Friday 20 April 2018

Baby Cambridge Due Any Day Now, All the Latest News & Merci Maman Royal Baby Necklace!

Hello, hello!

It is a glorious week in London: the sun is shining, leaders from all over the Commonwealth have assembled for a historic week and, of course, Baby Cambridge is due to arrive any day now. Several of you have been in touch asking if there's any official word on Kate's due date. There isn't, however royal reporter Emily Andrews has been reliably informed Kate's due on Monday, 23rd April. I believe Emily has very solid information on this; she's had a number of spot-on scoops. The couple returned to London at the beginning of the week as George returned to Thomas's Battersea,  Emily reported Kate was spotted on the school run during the week. Below, Chris Ship posted a photo of Buckingham Palace in the sunshine this week...

Hello! reports 'How Prince William and Kate are spending what could be their last weekend as a family of four':

'Duchess Kate, 36, who is expecting to give birth any day now, will certainly be warm this weekend with the glorious April weather hitting an all-time high in London.
In fact, it's believed that the Cambridges may even head out of the humid capital and escape to Bucklebury, Berkshire, to spend time with Kate's parents, Carole and Michael Middleton. The pregnant royal enjoyed some quality time with her folks there during the Easter period and takes the opportunity to spend time in the country whenever she can. While she would be further from the Lindo Wing at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, should she feel the early signs of labour while at her family home in Berkshire, it wouldn't take much more than an hour to drive the 50 miles to the hospital from there.
Of course Kate might choose to be nearer the hospital just in case - her maternity unit is only a quick 10 minute dash from their home in Kensington Palace, and if she did it would mean she and husband Prince William were closer to the Queen's birthday celebrations on Saturday evening. The monarch, who turns 92 this year, will be enjoying an exciting concert at London's Royal Albert Hall which will be broadcast live on BBC1.'

As the Great Kate Wait continues, royal fans have set up camp outside the Lindo Wing.

Many of you will recognise Terry Hutt who has been a constant presence at royal events since he first saw the Queen when he was four years old.


As part of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), Her Majesty talked to Sir David Attenborough about her ambitious legacy project, the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy, which aims to create a global network of protected forests in each of the 53 Commonwealth countries. The Queen's Green Planet was a fantastic piece of television; it was a delight to see Her Majesty looking at trees she planted for each of her children and hearing about her love of nature. It's available on YouTube at the moment. Click here to view it.

William and Kate's 2016 Canada tour features in the documentary (10 minutes in). In previously unseen footage of the Cambridges' visit to Great Bear Rainforest, the couple are seen catching salmon. One wonders how many videos and photos are recorded for official purposes during tours and never seen.

Meanwhile, Prince William has been undertaking a number of CHOGM duties in London. Below, William and Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson meeting leaders of African Commonwealth countries to discuss proposals to stamp out the illegal wildlife trade.

At the State dinner at Buckingham Palace last night, Prince William joined a host of world leaders. As the event is held in various Commonwealth countries biannually, it is very much thought it will be the last time the Queen attends. Today, it was confirmed Prince Charles will succeed his mother as Head of the Commonwealth, and it is thought Her Majesty will reduce her duties in the area from here on in. I thought this was a terrific photo of William from last night. I'm sure he's anxiously awaiting the arrival!

The Queen looked resplendent in the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara, and the Ruby and Diamond Floral Bandeau Necklace. It was last publicly worn by Kate at the Spanish State banquet last year.


To celebrate the new addition to the Royal family, Merci Maman have launched a new limited-edition collection, inspired by the brand's Duchess Necklace, which was worn by Kate.

Kate was spotted wearing her Duchess Necklace during a shopping trip in London in October 2013. Founder Béatrice de Montille was thrilled when she discovered Kate wore one of her pieces and told Hello!: "I was so delighted to see Kate wearing it. I see her as the most inspirational woman of our generation."

More on the new pieces from the brand: featuring two brand-new necklaces and two best-selling designs, Merci Maman’s collection has push presents all wrapped up. Starting from $89, treasure this memorable moment with uniquely personalised designs to create a combination as special as your family!

