Wednesday 21 March 2018

The Duchess Convenes a Symposium on Early Intervention in Mint Green Jenny Packham!

Continuing her series of engagements focused on early years, the Duchess of Cambridge convened a symposium on the importance of early intervention to provide solid social and emotional platforms for children.

The Royal Foundation organised the symposium on Kate's behalf, inviting leading academics and charities that are championing the importance of early intervention to make children healthier and more resilient later in life, thus avoid serious problems which often emerge only in adolescence or in adult years.

The event was held at the Royal Society of Medicine.

Kensington Palace said: "Stemming originally from her interests in issues such as addiction and the effects of family breakdown, and her visits to charities and support organisations, Her Royal Highness has been struck time and time again by how so many of society's greatest social and health challenges often stem from problems that start to manifest themselves in the earliest years of life." During the Royal Foundation Forum, Kate said she hoped to continue focusing on mental health and early years; two areas she feels passionately about.

The Duchess has been exploring these issues on an individual basis through a number of engagements and roundtables in recent months. The Palace added: "The symposium draws these strands together enabling the gathered experts to explore the potential for an integrated strategy on early intervention."

The symposium, hosted by the Royal Foundation and chaired by President of the Royal Society for Medicine and Regius Professor of Psychiatry at King's College London, Professor Sir Simon Wessely, brought together academics, researchers, practitioners, educators and charities to explore issues such as perinatal, maternal and infant mental health; parenting support and advice; and resources for schools and educators.

More from the Mail Online:

'Professor Sir Simon Wessely thanked the Duchess for the work she and Prince William and Prince Harry had done on mental health. It had, he said, been 'fantastic in all sorts of ways, and in particular in engaging with ordinary people, with friends, families, relatives and indeed non-professionals for the work they can do, which is probably more important than the work any of us do… in improving the mental health and resilience of our nation.'

Experts discussing early intervention.

Professor Neil Humphrey spoke about Mentally Healthy Schools. He said "50% of lifetime mental health issues begin before the age of 14 and that children from deprived areas are 4.5 times more likely to develop a mental health issue".

Kate launched Mentally Healthy Schools in January during a visit to Roe Green school. 'Mentally Healthy Schools' is a free and easy to use website for schools, drawing together reliable and practical resources to improve awareness, knowledge and confidence in promoting and supporting pupils’ mental health. The website is now live and can be viewed here.

During a speech, Kate set out her ambition to support efforts to give every child the best possible start in life.

The full text:

'As I look around the room, I see friends from many different sectors: friends who have shared with me their knowledge, and who have answered my questions patiently whilst I’ve interrogated them in my endeavour to learn about this complex range of issues.
Academic colleagues who have shown me their ground-breaking research into the causes of perinatal and post-natal depression, and how they are addressing these in the clinic; Those who I have visited over the years who provide crucial links within the community, and whose services help families with essential parenting support and guidance; and other wonderful organisations which have done so much to improve support for the emotional wellbeing of children in schools.
I could name so many of you, but I'm utterly grateful to you all for giving your time and wisdom so freely. We all know how important childhood is; and how the early years shape us for life. We also know how negative the downstream impact can be, if problems emerging at the youngest age are overlooked, or ignored. It is therefore vital that we nurture children through this critical, early period.
But as we've heard, at what stage in a child’s development could we, or should we, intervene, to break the inter-generational cycle of disadvantage? The more I have heard, the more I am convinced that the answer has to be: 'early' and ' 'the earlier, the better'. In fact, it would seem that we cannot intervene early enough.
We do need mental health support in primary schools before the biological changes and academic pressures of adolescence kick in. We also need a focus on parenting and family support, so that parents feel able to get their children ‘school ready’, and are confident that they themselves can cope with the mental and emotional needs of their own children.
We need to highlight how important it is to support mothers too, potentially before they even give birth. They need to be aware how vulnerable they might be and, critically, know where they can find help for themselves, as well as for their babies and toddlers.
But potentially we could start to look even earlier, by teaching parenting and relationship skills to teenagers, to get the next generation of parents child-ready, well before they have to put these skills into practice. After listening to those working in this complex area, my own view is that children’s experiences in their early years are fundamental. They lay the foundations not only for healthy outcomes during the teenage years, but also for adulthood.
Addressing the issues only when they take root, later in life, results in huge detriment; detriment to the healthcare, education and social support systems in our country; but, perhaps more importantly, detriment to future generations over the long term.
In 2011, Graham Allen, who is with is here today, wrote a report for Government on the need for early intervention. I hope, Graham, you don’t mind me quoting from your report, in which you referred to the cycle of deprivation and dysfunction, from generation to generation. There, you said that, “If we intervene early enough, we can give children a vital social and emotional foundation, which will help to keep them happy, healthy and achieving throughout their lives and, above all, equip them to raise children of their own.”
 I could not agree more.
Because these are ‘lifetime’ issues, they require a very long term perspective. But the issues are also complex and multi-sided, so they need integrated, collective approaches to create real impact. This is what I am so keen to explore.
We are here today because we all believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life.
I have therefore entrusted the Royal Foundation, under the leadership of Aida Cable, to gather a group of experts to develop the thinking in this critical area: experts and partners to build upon existing work, and to look at developing sustainable solutions which will help deliver our shared ambitions.
Providing children in their earliest years with social and emotional security builds strong foundations which last a lifetime. I really do feel so passionately about the importance of early intervention, and that by working on new approaches together, we can make a real difference for generations to come.'

The Duchess's longer term aim is to create a partnership between experts and organisations in order to build strong collaboration, and to raise awareness of issues like perinatal, maternal and infant mental health, and the need for parenting support and advice, as well as resources for schools and educators. Kate is establishing a steering group to explore how best to support academics, practitioners and charities in their work to provide all children with the best possible start in life.The steering group will work in the months ahead and report back to the Duchess on options for long-term collaboration. The questions include

  • How can we highlight the importance of early intervention, as evidenced by academic research, for the benefit of all children, parents and schools?
  • What is the best model to encourage further collaboration between academics, charities and funders working in these areas?
  •  How can mind-sets be changed so that parents and caregivers prioritise their own mental health and that of their children as much as they do their physical health? What is the role for awareness raising activities?
  • How can existing initiatives be scaled to provide long-term and multi-generational support to children, their parents and educators?

The steering group will report back to the Duchess later this year and it is expected that the Royal Foundation's strategy for collaborative action on these issues will be announced in late autumn 2018 / early 2019.

The Telegraph reports:

'Professor Peter Fonagy, chief executive of the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, described the Duchess as the person "who has done more to turn the tide of stigma around mental health more than any other single individual that I could name."

I thought the speech was very well-rounded, drawing on Kate's research in the area and outlining her hopes for the future. It's wonderful to hear news of the plan. Kate has been deeply interested and passionate about early intervention for years. Bringing the Royal Foundation into the mix to research collaborative opportunities is a terrific idea. I'm looking forward to hearing more later this year.

Kate looked radiant in a bespoke mint green Jenny Packham coatdress with bow detail at the collar and a matching dress. It's a great look for Spring!

A closer look at the details of the coatdress.

Kate wore her lower heeled praline Gianvito Rossi 85 pumps.

Kate carried her $275 Loeffler Randall 'Tab' clutch. The bag is handcrafted from lizard-effect leather in a soft blush hue. "Perfect for day or night, this design opens to a surprisingly spacious twill-lined interior complete with a zipped pocket for smaller items." It's available in several colours at ShopBop.

Loeffler Randall

Kate accessorised with her Kiki McDonough green amethyst and diamond cushion cut earrings.

Kiki McDonough

As several of you noted, Kate's hair was a darker shade of brown today.

We'll see you tomorrow when William and Kate undertake engagements celebrating the Commonwealth. They will meet athletes supported by SportsAid, some of whom aim to compete in the 2022 Commonwealth Games, and help to prepare a Commonwealth Big Lunch at St Luke's Trust.


  1. Nice! I love the spring vibe of the green :) The bow at the neck I can take or leave, though...

    1. Rebecca - Sweden21 March 2018 at 11:13

      I love how differently we can see things. For me, the bow is pretty but the colour is the part I'm not too in to. It's better now after a while than when I first saw it. I love how we can look at the same thing and have such different reactions :)

    2. I’m sorry, but the bow is giving me Colonel Sanders vibes lol

    3. Yes, the bow is what is killing this outfit for me. I too find the colour not as ghastly as I thought it was at first glance. It is extremely similar to the Jenny Packham she wore last week or the week before in pattern which I thought was "very Kate".

