Monday 23 April 2018

LIVE BLOG: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Welcome a Son!


Click here to view if video below is not working. The Royal Family Channel has a Livestream here and ABC News has a stream here.

Welcome to our Royal Baby Live Blog! We'll be with you throughout the day with timely updates, news items, photos, videos and much more. Newest updates will appear at the top of the post.

18:15 -  I'm going to begin working on the blog post now. A huge thank you to everyone who followed throughout the day. Below, a beautiful mother and son photo!

18:03 - A Prince of Cambridge!

18:00 - William and Kate with their prince - he was born just seven hours ago!

17:50 - They are coming out in a minute or so!

17:20 - Kensington Palace confirm Kate and Baby Cambridge will leave later this evening. George and Charlotte have already returned to KP.

16:57 - Prince George, in his school uniform, walked in with William and Charlotte to meet Baby Cambridge. Almost three years ago, George made the same trip to meet Charlotte :)

16:53 - Big sister Charlotte took the media attention in her stride and gave a couple of very regal waves :)

16:50 - A wave from Princess Charlotte, who celebrates her third birthday on 2 May. She has grown so much in recent months.

16:45 - Look who has arrived to meet the Prince :)

16:30 - As we wait for William to return, Uncle Harry and Meghan Markle are attending Stephen Lawrence's 25th Memorial service today. I thought we might hear a few words from Harry, but given the nature of the event it was obviously decided another time would be more appropriate. You can read more here.

Coincidentally, one of Kate's final engagements when she was expecting Charlotte was a visit to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust.

16:10 - Hours after the birth of his son, a smiling Prince William left the Lindo Wing to fetch George and Charlotte from Kensington Palace to meet their brother. William said he will be "back in a minute" :)

A video.

16:05 - A large Union Flag has been raised over Buckingham Palace and a State Standard over Windsor Castle to mark the birth of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's third child.

16:00 - The royal snappers waiting...taken by one of my favourite photographers James Whatling.

15:40 - At around 4pm, William is expected to return to Kensington Palace to tell George and Charlotte the news. It is very much expected he will bring them to the Lindo Wing to meet the newborn prince. We can expect memorable photos. I'm very much looking forward to it :)

15:20 - Fingers crossed! It would certainly be a delight to see George and Charlotte today.

14:35 - As is tradition, the framed birth notice was placed on display on a ceremonial easel on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.

14:15 - Sailors and Royal Marines from Plymouth-based HMS Albion spell out their best wishes to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their baby boy.

14:10 - The announcement in The Evening Standard.

13:55 - Omid Scobie shared details of the medical team present.

13:50 - From The Telegraph:

The new Prince of Cambridge is fifth in line to the throne and a younger sibling to Prince George and Princess Charlotte. The new-born baby becomes the first in history not to leapfrog a female sibling in the line of succession, reports Robert Mendick. Under the 2013 Succession to the Crown Act, the male-preference primogeniture was replaced with absolute primogeniture. The act meant any royal born after 28 October 2011 would precede his or her siblings, regardless of sex. It means Princess Charlotte remains fourth in line to the throne with the new (male) baby at fifth in line. Prince Harry drops down to sixth in line.

13:30 - The Town Crier makes the announcement.

13:20 - Roya Nikkhah reports there's a "every possibility" we'll see George and Charlotte visiting their little brother later today. Nothing decided yet.

13:05 - The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101 hrs. The baby weighs 8lbs 7oz. Both mother and baby are doing well. The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and the Middleton family have all been informed. They are delighted!

Congratulations William and Kate :)

13:02 - It's a boy!

12:40 - Kay Burley chats with royal fans at the Lindo Wing.

12:05 - Kate's stylist Natasha Archer has been photographed leaving the Lindo Wing. You can view images on the Mail Online.

11:40 - Kensington Palace just shared this tweet: "The world’s media are gathered outside the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital ahead of the birth of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s third child."

11:20 - Sky's Rhiannon Mills and Kay Burley discuss Kate's medical team.

10:50 - Victoria Arbiter notes "Baby Cambridge number 3 will be the Queen & Prince Philip’s 6th great grandchild. Prince George is currently outnumbered as the only boy!"

10:45 - A happy couple leaving St Mary's with their newborn baby were greeted with applause by the media.

The new dad decided to take a snap for the photo album :)

10:15 - Baby Cambridge will share his/her birthday, April 23, Shirley Temple, Roy Orbison and Lady Gabriella Windsor. In fact, Lady Gabriella was born at the Lindo Wing on this day in 1981.

10:05 - It's a very exciting time for the Middleton family. Michael and Carole Middleton will welcome their third grandchild today and the fourth is already on the way. Several Sunday papers reported Pippa and James Matthews are expecting their first child. The couple, who married last May, are said to be past the 12 week point with the baby due in October. It's wonderful news all round!

09:55 - According to reporter Emily Andrews, today is in fact Kate's due date. Today is St George's Day, England's national day.

