Monday 9 April 2018

Royal Baby Watch Officially Begins!

Royal Baby Watch officially commenced this morning, with parking restrictions in place until 30 April outside the Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in Paddington. Although there were rumours Kate might opt for a home birth this time - it was confirmed today William and Kate chose the London hospital where George and Charlotte were born.

Barriers have been erected on the street outside for photographers and journalists. The media will be permitted to make short visits to the press pen for filming purposes but will not be allowed to stay until the Palace confirms Kate has been admitted. Reporter Emily Nash notes "The Palace and the Hospital have worked hard to make sure the birth will cause minimal disruption to patients and staff - there are very good media arrangements in place. Don't expect to see regular reporting/updates from the Lindo Wing until the time comes."

The scene outside the Lindo Wing on the day Princess Charlotte was born.

Reporter Emily Andrews understands the Lindo Wing was always the plan. The Cambridges are enjoying a couple of weeks at their country home Anmer Hall and are not expected to return to London until the weekend - ahead of George's return to school next Monday.

Emily Andrews Twitter Feed

Once again, William and Kate have elected not to find out if they are having a boy or a girl before the arrival. More from the Mail Online:

'The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge won't know whether they are having a boy or a girl until the baby is delivered, it was revealed today. During routine scans William and Kate did not ask if they would be welcoming a son or daughter - opting to be surprised as with the Duchess's previous pregnancies.
Once news of the birth has been announced on the official Kensington Palace Twitter and Instagram accounts, a bulletin notice declaring the birth will go on display on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.
Kate is likely to take an extended period off to recover and nurse the latest addition to her family but is expected to attend Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding on May 19.
As a mother of three children under the age of four, the duchess's role as a parent is likely to be her focus for the next few years, providing a loving and stable home for her family.
The new royal baby will be born fifth in line to the throne. Once the prince or princess arrives, Prince Harry will shift down the line of succession to sixth place.'

The Telegraph adds: "The Duchess will be looked after by a team of leading medical professionals during her stay, which will be lead by Alan Farthing, the Queen’s surgeon-gynaecologist, and Guy Thorpe-Beeston, surgeon-gynaecologist to the royal household. Both of them helped to deliver Prince George and Princess Charlotte. In the Lindo Wing, The Duchess will again be given a bespoke experience akin to a five-star hotel with en suite rooms available "providing a modern, homely environment in which to start your new or expanded family life", the unit's website states."

The exact due date is not known. Emily Andrews understands the baby is due around 23rd April, whilst The Telegraph reports mid-late April.

As with George and Charlotte, when the Duchess goes into labour we can expect a tweet and official press release from Kensington Palace, once the Queen and both families have been informed. Below, the tweet posted when Kate was admitted to St Mary's on the day Charlotte was born.

Aside from photos of William and Kate with their bundle of joy, many of us are hoping for a shot of William bringing George and Charlotte to meet their new sibling.

When the prince or princess arrives, big sister Charlotte will make history. More from the Evening Standard:

'The two-year-old is the first-ever member of the royal family that will not lose her spot in line to the throne if a male heir is born. This is due to the Succession to the Crown Act 2013, which was passed when the Duchess was pregnant with Prince George and stated that succession to the throne would be based wholly on birth order – not gender.'

The Duchess selected bespoke Jenny Packham dresses when she left the hospital with George and Charlotte (she had both pink and blue polka dot options ready when George was born). I expect it very likely she'll choose the British designer again.

Another interesting read from The Telegraph: The Duchess of Cambridge and the art of the 'going home' look:

'The art of the 'coming home' look is a relatively new one for the royals. Wedding dresses, diplomatic tour outfits and ballgowns have all been finely honed over the past two centuries, but until the birth of Prince William in 1982, babies were delivered in the privacy of royal palaces with no need to pose for pictures until they were at least a few weeks old. The first images of then-Princess Elizabeth gazing lovingly at little Prince Charles were published a month after his birth, offering plenty of time for recovery and beautifying. 
There was no such luxury for Princess Diana when she left hospital, bump still visible, the day after giving birth to William and, two years later, Harry. Similarly, Kate faced the world's cameras little more than 24 hours after George's delivery and a mere ten hours after Charlotte's, so we can likely expect a similar modus operandi with baby number three.
For both her births, she has commissioned bespoke dresses by Jenny Packham, one of her favourite designers. It seems likely that we can expect another new outfit for the birth of baby number three. When Kate emerged with Prince George, wearing a pale blue polka dot dress, immediate comparisons were drawn with the outfit worn by Diana to present William to the world. It was a sensitive sartorial tribute at a moment when her absence was keenly felt. Although the duchess's style squad- stylist Natasha Archer and hairdresser Amanda Cook Tucker- were pictured arriving at the hospital, the results of their work were soft and subtle; Kate's hair was styled in natural, loose waves, her make-up was minimal and she wore comfortable wedges rather than heels. 
With Princess Charlotte's birth is was a different story. Although the chosen Jenny Packham dress was as pretty and loose as the first with its buttercup print, many commented on the choice of white as particularly brave. Kate paired the look with her beloved beige heels this time while her hair and make-up was more glamorous- bouncing curls and lashings of eyeliner. 'Fresh as breeze' and 'stunning appearence' were The Telegraph's Gordon Rayner's summation of the look. 
If the post-George look was 'relatable(ish) and relaxed new mum', then the message post-Charlotte was that of a consummate professional royal.'

Once Kate is admitted to hospital, I'll start a 'Live Blog' which will run throughout the day with timely updates and items of interest. It's a hugely exciting time for William and Kate and of course George and Charlotte :)


We also have several fashion updates to share today. Kate's gorgeous 'red pop' Boden Lena coat is reduced from £220 to £110 on the website.

The Boutique Moschino coat Kate wore for a roundtable discussion at Kensington Palace in November is reduced from $497 to $437 at Yoox.

The Monsoon Eva wedges are available in most sizes at present.

Kate's blue Philosophy Twill Double-Breasted Blazer is back in stock at Barneys (thanks to Middleton Maven).

And Kate's Ray Ban Wayfarers are available at Nordstrom.

In our next post, we'll be taking a look at Kate's maternity wardrobe :)


  1. I can 't belive that this beautiful and exciting time is coming. I must check Twitter all the time :)

  2. Hope the baby won't let us wait until the end of April! :-) hope everything will go well for Kate and the baby during the birth!

    Seeing all the press/reporters on the fotos makes me feel sorry for Kate...having to face this situation only few hours after birth.

    Curious what dress she will wear this time!

    1. I was always shocked she went out so soon after birth each time. Kate must not mind. That, or she just wants to get it over with and get home to rest. I seriously couldn’t believe she made an appearance 10 hours after Charlotte’s birth. I wonder if I can be that mug of a superwoman whenever I have kids. I, too, can’t wait to see which dress she wears this time!

    2. Susan in Florida10 April 2018 at 17:46

      I guess she has plenty of help and a nurse at home so she is able to leave the hospital with confidence .

  3. Jessica in Los Angeles9 April 2018 at 15:19

    While I absolutely will be here excitedly looking at newborn photos when the new baby arrives, I can’t help but feel bad for Kate in this regard. The last thing I wanted to do after having my babies was get glammed up for a photo! I am just so impressed with the inner grace and strength she has. William is very much a lucky man.

    I hope she’s not too uncomfortable in these last weeks and that she’s enjoying some time with her family. Every baby is such a blessing!

    1. I agree with everything you said Jessica. I can't imagine what it must feel like to get all dressed up and pose in front of the world's media hours after giving birth. Kate must have some kind of a supernatural power to walk out in heels no less. I'm sure that if you ask my husband, he will tell you that I looked like a beached whale right after the birth of both our boys lol :)

      I imagine that Kate must be feeling some discomfort as well during these last few days / weeks. Sleep tends to evade pregnant women at this stage so I do hope that she is getting as much rest as she can.

  4. Tammy from California9 April 2018 at 15:23

    IVery exciting we are on baby watch!!! VERY!

