Friday 15 April 2016

The Duchess in Poppy Print Beulah London for Reception

The penultimate day of the royal tour has been quite a hectic one. Following a lengthy hike to Tiger's Nest, the couple attended a glamorous reception this evening at the Taj Tashi hotel.

The Duke and Duchess were guests of honour at the reception for British Nationals in Bhutan and Bhutanese people with strong links to the UK.

The Duchess was presented a silk scarf by Ugyen Michael Wangchukat at the reception. William and Kate met guests.

Whilst chatting to helicopter pilot Nic Suddards from Yorkshire, William described being in the cockpit of the plane landing in Bhutan. "He said being in the cockpit was terrifying. There is a house on the approach which is known as Mr Smith's house and you miss it by metres. The pilot was showing him Mr Smith's house and he said 'don't look at that, concentrate on the runway." Kate was particularly interested in learning more about raising a family in Bhutan. Kate spoke to a man from Northern Ireland who had moved to the Himalayan kingdom with his family due to his job. Pio Smith said: "She was really interested in learning about family life." More from the Mail Online:

'William and Kate also spoke to Britons Carolyn Ishering, 75, from North Wales and Louise Dorji, 81, from York, who have both been living in Bhutan since 1966. Ms Ishering said: 'It was a great honour to meet them, very exciting. She is everything that I thought she elegant, warm and friendly. 'I told him (William) that I had a connection because my sister had actually been second chef to Princess Margaret in Kensington Palace for a number of years and I was retelling a story about how the lifts got stuck in the palace when I went up to her flat.'He said "yes, it does get stuck."'

The Palace said William and Kate's visit to Bhutan was an "opportune time to build on friendly relations between the UK and Bhutan". This evening's reception was very much about celebrating links between the two countries.

Kate chose a beautiful gown for the evening - the crimson poppy print Beulah London Juliet. The £745 silk chiffon gown has sheer sleeves and is lined through the bodice and skirt. The V neck pleated gown features a split. It's a striking dress and 'very Kate'. Readers may recall we looked at the piece as an option for the Duchess back in February last year.

Beulah London

The Juliet is inspired by the X-ray photography of Don Dudenbostel.

Beulah London

The dress bears similarities to Kate's Beulah Sarai dress, worn to the 100 Women in Hedge Funds gala in 2011.

The Himalayan blue poppy is the national flower of Bhutan, so I almost expected to see a poppy incorporated in an item of clothing or an accessory at some point during the visit.

A dress by the British brand was a natural choice for the tour for several reasons: Beulah is a favoured brand of Kate's and their philanthropic initiatives tie in very well with the tour. Through the Beulah Trust, they have created employment for women trapped in the sex trade in Kolkata, India by providing them with a steady income, a bank account, and a chance to build a new life free from abuse.

Beulah London
There's also a rather fun element to Kate wearing this dress for one reader. When we asked you all to Choose Your Dream Look for Kate last year Julie NC chose the gown with Jimmy Choo Cosmic Pumps and Kiki earrings. Well done Julie. :)

It looks like Kate's wearing her new Gianvito Rossi Crisscross Ankle-Wrap Sandals.

Gianvito Rossi

Kate wore her Cassandra Goad Temple of Heaven earrings.

Cassandra Goad

A great shot of Kate's hair. The style very much reminds me of the look she had during the engagement announcement.

Today's events:

  • William and Kate hiked to Tiger's Nest. Click here for oodles of photos and see their brief interview with the media.
Tomorrow's events:
  • At Paro Airport, the Duke and Duchess will say farewell and thanks to the people of Bhutan.
  •  They will then board a flight to Agra, India, the home of the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal visit is the final engagement of the tour.

Did you all enjoy today?


  1. Again you amaze me Charlotte!! I was checking to see if there were any more comments and you have a new post!! Its awesome that she wore a dress that Julie styled for her!! I like Julie's choice for shoe's better, but oh well :)

    1. Rebecca - Sweden15 April 2016 at 15:34

      Yeah, great choice Julie! I actually like the strappy sandals better :) The dress is so airy, so the other shoes might be a bit clunky with it. (Still great choices Julie!!)

    2. Thanks Emily J.

    3. Julie from NC,
      Is that one winner for you and one for the blog? As time goes on, that blog may keep getting revisited for what designs and accessories made it. Oh, another winning for Julia-Leo who came up with the idea of “the dream look blog” during the boring times.

      In its own time and place, your choice made it. Now you can brag all you want. Congratulations! I am considering opening an accessories boutique shop, ya, my dream idea. That orange shawl convinced me even more of the significance of accessories.

    4. Although the DoC looks absolutely fabulous, I like Julie's styling better too.

    5. I prefer the sandals, but prefer the fire opal earrings.

    6. Well done Julie NC!

  2. Rebecca - Sweden15 April 2016 at 14:54

    Very pretty! It is very Beulah (I mean... seems like they only have one silouette). Kate looks GREAT in red! Nice with the poppy as well, even if it's not blue. And extra nice that she wore Beulah because of the charity connection!

    1. Thanks for your comments Rebecca in response to Emily J

  3. She looks stunning. Glamorous and classic, with a lovely reference to the host country. I can't believe tomorrow is the final day already!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden15 April 2016 at 15:34

      I agree. I dont want it to end!!! (Although, my sleep might need it to end!!)

  4. This look is absolutely jaw dropping. Kate is stunning and this dress is divine. It seems as though her hair has grown out a little longer or is styled straighter with less choppy layers, which I much prefer to her shorter style of late.

    1. I agree! This is how I wish her hair would look all the time.

  5. A perfect 'Kate' dress. And her hair is amazing. Love this look!

  6. Bravissima Julie NC! Ben fatto! what a great choice you did last year! Well, Charlotte, I think that Duchesa's idea about our suggestions for Kate's shoes (instead of wedges) must go on!

