Saturday 17 March 2018

UPDATED: Elegant Kate in Green Catherine Walker for St Patrick's Day!

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited the 1st Battalion Irish Guards for the St Patrick's Day Parade at Cavalry Barracks, Hounslow this morning.

St Patrick's Day is very much a favourite royal event among readers and always one which produces great photos.

Prince William is colonel of the regiment, which he was made in May 2011; it was his first honorary position in the army. Her Majesty the Queen is Colonel in Chief of the regiment. As you all remember, the Prince opted to wear the Irish Guards tunic for the royal wedding.

The Duchess was festive in green.

Three hundred and fifty soldiers marched onto the Parade Square at Cavalry Barracks.

They were accompanied by their mascot Domhnall.

Kate presented shamrock to officers and warrant officers, who in turn issued it along the ranks.

The Duchess chatted to officers.

The Duchess enjoys a laugh with the Commanding Officer Irish Guards Lt Col Jonathan Palmer.

Kate presented shamrock to mascot Domhnall.

Photos of Kate and Domhnall have become a staple over the years, and remain my favourite from the day!

A video from KP.

1st Battalion Irish Guards trooped its colour at the Queen’s Birthday Parade in June 2016 before returning to their primary role of light infantry. Exercises in Otterburn and Sennybridge followed in the autumn, in preparation for two overseas deployments.

In November, Number 1 Company travelled to the Falkland Islands for three months, conducting training and patrolling across the islands. Number 2 Company flew to Thailand for a month, where they took part in a jungle exercise with the Royal Thai Army – the first UK-Thai joint exercise for over 20 years.

In the New Year, the battalion returned to public duties, notably conducting the Changing of the Guard in the heavy snow of Storm Emma.

I remember seeing this photo during the worst of the 'Beast from the East'; Domhnall did his bit to keep the show going despite the weather.

The Duke and Duchess watching the parade.

A great shot of William and Kate.

The parade concluded with a march-past.

Prince William took the salute.

More on the tradition inaugurated by Queen Alexandra, wife of King Edward VII, in 1901 when a decree stated:

'Her Majesty the Queen is pleased to order that in future, upon St. Patrick's Day, all ranks of her Irish regiments shall wear, as a distinction, a sprig of shamrock in their head dress to commemorate the gallantry of her Irish soldiers during the recent battles in South Africa.'

The tradition has become synonymous with a number of royals since, most notably the Queen Mother, who had a long affiliation and love for the Irish Guards after attending the annual military parade for the first time in 1927. It wasn't until 1964 she started to present the Royal Shamrock to the Battalion, describing it as a "great pleasure which has enabled me to forge a link with the regiment I greatly cherish". The regiment supplied the pallbearers for her funeral in 2002.

In recent years the tradition has been continued by Kate.

Kate was given a lovely posy by two little girls.

The Duke and Duchess met members of the regiment before sitting for official officers' and sergeants’ mess photographs.

 There was snowfall throughout the morning which appears to have reemerged during the official photos.

The Irish Guards’ described the event as "a happy family day for all participants".

Afterwards they met soldiers and their families.

William and Kate chatting with officers.

Finally, the Duke and Duchess visited the Guardsmen's Lunch where the longest-serving guardsman in the battalion proposed a toast to the royals.

More from the Mail Online:

'The longest-serving guardsman of the battalion, Stephen Williams declared a toast to the Duke and Duchess for a second year in a row at the mess hall and thanked the Duchess for the shamrocks.
The 30-year-old revealed the Royal couple 'felt sorry' for him and his colleagues out in the elements.
He said: 'I thought it went well, I was very proud to do it on behalf on the battalion. They said they recognised me from last year which is a good thing. I've been here for 10 years so the most senior person does it every year. It's the first time we've had snow on the parade, usually it's a warm day - what was it, -3C outside? 'They said they felt the cold and felt sorry for us.'

A video from the toast.

A refresher of Kate's St Patrick's Day looks over the years.

The Duchess was perfectly attired for the occasion in the green Catherine Walker coat she debuted in Sweden in January. Kate looked effortlessly elegant at the parade; it's a beautifully crafted coat, which was likely designed with St Patrick's Day in mind.

The Duchess wore her Gina Foster Meribel hat. The milliner describes the hat as "a hard shell beret with a large bow".

Kate also sported the hat for St Patrick's Day in 2014.

Kate wore her black Tod's suede pumps.

Kate completed the look with her Kiki McDonough "Special Edition Green Tourmaline, Green Amethyst and Diamond Earrings". It is thought they were speically made to the celebrate the birth of Princess Charlotte.

Once again, the Duchess wore the Irish Guards gold shamrock brooch this year. The three-leaf brooch which has been worn by the Queen Mother and Princess Anne, belongs to the regiment and they determine to whom it be loaned. Kate also wore a sprig of shamrock on her lapel.

And a closer look at Kate's updo.

The Irish Guards sent their greetings for the day (with a little reference to the England v Ireland rugby match taking place this afternoon).

Kate was glowing at the event, it's always a fun one of the calendar. A very Happy St Patrick's Day to all celebrating!


Also today, we have news of several interesting engagements announced on Wednesday and Thursday. I thought Kate might wrap up appearances after today, but that is not the case. Emily Andrews recently reported Kate is due around 23rd of April; that date is beginning to make sense as time presses on. The events celebrating the Commonwealth will coincide with appearances leading up to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting next month.

21 March - The Duchess of Cambridge will convene a symposium on the importance of early intervention to provide solid social and emotional platforms for children in their early years, helping them to become healthier and more resilient later in life.
22 March - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will undertake engagements celebrating the Commonwealth. They will meet athletes supported by SportsAid, some of whom aim to compete in the 2022 Commonwealth Games, and help to prepare a Commonwealth Big Lunch at St Luke's Trust.

We'll see you on Wednesday!


  1. Rebecca - Sweden17 March 2018 at 11:12

    Wow, she looks stunning! I was wondering if this coat would still fit, and am glad it does, although barely! Very pretty hat and look all around!

    I always like this engagement! And am stunned that there is still more engagements planned! I wonder if her due date is later than we thought or she is working closer to the due date this time than previous pregnancies. Either way, great that we'll get to see her some more still!

    1. I noticed that coat was quite roomy the first time round and wondered if that was on purpose so it would do for today too. Love the that hat! Ever wonder how her different pieces in the same colour always seem to match? If Joe, or Jane rather, Bloggs bought a new green coat what are the chances it'd match an old green hat? Or like the last Order of the Garter when she wore the red coat dress from Canada with the River Pageant hat. I think she mist always order the same shade of red or green etc!

    2. I feel quite the opposite; her clothing and accessories often don’t match well enough to look right or wrong enough to look purposeful, to me! Today she looks lovely though and in most pictures the hat and coat look great together. If she really did plan that coat to work for this day as well then it’s smartly done. I think in another two weeks it might not have worked!