  5. Charlotte, you really know how to "rev up" the excitement! Thanks for your blog today, and yes we are all on standby.

  6. My theory about this being an early April has somewhat been dispelled. I was actually in Kenya this past week for work and on the flight back I read an article about parking restrictions going up on the 10th and I was like "Aah man, this baby is going to take his / her time" Lol! Oh well, I'm still hoping that it arrives before the 17th as I have an unexpected work assignment in Angola from the 18th :(

    I hope Kate is resting and making the most of this time :)

    Love Avee in SA

    1. lol lol lol Avee! You were in my head!! :) I have to book out soon too for work up in Vancouver (which will be all consuming) So I'm like "little dude or dudette, cut me some slack & arrive already!! lol :)

    2. Lol Becca, our little team "EAB" may still be right... only time will tell lol :)

      Also, did you read that William may have let slip the baby's gender? I literally just saw it today and I was like "No more games please" Lol! Fingers crossed that the little one arrives before the 18th! :)

    3. Avee No! I didn't see that! What did he say?? Well at least Team EAB can hang on for a few days more!! lol :)

    4. Becca, I read an article that said William went to the Aston Villa game this game and when he was presented a shirt by a player named Jack (who also scored for the team), William said that he's going to insist that the baby be named Jack... and then quickly added Jackie after. It may have been an innocent joke but who knows if he almost slipped up... ;)

      I've had my money on a little princess tho so I may be wrong again lol, oh well :)

    5. Ahhhhh! So we're back to not knowing!! lol :) Good thing we don't have any "actual" money on these things like date, gender or names!! lol lol lol :)

  7. We're getting close now! I have a feeling the baby will come around the 18th-20th...right in the middle of the Lindo wing reservation allotment. Now that the signs are up, my excitement is growing. I can't wait to see if it's a girl or guess is a boy.

    I'm also not surprised she chose the Lindo wing after all (or from the beginning, if the home birth rumors were completely false). From the photos, it looks like a luxurious place to give birth, especially with the comfort of an excellent team of doctors right there. I know I'd feel more comfortable. I imagine, too, that a familiar surrounding will lessen Kate's nerves, perhaps. She's been there and done it before, so to speak.

    I never really realized, before, that their kids are all under the age of 5. I know they have amazing resources and help, but still, that's a lot to handle! I do hope Kate doesn't disappear on us, though.

    1. Becca H, you said everything I was thinking!

    2. Although, what's a better reason to disappear for a little family time? I think 3 little ones under 5 makes the cut for me! lol :)

    3. Respectfully Becca, Kate has a job. She married a job when she married William and all benefits she receives come with that job. Like any other working woman, she has to balance the need to work with family responsibilities.

      Perhaps I'm less sympathetic here than many because I know several young women, one very close to me, who recently had babies. (second in all cases - I doubt they feel they could afford a third, however much they might wish.) These women would love to disappear too but they can't. They have to work as soon as their paid maternity leave is up and none felt they could afford more than eight months at the most. They work full time and also must manage a house, find child care (Mum in the cases I know) and have host of other responsibilities. They can't afford nannies, let alone a maternity nurse like Kate will have to smooth her way.

      Kate has none of these worries but she isn't just a celebrity or a pretty girl - she literally represents all of these women who have to manage these issues. A royal position carries responsibilities - although it also provides more free time than almost any working subject has. But she's still employed, and once a reasonable maternity leave is up - she needs to go back to work. Or she will soon seem out of touch with her nation.

      (And no, I don't believe William and Kate will work into old age like the queen - I think, should the monarchy survive - they will pass duties on to George. I don't think that's a bad thing, but I don't think either William or Kate have the sense of duty of the queen and Philip or the work ethic of Charles and Anne.)

    4. Julia,
      I agree with you. I myself am expecting my first and know that once my maternity leave is up, then it's back to work. Sure, Kate doesn't have to worry per se about monetary income, but she does represent the modern woman and as such, I feel should be back and working after a well thought out period of maternity leave. This is especially given all the help she has. Even working royal duties, Kate will still have a lot more time with her children than other mothers. It's all about striking a balance between her family and the nation that she represents and "pays" her. I'm sure other royal women have been there before and so she can have some idea as to how to do this in a way that she needs.

    5. Julia, I'm sorry I wasn't very clear. When I said "disappear", I was light heartedly referring to what maternity time she gets, this late spring/into summer. I was envisioning summer time at Anmer & perhaps a trip to Balmoral in August. I in no way was referencing her disappearing from her Job! I fully expect that we will see her back at it, working full tilt after her maternity leave is up! I think she will be even busier when she returns, than we had even seen during this pregnancy! I expect she will end this calendar year strong & have even more appearances & engagements in the next year & the next after that! I only see her as increasing & refining her job as a Full Time Senior Royal! Hope that clears things up. :)

    6. Julia & Chrystal, I too worked through having my children, 4 of them. I worked at home basically right away (due to my industry) & had to leave them as early as when they were 6weeks old. I eventually was able to take some years off, when my husband finished his 15yrs of Medical Training. I treasured those years & then was back to work. In fact I am trying to slow down, as I don't get to see my grandchildren as much as I'd like & they are growing so fast, not to mention we don't know how long they will live within driving distance. So I also understand about trying to balance work & family. Also, Julia, I will have to respectfully disagree, in return. I believe Will & Kate are completely all in "on the long game" as Kate called it during the "Forum". Several times they mentioned that their jobs were for life & thus they were in a unique position to do certain things that would take years of commitment. However, we all are entitled to our opinions. Sharing our own & learning about others', is what makes Charlotte's DKB & MAM so enlightening. :)

    7. Julia, I don't disagree. I was mainly surprised at the realization that their kids are all under the age of 5. But I did say I hope she doesn't disappear on us and still hold to that.

    8. I just realized you were talking to Becca USA, Julia, and not me haha! Oops.

    9. Julia, I don’t think Becca was suggesting Kate will “disappear” for 3-4 years or something extreme. Anyone who has followed the Duchess since the birth of Prince George knows that she takes a few months (normally making the ocassional official/work appearance in that time, such as Trooping the Colour a month after Charlotte) of maternal leave, and then gets back to work. In fact, to my recollection, she didn’t even take the 8 months you referenced before getting back to work, though I will concede that until this year with both children in school, she wasn’t doing a ton of engagements, maternity leave or not.

      If anything, I think the increased number of engagements she did in the last 3 months or so suggests she will pick back up the pace even more quickly than she did after the previous two births.

      I often find myself annoyed when people refer to her marriage as a job. She did not marry a job, William is not a job. She married William and with that marriage came a job. I agree, if they’re going to reap the benefits, they need to uphold and fulfill the responsibilities and duties. However, I find it a bit cold when people forget these are two people in love. They fell in love and because of circumstances outside either of their control, i.e., William’s parents, Kate had to choose between giving that up or taking all of this on. She isn’t Princess of Wales yet, let’s cut her, at least, some slack and not assume she’s going to use the birth of a child as a reason to shirk responsibilities. She’s got decades of work ahead and so long as she resumes royal duties in a timely manner as she has before, I think she deserves the benefit of the doubt.

      Also, just something I found a bit are very clearly not from the United States. Most women here, myself included, would be grateful to get the 8 months you referenced women you know taking. We normally get about 6 WEEKS, and for most women, that’s unpaid.

    10. Maggie - Minneapolis12 April 2018 at 08:04

      People in life very often have to choose between staying with someone they love and giving them up bc of "logistical" issues whatever they may be, like facing long distance after college bc of finding jobs in diff parts of the country or whatever else. A lot of ppl say it's not as hard to find someone you could love and spend rest of life with as it is to find someone who "logistically" matches enough for it to work. Realistically, love isn't the only thing deciding if 2 ppl end up together. Esp for two ppl who met early in college - lots of time to move on if that's the choice made. It of course feels horrible then, but it's a fact of life. So if kate wasn't willing to marry the job, she shouldn't have married will. Or at least they shouldn't have accepted lavish taxpayer funds to renovate their homes and such, recognizing she wouldn't be doing royal duties enough to have earned that money.
      As for benefit of the doubt, I actually think after two births she has done the opposite of earning it. Resumed royal duties in a timely manner? Maybe she did a couple soon after birth the last times, but her overall number even a year after has been incredibly low. She's always picked up her pace before maternity leave btw. At this point it's never indicated anything except an attempt to boost her annual numbers to account for taking months off post birth, not actually set new standard for work.

  8. How exciting! Both of my children had due dates of April 23rd!! My son came three weeks late and my daughter a week hoping for an April 16 birth date for the new royal!! Wishing Kate a safe delivery and a healthy baby. cc

    1. Zora from Prague9 April 2018 at 20:37

      CeCe, my personal guess is also around April 15 but the closer it gets, the more I believe it may take a little longer... Especially if they are still in Anmer.
      Thank you for the post, Charlotte! Although I liked Kate's look both times she was leaving the Lindo, I think there was something so fresh and vulnerable and natural when they had George... Looking at the new mum, inexperienced as any new mum is, incredibly proud, relieved and happy and at the same time a bit anxious - will it work? will I/we manage...? - it was very moving. I wish them all the best.