    1. Thanks Paola!

    2. Ben fatto? :) Translation please. I love learning new words.

    3. A jolly good job, Julie. You kinda hope secretly that the DUchess and her crew at least (secretly) monitor this blog.... ?!?

    4. Anon 18:06, Ben fatto is Italian for "well done".

    5. Thanks Paola.

  7. I LOVE this dress and I'm glad she wore it. She looks good in Beulah. The Sarai dress has always been one of my favorites! She's going to be feeling the hike/heels combo tomorrow!

  8. My most favorite look so far! I love her hair. Very glam and chic! It should always be styled this way. I like this part of the tour best- the romantic and relaxed vibe of the trek, and then the awesome dinner tonight. Very zen. :)

  9. Another lovely dress! And glowing in every way. This has been a very, very interesting tour. No more so than all the controversy over Kate's "drabness," lack of toe polish, etc., etc., in the media (and a bit on here.) But what is most interesting is that so many people (even the DM readers) have come to her defense saying that it is insulting that it should all be about a woman's clothes or feet. Yes, Kate may be an old-fashioned spouse but she radiates love and warmth. In a way, she is reminiscent of the Queen Mum in a good way--the supportive spouse but actually participating side by side instead of walking three paces behind. Sharing in causes instead of splitting up. No walkabouts but given the current terrorist climate, that is hardly surprising. And showing that there are causes (poverty, children, mental health) that BOTH men and women should be interested and involved in. I am worried for them tomorrow at the Taj Mahal because they will truly be out in the open and it will be so fraught with symbolism. I honestly wish they weren't doing it but there must have been pressure from several sides as well as William (perhaps) wanting to demonstrate his love for Kate. Although he has done that all through this trip and how wonderful it has been to see it!!

    1. Tedi in California15 April 2016 at 15:37

      I agree. I just want them to get in and out of the Taj photo op. They are very vulnerable there, although I am sure security will be at a very high level.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden15 April 2016 at 16:11

      Appearantly the whole area and road has been closed for a few days and everyone staying nearby checked etc. I think the security is really tight at this moment.

    3. The same media outlets that call her the 'duchess of drab' on this tour would also criticize her for wasting taxpayer funds if she draped herself in layers of the Queen's jewels and wore ridiculously expensive designer outfits at every event. :(

    4. They will be safe Tedi.

    5. Curious how you know this Rebecca?- and even more curious how in blazes they'd actually do that, having been there myself many times and knowing it rather well.... ( although I suppose they can well control the "main road" in, but it's hard to say how they could monitor every way in!? it's such a hodge-podge there).... I was a bit more upset to read that there is scaffolding up on the minarets that are along the edges of the site that obviously cannot and will not be moved. Perfect photo op? It may have to be with a bit of photo- shop- but let's hope not!

    6. Don't worry about the safety of royals or officials, the are guarded every minute of the day. Normal people are the one at risk now, we take public transport, we don't have bodyguards to protect us or secret service or sweeps days before we visite a please. No offence but that is the truth

    7. I wish we'd hear more substance from Kate.
      By all accounts, she's an intelligent young woman but all we have heard are nondescript, vague utterances in reply to whatever William says. I don't expect her to start spouting major policy but she still sounds very stilted and very scripted, five years into the whole royal gig.
      If it's to be about the causes she and William are espousing and if we're to regard her for something other than being an elegant clotheshanger, then she needs to skip trying to sound posh and speak like she normally does and say something of substance.
      I understand that William is more his father's son and less his mother's but it's disturbing that he and the Palace (and, one presumes, his father) are trying to obliterate the memory of Diana so thoroughly. The irony is, the harder they try to erase Diana, the more comparisons will be made to how hard Diana worked and how much she cared, vs. William and Kate's workload.

    8. W&K are high profile targets and all the protection in the world doesn't change that. No offense, but that is the truth.

    9. Elizabeth ?????? William trying to erase his mother's memory, how? please explain as I had thought otherwise.

  10. Charlotte , Thank you for the excellent coverage of the tour !

  11. Wow, an evening gown I really ôlike, for the first time since the beautiful one in Mumbai! This is lovely, though I think Kate looks slightly pale in it. Congratulations, Julie!

    1. Thanks Anon!

    2. Julie, what are the odds? Think about it.

      Congratulations. We need to do that again sometime. That was so much fun. A great Idea from our beloved lady from Leominster, aka former hippie girl.

    3. Tedi in California15 April 2016 at 22:00

      Kate appears pale in a few pictures because of the harshness of the flash. They both have acquired a tan and glow, which is evident in many of the pictures.

    4. I looked at the first few pictures early in the morning on my iPad. When I got around to looking again at the desk computer, I could see that 'tan and glow' in most of the pictures posted later. Orange is a strong color, and Kate is fair, but she does have a healthy look, especially in the closeups. 16:09

  12. My most favorite look so far! I love her hair. Very glam and chic! It should always be styled this way. I like this part of the tour best- the romantic and relaxed vibe of the trek, and then the awesome dinner tonight. Very zen. :)

  13. Charlotte , THANK YOU so much for your these wonderful updates ! I like the creative banner for the page as well. You do an excellent job.

    1. I like the banner too, Charlotte: thank you so much for all your hard work.

    2. I agree Charlotte. Thank you for the fantastic efforts you have put in this week and I am sorry that it is coming to an end.

      You have been amazingly swift, thorough, and brilliant on the posts. I know that I will be going back to review them once the tour is over, it's been such a whirlwind that I know i have missed some updates on previous days.