    4. The other Peckham coat did not have a collar which this one does.

    5. 🌸 Oh Kiwi Gal, sadly, that rings too true. (sorry sweet Kate). I see where the designers were trying to go with this, and I love retro, but it doesn’t work with the cheap fabric and the mint green.
      It ends up looking like a cheap housecoat from the sixties. I like the color but not with this outfit. Kate needs a real, experienced, gifted stylist. Her position requires it in my opinion. Someone who could help her overcome her penchant for too prim and proper, school/marm, matronly clothes/updos. To save her from a sartorial fate/legacy like Princess Anne. (No offense to Princess Anne. I very much otherwise admire her very much.) The bow reminds me also of Princess Anne.
      Again, bloopers to Jenny Packham’s team. 🤨

    6. I agree with the total housecoat vibe. The cut, the bow, the material, the colour -- all bad. I wonder why Kate chooses these mumu styles -- a pencil skirt with an maternity jacket would be so much better than these flowy dresses and coats. Yikes. I love Kate, but this style is just awful and the colour could not be worse.

    7. This coat and dress and the blue one from the nursing event must be relegated to the very back of the closet. I cannot believe how poorly made these outfits look. Oh Kate.

    8. Surfer Girl I could agree more that Kate is in dire need of an experienced stylist. She is so all over the map with her colors and styles. I love her and the work she does but oh dear, this color and the bow - no. She always looks so lovely though, I don't want to be critical of her because she does such good works. I loved watching the video, thanks for including that. I appreciate the thoroughness of this post, and loved reading about the event. I'm looking forward to the birth of the baby, and I'm betting Kate is also!

    9. At this point in her pregnancy, I'm sure Kate is looking for comfort over high-fashion. A pencil skirt at 8-9 months of pregnancy, may look chic, however sounds like it would be torture to wear. Especially when sitting for a long period of time at the symposium. I like the color - fresh and appropriate for the Spring. I also think that the materials and color may read very differently in person than they do in print media making it hard to judge the quality of the material.

    10. I’m not crazy about this look. I love the color, but i agree with the other poster it sort of looks like a house coat lol. The dress doesn’t look like it matches properly, though it could be the lighting! I love the color though! Also, not to be picky, but those aren’t the normal Rossi shoes she wears, similar color, but the heel is way lower :) this is a shorter version.

    11. I agree completely with surfer girl. This outfit is no no no good. The colour reminds me of a hospital gown or surgical scrubs, although this shade of mint actually looks great with her colouring. The bow is way too prissy and childish looking. It reminds me a lot of 80’s maternity wear. Her hair looks amazing, and she looks so beautiful at this stage of her pregnancy. Glowing and healthy. Great engagement, wonderful cause. A miss sartorially.

    12. I'm not sure why people feel Kate doesn't dress appropriately or needs a stylist. Her outfits suit her role and she presumably likes them. Why try to make her wear things she doesn't like/isn't comfortable in? And a pencil skirt at 8+ months pregnant? Really?

    13. Rebecca - Sweden21 March 2018 at 21:51

      I agree Louise. I have a hard time with people jumping from "I don't like this" to "She is doing wrong". Those are two very separate things.

    14. Louise, London couldn't agree more. She does not have to dress to please us. She is not our "barbie doll" to dress up as WE please. She has her own tastes AND THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE THEM. I think the outfit is lovely - wouldn't mind an unpregnant version of it myself. Blueskygal AZ USA

  2. Rebecca - Sweden21 March 2018 at 10:44

    Wonderful, wonderful event! So impressed with her cohesive focus on these areas lately! Great event and I look forward to her continued foucs!

    On the outfit.. yikes! This coat is NOT to my taste at all! But she's heavily pregnant and out and about working great causes so who cares! She looks radiant and happy! Also, are these new heels? At first I thought they were her praline heels but these have a pointier toe and possibly a lower heel.

    Am looking forward to more details from the event!

    1. I noticed that about her shoes, too. They definitely look the same shade as her praline heels. I don’t know if I’m a fan of her coat, either! I love the colour, but the style I’m not so sure about. Great engagement & looking forward to her speech.

    2. Lol, Rebecca, I completely agree with you about the outfit. I have always hated that colour green, not sure why. Also, I don`t like the neckline but you are right in that she does look glowing and happy and I guess if she likes her outfit, then that is what counts. :)

    3. Good catch on the shoes! I agree on the coat - it looks sort of cheaply homemade and as though the bow at the neck was added at the last minute. I’m hoping she takes off the coat as the dress may have promise. Looking forward to the speech!

    4. 🌸 Couldn’t agree more about the fabric and tailoring. I am astonished at Jenny Packham and the quality of this piece. hmmph. How dare they do that to Kate. 🤨

      I do love retro but I don’t like matronly even on matrons. This is borderline matronly. I don’t know where Kate gets her penchant for matronly/school marm clothing and matronly updos but I do find it a bit sad and very frustrating. She is such a beautiful, vibrant young woman. I would like to see some of her pre-wedding and first year of marriage vim and vigor in her wardrobe (and the hiring of a real stylist). Kate always shines brightly even through questionable styles and hairdos. She’s an amazing person. :)
      I would just love to see her dress with pizzazz like she did before. Even though she is more mature now she is still a young woman.

    5. I agree that it looks a bit cheaply home made. I felt that same way about the blue Jenny Packham dress from the nursing event a few weeks back. They seem to be in a similar fabric content and I wonder if that's fabric that does it. It looks kind of wrinkly and shiny, not sure it's a good choice and I think both of these would have been more successful in heavier fabrics.

    6. Anon 16:42 yes!! That dress and this green one have the same lines in style and the same less expensive finished look. I would not be surprised if there were a couple whipped up by a junior seamstress as someone(maybe Surfer Girl) suggested below.

    7. So many of these do not look like they are well pressed. Because the fit can not be spot on at this point I think that really adds to the issue. Agree maybe it is the type of fabrics being used along with the fit that makes them look badly made. Not sure why the coats so often look unpressed on the seams and a bit puckered up.

    8. A big thank you to those who commented on the shoes. I've finally had a look at high-res photos and they are Kate's lower heeled praline pumps.

    9. Agree, the coat looks poorly made. The shoes were first seen in Belgium last August, when she paired them with the Catherine Walker Melrose coatdress.

    10. Anglophile (in Ohio)21 March 2018 at 21:24

      I think the fabric of the coat looks like raw silk, so probably not cheap. I do think this outfit may have been made recently and quickly. I don't think Kate has a lot of professional clothing for this stage of her pregnancy and needed some filler outfits.

  3. She's so pretty today! What a delicate ensemble with this bow and soft color!

    1. Maria, I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought as you do! She looks, to me, like a breath of Fresh Spring Air! :) I love your description, "a delicate ensemble with this bow and soft color!" I couldn't agree more! :)

    2. I, too, think she looks lovely.

    3. I, too, think she look fresh and beautiful.

  4. Hmm i love the duchess she looking good i love fresh looking like a spring she looking good hmm she looking great

  5. The color of Kate’s coat and dress is not my personal cup of tea, but she looks healthy and happy and it’s great to still see her out doing engagements 😊

  6. This outfit screams spring! Great!

    1. Yes, I agree that it really does! :) She looks so light, airy & happy! :)

  7. I like and get the colour. I understand it can be reworn. But come on it is a bespoke piece JP, it would be better to start designing something for a working royal who is in her late forties. Either these looks are for teenagers or for a dame.

    Let's hope her speech will make the difference!

  8. Oh Kate, that bow is sooo fussy. Like the colour and outfit but why oh why does it need a bow.

    1. This latest fashion trend of putting a pussy bow on everything is killing me. The Swedish royals are particularly grievous offenders, lol.

  9. Oh no.... not a fan of this colour at all. This is a colour I expect from the Queen. But hey... it isn’t blue!! She looks glowing and radiant but I’m not a fan of this outfit on her or the bow.

  10. Julia from Leominster21 March 2018 at 11:56

    She looks very pretty in two of the forty shades of green. Looking forward to hearing her speech. An important event.