The Personalised My Royal Baby Necklace is hand-engraved with ‘My Royal Baby’ on the front and illustrated with a crown and personalised name on the reverse, add a birthstone and make this new design fit for royalty.

A look at the birthstones available for the necklace.

It was fun to see the name Alice engraved on the Personalised My Little Prince/Princess Necklace. It was the second most popular girls name in our 'Royal Baby Name Poll' and seems to be incredibly popular among media outlets. The $89 necklace is described: "Choose a front engraving to suit your baby boy or girl and personalise the reverse with a hand-engraved name and date of birth! Available in 18k gold-plated and sterling silver to perfectly match your collection of crown jewels!"

The New Baby Necklace is the perfect gift to mark the arrival of a new addition to your family. It features the birthstone of your choice, the newborn's name and a girl or boy charm. With Mother's Day coming up in the US, it's a beautiful option.

More from Merci Maman:

'Celebrating their 10th anniversary last year, Merci Maman have love and family at their core, so what better way to cherish your loved ones than with personalized jewelry inspired by the bond of Motherhood, that’s fit for a Princess!
Every order is presented in their signature orange gift box, hand-engraved with care in their studio, handpacked with love and delivered to your doorstep. From Buckingham Palace to The White House, Merci Maman is topping the wishlist of leading-ladies such as Kate Middleton, The Duchess of Cambridge, and political royalty, Chelsea Clinton who were recently spotted wearing bestselling designs from the brand.'

 The brand has also launched a special Tying the Knot necklace ahead of a certain royal wedding. :)

The next time I see you, it will very possibly be with a post announcing Kate is in labour. In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)


  1. Eagerly awaiting news of baby Cambridge! What an exciting time to be following the royal family!

  2. Orange County Grandma20 April 2018 at 19:55

    Hey Charlotte do you have any information on William getting a Masters degree. Read it on Twitter. Nothing said about where or when he started.

    1. I'm not sure if William has been given an honorary degree recently but his first degree from St Andrews is a masters as Scottish students at ancient universities study for 4 years and receive a masters rather than bachelor degree. Kate has a masters too, an MA in art history whereas William's MA is in geography.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden21 April 2018 at 15:20

      Oh, I just noticed you've already written about it! I put the source in a new comment :P

  3. The flowers in the park in front of the palace are beautiful. So lush! How nice that they bloomed on time for CHOGM. I remember that they had bloomed early before the royal wedding, showing the difference in weather between 2011 and 2018. Here we have been having April blizzards, so strange, but finally the sun is out. Once the snow melts, our early bulbs can bloom, and the migrating birds will find food.

    I have just watched the video about the Queen's Canopy. Her garden and city forest must be flourishing in the spring sun. That forest project is remarkable, and it is good to see Prince Harry planting trees. "That's what our family does," he says, "travel the world and plant trees. Really," he replies to a laugh from the crowd. "The Queen's [trees she's planted] must be in the thousands." He has a great way with words. :-)

    1. The Queen’s Canopy documentary was delightful, as was the dynamic between HM and Sir David Attenborough. Loved it! 😊

    2. Harry's comments were so wonderful! :)

    3. Of course, as possibly others, when I opened the new page & saw the first words.... Baby Cambridge.... I had that jolt that it was happening or that the Baby had been born! Alas, everyone's still on pins & needles! Hoping that Kate Is comfortable! :)

  4. Susan in Florida20 April 2018 at 20:27

    Thank you Charlotte ! You do such a wonderful thing with both blogs.

  5. Wow! Nothing has ever screamed queen in waiting more than that side-by-side photo of the Queen and Kate both wearing the Floral Bandeau necklace! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ I think I caught a glimpse of the future.

    1. I wondered whether that was the Queen’s purpose in wearing the necklace. She knew it would be a reminder of Kate, who could not attend. Wonder if Kate snd Meghan had dinner together.

    2. 🌸 I think that that might be exactly why she wore that.

  6. Thank-you, Charlotte, for including that photo of Kate wearing the necklace alongside the Queen's photo. I knew I had seen that necklace somewhere! Ha! The Queen's re-wearing of jewelry previously loaned to Kate proves Kate doesn't just get the unused, forgotten, second-line stuff. I think it may be another subtle, non-verbal message of support for Kate from the Queen, as was the original loan of the necklace . It was interesting to me, especially coming during a major CHOG event.

