Friday 9 April 2021

The Duke of Edinburgh Passed Away Peacefully This Morning

With "deep sorrow", Her Majesty announced the death of her "strength and stay" Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The Duke passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle. I know you'll all join me in sending deepest condolences to the Queen, the entire family and all who are mourning today.

The Palace will release details in due course. A friend shared this photo with me whilst Philip was in hospital. So often, with those in the public eye and members of the Royal family, we discuss what they mean to the world, the significance of their roles. Behind closed doors, this image exemplifies the Queen and the Duke at their happiest, soaking up the outdoors in Balmoral, enjoying time as a family and making memories with their beloved grandchildren.

The College of Arms shared details on plans for the funeral which will take place at St George's Chapel. "The funeral will not be a State Funeral and will not be preceded by a Lying-in-State. His Royal Highness’s body will lie at rest in Windsor Castle ahead of the funeral in St George’s Chapel. This is in line with custom and with His Royal Highness’s wishes. The funeral arrangements have been revised in view of the prevailing circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and it is regretfully requested that members of the public do not attempt to attend or participate in any of the events that make up the funeral."

The Royal Foundation website pays tribute. 

Among a sea of tributes flooding in today, the Archbishop of Canterbury said, "I was always struck by his obvious joy at life, his enquiring mind and his ability to communicate to people from every background and walk of life. He was a master at putting people at ease and making them feel special. The legacy he leaves is enormous".

An online book of condolence is available here.


  1. Bluebell of Scotland9 April 2021 at 13:36

    RIP, Prince Philip. Truly a good man--a stronghold. Not only for Her Majesty, but also for the UK and the world. He will be greatly missed. Praying for comfort for the queen and family.

  2. My sympathies to the entire family. XO

  3. Although we all knew this was coming, such sad news. A remarkable man. I really hope and pray that all the Queens family can gather around her to support her in the days ahead. It's very sad because of the pandemic he won't get the send off he truly deserves.

    1. Very true My deepest condolences Phillip was amazing, funny and extraordinary. He will be much missed. Anna Poland

    2. He was an extraordinary man. Duty and humour. I don't think he would have minded the smaller funeral because of the pandemic, he always said he didn't want any fuss on his funeral. Typical.

  4. I am so saddened to hear the news may he rest in peace. My thoughts are especially with Her Majesty the Queen. This loss will be so hard on her. He was the love of her life and things won't ever be the same now that he is gone. His grandchildren and children will also miss him terribly. A heartbreaking thing to wake up to this morning for many around the world including the commonwealth. It has been all over the media here in Canada where he was much loved as the husband to our head of state.

  5. I was so sorry to read of his death. Overall, I think he did an excellent job as consort and, as a British citizen, I am grateful for his many decades of public service.

  6. Condolences your Majesty. Rest in peace Duke of Edinburgh

  7. Sarah from Calif.9 April 2021 at 14:35

    So sad :(((. Truely a rock for HRM the Queen. Prayers for comfort for Queen Elizabeth and their family.

    1. eminem, Douglas - UK10 April 2021 at 18:54

      Carlote, thanks for the post, do you know when the funeral will be held. Em from Douglas.

  8. Caroline in Montana9 April 2021 at 14:40

    Truly saddened by this news this morning. was glad he at least was home. My heart goes out to queen, the BRF and the nation.

  9. So sad. It honestly feels like the entire world just completely changed. There was the Queen and Prince Philip, and now just the Queen. Heartfelt thoughts for the entire family.

    1. azaluckyj You are so right -- It's just a shock and I'm sure the RF is feeling the shift sorely. Everything has changed.

  10. God Bless the entire Royal Family.

  11. Theresa - Austin, TX9 April 2021 at 16:53

    Such sad news, but what a life well lived. My sincere condolences to the Royal family and all who were impacted by his life and service.

  12. Susan in Florida9 April 2021 at 17:39

    I’m sad for the Queen most of all because she fell in love with him at the age of 13 or 14. I do hope his wishes are honored and the RF can mourn in private.

  13. The end of an era for the Royal Family. For 73 years it was always Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. I am sure their beloved family will gather round The Queen to give her comfort. Condolences to The Royal Family and the UK.

    1. It is the end of an era and there is a perceptible shift in the world at the loss. The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said it very well, "His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh was, in the words of Her Majesty, her ‘strength and stay.’ He embodied a generation that we will never see again.” Today not only did a Queen lose her consort and companion,and a country a stalwart servant, a beloved woman lost the love of her life, theirs is truly a love story for all time.

  14. His loyalty and unwavering support of her all these years is honestly the most beautiful modern testimony of love there is. What a special relationship they had, and what a man he was to give so unselfishly of himself to her. We may never see anything like it again.

    1. Beautifully said Mellie and so true. Theirs was a true partnership in every sense, and an excellent example of how in true selflessness, one need not lose their identity. He forged his own path, all the while never losing sight of the Queen's destiny of service. My heart breaks for the Queen's loss, the void will be deep.

  15. RIP. True and steadfast.

  16. Such sad news. A true character is no more.

  17. Thoughts are with the royal family. Condolences to everyone. I think the New York Post summed it up best.

    Whether you’re a British royal or a middle-class American, Philip’s lifetime of dignity and grace should act as an example in our era of tawdry shamelessness.

    His presence was solid as a rock and even though his death isn't surprising it must be really hard on the queen. What a sad day.

  18. God bless Queen Elizabeth and the entire Royal Family as they grieve the death of a beloved and devoted husband, father, grandfather, and relative. I am worried about how this will affect the Queen. My father passed away in February. It is hard to lose someone you love, no matter how long and good a life they have lived.