    1. Wow Julia I always like your comments!!!!!!!!!

  11. Elegant Future Queen-Duchess Catherine ! I love her !

    1. Yes! So well said, Anon 12:00! I love that she's wearing a cut away coat! That's a confident new maternity look for her & I love seeing her working so far along in her pregnancy! She is so lovely! :)

  12. The colour is very fresh and pretty but I just can’t get behind the cut - the coat looks what you would get if a laboratory assistants coat had a baby with a Hogwarts professor’s robes with a heavy dose of twee added in. Also I am very surprised that she is still debuting new outfits (and high end bespoke ones) at this late stage. I would have hoped that she would recycle her Scandinavian Tour outfits or garments from previous pregnancies. Her aesthetic has really shifted away from high street labels or mid level designers to top end brands. The shift has been happening gradually over the past two years but really been highlighted this pregnancy. I do miss the more accessible (fashion wise) Kate of the early years!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden21 March 2018 at 13:28

      The thing is, I'm pretty sure most her her maternity clothes don't fit anymore. Her green coat she wore recently was sewn quite large back then and it barely buttoned. So I'm not sure how much of her clothes can be repeated. And this coat miiight be able to be repeated when not pregnant since it's not closed.

    2. Maybe a repeat for a late garden party? Add some buttons to close it up? Still big enough to cover the remaining baby weight. The color would work. And if she's due earlier rather than later, by late May she may have to do an afternoon or two of work.

  13. Love the color. Very springlike! The lines look very similar to her other recent bespoke coats. Wondering if Packam whipped up a couple of coats to get her through to the end?

  14. Not a fan of the bow on the collar but I love the colour of the coat!

  15. Hahaha I have to be the bright colour...but no I do not like the coat at all or the colour of dress with he colour of the coat and then on top of that the colour of the shoes doesnt work for me. Kate is an awesome ambassador for the mental health of little ones but as to being a good ambassador for maternity wear available in the UK...definitely not!!! I am sure a pregnant woman can walk into any clothing shop in South Africa and come out looking way more stylish during pregnancy than our beloved Kate!!!

  16. I love how bright Kate looks today! The hair has that lovely thickness, and the length is perfect.
    10/10 today though-The look on the older man's face i.e. staring at her tummy is priceless!

    1. Amen! :) Royal Watcher, I couldn't have said it better & I couldn't agree more!:) My absolute first reaction was, "Wow, She has really come into her own & is really embracing her growing tummy!":) I think this fashion moment says a lot on a lot of levels, about Kate & her evolution as Duchess, Future Princess of Wales & Future Queen! :) She is truly coming into her own! I like that she's embracing The Queen like bright colors! :) She is dressing as She likes & that I think is really great! :) Love the tiny buttons on the sleeves. Can't wait to see more photos & read about her speech. :)

    2. Ok, I'm going to make a bold move here.... drum roll (Conspiracy Theory Alert!:) Since I thought we were in the wind up time here, a new bespoke ensemble caught me off guard! So I thought a)Could this have been made for St. Patrick's Day, had it been more springlike? or b)Could this mean they are not finished having babies, thus the no big deal about all the new, non repeat maternity ensembles this last 1/2 of her pregnancy? I'd really be interested to know if Anybody else has had these thoughts?:)

    3. Becca, I too wonder if all the new ensembles mean they are planning a fourth child. I know it’s totally their choice but I personally I hope they stop at 3. The planet and it’s resources are already overburdened and along with the extra costs every new Royal brings to the taxpayer like a lifetime of security protection etc, it feels like that wouldn’t go down well with many of their fans. Just my personal opinion.

    4. Becca, your thought about St Patrick's Day crossed my mind too! I was a bit surprised by how 'dressy' this outfit is for today - I was expecting something a bit more like the blue Seraphine dress, so I do wonder whether this was meant for another occasion. Certainly she couldn't have worn this on St Patrick's Day without freezing, so it's a good job she had a stand-by!

    5. Becca, I so hope you're right about a fourth baby!!! I love their babies! :)

    6. I was thinking the same thing that this may have been for St. Patrick's Day but it ended up being so cold she had the backup green coat.

    7. I had thought about it being a possible St. Patrick's Day coat too, but think it is more of an Easter, springlike color....maybe a look for Easter Sunday IDK?? I'm with you zazluckyj, would love if they had a fourth baby!! cc

    8. I agree Becca, the more I look at Kate's ensemble, the more I like it. But, I am quite sure my Auntie had a coat not dissimilar to that one in the 1960's.. I was quite young, but I was having flashbacks.. hmmm must dig up the old photos.. The fabric is almost silk-like. It is certainly BRIGHT, maybe too bright for St Patrick's day? If Kate and William have more babies, she will have a full wardrobe ready to go, wouldn't that be fun! It will be interesting to see if Kate wears this ensemble for Easter, it would be very cheerful! I. am wondering if Kate just feels like she needs to look fresh and feel comfortable at this time in her pregnancy, and wearing new outfits ticks the box! Either way, she is doing an amazing job. Obviously, giving her the time earlier on to settle into her role and develop her patronages is paying off handsomely!!

    9. While I would love a fourth baby, I do think that coats like this one can easily be tailored for post-baby and maybe that’s the plan. I’m sure Kate’s usual bespoke designers would have no issue with altering these coats.

  17. Nicole from France21 March 2018 at 12:40

    Well .... very nicely tailored coat, but what is that colour ? Terrible ! She definitely gets "into the BRF worst colour scheme" .....

    1. Caroline in Montana21 March 2018 at 15:35

      I believe its a shade of green, I think ive seen it on the queen, so I guess they will both be "into the BRF worst colour scheme" list!

  18. She looks beautiful! I was certainly not wearing heels at that stage of pregnancy, so good for her!!

    I have to say though- I'm not loving this! I like the color, and I like the coat. But I don't love the coat in this color. If it was in a more vibrant color I think it would be more youthful. Or even in navy blue with a hot pink dress underneath?

    The light green color is just making it look too matronly. It reminds me of some of the many coat/dress combinations that Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wears (which are generally very attractive, but she's much older than Kate!)

    1. Yes it is very similar to the clothes Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wears isn`t it? I personally don`t find it to old for Kate, it looks quite respectable and understated but there is just something about the material or design that doesn`t sit right.

    2. 🌸 Kate looked so pretty and happy and also elated that the group had gathered there at her request to discuss important topics.
      I thought the green was pretty but the difference in the color of the dress and coat didn’t go together. And I do not like the fact that bespoke designer pieces should ever look like shoddy workmanship. This not the first time this has happened. Today’s fabric and tailoring do not look bespoke quality.
      And I prefer her hair lighter with highlights. I am surprised she is coloring her hair during pregnancy. Isn’t that a no no?
      The work she is doing is amazing though and so kudos to her. No kudos to Jenny
      Packham’s team. Kate is radiant and looks pretty in spite of the fabric and shoddy tailoring. She glows.

    3. Totally right- it doesn't look well made or well tailored, and the green's don't match. They should match if they are made to go together- assuming they were! The material on the jacket looks cheap... which is ironic because a bespoke Jenny Packham probably cost a fortune!!

      Regardless though, she really looks radiant and glowing. And I actually like her hair darker! It looks so shiny! Dying your hair during pregnancy is fine generally- my hair dresser told me that semi-permanent dyes have far fewer toxic chemicals in them so they are perfectly safe. Perhaps she went that route?

    4. Anglophile (in Ohio)21 March 2018 at 21:29

      There are pregnancy safe hair coloring products available.

    5. I agree with you Annika that this would look amazing in a more modern colour combo. I love the idea of Navy and hot pink.

  19. Kate looks good and that shade of green is beautful with the brown shoes. The hair also seems brown this time. In the first photo, the man seems to say hello to the upcoming baby, checking out Kate's pregnancy.

    1. 🌸 Anon 15. The first thing I did in reading the article today was to enlarge that photo to see if the man was looking at Kate’s tummy. :)

    2. I wonder if Kate noticed the man staring at her tummy. On another note,Kate looked lovely today in the mint green. We had a massive snowstorm here in Me, on the first day of spring. Can't wait for spring to spring!🤗

  20. Such a fresh look! The best choice for the first day of spring ;) I'm so in love with this outfit :)

    1. Zora from Prague21 March 2018 at 17:48

      I agree, Gabi! Ideal spring colour. Normally, I'm not a fan of green but this shade is really very nice, it reminds me of the first tiny beech leaves which I adore.

    2. I agree Gabi K and Zora, it's the perfect color choice for Kate to usher in spring. It's the shade of green that starts spring with the leaf buds emerging! Fresh, hopeful, and a sign of life. (It also reminds me of the pastel mint patties that you usually see around Easter and at baby showers!) :) cc

  21. I confess that my first reaction was to the gentlemen next to Kate. I mean no disrespect at all but I could put a caption on him looking at her belly and saying "Well, what you got there, dear". LOL I love her look anyway.