More from The Telegraph:

'St George’s Day, 23 April, has been celebrated as a saint’s day in England since before the Norman conquest. In later medieval times, George’s status increased when he became the official patron saint of England. Surprisingly, however, he was not English, and never visited England. (In any event, England did not exist in his day – it was still Britannia).
Tradition says George was a Roman soldier from Turkey. He was supposedly tortured for seven years, executed and resurrected three times, and finally beheaded at Lydda (now Lod in Israel). There is no precise date for his martyrdom, but tradition maintains he died in Diocletian’s persecutions of AD 303.  His story spread in various forms.
The promotion of St George to be England’s patron saint was largely owing to the support of the monarchy. King Edward I of England (1272–1307) was highly attached to George, and used his red cross on armour and battle banners. When King Edward III created the Most Noble Order of the Garter in 1348, he used the cross of St George as its main device, and instituted the order on St George’s Day. By 1351 it was recorded that St George was “the most invincible athlete of Christ, whose name and protection the English race invoke as that of their patron, in war especially”.

09:40 -
People reports the Duchess was admitted around 6 am:

'The royal mom was admitted before 6 a.m. (U.K. time) to the same hospital where she gave birth to Prince George and Princess Charlotte.'

When Kate had Charlotte, she was admitted at 6 am and the birth announcement followed shortly after 11 am. It's quite possible the little prince or princess has already been born :)

09:10 - ABC News is running a Livestream at the moment. I'm not sure how long it will be available for, however, I expect more to become available as the morning progresses.

09:00 - Do you think Baby Cambridge is a boy or a girl? A reminder of your winning name guesses from our poll :)

09:00 - Reporter Simon Perry shared a brief video from the Lindo Wing. We can expect to see the media pen fill up rather quickly.

08:45 - Hello and welcome to our Live Blog! We'll be without you throughout the day as updates emerge. Wishing Kate a safe and healthy delivery!

08:20 - The Duchess of Cambridge is in labour. Kate was admitted to St Mary's Hospital, Paddington earlier this morning.


  1. Replies
    1. I was kind of expecting a heightened security presence at the hospital this week which would have signalled that we were getting close to the birth. So I was really surprised this morning when it was announced that she was in labour. What exciting news to start the week off with! Hoping for a little Princess Victoria :)

      the warmest congratulations to the proud parents and the siblings of the newborn Prince!
      and it's time to add to the "Kate's calendar" today's big date 23.04 - when her third child was born, her second son< isn't?:)))

  2. So exciting! Thanks in advance for all your good work, Charlotte! 💙

  3. Just opened this up on my first day back from school (I am a school teacher in England originally from the US) and am very excited! I am a huge Shakespeare fan so having the Royal Baby born on the day we think Shakespeare was most likely born on is very cool.

  4. Yayyy super duper excited..... I really feel like they're my own family... So so happy ❤ Lots of love and best wishes from the biggest fan from India ❤❤❤

  5. I've got my fingers crossed that if it's a boy they call him Arthur Charles Phillip!! My nephew's name is Arthur Charles so then I could buy him all the cutest little prince outfits :D

    1. My sister's and I are all named after british Princesses too - Amelia, Eugenie, and Elizabeth

  6. Best of luck to her, hope all goes well.

  7. I am hoping for Alexandra or Alexander as that's my name - also I think it is nice that it is also one of the Queen's middle names and it would be lovely to honor her.

    1. Since they used Alexander for George I am pretty sure they won't use it again.

  8. This is so exciting!! Good luck to HRH for the birth. Hope all goes well.

  9. Yayyy! OMGosh! I am up in the middle of the night over here & I just thought I'd give one more check in!! Wow!!! :)

    1. I did the same! Now I dont want to go to bed and miss anything

    2. Oh Honeydre, I Know!!!!! Especially when I read how Charlotte was reminding us that with Charlotte she went in at 6:00 a.m. & The formal announcement came by 11:00 a.m. !!! I remembered it went so fast, but I didn't remember it went That Fast!!! I just remember how the reporters were all so caught off guard, as they were hunkered down for a long wait! lol :)

    3. Hi becca usa i follow you in twitter id you dont mind

  10. I think it’s a boy, but I also thought Charlotte would be a boy! I’m going for Philip Arthur James.

  11. It looks like it might be St. George's Day - very nice. Best wishes that all goes well - the same for our expectant mum's here too.

  12. Enter the world in the best way little one ❤❤ may your birth be an easy one xxx
    Mary Alexandra or the other way..
    I agree with the boys name ��

  13. aahhh!!! yay! did I miss it? is there any news? Time differences confuse me, so have no idea if I'm late to the party or not.

