Wednesday 28 April 2021

UPDATED: Romantic Portraits & A Family Video Mark William & Kate's Tenth Anniversary + A Cambridge Keepsake Giveaway

To mark their tenth wedding anniversary tomorrow, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared two new photos taken by celebrated British photographer Chris Floyd at Kensington Palace. The very sweet image below of the couple embracing each other is a terrific photo.

It's very much reminiscent of their romantic engagement portrait by Mario Testino. 

Chris Floyd spoke about taking the portraits this week. "The day I visited Cambridge for the first time in my life was also the day I was approached to photograph the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for their tenth wedding anniversary. It was a thrill to spend some time with them at Kensington Palace, especially as the Duchess is a rather keen photographer."

Hello! reports:

'Camera Press photographer Chris Floyd had the honour of taking the portraits. Chris's career has spanned nearly 30 years and has seen his work grace the pages of publications including Vogue, Vanity Fair and Harpers Bazaar. He has also shot advertising campaigns for the likes of Apple, British Airways and Sony, and has been selected several times for the National Portrait Gallery's Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize.'

The Duchess chose her summery, elegant Ghost Avery dress. Described as, "Featuring three mix-and-match floral prints across the wrap-effect bodice and tiered skirt, it is loaded with pretty frill detailing in georgette fabric." Kate first wore it in Pakistan in 2019.

The Duchess accessorised with a previously unseen necklace. UFO No More suggests it's the Asprey Daisy pendant. The piece is described as: "Individually set mirco marquise diamond petals with a pavé diamond centre, all set in 18ct white gold".

A reader kindly reminded me the Duchess actually owns the matching Daisy earrings. Below, Kate wearing them in Dublin last year. 

UPDATE: Accompanying a message of thanks for ten years of support, the Duke and Duchess also shared a family video filmed in Norfolk last autumn by filmmaker Will Warr.

It shows the family running, playing on the beach and toasting marshmallows by the fire. 

It's filled with lovely moments and snippets of family life. 

It appears it was shot the same day as their Christmas card photo.

Sending the Duke and Duchess the very best wishes for a wonderful anniversary.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of recent days was reading royal fans recalling memories from the day. I can vividly recall closely following the buildup and intently watching coverage from the early hours on the day itself. It was magical. As the happy couple made their way to the reception, I thought, wouldn't it be quite something to document Kate's journey from newlywed to Queen Consort? Thus 'Duchess Kate' was born. It's so hard to believe it's a decade since I started the blog...

Below, one of my favourite moments from the wedding. When Michael Middleton walked his eldest daughter to her prince, Harry turned to his brother and reportedly said, "She is here now. Well, she looks beautiful, I can tell you that." William turned to Kate and said, "You look beautiful."

To take a look over the details of Kate's sublime wedding outfit click here and revisit a special 'Kate Loves' post on the topic.

Coinciding perfectly with the anniversary, I'm delighted to share news of a very fitting giveaway. Historic Newspapers, the world's largest archive of three million newspapers dating back a century, has curated a dedicated newspaper book to commemorate William and Kate's milestone anniversary. From their big day to the arrivals of George, Charlotte and Louis, to memorable moments along the journey, the book is a keepsake of the past decade.

From Christmas card photos and other official family photos, written reports from key engagements and appearances are included. Below, a reminder of Louis's scene stealing appearance at the Chelsea Flower Show during the unveiling of Kate's Back to Nature Garden.

The book is personalised with a name embossed on the cover in gold foil. The cover is available in green leatherette and black leather. It retails from £44.99 on the Historic Newspapers UK website and $79.99 on the US website.

To enter, simply comment on this post using a moniker of your choosing.


  1. Melanie from Canada28 April 2021 at 22:36

    So much has happened in this decade. It’s beautiful to see their love for each other! Looks like a lovely book!

  2. Julie. What a lovely post!! And congratulations on 10 years of this amazing blog!

  3. Many congratulations and a very happy anniversary to William and Kate .

  4. What beautiful pictures! You can feel the love they share. Thank you Charlotte for this blog! You always have great information and do an excellent job!

  5. April 29, 2011 was the first day of my cancer treatment. Tuning in to the coverage and waiting for the ceremony was what took my mind off of it. I was so excited! Happy 10 years to the Duke and Duchess! Thank you too for making great content. Your blog gave me something to feel good about that year, and in the years that followed since :)

    1. I’m so glad your treatment was successful and this happy event helped you through it, Mel.

  6. I have so enjoyed watching them for the past 10 years and even before they married. Such a lovely family they have created! Happy Anniversary!

  7. Happy anniversary W&K and congratulations 10 years of blog


  8. I adore the photos. I love how in love they are, even after 10 years married and almost 20 together.
    Also, what a great giveaway. My moniker: Maisie. I would love a book like that!
    Congratulations on ten years of blogging too, what an amazing milestone.

