Friday 5 June 2020

UPDATED: The Cambridges Mark Volunteers' Week

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge celebrated Volunteers' Week by thanking several organisations across the UK for outstanding work in their communities especially during this challenging time. From their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall, William and Kate called Conscious Youth in West Yorkshire and Machynlleth Community Corona Response in Powys, Wales.

During the course of the conversations, Prince William revealed he has been supporting efforts through volunteering with Shout, the crisis text line which is a legacy project of Heads Together. The charity now has 2,000 people dedicating their free time to offer support and advice to people all over the UK. Last September William revealed plans to volunteer: "I'm aiming to set myself up for it, I really want to do it. Even if I can only do an hour on my laptop. I want to do the training and be able to help."

'The Duke of Cambridge has been secretly volunteering for a mental health crisis line, answering text messages from home during the coronavirus crisis.
During a video call, the Duke spoke to other volunteers at the helpline about their work, telling them: “I’m going to share a little secret with you guys but I’m actually on the platform volunteering.”
He and the Duchess took part in two calls to charities to mark ‘Volunteers’ Week’, speaking of their hopes that the community spirit uncovered during the Covid-19 pandemic would endure.'

Kate told volunteers: "Everyone's got to give something back." Whilst speaking to a young chess teacher named Cain the Duchess joked: "Cain, you'll have to give me some lessons because I'm terrible."

Kate also praised the importance of young volunteers: "It’s so impressive to see young people volunteering. I think the world would be a better place with more people like you in it."

People writes:

'During each of the calls, the royal couple passed on their thanks for the time and commitment that each volunteer gives to ensure the provision of support and services within their communities.
“It’s National Volunteering Week and I want to say a big thank you from both of us. Thank you for all the volunteering you’re doing, thank you for all the time and effort you’re putting in. It’s been hugely rewarding and important that you guys are doing that and you have been a lifeline to all the people who you’ve helped in the area,” Prince William said.
Kate added, “One of the things that would be amazing is if everyone in their communities was to carry on and still celebrate volunteering in a way that they have been during the pandemic. Everyone’s got something to give back.”

The Duchess wore her very chic Mabel Shirt by M.I.H. Jeans, which she debuted last May during the 'Back to Nature' display at RHS Chelsea.

The $325 broderie anglaise piece features scallop trim on the neck and puffed sleeves. The delicate floral detail is a striking element in the piece.

For those searching for a Repli-Kate, alternative broderie anglaise pieces include the Pure Collection shirt shown at John Lewis; the COS broderie anglaise shirt; and the very summery crisp off-the-shoulder shirt from H&M, retailing for roughly £20.

The Duchess accessorised with a pair of hoop earrings we saw during the trip to Ireland. Susan from What Kate Wore suggests they could be the £5 Accessorize Twisted Circle Drop earrings. They certainly look like a solid match.

UPDATE: To mark Volunteers' Week, Kensington Palace shared a photo of William, George and Charlotte delivering pasta and other essentials in Norfolk. The image was taken by the Duchess and is from the same set as Charlotte's birthday photographs.

Meanwhile, we touched on the resumption of engagements last night. The Daily Mail's royal reporter Rebecca English shared more information via Twitter "Sources say William and Kate want to try and resume visits in person as lockdown is slowly lifted. "We are looking at ways we can do physical engagements in the future in line with Government guidance".

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. Valerie in Arizona5 June 2020 at 23:22

    Thank you, thank you Charlotte for this uplifting, positive post. I wish we could have something like this in our country, state, in our county or in our city. That was publicized so we would each KNOW what is happening on the ground. And that could be coordinated by someone who was known/visible, as W & K are in the UK. I love the way they give the volunteers their own voices, to express how they feel themselves. We just don't have that here except in times of extreme sadness and crisis, as we have seen during the previous week. The UK is very lucky.

