Monday 23 April 2018

William and Kate Introduce Their Beautiful Baby Boy!

On a sunny St George's Day morning the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed their third child, a son, at St Mary's Hospital.

The Prince of Cambridge is simply darling.

It all began shortly after 8 am when Kensington Palace confirmed the Duchess had been admitted to the Lindo Wing at 6 am in "the early stages of labour". Kate travelled from the Palace by car with William. There was a flurry of excitement from royal fans and the media frantically assembled outside the hospital.

At 1.05 pm, the Palace confirmed the Duchess had been safely delivered of a son weighing 8 lbs 7 oz at 11.01 am. Mother and baby were doing very well and the Palace added that members of both families were "delighted".

More from the Telegraph on the medical team present:

'The senior medical team that looked after Kate during her labour were named by Kensington Palace, with Guy Thorpe-Beeston, surgeon gynaecologist to the royal household, and consultant gynaecologist Alan Farthing, surgeon gynaecologist to the Queen, joined by two familiar colleagues.
Dr Sunit Godambe, a consultant neonatologist at Imperial College NHS Trust, which runs St Mary's hospital, was part of the group that cared for the duchess during her previous two births alongside Mr Farthing and Mr Thorpe-Beeston.
Professor Huw Thomas, physician to the Queen and head of the medical household, completed the team. He was also involved with the birth of Princess Charlotte.'

In keeping with tradition, the framed birth notice was placed on display on a ceremonial easel on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.

Events throughout the day moved incredibly quickly and shortly after 4 pm a smiling William left the Lindo Wing revealing he would be "back in a minute".

As hoped for, he returned with two very special visitors. 

Big brother George, dressed in his school uniform, helped William with Charlotte.

Once the Princess got on her feet she was incredibly relaxed about the media attention. Charlotte was cute as a button in a periwinkle dress from Little Alice London. The brand is owned by Alice Avenel, a friend of Kate's from Marlborough College.

The children made their way inside to meet their little brother.

I think Charlotte, who celebrates her third birthday on 2 May, has got the royal wave down.

George and Charlotte made a short visit; I'm sure they are incredibly excited to have another playmate.

There's an adorable moment at the end of the above video when George and Charlotte enter the Lindo Wing and sweet George walks over to his sister and puts his arm around her.

Less than several hours after the birth of Baby Cambridge, William and Kate were ready to depart for home, and as with George and Charlotte, posed on the steps of the Lindo Wing to introduce their son to the world.

The beaming proud parents.

Kensington Palace captioned this photo 'Welcome to the World'.

They both looked absolutely thrilled.

Baby Cambridge is fifth in line to the throne after Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

The newborn is the first in history not to overtake a female sibling in the line of succession. The Telegraph added: "Under the 2013 Succession to the Crown Act, the male-preference primogeniture was replaced with absolute primogeniture. The act meant any royal born after 28 October 2011 would precede his or her siblings, regardless of sex. It means Princess Charlotte remains fourth in line to the throne with the new (male) baby at fifth in line. Prince Harry drops down to sixth in line."

A lovely shot of Kate with her beautiful baby. He was wrapped in a blanket by G. H. Hurt & Son - the Nottingham-based brand who also made shawls for George and Charlotte when they were born.

The mother of three looked overjoyed.

In a statement, the Palace said: "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their son will travel home to Kensington Palace. Their Royal Highnesses would like to thank all staff at the hospital for the care and treatment they have received. They would also like to thank everyone for their warm wishes."

After presenting the baby on the steps, the couple returned inside to put the prince in his car seat. As they left hand in hand,  Prince William said they are "very happy" and "delighted". He joked: "Thrice the worry now. We didn't keep you waiting too long this time."

And when asked about the name he said: "You'll find out soon enough."

Seven years ago William and Kate were less than a week away from this...'s been quite a journey.

A recap of our first look at all three Cambridge babies.

It's a hat-trick for Kate's trusted designer Jenny Packham. When Kate had George she created a blue polka dot dress; for Charlotte it was a yellow and white floral design; and today a very pretty red dress with a white peter pan collar. Kate looked radiant; it's hard to believe she gave birth only hours before the photos were taken.

A closer look at the white lace peter pan collar.

It's been suggested the choice of red was a nod to St George's Day, England's national day. Royal fans also quickly noted striking similarities between the dress and the frock Diana wore when she left hospital after Harry's birth in 1984.

The Duchess accessorised with the Queen's diamond and pearl earrings. Kate's worn them on a number of occasions.

Kate completed the look with her Gianvito Rossi 85 praline pumps.

A sample of tomorrow's papers.

My warmest congratulations to William and Kate! 

A word of thanks to all who participated in the Live Blog throughout the day; your input added to the enjoyment of it all enormously. It's one of those special days royal watchers will remember in years to come. We can expect to find out the prince's name in a day or two! :)


  1. I love Kate’s take on Diana’s red dress. Very modern and very Kate!

    I also love the side-by-side comparison of each of the Cambridge’s deliveries, you can really see how they’ve evolved throughout the years.

  2. Thank you for all your terrific work today, Charlotte! You had your hands full updating both blogs and keeping the DKB live-feed up to the minute! Kudos!

  3. I love she wore the Q's ear rings. My guess would be it's rather a nod to Diana than to St. George to wear this dress since she could not possibly have known which the he will arrrive. As a little side note: the blue polka dress was worn with George not with Charlotte (check your text) <3

  4. Rebecca - Sweden23 April 2018 at 20:19

    What a wonderful day! I'm exhausted! And I've just been sitting on my bum on my couch!! I hope they're home and snuggling right now and as soon as they can get some rest!! Big congratulations to the family! Such a happy occation and very gracious of them to let us share in some of their happiness. The children were adorable, William looked beaming with pride, Kate looked enamoured with the little prince and the person of the day seemed content in his mothers arms! What a wonderful day! I love how already this little prince has his own unique face different from his siblings. It will be so fun being able to watch him grow up!

    And thank YOU Charlotte for your tireless work today!!

  5. Lovely post Charlotte; thank you for all your good work with today's royal baby coverage.

  6. Thanks for the wonderful coverage of the birth of the baby. It was an exciting day watching the events unfold throughout the day. Looking forward to seeing what they name the new little prince.

  7. You wrote "When Kate had Charlotte she created a blue polka dot dress"
    Little mistake, it was George. ;-)

    What is your favorite names for this little boy?

    1. Yes I love it.......!!!!

    2. Philip Michael Charles

      It's so wonderful to see the new baby. May God bless them!

    3. Oh I like Philip Michael Charles!

      I normally would like Albert too but I just finished a book about Victoria and Albert and I'm tired of that name right now, personally. Lol! ;)

  8. Thank you, Charlotte, for your amazing live coverage, as well as the re-cap! Looking forward to learning our little Prince's name.

  9. Thank you so much for your coverage. I'm in Western Canada, and each morning when I get up I check your blog for exciting to see it today! Thanks to your livestream, I was able to catch William leaving and returning with the children (I was at work by then). Really appreciate your wonderful writing and choice of photos and videos!