  9. I love this! What a special treat from the Cambridges, and from you!

    I was a senior in college, a few weeks away from my own wedding, so I felt connected in that moment. My roommates and I woke up at 4am (East Coast USA) to watch the buildup and have champagne and “scones” (just muffins). I had always been intrigued, but my royal following life began there.

    I would love to enter the contest for this great book as Casey R.

  10. Has it really been 10 years. Wishing Catherine and William a Happy Anniversary! And what a wonderful idea, a book of memories!

    Lynn from Vancouver Island

  11. Jubilee in Canada28 April 2021 at 23:11

    A perfect memento to mark an eventful decade! Congratulations on capturing it all on your wonderful blog!

  12. Congrats to William and Kate but a bigger congrats to you Charlotte!! THANK YOU for a wonderful 10 years of this blog. You do an outstanding job and it’s a joy to follow the Cambridges through your blog.

  13. Lynn F from Vancouver Island28 April 2021 at 23:13

    10 wonderful years! Happy Anniversary William and Catherine! And what a lovely idea, a book of memories!

  14. So hard to believe that it has been a decade since their big day! And congrats to you on the blog anniversary as well :)

  15. I love the cuddle but Kate just looks so pretty in the other photo!! Does anyone else think William looks like Prince Edward in that photo? William is so lucky to have Kate. And I remember finding this blog during the wedding. Blogs I particularly remember are when they toured Canada, NY, and Paris. It's a long time, it seems, since they lived in that little farmhouse. I think with the shift in the RF that this will be a very busy blog for a long time and I thank you, Charlotte, for the incredible amount of work you do. I don't know if I could do one day's worth. :)

    1. I absolutely agree. At this stage of life he really does resemble his uncle (thank god its actually uncle Edward :-).

  16. Happy anniversary to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge from Canada!

  17. I needed this smile so much tonight!

  18. Congrats William & Kate! I remember watching their wedding, as I did the wedding of Diana & Charles. How proud she must be looking down on her beautiful family.

  19. I found your blog 10 years ago and it’s just as amazing as it was then! Thank you, Charlotte!

  20. Theycalledherkate29 April 2021 at 00:02

    10 amazing years, such great memories!

  21. Congratulations to Will & Kate! Love those photos- they are adorable ❤️❤️

  22. Many, many congratualation for there anniversary. It is so gladdening to see a couple still in love.

  23. What beautiful anniversary photos! I am so proud of this marvelous couple and that which they have accomplished in 10 years. Thank you, Charlotte, for bringing us news of their endeavors.

  24. Every woman would love for her man to look at her the way William looks at Kate...with such love and tenderness. What a beautiful ten years it has been. Thanks Charlotte for your dedication to this blog.

  25. Renee on the W.C.29 April 2021 at 00:29

    I was actually on my honeymoon when they got married so I was totally unaware Prince William was getting married 😆. It wasn't until after the fact I started following them.

  26. Wow, 10 years! I think I found your blog during the canada your but have checked it daily if not weekly since then. Thank you for your long years of dedication and work. That book sounds so fun to look through. -Tiara

  27. I absolutely love their anniversary photos! They are so happy and content and settled. They make a fabulous team. I wish them every happiness for more decades to come! Congratulations Catherine and William!

  28. Ten years have passed quickly for them and they have been greatly blessed with family and friends. I truly appreciate the adventure we have been on with them through Charlotte, thank you. Over a ten year span of time there have been so many truly breathtaking photos of the couple jointly and individually. Unfortunately, in my opinion the two selected to share with the public leave me less then excited. I find Kate's dress to be a distraction for my eyes. Kate has a beautiful natural smile that pulls you in, I am missing that. I much prefer less staged photography. Gratefully, they are not standing at attention side by side

    1. While I love both of the photos released, I think the last photo from the little video of William and Kate together just really says it all! Love the way she is looking at him, and hope USA Granny this is the 'less staged photo' you were hoping for.

  29. Happy Anniversary to my favourite royal couple from Canada!

  30. Sherry. Beautiful pictures and dress! I love how they thought of their admirers with the remake of their engagement picture for us to reminisce about!

    1. Yes, that was a very sweet touch to recreate their engagement photo. It’s so nice to reminisce over the past decade!

  31. Elizabeth from USA 🇺🇸29 April 2021 at 01:23

    Happy 10th Anniversary to William and Catherine, who continue to share such happiness with us of their “happily ever after”!! ❤️❤️👰🏻🤵‍♂️🥂🍾 Plus happy 10th to my favorite blog about Duchess Catherine!! ❤️🥂🍾

  32. Congratulations Kate and William ! Thank-you Charlotte (such a beautiful name, the name of my eldest daughter ! ) for such an interesting and well-documented blog !

  33. Thanks for posting! So glad you started this blog. It has brought much joy to me and my fellow Royal-watching friend.

  34. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years, I wish them many more happy years!