    1. Excellent point!! The Queen is the master of visual messages.

    2. Maybe seeing Kate wear the necklace made the Queen want to wear it again 😊 It's interesting to see her wear it as I don't think it's been a favourite of hers, maybe because it sits far better with a low neckline.

    3. Interesting point, Louise. It did remind me of the kind of thinking that may have been behind HM's driving Carole around the Balmoral grounds following some bad press for Kate and her family, I believe. There are a number of other examples of HM giving quiet support to William and Kate. I am also reminded of their appearing next to the Queen on the balcony at Trooping, with C&C off to the side.
      Somehow I can't envision the Queen getting her ideas of how to dress from other royals. The Queen sets her own standards; she doesn't copy those of others. If it was not one of her favorites, it is all the more amazing that she chose this significant occasion to wear it. She was wearing one of her favorite tiaras. She has worn similar necklines many times, including before Kate wore the necklace. Why choose this time to wear it?
      I think the necklace would also work well with a jewel neckline. It doesn't necessarily require a deep "V" neckline.

    4. Julia from Leominster22 April 2018 at 14:21

      Th necklace was an early gift to the queen from her parents - as I recall it was part of the Grenville collection. As the queen winds down her duties - this was almost certainly the last CHOGM banquet she will ever attend -I think her mind may be on the past - and that she is thinking more of her father than Kate - but you never know. She also chose what many of us think is her favourite tiara.

      I actually liked the necklace better on the queen because it seemed tight on Kate - almost strangling her. (In the future, I think it could use an extension.) At the same time, I agree it is best with a low neckline.

      The queen was almost certainly doing some 'damage control' with that Middleton drive which came soon after that publicity about Charles and the Middletons - either press made-up - or just possibly a direct leak. Royals will do that - we've been seeing that in Spain on a massive scale after that awkward Easter - Mum-in-law daughter-in-law scene. Cosy joint appearances and even a special tiara loan that says - 'see, we really are friends.'

      If true, and it seems to be, the Pippa baby news is delightful.

    5. Julia, I'm confused.... what is the damage control about regarding Charles & the Middletons? I seemed to have missed something! Thanks in advance for bringing me up to date! :)

  7. I hope the baby IS born on the 23rd; the date has a very special meaning to me.

    I will say that if Kate leaves London this weekend she is a very brave lady. Lol I think I would stay put! 10 minutes beats 50 any day.

    And having listened to the video about Terry Hutt, I'd like to reach out and give him a big hug. What a sweet man. He seems to be a kind soul and a gentleman.

    Oh, and I love the Tie the Knot necklace!

  8. Charlotte what a wonderful Post! Thank you! I absolutely truly enjoyed The Queen's Green Planet! I just finished watching it! Fabulous! it made me even more excited for all that Harry & Meghan will be able to do & inspire as they travel around the Commonwealth! How amazing that at 92, The Queen is still leading the way into the future & planting the way for years to come! :)

  9. Sarah Maryland USA20 April 2018 at 23:13

    Watch Kate give birth tomorrow. I start my second job for the summer (I am a teacher) I’ll be out on a boat all day wth spotty internet. Last time I was at work as well when Charlotte was born. So please kate wait until Sunday. You will then have my full attention

  10. Thank you Charlotte for another informative blog. I hope the next time I visit, there will be baby news!

  11. I also believe Kate’s due date is around the 23rd as the parking restrictions at The Lindo Wing are in place until the 30th. Going more than 1 week past your due date puts the baby at more risk. Hurry up and have this baby please!!!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden21 April 2018 at 15:12

      1 week? I'm not sure, but I think 2 weeks is the norm to let it go in the UK.

    2. Julia from Leominster22 April 2018 at 14:28

      That is true - usually nature is allowed to take its course as long as Mum is safe. Up until now, Kate's babies have come late.

      The queen's birthday was missed (and the fact William attended makes me think there were no signs of an immediate arrival.) We still have St George's day coming right up and the wedding anniversary. It would be nice if the birthday is a little different than Charlotte's - children do like their birthdays to be special.