    1. LOLOL!! I thought the same.

    2. I thought so too but i also thought not very appropriate to be honest. I love the mint green on Kate she looks so happy & healthy & full of enthusiasm for this wonderful cause.

  22. Great to see her today! When I was 8 months pregnant I had edema and so was stuck at home feeling like a beached whale. You go woman!

    I also see Catherine Quinn’s hand in this symposium.

    1. Hi Jo, I was thinking the same thing about Catherine Quinn. I’ve thought that Kate’s confidence in her public speaking and her increased visibility and comfort during engagements could be attributed to some extent to Ms. Quinn’s support and experience. (This is not meant as a put-down to Rebecca in any way!) It’s wonderful to see our Duchess coming into her own – I wouldn’t be surprised to see her wearing the Royal Family Order at some point in the near future.

    2. I agree about CQ. There's something to be said for experience, age and wisdom.

    3. 🌸 I agree. But to give credit where I believe credit is due, I think the concept and thrust of the symposium was primarily Kate. I personally believe Kate handpicked CQ to collaborate with her for just the kind results we are seeing now.
      I believe that Kate has easily been CEO/Entrepreneur-plus quality from the get go. (I think William knew that from the get go to. Kate as Queen material.) I believe she and William have followed a plan all along in finishing military service, setting up permanent households, starting and raising a family, incrementally increasing royal duties. And someone like CQ being invited onboard was an integral part of that. I believe she was Kate’s choice. And, like you said Leah Maria, certainly no slight to Rebecca at all. William and Kate are going to be among the best monarchs of the British Monarchy history is my guess. 🇬🇧

  23. I 'm happy to see her continuing her works for mental health althought she should be on maternity leave.
    I love spring,bright colour which is something new for her wardrobs.It 's nice to see her nude shoes again (it 's sign that spring is coming ).

    1. Anglophile (in Ohio)21 March 2018 at 21:31

      Why should she be on maternity leave already? As long as she is healthy, the baby is healthy and she feels okay it is perfectly fine to continue working.

    2. I had a baby during law school. Literally over Spring Break. I was hauling a backpack with 30 lbs of textbooks up and down three flights of stairs until 6 days before the birth. I would not have taken it well if anyone had suggested I “should be on maternity leave,” which fortunately no one did. At least not within my hearing. :-) I was pushing 30 then so a bit younger than Catherine is now, but still. She’s on her third pregnancy and more than capable of deciding what she is or isn’t up for.

      (Incidentally I took one more week off then finished the semester and then graduated with my class. The Spring Break Baby just turned 23 last week and is currently in a different program at the same university she attended in utero. Life’s funny sometimes.)

    3. 🌸 What a sweet story, Juniper. :)
      Thanks for sharing. I assume your daughter knows the story? 🎓🍼

  24. Cee Cee from KY21 March 2018 at 13:41

    Well, I'll stand out and say I LOVE this outfit! It looks a little small in the tummy and a bespoke JP this late in her presumably last pregnancy seems a little extravagant, so I'm hopeful this is one she may intend to repeat post pregnancy. I would totally wear this outfit to Keeneland or Derby here in KY. Love love.

    1. Me Too CC! :) Good call on The Derby! :)

    2. Completely agree-great color. I wonder if Derby gives us a different perspective on these bright spring colors!

    3. Cee Cee, Becca and KP, I love it too! This colour is so different for Kate and I think it works a treat. As others have said, it's so spring-like and fresh.

      I had a thought about the repeat possibilities too. I was thinking just a few days ago about what colour she might wear this time to leave hospital if she has the baby at St Mary's again, and not at home. Green was my conclusion - and as it's a Jenny Packham, this dress is top of my possibilities list right now. Even though she's always worn something new to leave hospital previously, I wouldn't be too surprised to see this one again - especially if the weather is warm enough not to wear the coat over the top. Just a little thought.

    4. I love it, too, Cee Cee, and I was surprised by the negative response to it. I think she is bright and lovely and radiant. As far as it’s being extravagant, I think that we don’t know when and for what purpose she had this made—maybe it was made earlier and it just now fits. There’s really no way of knowing. She looks beautiful, professional, and totally involved with the event.

      Her focus on the health and well-being of children is vital, and she is obviously working hard to make a meaningful difference. What a lovely job she is doing.

    5. Cee Cee from KY21 March 2018 at 18:29

      @KP in KY, yes I bet it does! Bright colors are so common this time of year! (ahem, just not today with the pesky snow!) @Helen H, I also considered that possibility, as it's gender neutral etc.

      @T in TX, I didn't mean that to come off critical, just hopeful. I think it would be a lot of effort too for it to only be worn once. I assume each bespoke piece takes a couple fittings. Though, when you're a princess I guess the seamstress probably comes to you! :)

  25. Wow she looks so adorable. What a cute maternity dress & coat! Now this is an outfit I would copy (if I could afford it, of course😃). She's soooo pregnant but it doesn't look it in this. It's probably also the way she carries herself. With such a nice smile & physically strong.

  26. Kate stepping into Spring, in mint green, so pretty ! She looks really well. Her hair is a darker shade than usual, it's looking very chestnut in colour. I would love to see her, with a few lighter highlights on strands around her face, it would lift and brighten the look a little more.
    Kate penultimate event before baby arrives. Hope she has a few weeks to rest up before the arrival !
    Thanks Charlotte for yet another upto the minute post ! :-)

  27. I think this outfit is what I'd expect from an 8 month pregnant woman. I would probably not feel the same way if she wasn't pregnant. The bow adds a little detail -- although a big button could have done the same thing. (And we know how much she likes her buttons!) Most of her coats this pregnancy has been very buttoned up, which do not seem very comfortable for heavily pregnant lady. I hate wearing a tight coat myself. This is much "flowier" and looks way more comfy, and at the end of her pregnancy who can blame her. I like the color -- very springy and it looks good on her.

    Hope from USA

  28. I love the whole thing! She must be very proud of all of the work she has put in to early intervention for children's mental health, a nice event to see the experts etc come together.
    I really love the outfit. She looks gorgeous; polished and princessy.

  29. I do like the shape of the cut. Being that late in the pregnancy it seems to be difficult to be fashionable. This cut does it. The bow can really be discussed. It is a bit 80ies in my opinion. What ruins the outfit for me is the combination of the two differend shades of green. They do not go well with each other.
    However she radiates so much power and happines. She is still working and tries to make the difference. She rocks!

  30. Kate is glowing. I love her entire ensemble. The color on her is beautiful. The bow detail is a throwback to what pregnant women wore 30, 40 50 years ago. It is so sweet. Pregnancy looks amazing on Kate! Amazing she can still wear heels at 8 months!! 😊

  31. She looks absolutely lovely, although a ponytail would have looked cute to show off that bow. That's a great colour on her, I don't think many people could pull off that shade of green!

    I wonder if tomorrow's engagement will be her last, because she looks very pregnant!

  32. The duchess looks nice and fresh i love her entire outdit she is really good.. thev third pregnancy looks good on er she glowing

  33. Charlotte, I love how you said she looked radiant, because she really did!:) I had been looking for the right words & was getting hung up on "spring like". She truly radiates light. It seems that no one can be around her without smiling! :) She seems to light up a room in a completely different way than Diana did. But light it up she does! :) So many great pics, but one of my favs is her sitting in her seat! Such a beautiful women, inside & out! :) Thanks again Charlotte for another great post! :) My, Kate is really keeping you hopping! :)

  34. O dear... But its ok, she is heavily pregnant and should wear what she feels comfortable in. I am just surprised that this is a high fashion item, it looks rather cheap in the pictures. Do we already know if tomorrows engagement will be her last?

  35. I actually really love this ensemble! I'm NOT a bow person, but I think it's kind of kitschy and as Anonymous 14:08 says, reminiscent of maternity fashion in the 50s/60s. So cute!

  36. Rebecca - Sweden21 March 2018 at 14:22

    Reading her speech.. WOW! She has really come into her own. This is a speech full with content, views, thoughts and experience. You can clearly tell her passion for the subject and the way she's been willing to learn (or interrogate, as she called it!). Very impressive and I look very much forward to see her future work :D

  37. I really like this outfit, especially the colour. I like when her coats show a bit of the dress underneath.

  38. Love the color of the coat but the fussy, high necked bow and those brown shoes ... No, just no.

  39. SierrafromMontana21 March 2018 at 14:35

    Wow that speech was wonderful! Kate has improved so much in the last few months, she is sounding very confident in her speeches. I also adored this outfit. I do hope there might be photos with the coat off. Go Kate!!

