Thursday 6 May 2021

The Duchess Talks Princess Dresses & Being Brave During Chat with a Very Special Little Girl

 As part of a new series to mark the launch of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's new YouTube channel, the Palace are releasing a number of calls the Duchess made last autumn with participants from the Hold Still: A Portrait of our Nation project. In the first call, 'Shielding Mila', adorable four-year-old Mila excitedly answered the phone by greeting the Duchess with, "Good morning, Your Royal Highness!" Kate replied, "Good morning. My goodness me, you're so polite Mila!"

'Lynda took the touching photo of Mila and her after they made the difficult decision to isolate from dad. We took the decision as a family to isolate Mila at home with myself in the week prior to lockdown. After trying to find an alternative solution we took the difficult decision to isolate in different households to protect Mila, who at this point was only 4 months into her chemotherapy journey for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.  As Mila’s dad, Scott, had to continue to work and her big sister Jodi still attend school, we could not risk the possibility of infection being brought home, so they  would visit every day at the window. At first Mila did not understand why Scott could not come inside, and would ask him, "Why can’t you come in Daddy?"'

Lynda wrote: "This photograph was taken on the first day of separation. After seven weeks of temporary separation, and after being furloughed from his job, Scott was reunited with Mila. Looking back, I’m so proud of my daughter and how far she has come, the level of resilience Mila has shown during this unprecedented time is truly remarkable."

Kate asked Mila about not seeing her dad properly for so long. Mila told her it was hard. "When he came to the house, I was like, so surprised."

Of course, Mila had one very special question for Kate: "Do you have a costume?" The Duchess replied, "I'm not wearing a princess costume right now, I'm afraid Mila. Do you have lots of dressing-up outfits yourself?" Mila revealed she does and her favourite colour is pink, which prompted a special promise by the Duchess: "I have to make sure I go and try and find myself a pink dress so that, one day hopefully, Mila, we'll get to meet and then I'll remember to wear my pink dress for you. Would that be nice?"

The video included colourful images for a 'princess dress' :)

Kate asked Lynda about the challenges of lockdown and the uncertainty surrounding the length of time her family wouldn't be together. "I think initially we took the decision to isolate separately the week before lockdown because we were very conscious about what was happening, certainly in Europe, and the UK at that time." Lynda added there was "a silver lining" because Mila was still going through treatment. "Lockdown allowed us a period of time to just focus on her treatment without any interruption."

Mila very sweetly told Kate she "loved" her children's names and listed all three. Kate added, "Louis has got so big now he's very quick running around and he's on his little scooter as well. He's very quick. I can't keep up with him."

In January, Mila received the Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People Star Award.

It appears Kate wore the Whistles blouse seen in her engagement portraits by Mario Testino. I do wonder if perhaps the call took place around the tenth anniversary of their engagement. Of course, it's possible the Duchess owns more than one of the blouse and there were several versions of it released. Given the timing of the call and its proximity to the tenth anniversary of the engagement, I suspect there's a very good chance it's the blouse.

The Duchess accessorised with the Queen's pearl and diamond earrings.

Hold Still: A Portrait of our Nation in 2020 goes on sale tomorrow. The book is currently the bestselling title on Amazon UK.

It will be available across bookstores and online at the National Portrait Gallery and the Book Depository.


  1. What a beautiful conversation with a brave little girl that brought tears to my eyes. I will be placing my order for the book tomorrow and cannot wait to look at it with my family <3

  2. After KP released the video of the launch yesterday the book made it to #1 again on several categories on Amazon. I’m really interested in knowing how many copies are going to be sold.

    Mila’s mom has said today she’s in hospital again, wishing her a good recovery. The usual suspects were complaining about Kate and the meaning of her work and Mila’s mom has confirmed that for them this work means a world, that’s what matters.

  3. Mila is a darling little girl. I am sure Kate made her feel extra special and I hope they meet one day wearing their pink dresses. All the best to Mila for good health and happiness.

  4. Oh, Mila, I hope she'll be OK.

  5. THAT was heartwarming! I really hope that one day Kate will be able to meet little Mila in person, I hope Kate wears pink and mostly I hope Mila will be cured.

    This just made my day!

  6. What a darling little girl Mila is. It seem this little girl is happy, as she should be. No child should have to go through such an awful illness. I hope when everything is open again< Mila will meet Kate and William in person. I wish Mila the best of health.

  7. caroline in montana6 May 2021 at 21:42

    What a beautiful smile on such a beautiful little girl, wishing her recovery. I love these video chats, i hope they keep up even after visits are normal again, can reach so many people. Thanks Charlotte as always for your top notch blog.

  8. What a heartwarming conversation with Mila. It really tugs at the heartstrings. Kate is so good with children- she seems to know just what to say to them!

  9. Mila is so brave little girl and she has a strong character how I love the conversation and listening to it makes my eyes brawl I hope one day mila and duchess of cambridge will meet and hoping a tiara too her story was moving it's make me realized that I'm lucky I'm not sick and well i wish mila for good health and happiness with her love one

  10. Btw where can buy hold still I love hold still project makes inspired me to be that life is so beautiful and their so much to thank God ceach and everyday I been alive and well

  11. Lovely. Catherine is so sincerely wonderful with children.

  12. Theresa - Austin, TX7 May 2021 at 13:21

    This was such a special conversation. I smiled and I teared up! Kate's genuine caring and compassionate personality shine through in moments like this. The work she does is very meaningful, IMO. Just look at the lives she touches. Wishing Mila a speedy recovery!

  13. Mila, what an amazing young girl ! I think even Kate was taken aback at how lovely Mila's greeting was ! I hope Mila gets the chance to see Kate decked in all her 'princess costume'. Princess Madeline of Sweden, held a princess party for poorly children a few years ago, and she attended, in a beautiful blue gown and aquamarine tiara !I hope Kate can do something similar !
    Amazon will only allow pre-order of 'Hold Still' (I've pre-ordered mine) at this time, so it must be selling fast ! Bel

  14. A little surprise for Mila from the Duchess would be a lovely touch, something pink! Can only imagine how personal this message was for Mila and her mother. As a mother of a child with cancer, you ache to see your child being brave day after day and you look for those moments that can bring some happiness and a smile! Wishing all the best to Mila and her family! Agree HJChristy, more of this please! Heartwarming!

  15. Zora from Prague7 May 2021 at 19:37

    Such a beautiful, moving conversation! ❤️ Mila's family are so kind to share this very personal picture! I do hope they all get to meet Kate in person!
    Thank you, Charlotte!

  16. Please, please, please “Min Stora Dag” this sweetie, Kate!!! -PB

  17. What a sweet conversation about a tough time for Mila and her mum and her dad and older sister. Not being able to touch and hold each other like usual is very tough for the little ones because they don't completely understand what a virus is and how diseases are passed from one to another. I agree with Zora from Prague that Kate should meet Mila and her family in person when the time is right! (On a fashion note I always thought Kate was wearing the white dress she wore in her other engagement pictures for this picture. Now I can see the flower on her blouse. I'm always learning more on this site!)


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