Saturday 16 April 2016

Kate in McQueen and Necklace from Queen Jetsun for Bhutan Farewell

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge began the final day of their royal tour by saying farewell to the people of Bhutan.

The two day visit to the Himalayan kingdom was a very special one for the couple. They had the opportunity to immerse themselves in local culture, participate in the Bhutanese national sport of archery; meet the King and Queen, and enjoy a private dinner with them; and undertake an unforgettable hike to Tiger's Nest where they soaked up the scenic beauty and surroundings along the way.

William and Kate greeted officials before leaving.

The couple received gifts from local children.

The couple then boarded a flight to Agra, India where they will visit the Taj Mahal.

Kensington Palace said the Duke and Duchess were given stamps with their photos on them before departing. One photo features one of William and Kate's engagement portraits, and the other is the couple's christmas card photo with George and Charlotte.

It was a very special day in Bhutan with a naming ceremony of the King and Queen's son taking place. HRH was named Jigme Namgyal Wangchuck. William and Kate met the baby boy during their time with the couple.

A glimpse of Everest during the flight.

There was no arrival ceremony in Agra, with the royals and their luggage departing before the press.

Kate repeated the white broderie anglaise full-skirted McQueen suit she wore in Singapore in 2012.

The bespoke, v-neck piece was one of the favourites during the Southeast Asia tour. It was a great choice to bring it back for this tour. Below we see Kate wearing it in 2012 with her Stuart Weitzman Corkswoon Wedges.

Kate wore a beautiful gold and diamond necklace given to her by Queen Jetsun. Simply Bhutan shared more about the symbolism of the piece "This is 1 of the 8 auspicious symbols in Buddhism &symbolises union of wisdom and great compassion."

Kate carried her L.K. Bennett Natalie clutch.

L.K. Bennett

Kate wore her L.K. Bennett Fern pumps.

L.K. Bennett

Kate completed the look with her Kiki McDonough Lauren earrings.

Kiki McDonough

William and Kate will visit the Taj Mahal next.


  1. Rebecca - Sweden16 April 2016 at 07:12

    Yay! I'm so glad to see this dress/suit again :D It's so pretty!! Also, what a nice gift that necklace is!! Very pretty and tasteful!! :D

    1. I was glad to see this outfit too, Rebecca. And I think the meaning behind the necklace is perfect for Kate. :)

    2. Tedi in California16 April 2016 at 16:38

      You both said it perfectly. She looked lovely. Now we await the grand finale.

  2. Interesting that her arrival repeat was worn with an added belt while her departure repeat was worn without one this timel

    1. Rebecca - Sweden16 April 2016 at 08:13

      Haha, nice catch! I didn't notice. I think both cases were an upgrade though :)

    2. She wants us to guess "where's the difference"😁

    3. I thought it didn't look quite as good this time but couldn't work out why. The belt is it, I think.

  3. oh! kate looks beatitful i love this dress and she she has a nice tan which gives her a healthy glow. what a pretty neckless and a wonderfull and kind gift. it seems sad to have this their last day on tour,i will be having kate withdrawls. thank you so much charlotte

  4. Wow, fast post:); Really nice look,she wore different shoes and clutch beforae and after flight. I can't belive it's almost over...

  5. I just wish she had worn a brightly coloured shoe

  6. Not sure why, but I don't care for the white outfit. The skirt looks too lightweight. I can't wait to see the photos from Taj Mahal!

  7. I can't believe this is the last day:( Reading references here about petty coverage elsewhere in the press, I'm glad I stick to This Wonderful Blog:) My One Stop Shop! Thank you again Charlotte for the Amazing & Insanely Timely & Thorough Coverage. You have included Such wonderful educational information along with insights & press info from those traveling on The Tour & of course you have The Best Photos & info about Catherine's Fashions! Bravo Bravo Bravo! Well Done! I do hope they safely enjoy their visit to The Taj Mahal. I agree with the reference (in the last Post responses) that Catherine & William's relationship reminds me of that of The Queen Mum & King George VI. I really do feel that The Queen relates to Catherine & William in a special way & sees a bit of Herself & Prince Philip, along with Her Parents in William & Catherine's Relationship. It is one deeply rooted in Friendship & Love & there is a devotion to Family that will hold them in good stead for years to come as they pace & prepare themselves for The Roles they will continue to inherit throughout the rest of their lives. "Slow & Steady Wins The Race" as they say. The trajectory of the Royal Roles that they will fill require the mindset of a marathon, not a sprint. If there is one thing I've picked up on, it's that they take this truth very seriously & know the invaluable benefits & importance of building their Family, Royal Roles & Their Life Together on a Very Solid Foundation. I believe, by all accounts & actions, that The Queen is quite fond of & has great faith in William & Catherine. The knowledge of their solid marriage, reverance to their family & home life, as well as knowing how well they have done at anything they have undertaken, in their Royal Capacity on The Queen's behalf, must give her great comfort that when the time comes, She will leave the Throne in Good Hands for at least the next 3 Generations.