    Sharyn from AUS (having IT issues, and can't add my name)

    1. Hello Sharyn,

      KP just announced Kate's in labour an hour ago :)

    2. Sharyn from AUS23 April 2018 at 09:45

      wow! thanks for replying! I'm fan girling for lots of reasons now! hahaha

  14. How exciting! I’m wondering if she’s had inductions with her children as the trend has been that she always goes to hospital first thing in the morning. I think a bit of planning would go into the birth of a Royal baby. Can’t wait to hear the news!

    1. I agree with you. Was thinking the same. Also we don't know how much earlier she was admitted this morning. She may have gone in the middle of the night - maybe in the hope that the car wouldn't be so easily spotted in the dark.

    2. It's said that she was admitted at 6:00 a.m. tho it wasn't announced until about 8:00 a.m. Charlotte reminded us that with Princess Charlotte, Kate was admitted at 6:00 a.m. & Princess Charlotte's Birth Announcement came at 11:00 a.m.!! I knew it was fast, but hadn't remembered it was that fast!

    3. I would imagine she has chosen to labour at home for longer with subsequent deliveries. The first time you really don’t know how it is going to go so often women go in quite early. Then they realise they could have done the hard yards in the comfort of their own home (in Kate’s case I reckon KP is pretty comfy!).

      I would be surprised (and disturbed) if Kate chose to be induced just to fit it in with a schedule. Not to mention induction births are mightily unpleasant so why would you CHOOSE to do it that way?

    4. I agree with you Kate - I'm certain there was great caution the first time - but also the Cambridges did not yet have their flat in Kensington Palace ready as I recall when George was born - they were still in the cottage - so it would not have been as comfortable or large.

    5. It could just be her body clock. I was induced with my eldest because I was 10 days late but my next two I went into labour at around 5am with both of them. I laboured at home for a bit and then went in. One was born at 11.10am and 2 years later the youngest was born at 11.30am.

    6. @Julia if I recall correctly they were still living in Anglesey back then

    7. I too am thinking she was induced. If the due date was the 23rd, the doctor probably decided if she hadn’t delivered by the due date, he would induce. Arriving at the hospital at 6 am for two consecutive births, and this one on the exact due date, seems a little too coincidental. . I’m not judging anybody here, just making an observation.

    8. Kate, I'm with you. I think she was more cautious the first time around but now she labours at home for as long as possible. They're so close to the hospital.

  15. So glad I checked before going to bed here in California! Text my sister in Iowa to make sure she wouldn't miss this either. Praying for a healthy, safe, and speedy delivery!

  16. Thanks for the live coverage link! I was looking for Max Foster CNN & could' t find him! He did a great job last time

  17. Up in the middle of the night with two toddlers. So excited to read this! I’m still thinking girl! 💕🌸🎀

    1. Me Too!! If we are up in the middle of the night, This is The Best Treat!!! lol :)

    2. Your toddlers are so nice to keep you awake for the all the updates on Kate lol ;)

  18. Does anyone know approximately how long she labored in hospital with George or Charlotte? So excited!!

    1. With George it was almost 12 hours, with Charlotte two and a half. I do hope this time it will be quick and safe again.

  19. I can't believe it's today, I expected later this week. :) My guess is still a girl!

  20. So Crazy Exciting!!! Charlotte I left my first response on your twitter feed! :) & you kindly answered my question. It was about where to find a feed & as directed I came back here! So Excited, that of Alllll The Nights that I couldn't sleep.... It's Tonight! 3:39 a.m. here in Chicago!! lol :) I'm not going back to bed now!!! :) xo To All! :)

  21. I'm hoping for Victoria or Alexandra for a girl & Philip or James for a boy :)

  22. The baby will be born-today -on April 23.I wish to

  23. A baby born on St Georges Day! Hope all goes well, and Baby Cambridge arrives safe and sound. With this being the third, let's hope for Mum's sake, it's not a long labour.
    I'm thinking a boy, Arthur(it's one William's names) Philip(in honour of Prince Philip) Michael(Kate's Father).

  24. What a great news before I go to work; Kate may have the baby by the time I come home. All my hour and half break will be dedicated to baby watching throughout the day. May you have an easy labor, and enjoy the day with your family.

    Hello Charlotte,

    Thank You for creating a blog for a pleasant stop, a familiar place and a reliable news.

    Have a wonderful day.

  25. The baby will be born today-on April 23 at Saint George's Day. !! The baby will be born safely and the mother Duchess Catherine will get well !!!!

    1. I'm assuming it will be on St George's day, although of course you never know.

    2. 🌸 I am feeling all huggie this morning with the excitement of the baby coming. Hugs to you Pippin. 🐾

  26. Steph from Canberra23 April 2018 at 08:47

    Yay!! My husband just nudged me to show me the news on our local news site (he knows me too well!) And I was disappointed I missed the announcement as I've been checking your blog every hour lol.

    I wanted to share though - I've just spent the afternoon at the Cartier exhibition here at our national gallery, where I saw the Halo tiara as worn by Kate at her wedding!! I was so excited! A whole stack of royal jewels were there as well as Hollywood jewels and from other wealthy families. I couldn't wait to share with everyone - it definitely passed a few hours of the Great Kate Wait x3!!