  10. This has been such a sweet day! Kate looks so very confident and healthy and William looks happy and engaged. Charlotte waving and George putting his arm around her is just so sweet and precious! Kate giving a nod to Diana and some great face shots of the baby but most of all mother and son healthy! Such a perfect perfect day. Charlotte, I've enjoyed it thoroughly and am glad to have found you on twitter too! Thank you!

    I have a question I've been meaning to ask but keep forgetting. The baby is referred to as baby Cambridge (as were the other 2), George's name on his backpack is "George Cambridge" and we rightfully refer to them as the Cambridges. Will all of that change when William becomes the Prince of Wales? Will their "last name" change to Wales? Will George then be George Wales? Will we call them the Wales' then?

    Thanks in advance for your input. :)

    1. Duchess fan from down under23 April 2018 at 22:55

      In answer to your questions, yes, yes, yes and yes.

    2. Yes, I think so. As sons of the Prince of Wales, William was William Wales, and Harry was Harry Wales, in the military. Their official surname is Windsor. In the case of descendants of the Queen farther from the throne, it is Mountbatten-Windsor. Mountbatten is Prince Phillip's chosen surname, though he is a member of the Greek and Danish royal families, with a very long royal name. Using Wales or Cambridge seems to be a title-derived convenience where a last name is needed.

    3. I've been wondering about the titles too florida girl. I think when William becomes the Prince of Wales, George may inherit his father's title and become the Duke of Cambridge (therefore still George Cambridge). I'm not sure what it will mean for Princess Charlotte and the new little prince though - I guess as the children of the Prince of Wales they will become Princess Charlotte of Wales and Prince 'XXX' of Wales.

    4. Thanks everyone :) As an American, the British title system has a learning curve for me for sure! I'm beginning to understand it a little but realized how little when I tried to explain it to my perplexed husband. :)

    5. Caroline in Montana24 April 2018 at 18:18

      Helen, do you think that George would be duke of Cambridge when William is prince of wales? or does he stay prince George until he marries, like William? this title business seems tricky!

  11. Thank you for the timely and beautiful updates! It's very nice to be able to share in this happy day!

  12. The photos of Charlotte remind me a bit of Lady Sarah Chatto, Princess Margaret's daughter. I hadn't known much about Lady Sarah before the documentary celebrating HM's 90th birthday but when I saw Charlotte today, I was immediately struck that there was a resemblance. Congrats to the whole family - I can't wait to find out the name. I thought it would be a boy and in the Guess the Name post, I suggested Philip Michael Henry so I am sticking with that It would not surprise me, however, if they go with Arthur as his first name, though I do think Philip will be one of the new prince's names.

    1. JLDF15, I see that resemblance also between Charlotte and Lady Sarah Chatto. At as Lady Sarah looks as an adult and Charlotte as a child.

    2. Tout à fait, j'ai eu exactement la même réflexion : Charlotte est le portrait de Lady Sarah Chatto !!!! quelle ressemblance !!!

    3. My GOSH.........Charlotte is sooooo adorable as is George :) Can't wait to see them at Uncle Harry's Wedding!!!! Cuteness overload xxx

  13. I can't believe I slept through the whole thing!
    I hope I am not the 100th commenter to note this...haven't read yet...still in shock, although one of my last thoughts before falling asleep last night was, "I bet she labors, delivers, and has gone home before I even wake up..."
    anyway, didn't the Queen just wear those same earrings with the ruby necklace?

    1. Haha Anon. Yes, if you blink you miss the whole thing! She's very quick. It is a precious occasion.

  14. Charlotte, thank you for all of the coverage today. You must be completely knackered!
    I am very happy for the safe delivery of a healthy baby. Best wishes and congratulations to Kate and William and all of the Cambridges.

  15. Jessica in Los Angeles23 April 2018 at 20:33

    I just loved watching Charlotte and her sweet waves! It’s interesting to see how shy George is. It worries me that he will have to be king one day because of that shy demeanor, but I’m sure he’ll have strong family support to help him grow into the role. I love how he put his arm around Charlotte inside! My kids are 2.5 years apart, and my 5 year old is always taking care of her little sister like that.

    Little baby Cambridge is such a cutie! And I love how excited W&K look to have another addition to their family. Can’t wait to see the kids grow up together.

    I still can’t believe how beautiful Kate looks leaving the hospital just hours after birth. I would have loved if she walked out in yoga pants, a sweatshirt, and a messy bun this time. ;)

    1. I`ve had the same thoughts about George. I hope that he will be able to grow out of his shyness and that being king will not scare him or anything like that. To me, Charlotte is the confident and outgoing one of the two, but I am sure that when the time comes both she and the rest of George`s family will encourage him.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden23 April 2018 at 22:09

      People dont need to outgrow shyness. Yes, being sociable is helpful. But being shy is part of his personality. He will be able to work on that but I don't like people treating shyness as a second rate personality trait. I'm outgoing, but that doesnt make me better. The Queen is very shy and she has done wonderfully. Kate is chatty but also quite shy and she's doing great. They will find their own ways! And yes, being shy might make it a bit harder for him, but he will have other traits that make things easier for him. Also, being a bit apprehensive about a sea of screaming people doesnt actually mean he's very shy.

    3. I didn’t observe George as being shy. Rather, I saw him as being independent. You can see William bend down and tell both children to wave as they walked in and George wouldn't.

      Also, it doesn’t look to me as if he put his arm around Charlotte because if you watch another clip that is longer you see his hand over her head after. Maybe a swat even! He seems to me to be acting perfectly his age. So glad to get to see him and Charlotte today.

    4. Rebecca, I agree 100% with your comments about "shyness". I have a more reserved quit child and this is an issue we have been dealing with forever, she is now in her 20's but still something that we discuss in terms of how others perceive and how she frames herself. She is in the performing arts area....

    5. I completely agree Rebecca. I am shy and have been a successful assistant school principal.
      A person who is shy is often very contemplative. Surely a good thing in leadership.
      And we have to remember - HE IS ONLY FOUR YEARS OLD!!

    6. I also have the impression that George is a more shy/private and serious child. Not the worst qualities for a former king though. But it might make it harder for him to find his role/ learn to deal with the public attention. I am curious how W&K parenting will play a part in his development regarding public appearances. Is keeping him out of the spotlight till he is older helping or will it make it even harder. That is one of the hard decisions, we as parents make and can never 100% know if it was the right decision in the end.
      Well, he can still decide not to become king. There are enough people in line to do the job. Wouldn’t be the first time the first born is not the one who wears the crown in the end.

    7. I fully agree with you,Rebecca.Shy doesn 't mean worst.I am shy and it encourage me to fight with them and I am sure that it causes that I 'm more independent,calm and friendly.I believe that George will deal with shyness.And we must remember that children change and grow up.