  40. Hello,

    I just added a video of the speech :)

    1. Thanks Charlotte for adding the speech. If I had been in the room, I would have loved to have shaken Kate's hand after that thought provoking and insightful speech. I listened to her speech without looking at the video(otherwise I get lost in how she looks, rather than what she's saying !), she spoke with such conviction and passion, it must have been quite inspiring to those in the room. You can definitely see and hear the impact of having Ms Quinn on her team. Kate really is going from strength to strength.

    2. Thank you, Charlotte! I enjoyed her speech very much.

    3. Zora from Prague21 March 2018 at 18:03

      Thank you for the whole post, Charlotte, and for including Kate's speech! I think she spoke in an excellent way, both what she said and how she said it was great! She's been growing in her role and in her devotion to the topic. I believe those involved really appreciate her efforts. Well done, Kate and team!

  41. Not my favorite maternity outfit. The bow reminds me of the terrible 1980s and 90s fashions. Remove it, and my grade of this outfit would go up considerably. I don't mind the color on Kate. (It would look terrible on me.) In some photos, the dress underneath and the coat seem better coordinated than others. Always a potential issue with different fabrics.

  42. Very very happy to see the Duchess of Cambridge continuing her work in the mental health area. She looks very lovely and her fashion colors are seasonal and remind me of SPRING. The Royal Foundation did a great job in getting expertise from so many pertinent areas to represent at the symposium. I’m really enjoying reading the info. Thanks, Charlotte.

  43. I love this color on Kate! That green reminds me of the Temperley dress she wore in India...a color that I think just pops on her. And I love her focus on this important issue. Her speech makes it plain that she has made herself very knowledgeable about this topic, and her passion is having and will continue to have a significant impact.

  44. Pam from Boston21 March 2018 at 15:16

    I like the coat and I kind of like the color. But it's another Packham maternity coat that looks poorly constructed and pieced together at the last minute. Surely there are some more off the rack maternity outfits that look better than this that would probably be less expensive.

  45. I have the same Gianvito pumps and had them shortened a little and they look exactly like this. Good for her for rocking the heels!

  46. Catherine looks radiant today. I love this outfit, the coat is perfect for this stage in her pregnancy, very flattering.

  47. I too was looking for words to describe Kate today, but some of you said it best....radiant, cheerful, just beautiful inside and out. Charlotte described it perfectly in her caption. I did like the color, but I'm a southern girl who likes spring colors and welcomes them after our long winter.

  48. I too was looking for words to describe Kate today, but some of you said it best....radiant, cheerful, just beautiful inside and out. Charlotte described it perfectly in her caption. I did like the color, but I'm a southern girl who likes spring colors and welcomes them after our long winter.

  49. Sonja from Bavaria21 March 2018 at 15:40

    What a lovely shade for spring (unfortunately, it's still snowing where I live but I am so ready for warmer weather)!
    Are sou sure these are here Gianvito Rossi praline pumps though? They look different to me... the colour seems a bit more brown than nude, and the general shape of she shoe seems a bit different

  50. I like this look, and while I think the coat is very flattering to Kate's pregnancy, I wish they would press the seams on the coat just a little bit flatter, a minor quibble. The color is very fresh, like the tonal look, and I think the bow gives some detail to frame Kate's face. She looks lovely, professional and happy.

    Loving the looks of recognition on Kate's face when she is getting out of the car and walking down the hallway with the gentleman. There seems to be more depth to her engagements as as we see both her speeches and interaction evolving. Impressed with her speech as it shows context, references and acknowledgements. Her increased familiarity with the people involved and the material definitely shows she is engaged and a PART OF the movement, not just a figurehead. Her aura just shines, could not be more proud of her. cc

  51. The color of her outfit is pretty and lively for Spring. So beautifully put together. Her speech was well thought out. Her face is showing the fatigue of the end of her pregnancy. Wishing HRH a speedy and happy delivery.

  52. So impressed that I actually sat and listened to the entire speech! Well done to her! It seems like convening these types of focus groups is an actual step in the direction they want to go!
    I think the bow on the coat is kind of cute. Personally I feel like cream accessories would have looked better... also all the lines in the coat made it look unironed?? Probably it was just the fabric, but it is annoying. Love the color! It looks great with her dark hair!
    Thank you Charlotte for your promptness!
    Sophie (Idaho)

  53. She looks incredible. The colour of the coat suits her really well and it does not look cheap at all.....

  54. Rather random.... but I was reminded, watching her speech, that I like how more neutral & toned down her eyes have been recently. I know she still does a heavier eye for formal events. This current trend for her is nice & flattering. I think it's more youthful & bright, compared to the earlier years. Has anyone else noticed the lightening up of her eyes?

  55. Tammy from California21 March 2018 at 16:31

    LOVE the cause. She is really settling into her roles well. She looks so happy too. You go girl...and keep on goin'.

  56. I am so thrilled to see her in something that fits beautifully! It really seemed like she was falling into a pattern of simply re-wearing things, even though they weren't really well-fitting or appropriate anymore and I had a hard time understanding it, considering her resources (that blue lace Seraphine dress as the first example). I'm not a fan of that bow, as it seems like a literal rehash of an 80s trend rather than a vintage reference, but I like the accessories and her hair and makeup look great!

  57. Not a fan of this outfit. Too much green and the bow not my taste. She goes for this empire dress style with just the odd bit of stiching under the bust giving it some shape in all her pregnancies. It is an easy look to create for a pregnant woman but I have only liked it with a few of her dresses. Tends to look not very finished. She looks happy and glowing. The dark hair I am sure is her last non toxic color job of her pregnancy and after nine month without any highlights being added and the need to cover grey this is the look you will end up with. Darker and a more one tone color. I do not think we will see any of her pregnancy outfits worn again.

  58. Queen of the South21 March 2018 at 16:55

    What a great event, and I love the fact that it is something Kate organised. Well not Kate herself obviously, but it is not just something she has been invited to.
    And another greatly improved speech (and she is speaking in public wearing something that isn’t blue)
    Her outfit isn’t my favorite. I like the spring colour but I do hope Kate went to JP and told them she needs a few extra outfits for the end of her pregnancy since her other stuff doesn’t fit anymore. But since she is probably only going to wear it once, just get the most junior seamstress to throw something together. It just doesn’t look well made.

  59. Why didn't she do an updo? Hair up! Sorry...that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the pictures. With that bow, she should have put her hair up. I think it would have looked much better. Although I'm not a fan of the outfit, its too 80s style and old looking on her.

  60. Kate knocked it out of the ball park with her hair! Fabulous color and cut. Hopefully, she is finished trying new styles in the hair department. When its not broken, don't fix it as the saying goes. I am wondering what the coat fabric is. The coat seems stiff especially around the upper torso. It will be interesting to see this coat go back to the designer to be restyled for later use. If not, I believe it will be a one and done! Kate seems to emulate the Queen in her love of bright color. I do wish she didn't incorporate it into her choice of jewelry choices. Kate own beautiful earrings but only the inexperienced dresser consistently matches pieces of jewelry to attire. It reminds me of young girls going to the prom. Glad to see the neutral shoes and bag.

    1. Granny, it looks like a "silk dupioni" to me. I had a fashion design minor in undergrad. It's very unforgiving & hard to work with. If it's over steamed or pressed, it's shot. Thus it's maybe why the seams are not as flat as they would have been if made in another fabric. Or perhaps they could have gone a little bit further with the pressing of the seams during construction? It's that fine line sort of thing! I think the dress has been made to match, tho in a different fabric. Thus, the discrepancies in the photos, as the light hits the ensemble at different angles etc. I agree with those who have said that the photos likely don't do it justice. I just think she looks elegant, sweet & springy in this ensemble. I really like it & I really like it on her!:)

    2. Becca, I agree on the coat fabric. It looks silk and the dress a light knit fabric maybe. The silk does tend to get a bit of that pucker on seams, and I think in person not as off putting as in some of the photos. Plus it is just not fitting her quite right so some odd buckling added to the mix. But bet in person the texture of the silk made a difference in the sophistication of the look. Still can not get on board with the color:).

