Sunday 1 April 2018

The Cambridges Join the Queen for Easter Service!

An Easter surprise this morning as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined the Queen at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle this morning.

The Duchess, who is officially on maternity leave, spent the past few days at the Middleton family home in Bucklebury with William, George and Charlotte according to royal reporter Emily Andrews. They obviously decided to return to London to attend the service with the Royal family. It's an enormously exciting time for the couple who will welcome their third child at some point this month.

It's the second consecutive year the Cambridges have attended Easter service at Windsor. Last year reporters heralded the couple's appearance as a result of their full-time move to London and increasing responsibilities.

Princess Eugenie and her fiancé Jack Brooksbank, who will marry at St George's in October, arriving with Peter and Autumn Philips. Perth Fashion notes Eugenie's dress is by Oscar de la Renta.

The Countess of Wessex and her daughter Lady Louise arriving with Princess Beatrice. Several noted it is the first time Louise has worn heels. She looked lovely.

Other royals in attendance included Princess Anne and her family (Zara Tindall is the lady in blue), The Earl of Wessex and Prince Andrew.

A video of the royals greeting Her Majesty.

The Duke and Duchess were late and arrived after Her Majesty.

Emily Andrews reports: "Perhaps they got held up in roadworks on M4 from Bucklebury, where they’re spending Easter with Kate’s parents."

The couple were welcomed.

Prince Philip, who celebrates his 97th birthday in June, was notably absent from today's service. He was forced to cancel two appearances due to a hip problem in recent weeks and wasn't well enough to join the Queen today. Wishing the Duke a speedy recovery.

St George's Chapel is a 14th century building located in the Lower Ward of the castle. The chapel has been the site of many royal weddings in recent years, with the Earl and Countess of Wessex's in 1999, and the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall receiving a blessing there after their wedding in 2005. The chapel is also home to the Order of the Garter, the annual June ceremony.

Indeed, it has been chosen as the venue for two royal weddings this year.

More on the history of the chapel:

'In 1348, King Edward III founded two new religious colleges: St Stephen's at Westminster and St George's at Windsor. The new college at Windsor was attached to the Chapel of St Edward the Confessor which had been constructed by Henry III in the early thirteenth century. The chapel was then rededicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Edward the Confessor and St George the Martyr. Edward III also built the Aerary Porch in 1353–1354. It was used as the entrance to the new college.
The Quire of St George's Chapel, by Charles Wild, from W.H. Pyne's Royal Residences, 1818.
St George's Chapel became the Mother Church of the Order of the Garter, and a special service is still held in the chapel every June and is attended by the members of the order. Their heraldic banners hang above the upper stalls of the choir where they have a seat for life.'

The royals departing after the service.

A terrific photo of William and Kate greeting children behind the Queen, who looked resplendent in pink.

Last year, the Duchess selected her cream Catherine Walker coat and a cream pillbox hat.

Today, Kate chose the bespoke brown Catherine Walker coat she debuted for the 2015 St Patrick's Day parade when she was expecting Princess Charlotte. In our last post, we chatted about Kate's maternity repeats and discussed how Kate has turned to pieces from her second pregnancy on numerous occasions. The chestnut brown, double wool crepe garment was a very nice choice for today's service.

Once again, Kate teamed the coat with her £245 Betty Boop Beret by Lock & Co.

The 'Betty Boop' is one of Kate's favourites; she's worn it on a number of occasions over the years.

Kate wore her Gianvito Rossi 85 praline pumps.

Kate carried her $275 Loeffler Randall 'Tab' clutch. The bag is handcrafted from lizard-effect leather in a soft blush hue. "Perfect for day or night, this design opens to a surprisingly spacious twill-lined interior complete with a zipped pocket for smaller items." It's available in several colours at ShopBop.

Kate accessorised with her Balenciaga pearl earrings.

And her unidentified pearl brooch.

Afterwards, William and Kate returned to Bucklebury where George and Charlotte were very likely waiting for eggs like these! A very Happy Easter to you all! :)

It's officially Royal Baby month! :)


  1. Rebecca - Sweden1 April 2018 at 10:02

    What a wonderful surprise! She's looking very elegant! Good choice of repeats! And good for her that they didn't make the walk!

    1. Why? A good morning walk hurts no one, pregnant or not.

    2. That pregnant?! And wearing heels!? It's exhausting to be on one's feet at this stage for very long, even in comfy sneakers. Plus, walking a distance in heels, tripping is a much bigger concern for someone as close to delivery as the Duchess is.

    3. Anett, I was a month early and the day before I was born my mum and dad went for a walk. She always swore it was that that put her into labour.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden1 April 2018 at 11:57

      I've never been pregnant but at 9 months I assume most things hurt. Although, my mum was on her bike with me at 9 months. Just saying it's good for them that they decided to take the car if they felt they needed to. But now it seams they came from another place entirely so the point is moot.

    5. She is only pregnant, a walk here and there is fine, normal and healthy :)

    6. I was running some 15 min to catch a bus 3 days before my due date :) is was not easy and i was holding my bump during the run (but i managed to catch it), but a walk is fine also in heals, in a healthy pregnany. Relax girls, and enjoy the fact that she obviously is healthy in her pregnancy :)

    7. I agree with you all. A walk -and most activities- for that matter is good for a pregnant woman, bar the obvious ones to be excluded. But when a woman is over her due date, the OB/GYN will actually recommend that certain activities are to be tried in order to naturally induce labour - such as swimming, a brisk walk etc.

    8. Well, my mum rode throughout her pregnancy! But if Kate was coming from Bucklebury as reported, it would be a long, long walk in those heels!

      The real issue is that even royals can suffer the vagarity of traffic and the difficulty of judging how long a drive will take. I'm certain the queen's just delighted they were present.

    9. I was grocery shopping the day I was due. My water broke in the car 😊. My Mother prediction came true, as I never sat still thru my entire pregnancy. Kate looks as always perfect! Happy Easter Charlotte 🌸🐣🐰

    10. Me in Vancouver1 April 2018 at 16:50

      Maybe walking from Berkshire was a little too far at this stage.