    8. Julia from Leominster25 April 2018 at 10:26

      As someone who was a shy child and is still a reserved adult, it is what it is, but I wouldn't call it an asset to someone who is going to be in public life and need to do a great deal of public speaking. The opposite is also true - but confidence in yourself is very important - and that is often lacking in shyness - and it can also lead to over-compensation.

      At the same time, it doesn't always follow into adulthood, I've known very shy boys who could hardly meet my eyes who suddenly mature into boldly friendly confident young men. I do think George is very shy, not stubborn. Stubborn children most often still seem to be curious and look around - George was retreating.

      I've been puzzled by the Wales choice to bring George out when press and public attention is at its absolute intimidating heights - following a sibling birth and on tours, and when stress on a little one would be the greatest with tiredness and new situations. Presenting him in a smaller, more controlled situation as we often see with the Scandinavian children - especially the Swedish would seem to give him a better chance than airports and hospitals. Too little exposure will only worsen timidity.

      And should a parent have a phobia or issue - as William does with the press - the kindest thing they can do is make sure they don't pass it on to their child. I've seen anxious parents pass on their anxiety - and I've seen parents who have a fear (I know one who is frightened of dogs) try to make sure they don't pass it on.

      George's situation is very different than William's. William came from a collapsing marriage where both parents were using the press. That isn't true with George.

    9. My oldest (just turned 5) is very much like Prince George in public settings. She isn’t shy though just a bit more serious and observant in social situations. She’s very confident and friendly when she feels comfortable and I feel that’s how George is based on his solo photographs. I think W&K are doing a fantastic job parenting their children and the most important thing they can give them to prepare for their future is a stable and supportive home environment. I can’t wait to watch the children grow up alongside mine!! (Mine are 5, just turned 3 and 9 months, so very close in age to The Cambridge’s.)

  16. Rhonda - Wisconsin23 April 2018 at 20:37

    What a wonderful day it has been!!! Congratulations to both William and Kate on the birth of their son - he's a little cutie! I love the second picture that you posted of Kate and William looking at each other and then the one of Kate looking down lovingly at her new baby son. {{{{SIGH}}}} As always, she looks fabulous after giving birth. The last thing I would want to do after that would be to stand in front of the world media to pose for pictures. She is simply Wonder Woman! A simply beautiful little family.

    Charlotte - a big, big thank you to you for the live blog and now all the days pictures. You are simply the best!

  17. I got a little teary when I got to the part of the post with the picture of the Duke and Duchess on their wedding day and the side-by-side pictures outside the hospital with each of their 3 children. It's lovely to see the family they've created. Congratulations to the family and their new addition!

  18. Just a word of note, Kensington Palace confirmed “William and Catherine will not be taking on extra child care at this time.” Which I think is an interesting point...a few posts ago I remember a comment or two about Kate needing to return to royal work quickly with a mention of her having the help of a maternity nurse that normal people don’t have. But they aren’t, at least at this time, taking one on.

    1. They do already have a full-time nanny and George is in school now. This decision makes sense to me. Thanks for posting this info. And congratualtions to the family!

    2. It does, but it might well change depending on the new baby's "personality", the kids reactions, how tired Kate really is after the initial few days of adrenaline disappear. She and William are also now 6 years older than after George was born. Plus the Nanny is close to 50. I could see them deciding to bring in some extra help. Having the kids in school (at least for a few months before summer break) is a huge help.

    3. Julia from Leominster25 April 2018 at 10:29

      Most upper class families who have the means hire a short-term maternity nurse who gets the baby into the routine desired by the parents. I strongly suspect William and Kate will use this - the statement about extra help sounded more long-term.

  19. 1:16 (video) William points at someone in the crowd and says to Kate "There is Arthur". Maybe it's a clue. :)

    1. I wonder if perhaps William spotted Arthur Edwards in the press crowd – he’s in his seventies now and appears to be one of the royal family’s favourite photographers. The link below would take you to his biography, which has some interesting anecdotes!

    2. I was wondering which photographer he meant. Thanks!

    3. Zora from Prague24 April 2018 at 19:07

      Thank you, LeahMaria! A very interesting person and priceless stories!

  20. Sarah Maryland USA23 April 2018 at 20:48

    I’m glad it is a boy because I wouldn’t be able to stand if it was a girl because my little sisters name is Mary and if they had called her her that she would never stop teasing me about it. My sister was also born in April lol. If there was a chance they would name it Sarah I would have been all for a girl but fergie kind of tainted it
    But Omgod Charlotte is my favorite! She has such personality! She has gotten so big! I’m just sad we won’t be seein Kate for awhile but in less than a month we have a royal wedding!!!! Gahhhhh can’t wait!!!!

  21. I am thinking Arthur Michael Philip at this moment.

  22. Thank you Charlotte for your tireless work. As you have so delightfully described every detail of this event, I can think of nothing more to add!

    1. Agreed! I actually googled their previous hospital photos to compare and then found later that Charlitee had thoughtfully included them here!

  23. William is so loving to Kate. He rubbed her back the entire time they presented their new little prince and grabbed her hand to help her down the stairs. The greatest gift he can give his children is to love their mother, and he surely does.

    1. Zora from Prague23 April 2018 at 22:12

      I couldn't agree more, Lanslin! They are a wonderful couple and great parents!
      Charlotte, a huge thank you for everything today!!! Also for including the romantic photo from W&K' s wedding 7 years ago!🙂

    2. That is beautifully said.

    3. I agree too... Of course a wife that can go from childbirth to ultra glam in 5 hours would make it easier. Kate looks just gorgeous.. Love love love her in red. She seems very happy and even relaxed which is amazing. So nice of William to show us George and Charlotte. He really didn't' have to do that as they went home right after that. Congratulations to all!
      Also I was a shy timid child... I gained confidence as i got older although I am still introverted. But I have had a very successful career in the public Don't worry about George. It must have been a challenging day for him.

    4. How true, Lanslin. What a sweet comment.

    5. As much as I loved getting to see George and Charlotte, I don’t know that bringing them was for our viewing. It’s probably so they could meet their brother before the entire world did! Loved getting to see them though :)

    6. Your comment brought me to tears. Such a lovely thought.

  24. Congratulations for the birth of the new Prince of Cambridge ! The Duchess Catherine of Cambridge paid tribute to her mother in law Princess DIANA with the hospital departure red outfit !!

  25. I adore that she has given a nod to Lady Diana with her dress. Do you think it was because this is the second boy or because this is their last/youngest child?

  26. At first I didn’t know her dress was a nod to Lady Diana and now I know that I love it. How thoughtful of her. So exciting to be getting to enjoy welcoming this baby!

  27. The children look like the Middleton side of the 👪. Kate has very strong genes.

    1. Lol. I think they look like William! And Charlotte does look more like Catherine now though

    2. Fiona in Australia25 April 2018 at 04:10

      My first thoughts on seeing the new baby was that he looks so like William! Perhaps it's his nose? George seems to me to be very like his maternal grandfather, Michael Middleton (strong Kate genes). But Charlotte looks like William's side of the family - definitely a likeness there with the Queen and also Lady Sarah Chatto as has been mentioned here earlier. It's going to be interesting to see how their personalities develop as they grow.