    3. Tammy from California17 March 2018 at 16:31

      Rebecca, I have to agree with your surprise! She looks to me like she has dropped quite a bit, so I, too, am surprised she is taking on more engagements. Well, lucky us!

    4. Tammy from California, I agree with you. Kate has dropped quite a bit so maybe we are looking at an earlier April date than expected.

    5. I dropped around 8 weeks before delivery for both my kids. It doesn't mean she is closer to the due date.

  2. Oh i love the duchess she looks good what lovely coat

  3. Leemans-Sanderson Siobhan17 March 2018 at 11:32

    She looks gorgeous ! I just love that coat and hat ! Happy Saint Patrick to all, wherever you may live !

  4. A charming photo of her petting the wolfhound over at the DM - Kate looks lovely - I love the smart little hat - am thinking the coat is a repeat but can't recall at the moment but it looks nice - as does her hair and shoes - always so happy to see her do this engagement - a link with the Queen Mum whose memory is slipping away.

    1. 🌸 :). AND. Did anyone notice Domnhall’s very handsome, great fabric, perfectly tailored cape???

    2. I did see Domhnall's perfectly tailored cape, surfer girl, and I LOVE it!!

    3. Domhnall’s coat is a gift from the Irish president:

    4. 🌸 :). Pure swag, Royal Watcher. 🐾

    5. 🌸 sofy. that is so cool. thanks for sharing. who knew? and, how appropriate for a sweet doggie like Domhnall, yeh? He is leader of the regiment and must dress the part. he mustn’t be out of uniform. that cape is so cool. 🐾

    6. I feel Domhnall has a sensitive soul. His eyes are so wise. I hope he enjoys his lot in life. It could be a lot worse!!!

  5. Kate looks lovely (and warm).
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! 🍀☘️

  6. Deborah in Canada17 March 2018 at 12:26

    I love it! I wonder if Kate's earrings are new? I'm not sure I've seen them before. I can't wait for your update.

  7. Her hair looks especially perfect today! I love the braid - very interesting!

  8. Zora from Prague17 March 2018 at 12:49

    I absolutely love Kate's look today! The coat with the collar and cuffs looks so regal and retro! The hat is great and so is her hair. She looks fantastic! Love the photo of William looking at her.
    Also, it is so nice to re-visit and compare the looks from previous years! Thank you, Charlotte!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone celebrating, especially to all Patricks and Patricias!

    1. Agree!love the entire look, especially the hairdo.😊
      Happy St Patrick's Day everyone!

    2. I love the comparison photos as well. Charlotte, you are wonderful for always including them. It's great to how she's changed, etc. over the years.

  9. Gorgeous! And I especially love that Kate has no qualms about rewearing items from her closet, especially when as lovely as these. Items must be chosen with such meticulous care, it is wonderful to see repeat performances! Just perfect!

  10. This is my favorite royal event of the year. The Duchess looks beautiful.

  11. Pam from Boston17 March 2018 at 13:04

    Is it necessarily the case that Kate will take a full month off before her due date? It seems predictions on when her last engagement will be are based on that assumption. However, Kate is busier with royal duties than she was during her last two pregnancies. Perhaps she will continue her engagements closer to her due date than she did before.

    1. That’s what I’ve been thinking, Pam. She appears to be very advanced into her third trimester, so I’m not sure I’m buying the ‘reported’ due date of April 23. If she continues to feel well she’ll likely keep doing engagements until very close to her due date.

    2. I am unsure. Most women drop out around the 36th week but IIRC it is up to you in GB when you start. The laws differ greatly in Europe. In my country for example, your employer can’t employ you from six weeks before the due date if you don’t want to and eight weeks after. You still get your salary (a small percentage paid by employer and the rest from state or health insurance- not sure which one is it).
      I thought the due date might have been carefully planted and she is due earlier but those last engagements make me wonder.

  12. I 'm glad that it isn 't last engagement for Kate.It 's always enjoyable and exciting to see her.
    I wonder if it 's possible to wear coat from Sweden because it fits for occasion.She looks great and radiant.

  13. Oh my!!! She is beautiful! What a wonderful smile! and William is stunning too today, I just love uniforms :-)


  14. oooh, Kate really looks regal today. Her hair is spot on, and her confidence makes her come across so warm and charming. 10/10 today, not that she needs rating! Happy St Patrick's Day!

    1. RW, I thought it was a winning look too! Very elegant. :-)

    2. You were right, royalfan, Kate did turn up wearing the most gorgeous green coat. I think this is one of my favourite royal engagements, together with Trooping and the Christmas walk! Others? Hmmm let me think... the birth of a new Cambridge perhaps.. Let me reveal that I will be in London (for work mostly) 24-27 April. What are the chances of The Birth happening then? With the little spare time that I have, I am definitely going for a visit to KP, the Princess Diana garden and some Afternoon Tea. I am so excited I could BURST!

    3. Zora from Prague18 March 2018 at 14:00

      That is so exciting, Royal Watcher! Sounds like you are definitely going to enjoy your London trip, whether the Baby is already born or not! :)

    4. Thank you Zora, I have not been for years. It will be a treat!

    5. RW, I'm so happy for you! That's wonderful. And after your tour of KP and the Princess Diana garden, I would highly recommend The Orangery for tea. It's a lovely setting and if time is a factor, you're right there in W&K's "backyard". :-)

    6. YESSSS royalfan! I was just looking at The Orangerie. It looks fabulous! I'll be there thinking of you all :-)

  15. Haven't met the Duchess but I have met Domhnall and he is the sweetst boy.

    1. I’m happily jealous of you Scarf Addict, I would LOVE to meet Domhnall!!!
      Royal 👑 Watcher

    2. 🌸Royal 👑 Watcher. I would love ❤️ to meet Domnhall too, and Pippin and the corgis, and Gus and his “brother”, and Lupo...... 🐾

    3. I think a big visit with all the royal dogs would be in order surfer girl! Domhnall is such a wise looking dog. Or he is bored beyond belief, but I don't think so.

    4. 🌸 Royal Watcher. It’s more of a studied non-chalance, lol
      Very Royal. :)

    5. Now I get it surfer girl... he is in full control of his destiny, Domhnall!

  16. "Kate also sported the hat for St Patrick's Day in 2015."

    Wasn't she pregnant at the time? I thought she wore the brown ensemble in 2015.

  17. This is such a yuck time of year weather wise and looks the chillest it has been by the weight of all of Kate's clothes at this event through the years, but she looks lovely. This is one of my favorite annual events too - love the dog and the green.

  18. Great she recycled the coat from the last tour. Her updo is very elegant!

    I was very surprised to learn about the next two engagements. Thought she would go on maternity leave after todays engagement. So baby no. 3 will probably arrive more towards the mid/end of april.