    11. 🌸 Good to hear from you sweet Rebecca. 😊

    12. 🌸 13:19. I bet the bus drivers loved you, lol. They probably white-knuckled their steering wheels each time they saw you running, and counted their blessings that you left the bus still pregnant. 😳

    13. 🌸 Ladies, don’t forget. There were two VERY pregnant women at the Easter Service with the Queen this morning.

    14. I am with those who do not think for most women being pregnant causes any major changes in what shoes you wear or what you do. If you have severe water retention then yes high heels are a problem, but most women do not have severe water retention. The baby only weighs what 5 - 8 pounds for most women by the last month, it is not that hard to adjust to over nine months. Running madly in a long race or tennis game in the last month is not the easiest but almost anything else can be managed and in fact activity is good and healthy, helps keep water retention down and your circulation and hormones operating well.

    15. Someone said there were works on the road.

      Normally, I would say if you were meeting the queen where protocol is so important, you double the time you think the journey will take - but Kate is so heavily pregnant, that stands as an excuse.

    16. I actually thought Kate had a spritely spring in her step as she exited the car & entered the church! It put a smile on my face. Good to see her looking so well & in great spirits. :) It wasn't until I saw the exiting photo (btw didn't The Queen look Amazing???) that I realized that with C&C gone, Will & Kate were the most Senior Royals in attendance, re: Precedence! It caught me off guard & really kind of hit me. Wow, they are Right There!! I mean we often think of it as being a long way off.... but if/when The Queen leaves us, His Dad is no spring chicken.... They really have to be ready for anything! Slightly OT, but I had never thought of it in such a real vivid way before. Sorry if this sounds like I'm a dolt! (oh & how sad that Prince Philip wasn't well...... ) It makes his age & health seem all too real as well..... :(

    17. Jo Arizona commented that William (and Kate) may have been called in at the last minute to attend the Queen, with Phillip and Charles's (and Harry's) noticeable absences. That certainly seems reasonable to me and could explain the lateness and Kate's un Easter-like outfit. Easter was quite early this year and it was cold. That coat may have been on hand at her parents' home and she had not planned an Easter outfit. Also, if William and Catherine had been planning to attend all along they would likely have spent the night at Windsor with some of the other royals.
      If Phillip took seriously ill suddenly, Charles may have stayed with him, which necessitated the need for a senior royal and heir to accompany HM. As it was, Edward was the only male descendent of the Queen standing in the line-up and he was at the end of the line...both literally and figuratively. It really seemed to me that it was the Anne and family show.
      I don't think Kate has used her pregnancy as an excuse to avoid her duties, responsibilities. Illness is another matter. She did miss engagements due to illness, but later made them up--including a tour. charity

    18. Ali I agree with you to a large extent but there isn’t just 5-8 lbs of baby. By the end you’ve gained over 2 stone most around the middle. That is not easy to carry. Plus you’re supporting baby so extra blood coursing, baby taking all your nutrients, organs being squashed, pressure on your lungs so makes the last few wks v tough. And even mild water retention can cause shoes hard to fit on. I should know, currently 39 weeks pregnant with baby number 3! And I’m still working full time but not saying that it’s easy.

    19. Ali I agree with you to a large extent but there isn’t just 5-8 lbs of baby. By the end you’ve gained over 2 stone most around the middle. That is not easy to carry. Plus you’re supporting baby so extra blood coursing, baby taking all your nutrients, organs being squashed, pressure on your lungs so makes the last few wks v tough. And even mild water retention can cause shoes hard to fit on. I should know, currently 39 weeks pregnant with baby number 3! And I’m still working full time but not saying that it’s easy.

  2. I thought this was an april fools joke at first 😂 it’s a lovely surprise to see Kate, I wasn’t expecting to see her again until after she gives birth

    1. It truly was a nice Easter Treat for us all! :)

  3. What a wonderful surpise for us the duchess never fails to amuse as she looks healthy and elegant she the queen the repeats hmm any updates meghan and harry

  4. I didn 't except her but she makes a surprise again.Oh,Duchess looks perfect and beautiful.I love this repeats with pearls.

  5. Yay! How lovely to see Kate today, and another, last-minute repeat outfit to add to your previous post Charlotte! I have to admit, my first reaction was 'How on earth can she look so slim at nearly full term?' I'm sure it must be the angle of the photo, but she looks so small here! Still, it's fantastic to have one more last-minute appearance before Number 3 arrives for those of us who've been having withdrawal symptoms!

    I'm quite surprised that we didn't see Harry and Meghan today - I thought that they would take the opportunity to attend a biggish event at the Chapel in preparation for the wedding (a bit like Eugenie and Jack). Maybe they felt that they would take too much attention away from the Queen and the spiritual significance of the day. I guess I can wait another year - LOL!

    1. 🌸 Helen. There is a photo above of when they were getting out of the vehicle where she looks almost full term.

    2. Hi Surfer Girl. Yes, she does look much bigger in the side pictures - especially the one getting out of the car, doesn't she? For a moment when just the welcome picture was up, I thought I'd blinked and missed the birth - LOL! I still find it amazing how petite she manages to stay while heavily pregnant though - she looks incredible.

    3. 🌸 “Thought you’d missed the birth”. lol
      Helen she certainly does stay petite during pregnancy, sometimes she looks bigger than others and sometimes she doesn’t look pregnant at all. Curious, isn’t it. :)

    4. Helen, you had me smiling about blinking & missing the birth! lol :) To some folks that would be nothing, but to us? It'd be a Nightmare!!! lol :) She does look amazing & it is funny how at certain angles she still can look hardly pregnant at all. To my eyes, at the full on side angles she looked like she is carrying lower since we last saw her. But only Baby#3 knows when he/she will arrive! :) I too was surprised that Harry & Meghan were not in attendance? I had secretly been hoping to see them, assuming there was no way that we'd see Will & Kate! So with almost the whole immediate Family there.... it did seen strange that they were missing? Especially when I saw W&K! One never knows the rhyme or reason of things! :)

  6. She looks beautiful! I'm glad she was feeling up to it.

  7. What a nice surprise! She looks extremely elegant. It is always a cherry on top of a special day to see the royals celebrating.