  28. Me in Vancouver23 April 2018 at 21:11

    What a fabulous day for the Cambridge family. Kate looked amazing, the baby is beautiful and William looked the proud father to all three. Not surprised Charlotte was more relaxed with the crowds, she strikes me as fairly confident and outgoing. George's reaction is so reminiscent of William at that age. It's fairly common for little boys to be shy and a little sullen around strangers in their preschool years. William certainly was. I'm sure with the loving coaching of his parents and extended family, George will come into his own and be more comfortable with the press in good time. Congratulations to the whole family.

    Thank you for the coverage Charlotte. I don't know how you did it today of all days! We do appreciate you.

  29. Helen from Ontario23 April 2018 at 21:12

    What a marvellous day! Thank you Charlotte for all your hard work. Fabulous to see the happy family, and I loved the side by side of the three arrivals. Catherine's hair has gotten progressively shorter :) and she has gained immeasurably in her confidence. What a pro! Amazing. William seemed relaxed and engaged. Well done to the little ones, too. George kept it together beautifully and Charlotte was as cute as a button. Happy, happy day.

    1. Hello Helen,

      That's a great idea, just added a side by side :)

  30. Dear Charlotte, your wonderful blogs are a gift that just keeps on giving! I have had a very difficult weekend and decided, before going to bed last night, that today I was going to unplug the phone, and keep tabs on your lovely blogs while I worked on things I enjoy! (Good job I have two computer monitors! :)) It was a particularly lovely and relaxing day, keeping track of all the bulletins and the comings and goings on both blogs. Thank you a thousand times for all you do to make this information available to us!
    On another note, I’m in awe of Duchess Catherine, just hours after giving birth, in high heels, no less, carrying her new son, looking beautiful, happy and serene. Not so long ago, in my neck of the Canadian woods, new mothers were brought out from the hospital in a wheelchair to their transportation home, never mind walking downstairs in pumps!

    1. That wheelchair is standard hospital policy even if you come in for a little day-thing and are perfectly capable of walking. It's a precaution against unforeseen faints or falls while in the hospital. The patient cannot sue the hospital if they've done their due diligence while the patient is within their walls.

  31. This was an exciting day -- I've been following along with all the updates at work since this morning. I love how happy William looks. Kate looks tired (don't blame her at all), but still amazing for having just had a baby! I love Peter Pan collars, but am not over the moon with the cut of the dress....however, as long as Kate's comfortable, who cares!

    William was consistent with his blue haha!

    Those side-by-side photos -- love! Especially with their wedding photo at the top. I can't believe it's already been this long and that there are 3 kids now. I can't wait to hear what the baby's name is! Also, Charlotte was hilarious and I definitely can relate to George -- I was so shy when I was a kid.

    1. Ahah!!! I thought the same thing about William lol


  32. Congratulations to the Cambridges! What a bonny little boy! They look over the moon! :) Kate is such a trooper...I wouldn’t be surprised if they have another one down the line ;) I’m so surprised & happy it’s a boy! He reminds me a bit of Harry for some reason...I think it’s his expression :P Now Charlotte has TWO brothers to boss around lol I loved the red dress Kate wore with the pretty lace collar. And George & Charlotte are growing up to be just as good-looking as their parents! Such a sweet family! I wish them well during this time of bonding x

  33. SierrafromMontana23 April 2018 at 21:38

    What an exciting way to start the Monday. I can't wait to find out what the little prince's name will be. Kate and William seemed to be ok with the press this time around. Now she can relax and enjoy her little family for a month before the next big event!

  34. Thank you for such wonderful coverage. All your hard work is so much appreciated. Thought Kate looked amazing and so soon after the birth. Loved every minute.

  35. SierrafromMontana23 April 2018 at 21:44

    One last thing - I love when Kate touches his little cheek and then realizes - oh yeah - I'm still in front of people - out of her little love haze. Too cute!

    1. I noticed that too and thought the same thing. :) She looked at him a lot! I remember myself being nearly unable to NOT look at my babies. She was so genuine and sweet. :)

  36. Charolette, could we get a side by side comparison of all the children on the day of birth (close up shot)? It would be lovely to see their similarities. Thank you for all the time and incredible detail you put in all your posts as well as fostering such a great community for royal fans!

  37. What a great day. Thank you Charlotte. And thank you baby Cambridge for arriving during the daytime in North America so I could keep up with the live feed!

    I cannot fathom belonging to a family where the media camps outside the hospital and one is expected to pose in heels and full hair and makeup hours after giving birth. It's just so strange to me. But I suppose Kate knew what she was getting into and she always handles it like a pro.

  38. This just made my day and I love the red dress!

    Thank you Charlotte.

  39. What I adore really is how lovely William is with Kate. It was nice seeing him gently holding her and comforting her back while standing in front of the cameras, only hours after giving birth.

    I just hope they take enough time to settle as a family of 5 and also give George and Charlotte time to bond with their brother.

    1. I agree Jasmin, William was very tender with Kate. Very heartwarming to see and he looked quite proud of his wife and his son. Would love to see the children getting to know their little baby brother. What a happy family time for sure. cc

  40. Thank you for such great coverage. I love the primary color dresses side by side. She looks beautiful. She’s an older mom now. I got the feeling she was happy to please the media with George but by number three she is feeling like it’s their day and they don’t need to pander to the media.

    1. I felt that too. It’s feeling more like it’s a burden and I would so agree with her... They are such pros by now, at least it’s wonderful that by setting auch precise boundaries they get to have quality private time most of the time.

    2. They are being respectful and working with the media and have been for all three. The first one was big big big big news as he would bump Harry to be next in line to the throne and was the Queen’s first great grandchild heir. It made sense to do a more formal Q&Q with the media then. For baby 2 & 3 they still talked to the media day of, just less formally. They were given notice when Kate was in labour, William gave them a heads up he’d be right back (with the children), they were told the couple would be leaving the hospital that night, the couple posed for photos with the new baby, and William gave a few remarks as they got into the car. I do agree they seem more confident this time round and love how they are helping the media do their jobs while still keeping their own boundaries.

    3. Anon 16:48, agree, by number 3 William and Kate had figured out how to do what needed to be done but still on their terms. Practice makes perfect.

  41. Oh my!!! Sweetness overload!!! George and Charlotte are adorable together and baby Cambridge just a little bundle of softness !!!
    Catherine looks stunning I love her dress with the white lace.

    Thank you Charlotte for all the hard work today with both of your blogs.


  42. This has been such a great day! I received good news on a personal front, and baby Cambridge was also born today!! Thank you Charlotte for the excellent coverage you provided us!! Can't wait to find out their choice of names!XOXO

  43. I got the news this morning in the US from your blog! (I've been checking it first thing daily!) Thank you so much for the wonderful coverage.