  8. I love Kate's hair like this! I think it looks better than her usual curls

  9. A fresh look for the end of a tour! I had hoped to see a repeat of the LK Bennett blue poppy dress from Australia (given its symbolism), but not meant to be!

    Such a successful tour all around. I already can't wait for the next one. Let's hope for a steady calendar of events in the coming months to ease my withdrawals!

    1. Just wanted to say, because it's back pretty far now and I'm lazy, that your response to comments was very kind.

    2. I agree. I was also hoping to see the LK Bennett poppy dress because of the blue poppy being the national flower in Bhutan.

  10. I have to say I'm glad Kate changed out of this outfit into the beautiful dress for the Taj. This suit didn't grab me the first time and I think it misses the belt in this appearance.

    1. Same here! My heart sunk when it seemed possible that she would stick to the white McQueen suit for the Taj but I absolutely adored the new dress! 😍

  11. Not a fan of this dress. It looks wilted in the heat, and frankly, kind of cheap. Liked it better with the belt. However I love the necklace! What a special gift. Hopefully we will see Kate wear it on a regular basis.

  12. So classy of the King and Queen to time their baby's naming with Kate's visit. The dress is perfect - I like these shoes better with this dress. And the necklace is beautiful.

    1. They didn't. They names him two months to the day after his birth. The duke and duchess times their visit to coincide with the baby's official name day, if you want to think of it like that.

    2. I am happy Kate got a gift, but I do not like the necklace.

    3. It was timed according to astrology not to the visit. Tjey only happen to cooncidence.

    4. For those interested in first hand information on today's naming ceremony: > Lead Story: Special Zhabdrung Kuchoe this year

  13. Glad they eliminated being around a crowd at the airport in Agra.

  14. Too plain the whole outfit! I would prefer another color of shoes and bag to lighten up the whole outfit!

    1. She's been wearing so much more color than usual that I can appreciate a nice crisp white outfit. It looks beautiful.

  15. Lovely necklace and how sensitive a choice in terms of symbolism. I am glad that Kate wore it right away. She does look tired this morning but that's not a criticism at all. Now on to Agra!!

  16. does the king own the Bhutan airline?
    why haven't they made their approach way and landing strip safer and longer?
    Are their any major highways going into Bhutan?

    Are their any other churches allowed in Bhutan besides buddist?

    They got to meet the baby. I wonder if Kate got to hold the baby?

    Does Bhutan have an army and military equipment?

    Thanks for any help on these.

    1. Answers to all those questions are yours with google and Wikipedia -- other than whether Kate held the baby. regarding the airline.

    2. Thoughtful questions 14:51. Let us know when you find the answers. Please share. Would be particularly interested to find out if any other churches are allowed there. I will be very, very surprised if the answer is yes.

    3. 1. Tashi group owns Bhutan Airlines. Tashi is
      owned by Dashi Topgyol Dorji, the richest
      man in Bhutan. He has long hair and is
      a daring white water rafting enthusiast.
      He employees 3000 people worldwide
      in ventures ranging from banking to

      2. In 1990 the runway at Paro Airport was
      lengthened from 1,402 ft. to 1,964 ft.
      and reinforced to accommodate heavier

      3. Bhutan designed special aircraft to
      allow flight into Paro Airport by designing
      higher service ceiling, higher rate of climb,
      and higher maneuverability.

      4. The roads are minimal and very primitive
      with no guard rails. Thusly the average
      vehicles travel at an average of 9.3mph.
      They have recently created a two lane
      road from Paro Airport to Thimpu.
      There are no railroads there yet, although
      some Japanese companies are researching

      4. There are some Christian
      churches there. But they are forbidden
      by the 2008 constitution to share their
      faith. There are some Catholic Churches
      there under an Indian diocese.

      5. I would guess that Catherine did hold
      Jetsun's baby.

      Hope this helps.