    3. I add my thanks to theirs, Charlotte. You have done a terrific job!

  14. This dress is my second least favourite. For me it screams for an updo and a closed high heeled shoes, probably because of her feet. Although the original model also wore similar shoes, still doesn't mean it is nice. I think her old dress would have been also fine.

    Tomorrow, I expect a colourful Roksanda dress.

    P.S. Charlotte, you are amazing!!! I think you have never covered any tour with such awesomeness and energy and I could go on and on!! Even replying to comments on Twitter!! Thank you very very much!!!

  15. Kate seems to have a Kiki earring for every outfit on this tour - do you this she owns the entire collection or do you think she borrows for occasions? She looks great, and I have never seen anyone look so good while hiking for 3 hours - she must work out every day...and not just chasing kids!!!

    1. I think she has a wardrobe of them and the push present ones she wore recently see bespoke.

    2. She must be incredibly fit. I would love to know what she does on a daily basis.

  16. Hi Charlotte! I am thrilled beyond words that Kate has chosen this dress to wear at this reception. I can't tell you how excited I was to see the first picture, immediately recognize the dress, and then to be mentioned in the blog is beyond thrilling!

    I knew she would be stunning in this dress and she didn't disappoint. I hope we get to see what earrings she decided on. You can barely seem them in the first picture with the stairs behind her. This is definitely my favorite look of the tour, LOL!

    1. amazing job for picking that Julie :)) you must be well chuffed.

    2. Thanks Mr. D. I do feel chuffed. You taught me a new word ;-)

    3. yes! good on you! I'd be quite chuffed myself!! bravo!

    4. Kate, Texas, USA15 April 2016 at 19:50

      Way to go Julie on choosing a lovely dress! You are right about Kate looking stunning. She looks amazing and you have amazing fashion skills putting the ensemble together. Great job! :)

    5. Julie, you nailed it. Congrats! And if you have any other suggestions to share, PLEASE do... :)

    6. Thank you all. It was a thrilling experience and glad we all shared in the experience

  17. A huge thank you, Charlotte,for having kept all your faithful readers posted so accurately during the tour! Looking forward to the next post!

  18. This opinion will be unpopular, but that's ok. She looks amazing (seriously, she would look good in oversized sweats and a ratty sweater) but the long, printed dress look was overdone on this tour. It's almost too much of a departure from what she usually wears. I completely understand that she subtly honors her hosts with what she wears and she really does look incredible, but it almost seems like she's playing dress up... it's not really HER. Just my opinion, as I don't really know her, obviously.

    OK. Ready for everyone to jump down my throat now.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden15 April 2016 at 16:14

      I can understand that thought on the other dresses. But to me, this dress is quintisential Kate look to me. Her pre marriage and early marriage looks. As Charlotte showed, she has an almost identical dress and this look is very, very much standard Kate for me :) In a good way!

    2. I agree with you entirely. I haven't liked anything she's worn on this trip except for the casual, cotton midi dresses of Indian print. Her other choices are really baffling me, they just weren' my personal liking. I always love seeing Catherine and what's she's wearing, but this trip has been a huge disappointment. She always looks lovely no matter the occasion or what she's wearing though. And thank you for the superb coverage and photos of this trip. It's been amazing in spite of my disapproval of her wardrobe!

    3. Dina, I absolutely and totally agree with you. I am so disappointed with her choices. AA

    4. inclined to agree with Dina, about the "general departure" to the long printed "boho" maxi dress look on this tour, that it really isn't something we are likely to see duplicated with any frequency on her return back. But , on a subtle level - it really IS honouring the host region - and for that she gets some reasonable marks for trying at least. I've worked in that part of the world for over a year at a time and I have to tell you- after a short bit, you start wanting to wear all the fun things that everyone else is wearing, because it is all just so colourful and fun! I'd say she's at least one step up on that , that she's managed to fit in and "honour" her hosts at the same time.
      Think back to some of the choices other "diplomats" have worn there over the years- Jackie O and her sister ( who wore western dress- but with colours that were appropriate nods) ,Queen Elizabeth, Diana etc- all wore fairly classic Western clothes. Her white ( pocket flap catastrophe ) dress was about as close as she got to that older take on what some of these "predecessors" wore. ...Upon examination, she really has " made it her own" and taken that to the next level - decided we really are in a global world and had a bit of " fun" with it all. For that- I have to commend her- even though, I do fear it will all be a bit dull when she gets back home....

    5. Actually, I had a different take. I think we are seeing the real her here and the costumed Kate in England if that makes any sense. A lot of the clothing on this tour reminded me of her pre marriage pieces. She has seemed inspired in a way that she just hasn't been in a long long time.

    6. Well, I beg to differ. Everything was very much a reflection of Kate ... Kate's wardrobe selections combined with her desire to be respectful of her hosts on a royal tour ( trip). This tour, like others, isn't about HER, and Kate understands that.

      If a female CEO goes on a business trip and packs a week's worth of suits, she does so with the same consideration to being dressed appropriately and respectfully.

    7. I agree with Rebecca, this dress is so very Kate. Isn't it funny how we can all look at the same dress and think something entirely different. That is OK. I must say that I LOVE William in tux, he looks so handsome. AND he matches Catherine.. I do agree with the people who thinks he needs to coordinate his suits to what Catherine wears. The blue suit has to go haha... There are a lot of fabulous men's suits out there at the moment.. Let's all take him shopping, that would be fun!! What would we dress him in ladies? Hugo Boss? Maybe dear Charlotte could do a segment on men's wear for William? Gosh, I would love that!
      Royal Watcher

    8. Dina, I agree. I didn't mind the options on this trip, the royal blue gown was a stunner (if she'd worn the scarf correctly it would have been absolutely amazing) and I like this poppy dress but this trip, unusually, seemed very "costumed" in a way that none of their other foreign tours have.
      I fully understand that there were a lot of cultural considerations, as well as some intense heat and humidity and the nature of each engagement itself to contend with here but some of these outfits seemed contrived and that's not usually like Kate.
      Although there were some high notes, overall, they all kind of ran together after a while.