    1. 🌸 that is so cool, Steph. Was the tiara even more sparkly in person?

    2. Steph from Canberra23 April 2018 at 14:16

      It was amazing! We tried to take photos but they didn't come out too well because it was just too glittery!

  27. How exciting!!
    I really hope they don’t go with Philip if it’s a boy, I think it’s such a daggy name for a baby (no offence to anyone who’s named their baby Philip!). But I did call one of my boys Arthur and I know people feel the same about that (because they’ve told me ha ha) so I guess it’s each to their own... it would be a lovely tribute.
    Such a special day for their family... I still think boy but would be equally thrilled either way. I guessed the 23rd and here we are, woohoo!

    I hope they have G & C visit, I think my ovaries will explode seeing the whole family together & that new squishy bundle <3

  28. Courtney from NC23 April 2018 at 09:07

    So exciting! Praying for a healthy mum and baby and a quick and easy labor!

    1. Courtney from NC23 April 2018 at 09:24

      Had to go back to find my name guesses: I think it's a girl.amd my names are:

      Victoria Alexandra Grace
      Arthur Michael Phillip Albert

    2. Courtney, I love the girl name you chose - maybe they will have a fourth and name her Victoria. That is such a beautiful name and so perfect for a princess. :)

  29. hmm i love the live feed hmm my excitement is to high i bet it would be a be a boy hmm i hope and pray it would be fast and safety delivery whatever it comes

  30. Charlotte, I have wondered (after Charlotte arrived so fast last time) do you think after George's birth, that she possibly labored at KP with Medical Coverage & then went into Hospital when she was getting close? I'd think that would be sort of a happy medium between a Home birth & Hospital Birth! Has anyone else pondered that like me? If so, I'm wondering if she did that again this time?

    1. I know nothing about childbirth but my guess is a natural birth becomes easier after the firt one. So maybe for the second birth and especially for the 3rd, it'll be much faster. And i would say (just my personal opinion) that a mother in labour would want the doctor to examine her as soon as she is in labour so they know everything is going fine.

    2. That’s probably a good guess Becca. I’ve read that she has given birth without the use of an epidural (which makes sense when I think about how fast she left after Charlotte) so staying home as long as possible is def an option for her. I don’t know how she does it though—or how any woman does it for that matter—when I got to the hospital and they asked for my name, I said (according to my husband) “Aaagghh I need an epidural NOW!!” Lol

    3. I was wondering if she had home treatment, just like she's had during her HG. If she had a Dr., Nurse or Midwife to check how far she was dialated, she could better gage when she wanted to go to the hospital. I had loong labors & having a husband who was an OB/Gyn really helped! For each baby when I'd start contractions, sometimes false labor.... I'd wake him & we had a box of gloves on his nightstand so he could check me & often he'd say "No Change" & roll back over & go back to sleep! lol Meanwhile I'd be up with a baby very ready to get out, but not that ready! lol It was really helpful in avoiding needless trips to Labor & Delivery. The really funny part was when he'd decide when we were going in! Such as Hubby = "We are not going in until you are 4 centimeters" Me = We'll go in when I Say it's time to go in & I want the security or pain relief & comfort of going in!! lol :) My labors were so long that I would be exhausted but not productive then I'd get to the 1/2 way point & it'd just go then really fast! Funnily during one of our labors, he was wiped from having been on call delivering other babies & here he was back in with me. So he was resting in a chair next to my bed, in his scrubs & this snippy nurse came in & looked at him & said "Dr......" you have a patient that is in labor in room #?" He looked up groggily & said "& I have a Wife in labor in This Room!" lol :) It was a really funny moment because she was so embarrassed & I just smiled & waved as she turned to exit the room! lol :)

    4. I just can't imagine changing locations in the middle of child birth! i remember that going to the bathroom was a very big adventure and very difficult as well and totally took me out my bubble/comfort zone in which i was birthing so relaxed and concentrated. If i would have to change locations i would go as soon as i know the baby is coming!

    5. 🌸 cute stories, Becca. :)
      I remember my husband had to tie my tennis shoes as I dressed to go to the hospital to deliver. There was no way I could reach my feet at that time. He got down on one knee and tied them for me. He stayed so calm and collected.❤️

    6. 🌸 lol. that’s funny, Natalie. :)

    7. Childbirth Truly is such a unique experience for each Mother & sometimes for each Baby, from each Mother! lol :) Mine were always such a To Do, & of course my Hubby seemed to have so many women who had such easy quick births. I mean like, "I'm having a bit of back pain" - "oh Mam, you are ready to go!" So when things would be going on & on with me, Only Once did he say "Well I just had a patient who......" & You can Imagine "The Glare I gave him as I said, Well THIS Patient is having a Different Experience!!!" So He never said Boo, again!! Wise Man!!! lol :) xo

  31. Fortunely I leave school and I can observe your Twitter all the time.I can 't believe that it 's going on.

  32. Okay so she/he will miss my bday by 5 days. Okay fine. But it's my best friends bday today and i'm super excited now!