    2. Oh Ladies I'm Sooooo Excited!!!! I hope it's sooner rather than later!! (hopefully before or by April 15th) I can't believe we're already here at "The Great Kate Wait"!!! Yay!!! :) xoxo

    3. Susanne from Vienna10 April 2018 at 08:43

      April 16th would be nice, since it's also my birthday and this would add a touch of excitement and joy ... but in any case I wish Kate restful days before the birth and then a safe, uncomplicated delivery!
      Her appearances just a few hours after giving birth were so amazing, I'm full of respect for her.

    4. Zora from Prague10 April 2018 at 16:12

      Susanne, in any case, it will be a lovely present - either "on the date" or a little belated one! :) Happy birthday!

    5. Susanne from Vienna11 April 2018 at 19:08

      Díky, Zora, love to Prague!

  9. So, I’m going with the assumption that the due date is in the middle of parking restrictions and am putting my bet on April 20th for baby Cambridge 3. Would be fabulous if he/she was born on the Queen’s birthday April 21st also.

    1. Melanie in California10 April 2018 at 02:05

      I also vote for April 20 as that is my son’s birthday!

    2. I am also voting for April 20---it is also my son's birthday!

  10. Susan in Florida9 April 2018 at 18:21

    Thank you so much Charlotte ! Your work on this blog and Mad About Meghan is VERY much appreciated 🌹🌹🌹

  11. Ah, I see you changed the item in the Links section at top from "George and Charlotte" to "Cambridge Children" so you have also started getting ready for the new arrival! The next weeks will seem to drag since I can hardly wait!

  12. Goodafternoon Charlotte! As I am awaiting my grandchildren from school let out, I popped over and surprise, a lovely new post! I love the look backs on the two pregnancies. Kate looked gorgeous with both children, but especially beautiful after Charlotte! The great Kate wait has officially begun! Look forward to future posts. Now I am hopping over to MAM!!! Kathy from NJ 😊💕

  13. How exciting! I'm leaving for London tomorrow and will be there until the 21st. Hoping the baby comes while I'm there!

    1. Zora from Prague9 April 2018 at 20:31

      Fingers crossed, Pam! :)

    2. 🌸 Do keep us up to date please, Pam. :)

    3. oooh! Pam, how exciting!!! Please keep in touch if anything happens while you are there? Safe Travels! :)

    4. How lovely Pam! Maybe you could pop over to the Lindo Wing and catch a glimpse of them :)

  14. Poor Kate, it's hard enough waiting for a baby without the whole world waiting too. I'm always surprised the hospital lets the media camp outside. It's so intrusive and disrespectful.

    1. 🌸 That’s not all though, Penny, lol. There will be a 21-gun salute somewhere no doubt, buildings lighted to a baby blue or pretty pink. And of course there is the Town Cryer and the posting of the birth stats on the gate of Buckingham Palace and that’s just for starters. :) There will be flowers created and named, tea sets for sale......

    2. I don't think the hospital has much choice. At least this way the media presence is controlled. I also think it's the council who arrange this, not the hospital.

  15. Not disrespectful, Penny. The British public has a right to be interested in their royal family. When their interest is gone, so is the royal family.

    Beth in SF

  16. Thanks for the update, Charlotte! That parking sign has made me super excited! :-P Wishing Kate a healthy & safe delivery x

  17. I think you're covered. Pam!
    I hoe a little bit that the baby comes in the next five days and is born in Norfolk. No fun for the journalists, but think how nice and private for Kate. :)
    I don't know how much we can count on KP Twitter for labor announcement. It was an after-the-fact post-stating she had been admitted at 6am, but it was not announced by KP until later. Also ..."early stages of labour?" I think the actual timing of Charlotte's birth belies that statement.

    1. I'm actually wondering if there might be something to it, about possibly hoping the baby might come a little bit early and oh shucks guess we have to deliver in Norfolk! Everyone's different but all my friends stick VERY close to home when they're within a few weeks of their due date, in order to get to the planned birthing location quickly.

    2. Well, according to my midwife I was still in the early stages of labour with my second baby at 6am one Sunday morning six years ago. At 6.18am, he was born. Nothing wrong with her assessment, it was based on very thorough observation, but sometimes babies and bodies surprise us.

    3. 🌸 What a blessing, Vivienne. :)

      I don’t know about you and other moms here but for the first week or so after giving birth I would cry at the drop of a hat. Not that I was depressed. It was more like everything just became so special to me, like when my in-laws brought half the women from the country club over to see my newborn son. I sat there, as they were oohing and awhing, crying like baby. No problem. They “knew”, lol. My husband would do something sweet and thoughtful and the tears would start again. Thankfully, not to worry. That didn’t last long and my son knows he has a happy mom. 😊

    4. Surfer girl, I feel you there. I felt so overwhelmed and not myself after I had my baby. I would hide in my room while I was nursing him and cry. Having a baby changed my whole perspective on life, I couldn’t understand how people just walked around like having a baby was normal lol! Beside that though, I became so scared that something would happen to my baby that I couldn’t relax while anyone else held him—including my husband and my mother. It was so unexplainable because I really, really needed a break (and a shower!) but I just could not walk away without feeling terrified, which only added to the exhaustion, and not in a good way.

  18. Yay! The excitement is building! I still remember so well what I was doing when she had George. I was at a doctor’s appointment and they had the news on—which was basically just a livestream of everyone waiting outside the Lindo Wing.

    I actually do not feel bad for Kate. I think she’s got the hospital press routine down to an art form and she will be fine. She seems pretty tough too and probably gets through labor fearlessly. Plus, like someone commented, she’s got a really nice room, great doctors and nurses, etc.

    I also think maybe she secretly relishes these, obviously very special, appearances. I remember when she came out with Charlotte and she was wearing that white dress, I was like “Wow, she really is superwoman! Not ONLY did she just give birth to a baby, but she’s in heels!!”

    Wouldn’t it be funny though if she came out in leggings or joggers with her hair in a ponytail?

    1. Plus her dress was White on the bottom section!!!! :O SuperWoman For Sure!! :) I'm wondering how she will do it this time? Polished like last time, more natural like with George, or somewhere in-between? :)

    2. I don’t think anyone would care if she wore trousers. Other royals have left hospital in trousers and much more casual clothes. This is Kate’s choice, I guess she considers it an ‘’official’’ royal thing and wants to look perfect on front pages.
      I don’t blame her, but personally I prefer how some other royals handle it. Swedes are particularly casual, but even CP Mary was fairly casual and in black trousers all 3 times.

    3. Becca, I was pregnant with my first when Charlotte was born so I didn’t fully get how daring that dress was until a few months later!

      Anon, thanks for posting links to those pics. I think they do look much more “normal.”

      I personally hope Kate goes for the natural look like when she had George.

    4. Sonja from Bavaria10 April 2018 at 13:05

      But to be fair, the swedes neber left the Hospital with the media present and hundreds of cameras clicking. They alsways published a relaxed photo later, but this is completely different than the lindo wing situation with hundreds of photographers catching every pimple and wrinkle woth their super strong cameras and a live stream etc etc.

    5. Thx Anon 03:12 for the great links! :) All the Royal Woman look wonderful! My hunch is that Kate is doing what she wants to do with regards to presenting herself to the world as The Wife of a Future King of The UK & Head of The Commonwealth, as well as Mother to a Future King of The UK & Head of The Commonwealth. It's an interesting peek into how she wants to script her role & image! I don't believe Kate would do anything she felt strongly against! I believe that goes for her departure from The Lindo Wing, as She & William present their Royal Children to The World for the first time! She obviously has a personal vision of how she wants this to be. Considering all that she has been through with having recently given birth each time, I deny her nothing!! lol :)

    6. They all look great, anon 3.12 but their pictures weren't shown all over the world, the way Kate's are. If she feels up to - and maybe better for - being more formal, good for her.

    7. Natalie, joggers, tennies & pony? She's even rock that look! :) xo

    8. Natalie, I had a good chuckle at your 'change of perspective'! lol :) It happens to us all once we've gone through our first childbirth experience! lol :) xo I too would be a fan of her stepping outside more natural, ala like after george & then some! :)

  19. I strongly suspect that the baby will arrive closer to the 9th than the 30th. We're talking about a three-week time frame here and I don't believe they would disrupt patients and staff for that long. Me thinks that the 30th is intended to imply that we have a longer wait than we actually do. Time will tell, eh?

    1. I think you are correct. 30th April is 2 weeks late and a little extra for time to go home. With Princess Charlotte Kate left within hours of her birth.

    2. My hunch is that it's a bluff too. :) But we will basically never know, until the Baby arrives! lol :)

    3. I think the usually give a large window for the parking. Probably to err on the safe side, after all they had to extend parking restrictions for Charlotte, since she was so late.

