Tuesday 3 April 2018

The Duchess Spotted Shopping at Waitrose & A Windsor Sighting!

Good evening!

We hadn't anticipated another sighting of Kate until the arrival of Baby Cambridge later this month. Yesterday, a local shopping for groceries in Waitrose, Norfolk was very surprised to see none other than the Duchess of Cambridge and took several snaps with her iPhone. You can view them on the Mail Online.

More from the Mail's story:

'A fellow shopper used her iPhone to photograph Kate, saying the Duchess appeared to have bought a plant of coriander or parsley, with a '25 per cent off' sticker visible on the outside.
The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, saw Kate loading the bags into her car outside the store – and when the onlooker said 'hello' to her, the Duchess is said to have replied: 'Hi, hello.'
The passer-by said: 'I was just in Waitrose doing a bit of shopping. I just went round the corner of the aisle - and I saw her. I said to my husband 'that looks like Kate Middleton'. He said 'it's not', and I said 'it is'.' She said the Duchess, dressed in a peach coat and black heels, was using the Quick Check system, which allows my Waitrose customers to scan and pack their shopping straight into bags in the trolley as they go through the store, presenting a running total on a device.
The woman spotted Kate doing her shopping inside the store, before then seeing her again 15 minutes outside when she approached her to say hello. She added: 'I just saw her browsing. I didn't want to get too close to her.'

Kate carried a large reusable shopping bag from Healeys Cornish Cyder Farm. You might recall, the Duke and Duchess visited Healeys during their 2016 visit to Cornwall.

The business is very much a family one. Kay and David launched Healeys Cyder Farm in 1986 after previously running an off-licence in Mevagissey (where they learnt how popular Cornish cyder is) and a small-holding near St Austell. There was no water or electricity when they moved in with Sam and Joe, their two very young sons, and the 150-year-old property was in a dreadful state. Undeterred, they set about planting orchards, renovating buildings and creating a visitor attraction that has since provided huge entertainment for millions of people in almost three decades.

The farm is open all year round for tours, tasting, homemade food and drink, and visiting farm animals. Calendar events include an Easter hunt and a Peter Rabbit-themed Cornish afternoon tea experience.

The Duchess wore her dusky pink Joseph coat for the outing with a sweater and black jeans. Kate has had the coat for a decade and most notably wore it to Cheltenham in March 2013.

The Cambridges spent last week with the Middletons in Bucklebury before travelling to Windsor for Easter service with the royals.

A couple visiting the State Apartments at Windsor actually spotted the family unloading their Range Rover, casually dressed, with George and Charlotte.

The onlooker noted Lupo was with them and they seemed like "a very normal family". It very much looks like they marked the day with the royals and did not head back to Bucklebury as previously thought.

Following the Windsor visit, the family have decamped to their country pile Anmer Hall. They absolutely love it there and with George on Easter break from school for another couple of weeks, I imagine it's likely they plan to enjoy a quiet break there before returning to London ahead of Baby Cambridge's arrival.

Speaking of Baby Cambridge, reporter Robert Jobson reports the media will begin setting up outside the Lindo Wing on 10th/11th of April.


Also today, as many of you may have heard, Prince Philip was admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in London this afternoon for planned surgery on his hip tomorrow. We wish him a speedy recovery.


  1. I think she may be nesting. Her last appearance it looked like the baby had dropped. Maybe we won't have to wait too long.

  2. So talk of a home birth was inaccurate? All good thoughts for HRH the Duke of Edinburgh.
    Kate looks happy and healthy.

  3. I had an LOL moment when I thought for a second it must be one of those Kate-impersonators, not the real deal!! Haha

    1. OMG! I dont think it’s her!! Just looked closer at the pix. Hmmm. Will we ever know for sure?!

    2. 🌸 Ya’ll, ya’ll. As our resident sleuth, rf, said.
      The woman in the photos is wearing her “Joseph” coat, her PPO is the same one she’s had for years, the PPO is in position to guard Kate the same as done before, she had that shopping bag from where she and William had recently been and if all that wasn’t enough, she bought something on sale. Plus Kate shops Waitrose. That’s Kate. :)

    3. If she's an impersonator, she'd have to be pretty committed? To own a coat that Kate has had for ten years, a protection officer, and a Range Rover?

    4. If it were an impostor who had gone to the trouble of having Kate's coat and that sort of elaborate set-up, I would expect her to be doing something more interesting than buying a coriander plant!

      The clothes and location stand against it being just a mistaken identity so I would assume it's Kate, particularly as the timing fits well - this is a time they would be in Norfolk.

    5. Thank you SG (Our Super Sleuth!) lol :) Plus as Robyn pointed out, she'd have to be super committed, even going to "Cornwall" Just.... to get a "reusable shopping bag"! Also, as I pointed out below, in my original reply on the subject, if you know & watch Kate, (like we do/ok that sounds a bit creepier than I intended:) one can easily recognize her stances, her personal body mannerisms, even the way she walks is captured in a pic in the store itself. So that's my 2cents! :)

    6. Omg Julia!!! You had me laughing so hard!!! lol lol lol :) For all that trouble I too would have expected her "to be doing something more interesting than buying a coriander plant!" Too Funny!!! lol lol lol :)

    7. SG, considering how long some of us have followed Kate, me thinks we all qualify as sleuths 🤓

      Julia, perhaps it was an organic plant...😀😁😃😄

    8. 🌸 true, rf. If not just for “Kate things” alone. :)

    9. Oh gosh, I’m still not totally convinced it’s her. In these pics I thought her legs were too short and big around, but perhaps that’s due to the angle of the shot and a bit of pregnancy weight gain. We may never know for sure! :)

    10. Kate does actually have quite short legs in proportion to her fairly long torso - we've commented on that with her fashions. We're just far more used to seeing Kate in heels.

    11. I think people are used to her looking taller and slimmer due to the high heels she typically wears. Thats all.

  4. Anonymous in Colorado3 April 2018 at 21:35

    I was just thinking how I miss candid pics of Kate out & about "in the wild" ;-) I struggle with wishing her the privacy she deserves during her time off but YAY I adore seeing her be just like the rest of us. Reusable grocery bags! Spotting grocery deals! Loading/unloading the car while the kids run around!

