vintage brooch and matching earrings than it does with the sapphire earrings. I'm not sure that yesterday's hairstyle was the right fit though. There are times when she gets the hat/jewelry/hairstyle combination right, and I'd love to see her own that look all the time as one of her signature looks. I think, too, that this time the hat worked better with her fuller face and figure (i.e. when she's pregnant) than it did on the first showing with her slimmer silhouette.
    So will it be the brown coat or one of her numerous green coats for St. Patrick's Day Parade?

    1. I don't think she fits in either one of them at this point of her pregnancy.

    2. When I saw the green D&G in Sunderland I assumed it had been bought for St Patrick's day but I'm not sure it will fit. It seemed the sort of thing Kate might have bought for one event but also used for a second.

  15. Even The Queen takes off her coat for meetings in her own palace.

  16. Its nice to see the duchess have a surprise engagement hmm and see she do behind the scenes meetings Hmm and she was working ...even she can take maternity leave

  17. I know everyine is super excited for he baby but I guess I'm the only one hoping the due date is later and the baby is born end-April so we share a birthday! Fingers crossed.

    1. Well is the baby can't be born on my birthday (April 1), then I'm pulling for you!!!

      Hope from USA

    2. Aww. Thank you! Let's just hope the baby and Kate are healthy whenever it is born.

    3. Rc and Anon., I am for mid April because that would be my birthday. ;-)

  18. ๐ŸŒธ I still think that, aside from Kate’s seemingly seamless assimilation into the Royal family and all that she has accomplished thus far, we are going to see even greater things from Kate. ๐ŸŒท

    As as someone who said she had planned on being a teacher, I think that her involvement in all the patronage’s and charities she is involved with, speaks volumes about her compassion and adaptability.
    She didn’t train to work in areas of mental health, many of those areas of concern being very intense and widespread. Yet she has embraced them. And she is involved. We know that now. She’s not just dropping by and saying hi. So huge kudos to her. She has a unique plate and lots on it. William chose wisely. :)

    1. Surfer girl, I have never heard any commentary anywhere that the Duchess aspired to be a teacher. Would that be a teacher in art history and what academic institutional level? I am kindly curious as this is news to me. I am not and never will be an expert in mental health- an extremely broad and complex medical/ physiological, phychological area that involves many trained professionals, ie: licensed medical physicians, psychiatry, clinical psychologists, therapists, social workers and probably many more highly academic and rigorously trained people. I am of the impression that the piece of mental health issues that the Duchess has embraced is that of a promoter, advocate providing awareness and offering and highlighting resources on this important, far reaching topic. I do believe that her role is very different from that of a trained professional on the topic. As this work by the foundation is a priority and of importantance; it would be meaningful to see a metric of how the foundation has positively impacted mental health issues and in what capacity— to evaluate, and hopefully reinforce and further the foundation’s work based upon empirical and anecdotal results.

    2. ๐ŸŒธ No problem, English Rose.

      Kate attended St. Andrew’s Prep school in Pangbourne, Berkshire from 1985 to 1995. The school invited her to help officially open their new sports field on November 30, 2012. There she gave a short speech and mentioned her desire to be a teacher,

      “In fact, I enjoyed it so much (going to school there), that when I had to leave, I told my mother that I was going to come back to be a teacher.”

      The Telegraph, Andrew Hough, “Duchess of Cambridge Reveals Teaching Ambitions As She
      Revisits Her Prep School”, 11/30/12.

    3. P.S. English Rose. I don’t think that I implied that she was, is, or ever wanted to be a professional mental expert/professional. Quite the contrary, and that is why I give her kudos for helping in that field in any capacity. And she seems quite involved, whether she enjoys it the most or not. :)

    4. Julia from Leominster17 March 2018 at 04:01

      Kate herself mentioned the possibility of being a teacher on her visit to her old school St Andrew's, when she first fell pregnant with George. She said she liked school so well she told her mother she would like to come back as a teacher - 'but that didn't quite happen.' I've posted the first link I found below.


      Assuming this can be taken somewhat seriously (not for instance like George wanting to be a policeman) it would appear Kate was thinking of grammar school - and that would seem the age she would have been suited to teach.

      People often read subjects they enjoy and have an interest in but don't intend to pursue further. Kate could easily have got a job in a gallery if she were passionate about art history. There was talk of her being involved in some manner with an art book before her marriage but that didn't happen.