    Charlotte when will you start the gender/name post? I canˋt wait anymore... :)))

    1. Agreed! Gender and name poll would be so fun!!! Please Charlotte :)

  19. Thanks Charlotte for a great post as always - it's amazing seeing the photos of past events showing her evolution and styles and just how polished she looks today. One of her best looks - it made sense to repeat this look again being green - I suspect the blue funnel coat/ red dog tooth will make a reappearance this week too. It's great seeing her cramming in as many engagements as possible.

    1. I agree! I hope we’ll see those two lovely coats again, too, as I’m sure they’re the only things she’ll be able to fit into at the moment :)

    2. You are right Mr. D, this is one of her best looks! Hoping for a repeat of her two coats too, especially the blue funnel coat! Good for Kate to be keeping such a pace at this stage of her pregnancy. cc

  20. 10 out of 10; The Duchess of Cambridge looks fantastic. God bless her for the times she has had to stand on her feet for long periods. She is demonstrating such grace and strength. My Mom worked the day she delivered me, and she is still alive at the age of 92. I admire women of grace, strength and kindness. Charlotte, I enjoyed reading the history of the Irish Guard. I didn’t know it was a favorite regiment of the Queen Mother. It was very nice to see the Duke of Cambridge give support to his wife by placing his hand on her back. He Is wearing a uniform but he is still a husband to an 8 month pregnant wife. Great job, Charlotte and thank you.

    1. Yes!!! to your excellent post. Bravo to our Duchess for also those horrid bitter cold conditions and all with a smile. This is indeed a very special event every year. I wish Charlotte had included that photo of William with his arm around Kate. So sweet. They are a beautiful couple and loving good parents.

    2. Hello,

      I added that photo along with about ten others several hours ago. There really was a brilliant selection of images today :)

    3. Thank you so much Charlotte!!! I was so pleased to see that photo before I read your response. I felt it should be part of your forever online blog for posterity. :)

  21. She looks lovely in green! Love it all today! Updo, hat, coat, earrings, all of it! When you see her previous appearances compared to today, I really see her progression into being more regal. Looking ever the Duchess today

  22. hmm i love the duchess she looks warm and i think the duchess having a twins one boy onr girl hmm she looks good as ever when she had peincess charlotte. And prince george Hmm looking forward next enagement
    Happy St. Patrick Day Everyone

  23. She wore this hat in 2014, not 2015. In 2015 she was pregnant with princess Charlotte and wore a brown ensemble.

    Toay she looks lovely. I love it!


  24. Just beautiful! Kate looks wonderful! I love the whole look. That coat is gorgeous ❤️ Thank you Charlotte, as always, for such a great write-up. I’ve learned so much over the years. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ☘️

  25. She is beyond beautiful, absolutely perfect!

    Border Terrier Lover :-)

  26. This just got interesting. I was due on the 23rd and was born on 28th. I have a chance!

  27. Gina Foster hat made debut in 2014, not 2015 ;)

  28. Elegant Duchess Catherine.!! I love the future Queen.!!

  29. Perfection with full on repeats all the way around! :) The best repeat is her beautiful smile.:) Happy St. Patrick's Day to All. :)

  30. Catherine looks gorgeous and so incredibly happy. What a genuine love story these two have, Catherine must love to see Prince William in his Guards uniform every year, it must remind her of her wedding day. One wonders if that’s why Prince William chose to wear it on the day? I love the comparative photos from other years, my favorite is the beautiful coat from 2012.

  31. Beautiful-future Queen-Duchess Catherine. I love her coat.!!

    1. I thought they looked every bit a King and Queen today.

    2. 🌸 anon. My guess is that Mr. William was enjoying styling in his uniform also. He wanted to wear that or a similar “fancy” uniform to his wedding but the Queen said no and made him wear the red uniform, and it was perfect for the wedding as William admitted afterwards. It was also a very handsome uniform. So, I think William was strutting his stuff a little yesterday also. He looked very handsome.

    3. Agreed Anon's 15:27 and 4:06....quite regal the both of them. cc

    4. Totally agree, 4:06. :-)

  32. Sarah from Calif.17 March 2018 at 15:35

    Seriously love this coat(drool) and total look! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! We are getting rain in California and feel very Lucky🍀🍀🍀

    1. 🌸 Yep, Sarah. The rain (much needed) is making it seem like winter here. People have for real coats on and hats. Great weather for watching an old movie and having a big bowl of hot soup.
      Of course there are still people walking around in shorts and t-shirts also. Typical California. 🌴🌦

    2. Had to smile, surfer girl, to read your comments about dressing for the weather. Here in Minnesota, the temperature is a balmy 45F and we also have people walking around in shorts and t-shirts. 🙂⛄️☀️

    3. 🌸 Dougies girl. I’ve come to the conclusion that some people must be cyborgs. :)

  33. One of my favorite days of the year! She looks so happy!!

  34. Kate looks elegant, and just all around fabulous. I always love this event. It's wonderful to see Domhnall too, what a handsome wolfhound. Lovely pictures, a nostalgic touch to see Queen Mother. I was surprised to see more appearances announced. She really is working right up to the last moment.

  35. Just perfect. They both look wonderful today. I love to see Domhnall on parade. What a lovely dog he is. My Irish DNA sings.
    April 23 is so close to Harry and Meghan's wedding, poor Kate.

  36. She is a picture of perfection. She looks absolutely stunning in emerald. Her hairstyle is beautiful. Thank you for your updates. Enjoy the from East Tennessee USA.

  37. She looks gorgeous. That hat works wonderfully with the coat. Her hair is one of the best styled I have seen. Looked very pretty from all angles. She looked warm and cosy with the faux fur collar, cuffs and her gloves. William looks handsome in his uniform. Always love this event.

  38. 🌸 Charlotte. Glad you mentioned that the “official” due date for Kate is April 23. And that you mentioned that the coat is a repeat that she debuted in January in Sweden and that her earrings are a repeat and, as you’ve mentioned before, perhaps a gift commemorating Charlotte’s birth. Nice to know where the fur pieces come from also. Nice she’s giving friends her support.

    On a general note. I got so frustrated, yet again,
    with Amanda Tucker Cook when I saw Kate’s hairstyle today. It is one of the three worst hairstyles of all in my opinion. The other two being when she wore her hair plastered down in the middle with a wide row of gray showing when she and William rode the city bus on Poppy Day in 2013 and then when she once again wore her hair tightly parted in the middle when she wore that huge diamond necklace (that was mostly hidden by her hair) to the National Portrait gala.
    No offense to Kate, but instead, a big what question to Amanda, what is this hairstyle???? 😳
    She may have been trying to, in some weird way, balance the baby bump with some pouf but it is pouf gone bad, lol.
    Kate needs a real hairstylist not just someone who used to cut the boys’ hair when they were young. Amanda has had years to try to get it right and she hasn’t. Okay. I’m getting off my “Kate needs a real hair stylist” soapbox. Rant over. 🤨
    Kate would look beautiful bald and wearing a potato sack. So there, Amanda. Kate still looks beautiful no matter WHAT?? you do to her hair, lol.