    1. Anon in CO, You Are So right. We had a chat about not seeing candids of Kate in a while!�� I had to chuckle at both scenes: 1) Kate loading up the groceries with her PPO just standing there!�� Methinks she's in definite Nesting mode!�� 2) Seeing her unload kids & stuff at Windsor! Was she carrying one of the kids in that last photo? I couldn't tell? What Can I say, she's my hero!��‍♀️ So do we know if they were unloading at Windsor before they attended Church? Also, how concerning about Prince Philip being in hospital! Hips can be so dicey at that age! Many Prayers for Him, HM & The Royal Family!����

    2. 🌸 Ms. Becca. We simply must do something about your would-be emojis. But the question is..... what? Anyone have any suggestions? 🤔

  5. I've never commented before, but I love your blog. After all the negative publicity the Cambridges got for arriving at church after the Queen, I just thought I'd mention the following. Seeing the photo of the Cambridges arriving at Windsor Castle on Easter Sunday with George and Charlotte makes me wonder if they perhaps didn't arrive late at all after having been held up in traffic, but rather that something happened while they were at Windsor Castle - perhaps concerning the children - that made them late leaving for church. Perhaps they originally intended to walk down to the church with the other members of the family, but something happened to make them change their plans, and the Queen arranged that they be driven to church in one of her Bentleys. Just a thought.

    1. I agree with you. They arrived in a Bentley. i thought they would arrive in a different car, other than the Queen's car.

    2. I looked at comments on the Instagram owner and they said it was after church around 4:30. So I think the traffic was probably the culprit.

    3. I agree! The Bentley was a tip to me that HM was aware of their potential "photo finish". I thought surely she didn't send the Bentley to pick them up at The Middletons? So I was curious. Seems it was crazy Easter Morning logistics! ��

    4. Most credible reports say works on the road were responsible. Even if no one is working, works can cause delays. It's possible they switched cars when arriving as the children were probably in whatever car they came to Windsor in.

    5. I think it's reasonable to believe that after sitting in traffic any lady, especially a pregnant one, would want to make a stop before heading to the chapel to sit through a service. ;-) And I would not have expected them to be driven to the chapel in a vehicle packed with car seats, etc.

    6. Zora from Prague5 April 2018 at 18:33

      Very true, royalfan! 😀

    7. Yes, and I speak from experience, Zora. 😉

    8. Zora from Prague6 April 2018 at 16:12

      Thought so! 😉

  6. Good for her for being out and about that pregnant. I’m due the beginning of May and I’ve started having my husband do all the shopping! I agree, I love seeing her in candid moments.

    1. Oh wow, congratulations! You’re in the home stretch now for sure! And good for your husband for taking on the shopping so you can (hopefully) put your feet up and relax!

    2. Mrs.T, you are a women after my own heart! lol :)

    3. 🌸 Mrs. T. Did you have any cravings? I craved Campbell’s pork and beans with toast, tomato juice and then peaches for desert. I had that exact meal many times. And, my dear husband prepared it for me sometimes too, and, trust me, lol, he did not usually “cook”. He was so sweet.
      Oh and they had to be Campbell’s pork and beans or I couldn’t get past the smell. Funny, yeh.

    4. Congratulations! I know a boy (man now!) born almost the same time as William and it's been fun to track their respective milestones - when they married, their children were born and so forth. And yes, his parents named him William! No coincidence.

      So you will be able to do the same!

    5. Ok SG, you just Crack Me Up!! lol :) But you had me at "smells"! What is it about "smells" when one is pregnant??? lol :)

    6. 🌸 Don’t know. Baby’s radar? :)

  7. I am somewhat confused on the timeline and locations. So they were in Bucklebury with Kate's parents before Easter, drove to Windsor Easter morning, at some point (not sure if before church service or after) they were spotted unloading the car in casual clothes with the kids around. And then Kate showed up shopping in Norfolk (near Anmer I take it) at some point yesterday (Monday)? So was the Windsor stop just a day thing and they continued to Anmer either Sunday evening or Monday morning? It really doesn't matter it's just fascinating to me to have a bit of insight into their family life.

    1. I agree, I'm not convinced those photos a woman shopping in Norfolk are actually her. Where's her body guard?

    2. Well Buckleberry and Windsor are around 45 min drive apart so they definitely could have spent Good Friday with Kate’s parents and Saturday before heading to Windsor on Sunday with Williams family. After that they must have driven the 2.5 hours back to Amner since she was seen there on Monday. Seems pretty normal to spend the weekend with each family and then the rest of the week at home.

    3. Pam the RPO is standing right there in the blue jacket. That’s why the man with Kate isn’t helping her with the bags, RPOs aren’t supposed to ‘’help’’ they need to keep looking around to make sure no one approaches who should not.

    4. I don't know if it's her or not but the timetable seems normal enough. Kate at least spent days before Easter with her family (William made a visit to Dorset during that time to Poundbury by Dorchester.)

      They then went to Easter services at Windsor, possibly had lunch, then left for Norfolk which is under a three hour drive. I suspect the baby isn't due until the middle of the month, if not later, so it seems reasonable enough for them to spend time at Amner when the children have their Easter holiday from school. I don't know if you would call it nesting - when you go to a second home, you generally have to do shopping. (At least, I do.) So the next day, Kate went to Waitrose.

      If it weren't Kate, it must be an intentional double for she's wearing a coat Kate owns and has worn when pregnant.

      What impresses me is that she used the Quick Check. Somehow, those always go wrong with me although Leo uses them.

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis6 April 2018 at 01:31

      Also rmbr prince Philip was having surgery the next day, so even if this weren't something typical travel wise for Cambridges (which I have no idea abt either way), it would have been very nice to have the kids wish him luck and such plus while it was just a hip replacement and he's quite fit, sadly at his age its ofc good to just in case try and see him beforehand with the great grandkids.

  8. Robbie from Hampton VA USA3 April 2018 at 22:55

    Was the young boy shown near the window in one of the candid shots Prince George?

    1. I believe it was Robbie 🙂

    2. I'm confused... who's Robbie?

    3. Becca, I think they were replying to the user Robbie, so they meant "I believe it was, Robbie." But, I was confused for a little bit too.

    4. Zora from Prague6 April 2018 at 09:30

      Becca, Robbie asked the question :). If there was a comma . "I believe it was, Robbie" - everything would be clear! 😃 (for a while, I was confused too 😀)

    5. Robbie is the person who asked the question. The answer needed a comma for clarity.
      Should say:
      I believe it was, Robbie.