    1. Zora from Prague9 April 2021 at 20:50

      I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, IBR. You are right, it is always hard. Even if the person was nearly 100.
      My thoughts and prayers are with Her Majesty and the whole Royal Family. What a sad birthday HM is going to have this year.
      It's painful that people can't pay their respects the way they'd like to, because of Covid.
      I'm grateful for the possibility of the virtual condolence book.
      R.I.P., Sir. You were and remain an inspiration for many.

    2. I agree -- if you have someone with you who is 100 years old, it just means you are more used to them being part of your life. More memories, and more stress when they are gone. I read that Capt Tom's family did not expect him to pass away and were very upset by his death. It's just very sad.

    3. Thank you Zora from Prague. My father was 88, but I expected him to live till 98 or so because his father lived that long. I guess he took after his mother instead.

  19. Que la terre lui soit légère, qu'il repose en paix.
    Que Le Seigneur soit avec Sa Majesté la Reine dans cette terrible épreuve.

  20. To everyone of the BRF, my sincere Condolences, on the passing of HRH The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh. Thank you for your Service and support to HM The Queen. May he R I P.

  21. How sad for the Queen, can’t even imagine,

    1. I too cannot imagine the heartache of the queen! She must miss, miss him sadly. I have been married to my beloved husband for 49 years..and cannot even imagine being without him. My heart goes out to the queen. May she look to solace of God, as she was repeadly mentioned. I will be praying for her.

  22. Both he and the Queen were very real links to WWII and to all the wonderful things that happened in the past century. I just hate to see any of it gone. I hate to see "real events" become mere history.

  23. My husband passed away 6 months ago. It is very hard. My sincere condolences to all those family members who are now mourning Prince Philip's passing, but especially to Queen Elizabeth.

    1. I am so sorry!

    2. Wishing you peace and comfort Marci Andy. May the good times you shared and the happy memories you have provide some comfort.
      Big hugs to all those saddened by the loss of Prince Philip. RIP. Kate from Australia.

  24. My deepest condolences to the Queen. She will be devastated yet go on, I'm sure. I pray for her and her family. Prince Philip was a refreshing figure and steadfast Consort and the love of her life. I always enjoyed hearing stories about him. He will be sorely missed. They just don't come like him anymore. On a personal note, my husband passed away in January, just 2 1/2 months ago. He,too, was my rock and the love of my life. We were married 40 years-- the most wonderful time of my life. I know how the Queen is feeling at this moment. May God bless her.

    1. Go easy and best wishes. It must be so very hard for you.

    2. I am so sorry for your loss. Take care, and I hope you get love and support during this difficult time.

  25. I remember the Countess of Wessex, during an interview, describe Prince Philip as a 'gentle man and a gentleman'. I cannot begin to imagine the loss HMQ and the family must be feeling ! It feels like the nation has lost a bit of it's soul!

    1. Sera from Calif.10 April 2021 at 18:59

      Exact how admin said it :))

    2. Wow Sera from Claif. No truer word was written.

  26. A Prince of Greece and Denmark, a very handsome young Royal, a Navy Officer, Husband, Father of four, Grandfather of eight, Great Grandfather of ten # eleven on the way and one step great grandson. At the end of the day, he was Husband, to a lady he loved for 73 years. Always ready to serve, with dedication to Queen and Country. A special Thank you for your Service, to HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh. May he R I P.

  27. The Queen and Prince Phillip have seemed to me like they would live forever. Of course I knew that they would not. But there is very few people living who remember when Britain and the commonwealth countries had anyone other than the Queen as their figurehead. And Prince Phillip has always been so very there. I do not know how else to describe it.
    That kind of commitment and dedication is truly inspiring. To hang in there thru the good times and the bad is something that I am sure has been instrumental in helping the Queen to do her job well.
    May God comfort her during this time of loss.

    1. I share this sentiment. Just imagine, all those people being born and dying under one Monarch and we might live to actually experience four..... both extremes are fascinating.
      I hope the Queen has lots if support but I fear she will take the loss extremely hard. He was her only (almost) equal and most of her peers are gone as well. It must feel like being the left behind.

  28. The more I learn about Prince Philip, the more I respect and admire him. He is from an era where it must have been difficult to be expected to take a lesser position than your wife, and yet he and the Queen built a life together of grace, dignity, and enduring love, both in private and in public. Prince Philip was a true hero. And I pray that the Queen will take as much time as she needs to mourn and to heal.

  29. I hope William can visit the Queen. Her children have done so, I don't know what sanitary mesures are in place in the UK and if he would be allowed to?

  30. My prayers and heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all of The Royal Family. The Duke of Edinburgh was an extraordinary man. It is sad to think of the difficult experiences he lived through, and yet what an inspiration he went on to be through his life of service and devotion to his Queen and country. He is an amazing example of the strength of the human spirit and the power of living a life dedicated to others.
    My American family moved from Texas to England in 1994 when I was eleven years old. For this young American girl, the monarchy seemed like such a fairy tale! I eventually returned to America for university, but my parents remained in the UK for 25 years. I never stopped following the Royal Family, although as an adult I came to realize that the Royal Family is no fairy tale. Rather, it is a Real Family who has steadily served their country throughout times of personal triumph and tragedy, and in the process been an inspiration to the world. I can never think of the Queen without Prince Philip by her side. May he rest in peace.

  31. What a lovely tribute from Prince William about Prince Philip, have been reading all the articles possible, and while there are many, really like this one from the BBC. He was an extraordinary man; for a man without a country at one point in his life, he was a unique mixture of committed man to the queen and country, and yet his own man. The likes of which we may never see again.

    1. Yes, I love how he was both loyal & independent. He was also a man of great integrity & appeared to be a trusted confidant & adviser to those close to him.

  32. My heart goes to prince phillip and the queen


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