    The doggie made my day. Helped calm me down after seeing Amanda’s work. Such a wise (but mischievous) expression on the star of the day’s face. 🐾

    I am surprised also that Kate has two more official outings. She probably wants to get out as much as possible while she can, knowing she’ll be at home with three little ones for quite awhile, lol. (Just a joke.)

    Looks like Kate’s hat, although it was purchased pre-Meghan, was made by the same person who made Meghan’s Christmas hat. The hats could be siblings.

    Hope things warm up soon in Hounslow. And always fun to see the shamrock pin again.

    1. SG, this is one of the rare times that I disagree with you. ☺ I like the hairdo and I thought it was very appropriate for this occasion. Perhaps it's my age showing, LOL, but it's my opinion that on occasions such as this an updo is preferable to hair being at the mercy of the wind.

    2. Surfer girl, I agree with your opinion regarding the Duchess's updo today. When I first saw the photos Charlotte provided, I thought her hair had pretty highlights. But after looking at her style in several publications, I thought her hair looked like a helmet. This is similar to the hairnet style she previously adopted. With so many possibilities for Kate's hair-including hair enhancements, such as extensions or winglets that she may have worn in the past, I am at a loss as to the styling today. With such a lovely hair feature, I would assume her hairdresser could find many beautiful styles to delight the Duchess and her fans. Maybe after baby number 3 is born, Kate will consider other styles and cuts for her lovely hair.

      Love, love,love Kate interacting with the truly gorgeous dog. I thought she really enjoyed the entire experience today, in spite of the weather. Kudos to the Duchess for continuing her work during the final weeks of her pregnancy. That is great role modeling for younger generations! Charlotte, thank you for the post. As always, I learn so much from this site.

    3. Never thought I’d read that comment about her hair today. I loved it. She never had to fiddle with it. Beautifully done.

    4. Surfer Girl, I'm sorry but I can't agree! I think Kate's hair looks absolutely perfect here! Elegant, healthy looking, flattering, beautiful. But I like that we all have differing opinions - my favourite ever look was the James Bond premiere which most people seemed to dislike!
      Sarah UK

    5. Queen of the South17 March 2018 at 19:55

      I have to agree with both of you. Today’s look needed the updo and with the wind blowing quite strongly it was a good thing. But I am with Surfer Girl as far as updo’s go this one if awful. It seems like Kate’s head is being strangled by the pieces on the sides. It looks like something I would come up with when I attempt an updo but then I am not a professional hairdresser. Something slightly softer might have done the job.

    6. Zora from Prague17 March 2018 at 20:55

      Like Sarah UK, I realised once again how individual taste and preferences differ! Some people love Kate's hair today, some don't like it (to put it mildly). I can use this as an example when explaining the idiom "one man's meat is another man's poison" to students of English! 😁

    7. 🌸 rf. I very much love updos and think they are needed for events like this and windy days. Just not this updo. :)

    8. Agreed surfer girl. Updos are perfect for this event. There are so many better updo options when you have a professional hairdresser. A commentator below mentioned a French twist. Excellent example of classic yet modern style.

    9. Every one has different opinions which makes things interesting and fun. Her hair was the first thing I noticed and I absolutely loved it!!


    10. 🌸 P.S. In the photo of William with his hand on Kate’s back, it shows a side profile of Kate’s hairdo. The big odd shaped pouf at the top that protrudes out almost to a point and the odd shaped roll or rolls or whatever they are at the bottom are what I was talking about.

    11. It's not my favourite updo but the wind was frightful and it served it's purpose of keeping her hair mostly smooth. I think the way it was 'wrapped' helped that - the only reason I didn't care as much for it was it made the top of her hair bulge out.

      Kate managed not to look too cold. I recall that coat from Sweden now and wondering if she would wear it for the Irish Guards.

      I love the photo of Domhnall in the snow!

    12. I both like and dislike the updo. From the back and from the front, I like it a lot. It's the side view which shows the overly poofed top part that's weird. It was a little too much teasing.

      Sometimes I wonder if Kate's 'bad' hair days, when it's just kind of there, are maybe days she tries to style it herself. It's not terrible, but it's just not polished and well done either.

    13. It's funny to me reading this thread that its, "I like it", then "I'd don't care for it". I'm in the "I like it camp." Sure it poufs out a little bit but that's not weird to me. Who knows if that is a condition of putting the hat on her head or what have you. From the back, everything looks smooth and polished.

    14. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. :-) I like the braid and the overall retro vibe of this hairdo.

    15. 🌸 true, rf. I just wanted to clarify that I agreed that the day did call for an updo and that I too love updos. xo

    16. Oh, I understand SG. No worries! 😘

    17. Replying to Zora in Prague: what a perfect example of that idiom! What did your students think? I would have loved this updo if the back didn't poof out as much as it did. Otherwise I liked it.

    18. Another version of the idiom: One person's trash is another person's treasure. I keep that one in mind when I'm cleaning closets and drawers!

    19. Zora from Prague20 March 2018 at 21:49

      Thank you, Patricia I! I didn't know this one. How true, and you're right about the cleaning!
      Marci, I'll let you know about the students' reactions after tomorrow's seminar :) Thank you for your interest!

  39. Doesn't Kate look absolutely radiant and glowing? Love this annual tradition that is now a part of Kate's calendar and seemingly, a firm favourite with her.

  40. Tammy from California17 March 2018 at 16:29

    KATE LOOKS AMAZING! This is always my favorite event of the year. The shamrocks are such a happy little plant. There's a saying that says "flowers are the Earth's laughter", if the shamrock doesn't depict that perfectly, than I don't know what does.

    Charlotte: Are Kate's earrings new? I don't remember Kiki earrings with the emerald green on top...?

    Also for some wiser readers: when Kate wears something like the brooch, that is on loan, does it go back into a royal vault or does Kate keep it in her jewelry box until the next event? I have been curious about this for awhile now. I can understand tiaras and giant diamond pieces being in the royal vault under heavy guard, but what about the little pieces?

    Happy St. Patrick's Day to our Irish readers! XO

    1. I've wondered the same thing Tammy. Curious. cc

  41. Beautiful. Love the green coats and hats! She looks so young and thin in the first picture.

  42. Tammy from California17 March 2018 at 16:37

    Okay, I went back and searched: the earrings are the same ones she wore on the India/Bhutan tour when she met the prime minister of India. She wore a lacey mint green dress (I think a McQueen, but can't remember). These earrings are the green tourmaline and amethyst Kiki McDonoughs.

    1. I could be wrong but I think it was a Temperly dress.

    2. Tammy from California19 March 2018 at 15:06

      Yep, I think that WAS it Elle!