      I actually wondered yesterday if Kate isn't thinking she could have planned this third baby better - she's missing a lot of important and historic events - as well as Harry's wedding being just weeks away. But she may not care. Zara was also absent - I wouldn't have expected her for the banquet - although I do think with the round tables, the pulled in more family members than usual. But I might have expected her at the concert- I'm thinking Peter was there - so her baby may be due any minute too!

    3. I’m sure she’s under excellent care. No need to worry or hurry!

  12. Thank you Charlotte for a wonderful post. I live in the Southern part of the USA (The South), and when a woman goes past her due date, the joke is to eat Mexican food and then drive on a bumpy dirt road, and the baby will "pop out".

    1. Anon, I too live in southern USA, but I haven't heard that one! Haha, but hey, whatever works. I played softball the day my first was born, and it worked well!! Enjoying this Kate watch with you guys.

    2. I heard five-alarm chili. The Cambridges like spicy Indian and Thai food. That might do it. And then chase after a couple of rowdy rug-rats.

  13. Have a feeling the royal birth will coincide with a Meghan appearance...and prove once again how very capable our Charlotte is!!

  14. I love, love, love this blog! I was thrilled to find the link here today to The Queen's Green Planet I've been hearing about it on the fabulous Podcast you recommended recently, On Heir, and I enjoyed watching it very much. You do an absolutely stunning job on this blog, Charlotte. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank you SO much!

  15. Excited for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Thank you, Charlotte.

  16. Thank you Charlotte for the extensive posts! Predictions: I believe that Kensington Palace will announce the birth of a baby boy on April 23rd, 2018. I think that Kate may rewear the green tweed Mulberry coat dress to leave the hospital.

    1. With the present temperatures in London she probably won't wear a coat at all.

  17. Was so fun seeing William so involved in the Commonwealth Banquet the Queen held. Loved seeing all BRF at the event. Of course can't wait to hear news of the the new baby arriving,

  18. Tick tock! Looking forward to more baby news... hopefully this weekend. :)

  19. Well really imformative everybody just or just msybe the arrival the royal baby will be next week i supposed my friends. Are telling my they placing their bets on april 23 or me on their wedding anniversary they will a gift

  20. I am checking Charlotte’s blog every few hours. I don’t want to miss the moment she steps out especially.

    1. I feel like we are members of The "Baby Cambridge Cambridge Check In Club"!! I saw a cute GIF on Twitter, of the questioned posted "Am I the only one who keeps refreshing their computer multiple times a day as I wait for news of Baby Cambridge #3?" It was combined with a GIF of a Cat hitting a keyboard madly! lol :)

    2. If only Charlotte could collect a dollar for every baby check . Lol.

  21. I wondered if today would be the day, baby Cambridge would make an appearance, HM birthday. What a double celebration that would have been :-). KP never release the exact date when babies are due, but I wonder if Kate is over her due date, and are they considering inducing her. Let's hope she's getting plenty of rest and staying cool. Being heavily pregnant during a heat wave, is never comfortable :-(

    1. The would not induce if everything is ok and until she is 2 weeks overdue.

  22. Rebecca - Sweden21 April 2018 at 15:19

    I would take the due date with a huge pinch of salt. I mean, it might very well be true, but I would not take it on the word of Emily. She's had a scoop here and there but mostly she throws stuff against the wall hoping something sticks and guessing due date is fairly safe since KP will never confirm or deny it. The baby will come when it's good and ready or when it's handed an eviction notice by the doctors. Either way I'm looking very much forward to it!

    Something I'm very interested in talking about though is the reports of William doing a masters! I've only seen it talked about on tumblr so far but the original source seems very reliable! Really intersting tidbit about William from the Royal Society of Medicin (Which gave William an honorary fellowship in January):

    "We had HRH Prince William here to receive an Honorary Fellowship in January. He managed to let slip that he is now doing a Masters in Pre Hospital Care, and said he would be delighted to come back to events related to this long term interest, and I am delighted to say, also to sample some of our offerings around mental health."

    He's doing a freaking masters! I love this guy!