    6. Aaahhhh! Now I get it!! lol :) Nothing like mud on my face! lol :) I was like "who the heck is Robbie & what did I miss?" lol lol lol :)

  9. I love these surprise posts. Of course it’s great seeing Kate on official engagements and talking about what she’s wearing, etc. I really enjoy that. But. There’s something special about seeing her off-duty and doing “normal” things. Maybe because it’s so rare, but I find it refreshing. We (and by “we” I don’t specifically mean followers of Charlotte’s blog, more like society in general) see celebrities and royals as being put on a pedestal all the time. I mean, it is part of their job. Having Kate or William, etc visit your organization is great for PR/fundraising/etc so of course they are going to be treated very well. And we talk about their clothes and hair which is very fun. So, to see that there is a person beneath all that is really quite special. A person who, beneath their lavish and “sparkly” exterior, is completely relatable—I love it!

    On another note, it is my DREAM to be as put together as this woman is this late into her third pregnancy! How does she do it?? ;)

  10. I checked out the photos on the daily mail and I'm not convinced they are actually of Kate. Something seems off. The one photo that shows her face doesn't even really look like her and the others are from the back or side. Her hair looks darker and not quite the right length. Her legs seem shorter with fuller calves. I could be wrong of course, the coat does seem to be the Joseph coat.

  11. On the other post we were just "complaining" that we donˋt see the Cambridges out and about. It shows how down to earth Kate is and Iˋm happy for her she can do normal things!

    Are the schools in the UK closed this week for easter holidays? If yes, maybe they wanted to enjoy some quiet time after easter at Anmer Hall, last time only the four of them before the baby arrives :)

    1. School starts back on April 17th for George.

  12. Try looking at these pictures on something bigger than a smartphone. This is not "our" Kate.

  13. All the best for Prince Philip’s recovery! I love candid shots of Kate & the family; it sure feels like it’s been a while since we’ve seen any. She looks amazing & I adore that dusky pink coat that she wore to Cheltenham. I can’t believe she is carrying George at nearly full-term! Can’t wait for the new arrival :)

  14. Does hip surgery mean a hip replacement? That is major surgery. Prince Philip is now in his mid nineties, but apparently healthy enough to undergo surgery and recovery, barring complications. I hope all goes well for him.

  15. Oh dear - I never really cared for that peach coat. I recall when I saw it at the races in 2013, it looked old and dated. It also looked like a button on it had been moved to accommodate her pregnancy.

    1. Considering she’s on her private time shopping, I’d say wearing an old coat is quite logical. I sure don’t get gussied up in my newest clothes for shopping.

  16. That is definitely NOT Kate shopping at Waitrose. If you look closely at the photo of her face it's obviously someone else. Why would Kate be in Norfolk? She would want to be closer to her doctor and the hospital as the time is quickly approaching. I think someone is playing an April Fool's Day joke. hee hee

    1. The parking restrictions only start on April 10th, so obviously the baby is expected after that. I’m sure Kate’s talked with her doctor about going to Amner. I have a feeling people don’t understand geography, Amner is only 2.5 hours from London, it's not on the other side of the world. I travelled to my parents’ house 3 hours away the week my baby was due and it never occurred to me not to go.

    2. I agree - nothing like ber

    3. Anon 19:46. True I did not restrict my general travel either, plus I am sure there is a decent hospital near Anmer if a true the "baby is coning now" happened.

    4. Maggie - Minneapolis4 April 2018 at 23:44

      Last two pregnancies when KP announced details about dates and the hospital I'm pretty sure they explicitly said there was a hospital near bucklebury and also Norfolk for the 2nd one that were designated as basically the ones tasked with being ready in case she was at her parents or anmer and went into labor early and couldn't get to London or whatever. I imagine that's still true, tho yeah realistically even if she had no choice but to use st Mary's, not end of the world to have to drive from Norfolk. Pregnant women who live in rural areas and small towns etc usually have no choice but to drive several hours to find a hospital to deliver in.
      That being said, I do think this is yet another sign the due date is still at least two weeks away. Right now the beg of maternity leave and also the parking restrictions line up to exactly five days earlier than when they started last time, so that would seem to indicate there's some time to go for sure too.

  17. I guess wishes do come true! I just said I wanted to see Kate out and about . . . and there she is. Love that she goes grocery shopping. I think about what their lives are really like. It seem like living the life of a royal would be a dream, but in reality I think it would be very lonely and would miss doing normal everyday things like grocery shopping, going to the bank, always having a body guard, not being able to be very spontaneous. Obviously she knew what she was getting into, and there are many positives. I'm glad she still gets to have some "normal" times. I'm also glad that the person who took the pictures said hello and she was friendly back. I'd be disappointed if she wasn't.

    Can't wait to see her on the steps of the hospital with the new baby. And I hope that happens before April 14 when I leave on vacation, because I won't have steady Internet access starting the 14th for a week!

    Hope from USA

  18. If the family is in Anmer, Kate can not be expecting baby Cambridge to be too imminent or else they would not have ventured too far from London I would think.

    1. And with Charles and Camilla only returning home from Australia next week Friday I do think the week of the 18th is our best bet for baby Cambridge's arrival.

  19. Blogger credibility?! How are you going to deal with this? Retraction? Blame dispersal? Something is definitely amiss here. It just doesn't look right. How quick "we" are to accept a "news" source with photos! It just all reads & looks false...and yet, so many have accepted it without question. A teaching moment if ever there was one! (I know you won't post this, but I do know you will read this! Would love to read your thoughts!)

    1. Excuse me. Who are you & what do you mean?? As a part of this DKB Blog Community, I truly don't appreciate your "Blogger Credibility" Comments & accusations leveled at Charlotte!! This is Her Blog! She Can & Will Blog as She Sees Fit!!! If you have a problem with how Charlotte's Blogging & Posting..... well why are you here???