  33. We are lucky you are not at work now and can provide us with timely updates :)
    Thank You :)

  34. Rebecca - Sweden23 April 2018 at 09:30

    Iiiiiih!! It's happening :D So excited!

    1. Courtney from NC23 April 2018 at 10:09

      I know, right!?! Who would have imagined when we started commenting on this blog we would be here? It's been a fun handful of years since her first pregnancy was announced

  35. So interesting watching the live feed! Some of the people have no idea what's going on, and others are there just to get on TV or have a selfie it seems. I'm glad I don't have the job of guarding that door today!

    1. 🌸 Me too, Alison. That one guard there doesn’t seem very formidable. I am sure they have the perimeter there secured though even though we can’t see the personnel.

  36. Pam from Boston23 April 2018 at 09:36

    Woke up at 5 am - earlier than usual due to still being on UK time - but woke up wide awake with the feeling that KP had made the announcement Kate had gone to hospital, so checked and sure enough saw the tweet from KP. Just wishing this had been yesterday as I'd been home all day! Now I have to leave for work in a couple hours then of course will actually need to work when I get there! So hoping the news of the birth comes soon!

  37. Yay! Hoping for an Alice Mary Caroline!

  38. I am praying for safe delivery.I hope that in the afternoon we can enjoy new,healthy princess or prince.Good luck,Kate !

  39. Yes!! It’s happening!! Even though we’ve been waiting for weeks, I was so surprised to see this post when I checked the blog this morning. Luckily all I have planned for this morning/afternoon is some grocery shopping, which I will gladly put off!

  40. This is all so exciting. I hope she has a easy labor and that they have a healthy little one. Does anyone know how they avoid cameras when she enters the hospital - is there another entrance? I’ve wondered about that since George was born.

    I woke up this morning here in the US and this is the first thing I pulled up on my phone and its all very exciting. Wishing health and happiness for this new prince or princess & Kate.

    1. They used a dicreet back door last time and early morning.

  41. Charlotte,also Leatia Maria,daughter of Princess Astrid from Belgium was born 23th of April.

  42. 🌸 OH JOY, OH JOY 🎉
    Safe delivery for mom and baby. Is St. George’s Day a bank holiday there? Are schools, government offices, etc. closed on St. George’s Day?

    Woke up in the middle of the night and decided to quickly stop by and voila’. SO excited. 😊

    I imagine the Palaces are abuzz with excitement.

  43. I am traveling today with much time spent at the airport. Guess I know what I will be doing!! Here’s to a safe delivery. I think it is a boy. Time will tell.

    Hope from USA

  44. How about fixing the live stream on top of the site, pl? That would be very convenient.

    1. Hello,

      The stream seems to be working fine for me. Are you experiencing issues?

    2. 🌸 Here’s what’s happening with the live stream here in San Diego. It will come on for a few minutes and then the screen goes blank. I just keep going in and out of the blog to redirect it when I want to see what’s going on the live stream. So cool that I can be in San Diego, warm and comfy, in my jammies (It’s 3:58 a.m. here now), and watching what’s going on in London, England in real time. wow. 😊 Thank you, Charlotte.

    3. I am not havin any troubles. just scrolling down all the time is annoying. I don't want to miss what you continiously post.

    4. I meant pinning the live stream on top of the site. Sorry. E is not my mother tongue.

  45. 🌸 Eager to see what Kate will be wearing. Will it be a “Kate thing” at all?
    No wonder Kate did not attend the Queen’s birthday festivities.

    1. Genuinely curious what you mean by a "Kate thing"? Not trying to be rude or anything.

  46. Has the Lindo Wing always had mirrored doors? Or did they change them when the royals started coming here.

  47. Urgh! It’s 3:48 am San Francisco time. Can’t go back to sleep until this baby is born. God bless Kate as she labors & get this baby BORN! ❤️
    Beth in SF

  48. Kate, Texas, USA23 April 2018 at 10:50

    SO excited! Praying for a wonderful and safe delivery for mom and baby!

    1. 🌸 ditto, Kate from Texas. (good to hear from you)

  49. So exciting!! The images of That Door give me goose bumps every time they come up on screen - my husband and I were the lucky couple exiting that door with our bundle of joy 4.5 years ago - just a couple of months after George's birth. Very very very precious memories! We even took a photo at the steps of Lindo as we were getting out, for fun, as you do ;-) and I used to show it to my friends saying: this is the day I had MY Princess! :-) I am going to dig out that photo again, it's very special to me.... Good luck Kate! She is in very safe hands there, the best medical team and staff in the world!

    1. Very cool! I’m watching the live stream and a little while ago a family came out with their newborn and had their picture taken too. That would be such a cool memory to have!

