Thursday 4 June 2020

William & Kate Join Thank a First Responder Day & Latest Updates

To mark Australia's inaugural Thank a First Responder Day, the Duke and Duchess recorded a message of support. Prince William said: "Earlier this year, we witnessed thousands of firefighters, supported by the wider first responder community, as they worked tirelessly, risking their own lives, to protect Australian communities from the devastating wildfires.The world was watching your efforts, and we were deeply moved by what we saw."

The Duchess continued: "Sadly, you are now on the front line of yet another emergency. The COVID-19 outbreak has brought first responders across Australia together again. Day in, day out, paramedics, police, firefighters and support staff work tirelessly to keep everybody safe, often risking not only their physical health, but also their mental wellbeing."

Of course, you'll remember an official tour to Australia was in the planning stages before the pandemic struck. It was reported the couple would spend time in the regions of the country most affected by the horrific bushfires. It would have been their second joint tour there following a hugely successful first trip with a nine-month-old Prince George. You'll remember George stole the show with his darling appearances and boisterous personality.

So, it seemed very fitting for Kate to bring out the yellow and white colour-block Roskanda dress she wore for the family's arrival in Australia six years ago. Memorably, whilst chatting to a member of the crowd in Sydney, Kate told a lady William thought she "looked like a banana".

The dress is a bespoke version of the brand's Ryedale wool-crepe dress with the colours reversed. It is described: "Paintings from Brazilian artists such as Héllio Oiticia informed Roksanda Ilincic's SS14 runway show. The Ryedale Wool-Crepe Dress shows just how beautifully such influences were interpreted. It features a bell-sleeved silhouette."

The Duchess wore it a second time during the Wimbledon 2016 championships.

Once again, Kate accessorised with her Catherine Zoraida Fern earrings.


In other news, it was revealed the Duchess has joined the Duchess of Cornwall and the Countess of Wessex by calling elderly and vulnerable people who may be struggling in the current climate via the Royal Voluntary Service. The charity shared this image of Camilla during one of her calls.

More from the RVS:

'To mark Volunteers’ Week and in recognition of a milestone quarter of a million tasks having been carried out by NHS Volunteer Responders, Royal Voluntary Service President, The Duchess of Cornwall, has thanked volunteers across the country for the many acts of kindness they provide. The first week of June is traditionally Volunteers’ Week, when we celebrate our unsung heroes.
Members of the Royal Family have also joined the ranks of NHS Volunteer Responders for ‘check in and chat’ calls. Over the past few weeks, The Duchess of Cornwall, The Duchess of Cambridge, The Countess of Wessex and The Duchess of Gloucester have been making calls to people self-isolating in the community as part of the 250,000 tasks completed to date.
One of the calls made by The Duchess of Cambridge was to Donna Williams (aged 42) a mother of two who is currently shielding her daughter Alessandra who has a rare form of Type 1 Diabetes.'


Meanwhile, the Duchess has been leaving supportive comments for entrants sharing submissions for Hold Still, a project with her patronage the National Portrait Gallery. Using the Kensington Palace Instagram account, the Duchess simply signs 'C'. Today, Buckingham Palace revealed Sophie has shared a photo a photo of volunteer Ali, a man she met whilst volunteering at the Shah Jahan mosque.

The Countess said: "Ali’s smile captures the enthusiasm for helping others that is so evident amongst the volunteers." For more information on plans for the exhibition please click here.

The Court Circular mentions two video calls for the Cambridges yesterday. William and Kate spoke with volunteers from Machynlleth Community Corona Response Team in Wales and volunteers from Conscious Youth, West Yorkshire. I thought we might see more on that tonight. Often times it's embargoed until 10.30 pm, but that doesn't seem to be the case tonight. I do expect we'll see a video released in the coming days.

I hope you're all well and safe during these incredibly difficult times. A number of you have been in touch inquiring when we might see traditional engagements resume. I would rule out the usual calendar until at least the autumn, but I do believe we'll begin to see appearances again in the not too distant future, wholly dependent on our progress with the virus and in keeping with social distancing. We should have a clearer picture on the plan later this month, particularly if there are plans for the Cambridges to return to London at some point.


  1. I remember the banana dress & sort of agree with William, but I’m always happy when there’s a fashion repeat.

  2. Thankyou from an Aussie for your words. Australia has had a rough and tough time with fires, floods and Covid. Fortunately we managed to keep Covid under control so far. I think it lovely that they took the time to praise our First Responders. They are both doing a wonderful job.

  3. Another lovely engagement. Kate looks great. I like the dress and I am not usually a fan of yellow but the shade works on Kate and the structure of the dress is gorgeous.

  4. Cara, Australia5 June 2020 at 22:14

    THank you for your post, Charlotte. It is wonderful that our first responders are getting recognition from the Royals. Here in Australia, they have become our heroes - as I am sure they have all over the world. First responders have always been there, quietly protecting us, but now the light has been shone on the big part they play in keeping us safe. I love how the Royals have been working with and along side others in this COVID crisis.

  5. Caroline in Montana5 June 2020 at 22:39

    I still like the dress. but I wish she had a pair of white heels instead of wearing this dress with nude heels, think the white heels would add a pop. so glad they continue to support all of these great causes and have kept momentum going during these times of social isolation. Glad Sophie is getting in on Hold Still, I think those 2 Royal women make a great team!! could you imagine getting a phone call from Kate, Sophie or Camilla - not to not include the duchess of Gloucester but I would not be as excited as if it was one of the others!! what a treat!

  6. I love the recycle dress hmm im glad they are giving thanks to frobtliners around the aussie and i love their giving the entire world hope for better fuuture ahead of these crisis

  7. Good to see them up and about. Wish we had people like that to boost morale in my country. The dress fits her beautifully.


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