      As to mental health and Kate's advocacy - I agree with what is said here.

  19. ๐ŸŒธ If Kate and I ever become friends, :)
    one of the first things I’m going to ask her is about her coats. lol “Kate, just out of curiosity, why do you leave your coat on inside?”

    1. SG :) & she'd probably say "because I feel like it" lol :) I think some of these things we scratch our heads & ponder about may just be personal preferences. :) xo

    2. I know her friends are not supposed to comment, but when you find the answer please let us know. We should work out some sort of code, so she won't know it was you!!!

      Hope from USA

    3. I am with you Becca USA--if someone asked me why I wore a coat inside I would answer exactly the same way. Does it really matter? By whose code is wearing a coat inside (unless it were a fur lined parka) mean that either a) my host had inadequate central heating or b) I didn't meant to stay long. And, for the latter, she is already AT KP....

    4. I looked at the link to the GOAT website and one of the photographs is a close up of the textile used for the jacket. It doesn't appear to be a heavyweight fabric at all - so to me wearing this is more like wearing a styled blazer so perfectly suitable for wearing indoors. Some of the heavier coats do seem a little more awkward, but not this one.

      Looking forward to seeing William and Catherine on March 17!

      Border Terrier Lover :-)

  20. That's really interesting, Surfer Girl. I'd love to hear her answer. We're all different, but like Kate I never take my coat off inside, even at work. Usually, I keep it on until I get home, since I'm just never warm enough anywhere else. Maybe sometimes she's just cold.

    1. Caroline in Montana15 March 2018 at 17:12

      I agree Wecy, I wear mine most all the time as I'm usually always cold and I frankly just find it more comfortable. its a tired topic, would love a thread without it!! :)

  21. Pam from Boston14 March 2018 at 17:18

    That's such a nice picture of Kate and Meghan smiling at each other.

  22. Nicole from France14 March 2018 at 17:37

    Re I was born on April 17th so .... there should a chance ! Aries are ever so. Ice persons .... oh yes, as long as you go their way, my mum used to say !

  23. I am pleased that KP are now giving us glimpses of the work that goes on behind the scenes.
    Kate is patron of British Tennis better known as the LTA as well as Wimbledon and with representatives from Coach Core there as well along with Judy Murray & Tim Henman I imagine it was an in depth discussion CQ appeared to be taking quite an active interest. I wonder why LB was there as well. They seem to share the duties though on occasions both of them are in attendance as at the Place2Be launch one photo only showed LB but a wider shot showed CQ standing beside her.
    Interesting that Kate should receive an MP who is a minister of state is this the first time she has done so?
    Commenting on the Commonwealth service I was so pleased she wore the Beulah coat I liked it the last time she wore it and I thought she looked lovely.
    I look forward to the St. Patrick's day event but do wonder which appropriate coat she will still fit into.

  24. Zora from Prague14 March 2018 at 20:16

    What a surprise, to find the post! Thank you, Charlotte, and I'm happy to see Kate once again before St. Patrick's Day.
    Thank you, Denise, for the link you included in your comment. Those pictures!

  25. Fun post. With regards to the coat, I assume she is wearing it like a long jacket/long sleeve tunic garment and not an outdoor coat. My guess is that she has on slacks and a light shell under a very lightweight jacket. She did wear it as a coat before but it also works like part of a 3 piece outfit.

  26. I don't enjoy discussing fashion and clothing because they are not important to me. But, I am going to weigh-in on this "coat issue" because I am so very weary of it coming up over and over. There are times the Queen removes her coat at engagements, but there are many, many times she leaves it on and her choice to do so is not questioned. If Kate wants to keep a coat on during a meeting or an engagement, that is her decision and there is nothing wrong with it. Leaving a coat on doesn't mean that she is any less engaged with the groups or individuals with whom she is talking. Maybe her body temperature fluctuates sometimes, particularly with pregnancy. But the reason doesn't matter. It is her clothing and her decision.

    1. Agreed, Virginia. To me the ‘coat issue’ has been a tiresome topic for a while now.

    2. Agree!

      Border Terrier Lover :-)

    3. Caroline in Montana16 March 2018 at 17:38

      +1 Could not agree more!