  35. Tammy from California29 April 2021 at 01:44

    I had heard that William said to Michael Middleton in the picture you posted “Just a small affair” or something of that nature.

    SO cute that Harry told William she looked beautiful. 💕💕💕

  36. Gorgeous pictures of them. I can’t believe ten years has flown by. They are such a beautiful couple.

  37. I believe The Duchess wore the matching earrings in Ireland last March. First time commentator long time reader.

  38. They are so well-matched, and such a cute couple!
    May they enjoy many, many happy years together.

  39. Love the new portraits she looks beautiful.

    Beth in NV

  40. 10 years ago: I was a freshman in high school and school was actually off for a teacher institute day (and I'm an American!). So I got to watch the whole thing! I got up early, on a day I didnt have to and I'm so happy I did. Watching Kate come to the Abbey with her dad was magical- and to see William give the first glace to his bride was unforgettable! I then went to help my 4th grade elementary school teacher for service hours later that day around noonish- and he asked me, Oh did you sleep in today? I said, "Oh No I watched the Royal wedding. He said back," Not you too! My girlfriend has been talking about it nonstop, and even took the day off work!" I then said she was a smart lady!
    Fun memories!!!

  41. Wow. Ten years. Where has the time gone? I remember being glued to the TV. My son, nearly 1 at the time,in my arms. Happy anniversary Kate & William.

  42. Kate, Texas, USA29 April 2021 at 02:07

    It’s hard to believe it has been 10 years! Congratulations to you Charlotte for 10 years of incredible and thoughtful writing on the blog. I have been a follower from the beginning! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! Wishing them many more years of love and happiness! ❤️

  43. Susan in Florida29 April 2021 at 02:11

    Happy Blog-a-versary Charlotte ! What an amazing 10 years. Congratulations how well you have covered the Royals and created a positive online community. I remember waking up at 4 or 5 am just in time to see the Duchess get in the car at her hotel and view the rest of their day.

  44. Crazy to think that 10 years has flown by so quickly, as it seems it was just like yesterday I was tuning in to watch the wedding! They have had a very eventful past 10 years, the highlights being their three beautiful children. I hope they continue to be filled with joy, as they were on that day!

    Cynthia- Ottawa, Canada

  45. Congratulations to couple! They look lovely.

  46. Happy anniversary to a lovely couple whose love has obviously grown in so many ways over ten years. Thank you for documenting them in such a detailed and interesting way. Here's to many more years of celebrating them together.

  47. When did it happens happy 10th wedding anniversary to my favourite royal couple love they remake the engagement pictures in makes down royal memory lane my doing that they started like these and ended with three gorgeous children I pray that they will be happy and until they grow old I love the duchess dress

    1. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years, either! Her dress is gorgeous 😍

  48. While I do love these photos (although was hoping for a candid shot from the evening of their wedding!) I really want to take this moment to recognize and appreciate Charlotte's work. My goodness, you are efficient, in depth, and so truly compassionate but honest in what it is to be a current royal watcher. I so appreciate your commentary and thorough research. I can't think of another blog I follow as passionately and look forward to another decade of reading!
    Thank you Charlotte,

  49. Such a wonderful occasion! Thanks for capturing it so beautifully!

  50. Congratulations Kate and William, and congratulations Charlotte...what a team...royal watching and following became an absolute pleasure including the fashion, the charities, the traditions, the new...totally hooked! Charlotte, you and the Cambridges totally rock!!!

  51. Adrienn
    Congratulations to William&Kate and to you Charlotte as well.William was my teen crush,I started following him quite early.I rememeber when I first heard about his girlfriend,Kate.I really liked her from the beginning,and was always happy reading about them.I was really upset when they broke up,then super excited when they reconcieled.I couldn't wait for the announcement of their engagment.I was following their wedding and your live on PG's birth from my workplace.10 years passed,I got married to,have 2 beautiful children,and I still love the Cambridges and the Royal Family.Wishing them a happy anniversary and many mores to come.

  52. I will never forget this day! I remember everything I was doing that day leading up to their wedding and thereafter! I actually had an exam that day! Happy Anniversary to the lovely couple! ♥️♥️♥️

  53. Dear Charlotte, thank you very much for decade of your amazing writing. I am a long time reader, and I always cherish moments spent reading your posts as a lovely me-time, always knowing that I will read positive, eloquent, polite (for lack of a better word) and informative post. Even the most tumultuous periods you always covered with immeasurable grace and positivity. Your blog is gracious and noble as should the whole process of royal watching :-) Thank you so much for that.

    1. Ella, this is exactly how I feel as a long time reader. You put it perfectly.

      Thank you, Charlotte!

      Victoria, Oregon

    2. So very well said, Ella!!!

      I applaud you, Charlotte - I’ve been hugely enjoying your royal coverage since you started this blog back in early 2011. Never left a comment here but in my opinion, your coverage of the Royals is THE most trustworthy, classy and interesting; no need for me to look anywhere else.