  8. Kate looked fabulous but she's making it hard to believe that the last month of pregnancy can be anything but sleek and elegant. I'm wondering if Harry and Meghan are out of town for the holiday weekend? It was nice to see that Jack Brooksbank was included in the family outing...fiances certainly are taking up new positions within the family (not complaining).

    1. Susan in Florida2 April 2018 at 15:18

      Laura, I agree ! it is very nice to see fiancés on the holidays. As any family would do on a major holiday. So for me , it’s wonderful to see the RF being inclusive as well. We all know how different it was for Diana and Sarah, isolated until married in.

  9. how nice to see william and kate! i'm glad to see them stepping up as senior royals, even when she is maybe not feeling 100% excited about dressing up.
    as for her outfit: ok, i get that she is 8 months pregnant, and is wearing what fits and is comfortable as well as meeting style expectations for what is appropriate for the event. but i do think she could have added a little spring cheeriness to a dark brown coat! a colorful hat would fit no matter what size she is. though, i dream of her adding some kicky shoes to an outfit, too (sigh).

  10. Kate looks splendid! I'm so happy that we got to see this coat again before the baby arrives. I was mildly disappointed when she went on maternity leave and didn't wear this coat but I love the accessories this time around :)

    Happy Easter to all! :)

  11. Why didn’t Princess Beatrice curtesy to the Queen? Did anyone else notice?

    1. They only curtsey the first time they see the Queen that day. Anne and Beatrice must have seen her earlier before church.

    2. I always think it's neat when one of them doesnt curtsey because it's a tiny insight into their day (who's seen the Queen that day already, etc) - silly I know but fun for me :)

    3. It was the brooch she wore last summer, in Ypers Belgium, for Paschendale battle remembrance evening. Remembers me a lovely moment, very near the royal couple.

    4. Imagine if you need to curtsey every time the Queen stands up!!!
      As back in the day!!

    5. Zora from Prague1 April 2018 at 16:56

      I was also wondering... thank you, florida girl! A nice observation.

    6. Zora from Prague1 April 2018 at 17:35

      I was also wondering... Thank you, florida girl!

    7. I saw Zara curtsy - quite gracefully given she's heavily pregnant.

    8. Didn't she wear the brooch for Trooping after Charlotte was born? With the "saucer" white hat. The blue and white dress.

    9. I'm thinking it was with the blue suit by Mcqueen - was that after Charlotte was born?

      The dress with the saucer hat (it looked like a loo seat to me!) was by Walker and I think that was 2015 - although Kate wore a similar blue dress earlier.

    10. I caught that too & had to rewatch, because I thought I had missed it!

  12. In my opinion, when a woman is THAT pregnant... she can whatever she pleases! ;)

    Lovely to see them! :)

  13. How can that coat still look so impossibly good on her? Once again, we have the mysterious disappearing pregnancy! I could have sworn she was bigger this time than before but it looks as if the coat has an even smoother line this time. I love that hat and the pearl jewellery is spot on. Brilliant from Kate!!

    1. I've always loved this hat too Bertie. Given how many times she's worn it over the years, I'm surprised she hasn't ordered it in a couple of other colours - I'm thinking a navy one would surely get a lot of wear, and possibly a green one for St Patrick's Day.

    2. Bertie, you are a riot & had me laughing! The "mysterious disappearing pregnancy"! lol I actually have thought of typing those exact words at times!!! lol :)

  14. Great to see her without bun. I like her with hair down when she wears hats. Great outfit!

  15. Happy Easter to all DKB readers, and to you and yours, Charlotte!
    Everyone looked wonderful this morning, HM of course is fabulous in bright pink, and I love Kate’s Catherine Walker coat, so glad to see it again 😊

  16. The first thing that popped to my eye is the queens pink outfit! It screams spring 🌸

    1. Her outfit, the flowers, her smile! Perfection!! :)

  17. Elegant the Prince William and Elegant the Duchess Catherine !

  18. I'm disappointed in this outfit! Not because it isn't nice, although I don't like that nude clutch with it, just because it's Easter, so it would have been nice to see some color! Even if it was just her shoes and clutch! A pale pink hat would have been nice, mint green, peach, just some color :) Love the pearl earrings though! My favourite outfit is autumns today. The pale blue is so pretty and I love her hat! Engines is nice too, although not my personal taste, it reminds me of splatter from decorating Easter eggs, how cute! I also like Zara's bright blue too!

    1. I would have loved to have seen her in the peach ensemble she wore during George’s pregnancy

    2. Tammy from California1 April 2018 at 17:45

      Red, 100% AGREED! Not just kate, but Sophie too! It's EASTER! The line up looked like a business meeting.

    3. Yes, she does look rather dull compared to the other royal ladies. Maybe she’s running low on costs that fit!

    4. That was my first thought, too. It is spring, so wear some spring colors. Of course, when you are almost ready to give birth fit does have to take priority! I, too, would have loved to see the peach ensemble again or the pink coat from Prince George's pregnancy. But, most of all, it was great to see them and Kate, as always looked picture perfect. I did like the colors of Autumn Phillips. She has been hitting it out of the park the last few times I have seen her. Good for her! Happy Easter, friends! Christ has risen!

    5. She has pink coats she worn when pregnant for George - and maybe Charlotte at the Commonwealth. But perhaps she's weary of everyone taking colour to guess the sex- or the pastel coats she has aren't warm enough. Anyway, she looks very nice - I love that coat.

    6. Her shoes and clutch were pale pink, weren't they? And she's in her last stages so perhaps there isn't much that still fits. Finally, given that Charles isn't there and Philip is ill, William got a call in Bucklebury to please come and be the "next in line...." support for the Queen at Easter. They were in Bucklebury weren't they?

    7. It's snowing in the UK today (Easter Monday)! The peach outfit was worn in the Summer - definitely not summery here.

    8. I would have preferred some brighter colours too Red, or at least something that looked a bit more fresh and spring-like. I'd love to have seen the pale pink McQueen coat again (maybe with the Philip Treacy pink rose hat from Trooping the Colour a couple of years ago), although Julia may be right about her not wanting to encourage all the 'She's having a girl' articles again. I think it's partly the chilly weather and partly Kate's fun 'theme' dressing that brought back the brown outfit (Easter-chocolate - geddit?).