  20. Yes Natalie, that would be funny, but it would be fine by me! Lol. Wouldn't that give the world something to talk about!

  21. 🌸 It has been said before and is so true. Kate is one in a million. How she has seamlessly become a steady and contributing member of the Royal family is exceptional at the very least. She is now surrounded daily by the second, third, fourth and fifth in succession to the throne, and when Harry pops by, also the sixth.👑👑👑👑👑
    The lady has her hands full. :)

    1. SG, So well said! :) Add to that, she seems to be such a calm & guiding, supportive, nurturing influence to them all. She's no longer needed in the same way by Harry, but I'm sure he will always hold her in high esteem. She is such a calm & steady force for this generation of The Royal Family & obviously already is for the next generation! I believe she will go down in history as one of The Great Wives & Mothers in BRF History! :) xo

    2. 🌸 That she will, Becca. 👑

    3. Maggie - Minneapolis12 April 2018 at 07:51

      I'm sorry but come on... she had over a decade to prepare before marriage, and even after marriage has spent her entire royal life still being eased into her role. I'd like to think most of us would look good at a job if we only had to work it part time and it's been 17 years since we knew we should start prepping. She's been by far the most coddled in her role ever, and she's in her mid thirties. I don't deny the public spotlight must feel like a lot at times but again, she's been incredibly eased into things. And she's 36 yrs old-not exactly a young adult even.

    4. Maggie, you missed the point of my comment!

    5. Looking at it objectively I think there is no other option then to agree with what Maggie said.
      But sometimes we get a certain picture of other people and then objectiveness is not important anymore. Funny thing:)
      In that sense, I somehow can understand both of you. But with Maggie I agree.

    6. Well...... chalk this one up to me not having found the right words to express what I felt! I was speaking to her personality, character, demeanor, values & principles. All things that can't be taught or (as Maggie referenced) prepared for...... It's who a person innately is. Not who they've trained to be. I do stand by my opinion that I believe these qualities will continue to enhance every aspect of her life, including but not limited to, her Royal Roles & her private roles as part of The BRF.

  22. Well said. My brother has three children spread over seven years, and they had quite a time when all were young. “Now, they out-number you”, he said. They had a nanny too.
    I guessed a girl, but exciting either way. Luck to them.

  23. Both Charlotte and George arrived later than expected. That along with William and Kate being at Anmer makes me think it will be awhile. They have to set up the press zone early - can you imagine the uproar if Kate went into labor early and the media missed out! I just hope there is no interference with Harry and Meghan's big day. I've been nervous ever since Harry and Meghan announced the date. Just think - in the next six weeks we'll have a new Cambridge baby and a Royal Wedding!

    1. It sure will be an exciting six weeks!

  24. Seeing the suspended parking sign in place it adds the excitement. Can't wait for the baby to arrive. Thank you for posting's all very exciting.

  25. This is really exciting, and it means it's another step closer. I'm hoping it will be sooner than later. I hope we won't have to wait until late April. If they aren't going to be in London until this weekend, I hope it's as soon as next week. Does anyone think it's possible for it to be next week?

    1. Zora from Prague10 April 2018 at 16:18

      Yes, Amy, I think several readers believe it is possible! (see above - CeCe&co.) 😃

    2. I had hope, but now I see that William has a bunch of engagements scheduled for next week. I think it's a little odd that he had nothing after the 23rd all the way until next week. Do you think that means anything about the due date?

    3. William is free this week because the kids are on school holidays. Nest week is the CHOGM and ALL royals will participate, except Kate, of course. Nothing is announced after that because they don’t announce things so far in advance, if it’s events in the UK.

    4. More likely to do with George and Charlotte being on holiday. They go back next week.

    5. I believe that the reason William did not have any engagements last week was simple...he was spending time with his family at Amner. He has several Commonwealth engagements over the next 2 weeks. Since September, I have believed that Kate's due date is closer to the end of April. George was born 36 days after Kate began maternity leave and Charlotte was born 35 days after she began maternity leave. While babies have their own timing at birth, I suspect this third child will follow a similar pattern to George and Charlotte.

    6. Maggie - Minneapolis12 April 2018 at 07:55

      For someone so bent on keeping life normal for his family, William seems oddly fine yet again with taking breaks from a pretty light workload to begin with-breaks that "normal" families wouldn't see their dads taking like for ex taking a month off from work right before the birth of the next child, since they'd wanna be working extra hard to make up for time likely to be missed after the birth on paternity leave and such.
      But yeah I agree with everyone that this was timed to allow for an Anmer retreat and had nothing to do with a likely due date or anything.

  26. Last year I predicted that April the Giraffe would have her baby on my birthday, April 15th, and she did! This year I've been predicting that Catherine will have royal baby #3 on my birthday! We shall see! :)

    1. Zora from Prague10 April 2018 at 16:19

      Lol, VIDODF! 😀 Where can one see April the Giraffe?

    2. I'm not sure if I can share links here but you can look up April the Giraffe gives birth on YouTube and a few video's should show up. :)

    3. Zora from Prague12 April 2018 at 19:53

      Thank you - amazing! 🦒

  27. Charlotte, Thank you for the Amazing Surprise Post! It just popped into my head that I should check in. I forgot about these being the dates that the barricades were set to go up! Then here I find This Fabulous & Exciting Post!:) I am glad for 2 things in particular: 1) That the Press won't be allowed to set up camp, until it's been announced by KP that Kate has been admitted! & 2) That She went with The Lindo Wing after all. We had the Scariest Life or Death situation when our daughter was giving birth to her 3rd child. After 2 uneventful natural births, suddenly both our daughter & the baby went into severe distress!! Had they not been able to get the baby out within 10 min, we would have lost them both!! So you just never know! So I'm happy for them that they will be right there with everything they could need for any unforeseen emergency! Smiling thinking of that sweet little family, enjoying their last days as a family of 4 up at Anmer! This little one will have a very loving older brother & sister! What joy it will be to watch all 3 of them grow up! :) Prayers & Blessings to Kate as she gets ready to give birth! :) xoxo

    1. Oh Becca, what a daunting experience for your daughter! I do hope that both she and the baby were ok.

      Childbirth is always an anxious experience for any family and I fully understand the emergency that could arise in such a situation. Sending you, your daughter and your family lots of love and prayers Becca! :)

    2. Thank you Avee! xo All is well, but I felt so humbled by the experience! In general I think we are so used to childbirth going so well, that we forget how something unexpected can still change on a dime! :(

    3. So true Becca! Thank god for doctors, nurses and midwives who provide such a valuable service. Sending hugs to you :)

  28. Talk about delay with KP Twitter...... They don't even have anything up about this news, that's being reported widely! So, I'm thinking we may find more timely info out from Charlotte or any of the other reporters on the scene! Oh KP! :(

    1. Obviously KP wouldn.t talk about the lindi wing getting ready. It isn.t a news outlet. It.s for us peasants to worry about such things. Joking, but fir real, they do official announcements, not gossiping and news amd logistics.


  29. Okay i think my birthday is a bit too late. But i do hope hrh goes into labour after 19th so my exams are over and i can follow the maddness in peace 😊

  30. Fiona in Australia10 April 2018 at 10:20

    I think that George's birth was late, I'm not sure about Charlotte's though? As we don't actually know the expected delivery date, if it is 23rd April as has been suggested, I guess it's possible Kate could give birth 3 weeks after that. That's bringing it pretty close to Harry and Meghan's wedding though! Can you imagine trying to have an outfit ready to wear to the wedding, not knowing how soon prior you'd be giving birth, and how it would fit etc..

    While I agree with others here that it's a big ask to present yourself to the waiting media so soon after giving birth, I also think that most new parents are on a high at that point, and with help Kate gets with her hair and make-up, she might not mind so much but rather be proud to show the new arrival to the world.

    I think the exhaustion sets in a few days down the track, and of course breast-feeding takes a lot out of new mothers, not to mention the lack of sleep. I'm sure she'll handle it all in her own inimitable way. I wish her all the best for a safe delivery. She does have an expert medical team right there at St Mary's though, which would no doubt be consoling for both Kate and William. Exciting times!

    1. Sonja from Bavaria10 April 2018 at 13:00

      If I am correct, Charlotte was also born later than her due date. Kate told someone on an engagement during her 2nd pregnancy she was due in April and parking restrictions were originally only going until 30 April 2015, but at the end of April they changed it and made them longer. So I am guessing #3 will also make a late entry into the world? :)

    2. Everyone is thinking about the outfit. In my country children are breastfeeded until 6 months old every 3 hours, so women can't attend this kind of events.