  50. So excited! Kate and Charlotte both had Saturday birthdays, and William and George were both born on a Monday. I think it’s another little prince in keeping with this pattern :)

    1. Lol, you were right. It is really quite funny how their birthdays all worked out like that.

  51. 🌸 awhh. That is so sweet, 11:57.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Does this mean that Baby Cambridge is here yet? :)

  54. 11:57, what a sweet story.

    Watching the livestream now. Hoping to see them exit before I leave for work.

  55. Hmm i love if they have the twins

  56. I have the livestream on in my living room. What an exciting Monday! It’s fun—I’m watching people take pictures in front of the doors to the Lindo Wing.

  57. Natasha Archer looked quite tense and preoccupied leaving hospital. Perhaps we are in for a long day.

    1. 🌸 She did look tense and very preoccupied.

  58. Anyone else having trouble getting the live stream to work? I keep getting “error” messages. Help!! :-)

    1. 🌸 I keep getting a CNN pop up and then the error message.

  59. Police officer is getting restless 😬

  60. When do they shut down the street to cars (and people?)

    1. I would guess shortly before the family is about to leave.

  61. Greybird: I too thought she looked tense but it could be that the baby is here already and she was focusing on not giving anything away, attempting a stone face 🙂

    1. Sharyn from AUS23 April 2018 at 12:05

      Jen, I also thought she was trying to keep a straight face so not to give anything away. I think the baby has arrived, which is why Natasha Archer was there. She wouldn't take clothes in to the hospital while Kate was in labour, right?

  62. You can tell the difference between the locals and the tourists passing by. Locals are focused and walking fast, to school or work. The tourists stroll by and take pics.

    1. Haha, yeah. Or they are royalists who want to say "I was there"! :)

  63. This is so exciting!!!!!! Love your Live-Blogs, Charlotte! I hope the Duchess has a safe delivery and the baby is healthy! Can't wait to hear the gender and name! I will be refreshing this page a ton!!!

  64. Birth announcement is up on KP Twitter!

  65. Oh they have to name him Arthur now that hes born on st Georges day! 🎉 Arthur Philip Michael!

    1. Prince Arthur is kind of cute. I`m still a bit partial to a little Prince Phillip. :)

  66. It's a boy!!! Dicono in Italia

  67. It’s a boy! Congratulations to William and Kate, George and Charlotte! 👶🏼

  68. Just saw it's a BOY! Oh, how lovely!

  69. Not going to lie, I'm kinda disappointed it's a boy! There's just something more fun about Princesses

    1. I`m kind of with you. I really couldn`t make up my mind. But I suppose it will be nice for PG to have a brother to support him. Anyway, they say a healthy baby is all that matters, so.

    2. I agee silvereyed. But then again, Charlotte does strike me as the sort of feisty little girl to be surrounded by brothers 🙂

    3. Princesses are so much fun.

    4. I'm kind of disappointed because all my name guesses were for girls and I was totally rooting for Adelaide lol. To be honest I think it's always more difficult to find a pretty name for a boy. I love Henry but that's out because it's Harry's name. Then I like James but there's already so many James's in the family so I think not. So I vote Arthur. Arthur Henry James :)

    5. Oh, Charlotte definitely can handle two brothers. And perhaps she is a bit of a tomboy who will enjoy having boys to rough around with.

    6. I am not disappointed at all. This way each is very special. The first because of being the future king, the second because of being a girl and the third because he is a boy.

  70. A boy! I guessed right! :) Congratulations William and Kate!! 💙💙💙💙💙

  71. Yay a boy!!! Congratulations Kate and William and family.

  72. Congratulations William and Kate! I'm so happy for you! I was sure it would be boy! Wonderful news for George and Charlotte! A little brother to cuddle!

    Elisabeth, Carcassonne

  73. Congrats to Kate Will and their families! My guess is Philip Charles Michael for a name

  74. Charlotte, do you think that Prince William will leave to go get George and Charlotte and bring them to visit? Also when do you think Kate will leave with her new baby prince?

  75. Ah a boy ! So pleased for them ! Glad to hear that all went well, and Mum and baby are doing well. Excited to see first glimpses of the new baby :-)

  76. 🌸 It’s a boy. 🤴
    Someone to help Prince George give Princess Charlotte a run for the money, lol.

    Thanks for the additional livestream links, Charlotte. :)

    1. Kate has said that Princess Charlotte is in charge. Either this boy will help "even out the playing field" or he will be another loyal subject for "Queen Charlotte", lol.

    2. Queen Charlotte lol :) I love feisty little girls, hoping to have one myself one day!!

  77. hmm congratulation to the duke and duchess of Cambridge all guess are right now the question is when will leave the lindo wing and if we will see the cambridges family to we expect prince george and princess charlotte the duke is giving a sign a her last appearance in aston villa

  78. Had such an hectic morning that I missed everything....argh! But just saw....the baby is born! A boy! I'm thrilled! Hope George & charlotte will visit their little brother, but I doubt. Hope Kate and the baby are doing fine and can get some rest.