    4. Rebecca English and Thomas Burrows shared more information on how William lived the landing in Bhutan: >>> William described being in the cockpit of the plane landing in Bhutan as 'terrifying' while speaking to helicopter pilot Nic Suddards, 56, from Yorkshire.
      Mr Suddards moved to Bhutan in December to fly their national helicopter, making emergency rescues and transporting diplomats. He said afterwards: 'He said it (being in the cockpit) was terrifying. There is a house on the approach which is known as Mr Smith's house and you miss it by metres.
      'The pilot was showing him Mr Smith's house and he said 'don't look at that, concentrate on the runway!'''
      Mr Suddards had brought his helicopter to the airport when the royal plane landed but he didn't get the chance to show the royals around as they travelled by car to their hotel instead. He said: 'I told him that he missed an opportunity because the dual controls were in the aircraft specially for him in the airport and he could have flown it back to Thimphu.'
      When asked how William felt about that, he replied: 'Devastated. He said he would have loved to have flown it. I asked him to come and do some volunteer work here because we do a lot of medical evacuations. He said he would love to so we'll send him an official invitation.'

      In case you didn't see the link: "The Archers of Bhutan" (documentary) gives interesting insight into how religion is part of everyday life in Bhutan. or

    5. That's what I had come to expect from royal correspondents-the source clearly
      named.Was that so hard?

  17. Her hair looked just awful at this event I think. I am so sorry she didn't wear it up more often on this trip.

  18. Still love this separate set. I don't miss the belt.

  19. I liked this outfit. It sure is better than anything I've ever worn to simply get on a plane.

  20. The Bhutanese King and Queen appear to have been most thoughtful hosts. A very smart choice by HRH to wear the necklace immediately. Thank you so much Charlotte.

  21. Yea! Glad that she repeated this McQueen. This was my favorite from the previous tour. I do like the belt she wore originally. Her in the white and William's suit and white shirt are stunning together.

    I have been thinking about the amazing gifts they've been given during the tour and wondering what gifts they've bought for their hosts. The necklace is lovely.

  22. Tammt from California16 April 2016 at 18:15

    I absolutely LOVED Kate's hair today! It may have gotten a little less curled from the rain but I LOVE IT! She should do THIS look more often with it. It is adult, without being matronly, chic without being edgy and besides that: it just looks great on her!!

    LOVED the necklace. I would love that necklace!!!

  23. William and Catherine are top news on Bhutan This Week (April 8-14) by BBS (Bhutan Broadcasting Service)

  24. Charlotte, You are amazing. Thank you for all your hard work blogging during this tour. When you have an opportunity, could you update the post with the ID of the earrings? Thanks!

    1. Thank you! Btw, I loved the royal tour blog header as well!

  25. Interesting perspective on #RoyalVisitBhutan

  26. Sarah from Calif.16 April 2016 at 22:10

    Wisdom and compassion, how perfect for Kate !

  27. Tick offs after day 1-6 and departure from Bhutan on day 7:

    1 Catherine Walker / xx McQueen / x Beulah / 1 Saloni or Erdem
    xxx?x x?x?x ?xxx nod to India / xx?xx to Bhutan / (x) to Diana / x to the Queen
    xxxxx xxx fashionable / xxx classic / xx simple / xxxx (chic) casual
    xxxx about knee-length / xx long / xxxxx x midi/maxi / xxx floor-length / ++
    xxxxx xxx?xx xxx new / ?x(x)xx repeat / (xxxxx) bespoke / (xxxxx xxxxx xx) off the peg+
    xxxxx xxxxx xx love/like it / xxxxx interesting / 1 growing on me / 1 divisive
    ?xxxx xxxxx dress / ?xx (suit) / xxx gown / xx pair of trousers
    xxxxx x high heels / xx flats / xxxx sandals / x boots / +++ / ?
    xxx up do / xxxx half-up / xxxxx xxxxx x down / 1 ponytail
    xxxxx xxxxx x jewelry repeat / 1 borrowed / xxxxx x whow/new / (x) simple / ?


    x very good blend with colours of floor, surroundings, offered shawls, hubby - 1,4,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,17
    x literally local designer – 2,13
    x beautiful blend of feminine and (ethnic) chic casual - 2,(6),8,9,10
    x beautiful wedges - 2,8,10
    x very affordable earrings - 2,6,10
    x parallels between pre-tour reception and dress - 2,7,10,13?
    x Jenny Packham - 3 / Emilia Wickstead - 4,12 / Temperley - 5,7
    x excellent craftsmanship/standard/ethics - 3,7,13?,15,16
    x (multiple) symbolism/allusions - 2,4,6,7?,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,17
    x new designer/label - 6,8,9,13

    xx no watch - 1,2,(3),4,5,(6),7,8,9,10,11,?,13,14,15,(16),17
    (slowly but steadily increasing quality of the up dos - 3,7,10)
    x very honorable mention - The Duke of C - 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17



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