  44. I missed most of the Live Blog because of the time difference, but I checked in just in time! So wonderful to watch George and Charlotte (those adorable waves!) visit and then William and Kate leave hospital with the new baby in real time. So excited to hear about the name in the next few days as well as a family photo. I'm expecting Arthur (I remember hearing that Charles wanted to name William "Arthur" but had to settle for it being a middle name). I would also love to see another Prince Phillip in the royal family. It would be nice for middle names if they used the names of the baby's uncles, Henry and James. I know George and Charlotte only have three names, but Arthur Phillip Henry James sounds great to me!

    1. Arthur Philip Henry James has a nice ring to it! :)

    2. Thanks, Kiwi Gal!

  45. Warmest congratulations to William and Kate and all the best to the newborn as well as his parents and brother and sister

  46. Finally they are a familiy of five! Iˋm so happy for them. Love seeing William & Kate toghether with their newborn son. And think its great so see the Cambridge familiy grow :)

    At this point, I hope for a baby number 4 ;-)

    Ps I was completely wrong as I thought it was a girl. So I go for Albert or Frederick.

    1. Caroline in Montana24 April 2018 at 15:45

      I also hope for baby 4 down the line, and a girl for that one. I thought this one was a boy though I also hoped for a sister for charlotte. I'm also a fan of Albert, I'm now stuck on Albert Philip Michael James, excited to hear the name! -Caroline

    2. Glad I'm not the only one hoping for a 4th baby. What a beautiful family but two boys and two girls....

      I'm leaning towards both Albert and Arthur. My grandfather's name was Arthur - I'm fond of it. And then Phillip and Michael as well.

    3. Julia from Leominster25 April 2018 at 10:36

      Pregnancy seems to take a lot out of Kate - probably due to the early illness - I think it's aged her. And increasingly expectations will be on her to carry on quickly - as is the case for many mums.

      There will also be the circumstance that most likely there will not be a royal role for this third - and a potential fourth child - royal families everywhere are contracting. Long-term there will be the situation of having the oldest - and probably the second have a role - and more have to earn their own living.

      So it is a decision to make carefully.

  47. The side-by-side pics of their Lindo Wing exits over the years... that was a nice way to reminisce. So happy for them. Thrice the worry, and thrice the joy.

  48. hmm its great journey for the duke and duchess cambridges what a beautiful journey to them us a family a love prince george and princess charlotte has there what great pleasure i love the red dress

  49. Tammy from California23 April 2018 at 22:59

    I just had a feeling it would be a boy! I also think the first name will be Henry. Maybe Henry Phillip.

    I just love this little family.

  50. Barb from portland, or.23 April 2018 at 23:00

    I just love the closeup of Kate’s collar with that tiny little hand popping up!
    I’m commenting for the first time and I just want to thank you Charlotte For hours upon hours of lovely photos and info about the Cambridge family:)

  51. Thank you Charlotte for the excellent coverage today!

    Today made me realize how strong Kate is. To wait at home until the labour progressed enough to go to the hospital, to actually have a baby!, and then to pose for photos just hours after knowing they’d be published everywhere. And to bring out hew new baby in front of a huge (and possibly dangerous, even with precautions) crowd. Bravo!

    1. I thought the same thing -Kate is incredible -strong,caring and she simply probably does everything for her children and family.I look up to her.

  52. I'm sure they're over the moon to have a new little one! I'm gonna guess he's named a combination of Phillip, Henry, and Michael, though maybe they'd drop Henry if Harry has called dibs on it for his own kids ;)

  53. Charlotte you do wonderful work thank you. What a lovely day. My first thought on seeing the baby was he looks like prince Charles. Congrats prince william and duchess Catherine. Ruth from Brooklyn

  54. 🌸 I so hope James Whatling will get some of his amazing photos to William and Kate for their homes. The one of Princess Charlotte turned and smiling at the crowd is so so special. The Queen would no doubt love a copy of that one also, yeh? 👑

  55. Such a fun day. Kate looked lovely and Baby Cambridge is adorable. I loved seeing the older kids there. I would say Kate will sleep well tonight after a long, exhausting day, but no sleep for her for a couple of weeks.

  56. 🌸 Kate wore the red dress in honor of Diana and she wore the Queen’s earrings. Nice reconciliation. Like naming their daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. 👑

  57. Charlotte, today was a great day for the Cambridges; your diligent and excellent work on this blog made it an exciting day for us. Thank you very much. Again, CONGRATS! to the Cambridges, the Queen and the Royal Family. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  58. These are the absolute happiest of days. :) :) :) Kate is glowing and I can't believe she gave birth earlier in the day. She looks like me on my best day after eating a few tacos.

    Congratulations to the happy Cambridges, and to echo KP's social media, WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! :)

    1. Caroline in Montana24 April 2018 at 15:48

      seriously cracking up over here "She looks like me on my best day after eating a few tacos." that's a great line!

  59. 🌸 Simply. HalleluYah.🌷 What a glorious day.

  60. I'm so, so pleased to add a little prince to the family! While Charlotte has big cousins Savannah, Isla, and Mia to set an example and keep her company, I think another little boy in the family is just the thing for little George. What a happy day!

  61. I found it curious that the proclamation at BP had "son" printed but only the time handwritten. Do you think this was an indication that they knew the sex of the baby beforehand?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden24 April 2018 at 11:09

      I think it might just be that they had one girl and one boy paper. It's only 2 different copies. The time on the other hand would have been a huge amount to have them all prepared :P

    2. The exact time of birth would have come from the medical record, so it would be for one of the doctors to write it in when signing the notice.

  62. There really are an amazing group of events this year---first this baby and then Zara's. Harry's wedding and then Eugenie's. Pippa's baby but first Pippa becomes an aunt on her husband's side as his brother will have a baby first. An we are all waiting for Meghan to have babies, and Eugenie.

    1. Babies, babies & more babies!!!

    2. Julia from Leominster25 April 2018 at 10:37

      And quite possibly a hat trick in Monaco! Although Charlotte hasn't been confirmed as pregnant.

  63. I am guessing prince Arthur Phillip Charles or Arthur Phillip William

  64. Charlotte—thank you so much for all of the lovely work you have done today! The live blog was exciting to follow, and this post is positively lovely. I love the second picture with William looking at the the baby and Kate gazing at William, especially.

    A child is such a wonderful blessing, and what a joy it is that their little prince has arrived safely. May their family be blessed with peace and joy (and maybe some sleep!) in the days to come.

  65. What a lovely family hmm she looks great with the red dress and she looks like not having a baby she looks freah having a baby And what loveable. family

  66. I am over the moon happy for the Duke and Duchess! I also think this baby is extra special to them because they have provided the heir and the spare....this one will have a tad bit more freedom to be and do what they wish even though they will still all be raised with the same expectations! Congratulations William and Catherine!! Well Done!!