      Warmest thanks from Norway!

    3. Zora from Prague29 April 2021 at 17:05

      So well said, Ella!! 🙂 I wholeheartedly agree!

  54. Gosh I can't believe its been 10 years of blogging!! I vividly remember watching the Diamond Jubilee Tour through your blog.

    Happy Anniversary, RS x

  55. Romantic and beautiful photos! Happy anniversary to them and congratulations to you Charlotte on 10 years of wonderful blogging!

  56. Such a couple! I love this blog. Thank you for you passion and dedication.

  57. These two just get more & more adorable as the years go by! I wish them a very happy tenth wedding anniversary 🎊
    As a longtime reader of your blog, Charlotte, I’ve enjoyed following Duchess Kate & her lovely little family. It’s been a wonderful journey; from their beautiful wedding day to watching their three darling children grow up. Thank you for documenting all of these special moments!
    I would absolutely love a copy of the Historic Newspapers book 😍

  58. Congratulations to William and Catherine! 10 years is an amazing achievement.
    Congratulations to you too Charlotte. This is a blog that I always come to for duchess kate news as well as your other royal blogs. The posts are always honest, kind and care for the duchess you're writing about.
    The book looks fantastic. Would love to be in to win!

  59. I found your blog not long after their wedding. These are beautiful photos and I do see the most growth in Kate's comfortablility in her role.

  60. I love these photos and your blog, Charlotte! Thank you!!

  61. For 10 years I have been following your blog - a great anniversary for William and Kate and the endless joy of writing a blog for you. Their wedding was a great event and a few months later I was getting married on my own! I'm sorry for the mistakes in advance. My nickname is HaniaG. Greetings from Poland❤

  62. Love the portrait! I hope they are as happy as they look.

  63. Can we also acknowledge that it is not "just" 10 years, it is rather 17, 18 years of their love and relationship? They have such an extensive history together and I think the pre-marital years largely shaped their comfortable, friendly type of love. I have very deep admiration for them as a couple who seems to be very conscious about their relationship, really putting an effort to keep it going strong.

    1. Ella that's such a great observation. They seem to have this mutual respect for each other and it shows! Love this couple and their adorable family!

  64. Aderyn (Canada)29 April 2021 at 11:02

    I cannot believe it's been 10 years! The new photo looks so beautiful and they look just so happy together. Thank you for your wonderful blog which has provided so many years of entertainment and education. Here's to another 10 years :)

  65. Congratulations to the Cambridges! I've been a reader of this blog since the beginning and it is still the first place I check for news!

  66. It would seem to be your 10th anniversary as well, Charlotte! Thank you for always being a stable sense of reason in troubling times. Just as the Cambridges are! Please continue for another ten.

    Your digital friend,

  67. Awww. Love the anniversary and SO APPRECIATIVE of your blog, which has given me such fun over the years. Thank you for all your work.

  68. I can't believe I've been reading this blog for ten years!

  69. I'd love to win the book! I can't believe it's been ten years...

  70. Congratulations Kate and William on 10 years of marriage, and three beautiful and happy children. Congratulations Charlotte on a successful and positive blog that brings joy to so many!

  71. Zora from Prague29 April 2021 at 12:11

    Lovely photos!! 😍 Kate looks even prettier today than 10 years ago! As for the dress, I loved it when she wore it in Pakistan and I still do.
    They are a truly wonderful couple. They have really grown; not everything has been rosy, but they've created such a beautiful family and brought joy to a lot of people! They are so well suited and it is obvious how much Kate's love and support mean for William. At the same time, I believe William learnt a lot from his grandparents' marriage and like his grandfather, he will be a rock for his wife.
    I watched their wedding online and was completely fascinated by it. About two years later, I found this blog. Thank you so much, dear Charlotte, for everything you do for your readers, and congratulations - you've been incredible!!! 💐🌟😇

    1. Lovely comment Zora! I too started reading this blog about two years after watching the wedding and I have enjoyed it immensely. Congratulations to William and Kate on their happy life and family, and congratulations Charlotte for your beautiful blog!!

  72. Ten years! They looked so happy then, but they look even more happy now. Congratulations to them and thank you to you, Charlotte.
    Mary anne, Sydney, Australia.

  73. I adore the new anniversary photos! Catherine & William obviously have a strong bond and it has been such a joy following their lives through your wonderful blog, Charlotte! Congratulations on 10 years to you too :) I've read your blogs from the beginning and they are my one and only source for royal watching, because of your professionalism, passion, detailed and educational but also very FUN coverage of Catherine and Meghan's lives, work, and styles! I so enjoyed watching all the coverage of Catherine & William's wedding day from the US. I took the day off work ha ha! This commemorative book would be such a pleasure to have. Thank you for all you do, Charlotte!