    3. O why would there be any rules from the country? You wouldnt force the baby to breastfeed if its not hungry i would assume. Even newborns. Thats my experience with my babies at least.
      Anyway, 3 hours is plenty of time to attend the wedding and i am sure that the baby will be close to her :)

    4. All mothers do not necessarily breastfeed. Some CHOOSE not to, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    5. True plenty of women do not breastfeed but even if they do you can use a bottle for a long day and many babies are well beyond feeding every 3 hours by the end of the first month. I do not know very many women who breastfeed the child every 3 hours over 24 hours at 6 months. There is that child of course who does eat like that at 6 months but hopefully the Mom is using a bottle at that point along with breast feeding.

    6. No rules obviously, however breastfeeding is the best for a child. In my country we have been very conscious of it and even we have hours at work for it. Of Course you choose the best for your child, other thing is you couldn't for any reason.

    7. Ali, a bottle is not the skin and the interaction with you baby. I really know women who do it. In fact all women in my surroundings.

    8. Allright in my cointry we also can pump or breastfeed during working hours etc. Doesnt really matter that much for Kate though.
      There is plenty of options to feed the baby during the wedding, breastfeeding or not.
      I think Kate is an experienced mum by now and knows them all, as other mums have learned after having had babies. I dont think this should be an issue for her, other breastfeeding mums also manage ;)

    9. I'm hopeful Kate will breastfeed as well although I appreciate that she has kept it private so as not to make a campaign to make women feel guilty who can't or choose not to. Being as health conscious and natural-minded as she is I'm not at all surprised she is nursing! And I am breastfeeding my third right now (he's 8 months) and I nursed all 3 pretty much every 3 hours well past a year old. When I returned to work (I work 2 days a week) I just pump and my husband or the sitter gives the baby a bottle of expressed milk. I imagine Kate will leave milk for the baby or just nurse the baby right before the wedding and then between the wedding and reception. I was Matron of Honor in a wedding when my first was just 6 weeks old! It was a little stressful but doable, and she has paid staff and a nanny which was not at my disposal :)

    10. Maggie - Minneapolis13 April 2018 at 17:40

      If I rmbr correctly Kate spent like 6ish hours at Wimbledon the july after Charlotte was born so when she was abt 2 months old...and if kate did start off breastfeeding her then given that she knew she wld basically not have to appear in public for 5 months after birth cept very rare occasion I imagine she wldve opted to breastfeed past 1-2 months since empty schedule for longer made it not too hard to manage. So prolly still breastfeeding during wimbledon but managed to leave baby for quite a few hours and was fine- prolly pumped like many breastfeeding moms have to do at times. If she cld make it work while at public tennis match then I imagine making it work for wedding day will be much easier. Marriage ceremony can't be that long, and all the events are taking place on grounds of royal home which means she can prolly set up nearby (to where wedding events are) room or something to temporarily settle new baby and nanny into, allowing easy slipping away for kate from wedding stuff to see/feed baby as desired. Just prolly need to try avoiding getting up during ceremony itself bc that might be conspicuous but again, doubt it'd be too long.
      Ofc would understand if she attended ceremony and skipped everything else, but given it's all happening at a royal residence, I think there's a not terrible way to make it work for her and baby without missing receptions. It being royal home also means she can leave it up to last sec to see how she and baby are feeling before deciding if she's going to reception, and if she decides to back, I'm sure they have some. Guest rooms (lol) at Windsor for her to retreat to.
      So I think it'll be OK :)

  31. Thoughts in response to the latest update...

    1- I imagine she’ll be 39 weeks on the 10th (when restrictions come into play) and then 40 aka go time around the 17th then they have the next two weeks in case she goes overdue as I don’t imagine they will let her go past 42 weeks (the norm in Aus, so I would imagine the UK too?!).

    2- I really do feel for her, Royal or not, she’s still a woman and has the same post partum issues as the rest of us (I was still wearing a pad the size of Scotland for several day after my birth 🤣) not to mention learning to feed, feeling tender, stitches, crazy hormones... going out in front of cameras goes against absolutely everything your instinct as a months to a new baby tells you to do so I really do feel for her, but also deeply appreciate how seriously they take their roles that it is important to them to present just hours after giving birth!

    3- Charlotte, the comment about Kate having 3 under 4 really got me thinking about the immense pressure placed on Kate... she is often given such a hard time for not doing enough work but in reality she is doing one of the toughest jobs there is- being a Mum! On top of that she has the pressure of raising not any old kids (like my ferals), but three young royals- one of whom will one day be King. Have we learnt nothing from her work with organisations that support the mental health of young people and mothers? The children need their mum (and dad) more than ever in these early, formative years. From where I stand she’s doing a bloody marvellous job & can do no wrong in my eyes when it comes to putting family & her children before public duty.

    Kate O from Oz

    1. Kate, I really liked your third point. The pressure put on her is indicative of social values we currently have. I totally feel for her on that front. We judge a persons “worth” based on the measurable output of their productivity—“I work here doing this,” “He works six days a week,” etc. Raising children? That’s A LOT of work and not all of it is (in fact I would say most of it) is not readily visible to an outsider (aka anyone who is not surrounded by that kid all the time).

      I think Kate is making a wise choice in being such an active/involved mom. It’s especially important for her kids too, since they will be growing up in such a unique situation.

      PS I love how you only have the pressure of raising “any old kids!” Lol, so do I!

    2. Kate O, You Rock for how exceptionally well you said everything that's Important to know about Kate & The perspective we all should have regarding who she is & the perspective we should have about The Jobs she has as a Duchess, Wife of the 2nd in line to the Throne, Mum, Mum to 3 under 5yrs, Mother of a Future King, Wife, Wife & support system of a Future King!!! Kate Rocks & She Deserves All of Our Support!!! We want a Healthy Baby & a Heathy Kate!! I know we may miss seeing her for a while, but hopefully we can have this perspective & wish Kate as Well Balanced a life as possible in her world!! :) xoxo

    3. Oh Kate, you said it soooo well!!

    4. Actually 3 under 5. Plus George and Charlotte go to school now so she will have more time with the new baby.

    5. Even with a Nanny it is huge when the kids start a nursery and school program. Their whole world starts to expand beyond the immediate family. In todays world even for us of more moderate means:) living in a neighborhood with kids next door to play with has pretty much disappeared. Imagine living where the Royals do, no running next door for 15 minutes to play or going to the park across the street to play on the swings with whomever shows up that afternoon. School provides George and Charlotte that critical interaction with kids their own age.

    6. Ali, so well said. You are so right about school being especially important socially for George and Charlotte.

    7. 🌸 So true, Ali. I remember a time when no one locked their cars, and often did not lock their front doors to their homes.
      I have so, so many fun memories of playing all sorts of exciting games, having adventures with other neighborhood children. 😊

    8. Maggie - Minneapolis12 April 2018 at 07:42

      Wow, I'm starting to think we really haven't learned much from Kate's mental health work if ppl think it has anything to do with how much time a parent spends at home devoted to their kids.
      It has nothing to do with being a stay at home mom. In fact, it is all about building the emotional foundation in your kids that teaches them resilience. Ie teaching them how to properly deal with life issues emotionally, NOT simply making their lives as easy as possible by protecting them from all hardship or difficulty, including having their parents work and be away from home.
      It's about how you spend time with your children, not how much time you give them.
      Defend Kate's mothering choices if you want but it is very dangerous to muddle her personal choices with very important mental health issues just to defend her lack of work. It's also so incredibly insulting to the millions of parents who work full time or more and also build solid mental health foundations in their children. Please don't imply they are all failing at their jobs by choosing or having to work.
      It's also insulting to everyone to treat Kate's offspring as more important than anyone else's. A king has very very little power or influence these days anyways. Additionally, any parent who neglects their child's mental health is risking their child grow up and have issues that could affect society just as much. But really, it's not about how much the issues could affect society, it's about how much it could affect the person experiencing them. Every child is equally as important. And in fact, if anything, the most privileged children should be the least of our concerns, since their access to huge financial resources alone already protects them against the biggest need for mental health resiliency to begin with - financial concerns and such. Royal wealth means their kids will get whatever support they need already - from the best of the loving and doting nannies, to parents who don't have to work much, to always having (lavish) roofs over their heads/ample food to eat, and also the best medical care in the works. Yes they face media attention and spotlight issues definitely, but everyone in life has unique circumstances exposing them to mental health concerns (and again financial issues being a huge if not biggest factor), but a lot of ppl don't have the resources to deal with mental health issues if they ever arise. Royals do,already making them far better off. And the issues unique to their positions like being in the spotlight are most likely to manifest in issues like eating disorders, which have nothing to do with the time parents spend not working and everything to do with the parents making sure they talk and act about body image issues in very careful ways to set good ideals for their kids.

