Wednesday 5 May 2021

The Duchess Marks International Day of the Midwife by Interviewing Inspiring Midwife & New YouTube Channel!

To mark both International Day of the Midwife and the completion of the Nursing Now campaign, the Duchess of Cambridge interviewed midwife Harriet Nayiga for the May edition of Nursing Times. Harriet works in Uganda and is the founder of MILCOT (Midwife-led Community Transformation), which provides support for women and girls at risk.

The Duchess said to Harriet, "There’s a lot of pressure on a profession like yours because the women and families you care for are looking to you for advice and guidance. Do you feel that pressure in your career?" Harriet touched on the additional stresses caused by the pandemic: "Yes, that pressure has been more exaggerated during Covid-19 where you feel that you are also at risk and you also need care. You have a family, friends and you’re also worried about how they are, but yet you have to go and serve others."

More from Nursing Times:

'HRH: What is it that particularly works with your community-based care model?

HN: For these marginalised populations, to have someone to talk to, to have someone in their lives who understands what they’re going through, and who can help. That is what they need. As a midwife I need to be close, so that they speak to me, so that I listen to their concerns.

HRH: I can imagine Covid-19 has put you and your organisation, and all the work that you’re doing, under huge pressure. How has it been? How have you managed throughout Covid?

HN: Usually we do community outreach, we go to the community and reach out to check on them, but when Covid came we could not do it, especially during the lockdown. These key populations could not even get spare money to buy a mask. With funding support, we were able to respond to their needs.

We brought them sanitary pads, we made them masks, we gave them food and also detergent, because they could not buy soap. The only way we could reach out to them was via phone calls to check on them and how they are coping. And then it’s only to those who have phones.

HRH: One of the challenges here, that has been exacerbated because of the pandemic, is parental mental health. Is that part of the conversations you’re having with some of the families and the mothers, because that’s been put under a huge amount of pressure as well?

HN: Yes, some of the women are going through what we call intimate partner violence. She’s facing violence from her partner, the partner is not providing, the partner abuses her, beats her. Others who are doing sex work, they find a lot of abuse from the men they sleep with – so they are all stressed, they have depression. We have provided group psychotherapy and we assess the level of depression.

We are able to empower them, so they can set up small scale businesses to support themselves. Mental health is very important in the community and we have to prioritise it. I advocate that we centre on mental health, and it is a component [of our support] we cannot leave out.'

The May edition of Nursing Times is a special issue celebrating the work of Nursing Now. The Duchess chose the cover for 'Global Change Agents'.

Kate became patron of Nursing Now in 2018. At the time, a palace spokesperson said, "The Duchess has seen first-hand the impact of front-line medical professionals during visits to hospitals and hospices, and through her work in support of children's mental health and early intervention. The Duchess' patronage Nursing Now provides an opportunity to shine a light on these vital professions, both in the UK and internationally." During a speech, the Duchess said, "This campaign means a lot to me personally. My great-grandmother and grandmother were both volunteer nurses. They would have learned first-hand from working with the Voluntary Aid Detachment and the Red Cross about the care and compassion that sometimes only nurses can provide."

The past year has asked more of our nurses globally than we ever imagined. Every step of the way they met the challenge.

A message from the Director-General of the World Health Organisation.

Today, Kensington Palace revealed: "Over the last three years more than 31,000 young professionals have signed up for Nursing Now’s Nightingale Challenge, 64 Nursing Now groups have reported increased investment in nursing and there has also been an increase of nurses in leadership positions, as Chief Nursing Officers and on boards, who are able to exercise greater influence in shaping policy and service delivery."

An insightful op-ed from Nursing Now executive director Barbara Stilwell is also included in Nursing Times:
'It has been a personal privilege to lead the Nursing Now campaign and to have seen for myself the passion, drive and ambition of nurses to create a new agenda for nursing in the 21st century.

The signals of the changing healthcare landscape were there well before Covid-19. There is a call for health for everyone, everywhere, and this means caring for people for life, right where they are, helping them manage diseases, helping them to flourish in their communities and live life to the fullest extent possible. There is a growing need for support for mental health and to consider planetary health and our environment. The horizons in health are broader still as we deepen our understanding of health as human flourishing and how societies thrive best when we are connected to each other.'