    2. I've followed Kate for years & as far as I can see (upon blowing up all the available pics) it is Kate! If you look at all the pics, the only one that looks ? is the one of her looking at her PPO. Her face is scrunched up & that can cause a person to look off in a pic. Her hair is the exact same length as at Easter. (measure it!) As for color, Easter there was some sun, her hair was pulled half up & could catch more of the light, while in the current photos she's either inside or outside on a dark overcast day, plus she's sporting more of a middle part. In the angled pics her nose & cheeks look exactly like Kate. Especially the back photos show her exact stance, carriage & mannerisms!! She is wearing a coat she has had in her closet for years & the double zip shoe boots she wore early on in her pregnancy. It's also not crazy that she would want to go to the grocery store herself, as long as she was with a PPO & the reusable bag is from Wales where they went on an official engagement! What's a copy cat doing.... hunting down old recyclable grocery bags from places Kate has Toured? Really??? Also, I have the Immense Confidence in Charlotte, that if she doubted these pics in the least??? She would have mentioned her doubt, put it out there & let us decide for ourselves! I feel very strongly (not about people having their own differing opinions about the pics) but the needless, senseless attacks on Charlotte & her integrity!!! Totally uncalled for & inappropriate!!!!

    3. I find that an unfortunate wording too.

      And for those who say April's Fools, remember it ends at midday - this was the next day.

    4. Correction...... The reusable shopping bag was from their Tour of "Cornwall"!

    5. How spineless is this anonymous poster, and incorrect to boot!

    6. I normally wouldn't respond to someone who is so obviously trolling for a response, but it was aimed at Charlotte...... The gloves had to come off!! :(

    7. These photos have been published and reported on extensively so I don't see the need to question the credibility factor. Nor do I understand the ongoing argument that this is not Kate. YES, it is. 😊

  20. That does not appear to be the REAL Kate in the grocery store. You all are experts on The Duchess.... but seriously #1) look closely-the coat, the legs, the nose. #2)would she really go shopping? It seems a bit risky with how famous she is and a pretty conspicuous adventure at this stage of the pregnancy.

    BTW. I love this blog and usually don't participate, but am just surprised by the lack of scepticism about those photos!

    1. Kate's been photographed out & about in the past, even out with George on a kids farm & petting zoo visit while she was pregnant with Charlotte! Also, shopping at John Lewis, Many pics of her at Waitress over the years etc, etc,. People have commented in the press lots of times about seeing her out & about, while in the Norfolk area (while they are up at Anmer) even at Farmers Markets & Garden Centers, all shopping by herself & with a PPO! Not uncommon At All! Not everybody snaps pics or takes snaps to sell them!!

  21. Ryan from Texas4 April 2018 at 03:59

    Kate is just so lovely.

  22. I enjoy to see causual Kate. She seems to be radiant and relaxed. So it 's looks that we must still wait for 3 rd Royal Baby.

  23. Oh, I love this coat so much. It is one of my favourites. Her style from the first yaers really spoke to me.

  24. Zora from Prague4 April 2018 at 07:00

    Glad to see Kate shopping. Sorry to hear about Prince Philip's operation - I do hope all goes well and he makes a good recovery. I'm sure he will be in many people's prayers!

  25. Not quite sure what to make of the shopping snap. The girl does resemble the Duchess a bit, but her hair is darker, her profile smaller .. might this just be one of those ooor soul who earn their living by posting as the royals and selling snaps to the highest media bidder?

  26. Actually, I take back what I posted earlier about doubting these photos are of Kate. It makes perfect sense that on Monday they drove up to Anmer and Kate went to stock up on groceries. And I had at first thought the man in the photos was a stranger who approached Kate to speak, but I realize now he must be the bodyguard. It still doesn't look like her that much to me and I had thought someone faked the photos to sell them.

  27. Queen of the South4 April 2018 at 11:05

    I am going to be the odd one out. But these pictures just doesn’t look real to me. If the byline didn’t tell me it is Kate I would not recognize her.
    Spending the weekend in Berkshire, Sunday at Windsor and Monday in Norfolk is a tall order for a woman in the final weeks of a pregnancy. Then I am not even talking about being more than two hours away from your doctors during the final weeks of pregnancy.
    I am happy to be wrong.

    1. It does not look like Kate to me either. Like you happy to be wrong. They could have travelled to all 3 spots. Left Norfolk Sat or Sunday and just have been running late or came later for other reasons to the Church, then spent some time on Sunday with the family before leaving for their country home Sunday night or Monday morning.

    2. Windsor castle and Bucklebury are both in Berkshire. They are only about 30 miles apart so that trip isn't too taxing, and the family has probably headed to Amner for the rest of the Easter holidays so it seems feasible to me.

    3. Not sure how to edit but I meant Berkshire to Windsor to Anmer Hall.

    4. Maggie - Minneapolis4 April 2018 at 23:53

      I also wonder if maybe the reason they came to Windsor later was to take the royal helicopter to Anmer. That would actually make a lot of sense in terms of explaining why they came to Windsor for the church service and then again later with the kids instead of just all at once. Royal residence to residence travel is free for them so even if they didn't come to Windsor just to take the helicopter, I wouldn't be surprised if they did also take it.

    5. 🌸 Louise. That is so cool that Windsor Castle and Bucklebury are both in Berkshire. So Kate kind of grew up in the shadow of Windsor Castle. Those weekends when William was visiting the Queen from Eton, that is also close, Kate was doing her thing, unaware that her future husband was that close by.

    6. Bucklebury is about the same distance from Windsor as London, just a different direction, so they weren't really neighbours.

    7. 🌸 oh. :) Thanks Julia. Just a little romantic daydreaming. :)

  28. Imagine doing your shopping, turning into the aisle and seeing Kate going about her own shopping ! It must a have felt quite surreal for other shoppers :-)
    Hoping all goes well with Prince Philip's surgery, and that he's back on his feet and feeling stronger soon. I'm sure he's determined to be up and well for H&M wedding.

  29. Lovely pics. Thank you.

  30. I have been following The Duchess for such a long time, I feel that I know her. It is nice to see her moving freely and doing her grocery shipping personally. When the media starts to camp outside Lido, I will just pray - I detest that door! XOXOXOXOXO

    PS. I love that color of that coat.

  31. I've always loved that Joseph coat. Have been hoping for a rewear.

  32. Cee Cee from KY4 April 2018 at 14:52

    Shannon W., I wonder if perhaps they were packing the car in the 4:30 picture rather than unpacking. I'm guessing they arrived Saturday and something held that up that morning with the children- easter baskets perhaps? And then they headed to Anmer on Sunday afternoon.