    9. Wow Maggie, I don't even know where to begin! Usually if I have a strongly negative reaction to what someone has said, I just move on. However, this time I can't just move on. Firstly, I have not seen anywhere on this Post/not just this thread, that Anyone has said that Good Mental Health Is Connected To Having A Full Time Mom At Home!! Regardless of what you think about Kate's job, it is just that.... a job! I can't imagine that you really want to encourage women to get down in the dirt & compete by analyzing how hard various Mom's work, whether inside the home or out!! I also don't think anything good can come from having a pile on (which has sadly happened before) about how hard Kate works at her Job, what it exactly entails & how much that job takes her away from her children!! This is nasty territory & never nets anything other than inciting throwing mud at one another!! This is such an old & tired debate & it debases us as women!! Forget #MeToo & #TimesUP, We women can be our own worst enemies, when it comes to this topic across the board!! Good Mental Health for Women & Children is a multi faceted issue, involving a wide variety of personal & unique factors based on each person or families unique situations. None of us walk in anyone else's shoes & I would hope we here & women in general, would someday resist derogatory judgements on how another woman mothers her child or children! As far as being Royal & being raised from birth to prepare for a job that you didn't ask for & will have for life..... personally I believe it involves a unique set of emotional & mental health challenges. A woman would have their own unique job, & challenges, as the mother or spouse of someone in such a position. This is something that I know I have no experience in, nor would I judge any aspects about the ease or difficulty of the process or position! What I do know, is that all the money & nice homes & castles in the world can not guarantee a happy well adjusted person!!

    10. Kate, I also agree with your points!

      Maggie, I do agree that working/non working moms is not indicative of what kind of parent they are, so saying SAHM's love their kids more is total bunk. But, just because you come from an affluent family does not guarantee you a healthy mental state. There are a lot of parents who put their idea of image and the idea that their child is 'fine, no child of mine would have issues' above their child's mental health and sonto avoid social stigma-the very social stigma that Heads Together was working to combat, thy don't address issues. And I do agree that any child is equally as important as George, a future king. But, most will not have the intense, worldwide spotlight that he(assuming the monarchy survives) will have.

    11. Maggie, as a counselor/therapist/ mental health professional and as a mother, there are so many things I could say in response to your comment. Like other commenters, when I am offended or have a negative reaction to someone's comment, I usually choose to make no response. The only thing I will say is this...I've read several of your comments in this thread and across others, and I find myself wondering why you follow William and Kate, when you are so displeased and frustrated with them.

    12. Zora from Prague12 April 2018 at 21:36

      I would just like to comment on the sentence "it's about how you spend time with your children, not how much time you give them. " I believe time is one of the most precious thing we have, and I can't imagine giving kids a more precious or important gift than time. Most of the parents share the feeling that time passes so quickly... before you know it, your kids turn from babies to schoolchildren, then to teenagers, then to grown-ups. Giving them your time, spending time with them is crucial, in my opinion. Of course, it's important how you spend that time; but first of all you have to be there for them. The baby needs you most of the time (and your partner, of course, but the bond to the mother is unique). He or she needs to be hugged, fed, rocked, kissed, talked to, sung to... etc. Solid mental foundations, good and lasting relationships with the parents are born from that. So IMO it matters very much how much time you spend with your kids, even when they are older. Every parent knows that spending the time with kids at home does not mean sitting on the sofa with your feet up. Raising kids is work, hard and beautiful and extremely responsible work. Work which takes time.

    13. I agree Maggie with your point about being a SAHM does not automatically help a child’s mental health, in fact the majority of people I know who either dropped out of high school or committed a crime had SAHM’s. I also agree with Becca USA that woman are very judgemtal towards other woman and I honestly hate that. I am about 13 years younger than Kate, so hopefully by the time we are kate’ s age woman my age will stop judging other womans work, personal, and parenting choices.

    14. And Maggie, I just wanna say that I am not offended by your comment(s) even though I sometimes don’t agree with them.

    15. ILoveElephants, I believe that the day that happens.... will be the day that things really improve for all women!

    16. Maggie - Minneapolis13 April 2018 at 17:07

      Lol...I usually don't entertain the "why bother following kate/why bother replying if negative" questions anymore bc I'm so tired of strangers telling me why I should or shouldn't be interested in something, but, making exception this one time to explain bc of my very particular reason for intensity here. It's that I have MD & am doing my medical residency in psychiatry atm-&I was gonna say more but actually I hope I don't need to elaborate any further abt why I may take the issue of mental health very seriously.

      Btw sorry if it sounded at all like I was trying to say privileged children cant/don't face mental health issues. I was really just trying to respond specifically to original post at top of thread point abt HT showing its crucial kate spend most of time w kids and (this is part in particular I was trying to reply to) that her kids are nuch more important than the usual mom's kids bc 1 is future king etc & so mental health focus thru staying at home w them is esp important/necessary for Cambridge kids. I just wanted to point out that if we are gonna start comparing how much more mental health focus kids need/deserve compared to another & based on who they are etc then it can easily go other way & mean arguably kids living in poverty need the focus more from young age than future king bc financial issues have huge correlation w many mental health related problems/illnesses & also prevent ppl from being able to seek outside help very easily too like therapist or something if they need it. Poverty and mental health struggles usually combine for vicious cycles w each sadly resulting in getting worse both financially & mental health wise. Whereas being assured of large wealth, consistent food supply of best quality, lavish roofs over head, the best medical care in country, etc all statistically have inverse relationships w mental health struggles since money or lack thereof is root of a lot of stress that we can find ourselves unable to deal w in healthy ways & ofc cambridge kids will never be impacted by huge shortages of funding and psychiatrists in UK or US that have huge impact on most ppl needing that help & who often have to wait (too long sometimes too) or be OK w less than ideal quality/amt of therapy etc. So all I was saying is that while george may be future king which is role having its own possible stressors that cld test a persons mental health resiliency, being future king also gives him a lot of privileges too when it comes to avoiding some other huge common stressors that also can test someone's mental health resiliency, not to mention if he ever does need outside mental health help he will always have access to the best if brf just asks...soo we shouldn't try to say any kid deserves/needs more or less mental health attn from beg bc it's nvr that simple.

      So not trying at all to say ppl w money can't have mental health struggles or mental illnesses, or that bc of the privileges I mentioned above those with money are weak if they do for face mental health issues/illness that is affecting them a lot negatively. Everyone hs unique set of life circumstances that matter a lot too plus our brains don't always work in exact same way that most others seem to (but prolly also don't lol), & money isn't some magical barrier or anything. Just tired of reading defenses of kate not working involving something like- "these kids are more imp than usual kids & immediately must need extra attention bc of that".

    17. I don’t understand half the words here. What does w, bc, prolly, nvr, cld....mean?

    18. Anon 22:07, my mothertongue is not English, but I understand the words in the context. Only with „prolly“ I had my problems, but found it actually in my dictionary. It means „probably“. ☺️
      I like your opinions, Maggie-M, even I have not always the same. But I think, itˋs important to have different, even contrary, opinions in the commentsection. ! It makes the discussions really interesting.
      I wrote my comment twice, because suddenly my first comment vanished. So hopefully there doesnˋt show up both comments!

    19. w = with
      bc = because
      Prolly = probably
      nvr = never
      cld = could
      Imp = important
      amt = amount

    20. Maggie is just abbreviating longer frequently used words. W= with, bc= because, prolly= probably, nvr= never and cld= could.

    21. Anon 22:07, there is a list of texting abbreviations on the internet.

    22. But we are not texting and this is an international board. English is not my first language either and I barely understood what the post said. Everyone else makes the effort to write normally for this precise reason.

    23. Thank you Anon 18:55, for reminding us of this truth! It is so easy for we, with English as a first language to forget this. I for one will try to be more careful & clear! :)

  32. Hmm not for we have to see the #royalbaby3 hmm i hope its a twins a boy and a girl hmm i hope everything will be healthy and whatever comes it would be healthy baby and a the duchess as well

    1. I reckon she’s having twins; a boy & a girl! :)

    2. 🌸 Kiwi Gal. That also would be so cool. :)
      Kate and William go 😳, lol.

    3. Interesting theory Kiwi Gal! Wouldn't that be a surprise :)

  33. Excitement is in the air as we wait for the arrival of the new Baby Cambridge. Thanks Charlotte. This was another great post. Wonderful reminders of the birth of George and Charlotte.