  43. Elegant indeed! Kate looks beautiful in this coat with the hat, and her smile is so warm and genuine. This is one of my favorite appearances of Kate's and I hope she continues to be associated with it, I for one feel the tradition is important. The pictures of the Queen Mother were heart warming to see. Love the photo of Kate and William. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!! cc

  44. Kate really is glowing!

  45. I have been wondering if she was working closer to her due date this time around compared to the other times. It feels like this is the most pregnant we have ever seen her. And she definitely could be carrying the baby differently this time but if she truely isn’t due until the 23rd and with her history of going over due that’s pushing it pretty close to Harry’s wedding. It feels like she’s due much sooner than we might think.

    1. Pam from Boston17 March 2018 at 19:46

      Rachel, I agree, I’ve been saying for awhile that I think she’s due earlier in the month rather than later, and I am speculating, as your are, that she is working closer to her due date. She is busier with her royal duties this pregnancy compared to the previous ones.

      I guess we’ll find out soon enough!

    2. This definitely could be a lot of speculation on my part but with the Great Kate Wait of Charlottes birth if my due date was say March 30th I would have had the palace announce a due date of April and feel pretty confident of that.

    3. Just because she looks bigger than before doesn't mean she is due earlier. I think it's been made pretty clear that she is due towards the end of April.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden17 March 2018 at 21:55

      I agree Rachel! To me it seems likely that she's just working closer to the due date based on how different her work rate is compared to previous pregnancies. Of course we cannot know, but I've seen other reports that suggest her due date is 2nd week of april and I wouldn't call Emily reliable so I think it's anyones guess still.

      Rosman, how has that been made clear? (Honest question. I might have missed something!)

    5. It hasn’t been made clear, it’s all tabloid speculation. The people who know have only said April, nothing else about her due date.

      We can hope that someone will ask Will or Kate and that they might say something. With Charlotte one of them said something like ‘’second half of April’’ during an engagement.

    6. She's definitely working more late in her pregnancy, regardless of the due date. Which is really just an estimate since most babies arrive whenever they want to anyways! But, as an American, the idea that she would go on maternity leave a month in advice is, well, foreign to me. I had multiple co-workers work until the day they had their baby. One was even in labor at the office!

    7. Well, I may be mistaken of course. I was under the impression that someone who knows had it made it clear it was in end April, but maybe I just made that up in my head.
      I thought KP had stated it - but it seems I was wrong.

    8. Rebecca - Sweden19 March 2018 at 16:55

      I've not seen anything like that, Rosman. But as I said, I might have missed it. Last pregnancy Kate said mid-to late april during an engagement. Maybe that is what you is thinking of?

    9. Katie, Yes, here in the US I think most women work close to their due dates, probably due to the lousy maternity leave benefits we get.

      I do think it's kind of a joke that that Kate "works" and goes on "maternity leave", I mean compared to my definition of those terms - as I worked full time during my pregnancies - and by that I mean a Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 job, not including a 2 hour daily commute, and working up until a few days, one week max, prior to their births, plus a home job of taking care of 1, 2 and then 3 kids already in existence....and a Chef husband who is at work most evenings and weekends, and no nannies....well, whew! That's work to me. Not what Kate does.

    10. Same here. I always worked until the day I gave birth (also after the due date), and i dont actually see a problem with that, if you are physically fine and dont suffer from any complications. Sometimes i get the impression some people think pregnancy is an illness (not referring to anyone specifically).

    11. Thank you Pam and anon 22:46. I have been thinking the same thing. Kate carries out engagements because she has duties on behalf of the royal family. But she does not "work" in the traditional sense. Nor is her time off considered leave.

      I love Kate but I do find it insulting when some posters imply that she "works" until so late into her pregnancy. It's honestly insulting to the millions of women that go to work at their job every single day of their pregnancy, many times up until their due date.

  46. MizBev from Colorado17 March 2018 at 17:55

    This event is always one of my favorites and I love seeing William and Catherine there. I think she always looks appropriately dressed and this year was no exception. I loved that you showed us all of her past looks for this but I have to say that the first year she did this was one of my all time favorite looks for her. She looked beautiful that day and so happy and the Betty Boop hat just looked fabulous on her. I look forward to seeing her here every year for many years to come. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all who celebrate.

  47. Thank you for the correction on the hat, it was 2014 :)

  48. Don't you all find it quite unbelievable that she doesn't look pregnant in some pictures. At this stage of pregnancy I could not have worn high shoes for example.

    1. I completely agree! It is amazing depending on the angle of the picture and what she is wearing but she definitely does not very far along in many pictures, at least to me. She has always carried very small anyway but she looks more to me like she is 6-7 mos pregnant rather than approaching her last month.

      I LOVE the updo - absolutely lovely!

    2. I think she looks very pregnant. Her hair is beautiful. I hope she continues to experiment with hairstyles.

    3. To me she also looks very pregnant. But its interesting to see how some readers think that she is quite large while others believe the opposite!

    4. Look up photos of Zara this week and you’ll see that Kate is far from ‘’huge’’. She can definitely have about a month to go yet.

    5. Yes from some angles she definitely doesn't look pregnant! I'm surprised she didn't wear her boots but then maybe they're too tight this far along? Although she's wearing all her other shoes. Bet she wished she had though, at any rate, since it apparently was frigid!

    6. I do not think it is fair to either of the two to compare Zara and Kate. They both have a very different body type. Zara clearly does not look like ready to give birth and still has some times ahaed. With Kate you easily spot that she is close to the end of her pregnancy, more than 5 weeks would be very surprising. But comparing the general size of the two ladies is a bit unkind...

    7. 🌸 anon. good point about Zara looking almost full term in comparison to Kate. When is Zara’s due date?

    8. Zara’s due in June.

    9. I think she does look pregnant at this point. What I thought was more of a comparison was her wearing the coat at the end of January verses yesterday! Not that she looks huge but you can definitely tell she's at the point where the baby is growing quickly!

    10. We don’t know when Zara is due, but speculation says May.
      Personally, I’m hoping she gives birth in April and makes it to Harry’s wedding.

    11. You’re welcome, surfer girl :)

    12. I agree that Zara *looks* as though she's closer to her due date than she really is. And, no, we should not compare two woman who have different body types (even diets, etc) but Zara's fashion gene doesn't do her any favors. IMO.

    13. The only semi-official word about Zara is "Spring," which leaves a lot of wiggle room.
      Zara had a difficulty recovering physically after her daughter's birth and was cruelly criticized for her abdominal girth. I had thought that she may have had a complication that involves the abdominal musculature and allows protrusion of the abdominal organs, similar to a hernia. I know this sounds gross, but this is really the only circumstance in which a woman should appear larger with each pregnancy, other than lack of diet control and exercise. Nor does size of baby automatically increase with each child. Quite the opposite, depending on the mother's age and general health.
      I will always remember how cruel the tabloids were to Zara. It really emphacises the need to withhold judgement in the absence of facts and to give the benefit of the doubt.
      I also think it possible that Mike and Zara waited a little longer than the customary three months to announce, considering her earlier, tragic miscarriage.