  33. Wow! I'm amazed at how many people doubt it's Kate. To my eye, it does look like Kate. It makes sense that she would go to Anmer since she is not due until the end of April and she has a history of being "late." Even if she were to deliver earlier than expected, I'm sure they have a plan in place. It's an almost 3 hour car ride back to London but probably less than 30 minutes by helicopter. Kate has used helicopters before to fly back and forth between Anmer and London for engagements.

  34. Sending speedy recovery thoughts to Prince Philip. Hopefully he will be well enough to attend the wedding next month. He is such a strong, vibrant gentleman.

  35. She is the Duchess of Cambridge, but she is about as “normal” in that role as one can get. So glad to see the Duchess looking so happy and healthy. I hope all goes well for Prince Phillip in his surgery recovery and recuperation. Thank you, Charlotte. Oh, I do remember the Cider farm tour; thank you for the reminder.

    1. 🌸 Marcia. Right. “She is about as ‘normal’ in that role as one can get”. William chose wisely. :)

  36. Hello fellow HRH Kate fans,

    I absolutely adore this blog and love the friendly community. I have never commented before but I had a theory I wanted to share.

    After Kate’s last 2 pregnancies were so late and with this year being a very busy spring; I had a thought that Kate may potentially have chosen to be induced to have more control over her pregnancy/due date of course this would be if she looks to be late again. Her expected date is clearly after April 11th and if like the last 2 she is late it would take her very close to events occurring in May.

    She has certainly seemed more relaxed this time, we will probably never know but it’s a thought.

    1. Welcome Lady P, so glad you joined in!!! :) I think your idea sounds completely plausible & very possible! :) Happy "Great Kate Wait"! lol :)

  37. It is Kate. You can see the car seats in the back of her Range Rover.

    1. Tammy from California5 April 2018 at 15:03

      Those are her famous boots that got the Vogue cover too. It's her.

  38. I think it *is* Kate. The tall (and handsome!) PPO looks familiar, and we've seen this scenario before. Plus, her coat and the Cyder Farm bag is too much detail for it to be a coincidence. Look at a map...it's not around the corner. :-)

    1. Thank you rf !!!!! Finally a voice of reason!! lol :)

    2. I agree royalfan!! And for all of those who are still on the fence, they need only look at the "skinny jeans" to know for sure it's "our" Kate!! lol :) cc

    3. CeCe, Ha! lol lol lol :) xo
      (& this from a "Skinny Jeans Fan"! :)

    4. Lol, ladies! Yes, skinny jeans!

  39. Hmm i cant see the duchess but ahe look normal the duchess looks happy and healthy hmm i hope she will have safety deliver whatever It home birth or in regular hospital with normal delivery hope prince phillp have speddy recovery

  40. Maggie - Minneapolis5 April 2018 at 00:43

    A bit disappointed they're in Norfolk in that it means William probably won't be working even longer. And he hasn't exactly become hardworking since quitting his air ambulance job to supposedly become a full time royal. His engagement count last yr was lower than the yr before, and Harry did more. To be fair if the Sweden norway tour had happened as planned it would have added some, but even that would have just put him a very little over his engagement total the yr before despite having a whole half yr as full time royal. This yr he's on track for 240ish which is more than usual for him but still less than *half* of the number either Charles or Anne did last year! And less than the queen of Philip have done before in their 90s.
    In the last 3 weeks, and with no announced future engagements for now, all he did was the 2 quick engagements with kate that were her last before maternity leave, 1 investiture,the st Patrick's day Irish guard parade, and "receiving" the royal foundation chairman at home. That's it. Hardly any of those require almost any prep either, and of course he's been known to take paternity leave in the past so more time off might be coming soon too. Goodness even kate has done more engagements so far this yr. And while I think their numbers are pretty close, he should be outworking her always since hes the future king and blood royal, and to not even outwork her when shes in her third trimester is sad.
    Harry's done a shockingly low number so far this yr too to be fair-like half or less than half than Kate.
    I know I sound mean or hateresque to some but goodness, Cambridges spent half a decade since marriage barely working and the promise has always been that eventually they will step up to the plate. We waited a while for Will to finally quit the pilot job, and I was excited to see him start living up to his rank etc even if it wasn't happening until his mid to late thirties. Yet here we are still.
    And please don't say he needs to adjust and ease into being full time. Isn't that what we're been told theyve been doing for forever as one of the excuses for not working before? How much more preparation could a person possibly need for a job they've known they will be working since at least the age of 5.

    1. The reason why William isn’t working this week is because the kids are on school holidays until April 17th. It’s quite obvious that the Cambridges are going to follow the Wesexes lead and not work for school holidays, at least until William becomes the Prince of Wales.

    2. Maggie - Minneapolis6 April 2018 at 07:37

      Anon 19:28: ppl usually don't precede the time before taking a total vacation from work with slacking off at their job is my point. Esp with a newborn on its way, imminently which prolly is gonna lead to time off for that too.

      And no reason school breaks mean the parents don't still work,like, you know, how it is for most ppl in the world. Wessexes are different bc they have far out-worked the Cambridges including having done much more than Cambridges till now even when their own kids were as young or younger. They have at least a better argument for wanting/deserving the family time on school breaks. Cambridges, on the other hand, have had almost nothing but family time, and for nearly their whole time of existence as a family.

      But really I wouldn't care that much if not for context of my broader disappointment with his general interpretation of full time royal after yrs of putting it off. If you are going to do bare minimum into your mid to late thirties then you don't also get the luxury of "easing in" or being on holiday every time your kids have a school holiday when you finally just started technically working full time in a job you've happily received unearned benefits for, for a long time.

      Seriously with both parents' still not very impressive workload and the fact that they've been together as a couple for a decade and a half and so aren't even in the first parts of a new relationship adjusting or something, and then both kids being in school this yr too, i honestly sometimes wonder what they even do with sooo much available free time. I think I'd die of boredom lol.

    3. Susan in Florida11 April 2018 at 02:32

      Maggie , I think they are concentrating on raising the children and giving them a good start in a loving home. I don’t think that William is doing this without the blessing or full knowledge of Her Majesty and the Prince of Wales. They know what is required to raise a future monarch better than we do. Many parents in will arrange their work schedule they are able, to take a break when their children are off from school.

  41. THe lady grocery shopping appears to me to be Kate, though her face is blurred by motion. I am more mystified by the second Windsor picture, which show someone carrying a baby younger than the Cambridge children. The first picture looks like their family preparing to leave. I think the second picture is someone else, though their closed car is still parkd near the door.