    9. Regarding Jackie, Diana and Kate ... three different women, although Kate is the most fortunate of the three. I want Kate to leave her own footprint on tomorrow's visit to the Taj Mahal.

    10. Kate didn't look like Kate fashion wise. Except in this dress. She was wearing someone else's fashion choices I think and has been for awhile.

    11. I rather agree with you Erika, I think it is quite possible these looks may reflect her taste. My reason being her wardrobe exudes 'enthusiasm'. I haven't a clue obviously, but throughout this Tour she has appeared more sartorially comfortable as well as more comfortable in her official capacities. Of course, the entire attitude may be due to where she is (I believe I've heard HRH has looked forward to this trip for some time) or it may be she is simply more comfortable in her role as she gains experience - or all of the above. This trip seems to me to be a smashing success on all fronts - sartorial, diplomatic, media. I rather think this trip has developed an opening to repair some of the recent damage done. Now I do hope TRH carry on at home as they have begun here.

  19. Sarah from Calif.15 April 2016 at 15:28

    Lovely :)

  20. Absolutely love this dress! Well done, Julie NC! I participated in "Create your dream look for Kate" and perused all of the postings, but do not remember being impressed by this at the time, but I absolutely love it now seeing it on her. I think in the photo where the dress is not worn by a model, it comes across somewhat matronly. But it's absolutely gorgeous. Love the color and Kate looks so good tonight despite what must have been a tiring day. Sorry to see the tour come to an end tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Pam from Boston. It has truly made my day. My husband is even excited for me. :-)

    2. And to think I was excited when my dream look for Kate was a print pant and then she wore one! (but not the same one). And then I was excited to see her wearing the Zara pants the other day that I had bought for my daughter. I would be beyond ecstatic if she'd actually worn the exact item of my dream look. I hope Charlotte does another "Dream Look" posting the next time Kate is having some down time. Do you think Kate looks at this blog from time to time? Obviously I realize she's quite busy but who wouldn't be curious to take a look once in awhile, especially at a blog that is so supportive and positive. Once in awhile someone may not care for an outfit or a hairstyle, but we are all here because we love Kate & William.

    3. It would be wonderful if Kate or someone from her staff look at this blog. On can only hope.

      I do hope Charlotte does another dream look contest! It was such fun.

  21. Anonymous in Colorado15 April 2016 at 15:32

    YESSSS!!! Great foresight Julie NC!
    Loving this dress on the Duchess. The neckline favors her!! Not so "buttoned up" looking. Gosh I feel that on this tour, we've seen a Kate Middleton version 2.0.....beautifully matured yet the old spark is still there! GORGEOUS.

    1. Thanks Anon from Colorado! I agree, her spark has returned on this tour and she seems like she is truly having fun.

  22. Tedi in California15 April 2016 at 15:34

    Once again she looks gorgeous. Love the dress, the hair and her glowing beautiful face. She is just perfect. This tour has been amazing, and Charlotte you are amazing as well.

  23. hmm again she pretty thanks for the updates after these tour you go to holiday with hubby

  24. That neckline is screaming for the Nizam necklace. Otherwise, lovely as always.

    1. Now that's a sharp eye, Kathryn!

  25. Wow!!! Wonderful! She's is STUNNING tonight! And, great job Julie NC! So happy for them that it's almost over, so sad for us because this has been such a feast for the eyes this week.

    William, love you so much and I am the least picky person on earth when it comes to clothing (I like everything) but PLEASE dress in grey or black sometimes! :)

    Charlotte, can't say enough good things about your blog. :)

  26. As part of a "team" when they attend these events it's too bad William does not try and co-ordinate his suits to what she is wearing. A grey or black suit would have looked so much better than the blue. I wish he would lose that horrible blue suit! How about a nice light grey or charcoal colored suit with a tie that blends with what she is wearing?

    1. That is photo op 101. How could they ignore that.
      It is very distracting. After any effort Kate makes to look nice, William's suit should be suited to her outfit.

  27. I love the print but I hate the billowy wrists/sleeves on this dress and her previous Beulah dress.

    1. I love the sleeves, but I very much prefer this gown to the first one, which looked a bit like a nightgown.

  28. i love her dress,her hair looks great it looks like she has a nice blow dry. i'm so sorry they only have one day left but i'sure they can't wait to get home to prince george and princess charlotte i know kate misses her chirldren very much. charlotte you have done an amazeing job on this tour can't thank you enough!

  29. Jean from Lancs15 April 2016 at 15:49

    Another beautiful dress. Difficult to decide which I have liked best, but gave up as each outfit has seemed just perfect for the event. Try imagining swapping them round and you will see what i mean.
    It has been a great week---how many of us knew anything about Bhutan until this trip was first mentioned? The scenery is glorious and the customs intriguing.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden15 April 2016 at 16:16

      Haha, I knew OF Bhutan before this (only because I had a teacher from there) but I never knew anything about the place!

    2. What subject did your Bhtuanese teacher teach?

    3. Yes, Jean, I do know what you mean and that's a great way to make the point. :)

      This gown is very pretty and, once again, I must say I really like the sexy sandals.

    4. Jean, your comments have been most enjoyable and interesting all week and one does so hope you are back to stay.

  30. Absolutely stunning! But I would like to see Kate wearing a right-hand ring for once. It would just make her outfit a tiny it more festive. Surely she must own a dinner ring in a precious or semi precious stone.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden15 April 2016 at 16:59

      She used to wear rings before marriage. I wonder if she avoids right hand rings because of all the handshakes!