    1. Princess Charlotte is the "spare," Trixie.

  67. This is the first time I feel sad for Kate. Just hours after she has to come out, smiling and looking good. Makes me a little sad. You know she's tired. At the end in the video she looks like she's ready to go inside. She's ready to go home and rest. Poor thing. Ahe does look beautiful though. It just made me think.

    1. I agree, but also I bet she’s a little proud. Either way, I admire her strength to have a baby and then pose for international photos on the same day!! Strong and professional looking and amazing!

  68. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the live coverage of the new baby Cambridge. It makes me wish for a 4th one, mostly because Wiliam and Kate are such great parents. It is obvious how much William and Kate love each other. I'm sure he was a tremendous support for her during all three births, and at home too. George is learning this kind and tender care from watching his parents relate, and I teared up when George put his arm around Charlotte once they went inside. What a precious loving moment, just as all their family moments were today.

    While it is understandable and obvious that George is uncomfortable with the press attention, I heard in some of the media coverage that he was "moody or grumpy or unhappy about his new brother." That truly angers me, as does any mention that he needs to grow out of his shyness. As a person who is both shy and deeply introverted, there is nothing wrong with either. I'm sure he is much more relaxed at home and school, but if he keeps a shy, reserved, and cautious personality, there is nothing wrong with that. He should always be himself, just as Charlotte should be herself. King George VI was a very shy and introverted man, and yet was a remarkable monarch in so many ways. King George VII will carve his own path and be his own man, and undergirding him will be the strong foundation William and Kate are giving him through their care, love, attention, and understanding. So too will Charlotte and their new brother.

    Now, I truly hope that the Cambridges get some rest (especially Kate), enjoy time together, and find their new daily rhythm as a family of five.

    1. Susan in Florida24 April 2018 at 21:24

      Virginia , I am in agreement with you on the press making up emotions for Prince George. He’s only 4 ! He does not have to play to the press. It speaks volumes that Prince William is a great Dad , because did not bend down to tell his son to smile or wave. How would any of us feel with a crowd watching us and shouting “look over here, look over here “? He’s a little boy !

    2. Julia from Leominster25 April 2018 at 10:42

      Yes, the press is ridiculous. But whilst George VI was a remarkable king for wartime - he also was a stressed and unhappy man - one with a strong temper that erupted under stress - and one whose success depended in a large part on a wise - and very gregarious wife. So I wouldn't make many parallels there either. (George VI also came from a situation where there had been abuse by a nanny.)

      We want George ideally to be happy, confident and at ease in public life - without being over-reaching. Ideals are hard to achieve - but worth striving for.

  69. Congratulations William and Kate. Welcome to the world baby #3 ( he looks like a wise and calm child).

  70. Thank you for the excellent coverage all day, Charlotte! You and this blog are the best!!!

    I had a hard time guessing names beforehand. Now that he’s here, I say Oliver William Francis! -flora

  71. Once again, congrats and good wishes to the Cambridge's. I hope mom and baby are resting comfortably.

    It's difficult to not become teary as I look at the photos and watch the videos. What a happy and beautiful young family! William's very obvious joy and pride makes me happy. Diana must be looking down and beaming with pride. And I absolutely believe that the red dress was a nod to her. It's a classy and thoughtful gesture on Kate's part to honor her husband's mother and children's grandmother.

    The baby is cute, and George and Charlotte are adorable and well behaved.

  72. Wasn't Harry born in September? Diana must have been quite warm in that coat over long sleeves. But I recall that the surprise was her hair, which she had grown out while pregnant. It elicited the nickname Dynasty Di, after the popular evening soap opera Dynasty, where such styles were worn. Diana did look very elegant, but she did not keep that hairstyle for very long.

    Kate did a nice job of complimenting Diana and Harry (and St. George) with the red dress, and the Queen with the earrings. She looked beautiful. Her collar and Charlotte's dress, both very pretty, continued the theme of spring, gardens, and the earth.

    Charlotte is a delight, and the little smile William got from George, along with George's care for his sister, were lovely. William's care for Kate is his example!

    How Kate does what she does when her children are born is beyond me. She is both extremely organized and extremely fit and sturdy to be able to pull it off.

  73. Thank you as always Charlotte for giving such great fodder to us Royal obsessives! I awoke this morning to the news and am just able now to watch each video and absorb each part of the story. Such a joy and thank you again! Congratulations from San Francisco!

  74. Thank you for all of your efforts today, Charlotte! A job well-done! I especially love the comparison shots of all three children as newborns and the proud parents.

    I’m going to guess the new Princes name will be Arthur Philip Charles. So looking forward to the actual name announcement! Then, we have the Royal Wedding to look forward too! What a great year for the royals.

  75. Congratulations all around! And I think it was very considerate of Kate to leave the hospital quickly, thus minimizing the chaos for other patients. Her dress was so perky, red for St George’s, and she and William looked more in love than ever.

    I think Philip Michael James would be lovely. I don’t care for Arthur, such an old fashioned name. Henry would also be great but might be confusing with big Harry and little Harry. I have a friend named Valerie whose parents had a friend named Valentine (a man) and they would use big Val and little Val. She hated it. Mind you Jo is not without its confusions ;)

    1. Duke of Edinburgh is also a prince. Royals usually don't use current names as a first name.

    2. I don't care for the name "Arthur" either, and I hope that William and Kate choose something else. As a child, my little brother had a book called, "Arthur, the Ardvark". I had to read it to him constantly, because it was one of his favorites. When I was pregnant with my first child, I came across that book and cringed. I have hidden it away in the hopes that my young children do not find it. Their shelves are filled with many other books, so hopefully "Arthur" won't come out of the shadows.
      I love many old fashioned names, but Arthur is not one of them. I would love to see William and Kate surprise us, and choose a name that is not in the top five most popular guesses being made right now.

    3. Jo, Philip Michael James is my choice, too! I don't care for Arthur or Albert. They may be traditional, but they both sound like old man names to me. I think it would be a lovely gesture to name the baby after Prince Philip, who has spent so many years supporting the queen. I'd also like to see the Middleton side of the family represented, hence Michael and James. I don't think William and Kate have to be too traditional with names this time. It was probably more important for George, a future king, to have the traditional name.

    4. I loved the Arthur book series (but I wouldn't want to read it over and over again). I grew up watching the television series on PBS. Do they have Arthur in the UK? I'm personally hoping they go with Phillip, but will learn to love any name they choose.

    5. Fiona in Australia25 April 2018 at 04:29

      I agree with you, Jo and Virginia, I also hope the little prince is not named Arthur. I don't know why, but I'm hoping for Alexander. Perhaps because there's no-one with that name currently in the British Royal Family and it's a traditional and strong name.

    6. Julia from Leominster25 April 2018 at 10:48

      Personally, I love Arthur and don't see it as old-fashioned. It's quite popular at the moment. I don't know the television show.