  61. I love the coat! Very retro. I wish she would have paired either with a print or complimentary color dress... but that’s my personal al preference to not have all one color. Beautiful look all around!

    1. Not a fan of the color but a few people have mentioned how much not having the matching dress would have helped lift it up. Your idea of a print dress would do the trick also.

    2. Anglophile (in Ohio)21 March 2018 at 21:37

      And then people would complain that she was dressing like the Queen!

  62. What a great engagement - I think that's one of the longest speeches I've seen her give and very passionate and insightful. Her work in "early years" now is starting to come to fruition and shows how she's listened and gathered opinions through her work over the last few years. As said at the Foundation meeting a few weeks ago, I think they're playing the long game strategy of taking time to understand and explore their own specific areas of interest to ensure their involvement is a more meaningful one. Fantastic.

    In terms of the outfit - I would agree with some that this is a hard colour to pull off ( and this range of green is particularly hard to replicate in photos) so probably doesn't do it justice to start with - but it's fresh and bright which is a nice change to see on Catherine. Agree about the bow, there's something a little twee and costumey, a bigger softer 'pussy bow' might have made a difference? (not sure that would have balanced right with the bump though) This also might have been an alternative to St Patricks Day in the planning. It's actually quite formal, but I think that just shows the level of importance to the engagement to Catherine.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's outing.

    1. Mr. D, you hit the nail on the head. We are seeing all the work (much of which we did not see) over the past yrs come to fruition. I think W&K have been playing "The Long Game" from the start. I think that's why so many got frustrated with them. They wanted instant gratification from them after the wedding, & did not understand what some of us suspected. I also think it was classic wonderful wisdom on The Queen's part that she supported it & seemed to want it for William & Kate. She knows this is a lifetime gig & it's no secret that she loved her yrs in Malta with PP & had thought they'd have had more of that time! This is a great lesson to us all, to remember that we don't always know or understand what goes on behind closed doors & the "why" behind some decisions or directions. This period of their royal life is a particularly wonderful joy to watch, as everything unfolds. It's all so new! Including how substantial Kate's work is, as she appears to be working possibly closer to her due date than ever before. It seemed that this was an important goal for Kate to make, before she has Baby#3. She reached this milestone, with this project & now they will all do their assigned work (while she is having her Baby & tending to her new family of 5) & then they will all reconvene in the fall to continue onward! It all seems to have been quite well thought out & planned! :) Bravo Kate! :)

  63. I liked the color of her outfit and her earrings. I like her hair dark. I noticed that guy looking at her stomach. I thought it was kind of awkward for some reason.

  64. Dislike the coat fabric and bow. What happened to that gorgeous peach Tara Jarmon coat and dress? Was hoping to see it again

    1. I remember the peach coat & dress and how the dress was a lighter color. The dress was made by a private dressmaker to wear with the coat. So seeing her wear a whole outfit from one designer it should have been exactly the same shade, or the dress a print, very disappointed from a designer. Do you remember way back in April 2013 Kate wore mint green coat and dress at the UFO MINT GREEN BRODERIE ANGLAISE, she was pregnant at the time and the coat that looked great. So I love the color on Kate and style of coat and dress, but very disappointed that the color did not match properly, having it cost a fortune to have Jenny Packman make it. Otherwise Kate looked beautiful all together hair and accessories.

  65. 🌸 Kate is approaching early childhood intervention aggressively, seriously and very professionally. We are going to see some more significantly great things from Kate I think. I don’t know that any other Royal has convened such a vast symposium of experts to actually sit down together assess the situation, brainstorm “sustainable” solutions and request that they actually get back to her on those topics were implementable answers. Has that actually been done by a Royal before? On that large a level? Maybe Charles?

    I recently watched an excellent documentary on Silicon Valley in California, creative hub of Technological advances.
    An innovative female owner and CEO of a successful tech company there had been interviewed by a major outlet on the amazing innovation that she and her company had just created and designed. A world changing innovation. She was commenting how the interview covered their historic innovation in the interview but what ended up in print was mostly a commentary on what she wore to the interview. Yep. It’s true. She was astonished. I feel like that news outlet at the moment, lol. Kate is doing amazing work and what do I do? I nit pick her outfit. My bad. She looked beautiful. And she is eight months pregnant with two little ones at home and a husband to take care of. Even with help, it has to be challenging.
    (You looked fresh and beautiful, Kate.❤️)

    1. Very gracious comment, Surfer girl 😀. Nicely done!

  66. upstate diva USA21 March 2018 at 17:50

    Her affect is so upbeat and she seems happy and naturally engaged. I don't know if it is the end of 3d trimester energy bounce or her finding her area of deepest interest, but I have enjoyed DoC very much since the new year. I, however, am not a fan of that coat -- I think it is the fabric rather than the color; the seaming and the hang are not working. I think that if the dress underneath was a print or some other complementary color, I wouldn't notice that quite so much. But she looks great because she so clearly is feeling chuffed.

  67. I don't think these are her Gianvito Rossi pumps. They color is the same, but the heels are shorter. Maybe the same brand but a different new pump?

  68. She’s positively glowing. I don’t care for the coat, but she looks great, and I’m very impressed by this event.

  69. I thought Kate looked beautiful. I liked both the color and style of the coat. Not crazy about the bow - maybe an over sized decorative button or decorative hook and eye closure would have been nice. I didn't mind the monochromatic look with the matching green dress, however, I think a navy blue dress with the green coat would have made the ensemble a bit more youthful. Overall, I thought Kate look fabulous :)

  70. Pastel colors are very on trend for spring/summer so I’m assuming that is the inspiration for this particular hue. Regarding her penchant for buttoned-up, ladylike looks that are a bit above her years, I wonder if it isn’t an unconscious form of protection on her part. Her life is so public and she shares so much of it during appearances like this that feeling safe in a classic style gives her peace of mind. I thought her speech was excellent and this particular shade of green does look like traditional scrubs medical staff wear (in the U.S. anyway) is that could also be a reason for the color choice. Finally, I agree that the coat construction feels flimsy. I’m certain it isn’t cheap material, but probably too flimsy for this structured look. It feels like the color/fabric was selected first and then the look was designed. I don’t blame Kate for wanting to be “hidden” a bit in this last month of pregnancy. No one feels their physical best at this time - I have to give The Duchess major kudos for continuing to show up at public events (where she is photographed mercilessly) and doing her part that make a difference. She is continues to be a shining example for us all.

    1. I think you’ve nailed it. I can’t imagine how intrusive it all must feel for a fairly private person to be exposed to merciless critiques of her every move and choice of outfit. In the final month of a third pregnancy, not really knowing what her size would be, compounded by more than usually unpredictable weather, I’m amazed she steps out of doors. She did brilliantly today. And the real story is her tireless support of the cause, not what she chooses to wear. I suspect, as another commenter said, she turned to a trusted designer to run up a few outfits at the 11th hour. This baby seems to be making itself felt more robustly than its siblings at this stage of the proceedings, shall we say?

    2. Great comment! I, too, feel like it’s a comfort/protection reason for why she chooses similar high-necked looks for public engagements, especially in these later months of pregnancy.

    3. I think you make an excellent point momstheword. I had never really thought about that before, but I think that Kate by nature is somewhat more reserved and doesn’t necessarily seek to be the center of attention—she’s more of the team builder than the front and center type. I tend to have more conservative tastes in clothing, so many times the criticism of her outfits being “too matronly” don’t resonate with me, I just think she looks lovely and ladylike in a day and age when people are too prone to leaving nothing to the imagination, but I think you are correct—her coats and being buttoned up are most likely her safety zone. I cannot imagine living like she does with my image being shown around the world and every fault or foible being picked apart. Talk about hard on your mental health! I think it amazing that she approaches her job with so much visible joy. Very thoughtful observation, momstheword.

  71. The Duchess of Cambridge looked beautiful in a lime sherbert colored dress. Do you think she will attend Easter services? The color of the dress also reminds of the Easter grass we put in our baskets in the USA.

  72. I'm really impressed by this speech, and her work on this issue. I have to admit though I really dislike this look - the colour and the bow.

  73. This definitely isn’t a coatdress, it’s a coat and a dress. Why are you calling it a coatdress, it obviously can’t be worn without a dress underneath considering it’s not buttoned?

    1. It's from the official description from the Palace. Many of Kate's coatdresses over the years have been worn with dresses underneath.