    1. Very well said, Lauren! I, too, have been an avid reader of Charlotte's blog since the beginning and rely on her for the most accurate, balanced, interesting, informative posts!

      It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since William & Catherine's wedding! I'm so proud of their partnership, and especially how Catherine has blossomed into the wonderful woman she is today.

  74. Liz From Boston29 April 2021 at 13:07

    I still remember every minute of that day ten years ago. One of the most magnificent events I have ever witnessed. It was perfection from start to finish. As soon as Kate stepped out of the car, a future Queen was born. Congratulations Wills and Kate...cheers to 100 more years!

  75. What lovely pictures, I can’t believe it’s been 10 years. I was 16 years old and woke up early in the morning to watch the wedding. The balcony appearance happened just before it was time to leave for school. I got enamored by Kate and her fairytale romance since the engagement announcement and have followed her style and life since then. Thank you Charlotte for writing this blog and giving us fans a space to read and comment on the Cambridge’s.

  76. Thank you Charlotte for all these years of covering The Duchess’s memorable moments!!!
    How time flies, ten years ago my family and I moved into our newly renovated ancestral home and 2011 will always be a special year for us!!!
    I remember their wedding with such fondness and tenderness even more so this year as we prepare for our own daughter’s wedding at the end of this month!!!
    Keep up the good work!!!
    Filakia from Greece!!!
    Vasilikoula xoxoxo

  77. Theresa - Austin, TX29 April 2021 at 13:24

    What lovely photos! Congratulations to William and Kate on their 10th wedding anniversary and congratulations to you, Charolotte, for 10 years of hard work, dedication, researach and passion bringing this amazing blog to your readers!! This book would be a true keepsake.

  78. I love the same style of photo for the ten year anniversary. The engagement photo was adorable with William hugging Catherine.

    They said at the beginning, their goal was to have a happy family, and it looks like mission accomplished. Congratulations on all they have done as members of the BRF and in their personal lives.

    My thanks to Charlotte. You have brought us amazing writing, photos and excellent content year after year. Thank you for all you do.

  79. Maria Cecília Maia29 April 2021 at 13:40

    As they say, time really does fly... I remember their wedding day, it was so wonderful. The blog has given me much happiness in keeping up with the life of the Duchess, who is,for me, a role model. I wish them many more happy years ahead as a couple.

  80. Congratulations. Love the photos. You can always see the live shining from both of them.

  81. They both look radiant and I love Kate's hair! I remember waking up super early 10 years ago to watch the wedding. I had baked scones the night before. My husband (not a royal follower at all, but knows how much I love them) surprised me by dressing up in his tuxedo and serving me tea and scones in bed!! I love that memory just as much as watching wedding!

    1. OMG that is such a sweet memory!!!

  82. I would love to enter the contest as Deborah!
    Kate looks as beautiful and young as she did in her engagement portrait! Thank you for such a lovely blog.

  83. Such a lovely couple and sweet family. Congratulations to William and Kate.

  84. What a lovely couple. Their ten years together as a royal couple inspired so many people who admire their dedication to family and service to the British people. Happy anniversary to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

  85. So lovely. Congratulations on 10 years!

  86. OMG, just when I thought I couldn't love this couple and their family more, they go and post a lovely video!! I am really loving their social media style of sharing snippets of their life with us! It is so wonderful to see them all so happy, very inspiring, and admirable to see the balance they seem to have found in their life as parents and their role as parents. They really do Britain proud!

  87. Here's to the next 10! Congrats! Look forward to seeing all the Cambridge happenings on here!

  88. Anonymous in CO29 April 2021 at 16:00

    Well now I'm crying after having watched that beautiful video!!!

    Happy Anniversary Will and Kate! I remember watching their wedding, pregnant with my daughter and brimming with joy for them. Now my girl's almost 10! And the Cambridges have never looked happier!

    Cheers to many more anniversaries! Thanks a million for this blog, Charlotte :)

  89. 10 years wow! My 10 year wedding anniversary is later this year. Where does the time go?! I didnt follow this blog til 9 years ago, I remember just having my daughter. I can't believe how this space has been a constant happiness that I can go to and enjoy.thank you for all you do Charlotte!

  90. The wedding was so lovely. I remember the entire day. I got up extra early to watch from here in the US. Then had a law school exam later that morning!

  91. Jennifer in Canada29 April 2021 at 16:42

    A wonderful example of a wholesome happy life. How they have grown as a family. Congratulations on your ten years Charlotte, always a lovely read

  92. One of my favorite moments in the wedding is just before her father walks her into the church, she turns slightly and waves to the crowd. She looks amazing and so happy.