    9. I was thinking of the pink coat with pearl buttons Kate wore to the Commonwealth service in early March when pregnant with Charlotte. This was the same coat she earlier wore to the Trooping as I recall - but it was quite windy for the March service looking at photos, so I would suppose it had some warmth - but perhaps Kate remembered it wasn't warm enough!

      I'm not sure if you mean this coat - there was a peach-coloured open coat Kate wore when pregnant with George.

      Personally I think the cut of the brown coat is more slimming than the pink for late pregnancy.

      I do think the weather informed some of the darker choices but the queen always manages to look festive - bless her!

    10. Helen, you nailed it! She did dress in an Easter Color........ Brown for Chocolate Easter Eggs! :) xo

    11. I think first consideration was given to the color of HM's coat. After that, Kate had to consider what fit. Brown may not be an Easter color, but Kate looked very elegant. And I have to say that I saw more winter colors than Spring given the weather in my own neck of the woods so I don't see anything wrong with Kate's choice.

      And I was so happy to see Lady Louise in heels and in a fitted, adult coat rather than the usual boxy, childlike wardrobe she has worn to date. I liked Autumn's outfit and Bea's coat; Eugenie's, not so much. A bit fussy, IMO.

  19. Lovely couple-the future King and the future Queen!

    1. Isn't Charles and Camilla the next King and Queen.

    2. There’s a difference between ‘future’ and ‘next.’ ;-)

    3. Right. Still in a future beyond Charles and Camilla William becomes King. It did not say the next King.

    4. Yes, hence the distinction between 'next' and 'future'.

    5. Charles is the next king ...

    6. In English, 'furure', in this context, can refer to any stage in a forthcoming sequence. Prince George is also a future king. But one would not refer to Prince Harry as a future king, because his becoming king would require a substantial change in the normal order of things, such as a death or an abdication.

  20. That's my favorite hat, I love the coat, and the large pearls and hairstyle look fantastic. She really looks beautiful here. So happy to see them!

    1. I like the hat too! It really suits her. The pearl earrings and broach look lovely too.

    2. She did look quite lovely! :)

  21. How nice to see most of the family together today. I looked at the mystery brooch and thought, one pearl each for their soon to be family of five. Kate looks lovely, though the color is a bit dull for Easter. Alleluia!, everyone.

    1. Greybird, what a lovely sentiment, I hadn't thought of that! I'm sure you're right - five pearls for five members of the family. Perfect!

  22. She looks beautiful but this is a wintertime look, not spring. I was hoping for some color! But I’m just glad we got another appearance!

  23. I hope this is not a duplicate - my first comment didn't seem to go through and I'm in a rush.

    Happy Easter everyone and hope you have a lovely Easter dinner with your families.

    It is splendid to see Kate - she looks marvellous - and I delighted to see the brown Walker coat - and a brooch.

    So sorry not to see Philip. I hope it is simply a need to be cautious or possibly walking issues.

    Everyone else looks lovely.

    1. A Blessed Easter to you too Julia! :)

    2. I hope you had a lovely Easter as well, Julia.

      Nice to know I'm not alone in being happy to see this coat. The cut is flattering and I love the attention to detail. CW all the way!

      I hope is well; a simple solution would have been for him to ride with the Queen. Perhaps he is saving his strength for dancing at Harry and Meghan's wedding. :-)

  24. What a nice surprise to see William and Kate. She looks wonderful, but in the one picture she really does look like she is ready for this (pregnancy) to be over.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful Easter.

  25. Now I have the confidence Blogger won't eat my comment like the Easter lamb - I'll mention a little more and say how beautiful and grown-up Louise looks in her heels. It's nice Zara's baby will be arriving fairly soon to baby three. I almost didn't recognise Peter Philips if it hadn't been for his wife but he looks good. The brown Walker coat is a favourite of mine and looks good at this stage of Kate's pregnancy. Her hair looks lovely.

    And thanks to Charlotte for great coverage and a Happy Easter- the next appearance for Kate will almost certainly be after the baby's arrival.

    Surfer girl - not certain if you're here but Pippin and his friends are expecting their Easter Biscuit hunt - a yearly tradition for clever noses.

    Sorry if this is a duplicate - Blogger seems to lack the Easter spirit. It devoured an earlier comment.

    1. 🌸 Oh yay, Julia. Thanks. That helped make the day even better. xo
      Pippin, here’s hoping you win the “hunt”. 🐾🐶
      Remember to share. :)

    2. I agree—Peter looks great with a beard. Is the gentleman seen exiting the church behind William and Kate the queen’s new equerry, TA?
      Good to see Lady Louise without a “boot” after her skiing accident. She certainly resembles Princess Margaret’s dtr, Lady Sarah Chatto.
      I love Zara’s maternity coat and blue shoes—sometimes her fashion choices are….unusual.

    3. Zora from Prague2 April 2018 at 11:39

      Julia, I also noticed Lady Louise's heels - it's the first time I've seen them in heels, looks like she's considered a "grown-up" girl now :).
      I sincerely hope Prince Philip gets better soon. Perhaps he is more careful now, with the wedding on the horizon which he definitely would not want to miss, health permitting.

    4. Oh Julia, I couldn't agree more with every lovely thing you said! :) I'm sure SG will be glad to hear about Pippin! :) We had a very heavy, but Special Easter..... We have an impending loss of a sibling in our family, so it was emotional knowing it might be the last Holiday that we will all be together! :( It's such a reminder to treasure each moment! Cancer is not kind...... :( But being all together on Easter, really lifted our souls!

    5. Zora, I had exactly the same thought about Lady Louise's shoes! They are allowing her to grow up! :-)

  26. Happy Easter!

    It seems to be that Zara Phillips is as pregnant as Kate is... :)

  27. Wondering in the US1 April 2018 at 14:45

    Charlotte or whomever else might like to weigh in,

    What is the appropriate way for young children to verbally address William and Kate? For example, if they are hosting classmates of George and Charlotte in their home or if they meet children on their walkabouts? I am thinking that the same would apply to Harry and Meghan...

    Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge? Mr. and Mrs. Windsor? Captain and Mrs. Wales?

    Is it considered polite for the children say sir and ma'am in their interactions, like if they are asked a question? Do you like school? Yes ma'am, No, sir...

    Wondering in the US

    1. Many more experts here than I am but the normal way - I think - is to say "Your Highness' for an opening, and then Sir and Ma'am. But for children, I'm sure William and Kate would welcome anything respectful - but Mr (or Captain) and Mrs wouldn't be correct. (For a non-royal Duke and Duchess, the title is Your Grace. Lesser aristocracy would be "My Lord, My Lady, or Lord, Lady...Surname.)

      The weirdness of this is that Diana became after divorce, Diana, Princess of Wales but since she was no longer an HRH, she would technically be referred to as 'my lady.' I doubt very many people did that - but I don't know. (I thought removing her HRH was one of the stupidest things Charles - or whoever's decision it was, did. Even if it was her choice, as mother to an heir, she should have been HRH.)

    2. Susan in Florida1 April 2018 at 20:16

      They are addressed as “your royal highness” first when you speak, to them , then sir or ma’am after that. Unless they give specific instructions for you to call them another name. You would not address Prince William as Captain Wales because his rank as Prince is higher, a person is always addressed by their highest rank.

    3. Susan in Florida1 April 2018 at 20:26

      Happy Easter to all who celebrate it today! Thanks Charlotte ! It’s great to see the extended Royal family today. Lady Louise looks more like Queen Mary to me as she gets older. Eugenie needs a stylist, because she always looks out of place rather than having made a effort to be unique. I think she’s going for unique but it never comes off that way. I agree with the comment that it looks like the baby dropped, the Duchess looked wonderful today. Zara looks quite ready to have her baby too. I’m hoping Prince Philip feels better.

    4. If they were being formal and correct, it would be 'Your Royal Highness', then Sir and Ma'am. But I imagine children just call W&K by their names, and I shouldn't imagine they have a problem with that.

    5. Julia, I couldn't agree more about her vanished HRH! :(

    6. Susan, I've been trying to pinpoint who it was that Lady Louise was reminding me of..... it was driving me crazy until I saw your comment! I completely agree! :)

    7. Queen of the South2 April 2018 at 21:56

      One of the things that really irritated me in the the recent Royal Foundation Forum was the way the host would address Kate as “Duchess”. If she didn’t want to use Your Royal Highness the whole time, Catherine would have been a better option.

    8. Wondering in the US3 April 2018 at 12:16

      Thank you everyone.

  28. Shantel (@FashionandFaith)1 April 2018 at 14:54

    What a lovely surprise!
    Kate looks beautiful, happy and healthy! I love the outfit from head to toe—perfect for Easter Sunday. And, HM looks gorgeous in that pink outfit. I just love her!
    Happy Easter, everyone.
    Minnesota, USA

  29. Who is the man on the far left of your first video? It is lovely to see some diversity of skin colour around the royal family. (Though I am slightly embarrassed about mentioning it.)

    1. I think he is an equerry to the Queen, I believe he and the woman in blue lace right behind the Cambridges as they leave the church, were with the Queen at the Commonwealth service.

    2. I believe it’s the Queen’s new equerry, TA. There were articles about his appointment in Dec.

    3. According to one of the other sites, the lady in blue is a new lady in waiting for the queen - I'm thinking that gentleman might be her husband.

      Looking at the entrance video, it looked like Anne said something to the queen and the queen turned back and gave her a look like mum used to give me. Quite funny. Wish I knew what Anne said!

    4. I was wondering that as well. I think it is the Queen’s enqueery Major Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah.

    5. I believe you are correct.

    6. The Queen looks & carries herself the same as my Mother-in-law & many of their "looks" are the same too! It gives us all a chuckle! :)

    7. The gentleman is the Queen’s equerry, Major Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah.
      He’s usually wearing a uniform when we see him, like here:

      The woman in light blue is the Queen’s lady-in-waiting.

    8. Perhaps Anne said something about William and Kate not having arrived. She seemed to be looking down the road for their car.

  30. Wonderful surprise to see them at Windsor again. I’m hoping this means they will be regulars for Easter in the future.

    Great to see the coat again, I’ve been suggesting it for repeats for the past two months, lol.

    1. sofy, you've been so spot on these last months, that it's only fitting that she wore this coat today! :)

  31. That coat is not at all spring-like. It's funereal and totally out of place on Easter.

  32. ILoveElephants1 April 2018 at 15:20

    Yes this is one of my favorite kate maternity coats, ever since her last engagement before maternity leave I was disappointed that I wouldn’t see this coat again, but low and behold we got a wonderful Easter surprise with this coat. I think the baby will arrive sometime next week.

    1. I agree about the coat & I agree about the arrival! :) Here's to the "EAB Gang" lol :)
      (Early April Baby Gang)

  33. ILoveElephants1 April 2018 at 15:21

    Yes this is one of my favorite kate maternity coats, ever since her last engagement before maternity leave I was disappointed that I wouldn’t see this coat again, but low and behold we got a wonderful Easter surprise with this coat. I think the baby will arrive sometime next week.

  34. Is that coat really the same one? It looks black to me?

  35. Charlotte, do William and Catherine 's security officers stay in contact with the security at the Chapel and with the Queen? I wonder how soon they realized they would be late? You know it's amazing that we never see any of the Royal Family holding cell phones. I think it's one of the things that makes W & C seem so present when they are with their children. Unfortunately in the USA you see parents looking at their phones as much as they interact with their kids.

    1. Privately, I'm sure they do look, like the rest of the universe. (and Hubby was caught looking at his mobile in church! It was a family crisis but he still got a nudge from me! It could have waited a bit longer.)

    2. Mary, I wonder the same thing and my guess is that they do. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a team of people to take care of stuff like that for you?

      I have a little one at home and I’m so conscious of how often I use my phone around him. I try not to even have it in the same room we’re in. Unfortunately, so many of us frequently communicate through texting (even my doctor’s office!) and it feels overwhelming at times to simultaneously play with a toddler and keep up with his dr’s appts/playdates/etc. Ugh, I would love to give up my phone so I am quite jealous of the royal family on that front!