    2. Obviously KP has no idea what a coatdress is.

      ''A coatdress is a woman's DRESS that resembles an overcoat, usually with collar, lapels and front fastenings similar to a coat, and made in spring- or autumn-weight fabrics’’.

      It is not a garment that can be worn unbuttoned over a normal dress. Some of Kate’s garments have been a bit confusing, but this one definitely isn’t. If it doesn’t have buttons or closures it is in no way, shape or form a coatdress.

      A dress, a coat and a coatdress are three separate garments.

      ‘a seamstress of many years’

  74. I'm so impressed by her speech that I don't care what she wore. Her reading of the speech was the best I've heard from her yet, and I think she will continue to improve in that department. She's reminding me a lot of the movie "The King's Speech"--not that she suffers from stuttering, but she certainly suffered discomfort in giving public speeches at first. She's going to increase the force for good in this generation of royals at this rate of progress and especially regarding the work and thought that were put into this particular cause. She seems to have devoted her time and attention to implementing what she has learned from studying all the issues surrounding early intervention in her own parenting style, and as we all know, that means she gives the children her personal time and attention to the exclusion of what the public wants, especially in the first months of the child's life. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see her much before this coming autumn. Maybe that is why she has stepped up her appearances so much right now. George and Charlotte are at school, and she has a lot of child-free time right now, but that's about to change. What do you all think? Will she turn this baby over to the nanny early, or will she continue in her previous pattern of disappearing for months in order to rear the youngest and integrate it into George's and Charlotte's lives herself? Considering her interest in the cause she just spoke about, I think she'd better tend to it herself. Consider what it would do for the next generation of royals IF she were successful in rearing a family of well-adjusted people with no mental health issues.

    1. I expect she will take the same time of with this baby as she did with Charlotte. So, we’ll see her for Harry’s wedding, Trooping in June and Christening in July and then nothing until September. By then baby will be 5 months old and well-integrated into the family and the older two will be back in school. At least that’s what I would do in her shoes.

    2. Marci, I loved your thoughts. I am wondering if she will be at The Wedding in May, then Trooping, but otherwise take the summer off? August is usually slow anyway with trips to Balmoral. It's a true unknown this time in this new phase of her role as full time royal. I too think the many appearances will hold her in good stead after she's had the baby. I also completely agree & always have, about the idea that the greatest gift & most important job she can do, is to raise healthy well adjusted next generation Royals & support 2 future Kings!!! This will be interesting to see how it all plays out this go round? :)

    3. I agree with your thinking Marci. I think we will definitely see her at the wedding, Trooping, and the christening. With George and Charlotte presently in school, it will give her a some time to bond with the new baby. Then summer they can all adjust to being a family of five. Once George and Charlotte go back to school, I think she will start doing a few engagements -- maybe not as many as she has been over the past few months. As an American, most of us are only able to take 12 weeks off (if that); but in Europe maternity leave is much longer. I realize that being a Duchess is not a "job" and they have a nanny, but even so they seem to be more hands-on than previous generations. And bonding with you baby is important, no matter who you are. I, too, think that she is using what she has learned through her charity work and is applying it to her own life. Though I feel like she would be the same way if she had married someone else -- as that is her character.

      Hope from USA

  75. While the dress/coat color scheme is a little too matchy-matchy, I love the overall look and am actually quite surprised by how many don't like it. It must just be my taste (I do love mint chocolate chip ice cream after all ;) ) but I love mint green and think Kate looks exceptional in it. The bow is my favorite part -- it's such a cute detail without making the outfit too fussy. I think this is a coat she can bring back in the future when not pregnant.

    Also, her hair looks just fantastic today. I thought coloring hair while pregnant was bad? The darker hue is pretty, though.

    1. If you compare photos of her in various lighting at this event--outside arrival/departure and inside low light, it is evident that outside her hair has red highlights and looks the same to me as before. There are natural, vegetable dyes that are safe that she has reportedly used in the past that could add a redish tint, but I think this apparent difference is merely a variance in lighting. She has a great deal more gray hair showing which indicates to me she has not used dye since pregnant. I can't think why she would dye her hair, if not to cover the gray-which is still showing.

  76. This would have worked much better with a bouncy ponytail in my opinion. The hair weighs the whole thing down. I don't think I hate this outfit, but it does remind me a little to much of the still stylish, but much older Queen. Still, I think a ponytail would have done a lot to improve this look.

  77. I think we should all give her a bit of grace at this point in her pregnancy. As someone who has been through it more than once myself, I can say that the end of a pregnancy can be described in no other way than "sheer misery". She is quite far along now, this is her third child, and (dare I say it) this baby appears to be larger than the previous two. Those factors take a tremendous toll on a woman's energy and stamina. The fact that she is still getting fully dressed, heels and all, carrying out her engagements with poise and a smile is quite impressive. If she feels most comfortable doing so in loose fitting clothes, I am in full support of that. I may not love some of her choices as non-maternity wear, but for any remaining engagements she has, I will cheer her on in any outfit!

  78. For me the importance of this engagement was about the event itself.

    For me this engagement was about the importance of the event itself.
    Kate was excellent. Her speech was outstanding well delivered in a confident manner and gave us a clear insight into just how involved and passionate she is about tackling the problem of providing the expertise to help the mental health of children mothers and families. I very much hope this new initiative bringing experts from different areas working together provides a further way forward.
    The article in the DM on this event referred to some comments that Peter Fogarty made about Kate praising her for doing so much to take the stigma away from talking about mental health and also saying how her intelligent questioning and crystal clear focus had changed our way of thinking.
    I think there is rather more to Kate than many have thought.
    It was good seeing Kate looking well and happy and nice in a spring like outfit.
    I look forward to seeing her with W tomorrow at what is in comparison two fun events

  79. The Duchess is simply radiant!!! I think todays outfit was a standby for a sunny Patricks Day, Jenny Packham does amazing evening wear, but, the tailoring on day outfits is not up to the same standard, I know some looks photograph better than others but Jenny is not sharp in the cold light of day.
    On the serious side, the speech was considered and professional, William and Catherine are going to make a difference to the long term mental health of the UK and hopefully the world

  80. Wow her bump is getting really big, I predict TWINS!!!!!! Go Kate & Will xx

    1. I secretly wish for twins, too! I’m trying to convince my mother that, since we keep arguing whether it’s going to be a girl or a boy, but I think it could be both ;) What a surprise that would be!

  81. Put this one on the list for Best in Housecoat award ceremony. Oh dear god. It’s awful. If I was her stylist the first thing I’d do is get rid of those god-awful shoes. Other than that(lol) she is lovely and has become a real role model and work horse

  82. Elegant Duchess Catherine ! Duchess is doing a great job. I'm proud of her !

  83. This is some milestone with the website rolled out as one stop in action. Kate’s speech was wonderful, and how beautifully that mint green outfit worked for her. The baby might have been kicking now and then. She looks in an excellent form. This is internet age and her message although targeting UK residents, the content can be applied to a global audience and families. In focusing on young children, the process of “the cycle” seems to have drawn her into different ages and genders of the family in society as well. By now it is obvious she had truly found her passion to commit to, and that is good news.

  84. I like that she is wearing a cut away coat. However, I think the fabric looks kind of cheap - odd that a JP garment would look this way. Not too sure about the bow - it looks OK with the coat, but if she took off the coat and only had the dress on, that bow would really look corny and very dated. Over all, this is a nice look for Kate - hard for me to get into spring colors this early however - even if Easter is just in a few weeks. We tend to get the worst of our winter weather now where I live and everyone is in dark and heavier winter things now. It might be the first of spring, but I'm sure thinking she would have looked better in a tad bit heavier fabric.

  85. Allison reynolds22 March 2018 at 01:38

    Ok, so does it seem like she is working much longer this pregnancy? I don’t remember seeing her this far along with the other two?

  86. Regarding the controversial bow :-) I recall a designer talking about one of Diana's maternity gowns...he said details like this make a woman's face more of a focal point rather than her stomach. It does make sense, especially given Kate's more modest approach to pregnancy.

    As for this outfit being a possible second choice for St. Patrick's Day, I lean towards that not being the case. This is far too casual in comparison to what she has worn and even a hat wouldn't dress it up enough. I could see this at a BP Garden Party, but not a military setting next to William and other men in uniform. IMO.