    Maybe, as someone suggested, William taking the place of his father or grandfather at the Easter service was relatively last minute. In that case, Kate in Bucklebury may have needed to send to London for appropriate attire. It sounds as though road work held them up, and then perhaps she needed to meet her assistant at Windsor and change her clothing. If so, someone put together a very elegant outfit. However, Kate’s hair does not look freshly done.

    The Queen whisked them into a Bentley, and went to church herself, allowing protocol to lapse until after the service, when William and Catherine followed her out of the chapel (that beautiful building). It seems like the Queen to avoid keeping everyone else waiting, while rearranging things the best way possible, as she may have explained to Princess Anne.

    By the way, the Duke of York was present, near Anne and her husband. Three of the Queen’s four children attended the service, and six of her eight grandchildren. I expect they all visited Prince Philip before his surgery. Where does Prince Charles spend Easter? He rarely seems to be at Windsor.

    1. Prince Charles and Camilla are usually in Scotland for Easter, however this year they were in Australia before their tour this week.

    2. He and Camilla spend it privately in Scotland these days. I don't know why. He used to attend Easter services at Windsor.

      At the moment of course, they're in Australia.

  42. I'm still certain that it's NOT Kate! If that is her PPO in the parking lot, why isn't he helping Kate with the groceries? That would be part of his job. Instead he just stands there watching. Also, he doesn't appear to be near Kate while inside Waitrose. She would be very vulnerable in such a public place. The Daily Mail has more photos and they're very large too! You can't really see the details on your phone.

    1. An RPO's job is to protect not unload bags. He can't protect her from someone approaching if he is busy unloading her cart and putting items in the car. So actually it is more likely it was her RPO since he was 'just' standing there.

    2. The RPO with Kate isn’t helping her with the bags because RPOs aren’t supposed to ‘’help’’ they need to keep looking around to make sure no one approaches who should not.

    3. Hi Daisy, while it's already been mentioned I'll happily repeat. The PPO needs his hands free at all times to go right into action at a moments notice. They always are darting their eyes & looking around in a state of alertness. They do follow close at hand while she is inside shopping too, he is likely just out of frame. Kate is often spotted out & about, especially in Norfolk even at Farmers Markets & Garden Centers. Sometimes there are pics, many times people just report it & are curtious & don't sell the pics. It's been said that the folks around Anmer in Norfolk are very protective of William, Kate & the kids! :) I too recognize this PPO! I hope this info helps. :)

    4. I'm sure that the PPO is standing close enough to protect her, yet far enough to give her some space. In the supermarket, she appears to be in the middle of an aisle near a sort of intersection. The PPO is probably just around the corner where we cannot see him, but he is well aware of Kate and her surroundings. And I totally agree that it is not his job to help carry or load groceries. He cannot be distracted and must be prepared to push her out of the way or whatever else may be necessary at any given time. I pray we never find out!

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis6 April 2018 at 01:25

      I think ppl are also forgetting that in fact if this was actually a random someone else and so it wasn't an rpo with them, it'd actually be weirder for the guy not to be helping with the groceries and just watching like that. No one stands right there without helping itd be one thing if one got in the car to start it up or something but no one would be right there doing nothing unless they are someone like an rpo.

    6. I do believe now it's Kate and that's the protection officer. But it's not so much the fact that he's not helping her, which I understand the reason for now, but It just seems to me that he should be not facing towards her and the car, he should be facing away. How can he protect her if his back is to most of her surroundings? He doesn't appear to be looking around in a state of alertness. What if the camera taking the photos was not a camera but a gun?

  43. Oh, I forgot Charles is in Australia this year. Camilla apparently returned early, probably to spend Easter with her family.

    1. No, Camilla was still in Australia for the opening of the Commonwealth Games on the 4th.

    2. Yes, and they perhaps did not leave for Australia until after Easter. I should have speculated that she will be home in time to spend part of spring break with her family.


    3. Camilla is still in Australia but she is skipping part of the itinerary as I understand it because she is frightened of flying and it involves a small plane. I'm no supporter of Camilla but as a flying phobic, this is one place she has my total sympathy.

    4. She is probably wise to avoid small planes. And she is smart to make time for herself and her own family. I am not really a fan of Camilla either, but she seems to have created a workable life since her remarriage.

  44. 🌸 Exactly on all points, rf. Plus, she bought something on sale. That’s “our” Kate. :)

  45. 🌸 No one is commenting on the grocery cart that tallies your purchases as you fill the cart. That is so neat. Unless it eliminates cashiers’ jobs. I had never heard of a grocery cart like that before. It’s neat, except.... I guess you’d have to calculate your cost per pounds items your self. Sounds too much like math to me. :)

    1. Agreed SG, Very Cool Cart! :) Also agree on the math! Yikes! :)

    2. I don’t know how thing are in the US, but here products are pre-packaged and have a barcode on them that has the correct price. If you are weighing something, like fruit, the scale will do the maths for you and you print out a little sticker with the barcode. You just scan the barcode on the buying device.

    3. In the case of the shopping cart having a small scanner/register/computer, I would think that all items sold separately, i.e. fruit/veg would have electronic scales in the grocery section, Items such as apples or potatoes for instance, would be weighed and calculated, a barcode sticker would be printed and you would just scan that and place the items in your bag. Yes, the whole idea is to eliminate the cashiers' jobs. Sad but true. No more conversations with your favourite checkout person, OR avoiding the one who cannot pack groceries properly lol... ;-)

    4. It's not the grocery cart that tallies your purchases. It's a hand-held scanner that you can see in Kate's right hand. You scan the barcode on the product with it, and then bag the item right away. I use these all the time at my local Stop n' Shop stores, it saves me so much time. And yes, when you buy some fruit or vegetables by the pound, you do have to put them on a scale and punch in the number, and then print the price tag. But that's actually pretty quick once you get used to it. You don't have to load of all things into the cart, then unload them all at the checkout register, and then wait while someone bags them. You still have to go through one of the self-check out registers to scan the scanner, and then pay for your purchases. I imagine that Kate may be able to skip that last step and handoff the scanner to someone else to take care of the payment.