    3. That’s a very unfair comment about parents in the US. Sure, some are on their phones, but don’t judge their parenting based on a few minutes of observation. Also, we only see William and Kate with their kids on official outings so of course they won’t have their phones out. We don’t seem them in their private interactions with their kids, so who knows. So please don’t compare parents you may see out and about in their daily lives with William and Kate’s interactions with their kids while on official duties. Your comment is in fact a bit offensive to everyday parents.

    4. That's right. We don't know W&K's private behavior. Wasn't there a photo of Catherine jumping on her phone in the car after an event?

    5. Mary, I can appreciate where you're coming from. I have observed *some* of that myself and I wonder how much hope there is for basic manners going forward. ;-) I think it would look rude for members of the RF to look at cell phones while "on duty." More recently, when Kate looked at it in the car, it was after a private dinner with staff and, most likely, had to do with letting Nanny or Carole know that they were on the way home.

  36. The Duchess of Cambridge looks beautiful as always. I hope Prince George and Princess Charlotte are having a wonderful Easter. Would love to see them twirling their baskets, like they did at their aunt's wedding. Happy Easter!

  37. I loved this coat the first time she wore it and I love it this time! Kate and William seem to be grinning sheepishly for rolling in late for the church service... it made me smile!

  38. Kate looks wonderful this morning. She does look very tired, the last month of her pregnancy really takes its toll on mothers. Plus she has George and Charlotte to chase after but she has her mother to help her!

  39. Anyone else think the baby has dropped!?? Oooooooh.......😀

    1. She does look like she is quite low...........fingers crossed for a little prince/princess this week!!

    2. I had the same thought!!! If so, birth could be two weeks away! That was my experience.

    3. Agree, but thought she was dropping in her last few engagements, and I think a few more relaxed days without being in heels and maybe a bit more sleep has helped with her puffy look that we saw the last few outings. I am with everyone that thinks mid month not end of the month.

    4. Absolutely. It was one of the first things I noticed, after how lovely she looked.:) I'm on Team EAB! :)

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis2 April 2018 at 21:14

      So "dropping" can mean a lot of diff things abt when the baby is coming after it happens, but in general long story short it's a fairly predictable process during a first pregnancy (the typical 2-4 weeks left marker) but for a significant number of womencany further pregnancies after that first won't have the baby drop until right when labor starts. And for women who do still have their babies drop in pregnancies after the first one, it's often that the babies will kinda sneak down earlier (than the first), and then come back up again & maybe stay there rest of time or drop a bit again tow end but like I said, it's pretty unpredictable. And thus mostly doesn't mean much on its own in further pregnancies abt when baby is coming. Plus I think some of her outfits, esp Catherine Walker ones with their exquisite design and tailoring, then to be very good at creating illusions abt what the bump is doing lol.
      On a somewhat related side note, I also think she's carried differently this time the whole way through than either previous pregnancy tbh, and that's why ppl have spent last few months going back and forth bw "her bump is bigger than last pregnancy at same time!" to "oh wait no its smaller!" and then back and forth :)

  40. Happy Easter! Kate looks stunning - so happy. I loved this coat when I first saw it on her for St. Patrick's day. The style is so perfect for her pregnancy. Did anyone notice that stitch underneath her broach. Is that there because the shamrock stems slide in? Just curious if anyone has a thought.

    Thanks for pointing out that Princess Beatrice must have seen the Queen earlier that morning. It does look odd in the video when she didn't curtsey. Both Eugenie and Beatrice look lovely as well. A lovely family outing.

    1. Perhaps that's why she wore the brooch - because the fabric marked.

    2. Robbie from Hampton VA USA1 April 2018 at 23:56

      I wondered about that stitch also. Perhaps someone in blog land can tell us about it. Also, Charlotte, will there be any alerts issued when the Duchess goes into labor and/or goes to the hospital? Sure hope so.

    3. Hello Robbie,

      Yes, KP will confirm once members of the family have been informed. According to Robert Jobson the press are setting up outside the Lindo on 10th April.

    4. This is so exciting! So no baby expected before the 10th? Is there also going to be a meeting for the press prior to the setting up as when Charlotte was born?

  41. Rhonda - Wisconsin1 April 2018 at 17:02

    What a very happy surprise from William and Kate. She looks lovely as usual. Can't wait for Baby Cambridge to arrive. To all the DKB family - Happy Easter!! Thanks again Charlotte for all of your hard work on both blogs. You are simply a treasure!!! :o)

  42. A very happy Easter to everyone here and a big thank you to Charlotte for doing not one but two blog posts today! Not my favorite look today from Kate for Easter but I would speculate that she wasn't sure if she would make this engagement and hence didn't want to buy/commission a new outfit. I did love the pearl brooch and lighter accessories as compared to St. Patrick's Day. On the other hand, I felt Autumn Philips' outfit looked very Kate. I would love to see Kate experiment with a high-low hem and the pale blue color is beautiful.

  43. I think Kate looks absolutely fabulous from head to toe. Love that she is accessorizing shoes and bag rather then matching everything. Her legs are so toned and she just glows.

    1. Completely agree! Especially about her toned legs & her glow! :)

  44. Tammy from California1 April 2018 at 17:44

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw it's royal baby month!

    For the record, I voted boy. Name: Henry. We will see!

    1. They won`t name him Henry. That is Prince Harry`s name.

    2. Pam from Boston1 April 2018 at 21:03

      I agree with previous poster....the baby looks very low to me.

    3. You think they will name the baby the same name as it’s uncle?

    4. LOL Tammy, your Yeee Haaw made me laugh so much! I'm with you!

    5. In the past, I would say yes, but these days I think not, mostly to avoid media confusion. But Henry could be a middle name chosen - or possibly even a first since Harry almost always uses his nickname. (Although I'm wondering at the wedding if it will be Henry and Rachel in the vows - as would be the correct form - but many couples are informal these days.)