    14. I agree, I'm pretty sure Zara waited a bit longer with the anouncement. May might be reasonable. We will see...

  49. Yay, this coat was one of my guesses for today. I really like it and it’s great to see it again. I hope it can be tailored in the future and worn post-baby.

    I’m also thrilled that we have two more engagements announced. Now I need to plan her outfits for next week, lol.

  50. My guesses for next week’s outfits, this time I’m going by things I’d like to see again.

    21 March – Symposium
    If at Kensington Palace then this green dress:

    If she needs to travel then this coat:

    22 March – Commonwealth engagements
    This blue coat for athletes:

    This dress inside for cooking:

    I also love the Dalmatian print coat and would be thrilled to see it reappear.

    1. I would love it if she wore the Dalmation coat again! Then she would have worn it in each of her pregnancies. In my opinion, that would be pretty neat. :)

    2. Sofy love your ideas! Especially the "dress inside for cooking"!! I can so visualize Kate so elegantly whipping up a Yorkshire pudding in in this dress!! :) cc

    3. 🌸 Did someone say YORKSHIRE PUDDING???? 😍

  51. Susan in Florida17 March 2018 at 19:36

    It is obvious that the Duchess loves this tradition. She looks beautiful today. I liked that she had an updo, I’m on the fence about the particular style of this one, maybe a braid across the back to make her look more modern?

  52. Have never seen Catherine's hair in a more beautiful 'do. Her look is beautiful today. I wanted to see her sport a braid for some time now!

  53. Pregnancy definitely agrees with Catherine. She is absolutely radiant today! I love the outfit and the hairdo is perfection, just beautiful for the occasion. She has a great team of stylists and a top notch hairdresser. Can't wait for the baby. Thanks Charlotte for the coverage.

  54. Really don't want to post off-topic but I am literally in splits over this :

    Oh Charles.

    1. Oh Daily Mail.

    2. Rosman, the bottom comment to this article said, "Where does this rubbish come from this is a load of codswallop the family are nothing like this at all I've worked for and with them and as far as possible they are just a family trying to help others from the position they find themselves in,problem is too many people believe everything they read and hear"

    3. Haha!! I just read the article. While parts may be true, I suspect that if Charles was truly like this, at some point in the last 50 years of active service, this would have come out. Diana certainly would not have kept it a secret. So either the author is taking something like 'Charles brings his own orthopedic pillow and mattress cover due to back issues' and turning it into him bringing his own bedroom suite or he's trying to portray Charles as a little bit crazy and perhaps start planting seeds of him not being fit to have the crown.

      Either way, I felt like I was reading a story of someone like Henry VIII.

    4. I find it fascinating how people who decry cyber bullying are thrilled when someone they don’t like is being bullied. I guess the ‘’no bullying’’ is only for people you like.

      It’s not just Charles, same thing happens to other royals –like Camilla, Catherine, Meghan, Mary, Letizia, etc.

    5. Laura, I wouldn't believe the comments in Daily Fail anymore than I would believe the articles. Unless, of course you wrote the comment yourself.

      Yes, the media makes stuff up. But this was from a book. Authors also make things up - no doubt. The stories were hilarious though. If anyone made up the stories they have a good sense of humor and imagination. I am inclined to believe the stories that pertain to his being a house guest - these were clearly from people who entertained him in the past. They are identifiable. There were also direct quotes from people with names - so I believe those as well. Lastly, I think that when certain stories persist year after year there is usually truth to them.
      The parts that have me skeptical is where he says people are weeding from a moving trailer and people hand-picking slugs from leaves - that is a funny picture nevertheless.
      Either way, good laugh for a relaxed weekend afternoon.

    6. After reading countless books by royal insiders (staff), I believe that much of it is true. I don't recall if I read it in a book by the Highgrove cook, or another member of C&D's staff, but apparently Charles sent a member of staff back to KP to fetch his favorite pen that had been left behind when they left for the weekend. (But WE should live a green life, right?) I also recall reading that Charles packs his own honey when he goes on tour, as well as a favorite teddy bear. And when Camilla had surgery, I her stay in the hospital included her own mattress and cook. Talk about inconveniencing the hospital staff.

      Bottom line...even if a grain or two of salt is in order, I believe it does portray Charles as a very Edwardian character.

      I also recall reading that when the Queen Mother visited Highgrove and was there to have lunch or tea with Charles, she refused to eat the sandwiches that were served because it was not up to her standards. Not sure if the housekeeper or Paul Burrell was the source for this, but again, it does point to spoiled, entitled and inconsiderate behavior.

      There was a REASON Diana wanted to expose her boys to standing in line at McDonalds, for example. Or when a young Harry did not like the drink that was served (by their host), she told him he will drink it and like it. She was teaching them manners and empathy. And it's thanks to HER that they are the men they are today.

      Once again I ask, is it surprising that William enjoys spending time with the Middleton's? :-)

    7. Royalfan, there have also been countless horrible stories about the Middletons too. They also come from "friends" and "family". Especially the stories about Carole. But most of those are like false.

      If you (general "you") are predisposed to like someone, as you do with the Middletons, it is easy to find ways to discount these stories. The same goes for if you are predisposed to dislike someone (Charles), then it is also easy to find ways to validate these types of stories.

      Of course William likes spending time with his in-laws. They seem like a warm family. However, your insinuation that he therefore does not like spending time with his father seems weird. How are the two correlated?

    8. Anon 20:21 - what "countless horrible" stories have there been about the Middletons? I must have missed them. I have seen allegations that Carole is always at Kate and William's house or that James is a big snob (both of which are probably somewhat true) and they get discounts from companies (also true). But nothing that I would call horrible. Honestly, if that is the worst the press can come up with I would say that they did pretty well and no wonder the Queen is driving them around. Wouldn't you agree?
      Maybe you know more stories that I missed.

    9. I did a bit of digging into the author of this book Tom Bower. It seems that he has successfully defended his stories and backed them up in the past. So I am inclined to believe that all what has been written has truth to it. Now, there could be embellishments, of course. But overall this author doesn't seem to have the reputation of subjective analysis, such an Penny Junor, who is widely regarded as someone who writes based on her own opinions rather than fact.
      I think I will kindle the book when it is released on Thursday. There are some juicy little tidbits about the Queen and Camilla - nothing we haven't read or heard before, but would be nice to get some corroboration. He seems to cite his sources quite liberally.

    10. After hearing that Charles talks to trees...I’m really not at all surprised about the tidbits revealed in this book. Kind of makes him more endearing in a way. I thought most of the BRF is eccentric!