    Ps great the family with the newborn baby had a "Lindo wing" moment :-)

  79. That took longer than we expected! I wonder what time they will come out to show us the little one? And what DOC will wear? Do you think PW will bring PG and PC to visit their baby brother, or is that too hard on his own now that there are two of them to bring? I have a feeling this labour was hard, they might keep us waiting a while longer yet. But I hope they come out before it's midnight in Australia (east coast)!

  80. Anyone else hoping that maybe, just maybe, Will and Kate will go for #4 in hopes that it will be a girl to even things out?!

    1. Haha yes, me! But I don't really think so because I believe Kate is trying to recreate the family of 5 she grew up with and was so happy with :)

    2. I hope she has four! For some reason, I feel like I’ve read somewhere that they wanted four.

  81. I predict green as to the color of the dress! 😊

    1. Purple or orange.

    2. Has Kate ever worn orange in public? I can`t remember. She has worn purple but very rarely (once, maybe twice?) Somebody help me out if I`m wrong here.

  82. She must have incredibly fast births or go to the hospital at the very last minute considering how fast she delivers! What a great day! Looking forward to seeing baby boy. I knew it was a boy!

    1. It took her over ten hours with George. Would not call that fast.

  83. I can't wait to hear the name! I bet his first name will be Arthur! I wouldn't doubt Philip is in there somewhere! I was betting it was going to be a girl, but I'm happy it's a boy! Now, Princess Charlotte will make history being the first female in-line to the throne before a boy. Also, I have a son and they are splendid!

    How long did it take to hear George and Charlotte's name? Wasn't it a couple days?

    1. Charlotte was born on Saturday and I think it was Monday or Tuesday when they announced the name. Probably was similar timing with George. It would be nice if they announced the name a little bit sooner.

    2. Yes, congrats to Princess Charlotte as well for making history today! It'll be a while before she understands the significance but I'm sure she'll look back on it with pride :)

    3. We had to wait two days before to know their names :-)

    4. It is pretty neat that Princess Charlotte is making history by holding onto her spot.

  84. For the name, Arthur Philip Francis!

  85. Like his father and his brother, the baby boy is born on a Monday ;-)

  86. I love all the other new parents coming out and taking photos on the steps with their brand new baby. Also love how the police officer on the steps is trying to stay out of the way.

    1. I know! I’ve been watching them, they’re all so cute. I would totally be doing that too if I’d just given birth there!

  87. So, what do you guys think Kate will wear? I am hoping against hope that she will not wear red. After wearing polka dots for George, red for the second son would be too much. In my opinion, Kate should be trying to cultivate her own path for these historic occasions as opposed to copying Diana. Also I do not mean anything bad by saying that.

    1. I think she's going to wear green :)

    2. Susan in Florida23 April 2018 at 14:12

      I hope she wears red, I keeps Diana in their hearts. Of course Miss Meghan could wear red if and when she and Harry are blessed with a child. Is there an official color for St George’s Day ? If she leaves the hospital today, that would be a nice choice.

  88. Hello,

    Absolutely wonderful news!

    Reporters on the scene believe there's "every possibility" we'll see George and Charlotte visiting their little brother :)

    1. I would love that!!!!! Cuteness overload!!!!

    2. We haven`t seen George and Charlotte for soo long. Our most up-to-date photos of George ares his school photos in September, right? And Charlotte`s photos in January are the last time we saw her (if you don`t count the glimpses of them at the Queen`s Christmas luncheon.) I would imagine George and Charlotte have grown quite a bit.

  89. Susan in Florida23 April 2018 at 12:56

    God Bless this little boy ! My husband woke me up to tell me. As to what time the Duchess was admitted, the press could have been told it was 6 am , when it could have been another time. Or as some have said, the Duchess labored at home for a while with a doctor,, nurse, or midwife. I hope Prince William brings the little siblings in private to see their brother. I don’t think they need to be paraded before the press.

  90. Can't wait to see Prince George and Princess Charlotte visiting their new brother!

    I love seeing the couples who are taking their new babies home on the steps of the Lindo Wing take photos! So sweet.

    Do you think this will be Will & Kate's last child?

    1. Considering their royal duties are picking up and the tough time she has with pregnancies, I think this is their last baby. I was surprised they even had a 3rd (I think they may have been surprised too considering the timing!).

    2. I do. The comment from sources close to Kate prior to the wedding was that she wanted to have "3 before 35" - she hasn't quite made the time limit but I imagine this will be her last baby.

    3. Mmm, Kate said she wanted at least three kids but that was before she got pregnant with George. Probably finding out that she would suffer from HG changed things a bit. I think she wanted three kids because she was one of three. And it`s kind of neat that she has achieved that but with two boys and a girl instead of two girls and a boy.