  93. 10 years. The time has flown. I remember that day vividly, getting up early, (here on the East coast), preparing a huge breakfast spread, watching the coverage and the sun slowly rise over the beautiful green mountains out my window here in Vermont. I took the day from work and just indulged in the whole experience. That afternoon I remember driving to pick up your youngest from school. He was 10 and in 5th grade. He is now one year away from graduation from college. When he hopped in the car I had the radio still tuned to the that point the audio was simply the bells ringing and ringing and ringing through london. My son turned and said: "those are nice. What is that for?" And I smiled and aid: "A prince was married today. Its kind of a big deal for some people." And he smiled and said, "Oh. Is that the princesses son? I know you liked her a lot."
    Smart boy.
    Congrats to you too Charlotte. You've become a true professional -

    1. From one royal fan to another, what a nice memory! Sometimes we think our children aren't listening or don't care, or you get the eye roll, but then sometimes they pleasantly surprise us.

  94. A decade of grace and poise, of duty and sacrifice, of love and commitment. Always the shining stars of the British Royal Family, but never craving the limelight. May the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have many more such happy years together.

    Would truly love to have a copy of the book on offer here in Sri Lanka.

    DP (Moniker)

    PS. Thank you Charlotte for the good work over the past 10 years. You have been my go-to person when it comes to news on the Duchess. The lightening speed in which you get it out amazes me.

  95. Oh my goodness that video is the cutest! They really are a precious family. I think my favorite moment of the day was the drive away in the Aston Martin with the Just Wed license plate. It was an adorable, relatable touch - something many of us do at our own weddings (albeit maybe with a less fancy car). And they’ve continued that throughout their total lives together. Best wishes for a long and happy marriage!

  96. It was summer holiday before senior high school year when they got married and now I am working.

    Time flies so fast and I am really glad to witness how their family grow from 2 to now 5 as loving family. Their commitment to the duty is always wonderful and we know that they will be great King and Queen when time comes.

    Also congratulations for first decade of your lovely blog.

  97. Zora from Prague29 April 2021 at 18:22

    The video is lovely!!! ❤️ They will have such happy memories!
    I've sent the Cambridges a card today. The lady at the post office gave me a funny look when she saw the address! 🙃
    I'd also love to have a copy of the book, it seems to be just the thing for a royal fan!

  98. Becca in Colorado29 April 2021 at 18:43

    Well, that video was just wholesome AF.

    I remember watching their wedding online with my mom, who had flown in to help me move out of college for the summer after my Junior year. I didn't get to see her very often in those days, so it was special to watch together.

    I found your blog, Charlotte, only a year or so after that. And while I've since gravitated more towards your other blog about H&M, I still admire Kate and will always appreciate the huge amount of work and dedication you put into both blogs! I always look forward to reading them. Thanks for all the detailed, thoughtful posts you've given to us over the years! You've kept royal watching fun.

  99. What a wonderful read and it’s so nice to see them touching! Loved the video and wish the continued love and happiness.

  100. I remember watching their wedding,then after I found your blog. Where did 10 years go?

  101. Thank you for sharing your Kate journey with us Charlotte. Such a feel good blog.

  102. Theresa - Austin, TX29 April 2021 at 19:14

    Oh, wow. The video is just wonderful. So special to see the love this family shares.

  103. Marie from Canada29 April 2021 at 19:15

    Thank you for the 10 years of great and so enjoyable work, Charlotte

  104. If Charlotte doesn't mind, I wanted to leave a link for my other favorite W & K blog. My sister and I have been following this blog and Charlotte's since some time shortly after the wedding. It used to be for the whole royal family, but several years ago, became just a Cambridge blog. They've had so many great pictures over the last few days, looking back through the 10 years. So much fun to see the old pictures, as well as the new ones with Kate and Will, and with their kids. --

  105. I'm another one who has been reading the blog since it started. It's very strange to reflect on 10 years and how much has happened in that time. In the early years I was quite critical of them (and, to be honest, I still think they could have done quite a bit more while still taking it slowly). But I feel they got there in the end and they've built a very solid foundation for their future and for George's future. I have really enjoyed following them and am looking forward to seeing the next ten years too!

  106. Congratulations to them, 10 years has flown!

  107. I have never commented before,but have been following this blog I think since it started. Charlotte you do a fantastic job in all ways, all the time.

    The duke and duchess are such wonderful representative for their country and wonderful examples for families everywhere. The wonderful video of them interacting with their children is a gift to all of us. May good luck,love, and peace follow them always.

    I have always wondered three things about the day of their wedding. First who was the woman William kissed when speaking to people after his arrival in the church. Second was Catherine's bouquet placed on the tomb of the unknown soldier,and third William made about three salutes on the carriage ride to Buckingham palace after the wedding. To whom or what were the salutes made? I alwasy felt it was so appriate and classy that Catheerine bowed her head during those salutes. If anyone has the answers to these three questions, please reply. Thanks in advance.

    The book looks to be very special and I would love to have it!

    Best to all,

    1. At the wedding their carriage went under the Archway and through the Horseguards' Parade Ground (where the Trooping of the Colour takes place) and William would have saluted there as well.