    1. Rebecca, thank you for the link. What a fun read. No idea what a Masters in Pre Hospital is but good for him.

    2. That sounds somewhat authentic, doesn’t it. But why would William do such a degree now that he has left the ambulance service, unless he started it awhile back and intends to complete it anyway. Interesting.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden22 April 2018 at 16:27

      I suppose just for general personal development. Which I think will be good for him in the long run. A drive to learn will keep him interested in the job in the future. I'm very impressed that he's doing this even though he doesnt have to for a job.

  23. I love the joy the royals bring, as exemplified by Terry Hutt, The Union Jack Man on the royal bench. And I love how the royals babies bring everyone together. Really looking forward to the new arrival arriving!

  24. Like many others, I’m sure, I saw this post and thought “It’s happening!!” But no, we’re all still waiting. :)

    Thanks for including the link to The Queen’s Green Planet. I wanted to watch and but had forgotten all about it. Now I know what I will be doing later this afternoon! I do think it is so admirable that the Queen is so active and has such a purpose. I find that that quality is something I would like to emulate. She is much busier than I am and there are several decades between us!

    The “Unionjack Man”—I love how he’s personally known by the royal family. Very cool that he’s been a fixture for so long.

    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Natalie, I completely agree with you about The Queen. I found "The Queen's Green Planet" to be quite wonderful. This was such a significant & emotional week. Just knowing that The Queen will not travel to the Commonwealth Countries again or attend another CHOGM ever again....... & to see how determined she was to see the question of who would be the next Head of The Commonwealth settled, really got to me. She definitely seems to be wanting to settle certain concerns, while she is still with us. I'm sure it's a relief to her that Charles got the vote! Now she has Harry set up in his Commonwealth Trust position, as well as Harry & Meghan set up in their Commonwealth Youth position (I'm can't remember the exact title) but she knows things are in good hands with H&M! :) She has been so devoted to her Country & Commonwealth, that it is understandable that knowing she is leaving it in good hands, when the time comes, must be quite important to her! God Save The Queen! :) What a Woman! :)

    2. Loved the chat with "The Union Jack Man"! :)

    3. Yay, Union Jack Man!

  25. While we wait I'll share the story of why I missed all of the excitement of Charlotte's delivery. My husband and I were in Skopje Macedonia for his job. One of the folks there wanted to take us to see Lake Ohrid. It was a long beautiful drive and we stopped to have breakfast along the way. So we left before I knew Kate had gone to the hospital. We had lunch and dinner during the trip. The Lake is spectacular! When we arrived back at our hotel in the evening, Kate had already left the hospital!!!

    I really want to follow along the updates this time.

    1. Oh Mary, that is both funny & disappointing at the same time! :) Sounds like a lovely trip & day journey. I can picture you monitoring things, like the rest of us! It did all go so fast last time, that I too go to sleep at night, knowing that I may wake up one morning to find it's all done & she's already back home! lol :)

    2. Yes, Mary, I had forgotten how fast it all happened till I saw something today that stated she was admitted to the hospital, had princess Charlotte about 2 1/2hrs later and then didn't even spend that night! That kind of put it in perspective and sort of blew me away (although I guess I realized that at the time). Just forgot how abruptly it went.Wow!

  26. Kate in my thoughts. Best Wishes for a Happy Delivery.

  27. Seeing reports that Pippa is expecting (due October)! George, Charlotte, and baby Cambridge #3 will finally have a cousin (hopefully) to be followed by another cousin from uncle Harry and (soon to be) aunt Meghan.

    1. Remember cousin Zara’s baby will also be due shortly. So many exciting things to come!!

  28. 🌸 There is news out this morning that Pippa is 3 months pregnant.

  29. 🌸 How exciting. The Queen is actually the ruby and diamond necklace that Kate wore. The Queen must be so excited about that, lol. :)

    1. You know that the Queen loaned that to Kate right? Hehe.

  30. Oh How exciting for Pippa & The Middletons! :) Especially how exciting for Kate! How wonderful that the two sisters will be raising little babies together! Their children will both be born in 2018! :) I remember seeing some chats here about whether or not W&K were finished having children after George & Charlotte? Many thought she might want to have another so that she & Pippa could have babies close together. Now I don't know if that factored in, but that was the first discussion I remembered when I just read the news. :) I always had a hunch they might want another baby, if not another 2, but the longer it went, the more I thought maybe people were right that they would stop at 2. While I'm bummed that, as I'm doing my morning check in, I didn't find that Kate was having the baby, this is still exciting news to greet me this morning! :) Wishing a wonderful day to you all! :)

  31. In ‘The Queen’s Green Planet’, there is footage of a young Princess Elizabeth wearing a green dress with a tie around the neck. Did it remind anyone else of Catherine’s green maternity dress and coat worn recently?