    6. Tammy's Yeeee Haaawww Cracking me up +2! lol :)

  45. Kate and Zara are a good few months apart in pregnancy, but looking at them both today, I would have said Zara looked far more advanced in her pregnancy than Kate ! In some of the photos, ( it could be the colour and the drape of Kate's coat) but she hardly looked pregnant ! I doubt she has many pregnancy coats that fit her at this late stage, and so she went for the brown, but a lovely spring colour similar to the Emilia Wickstead coat she wore when she was pregnant with Prince George, would have been lovely to see.
    I can't imagine it happens very often, that members of the royal family arrive to an event after HM, W&K driver must have been having palpitations, realising they were going to be late ! :-(
    Thanks Charlotte for the post, it was a lovely Easter surprise,one,to see Kate out and about and then seeing your post :-)

    1. We aren't quite sure about Zara's date - it was announced late as one would expect because she lost a previous baby, and there weren't the HG concerns or public engagements pushing the announcement.

      I'm think Zara might be due in May, around her birthday or even earlier, which would only be a month or so behind. It's lovely that the two cousins will be close in age - just as George and Charlotte are close to Frederick's children and Mia. Even if they don't meet often now, it gives a group as they grow older.

    2. Kate and Zara aren't months apart, it's thought Zara is due in May.

    3. Maggie - Minneapolis2 April 2018 at 20:57

      I know there was no malicious intent whatsoever, but I'd like to say I think it would be good if on this blog we avoided comparing Kate's size, pregnant or not, to other women. Maybe even moreso with pregnancies since a lot of women already struggle with feeling very bloated and big and unattractive while pregnant because their body is doing what's natural and necessary to grow another human being inside it but society is mean abt it anyways. And Im not saying Zara has (or shld have) image issues, bc she looks wonderful and healthy like kate, but I can't imagine that it's easy for any woman who has been pregnant who does have image issues to see Kate & her general lack of looking pregnant oftn and such. And I imagine it's even harder to have those image issues and be pregnant at the same time as Kate!
      So I know this comment didn't even say that it's bad for Zara to look further along than kate, but I just think given that that kinda thing is usually viewed as a bad thing in society, we should maybe try to at least not add to that pressure here by avoiding things that could add to it in any way. Hopefully that makes sense. And I really hope I don't come off as attacking this comment or anything. This is honestly something I've been thinking for a while and this seemed like a relevant place to mention it :)

    4. Pam from Boston2 April 2018 at 21:09

      I don't think that we know that Kate and Zara are a good few months apart. I don't believe the announcement regarding Zara's pregnancy stated anything more specific than she is due in the Spring. Which is now. And they probably announced it when she was further along into her pregnancy, due to the fact that she had miscarried the last time. So she may have her baby earlier than Kate.

  46. 🌸 Charlotte. Thank you for including the beautiful eggs. That brought a smile to my face. Childhood memories. sweet.🌷

    1. Yes, I haven't been able to walk in a shop without seeing those scrumptious chocolates - I wish I could indulge with the abandon of my youth!

  47. So nice to see Eugenie and Jack together at an official royal occasion.
    Thank-you, Charlotte, for not featuring the tardiness of William and Catherine's arrival. You were diplomatic in your approach and emphacised what was most important relative to the royal gathering-they were there! I think just about everyone would have forgiven Kate for missing this one. Charity

  48. Duchess Kate looks great! I love this outfit and the fact she recycled and added the pink accessories to bring it into spring was brilliant! Even though it's spring, we're still in transition and the weather can still be brisk.

    I do hope Prince Phillip is doing well. The Queen without her Prince is just incomplete, but she did look in good spirits

  49. I think this is the first time Jack, Eugenie's fiancé has attended something with the Queen. I like that she is allowing fiancé's now and not just Harry's.

    1. Jack and Eugenie have attended Chelsea Flower Show with other royals for years.

  50. What a wonderful surprise to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Easter service with the Queen. I hope all is well with Prince Phillip since he was a ‘no show’ at the service. The Duchess of Cambridge looks fantastic and the Queen, as usual, stayed true to her fashion sense and did not disappoint. It was good to see the other Royals who were in attendance. Thank you, Charlotte.

  51. Happy Easter to the DKB family! I hope everyone has had a beautiful Easter. I was very surprised to see a post today, I thought for sure Kate and William would stay at her parent’s house. Although, now that I’ve read the post it makes sense that they went to the church service with the queen.

    Although brown is not my own personal choice for an Easter service, I think Kate looked great as always. And I can’t judge any woman’s outfit in her last month of pregnancy—she can wear whatever she wants!

    It’s so crazy that really, the next time we see her, it will probably be on the steps of the Lindo Wing with her third baby!

    Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

  52. KAte looked lovely!! I was hoping yesterday she would attend Easter service and yayy I was right in guessing :-) Happy Easter to all!!

  53. I love this hat and coat, but I would have preferred the light pink McQueen coat with the pearl buttons and accessorized with a beautiful scarf for the Easter service. Nevertheless, Kate looked lovely as always.

    P.S. I think Kate is having a girl, and my choice for a first name is Elizabeth, Victoria, or Alexandra (Alexandrina). Both revered queens are due a namesake, and I think it should be one of William and Kate's children.

  54. Beautiful celebration. He is risen indeed! XOXOXOXO

  55. It was such a wonderful surprise to see Kate today. I thought she was glowing. Such a natural beauty. I enjoyed seeing the family. The ladies looked beautiful I actually found
    it refreshing that Harry and Meghan were absent.

  56. My favorite dress: the Queen's, simply because the fabric is gorgeous. My favorite hat: Princess Beatrice's. Love Lady Louise's shoes and coat. Catherine looked great! Love the pearls. I liked the chocolate outfit--reminded me of the Easter candy I got my mother! Too bad they were late. Hope they didn't get in trouble! I was sort of hoping it was because Catherine's labor started but the pains were not close together yet and they decided to go to the service and then dash to the Lindo Wing . . . fanciful me, huh?

  57. Kate, knowing she would be walking behind the Queen, wore the perfect background color for that hot pink. And of course she looks totally elegant. Perfect hat and coat, beautifully accessorized. :-). Happy Easter and April Fool’s Day and Blue Moon, everyone!

  58. What a surprise! A nice repeat, and her hair looks great. So funny they were late. They are human after all 😂 I cant wait for baby #3! I really think it’s a boy.