    11. Rosman - please refer to stories about the Middletons while Kate and William were dating. They were referred to as social climbers, not good enough for the royal family, Carole being too pushy, Kate scheming to get William etc. I think Carole and Kate especially got the brunt of it. It was really bad and I felt sorry for them. Just google stories from the mid-2000s and you will see. - Anon 20:21

    12. Thanks, Rosman 23:42- there are celebrity gossip sites and some royal sites that allow commenters/trolls to say just about anything about anybody. These commenters hide behind assumed anonymity, unlike authors of books. A few years back I checked into some of these sites and was astounded at the vicious, crazy comments. I felt as though I had been walking through a refuse heap. For example, denying Kate was ever pregnant with George. And other stories I won't repeat. Some people must actually believe that nonsense. Other than on those sorts of forums, I have only heard the stories you mentioned about the Middletons, except for Pippa and Kate. And I think the Carole visiting was after George's birth. There were stories the family had an apartment renovated in KP that was just for Middleton use.It seems a scrap of truth is twisted and magnified into the opposite of the truth.
      I try hard not to believe stories about C&C's lifestyle. But after Camilla gave William's wife a bracelet echoing monogramed cufflinks she had given to Charles during his honeymoon with William's is a strain. I think that single episode spoke more about character than any effusive compliments from friends and acquaintances since.
      During HM's visit to the US in 1976, employees of an Inn where HM stayed had words to say about her habits and demands. I tend to take with a grain of salt any scandalous reveals I read that result from someone being paid to provide information. Including books. Unfortunately, the publicity involved in prosecuting for libel or violation of privacy is sometimes considered not worth the effort. The stories just get spread further.

      This seems to be changing. Royals and celebrities are filing lawsuits and fighting back.A Blogger who allowed false information about FLOTUS was successfully sued, although there was a question of jurisdiction. The latest seems to be lawsuits against bloggers based on violation of commenters' freedom of speech. I'm not kidding.
      Slowly, with efforts such as William's against online bullying, and now the holding of a social media forum accountable for privacy of member information...little by little it is becoming more difficult to spread gossip. If the story is true it may not come under libel/slander law but possibly privacy laws.

  55. Beautiful! I have two wolfhounds, so I always love to see the Duchess interact with Domnhall. Love the photos that show Prince William putting his arm around the Duchess. She does look far along in pregnancy to me, hard to imagine what 5 more weeks would feel like!

    1. Domhnall is a cutie :) I was just thinking the same thing! If she’s this big right now, imagine what she’ll look like near the due date; she’s going to be huge!

  56. Wouldn't it be nice if the Duchess wore her hair in a French twist or something similar instead of the tight bun? The Countess of Wessex always looks beautiful with them.

    1. 🌸 Laura, I agree. There are SO many cute updos that could be done and a French twist is one of my favorites. No more matronly, hair-helmet updos and no more whatever that was yesterday.

    2. Yes, Laura! A French twist would be stunning on Catherine. This is probably woefully old fashioned, but I dream of the Duchess in a French twist secured with a diamond brooch... 💜

    3. 🌸 Dougies girl. I love a diamond comb or brooch on a French twist. ooh la la That is classic French twist.
      Viva La Classics. 🎉 I love them. :)

    4. The challenge is that "my guess" is that Catherine's thick lushes locks are probably heavy - and it's long. I have heavy hair - that makes it hard to twist your hair into french twist. Sophie's hair appears to be much thinner - and "my guess" much lighter.

    5. Laura a French twist would be beautiful on Kate, and Dougies girl, a twist adorned with a diamond brooch or some other treasure from the vault would be stunning. Great ideas! cc

  57. Simply stunning! Kate looked elegantly radiant and I love the whole look. Managed to see this live and it looked freezing!! Kate kept on smiling and enjoying herself.


  58. I thought Kate looked lovely today and I imagine she will have been glad that this coat fitted her as it was a bitterly cold day in many parts of the UK and even more so on a wide open Parade ground. Even though well wrapped up I imagine she and William will have found it very cold. I liked her up do and feel it is more appropriate for the event than having her hair down. Her fully face makes her look so much younger I hope she keeps a little weight on and does not go back to her very this figure as in the past after the birth.
    Looking forward to next weeks events she is of course Patron of Sports Aid so it is nice that William is accompanying her.

  59. I’m always happy to see William and Kate at this event each year. Several of us wondered when she debuted this coat in Sweden if we’d see it on St. Patrick’s Day, and here it is! It’s a great option for the event and is a no-brainer repeat. I absolutely love how much outfit recycling she’s done this pregnancy. And also how much we’ve continue to see her! When Kate announced her 3rd pregnancy, I admit I was expecting her to do few engagements and to disappear on maternity leave long before her due date. I’m happy she’s proved me wrong. It’s reassuring to see both William and Kate really stepping into their royal roles.

    I’m with surfer girl on the hair. While an updo with this outfit is a perfectly good idea, this particular updo is horrendous. It’s so matronly and stuck to her head, with a weird weenie roll in the back! She’s got gorgeous hair and could do so many things with it. I hope to see more styles in the future.

    1. I rather like this updo. It is neat and modern, an interesting design. Kate has not worn her hair up, I think since Scandinavia. It is nice to see a sophisticated style for this event. The coat with the faux fur and hat are perfect, and she looks warm in tights, gloves, and sturdy shoes. Kate also looks very happy to be back with the Irish regiment. I wish the media would stop harping on the one year she missed!

    2. Becca, I thought the same thing. In my post during the Sweden tour, I typed, Green? Perhpas she'll be making an appearance on on St. Patrick's day. I believe it was planned when she selected that coat for the tour.

      Love that she has really stepped into her role and has been continually working.

  60. Pam from Boston17 March 2018 at 23:28

    Rosman, where has it been made pretty clear that she’s due towards the end of April? In tabloids like Hello and The Sun, who are reporting a “source” says she’s due on St. George’s Day? That makes an interesting headline but I’m not too sure I’d place a lot of confidence in the verity of a tabloid story. Anyway, my reasons for thinking earlier in the month are not only because of her size.

    1. I agree with you Pam. I doubt Kate is due as late as the 23rd of April. I'm edging more towards the beginning of April. With H&M wedding on the 19th May, I would have thought she would need at least 6 weeks to recover some what from the birth. I have a feeling it will be around the first week of April. The announcement from KP of the third pregnancy came on the 4th September, and she was a few weeks shy of the twelve weeks. But, I suppose as with all babies, he/she will arrive, when it's ready to :-)

    2. Yes, we'll never actually know for sure what her due date is. She could be due in late April and have the baby early or she could be due in early-mid April and have the baby late. So we'll never really know if we're right or wrong.

    3. I don't really recall who said what when, but my general impression is that there was an understanding in the media that it was towards the latter half of April. I may be mistaken, of course.

  61. Great traditional occasion with all the trimmings that goes with it. Loved the hair and outfits. Smiling faces is the best accessory. Both Prince William and His Princess Catherine are happy. I remember HRH first one.
    Soon a new baby and the entire world is looking forward to it and so am I. XOXOXOXOXOX

  62. I really liked this engagement. I loved that Kate wore a green coat, and I liked her hairstyle and hat. I also thought William looked nice in his uniform. The Irish Wolfhound was adorable as always.