  108. I did not start following this blog until after Will & Kate’s first tour of Canada. This website was mentioned in a magazine that I bought around that time. I had always been intrigued with the royals; but this blog has heightened that interest by leaps and bounds. Thank you Charlotte for your 10 years of keeping us informed.
    I have also enjoyed the comment section. I miss some of the regulars who used to post here. I learned a lot about what a Royal Family’s duties to their people are. I thank Charlotte for allowing this exchange of ideas and opinions to continue even though I know it has been stressful for you at times.

    1. Zora from Prague1 May 2021 at 19:07

      NovemberNanny, I also miss some of the long time commenters, such as Rebecca from Sweden, Royalfan, Eve from Germany, Paola, Erika and others.... We've had so many thought-provoking discussions here, haven't we? I've also enjoyed being a part of this community. I believe many of us would become good friends if we had a chance to meet in real life.

    2. I believe that too Zora, that many of us would be good friends if we knew each other in real life! What discussions we have shared and what a blessing this blog has been.

  109. Charlotte,
    Thank you for your wonderful blog. I look so forward to your updates.
    Congratulations to William and Catherine on their anniversary. Wishing them many more years of happiness. The video was such a special treat.
    The book looks like a great way to revisit the memories of the past 10 years.

  110. Charlotte, I have been faithfully reading your blog for a decade and I can’t believe it has been that long! Your blog is the best! I’ve never commented before but thank you so, so much!

  111. Just wanted to pop in and say Thanks! Charlotte. Your documentation is special in it's own right and thank you for sharing it with us all.

  112. 10 years ago, I woke up at 4:30am EST to watch the wedding with my best friend and college roommate. My excitement was only matched by my exhaustion as graduation and final exams loomed overhead. Sometime after the vows ended, I nodded off! Thankfully my roomie woke me up in time to watch the recession. What a glorious day and such a fun memory! I started following this website right around that time. How was it been 10 years, Charlotte?! Thank you for all the love and dedication you’ve poured into this space.

  113. I love the new photo of Kate holding Prince William's hand it is really beautiful. Congrats on their 10th wedding anniversary here is to many more. I started reading your blog the moment it started and I stayed up late to watch the wedding was one of the happiest days. The video they released is utterly beautiful. They are truly a beautiful family. I do believe Kate will make an excellent Queen and William King.
    thanks for the nice post Charlotte.

  114. So great to see them all so happy. Thanks for all your hard work with the blog. Would like someone to something similar about Sophie too...

  115. What an exciting ten years! Thank you, Charlotte, for providing so much entertainment to us all.

  116. So great to see them so happy 10 years on. What a lovely family video they look so happy together.
    My 18 year old can remember the wedding day we had a big party in the garden to celebrate. Good memories.
    Thanks for all the work you do to produce a great blog I have been following since the beginning.

    Just wish someone would do one about Sophie too she works so hard but seems to go unrecognised by the press.

  117. What a ride - 10 years of great photos, videos and this blog! Thank you for all the time, attention to detail and love you put into your blog. Here's to another 10 years!

  118. What a wonderful celebration of 10 years! Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication in the 10 years also Charlotte

  119. Oh dear, that is definitely a walk down memory road for me too. Seeing the numbers I still cannot believe how long I have been following your blog (and how long I have been a royal watcher in general which predates the Cambridges by a lot). The video, while obviously a staged and very well curated production is absolutely lovely. Someone compared it to a Barbour jacket commercial which I found extremly funny. Hope we see more of this in future.
    But her dress choice for the photos is definitly a miss for me. I didn't like the dress the first time and I think it is not fitting the occasion. It's ok for an improptu family barbecue but not exactly for pictures aimed at the public- because the only reason we are interested in this occasion is because they are the future of the Crown. Kate has a tendency to underdress sometimes as well as jumping head first into a certain aestethic. I don't hink this particular one is a good one for official photos.

  120. Charlotte...thank you so much for this amazing post and for 10 years of fantastic coverage. As someone who is developing her own blog (but not related to they royals!!) I fully appreciate how much effort goes into this. Your writing and information is always of the highest quality and unbelievably timely.

    The Cambridge’s have come a long way. I remember many commenters being critical of them....saying they did not share enough information about the children, that they didn’t do enough work, that as the future King they should be exposing George more to the public and on and on it went. Well here we are today with a lovely video and photos that are warm and personal. I admire the fact that Will and Kate have done this their way.

    I also want to say how much I appreciate this community. Some people have come and gone but it has always been a place we’re the conversation and debate is civil. We may not always agree but we can have respectful conversations with empathy for differing views. Something we seem to have lost in our society in general.

    Charlotte once again thank you for all your hard work. I would be thrilled if I was lucky enough to win the book.