  59. Kate's pin on her coat remind me of the pearl necklace she wore to Paris and then again in Poland last year. I wonder if they were possibly a set?

    1. It does look like what she wore with that unique white dress with angular pieces (don't know how else to describe it)

  60. Kate looks polished and glowing. I bet Pippa did her hair this morning, it looks much more on trend than her typical sausage curls that are the entire length of the hair. Love those earrings and love this move toward a brooch rather than a tiny necklace, which usually looks outdated to me.

    Love Beatrice’s coat, and Zara looks fab in that bright color. I love that she often wears colors and does a great job matching shades and interesting construction. Wish Kate would take a page from her book occasionally!

    1. I was wondering if this was planned in advance & did Kate not only take her KW ensemble to her mom's, but did her team come to do her hair?

  61. Kate looked wonderful. Her outfit was gorgeous. She lightened it up with the pink/blush clutch and shoes and the very large pearl pieces of jewelry. The whole family really looked great and in wonderful spirits. I have to assume that the day involved a brunch or cocktails etc with various members of the family gathered together at Windsor. Sorry Philip was not able to attend. Louise looked lovely. In several photos it looked like they were all really enjoying each others company, they are all now old enough for the sense of family to be very important. The Quenn looked so wonderful in her bright outfit.

  62. To me the duchess looked very polished. Although brown is a color I don't like at all. Like here (Germany) the weather didn't look very springlike so I understand the choice not to wear a bright and springful color. I'm still wearing my greys and blacks too ;-)

  63. 🌸 April 10th. Oh Boy. (OR Oh Girl, lol)
    Thanks Charlotte

  64. Love the return of the half up hair style. There you are! And the chocolate colored outfit. Betty Boop rules!

  65. Charlotte, I don't know if you have been told, or is it true, but I just read on Insta, that the parking restrictions at Lindo would start on 10th April, while the press can be outside from 11th. The girl who wrote this information writes she has it from the kensingtonroyal account.

    1. Gaby, thank you. I *think* it came from an interview Robert Jobson gave. Royal baby watch will be in full swing by the end of next week :)

  66. I was one of the few who thought she might repeat the brown coatdress from today to wear to St. Patrick's day. I love the cut of this- it fits her late pregnancy shape so well. She looks lovely and hopefully, we won't have to wait too long now. As here in the States, it looks like Windsor was chillier this year than last year- I think the pink McQueen would've been too lightweight for today. Happy Easter everyone!

  67. I love Kate in this hat and coat. Even if some think she is the "breath of winter" in this color, I think the pearls and the blush accessories brighten it up and as always she looks very elegant and stylish!! As someone said, the Kate's color is a perfect compliment to the Queen's lovely pink. All around a very nice outing by the royals and particularly pleasant to see Kate and William attending. Zara looks wonderful in her beautiful happy for them. cc

  68. Autumn looks lovely. As always.


  69. It strikes me for the first time that Kate’s pearl brooch looks like a W. Wonder if that was intended, as otherwise it is a slightly odd design.

  70. Kate looked so elegant, lovely to see the RF together. Hope Charlotte and all had a happy Easter. It was my husband's birthday, so I'm a bit late to the party!

  71. Maggie - Minneapolis2 April 2018 at 21:29

    I love this coatdress but do agree with everyone who says it's dreary for Easter. If it was just that nothing else appropriate would fit, then that's totally reasonable and I'm happy kate went with a repeat. But otherwise I would have liked to see the pink McQueen from trooping and also service during the second pregnancy. Another one that also coulda been appropriate I think (tho I rlly know very little abt church attire) would be that Jenny packham sorta beigeish pinkish nude ish (lol) light coat & dress combo from the first pregnancy that I think she wore for her last engagement for the church service for something I can't rmbr. Or heck the very similar in style packhams she debuted this time in March mostly all seem okay & the mint green seems perfect. In fact when she originally wore it I kind of wondered (or hoped haha) that it had been designed with a possible repeat Easter wear in mind. They didn't have to do the walk like everyone else anyways so not like she would have much opportunity to suddenly get cold right? But this is really very much me just postulating. I don't really care and like I said the coat dress is certainly a lovely one.

  72. I thought Kate looked lovely and rested on Easter. The coat is very flattering on her.

  73. I wonder, along with earlier posters, if the Duchess's coat wasn't chosen in part to complement the Queen's bright pink. I did love the pink coat she wore when expecting George but it might have clashed a bit. In any case, she looks beautiful as always. Happy Easter!

  74. Strong baby girl vibes here, especially when you compare these photos to those from 2015 in this same coat. Looks like Charlotte and George may be getting a baby sister!

  75. I hope baby Cambridge comes before the 12th as I am leaving on a cruise and will not have dependable internet for the next eight days. Fingers crossed!!

    Hope from USA

  76. SierrafromMontana3 April 2018 at 14:40

    Kate looked relaxed and comfortable. Not my favorite colors - especially for Easter, but it was lovely to see her. I wonder if this will be the new royal tradition for the two of them. Maybe next year we'll get to see that gorgeous gray ensemble from the Australian tour. I do wonder about Prince Phillip and his hip. Breaking his hip at his age is never a good sign.

  77. Another outing for Kate, although a private one:

  78. Charlotte there are circulating photos of the duchess doing some grocery shopping. What do you think? Is it really her or is it an 1st April joke? Maybe you have the possibility to verify?

  79. 🌸 Allegraflora. :)
    I saw those photos and, to me, no question that was Kate. She had on the “pink” coat from the brand Joseph that she wore in 2013 at the Cheltenham races when she was pregnant with Prince George. The guy next to her in the photos looked like a PPO.
    He had either a gun or communication gear on his right hip. Think it was the latter as they usually wear their guns in a shoulder holster or at times tucked into their waistbands on their pants. not the best idea).
    Kate may have given Maria Teresa and Antonella Fresolone time off for an Easter vacation and so got to go grocery shopping herself. I think she enjoys that. (yep. some people enjoy grocery shopping, lol. I know I do.) Now I’m going to look at the photos again to see what she bought. my bad, right. :). (sorry Kate)


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