    5. Ok so here's a question that's got me perplexed..... what's to stop someone from adding a few things to their bags & not scanning them? In some stores we have 1 or 2 self-check aisles (rarely used), where you scan all your purchases yourself (like a cashier would) & then you bag your own items. But it's all done in plain sight. This seems a tad easy for it to be abused? I must be missing something! Also, where I live (in a tribe of folks who like to be waited on) they still like to have someone else scan & pack one's groceries & then take them to the car, unload all the bags & then return the cart for you! A pampered but not exactly cutting edge vibe! Plus that's if you even go shop for your own groceries! Many in my area just have them delivered! For some reason, folks are a tad high maintenance here, in my area! lol :)

    6. The self-check out registers are very well used here in the Boston area! I think it's because the lines are the regular check out lanes are usually very long...the stores don't seem to have many of them open.

      What stops one, or should stop one, from placing unscanned items in their bags, are the random checks made by the store staff. Every once in awhile, when you scan your scanner at the check out, you're told to wait for a store clerk. Then the clerk comes over and randomly selects a few items from your bags and scans them him/herself to check and see if they've been scanned already. This actually doesn't happen very often so you could take the chance and not scan something. I have always scanned all my items, so I don't know what happens to you if they find you haven't scanned something! When you pick up your scanner at the start of your shopping, you scan your store card first, that has all of your name and contact information linked to it. So the store knows who is using the hand-held scanner, so I suppose you would be on their radar and you would get checked more often and if you did it too much I suppose they wouldn't allow you to use the service any longer.

    7. Thx Pam, that all makes so much sense! I travel a lot, so Hubby does most of our grocery shopping & has his fav store that's by our house & they don't have that tech. What they do have...... is an actual Tasting "Bar"! lol :) He hangs out there with all his cycling buddies & other guys he knows from town. (fellow Dads from back in the day when our boys were all playing football & lacrosse together!) I swear, he'll be there sometimes 2-3hrs, as more familiar faces keep coming over to have a beer etc. It's so funny knowing all these "empty nest" families where the Dad is now doing all the "grocery shopping"! lol :) The big joke is that it's like "Cheers" where everybody knows your name! lol :)

    8. Pam, I keep forgetting to tell you that I looooove Boston! I've spent a lot of time out there over the years, including for lacrosse tournaments & recruiting. Our youngest son actually went to school out there for lacrosse. He was north in Beverly & I came to feel like the northern coast (Marblehead, Salem, Beverly, Manchester by the sea & Gloucester) began to feel like home, along with The Cape, The Vineyard & Nantucket! Such a beautiful state & city! :) xo

    9. Susan in Florida11 April 2018 at 02:22

      The register at self check outs require you to put each item in a bag. There is a weight sensitive metal panel that will beep or tell the register screen if you have neglected to place the item in the bag, It will also beep and say you neglected to scan an item . In FL a person stands near the reigisters to help , and keep an eye on people.

    10. 🌸 I think perhaps all the grocery cashiers around the world should start thinking of other vocational options. I personally think the personal touch of grocery cashiers is an excellent asset.
      It will be sad that those jobs will be “back in the day” subjects of conversation soon more than likely.

  46. This is definitely Kate. Her hair at Easter was darker and so it is here. She has the protection officer with her (gun near right back pocket) and the car looks like a RR. She is also repeating her coat from previous pregnancy, and those shopping bags.. AND their favourite spot is Norfolk and school holidays are on, of course they are there. It’s not a massive drive. Too much evidence here. I cannot see that Kate being pregnant will stop her from going anywhere. She is a healthy 21st century Mum, with a precedence of good births. It’s lovely to see Kate out and about going about her every day like shopping for groceries, getting stuff out of cars and carrying children. It is done everyday by millions of women all over the world. No biggie.

    1. Amen & Thank you RW for saying it all so well!!! :) xo

    2. When have we ever seen an RPO accompanying Kate with a visible firearm in place? I am not even sure that is a gun. Add to that, it is behind him which would make disarming him relatively easy. More likely a mobile in a carrying case and possibly a store employee who assisted the woman taking the cart to her car.

    3. Pleasure! Thank you Becca. I am sure they are all having lovely school holidays together at Anmer!

  47. I think it is Kate too it certainly has everyone guessing. The photos are distorted & poor quality & she definitely moved when the car photo was taken so it is not clear cut. The first photo definitely has Kate mannerisms though. I hope the family has a lovely break in the country together if they are in Norfolk

  48. Tammy from California5 April 2018 at 15:03

    I look at Kate all dressed up to go grocery shopping and I just couldn't do it. I wear workout clothes shopping and couldn't imagine wearing boots with heels and a peacoat to go get things. This is one big reason I could never do the job. I really do like my normal, "boring", under-the-radar life.

    1. To me that is not dressed up at all. She is just wearing normal everyday clothes. But that is my typical attire when running errands as well-small boots, jeans and a wool coat. To me dressed up would by a dress and heels.

  49. Charles & Camilla opening the Commonwealth Games in Australia, Prince Philip's hip replacement (age is just a number - get well soon!), and Harry's wedding - I hope William and Catherine enjoy this time out of the spotlight (relatively speaking). I hope they are at Amner this week and do allow themselves moments of pretending to be normal. :) ❤

  50. I'm really shocked at all the people who think this isn't Kate. It looks like her, not to mention both the coat and booties that she has worn before. Plus the addition of the RPO and the cyder farms bag. We have seen her grocery shopping before, so it is not unusual for her to do her own. Plus no Kate impersonator looks even close to looking like the real Kate and the profile is definitely Kate.

    1. Anon 19:09, I agree with everything you said. Especially about the impersonators. I've thought none of them were even close, as aside from lack of looking much like her, you can tell they aren't Kate because they can't seem to replicate the way she walks, moves, stands or any of her mannerisms!

    2. Maggie - Minneapolis6 April 2018 at 01:15

      Yep and realistically its better for them that it is obvious when they are impersonating that they aren't actually that royal. Like if this was an impersonator they get nothing from ppl thinking they are actually kate. They don't need or want to permanently "trick" ppl like this imo since now no one knows it was actually them and they get nothing from it unless they're weird and get some sort of pleasure from tricking ppl but even then lol this would be so small time if that was the goal lol. Id be more willing to believe someone had unintentionally dressed like kate or maybe even likes to buy things kate wears which is obvi not uncommon and then just happened I guess to be in a Norfolk store and pregnant and wearing driving and holding all kate things bc they're a huge fan? Yeah seems like too much to be coincidence like this either but again, that still seems more likely than an intentional malicious trick.