    2. I was thinking the same thing last night, Barbara. She must have some beautiful rings at her disposal.

  31. Theresa, from Paris15 April 2016 at 16:05

    Absolutely beautiful ! Love this.
    Just wish the Duchess would paint her toe-nails like the Queen of Bhutan, or have a nice pedicure.
    And not a fan of those earrings.
    Thanks, dear Charlotte, for your wonderful posts... A pleasure to read, as usual.

    1. I second your suggestions Theresa. A color on her nails in an outfit like this is essential. I do not like these earrings either. I very much dislike them. She has so many other options.

    2. I'm sure she's has a pedi but pedi don't always have to include coloured nail polish. Bet she has clear polish. I for one like the natural toe look. Very chic.

    3. There are "clear" polishes that can make the nails look clean and fresh. Kate's nails didn't photograph clean or fresh. They probably were clean but they didn't photograph that way.

    4. 7:11 what a mean-spirited remark. Even if it was true, and it IS NOT, it would be so much kinder to not share this thought.

      Charlotte has done an outstanding job and she deserves better than to have her blog used to voice these mean, bait-like comments because a handful of people cannot resist doing so.

    5. Well said Royalfan.

  32. The bouncy big hair is back, and I looooove it! She looks good tonight- her best on this tour. :)

  33. Francis,
    I look forward to see your "bonus" points for The Temple of Heaven earrings, the orange poppy flower inspired dress and Beulah's incorporation of business and empowerment of others. It all looks like a winner to me.

  34. Stunning Dress, the only thing I would have loved on her are more sparkly jewels. I just love a bit of sparkle. Cheers!

  35. I like this dress and the 2011 one. That is a good style on Kate. Very stylish and comfortable.

    She looks so good in red. The thing I like the very most about it it that it is a Beulah dress. I hope she wears more and more from that awesome brand.

    I am surprised that a couple from Britain has been in Bhutan since 1966. It was quite a controlled community at that time and with no outside influence as much as today.

    I think the safe and simple solution is to remove Mrs. Smith's house and relocate the owners to a safer environment. I am astonished that they haven't lengthened the runway and secured the approach way more. You would think that that would be priority number one, particularly since they have opened their doors to the world.

    1. They really do need to improve their landing strip and clear the approach way.

    2. Amen, 05:33. More pilots could fly more flights in. Only 8 can now. If William, who has flown a helicopter (not easy) in windy ocean conditions (not easy) in Wales, says the flight approach into Bhutan is terrifying he knows what he is talking about. (William also trained on fixed wing aircraft, so he knows.) Bhutan needs to do something about their approach and length of landing strip. It isn't "cute" or "entertaining". People are in those aircraft and people are living in the houses so close to the landing aircraft. Due diligence is not being done. That is not a "happy" circumstance.

  36. This is a perfect dress to finish off the day. It is so much like that dress dress she already has but how could you not pick that poppy embellished gown? I wonder if they ever say any blue poppies while they were there. I'd want to see one - they look beautiful. After the hike they must have gone directly to clean up and head out.

    Alright, final photo-opp tomorrow. What will she wear? I am hoping for a sheath dress (tailored) because I think it'll look best in photos. Thoughts?

    1. great question! I hope so too- I've been fortunate to have been to the Taj more times than I can count ( what a luxury that is) and I've got a ton of pix from there. I can safely say, a one colour more sedate dress looks best ...( some of the looks I wore there- I have to laugh- a cowboy hat once even.seriously!)

  37. Julia from Leominster15 April 2016 at 17:04

    Loved the pictures of them on the hike. Kate looked fantastic, loved the vest - and the pictures were just as romantic as anything we might yet see at the Taj. So nice.

    Kate's hair looks good in the evening. No comment on the dress except that I will leave it to those who like it and say in level of formality it's a good choice but orange to me is not Kate's colour.

    I agree with Dina above and will accept the brickbats. While there have been some wonderful dresses on this tour, there has also been a certain monotony with the many print dresses that tend to cancel each other out. I would have been happy if Kate had stayed with the best of them and struck a little more variation. It's like a nice British girl's picture of what she thinks Indian style is like without perusing it in depth - rather like she said to her favourite designers - give me something you think looks Indian-Bhutanese.

    So I will simply applaud those I did love, the Packham, both Temperleys, and the wonderful Bhutanese cape with the skirt, and the long red dress - my favourite of the print lot, and put most of the rest, especially the Top Shop, The Tory Burk, the Anna Sui, and this down to Kate's apparent perception that bold Boho prints are the navy blue of India.

    We'll see what the Taj brings - she has Jackie Kennedy to compare to, who looked fabulous there - in fact fabulous throughout her India visit, and Diana, who wore a repeat that clashed with the Taj, but that may have been the point.

    One thing I will say is that Kate has looked a hundred percent better than Camilla in India, the latter looked like a wilted lady stumbling off a Saga cruise ship, and the blue nightdress things she wore in the India and Sri Lanka would not be out of place on a Saga formal night. Kate may have clung to a theme but at least she looked young and fresh and I'm delighted to see that.

    1. How can any color clash with the white marble Taj Mahal? I have fogotten what Jackie wore, will have to look it up. Your description of Camilla made me laugh, but I would no doubt look wilted in that climate!

    2. A dull neutral would blend in and not ohotograph
      as nicely as a bright color.

  38. I agree Elle--sheath please??!!

  39. The dress is fantastic!I cannot decide which evening dress of the tour I like most.
    Maybe it would be a time for a poll again?

    - Best evening gown of the tour
    - Best haistyle
    - Most pretty earrings
    - Best daytime maxi dress...