  34. I would love to see Lady Louise Windsor chosen as a Godmother! She would be over the moon! She looked so happy at the Royal Wedding! Who will be the Godparents?

    1. Sonja from Bavaria12 April 2018 at 11:03

      I am not exactly sure about the rules of the Church of England, but I think you have to be confirmed in order to be able to become a godparent (at least it's like that in the Catholic church) and I think Louise hasn't been confirmed yet as she isn't old enough yet - or have I just missed it?

    2. Zora from Prague12 April 2018 at 20:58

      That's what I think too, Sonja. I suppose Lady Louise isn't old enough. But given the fact that she has a younger brother, I can totally imagine her playing with the Cambridges' kids and acting as a sort of a "nanny-mixed-with-an-older-sister" :) She seems to be such a nice girl!

    3. I think you have to be 18 to serve as a godparent. At least in my parish you do.

  35. I’ve always supported the Duchess of Cambridge in putting her family first. So I do agree with you Kate (11:20), the Duchess of Cambridge has the best and busiest job in the world. Even with help, children need and should have the presence of their parents. Being a Royal should not exempt children from having the love, support and “hands on” attention of their parents. Thanks again, Charlotte.

    1. I have found all of these comments very interesting. One thing keeps coming to my mind---that Prince Charles had a need for time with parents that was not met. No amount of nannies and paid help substitutes for day to day time everyday that children need with parents to feel bonded and secure. When Kate considers how to spend time in these early years, I hope she spends more time with the children and less at "work". She has decades to work and the children's early years happen only once.

    2. Julia from Leominster14 April 2018 at 11:36

      A few things to remember:
      Whilst there's no question, there were huge gaps in the time the queen spent with her children - not just due to daily work but extremely long tours and the time spent in Malta (without her children) the coldness between Charles and his parents seems to be as much a product of the times (i.e. conduct of the parents and their generation) than actual hours spent. Upper class children of that age were expected to be mostly raised by Nanny - even if the parents didn't work and were home all the time.

      Charles has a huge sense of being aggrieved - his self-pity is notorious. I believe Camilla has encouraged that as one of her tools to win favour with him - one reason I've never agreed with those who say she is good for him. His sister Anne, raised in the same way, has never complained about attention from her parents.
      The queen spent a lot more time with her younger children - including the very badly spoilt Andrew - showing that time spent is not the only factor in how children turn out.

      And that is very true - I know full-time working parents who have close relationships with children they have raised and stay-at-home parents who have problems with their children - there is no right way, either way. But to say Kate doing a few engagements a week would take too much time from her children always seems an insult to me to the majority of her subjects who have to work and raise their children - as well as other royals with young children who just get on with it without the whinging and seem to be raising very polished well-adjusted youngsters - Estelle, the Spanish princesses, the Danish, Belgium and Dutch children.
      So I really don't think we are asking too much of Kate and hope she continues to stay with the amount of engagements she did this winter come autumn. What I do see is that young mothers who in my generation would have felt a connection with young royal women (think Diana) are some of the least interested in Kate - they see her as privileged and without connection to their lives. This alarms me because women is where the core of royal support comes - and royal support is increasingly aging. I believe it is less important to seem 'modern' than simply to be seen as carrying a full load - so every time she works, Kate is seeing to George's future - just as any mother who works to support her family.

    3. Julia from Leominster14 April 2018 at 11:53

      One other thing I would note amongst comments that can get a little contentious - is those of us who worry about the royal workload aren't just concerned with parenting choices. There is a feeling that William and Kate simply don't have the strong work ethic that the royal family is going to need them to have in a very changing royal scene. This issue existed before they ever had children.

      It comes from the fact that Charles seems to have let his boys run quite wild - not only because of his workload although William blames it on that - but also I suspect because he was completely absorbed with his relationship with Camilla - and push to marry her.

      Kate never carried a full-time job - mainly because of her relationship with William - but ironically, that left her very ill-prepared for the expectations of the public.

      It can go the other way too - too much overt ambition has never been part of royalty - duty is the key word. Imagine drawing a line where duty stands in the middle with lack of drive at one end and self-aggrandisement at the other. A successful royal should aim towards that middle.

      It's a most elusive concept and one I think all four 'young' royals are going to be struggling with in various ways in a world that is increasingly questioning whether there is a role for them at all.

    4. Christine, Thank you for sharing you feelings so clearly & well. I agree completely! :) "When we know better, We do better"!

    5. 🌸 “whilst”, “amongst”, love it. Thanks Julia. 😊
      (hugs to Pippin) 🐾

  36. Hey DKB Gang! The expanding BRF & lineage is on our minds..... I just stumbled upon an incredible find! I found a chart on youtube with a Poster that easily & clearly shows the BRF going back to before The Norman Invasion! It's narrated so eloquently & understandably! The narrator traces & explains the whole BRF Tree & why things went the way they did at times & makes it so clear! The poster is also available for purchase. He evidently also has additional youtube links in which he explains the Family lines & lineage of the other Royal Houses of Europe & The Scandinavian Countries! I found it Absolutely Fascinating! One of my favorite parts was when they got down to W&K's children, explaining about Prince George being a Future King & it shows Princess Charlotte & "Baby #3"! :) It's such a treat for anyone interested in this kind of stuff! :) The link is below! :)

    1. Wow Becca USA what a great find!! Thanks for sharing, I think the lineage of the royal family is extremely fascinating, but also somewhat confusing too!! Nice to have someone explain it and map it out!! Thanks!! :) cc

    2. Zora from Prague10 April 2018 at 21:03

      Thank you, Becca! Very interesting!

    3. Thanks, Becca. I've seen the chart you mention and was fascinated. Someone went to a lot of work to put it together.

    4. Oooh I’m going to have to watch that!

    5. Sarah Maryland USA14 April 2018 at 02:54

      My sister got me that poster for my birthday a few years ago!

    6. Oh Sarah, how Fabulous!! I literally just stumbled on it! :)

  37. Interesting to hear that they are even still in Norfolk! She probably doesnt feel like the birth is imminent.
    Do you think it is a possibility that she gives birth at home/earlier, but announces only days later? Maybe even secretly? It would make life so much easier for her, not needing to face all the press immediately after delivery!
    Is it even a possiblity that she did that with George/Charlotte?
    I would certainly understand that.

  38. Hey Charlotte I saw you quoted on the Hello site today😀. I like your photo choice!

    1. So cool to see you quoted in Hello! Well done you! 👏

    2. Can you give me a link? :)

    3. Gaby, I would love a link too, (if anyone has one) as I've searched & can't seem to find it! So happy every time Our Dearest Charlotte is quoted or referenced!! Charlotte you are truly a Treasured Gem & as we've said, your blog is The Crown Jewel of Blogs!!! :) xoxo

    4. I didn't find it, either. A link would be very welcome.

  39. Great fine, BeccaUSA (18:15). Thanks. Congrats on the quote, Charlotte (20:39).

  40. 🌸 Congratulations, Charlotte. 🌷

  41. Yes, congratulations Charlotte! I love your choice of photo. 🌸💐🌷

  42. There's a picture out there of Princess Madeleine - mother of three children under the age of five who just had her last baby a month ago on March 9, with her mother yesterday at a meeting of the World Childhood foundation that Silvia founded. The foundation helps women and children who are victims of crimes. Madeleine looks fabulous.

    William was in Birmingham watching a football match.

    With the queen's ninety-second birthday, St. George's Day and the seventh wedding anniversary - which is also St. Catherine of Siena's day - coming up, there are interesting possible dates for the birth but babies come when they come.

    1. I think Kate's earliest return to duties is Wimbledon. I can't see her missing that one.

    2. Well, she is patron now, so I would hope she would show up to Wimbolden if she can.

  43. I'm probably being really nit-picky since I'm a doula and love to help moms have natural births, but I'm really annoyed by this quote from the Telegraph: "The Duchess will be looked after by a team of leading medical professionals during her stay, which will be lead by Alan Farthing, the Queen’s surgeon-gynaecologist, and Guy Thorpe-Beeston, surgeon-gynaecologist to the royal household. Both of them helped to deliver Prince George and Princess Charlotte." It was my understanding that in Kate's previous births, she had midwives attend and help her, while the OBs were in another room, on call, but in no way did they help Kate give birth--let alone "deliver" the baby--the doctor or midwife doesn't deliver the baby, they only help the mother deliver her own child! I'm also pretty picky about language; saying that a doctor delivered a baby takes the action away from the mother who did all the work, while saying that the mother gave birth and the doctor/midwife helped empowers the mother.