    3. Maggie, you had me cracking up at the end there! :) You also raised a lot of good points about why an impersonator actually wants to be known as impersonating! Well said & some things I hadn't even thought of before! :)

  51. 🌸 Daisy. :) Just standing there, guarding, is his job. Anyone could approach her if he was distracted helping her. He didn’t help her before in that scenario and for the same reason. :)

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis6 April 2018 at 01:09

      Yep and it's not his job either! Protection officers aren't valets. I already think it's bad that theyll do stuff like grocery shopping or getting takeout for their protectee etc. Or like when we saw one walking lupo at KP after George's birth. Even more so bc they're taxpayer paid and while paying for their security is one thing bc that prolly shouldn't have to be the ppl facing the threats' obligation when the threat only exists bc of their public role, but if they need ppl to do that other stuff they should hire them separately. tho I imagine esp for Will and kate it's very convenient privacy wise to be able to use their guards instead for stuff at times.

    2. Hmmm, Maggie, for all we know the officer was off duty. After all, they don’t work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maybe he volunteered to do it after his shift was finished. Or maybe he gave her a coupon book for 20 free dog walks as a baby gift, LOL.

  52. MizBev from Colorado5 April 2018 at 21:30

    I am pretty sure this is her. The coat for one and the picture of her speaking to her protection officer sure looks like her. Also, if you look at the arms of the shirt/sweater she is wearing under the coat it seems to be the beautiful grey sweater she wore to the cub scout meeting in December of 2016.

  53. Hmm one thing I notice: these "candid" shots of Kate in everyday life look very different from her shots when she's doing an engagement for a few reasons:
    1) Kate is almost always wearing pants and flatter shoes in these shots. When she's doing a royal engagement she's almost always wearing a dress/skirt and stilettos.
    2) Kate's natural hair seems to be darker and straighter. I think the hair extensions/highlights she gets plus the bouncy curls she favors make her hair look very different when she hasn't had it done.
    In other words Kate's "princess" look is very different from her everyday look to the point where seeing shots of her driving and doing groceries looks jarring because we're so used to the heels, stockings, fancy dresses, and curled hair.

    1. Very interesting observation & I agree! Some pics we have seen are quiet casual. In those, W&K look quite different, he in glasses & she with little to no make-up & her hair more natural. You are spot on, her face etc, looks notably different when she is wearing less or no make up, as well as her hair minus the glossy blow-outs & whatever else is done as part of her "royal engagement" routine!

    2. Ivy Lin, I have a different take on this.I think the hair difference is simply due to different lighting, when you highlight your hair it stays like that for months. How it is styled varies with Kate all the time regardless of the event. She does typically go for curls when out on a formal event but not always. Her clothes did not make the difference to my eye, we often see her at events in jeans and sneakers. The newspapers may have used some techniques to try and enhance the photos which would also change the look.

    3. I am with ali on this.
      Many clothes that we see her wearing when she is out and about we saw her wearing at official engagements.
      And then, i do not think that anyone that is doing grocery Shopping would wear sky high heels, right? It is more the difference in occasion than the difference of style that you are refering to, i would say.


  54. Could any royal “expert” tell ma who to find out what events were at Buckingham Palace on March 15, 2018. A friend visiting London saw the gates open and cars/people leaving right before the Mail wagon pulled in.

    1. From the Court Circular for March 15 - Buckingham Palace

      The Hon Antoinette Perry was received in audience by The Queen today upon her appointment as Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island.

      (Picture of this on From Her Majesty's Jewel Vault)

      Mr. Daniel Chugg was received in audience by The Queen and kissed hands upon his appointment as Her Majesty's Ambassador to Burma. Mrs. Chugg was also received by Her Majesty.

      Ms. NneNne Iwuji-Eme was received in audience by The Queen upon her appointment as British High Commissioner to the Republic of Mozambique.

      Mr. John Freeman was received in audience by The Queen and kissed hands upon his appointment as Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Mrs. Freeman was also received by Her Majesty.

      The Prince of Wales, on behalf of The Queen, held an Investiture at Buckingham Palace this morning.

      So my guess, looking at this information, would be your friend was seeing the aftermath of an investiture conducted by the Prince of Wales which would lead to a number of cars.

  55. so cool that shes so down to earth thanks charlotte

  56. ILoveElephants8 April 2018 at 02:45

    Ugh I can’t wait any longer for baby Cambridge to come. I have been checking my phone almost every hour. Please baby Cambridge don’t make us wait too long!!!

    1. The watched pot never boils! ;-)

  57. Look at this, Charlotte! :)


    We are getting closer now (I expected it would take place tomorrow only.).

  58. I saw that the parking restrictions are up! Yay, I'm so excited we're almost there! The announcement in September seemed like just yesterday.

  59. Good Afternoon fellow Cambridge family fans!

    I commented on a previous post suggesting HRH may have planned to be induced this pregnancy, to control the due date of the baby a little more. She seemed to be 2 weeks late (as reported) with both previous babies and with the royal wedding only weeks away, and a busy royal period in general, an induction may be more suited.

    Today I saw KP announcements regarding commonwealth engagements to be undertaken by the Duke, Prince Harry and Meghan; this has increased my suspicions of an induced pregnancy, maybe even a C-Section? (a bit out there I know, but as smooth as a pregnancy looks on the outside, who knows what the actual medical information is or any complications/choices they have made). So, these engagements so close to an imminant birth make me think its more controlled this time than we may have been let on to.

    Could we have a royal baby this weekend? with Kate being looked after by her mother whilst the Duke shows his happy 'new dad' face at the handful of engagements scheduled next week, which I imagine would be difficult to run out of if Kate does spontaneously go into labour having not had the baby by then. If she has the baby this Saturday id be even more suspicious; less disruption to work, people can watch on TV, hospitals are generally a little quieter.

    Or could it be planned for the following weekend in which its close enough to the wedding, but not too close and the Duke just hoping that she doesn't go into Labour in the meantime.

    Admittedly, anything could happen really and we will probably never really know the full details but something seems a bit different this time, with a lot more going on and a more relaxed feeling, as though they themselves know when baby is going to arrive. However, this could just be they're confident that whatever happens, it will all go to plan.

    Lets see what happens, id be interested to know if any of you also get a different feeling about this pregnancy?

    Happy 'Great Kate Wait'


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