    That would be fun and we had the chance to look at all the great photos again and again.

    Also it would shorten the time, until the next engagement. It could take a while before we see her again.

  40. Many of the male guests seem to be quite besotted with the beautiful Duchess. They appear to be as nervous as little boys around her. Cute.

  41. I like the dress but she should have worn her hair up. She's wore it down way too much this tour.

  42. I love it when Kate recycles her clothing. I like to see how versatile she is, especially when traveling. As soon as I heard that Bhutan's national flower is a blue poppy, I immediately thought that Kate would wear the L.K. Bennett blue/white poppy dress. Perhaps when she arrived in the country and stepped off the plane?

  43. Such excellent, informative, & speedy posts this week, Charlotte! Thank you 1000 times for your work, lack of sleep, & entertaining reading! :o)

    I think Catherine has done an outstanding job of acknowledging the host countries whilst showcasing British designers through her sartorial voices. Fingers crossed that she wears her L.K. Bennet poppy print dress tomorrow as she & William leave Bhutan. :o)

  44. aww great julie how you find this dress... very good choice, kate looks stunning.
    Charlotte no words to appreciate your work. very very greatful to you for the amazing posts and coverage of the tour.
    faiza, Pakistan

  45. Kate looks absolutely stunning in this dress, she has made bold fashion choices on this Royal Tour, and its a super success!!Thank you Charlotte for your excellent coverage, you did an amazing job!!!XOXO

  46. That would be nice Elle. Only in a bright color.

  47. Well it turns out their brief interview was done as a compromise after a row between the broadcast journalists and KP over access on the hike.

    I thought it was a spontaneous moment, something W&K wanted to do. Oh well.

    1. That they compromised and did it so well is a wonderful sign. Kudos to them. They have been very generous yesterday, posing and acknowledging the press several times.

  48. Zoe - Washington state15 April 2016 at 18:50

    With all that's going on in the world, it is especially nice to have a spotlight for a couple of days on such a peaceful, beautiful, happy country. Great choices of outfits again today. Really like the vest. Thanks for the excellent coverage of the tour, Charlotte. We've all learned a lot.

    1. I am so glad they are out of Bhutan.

  49. Not a fan of the dress. The print and color is a miss for me. Ali

  50. Alejandra Ramírez15 April 2016 at 19:11

    Great post! Awesome photos and information! Thanks a lot!
    She looked great! :) The dress is perfect for the Tour!

  51. The report of conversations during this event are very detailed, aren't they? I love getting this level of information, like being a fly on the wall.

    Julie, your choice is beautiful. I didn't like it in the picture without it being on a model or mannequin, but on Kate it is perfect. Her choices during this tour have been perfect.

    1. Thanks! It looked fabulous on Kate.

  52. Tick offs after day 1-6:

    1 Catherine Walker / x McQueen / x Beulah / 1 Saloni or Erdem
    xxx?x x?x?x ?xx nod to India / xx?x to Bhutan / (x) to Diana / 1 to the Queen
    xxxxx xxx fashionable / xxx classic / x simple / xxxx (chic) casual
    xxx about knee-length / xx long / xxxxx x midi/maxi / xxx floor-length / ++
    xxxxx xxx?xx xxx new / ?x(x)x repeat / (xxxx) bespoke / (xxxxx xxxxx xx) off the peg+
    xxxxx xxxxx x love/like it / xxxxx interesting / 1 growing on me / 1 divisive
    ?xxxx xxxx dress / ?xx (suit) / xxx gown / xx pair of trousers
    xxxxx high heels / xx flats / xxxx sandals / x boots / +++ / ?
    xxx up do / xxxx half-up / xxxxx xxxxx down / 1 ponytail
    xxxxx xxxxx jewelry repeat / 1 borrowed / xxxxx whow/new / (x) simple / ?


    x very good blend with colours of floor, surroundings, offered shawls, hubby - 1,4,7,9,10,12,13,15,16
    x literally local designer – 2,13
    x beautiful blend of feminine and (ethnic) chic casual - 2,(6),8,9,10
    x beautiful wedges - 2,8,10
    x very affordable earrings - 2,6,10
    x parallels between pre-tour reception and dress - 2,7,10,13?
    x Jenny Packham - 3 / Emilia Wickstead - 4,12 / Temperley - 5,7
    x excellent craftsmanship/standard/ethics - 3,7,13?,15,16
    x (multiple) symbolism/allusions - 2,4,6,7?,8,9, 12,13,14,15,16
    x new designer/label - 6,8,9,13

    xx no watch - 1,2,(3),4,5,(6),7,8,9,10,11,?,13,14,15,(16)
    (slowly but steadily increasing quality of the up dos - 3,7,10)
    x very honorable mention - The Duke of C - 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16


    1. I am sorry but I just am not following these posts. Can you explain?

    2. I'm also completely lost!
      Royal Watcher

    3. Anonymous 16 April 2016 at 05:34 and Royal Watcher, at the beginning of the tour I posted this list and am continuing to tick off. :)

    4. Francis tick off what? I am completely confused by these posts. I see them on all and what do are they for? What are the numbers one after another month? I am so sorry and I am not trying to be rude bUT dear this makes no sense to me.
      I am sure there is a method but I am just not clear.

    5. Charlotte can you help here? BaffleD.

  53. Kate, Texas, USA15 April 2016 at 19:54

    Kate looks beautiful! I have always like the styles and designs from Beulah. The cut of the dress is perfect for Kate and it does remind me so much of "the early days". Kate definitely did not disappoint for the reception and again looks fabulous! A wonderful evening! NOW...The Taj Mahal...