The Duchess was in 'Nursing Now' blue for the interview. Heaven identified Kate's cobalt blue blazer as a tailored, double-breasted ZARA piece. It features a lapel collar, pronounced shoulders and front flap pocket. It's available in limited sizing for £50.

And accessorised with her Orelia London Chain Huggie Hoop earrings. They are available for pre-order for £15.


It was announced today the Cambridges have launched their own YouTube channel. In a lighthearted teaser video, there's a couple of fun moments shared with glimpses from a variety of royal engagements. Click here to visit the channel.


Also today, several updates on Boden styles worn by the Duchess. Kate's Frosted Blue Abercorn cardigan is available in sizes 2-22. It comes in several colours.

The Hambleden Scallop Sweater Kate wore in pink is available in black and green.

The piece is described: "To give this jumper an extra-feminine touch, we've added delicate scallop detailing at the neckline and cuffs. For comfort, it's knitted from a soft, blended yarn that has luxurious merino wool and cosy cotton in the mix. As the sophisticated semi-fitted shape is super-versatile."

To read Kate's Nursing Times interview in full please click here.


  1. Allison in US5 May 2021 at 15:47

    Very worthwhile cause! It occurs to me that zoom meetings will enable Kate to have more "visits" than before the pandemic. It should help the RF with the number of patronages that are/will become available due to PP's death, Andrew's withdrawal, and the Queen's age. On another note, her hair looks perfect and so long!!

  2. I wish everybody could see the video of Kate when she saw the midwife that helped her during Charlotte’s birth and went out of her way during an engagement to hug her. So sweet. That shows how much she values midwives work.

  3. Very important and worthy profession. Glad she put focus on childbirth. Love her hairstyle, great look.

  4. What does Kate say tp Will at the end of the video? It sounds like do you have to roll your R's? Lol, I am trying to make sense of it :)

    1. Yes, it seems he was trying to sound Irish...

    2. caroline in montana6 May 2021 at 21:36

      I believe he was speaking not his native language for st. pats and doing a greeting, not just "trying to sound irish", and she was saying he didn't have to roll his r's. thought it was such a wonderful video, they are so natural and not forced and you can tell they really are a team.

  5. Love the teaser!

  6. Zora from Prague6 May 2021 at 07:17

    I've read the interview in full - what an amazing lady! I'm in awe of her work. It's really so important that the work of midwives is appreciated and supported. Kate has been a great patron. Like with her other patronages, one can see how deeply she cares and is personally interested.
    I love the shade of her blue blazer and her hair looks lovely.
    Thank you, Charlotte!

  7. Louise from NZ6 May 2021 at 07:34

    A great interview! The duchess looks great in the blue.
    Looking forward to what content their you tube channel has! Hope its candid things like their video posted today.

  8. Another great area to highlight and support. She looks lovely. Very cute intro to their You Tube channel.

  9. So thrilled that they have a YouTube channel. They're so sweet and funny and caring. A wonderful, happy couple to watch.

    1. caroline in montana6 May 2021 at 21:37

      agree Lori, that to me is the best part, that they are so happy together. love it, very inspiring.

  10. Kate looks beautiful in the blue with her hair pulled back. Great interview and so glad she is patron of this organization. Liking these little peeks into her home, and can't help but notice that she changed the flowers in the container on the table in the back. She had paperwhites in them in February, I can't tell what type of flowers these are but I love them!! If anybody can ID them, please do. Love that Kate seems to like plants and flowers in the house.

  11. The flowers are faux clover from OKA:, and the planter is OKA too:

    1. caroline in montana6 May 2021 at 21:38

      I just checked and this is so sold out!! kate effect:)

    2. Hey, thanks for sharing that information muddycar!! The clover is already sold out :(, but the planter is available. Did not know about OKA, wow, nice!! Love Kate's style, both in fashion and her home.

  12. Thank you so much muddycar!!!! :)

  13. Well the duchess cambridge is really expectional in her work as a patron and she a great intervieer and great listener too I'm so thrilled that have a youtube channel. Now looking forward on there next content

  14. Surely tulips, not clover?

  15. her hair is lovely and love the blue jacket


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