  63. She looks lovely. They both always look like they are having fun at events, I'd love to know what they say to each other. I know Im being much too nosy. It's great that Kate is able to carry out so many more engagements than inot previous pregnancies. I wonder if it's just she feels more confident this time or because it's her third and not the heir or spare to be blunt.. either way it's lovely.

    1. I think it probably a combination of several things – the kids are in school every day, William going full time and the move to London, she knows her body better and is more confident that the birth isn’t imminent, etc.

  64. I’m enjoying seeing Kate work more frequently during this pregnancy. She seems to be really hitting her stride with engagements of late. I’m also in admiration of her fuller figure right now; I’ve always felt she looked lovely with more roundness in her cheeks & she seems to have absolutely blossomed during this pregnancy. I hope she keeps some of the weight on & doesn’t go back to her usual slim self so quickly after the birth. She has a more matured/womanly look about her now; she doesn’t look as girlish & young as before.

  65. I think it is important to remember that no one truly knows exactly when William and Kate's baby is due. None of us knows exactly how far along she was when the announcement was made on September 4th. What is reported is speculation and conjecture. The same is true for Zara and Mike's baby. While it has been reported that Zara is not due until the summer, her due date was never given in their pregnancy announcement. Again, speculation and conjecture by the press. Usually this speculation is based on the size of their pregnant bellies, which I find absolutely inappropriate. Each woman's pregnancy is different and every woman's body type is different, so naturally they will "carry" in different ways. I also strongly doubt that William and Kate or Zara and Mike would confide their precise due dates to "sources" that would report it to the press and royal reporters. They would only share that information with people they trust completely (such as family and very, very close friends). I am disgusted by all of the press articles analyzing their pregnancy size, whether a blue or pink outfit implies the gender of the baby, etc. There are so many more important things of substance to report, that actually speak truth rather than speculation or false claims.

    1. Pam from Boston20 March 2018 at 10:53

      Virginia, very true (and I've done a lot of speculating myself but have also made it clear that I'm just speculating!). I'm sure that the family doesn't give any information to people who would relay it to the media, and true that the size of the pregnant lady doesn't necessarily indicate how far along she is. You can't blame the press though, for what they're putting out there regarding the pregnancies. There is a lot of interest in Kate and Zara, too (thus the reason for this blog to begin with!), so they're coming up with stories to keep their readers reading. There's always a lot of "fluff" in the papers to counter the very serious news. I think that's important too, and I think most people realize that what they're reading is speculation and conjecture.

    2. Pam, while I understand what you are saying, I do blame those particular media outlets who are reporting such ridiculous information on these pregnancies in the royal family. Many of these outlets are the same ones that criticized and treated Zara Tindall cruelly after the birth of her daughter. They are the same outlets that constantly pit Kate and Meghan against one another with faulty comparisons and criticisms. While some people realize that those outlets offer more speculation, conjecture, and misinformation than any truth, there are quite a few people who buy into it and believe it. To offset the serious coverage of events in the world, there should be more reporting on positive substantive acts being done all over the world to help other people. I believe reporting on the goodness and compassion of others in the midst of a hurting world is far more crucial and important than "fluff". When media outlets make up stories about Kate or Zara or Meghan or anyone, what they are doing is harmful to the importance of truth and hurtful to the individual. It is sad when they care more about their readership and making money than they do about the truth and treating people with respect and dignity.

  66. Charlotte, I just love this event & love this post. I love how this seems to be one of Kate's favorite events. I love looking at the pics from past yrs & I love that it will be such fun following along in years to come. It lends perspective & continuity to her growth & evolution as a Duchess, Future Princess of Wales & eventually Queen! One of my favorite pics is the first pic of W&K on the dias with Will saluting & Kate sporting the biggest smile!:) It's at moments like these that I find I get flashbacks. This one was of a pic taken back at St. Andrews. It was of the two of them stopping by a quick mart to grab snacks. Will in his specs & Kate with her hair all natural. Then I come back into the current moment & see them So Regal, parents of 2 & expecting their third child! These flashback moments always put their journey into perspective for me & make my heart so full of happiness for them both! :)

    1. Susan in Florida18 March 2018 at 21:57

      Becca, you are going to make me cry. I just love to see them at this particular engagement too.

    2. Susan in Florida18 March 2018 at 21:58

      Becca, you are going to make me cry. I just love to see them at this particular engagement too.

  67. Charlotte, thank you so very much for all your wonderful posts! Having followed your blog since day one, I can honestly say you just keep getting better - just like the Duchess! Engagements with both William & Catherine are my favorites, especially when one can see their love story reflected in their faces. I hope they keep up this St. Patrick’s Day tradition for decades to come!

  68. Susan in Florida18 March 2018 at 21:54

    Charlotte ,
    Thank you adding more photos and always including the history behind royal engagements. I look forward to this irish Regiment post because that was how I found this blog after their wedding. Thank you for your hard work on keeping it up to date, monitored for comments and posting as quickly as you can. ❤️🌹 ..and for adding Meghan to your duties.

  69. Charlotte,
    Thank you for telling us about the podcast On Heir. I’ve really enjoyed it so far!
    LT in NYC

  70. I commented before but I think her look is spot on and love her hair and the "Dog":)) Agree this is just such a fun event.

  71. Kate looks beautiful, but the hair is very dated

  72. Kate always seems to just enjoy and have a lot of fun with this St. Patrick's day event. She is so radiant and happy looking in these photos. She & William look every bit their future roles as King & Queen. I love the photo of William with his hand on Kate's back. She looks smashing today - love the look, especially her hair. That up-do is gorgeous. Thanks for all the photos, I always look forward to this event.

  73. I may be in the minority here, but while I think she always looks gorgeous, I just don't love this coat! Maybe it's because it is so long? But she looks like she is drowning in the coat. Maybe the fur around the neck is adding to that?

    Either way, I much prefer how she styled it this time. When she wore it in Sweden with the fur collar, her hair down, the big furry hat, and the boots it was SO heavy! She was REALLY drowning in it then. Much improved this time. And her updo is gorgeous!!

    She looks so happy and radiant that even though I don't love the coat, she just looks beautiful!

    1. Pam from Boston20 March 2018 at 10:57

      Annika (fellow Bostonian!) - I agree, I'm not loving the coat although I like Kate in green - it's too long and I've never cared for that fur neck piece. Usually I don't comment if I don't like something Kate wears, usually only if I love it, so I haven't commented on this so far. But when I start to realize I'm in the minority and disagree with what most others like, I sometimes say so.

      I am in agreement too that she looks amazing otherwise....very happy and glowing and her hair style is beautiful.

  74. Speaking of babies, Pippa Middleton’s brother-in-law spencer Mathews fiancé just announced she is four months pregnant. If pippa is pregnant too then the Middleton, Mathew’s and the royal family will have too babies this year:)

    1. Oops I meant two not too

  75. I don't know if I posted this already, but Kate was Absolute Perfection! :)


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