      Whilst names of current royals aren't generally used these days (that's hasn't always been true - look at Victoria) since Philip is very old and completely retired - there is no risk of confusion - and no real burden on the child since this is a third child where there will be few expectations. However, I would be more surprised by James as the queen already has a grandson James - although he isn't likely to be in public life.

      I do think William and Kate will have much freedom here to do as they wish.

  76. Michelle Obama sent a sweet greeting of congratulations to William and Kate on her Twitter account. I had to share it..."Barack and I are thrilled to congratulate the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their new arrival. We hope to meet him soon for a Kensington Palace pajama party. I'll wear my robe." (She also shared the picture of them meeting George at KP in 2016, when George was wearing his cute robe and pajamas.)

    I hope they get to have that KP pajama party! What fun - hopefully with Harry and Meghan too!
    I would love to be there.

  77. Sharyn from AUS24 April 2018 at 03:43

    Can anyone else picture Charlotte having a "harry" moment in the future where she sticks out her tongue to the waiting media? I can see it happening and it's giving me the gigggles

  78. Charlotte you amaze me. First keeping up with the live feed and adding photos and then a recap with more photos! And also keeping up with today's activity on the MAM site! You are certainly a Wonder Woman. Thanks for a great job!

  79. After seeing the video of W&K introducing their new son to the world, I spied William pointing out Arthur Edwards (Royal photographer for The Sun) to Kate & they both smiled. Now I am sure they are going to name the little boy after him! ;)

  80. Wait a minute! I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this earlier in the comments, but hasn't George gotten a haircut?! I'm not sure. But he does look a bit different
    Plus the new baby's cheeks 😍

    1. And, has his hair gotten darker? He did look so much more grown up.

  81. Kate and the baby look absolutely amazing!! I have no idea how she appears in public like that hours after birth. I’ve had 3 children with inductions and gone into labour to have them by around 10.30/11 as Kate has done and it’s a tough gig to get about that quick without giving too much detail about after birth etc.. she’s a super star!! Hugs and kisses for her and her healthy baby boy!

    1. FWIW I had both an induced and natural, but speedy birth and the induction was much harder and tiring than my all natural but speedy one. I was up within 30 minutes and really ready to go easily after a few hours. Tired yes, but not exhausted and because so quick really feeling pretty good. I think it still takes a bunch of energy but I really think she just wants to get home so says to everyone, get me ready, quick trot down for photos, in car and quickly back home and resting on the couch or bed back in her comfy PJs. She also is not having to return to any required work i.e. cooking, cleaning, shopping.

  82. your blog yesterday was excellent, kept us all up to date brilliant. It must have been a lot of work, so thank you for that. I missed it live on TV when they left the hospital, I checked here instead!

    The Duchess is quite amazing the way she pushes those babies out, gets home as early as she can, but looks so glamorous as she goes!
    My favourite part was when William held Catherine's hands down the steps. Made me tear up a little.
    One thing, it looked to me like she had an extra ring on her wedding finger. Was she wearing an extra ring, or am I seeing things?

    1. I noticed that too. I wonder when she started wearing it.

    2. Kate has worn three rings since, I think, Prince George was born. Are you seeing three?

    3. She's worn a diamond eternity band since 2013 I believe.

    4. Fiona in Australia25 April 2018 at 04:31

      Did the third ring appear after George's birth? I can't remember exactly but we've seen it before, and seem to think it was an eternity ring given to Kate after his birth.

    5. yes, I saw three bands in total. I'd never noticed before, so was curious. I didn't know she had an eternity ring. Thank you for the replies!

    6. The eternity band appeared after George's birth

    7. Julia from Leominster25 April 2018 at 10:49

      What surprises me is that Kate wears her ring with the baby. Diana did not. But I imagine Kate takes it off quickly at home.

  83. What a fantastic whirlwind of a day! I'm so pleased that everything went smoothly and that the little prince is finally here. Princess Charlotte smiling and waving all the way down the street was utterly adorable - what a little star she is! And the baby doing his little 'George wave' from inside his blanket really took me back to 2013.

    Thank you so much Charlotte for your fab updates during the day, and hats off to Emily Andrews, who's been saying for weeks that the baby was due on 23rd - serious bragging rights!

    1. Still it's possible, considering that Kate was late with the first two children, that her due date was earlier in the month and this little boy was late as well.

    2. Her kids were all pretty good size so she may run a bit longer in her pregnancies.

  84. Thank you all so much for your absolutely lovely comments. It was a very special day and a joy for us all to share in the happiness. I know several of you mentioned shedding a tear or two, when I saw the 'mother son' photo of Kate looking at her baby, I had a teary moment myself. Someday, when Baby Cambridge, George and Charlotte are all grown up, we'll look back and remember the days they were born. And for me that's a lovely thought.

    1. It was a touching moment, indeed, I'm happy I could follow through the day on your blog, you did a very good job.

    2. You rock, Charlotte! Thanks for bringing us together.

    3. It’s 9:42pm in London, 2:42pm my Az time... I guess no royal baby name reveal... 😭

    4. A very lovely thought indeed!

  85. Sarah from Calif.24 April 2018 at 13:06

    Precious and priceless! 💝💝💝

  86. what Lovely day for the Cambridge family... Hmm i love everything. About the duchess look. From giving birth to their third child she seems so relaxed the Duchess of Cambridge family Will have a big family. Pippa middleton being pregnant i was hoping zara tidals safely delivery when she comeds hmm aunt pippa will be the first vistor royal baby

  87. I really hope they have another one. Nothing like a sister with a sister; Charlotte deserves that.

    1. Caroline in Montana24 April 2018 at 18:01

      I have 4 sisters myself and every gal should be so lucky! hope number 4 is a girl, and that they have number 4:)

    2. Hee hee, because if you want a girl and have a 4th it will for sure be twin boys.

    3. Zora from Prague25 April 2018 at 06:41

      ali, that's so funny: my Mum had 3 sisters and one brother. The parents really wanted to have a boy and he was the last and together with him came a twin sister :)

  88. Mary, just a thought, but how do you know that Kate did not specifically ask her Carole to help out in this way after the birth? The family had always been super close, and having had my third child with the older two exactly the same age as George and Charlotte I was wishing my own mother could have been nearby to help me out. Luckily, I had my Mother-in-law staying with us, but even so, there’s no one you trust more with your own children than your own mother. A nanny, even the best of them, is not a replacement for Grandmother/Mother. At least, she would not be in my household.

    1. Caroline in Montana24 April 2018 at 18:00

      Mashootka, I agree with everything you said, and said so in my own reply, that comment and the reply's were thankfully removed, I imagine that could have become nasty! thank you charlotte!

  89. Caroline in Montana24 April 2018 at 16:15

    Charlotte, thanks for all the wonderful coverage of this historical event! you do such a wonderful job, I'm not sure how you managed to sleep or get anything else done, but I know you do, you are indeed super woman! thanks for bringing back all the side by side comparisons, some very lovely shots indeed. Looking forward to watching the family grow on your blog. you have the best coverage of anyone and I enjoy your blog tremendously!!