  121. Paula from Vancouver30 April 2021 at 13:47

    I have been reading your blog since it started and also Mad about Meghan's blog. You do a fabulous job. Looking forward to what is next for this duo.

  122. Wow, 10 years can't believe it. I watched the wedding and was so happy! Glad you post about everything -thank you!

  123. You are a *marvel*, Charlotte! I can never thank you enough for your stellar blog - always my go-to about Catherine and her family! It's amazing that you have kept up with your fabulous blog for a decade! For your thoughtful, informative, well-written, celebratory blog, I thank you sincerely!


  124. Sylvie from FRANCE30 April 2021 at 15:03

    I thank you for your blog which brings me so much joy. Your posts are always thoughtful and I especially like the parts about Kate's outfits.Long life to your blog and congratulations to Kate and William!

  125. Such beautiful photos, the video is just gorgeous. Wouldn't it be lovely if Kate's pretty blue dress was one of William's favorites on her? It would be so fun to win the book,but almost just as fun will be seeing who does win it, and sharing in their delight! Thanks, Charlotte, for all the pleasure you bring to us all.

  126. Can’t believe it’s been 10 years of following the Cambridge’s on this blog. Can remember the early days when Kate and William were being criticized for not being more “engaged” and I used to post “just give them time” when it was time for them to step up they will. And they have. What a great Queen Consort she will make!!

  127. How wonderful to see so many comments and so many names from the past! Feels like old times!! Still missing some, but this is a wonderful community and a beautiful blog you have created for us Charlotte!!

  128. Have been following your blog since the beginning! Happy Anniversary William and Kate and Happy Blogversary Charlotte! I don't usually comment but I always checkback for Kate updates. Thank you Charlotte!

  129. Congratulations on ten years of this blog, Charlotte! So much work - and so much for you to be proud of.

    The photographs of William and Kate are beautiful, and I love the family video which says so much about the ten years of married life that they have shared. That they remain a couple in love is cause for celebration but so much of the joy of these years, for them, has been their family life with children, so it was wonderful to see them included in this way.

  130. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already! I still remember getting up quite early to watch the wedding live. So fun! Charlotte, I’m so glad I happened across your blog. Well done to you and the amazing job you’ve done covering their life and of course Catherine’s beautiful fashion choices. Such a beautiful family. Excited to see what the next 10 years hold!

  131. Love the video. They are such a lovely family. I think William and Catherine have found a way to have private life and to be Royals. Good for them. I think the Queen and Phillip managed that also.

  132. Question: Does anyone else see a cute braid thingy in Catherine’s hair...lying across her shoulder? I’d like to imagine one of the children was helping her get ready for the photo shoot (or maybe I just need a bigger screen?)
    Long-time reader but first-time commenter. Charlotte, thank you so much for your work on this blog. It has been such a joy to watch this beautiful, loving couple grow into a beautiful, loving family. Wishing them many more happy years together.

  133. Happy anniversary to the Duke and Duchess! Hard to believe it has been 10 years already!!

  134. Laura A. (solidmoonligh)1 May 2021 at 15:32

    Loved the video so much!! That newspaper book looks amazing!

  135. Claudia Kramer1 May 2021 at 20:07

    I remember the day vividly! I was making the wedding cake for a friend who got married the next day, but as an avid royal watcher I had to watch this wedding. So I sat there in front of our big screen with some friends watching it and decorating the cake at the same time. What a fairytale wedding, I remember shouting that her dress reminded me of Grace Kelly as Kate exited the car. Good memories.

  136. Courtney from NC2 May 2021 at 00:27

    I cannot believe it has been 10 years. It has been an absolute honor to read this blog and be a part of the blog's community. Thank you for all of your hard work Charlotte!

    Love the video of the Cambridges and cannot deal with how grown up all three children are starting to look.

  137. Becca from California2 May 2021 at 04:53

    I loved watching the Royal Wedding and remember the excitement on the day and in the months leading up to it! I can't believe it's been 10 years. I found your blog shortly after, Charlotte, and have been a regular reader ever since. Thanks for all your hard work, producing so much informative content that is also "feel good."

    I just re-watched the full wedding footage today which was so fun. As a note--I thought I would also go back and read some of your blog posts from those first couple of years to carry on with my nostalgic weekend, but had trouble locating any. (Not sure if there's a technical issue, but just wanted to call it to your attention.)

  138. Thank you Charlotte! Great post, as usual. I can't believe it's 10 years already. I remember that day so well, because I changed shift in order to watch the wedding and follow through on TV and on your blog.. You gave us so many photos and details! It was amazing and she was so beautiful... Everything looks so perfect and charming! And now.. These photos and video are so touching, I cried. It's so joyful! Catherine is a rock and a fantastic woman, wife, mother and a brilliant future queen. William is so lucky to have her, and I am so pleased to see him happy and surrounded by pure love. Absolutely adorable!

  139. Ten years. Great job to both. Happy Anniversary and many more to celebrate.


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