    The color is very Spring like and considering the snow that is falling as I write, I sincerely hope the Easter Bunny won't refuse to leave Florida this year!!! :-)

  87. 🌸 OKAY. Whoever is doing bespoke pieces for the Duchess of Cambridge would you PLEASE do her the honor of making the pieces properly and from fabrics that travel nicely and photograph best. Jenny Packham your pieces have looked shoddy to be honest and there are many here who agree. I think the repeated shoddy workmanship we have seen from bespoke pieces is inexcusable. Don’t you like Kate? Are you secret Republicans? Don’t you like design, sewing and tailoring clothes? Please do Kate the honor of providing her with quality when she seeks you for help in the form of a bespoke piece. You are not the only ones Jenny but many of your bespoke pieces have been shoddy. Do you not have quality control? Kate’s audience isn’t as ignorant of quality as you seem to think. It is not good for your brand. A wise company would use the opportunity to dress a Senior Royal who is world famous and one of the most photographed women in the world as a golden way to display your very best way and fortify your brand as one of excellent design and workmanship. Make the bespoke pieces your very best. Kate deserves it does she not. 😠

  88. MizBev in Colorado22 March 2018 at 01:55

    I think we should all give her a bit of grace period. Kate should wear whatever she wants pregnant or not. She carries herself with such poise and grace all the time the clothes seem secondary. Whatever she feels comfortable in...I say you go girl.

  89. Charlotte, thank you for posting the speech. A more confident delivery from the Duchess of Cambridge and the content was ‘on point’. She is developing into a good public speaker. Also Charlotte, I went back through the info you posted and from my perspective, having been a Licensed Social Worker, what the Duchess of Cambridge has collaboratively introduced in this sensitive arena of mental health is phenomenal. Again and again, I commend her for this impressive job. I know she didn’t to it alone, there is team-work, but it’s her VISION. Charlotte, thanks so very much.

    1. 🌸 It is phenomenal, Marcia. :) And I think it is one of many “visionary” things we will see Kate create and work with others to implement. Kate may not be flamboyant but she’s an observer and thinker. And, I think she has a heart of gold. :)

  90. I was slightly surprised by the mint green at first, but it is certainly a nice spring color. I love the cut of the coat, and the bow. And Kate's hair is a lovely length, though a bit dark. She looks very beautiful. I continue to be amazed by the harsh criticism of her style.

    My grandson was born today, continuing a tradition of adjacent arrivals that began the year my brother and Prince Charles were born. Kate's baby should come along soon.

    Remember Load More when the comments reach 200!

    1. 🌸 Congratulations, Patricia 1. 🎉🍼🎉🍼🎉🍼
      This is grandchild #1, 2?

    2. Zora from Prague22 March 2018 at 12:36

      How lovely, Patricia I! Best wishes and a lot of joy to the whole family! :)

    3. This grandchild is number 3. The first was born the same year as Lady Louise. The second one was born the year between George and Charlotte. His father was born the year between William and Harry. Thanks for the congratulations and best wishes. :-) We are delighted to welcome another grandbaby!

    4. Congratulations Patricia I, how wonderful! Grandchildren are God's reward for having children as they say ;)

    5. Thanks to all!

  91. I agree with another poster here that the material of Kate's coat appears to be raw silk. Possibly it's just not photographing well for some reason or other. The fabric can have quite a sheen, and perhaps needs higher resolution to do justice to the beauty of the fabric.

  92. I agree with Becca H. I thought Kate looked wonderful! Her hair was so pretty being a bit darker, and the dress looks like a giant candy wrapper but in a very good way! I love it. And I love the bow. Are the dress and coat the exact same color?

  93. Surfergirl, you have said what i was thinking. I'm not a fan of this outfit at all, except for the earrings. Such a pretty lady and such an ordinary ensemble. I too would put it to the back of the wardrobe as another person has said they would. The shoes are lovely though.

  94. It is true, Kate looks radiant and I like what she said about her goals at the engagement.
    The dress was a total miss in my books though. The colour might look „fresh“ at an over 90 year old Queen but not for someone under 70.
    The style is frumpy but would get a pass if the material didn’t look like it isn’t fitting properly and cheap. Which it probably isn’t. At this price the look is an insult. And I hope no one really believes that she or any royal ever has to wear something tucked together in a rush. That is not how it works. They plan engagement long before they announce them and there is lot of great maternity wear out there which serves business or festive occasions. She is not on the big end of pregnant ladies so she could easily find something in two hours if it would be necessary.
    I am really surprised she didn’t repeat more coats from her last pregnancies. Everytime people commented on the cost it was dismissed with the outlook of repeats which clearly didn’t happen for the most part. This coat doesn’t close at the front so she could have worn any other of her old pregnancy coats and just left it open.
    I predict we never see this ensemble again and I will be very happy about it.
    In other terms I am happy she feels well enough to still be out and about at engagements. I wonder if her maternity leave will be shorter too or if she gets a longer break because Harry and Meghan might be the headlines in magazines?

    1. 🌸 Okay. C. I agree COMPLETELY about the bespoke pieces having to be rushed. No way they have to be rushed AND even if they were, we are talking high end design houses who COULD and SHOULD be able to produce quality products even in a hurry. They should be able to produce quality pieces in their sleep. It should be second nature to them. AND Kate could find excellent ready made maternity wear if she wanted to also.
      I also don’t understand why we don’t see a lot more repeats in regular wear (and maternity wear) both from Kate and from Meghan. Are those outfits just substantial investments that are one and done?
      And if so, are the clothes given to charities, archived or what? I find it sometimes sadly interesting how people say those two women look so beautiful. They do look so beautiful but they have the state of the art skin and hair care, investment caliber clothing and most likely excellent nutrition to pull all that off. Of course they are going to look good. And they should. But with their thrusts for charitable work I also think they should do repeats. And Kate does but I think she could easily do more and it not seem tedious. And will Meghan ever do repeats? So when people see the beautiful clothes and glow and wishfully aspire to the same I hope they also remind themselves that it is not usually on the average budget so that they won’t be left feeling not as beautiful as Kate or not as beautiful as Meghan. That caliber of glow and style are studied effects and substantial investment ones. So cheer up ladies, you rock and are every bit as beautiful and at a lot less of a cost. ❤️

  95. Olivia @ 22:31, well said, indeed. I have been giving the Duchess of Cambridge 10 out of 10, with the highest being 10, just for showing up, in her condition, at these engagements, looking graceful and glowingly lovely at 8 months. Thanks, Charlotte.

  96. Julia from Leominster22 March 2018 at 06:37

    It was an excellent speech - very well presented, engaging the audience - enormously better and more thoughtful than what Kate has done in the past. It's an important area and it will be interesting to see what comes of it - hopefully more resources available to struggling parents and better training before parenthood comes - no easy thing.

    As someone mentioned above, I might not pick this outfit ordinarily - I prefer Kate in a green with blue undertones but this late in her pregnancy, it works well.

  97. Does Jenny Packham normally not do maternity? Because the seaming on some of these coats has been really off. You’d think they could do a better job for the Duchess.

  98. Had forgotten, but this mint green color was worn often by Princess Diana!! Whether Kate does it consciously or not, its nice to think she looks back at Diana's fashions, and it gives us a pleasant look at some "throw-back-Thursday" pictures of a very lovely lady. cc

  99. After breezing through the comments on this thread is seems the majority are directed at Kate's fashion. I think the work that her and Wills and Harry are doing around mental health is groundbreaking and very needed. I like Kate's emphasis on early childhood intervention. I grew up with a schizophrenic mom who drank to "medicate herself" and I can attest that it affects you all your life. I am now 64. I dealt with the fallout in my 30s and 40s but some wounds NEVER HEAL. I was fortunate to have a few neighbors and teachers who knew that something was wrong in my home and who tried to help in the way they could.

    Mental health is the elephant in the living room. It is not "sexy" or "exciting" but it is fundamental to living in a better world for all concerned. Back in the 50s and early 60s mental health was a "taboo subject" which did even more damage to those affected by it. I love they are taking this on - and I also love Wills talking about the detrimental affects of social media on children (and beyond.) It's awesome. She is growing in her role and I am glad for that. Blueskygal AZ USA

  100. Surfer girl at 11:21, I agree and I’m excited to see what the Royal Foundation, under the Young Royals leadership and vision will do next. Patricia at 3:07, congratulations!!!👏🏽👏🏽. Thanks again, Charlotte.

  101. I love Kate but this was a miss for me. Looks like something my preachers wife wore back from 1963. It’s such a shame because she is beautiful and there are so many youthful choices of maternity wear out there! Yet again it’s not her fault as much as the designers, how could anyone at Packham allow her to go out like this?


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