  32. My younger sister and I have birthdays which are less than 4 weeks apart so when we were younger we had joint birthday parties. Since the new baby and princess Charlotte will have birthdays less than 1 week part I wonder if Kate will throw joint birthday parties for them.

  33. Totally off topic from sweet royal baby news... Seeing the picture of Kate and William fishing reminded me of how beautiful she is with her hair pulled back from her ears like that. She used to wear her hair like that more frequently and she doesn't as much these days. But it shows off her beautiful face, bone structure and eyes. Not sure why she doesn't wear it that way very often these days. Perhaps it's not considered a professional style?? My hair is just past my shoulders and I pull it back that way frequently. Just an easy quick, out of my face way to wear it and more often when I'm just at home or working in the yard. But I have wondered why we don't see that style on her much these days.

    Happy royal baby watching!


    1. I too do love that hair style on Kate! :) Loved those wonderful photos of them in Canada! :)

  34. 🌸 okay. so now there is

    Kate’s new baby
    Zara’s new baby
    Pippa’s new baby

    Harry and Meghan’s wedding
    Eugenie’s wedding

    And perhaps Harry and Meghan’s baby coming soon.
    Personally, I don’t think they will delay that in any way.

    1. Beautifully summed up,surfergirl!

    2. I used to think they'd wait till later the first year to start, but now I'm thinking it's full steam ahead for Harry & Meghan! lol :) Such Blessings with all these New Spouses & New Babies joining The Families!! :)

    3. But they are set to go to Australia in the fall/autumn. I think pregnancy will wait until after that journey, which may become a full blown tour down under. That will give them time to honeymoon, settle in, and enjoy the summer. Yes, Meghan's age is a factor, but I think they can wait a few months.

  35. Thanks Charlotte for all your hard work. I cannot tell you how many times I refresh to see if Baby Cambridge decides to finally arrive. Great news about Pippa. The Middleton family and Royal family are truly blessed this year. Kate and Zara on the Royal family side and Pippa and her brother in law on that side babies, babies and more babies. Plus two weddings. We are full to overflowing. What a great time for Royal watchers.

    Come on Baby Cambridge we are all eagerly awaiting your arrival. Safe delivery to Kate.

    1. So well said Rose! Blessings all around!! :)

  36. Evening all,

    It appears my initial thoughts that the birth will be on a weekend are quashed; as I can’t see the baby not being here by next week. In which case I’m on long placements in a hospital all week and I’ll be so disappointed if I can’t sit and enjoy the baby hype start to finish.

    There’s something frustrating about finding out through someone else making a flippant comment “oh that Kate’s in labour” or “aw Harry and Meghan are engaged”. I personally love the excitement building as my news page refreshes, or as I look to see my phone notifications. :D

    Let’s hope this baby makes an evening appearance this week or kate crosses her legs until Saturday.

    Happy great kate wait!

    1. Ha! Love the vision of Kate crossing her legs to accommodate us! lol :) Lady P, I'm totally with you on all fronts! There's nothing like the excitement of finding out via our own ways & being a part of it all! The other, hearing 2nd hand from someone else, is the pits! I hope you're able to somehow to be able to be a part of it real time in some possible way!! :)

  37. Quick question I we are in the states, but my daughter just returned from a 10 day trip to London. During this time, she took several train rides, and heard conversations around her. She asked about Baby Cambridge & Harry's wedding, only to be told that most people (at least on the many trains she took) didn't follow the royals or even know when these events were up take place. Could this really be true? I would have thought it would be topic of all conversations! Or was this some type of British humor on an American? Thanks.

  38. It’s happening :D

    This is going to be a great day!


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