  27. ๐ŸŒธ sounds like a plan, Hope. :)

  28. When I saw the photos I just thought: I wish Kate would wear her hair like this more often in public. The overly bouncy curls sometimes look very dated. This is probably what her hair looks like without any extensions, blowouts, or curls ... just a naturally lovely brunette with slight waves. IMO it looks more grown-up, professional, and (dare I say it?) trendy.

    1. I like her hair styled this way, too. I think she looks better with a straighter look.

  29. Bluhare, I think you are right. Purposefully, I think the Duchess of Cambridge hired Catherine Quinn because she is smart and well connected and has what it takes to be a “key player”. Successful leaders surround themselves with successful people who can offer the most sage advice, are knowledgeable and can bring other “key players” to the planning table. Charlotte, thanks again.

    1. Marcia, do we know as a fact who was responsible for hiring CQ? There has been speculation that Buckingham Palace has ordered the hiring of CQ as her Majesty and Duke are quite at retirement and a transition is important. Or do we know if Prince Charles has a mandate in this matter and selected/approved the hiring of CQ? It seems to me that CQ has significant credentials and may have been vetted by the 2 sources I mentioned. In my opinion, CQ represents an authoritarian role as a personal assistant and not a deferential role. It may be possible that CQ is setting the agenda for the Duchess to follow. Based on the previous staff appointments by the Cambridge’s, they appear in my opinion to have collegiate selections that are a part of their personal network. I am not trying to be critical, I am just noting what I have observed. I think it may be highly unlikely that the Duchess had complete autonomy in the CQ hiring; of course my humble opinions may be taken with a grain of salt! The monarchy is a very sophisticated and complicated system, so I question what authority the Cambridge’s have in the case of CQ. By the way, I’m extremely impressed by her! She clearly is making a positive impact. I hope this continues to evolve under her tutelage.

  30. The Duchess of Cambridge, meeting with Your Magesty’s Government, Member of Parliament Rt Hon Nicholas Gibb of Education/School Standards is impressive. The Duchess is serious, and is focused on implementing, in all schools, early intervention in the mental health of children. Most impressive!!! Thanks, Charlotte, for noting in your post that Rt Hon N. Gibbs met with the Duchess of Cambridge.

  31. i was hoping the duchess will gave birth on the eve of wedding anniversary it would be great 5 for them have a family of four i hope the royal baby was boy or girl im sure it healthy hmm looking forward st patrick day... maybe last engagement before she have maternity leave

  32. English Rose, I’m not sure who signed to get CQ hired. My point is, it is good to be surrounded with people who know what they are doing and can be “key players” when needed. Thanks for your response.

  33. ๐ŸŒธ Marcia. As long as that intervention doesn’t evolve into educational institutions, ie. government, usurping the authority of parents, ya know?

  34. Hello, Surfer girl. Yes, I understand. That’s why the meeting with Your Majesty’s Government in Parliament is soooo important; get to know your boundaries and ‘pitch your ideas’ to the right people. I worked State Government for years. I understand there will be boundaries. Thanks.

  35. Kate has a new engagement "On Wednesday 21st March, The Duchess of Cambridge will convene a symposium on the importance of early intervention to provide solid social and emotional platforms for children in their early years, helping them to become healthier and more resilient later in life."

  36. Why the coat? She is pregnant and probably feel comfortable wearing one. Not a big deal.

  37. ๐ŸŒธ Marcia. :) Enjoyed your information. :)

  38. Anonymous, thanks for the info on the upcoming engagement; I look forward to reading about the format and the sessions taught/discussed. I applaud the Duchess of Cambridge in this regard๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ. Re the coat, I agree with MD, it is a “none issue” with me.

  39. On second glance at the picture in the meeting, re the Duchess of Cambridge being more engaged in conversation by leaning forward to the table; well, she can’t lean in much further because she is 8 months pregnant. Where she is sitting, her stomach is almost touching the table. I give the Duchess of Cambridge, in her condition, a score of 10 out 10, with 10 being the highest, just for attending the meeting. Thanks, Charlotte and everyone enjoy your weekend.

  40. To clear up the coat issue: Ladies of the Royal Family are not allowed to remove their coats in front of members of the media or public as it is considered to not be lady like. It is a royal rule. So if she crossed the courtyard in a coat, she had to follow protocol and keep it on. If you look at pictures of Catherine's trip to Sweden, where she went to the palace of the Crown Princess for lunch, she kept her coat on there the entire time as the media was present. Hope that helps.



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