  54. I am hoping for something red and purple like Diana wore

    1. That would be awesome Hope.

    2. JMS from Texas, USA16 April 2016 at 07:55

      I totally disagree with you on this point, Hope. Why would you want Kate to dress like Diana, particularly at this site. For once and for all, it's time for all of us to accept the fact that Kate is her own person and not a clone of Diana. Diana's time is in the past, and while we will continue to remember and honor her, it's time to keep her in the right perspective and give Kate the necessary space to evolve into who she chooses to become.

    3. Not to replicate Diana. But because the red and purple look so nice in that setting.

  55. Question: Where can one purchase a Beulah Canvas Bag. Once again, thanks for your coverage of the tour--it was super.


    1. You can purchase a bag on their website

  56. I love this look but she needs the Nizam necklace with this. Why oh why does she not wear more statement jewelry when she has it at her disposal? oh well, maybe in the future.

    1. Annette New Zealand16 April 2016 at 04:01

      Do we know she has access to statement jewellery especially the very valuable Indian jewellery? Some of the famous Indian stones are part of the Crown jewels and not available except to the Queen at special events like the opening of parliament, coronations etc. Others like some special tiaras and necklaces that Diana wore are surely now allocated to Camilla as wife to the heir to the throne? Eventually Catherine will have her turn so in the meantime it is just the occasional brooch, tiara and necklace plus whatever presents she has been gifted. I am quite satisfied with her pretty earings.

  57. Val South Africa15 April 2016 at 20:38

    Chatlotte love your Blog ... I feel like I am right there :)

    I grew up very much in the Lady Di era and loved the tours not just to learn about different countries and various charitable causes but obviously for the fashion too! Catherine is Royalty... I would like to see her in more elaborate gowns for formal events. This dress has no Wow element it's just a pretty dress. Just my humble opinion...

    Looking forward to reading your Blog tomorrow.

  58. It seems as if Beulah always brings about a split. But personally this is beautiful on her.

    1. A couple of splits in this case, and a pink lining! ;-). As usual, I like Kate's gowns when the slits fall closed and the gown assumes its natural graceful lines. It is lovely when she stands still.

  59. I love all the dresses on this trip! I think she has paid homage to her host countries and has made appropriate choices for the various events. The longer skirts allow for sitting on the ground, playing cricket etc and still looking stylish. I would love to see her repeat some of these outfits for summer engagements. She has definitely gone outside the box on this trip. Major applause! Enid FL

  60. I haven't posted here before though I've been following this blog for a very long time and appreciate the enjoyment it has given because it is completely different than anything else I ever read! I want to respond to a commentor in the previous blog post about the hike (anon, April 15, 17:44) I tried to there but I don't think I was successful. The commentor wrote a long argument about how Will and Kate should not participate in other religion activities as Christians. As a lifelong Christian myself, by choice and I hope by actions, I completely disagree with her comments. I have worked in Christian Higher education almost my entire life and I know very few people who feel the same as the commentator wrote. I have happily joined in prayer with Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and others,and these are among my most cherished life experiences. I find the comments she made to be very much on the fundamentalist side and certainly not indicative of most Christian thought. I will try to post with my name but if not successful it is Melody, as I feel it is important to stand by the comments I am making.

    Charlotte, I too want to congratulate you on your dedication to your blog, wish I could say the same for myself! For someone who's entire closet is filled with books and just a tiny space for clothing, it's really fun to read your blog and leave my own usual self aside for a bit.

    1. I agree with you and commented as well.

    2. Thank you, Melody, that needed to be said, and you said very well what many of us must feel. I participated recently in a Bat Mitzvah and found it a very enlightening experience. Kate and William can only be better for their brief experience of Buddhism. The more we are open to the wonderful variety of human experience and expression, the more wise and fulfilling lives we can live. As a result of Kate and William's visit to Bhutan, I intend to read articles and watch some videos about hat country. One thing I want to know is the king's role in religion, which is obviously important. We nver stop learning if we are open to the world around us.

    3. I disagree and for reasons others have said. I would not have participated.

  61. Her HAIR is GORGEOUS! This tour has breathed the life back into her. So many smiles and so much warmth. This has been so much fun, and although I've been reading for a long time, this tour is the first time I've commented on posts.

    Learned so much about Bhutan, and it really is a beautiful place. See you all tomorrow!

  62. I believe most but the purple skirt she wore when she and William met with the King and Queen of Bhutan, will be worn again by Kate. I think she shops with repeat wearing in mind. These are reasons why I believe she doesn't seem dressed in "costumes" as some suggest. She tried to get "regular" clothes that merely nodded to the country she was in, not trying to appear to be something she's not. Whether we see any of them worn publicly again, who knows, but she's thrifty so no doubt they'll be aired again. =)

  63. Congrats to Julie NC for predicting this outfit. It's so much fun and so thrilling when Kate wears something you choose for her. :)

    1. Thank you! It was very exciting

  64. Awesome choice Julie from NC. A fantastic look for the Duchess.

  65. Ok ladies we've seen Kate in red, blue, black, orange, pink, purple, gray, yellow and white so far. Now I am seriously hoping to see her in a rich shade of GREEN in front of the Taj Mahal preferably in Salwaar oh wouldn't that be lovely? Hair tied in a bun as it can be pretty windy! How many of you all van guess the color for her final outing in front of the famous Taj Mahal?

    Charlotte can you please post another topic with GUESS what color the duchess will choose for her final outing in front of the TAJ MAHAL? I think it'll be a fun game.

  66. Thank you for your commitment to quick and thorough information, Charlotte! Congratulations, Julie, on your dress pick! How amazingly fun!!