    4. I read that Kate wants four children so wait and see.

    5. I agree! I think this will be their last. Plus, 3 little ones is a lot! And they're all pretty close together.

      We still have Harry and Meghans future children to get excited about!

    6. Well, since the Queen was reigning when Andrew AND Edward arrived I guess she, Catherine, could well have another one, Penny.

  91. Now I hope Zara and Pippa have boys so that the little guy will have male cousins close to his age. I am tickled blue. Thank you Charlotte for your live blog and livestream (I've got my tablet with live feed and phone to type on). It's great to be with everyone, too, as we share in another exciting day.

    1. I hope for one of each. Someone close enough to Charlotte so that she has a cousin/playmate closer to her age than her older female cousins. I had nothing but boy cousins and was left (pushed) out of everything. Without playmates I spent my childhood hanging around adults who sort of tolerated my presence with pity.

  92. Somehow so funny we just got the date and the gender right this time ;)

  93. Name ideas anyone? I favour Prince Arthur or Prince Phillip. I know Henry and James are popular too but I highly doubt it will be either because of Harry and then James is Prince Edward`s son.

  94. Hi Charlotte!
    As always you make a perfect job on your blog.
    Thank you so much.
    I look forward to see them leave the Lindo Wing.

  95. This is the first thing I checked when I woke up. So exciting! Congratulations to the Cambridge family! A boy! I was right!! I hope mom and baby are doing well!!

  96. Congratulations to the entire family!! I hoped for a girl all along the way, but I'm very happy for the little boy! I'll be happy about any name but Albert. :)

  97. Watching the live stream and there are several more police officers near the entrance. Hope that means they may leave soon? How long after Charlotte`s birth was it before they left the hospital?

    1. They left the hospital quite soon after Charlotte's birthday, about 12 hours later, and Kate looked exhausted. I don't think they're leaving quite so soon. Kate's parents will likely visit, and we'll probably see William leave and come back with the kids.

  98. Zora from Prague23 April 2018 at 13:23

    So excited and happy!!!! Congratulations!We wish the little Prince all the best!

  99. Oooh, they are setting up traffic cones and a some sort of yellow ramp!

  100. I was right, it's a boy! Prediction: Kate will wear green to leave the hospital.

  101. We all know Catherine und the midwife did most of the work. So why is the latter not mentioned in the tweet?

  102. I predict Kate will wear green when leaving the hospital. Secondary guess, she will rewear her green Mulberry coat (with the large buttons).

  103. Yay!!!!! I'm traveling and celebrating a birthday on this end too!! How special is this!?

    Congratulations to the Cambridge's and Middleton's. Hope Kate and baby are doing well. 🌞💐👍

  104. Jessica in Los Angeles23 April 2018 at 13:40

    How exciting! I woke up here in California to this great news! Congratulations to them.
    I actually laughed out loud at the couple photographed leaving with their own baby. What a story to tell! I would love to see the dad’s photo to see what it looks like from their perspective.

    I can’t wait to see the photos of George and Charlotte visiting their new brother.

  105. Aww, a baby boy. How cute!
    Looking forward to the first photos/exiting from Lindo.
    Thank you once again for your excellent, live blog Charlotte!

  106. Blessings to Will, Kate & Baby Prince Cambridge! :) xo I had been up since the middle of the night, happened to check in just after it was announced she was checked in. I stayed awake with all my devices on & they I went & dosed off & missed the actual announcement! Ughhh! I can' t wait to see George & Charlotte come to see their new baby brother for the first time! :) xoxo

  107. I imagine George is super happy to have a little brother. :)

  108. I like Philip Francis Michael.....I also think John might be nice in there somewhere. Just hoping not Arthur or Albert.

    I am disappointed we won't get to find out what girls' names would have been chosen!

  109. Turned on my iPad when I woke up, and was greeted by a headline, Duchess of Cambridge has a new son. I had thought this was the likely day, after things settled down in London. I believe Kate has been induced for each of her births, and that her due date was two eeks ago. Princess Charlotte will now have two brothers to look out for. She appears to be fully able to manage them. ;-)

    Great coverage, Charlotte! Thanks for the story of St. George.

    Watch for the Load More button at.200 comments and at each 50 thereafter. They are accumulating rapidly.

  110. I was online checking the Meghan page forgetting that Kate's due date was here. What a wonderful surprise! Praying for safety & health for mom & baby! Thanks for the live stream. It's working perfectly for me. I'll keep it on in the background in case of an appearance. So exciting!!

  111. I bet one of his middle names will have to be George

  112. Steph from Canberra23 April 2018 at 14:20

    Trying to stay awake as I don't want to miss any action!

    In the polls I think I voted for James, but I've changed my mind and am gunning for Arthur. Its a sweet name. It's a bit like George - its grown on me.

  113. So chuffed that it’s a boy!! Such an exciting time for them! Thank you for the updates and the live feed! Looking forward to learning his name!


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