    1. I agree with you Valerie, I wish we had something like this too here in the states and a forum where we can be kept up to date, and the volunteers acknowledged. The awareness that W & K help bring to these programs is important. Good to hear that W & K are ready to resume visits in person in some form. While ZOOM has been extremely useful in communication and staying in touch, people aren't meant to be isolated forever, most all of us need the human connection. Very much like that they are beginning to bring George and Charlotte along to help; the photo is beautiful, so hard to believe they have grown so quickly. cc

  2. Susan in Florida6 June 2020 at 00:01

    It’s always great to hear the words “thank you” when you volunteer. It is rewarding to be in a phase of life where you can give your time and talents. Diana would be so proud of William giving his time in secret. Thanks for the Repli Kate ideas , I love lace and lace cut-out looks.

  3. Its a great too aee them uplipting each other spirit here our countrty 5he present get a lot backlast each they brits are lucky to have support and uplighting each other in times of crisis like these

  4. I imagine everyone who texted that service is wondering if it was William. What good experience for him. Love Kate’s blouse. She looks beyond ready to get her hair done. I feel a new woman for having visited my hair dresser this week.

    1. I know the feeling regarding getting a haircut! ;)

    2. I think her hair looks lovely. It always does. Wonderful wonderful work being done by both of them.

  5. Thank you for the post - it is alot of hard work for you but I see only 2 comments. I actually really enjoy these Zoom calls. We have learnt alot from them this way.

    1. I agree; these Zoom calls have given us a greater insight into the work that they do. It’s felt really personal & has kept up morale.

  6. Well done Prince William, his late mother would be very proud of the work he's doing. He has a great support in his Duchess. Great to see the youngest royals hard at work also delivering food.

  7. I have to wonder if Kate has her entire wardrobe at Amner Hall. I went through lockdown recycling the same 5 outfits but she manage something different for each call. Not that it is a bad thing.

    On a different note, I love Georgie with his hands in his pockets, so non-chalant.

  8. The Duchess is absolutely glowing. Like in the Obama pictures after their honeymoon. Country life suits her well. It is so important to thank all volunteers for the work that they do. William giving his time as a councillor speaks volumes about the man he has become. Agreed, Diana would be bursting with pride. The kids are too cute and being thought at young age to be giving of themselves. Hopefully we will see them in public again soon. Great blog, thanks.

  9. Tammy from California6 June 2020 at 20:45

    LOVE the clicked back pony with this top! It shoes the details of the collar, which flattened last time she wore it because her hair was down.

    ADORE the picture of Wills with the kids. GREAT shot! George's legs are getting long, he's growing up.

  10. Zora from Prague6 June 2020 at 20:58

    Thank you so much for this post, Charlotte! I loved watching the video and W+K interacting with the volunteers. My favourite was Cain - loved his enthusiastic smile and his happy way of speaking! It's really good to know that William has been volunteering; even an hour can make a difference - I think it's completely in line with the idea of small steps which Kate has mentioned several times. Kudos to him! Great experience for him, both now and in his future role.

  11. Not long ago William was expressing a desire to be back in the front lines as a first responder. As I recall, that news was not well received by some. The crises line may satisfy that need to be personally involvdd. I would not be surprised to hear that Kate has been answering calls as well. I imagine that we are only now hearing of his involvement because public knowledge that he might answer a call to the line could have placed a burden on the service from people calling in the hope of getting him. Busy lines may have discouraged calls from those truly needing assistance.
    This volunteer work reminds me that it must be frustrating to want to directly help but be constrained by security and other issues. Making speeches, writing letters, and reaching out through Zoom are not glamorous but never underestimate the power and value of words.
    I think the best test of the effectiveness of words is whether one comes away saying how great the speaker is or how great the cause is.

  12. Hooray! They're thinking of doing an in-person engagement (within government guidelines, of course)!!! I am ready for a modified return to normal!

  13. Rita in Florida7 June 2020 at 17:27

    I’m not crying, you’re crying! Wow what a gorgeous video. So nice to see the focus on communities and volunteers. I think that’s needed now more than ever.

    I concur with those that said Diana is bursting with pride. Well done William and Catherine.

    1. I agree. I always think that Diana would be so very proud of them.

  14. Another lovely engagement. Kate looks great. That is a very pretty blouse.

  15. They look so happy together. Easy and comfortable. Their smiles are so warm and genuine! What a dear couple.

  16. Thank you Charlotte for keeping these posts coming. They are a treat. Love seeing Will and Kate and that lovely photo with the 2 kids


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