    Be that as it may, I hope all goes well at this birth and it's complication-free, and the OBs only have to wait in a side room again. :)

    1. I've winced too when I've read things like that in the press.

    2. As we saw, when Kate ran into her midwife, during her official visit to The College of Obstetrics. She obviously has very warm feelings towards the woman who assisted her during both George & Charlotte's births. It made me wonder if they have her booked for Baby #3?

    3. Yep that was my understanding too. I don’t know why these two ob/gyns are always referenced. I think they’re around because it’s a royal baby and they are commissioned or whatever, but then I’ve read articles that Kate went the midwife route. My children were delivered by midwife in a hospital. Doctors are there but are kind of standby for emergencies or c sections. It’s a much smarter allocation of resources. I imagine this is a similar setup to the Lindo Wing. Althroyh my experience was maybe not quite so fancy :) :)

    4. I wonder if the two official OBs need to be there, as witnesses, in a sort of "modernized" version of what Queen Victoria and many other royals had to go through. If you google "witnessing royal births" you can read about how many royal women had to have official witnesses at the birth to make sure the baby wasn't switched or any other foul play happened. I know the show Victoria portrayed the different members of Parliament watching her births. I can't imagine having to give birth in such a setting as some of the queens of the past!

    5. You know Rebekah, I never thought of that! They do make a big deal about how the Gyn is The Queen's official Doctor! I bet that's a part of it. Not like things are so tense, as back in the day of the "Bed Warmer Baby" Accusations which sent The King out of the country & put William & Mary on The Throne.... But it probably is just a nice box to tick. An officially witnessed birth just ties things up with a bow! I always thought it was about making sure the Royal Mother & the future Baby Monarch/Royal Baby had the Best of Care Possible! But an interesting thought for sure! Hmmmmmm..... :) More for us to chew on while we wait!! lol :) We have to have something to do, since this time we can't watch the press watching the Lindo Wing Door!! lol lol lol :)

  44. Good Afternoon fellow Cambridge family fans!

    I commented on a previous post suggesting HRH may have planned to be induced this pregnancy, to control the due date of the baby a little more. She seemed to be 2 weeks late (as reported) with both previous babies and with the royal wedding only weeks away, and a busy royal period in general, an induction may be more suited.

    Today I saw KP announcements regarding commonwealth engagements to be undertaken by the Duke, Prince Harry and Meghan; this has increased my suspicions of an induced pregnancy, maybe even a C-Section? (a bit out there I know, but as smooth as a pregnancy looks on the outside, who knows what the actual medical information is or any complications/choices they have made). So, these engagements so close to an imminant birth make me think its more controlled this time than we may have been let on to.

    Could we have a royal baby this weekend? with Kate being looked after by her mother whilst the Duke shows his happy 'new dad' face at the handful of engagements scheduled next week, which I imagine would be difficult to run out of if Kate does spontaneously go into labour having not had the baby by then. If she has the baby this Saturday id be even more suspicious; less disruption to work, people can watch on TV, hospitals are generally a little quieter.

    Or could it be planned for the following weekend in which its close enough to the wedding, but not too close and the Duke just hoping that she doesn't go into Labour in the meantime.

    Admittedly, anything could happen really and we will probably never really know the full details but something seems a bit different this time, with a lot more going on and a more relaxed feeling, as though they themselves know when baby is going to arrive. However, this could just be they're confident that whatever happens, it will all go to plan.

    Lets see what happens, id be interested to know if any of you also get a different feeling about this pregnancy?

    Happy 'Great Kate Wait'

    1. I do Lady P, but I'm not sure what to attribute it too? Maybe just that it's Baby #3? Seems we are hitting the same goofy silly time that we hit during the previous Great Kate Waits! lol :) Charlotte didn't have one for George, but I vividly remember how crazy things got, for the press & the rest of us! lol :) Last time when we were here waiting for Charlotte, things definitely got loopy! lol :) So maybe it's just the 3rd time version of the same? :)

  45. 🌸 As for William’s commenting about naming the baby Jack, after the soccer ball player, I think it was just a guy thing expressed in the emotion of the moment at the dynamic soccer victory. He quickly included the name Jackie also.
    The thing is, he doesn’t know the gender of the baby nor does Kate, IF other reports are to be believed. Apparently they chose to let the the gender of baby #1, baby # 2 be a surprise so I think they are most likely doing the same with baby #3.

    1. Idk, I think Kate is very type A and would want to know the gender asap. Remember the pink paint that was delivered to Anmer before Charlotte was born? Of course, I really don't know more than anyone else but I would guess they know the gender but just keep it a secret.

    2. SG, I agree. It seems like during a lot of pregnancies, there comes a slap happy time (usually around this time of waiting) where there are lots of jokes about what to name the impending baby! Like goofy names, sports teams, sports players, favorite foods the mom craved etc. lol:) We've had some crazy names thrown around when we were loopy crazy goofy! Humor helps! lol :)

    3. Maggie - Minneapolis13 April 2018 at 16:26

      Yeah totally agree,surfer after reading about it my immediate thought was that he prolly got super excited about fav team winning and wanted to give them the best compliment possible coming from him which wld prolly realistically be naming royal baby after them haha. I even kinda feel like if he did know gender he'd be more careful about saying stuff like this just bc of his total & constant commitment at all times to keeping things he deems private, private. Lol. Plus I've decided he's just really confusing and misleading abt dates basically every time he's said something about this pregnancy lol.. Like right before beg of Kate's maternity leave he told person at investiture that the baby was due any min now..& now it's 3 weeks later haha. I rmbr ppl trying to interpret comments he made in initial weeks after pregnancy was first announced too and basically no one could figure out what he had meant in way making sense lololol.

      I do think theyre having a boy tho, but that's just been my guess almost entire time.

    4. 🌸lol. Becca. It is fun. 🎉 IF they only knew. 😊
      It would warm their hearts I think (and help offset some of the no so fun opinions).

  46. Do William and Kate know there babies gender because there are articles saying that he accidentally revealed the gender?

    1. 🌸 It has been reported that, like the first two pregnancies, they did not know the gender of the baby until they were born.

  47. I would have gone home 10 hours later if they had let me. Course my bed was horrible...

  48. This baby has got to arrive soon! The conversations here are getting very deep, we have too much time on our hands. My favorite expression to describe Kate is " lack of work". I can't understand where anyone would get that idea. There are hours of preparation for all of her events. Just because we don't see her doesn't mean she isn't working. Now I'm babbling on, hurry up baby!

    1. Sheila, Too much time on our hands????? Noooooo!! Ha! lol :) Agree with your accessment! :)

    2. Sarah Maryland USA14 April 2018 at 02:52

      The problem with the behind the scenes arguement is that based on the amount of time you think she works behind the scenes then Charles and the queen would never ever sleep because they do so many more engagments and the queen has those nightly red boxes to go through

    3. Well, we already know she will have an extended maternity leave as KP commented on that topic. Which is fine with me. Every parent should be able to take as much parental leave as they need to settle in.
      I also think she stepped up a lot this past year. But I get why people raise their eyebrows when the future king and queen can’t pull nearly as much numbers as some royal cousin. Sadly those discussions often get heated and very black and white so I tend to avoid them.

  49. I hope the Duchess of Cambridge has a safe delivery. On a lighthearted subject, what color dress do you think she will wear holding the new baby Cambridge? I am thinking green or maybe a bold red like Princess Diana did with Prince Harry. Then again, she will probably stick to pastels. Mint green is my choice.

    1. Mint green is a good guess. I can’t wait to see it!

    2. Me too, Natalie!

    3. Oh I love the idea of mint! I thought she looked great in that mint maternity outfit she wore! :)

    4. I agree, that mint green is a good possibility. If she has a girl I can also see something with a red pattern (similar to the outfit after Charlotte) or something peach. I would love to see her in a blushed pink but that seems to be not her colour at all.

    5. I just had another idea. (or maybe someone already thought of it:) I'm wondering, if it's a girl, might she wear the Pink Polka Dot Dress, that we assume Kate had at the ready when she gave birth to George? If so, I think that would be a strong sign that this is the last baby Cambridge! Thoughts?

    6. I’m thinking something in blue-purple floral would be good for either gender, if they really don’t find out the gender before birth. I think that’s why the yellow was chosen the second time.

      A bespoke dress in these patterns for example:

  50. Watch for the Load More button at 200 comments!

  51. 🌸 Shout to Pam from Boston. 😊
    How is London?

  52. 🌸 Don’t shout at Pam, lol. “Shout out” to Pam. (sorry Pam) 😉

  53. Just wondering if Kate could sneak away to hospital and deliver in the midst of the Queen's Birthday concert, avoiding the photo op? Do you think that's even possible, or is said photo 'required' of the future queen?


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