  67. Charlotte,


    Friends, I just love all your ideas of what to do together from tomorrow on :) Here’s a proposal how we could go about it. Once the Cambridges have boarded that plane to Rebecca’s jumpy claps, and we have finshed commenting as only we can, some of us would start to think “Oh dear, oh dear, withdrawal now is really here …”

    So how about a Hedgehog Week of collectively going back to where it all began (even including or ) and having another look at the photos, rereading Charlotte’s wonderful blog, savouring the comments, adding new info from the perpective we now have or alerting to interesting links. It would perhaps help if on Sunday we'd look at the Sunday post, Mon = Mon post, etc. If this is too complicated, perhaps Charlotte could post a plain “The week after” post in which we could reminisce and share what we liked, learned, look forward to.

    We could also take to twitter - keeping the hashtags #RoyalVisitIndia and #RoyalVisitBhutan or decide on another one like #TheWeekAfter #ThankYouIndiaBhutan, you name it - and tweet Thank Yous to whom we think appropriate, perhaps adding a nice photo or footage.

    If you don’t like my ideas, no problem at all. Let’s do the Big Wedges Replacement, HM’s Birthday Card, vote on favourites, watch the film on archery together … Whatever we choose to do, I personally think it's a good idea to keep one another a bit of company during the next few days so that in terms of smoothness our collective landing is more of a London than a Paro one.

    1. Like the idea Francis. With so much on such a short time I am sure we would dnjoy a review

  68. Very nice. And someone mentioned that her hair looks similar to her style at the 100 Women in Hedge Funds gala look.
    My only gripe is this - I WISH she'd get some color on those toes. Seriously. It would polish the whole look and make her completely elegant and sophisticated vs. a bit unfinished.

    1. I don't like colored polish, but also, as a practical matter, it would perhaps have been difficult to choose one shade that would go with all of her evening looks. There would not have been a lot of time for repeat pedicures. In any case, Kate's colorless polish looks fine to me.

    2. With the time constraints I think painted nails could have been tricky and then we could have had a chipped nail polish incident to join the wind incident etc

  69. I was looking around the Internet for information about the security arrangements at the Taj Mahal and Times India has published an hour-by-hour description of exactly where W & K will be when they visit. That seems a bit dangerous to me, especially at the Taj is open to the public during those times. I am not saying they should close it at all--people deserve to see it royals there or not--but I wonder if publishing exactly when they are going to be there is going to make things worse for security?

    1. I'm with you, Valerie. Less is more (as in safer!).

    2. Link please? I would love to know the timing.

    3. Valerie,
      I couldn't agree more! It seems as if it would be a bigger security risk to post a minute by minute description of where they will be and when.

  70. Sarah Maryland USA16 April 2016 at 03:07

    Well since I loved the dress she wore in Oct. 2011 I certainly love this one here!
    But I hate that this tour is coming to a close! We have been so spoiled by all this fashion
    I love royal tours because a lot of new outfits are created for the tours which I love!
    Don't get me wrong I don't mind repeats but it is nice to see something new once in awhile

  71. Sarah Maryland USA16 April 2016 at 03:37

    I forgot to mention her hair! YES YES YES!!!! This is what I want. Now compare this hair to the hair in the interview she did about the queen and you get why I was so turned off by it There isn't a comparison. Here hair here looks polished and bouncy and light! like another poster said it totally reminds me of the style at her enagment interview!

    1. JMS from Texas, USA16 April 2016 at 16:21

      I agree. Kate's hair does seem to be lighter and fluffier. Kate seems to be just as human as the rest of us when we try to experiment or change our look, whether it's our hair, makeup or dress style. Sometimes it's a hit, and sometimes it's a miss. Some of us have just come to expect nothing but perfection from Kate, but we need to keep things in perspective and just cut her a break from time to time.

  72. hmm looking forward to taj mahal recreate the moment lady Diana famous my wish is that thy will creating beautiful memories and I think its very teary eyed remembering her mom plus the fact that the last time princess Diana there was she had the sapphire ring and now its the duchess

  73. Hi Charlotte, I'm an avid reader of your blog. Your coverage of this tour has been amazing. I love that you add additional information about the places visited, history, etc. Just wondering if you think we'll see a photo of George and Charlotte for Her Majesty's birthday next week? Much love from Australia!! Jessie 😊

    1. Hello Jessie,

      Reportedly a photo of the Queen with her great-grandchildren was taken. If so, we might see it within the next week :)

    2. Yay. Thanks Charlotte. How sweet is that.

  74. Wow, she looks fabulous! Love her hair and the pink lining of the dress. All of her clothing selections this trip have been so fun and out of her comfort zone. I've loved logging in to see what's she's been wearing! I'll be sad when the tour is over!

  75. Yea! Kate is wearing my favorite piece from the 2012 tour - the white McQueen two-piece for her departure from Bhutan. Something new for arrival and the Taj Mahal? Please?

  76. At the Taj Mahal, Jackie Kennedy wore a typical sleeveless sheath dress in a very un-Jackie exotic green print, with several strands of green beads. Of course she had matching white purse, heels, and gloves. And she too stood alone in front of that famous bench. She was also photographed surrounded by women in saris. Thank goodness Kate will be with her husband. I hope security is incredibly tight.

  77. Honestly, I dont like this dress at all. It looks a little nightgown-ish. The 2011 version was way better.

  78. Love the dress, the color...this silhouette really seems to work on her.

  79. Have they arrived back home?

  80. I love the silk scarf gift the Princess was presented. I would Love to buy one. Any information on how to accomplish this? I know there are some very smart people on this site that have vast amounts of information on clothing and accessories. Suggestions anyone?

  81. I love the silk scarf gift presented to the Princess. Any leads on where I could purchase one? It is stunning!
    I know there are a number of people that have such knowledge on locating items and figuring out how to purchase them on this site.
    Any help with this request?!!
    Thank you!


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