  90. What a beautiful family. Delightful to see them, and look forward to more pictures.

  91. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge look so happy! I have read that Baby Cambridge has a Peter Rabbit themed baby room. Is that true, or is it just speculation, because that theme is so popular in the UK? Parthania

    1. Anon 20:00, I wondered if that was true also.

  92. I am so happy for them! Thank you Charlotte for covering the day. I do hope it's not the last time we can all experience this together. I have a feeling that Kate wants another baby.
    I have a question to ask: I don't get all the headlines saying the red dress was a "homage to Diana". Is it really likely to be that? Or could it possibly be that Kate picked a red dress just because she simply liked it?

    1. Considering she did the polka dots for the first baby (like Diana), posed holding the baby with her/Diana’s ring visible/prominent for the second, I think it would be too much of a coincidence for this not to be a nod to Diana.

  93. My guesses at names have Michael and Francis. Philip Michael Francis, Fredrick Michael Frances, Thomas Michael Francis. I also have a feeling about Stephen for some reason and William. :)

  94. Courtney, Maryland24 April 2018 at 21:14

    So excite pd about the new baby. I worried my own husband (we are expecting) by exclaiming “IT’S HAPPENING!”when I saw she was in labor. He was worried for a moment - he should have known, as I’ve been talking about royal baby watch for several days now :)

    When I first saw the red dress, I figured it must be a Diana nod. Anyone else have a thought about maybe this should have been a look to save for Meghan, since this was Diana’s look debuting Harry?

    1. I truly doubt we will ever see Meghan in a similar style as Diana. Those two have very different styles. Kate’s sense of fashion matches it better so I see no problem with one dressing similar as their mother in law occasionally and the other not at all. I am sure Harry and Meghan have their own ways of remembering- there is no need to show it off just to appease the public if they don’t want to.

    2. Susan in Florida25 April 2018 at 12:08

      My sister and I thought about that too. I think this has to do with a second boy, and including Diana. I’m thinking if it was a girl, perhaps another dress was standing by. Also, if what if Meghan has girls ? No doubt she will give a nod to Diana in her choices when her time comes. I want to know why it takes SO long to name the baby. In the US, many states do not allow you to leave the hospital without a name for the child.

  95. Deanne from Canada24 April 2018 at 22:05

    I’m in awe of the Duchess and her body to heal so quickly after giving birth. I assume she delivered naturally as with her other two. Seven hours!

  96. Like the Queen, Kate has had a boy first, then a girl, then another boy. Charlotte seems feisty like Anne!

  97. The baby seems to have the disposition of three Alberts in history, wise and calm; QV's husband, Albert, Albert Einstein, and KG VI. I wonder if one of his three names will be George, since he is born on St. George's day, deservedly it is his name too.

  98. Michelle Obama tweeted congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, "We hope to meet him soon for a Kensington Palace pajama party. I'll wear my robe." What a photo op that would be! I'll never forget seeing George in his robe meeting President Obama - who else but a future king has an audience with a president in his pajamas?

  99. Kate, Texas, USA25 April 2018 at 03:06

    What an incredible day! First, Kate really is superwoman. She is absolutely stunning and so poised. She is my hero. After having four children myself, I still cannot believe how perfectly radiant she looks! She is amazing!

    Both Kate and William look so incredibly happy! Congratulations to their precious family! Sweet Baby Cambridge is adorable. Those little cheeks and lips are perfection. I will admit I got a bit teary-eyed seeing the picture of Kate looking down at him. Such a perfect day!

    Charlotte, your coverage, pictures, and post are FABULOUS! Thank you for all your hard work! Looking forward to hearing his name soon!

  100. Thank you for your superb coverage, Charlotte. I don't know how you keep up with everything and always pick the best photos available, too!

    I hope the little prince will be Peter Michael Phillip Cambridge. No matter what his name, he is adorable and it's fun to have the announcement coming up in the next few days.

  101. charlotte to we get the name today my bet is prince will be Robert James Phillip Arthur of Cambridge

  102. On an interesting (to me) note, William took George out of the car first. When in public, the royal family walks/enters in certain order according to precedent. I guess they start them and the public early sending the sublimal/not-so-subliminal message of rank. And, I realize it may seem like I'm reading a lot in to what may have been just a coincidence but something tells me that it has to do with the image of rank. I think it is cute to think about in this case. :)

    Speaking of protocol, do you think they curtsey in private? Like if Pippa were visiting the baby and Charles happen to come over at the same time, would Pippa curtsey to him? I feel like she would the Queen because, heck, even I would do it and I'm an American! But, like Eugenie came by yesterday, do you think she walked in their apartment and curtseyed to Will and Kate? Just curious, just fun to think about their behind doors lives versus their public ones.

    Also, I wonder if they will announce the name today considering it Anzac Day. Would it seem disrespectful to take attention away from this day?

    1. fg, that's an interesting question about the curtsey! I mean we all know how it technically is to go, but how does it actually play out in their casual everyday lives? I have a hunch that with Eugenie & Beatrice coming by, I bet they get greeted by W&K with a kiss on both cheeks. I can't see W&K standing on formalities at this stage of their life with the cousins. In public, yes, but welcoming them into their home for a visit, no. Funnily, I can imagine Charles going all in no matter what the setting! lol :) In fairness, he was raised to see bows & curtsies attended to in all situations of life. So I do imagine W&K do bow & curtsey to him in all settings, even welcoming him into their home to visit his newest grandson.

      As for William taking the kids out of the car at the Lindo Wing? I think it was just the natural parental choice, to go hope out of the car on his side & get the one who was sitting street side first & then walking around to get the next on the hospital side. Otherwise, If he got Charlotte out first, he'd have had to either leave her on the sidewalk alone as he went to get George or hold her hand & walk around the street side & drop her hand to have both free to get George out, thus leaving her standing in the street all exposed to the press & no one holding her hand. I bet she'd have stood their waving, but I can't imagine him doing that. I think he took the kids out in the most efficient way. Just my 2 cents! :)

    2. Jo and Becca, I posted from memory rather than re-watching the video and in my memory I got the steering wheel on the American side I suppose because those are excellent points! :) He was already on George's side so it makes sense.

  103. florida girl, it looked like George was sitting behind William (driver's side) and so, when William was getting out, it would make sense he would open the car door on the same side as he was.

  104. Charlotte, this USA today article about the birth has a link to your blog!

    How does Duchess Kate do it? From giving birth to camera-ready in heels in under 8 hours

  105. It's Wednesday! I'm really hoping they announce the new Prince's name today!!!! I'm not anxiously awaiting or anything... :)

  106. Charlotte, do you think they'll still announce the name today? It's already kind of late...

    1. It's looking far less likely now Caroline. Perhaps with Anzac Day commemorations it was decided to wait until tomorrow? I certainly think the media expected it today.


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