Monday 26 March 2018

Kate Becomes V&A's First Royal Patron, A New Addition at KP & Guess Baby Cambridge's Name!

Hello-Hello, I hope your week is off to a splendid start!

We have a couple of interesting royal updates to share before asking you to guess the name William and Kate will choose for their new son or daughter. Earlier today, Kensington Palace announced the Duchess of Cambridge has become the first Royal Patron of the Victoria & Albert Museum. The Palace said "The patronage reflects Her Royal Highness’s continued personal interest in the visual arts, photography and design."

Kate visited the museum in a gorgeous Gucci dress last June. She joined V&A staff and architect Amanda Levete CBE, for the official unveiling of Exhibition Road Quarter – the V&A’s most significant development project for over 100 years.

The museum was officially opened by Queen Victoria in 1857. Over four decades later, the laying of the foundation stone of the Aston Webb building (to the left of the main entrance) on 17 May 1899 marked the last official public appearance by the monarch. It was during this ceremony that change of name from the South Kensington Museum to the Victoria and Albert Museum was made public. Queen Victoria's address during the ceremony, as recorded in the London Gazette, ended: "I trust that it will remain for ages a Monument of discerning Liberality and a Source of Refinement and Progress."

Today, the V&A is the world’s leading museum of art, design, education and performance with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity. It was established to make works of art available to all and to inspire British designers and manufacturers. Today, the V&A’s collection spans more than 5000 years of human creativity, showcasing work in virtually every medium and from many parts of the world.

Tristram Hunt, Director of the V&A, said:

“From its foundation by Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, the V&A has enjoyed a proud history of Royal support. We are delighted that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge has agreed to serve as Royal Patron of the museum.
“The Duchess’s personal interest in photography, textiles and the visual arts, alongside her support for the role of art in supporting mental health and nurturing young people’s creative talent, fits naturally with the collections and civic purpose of the V&A.
“The Trustees, staff and members of the V&A look forward to working with Her Royal Highness across our museums in South Kensington, Bethnal Green and Dundee.”

The Duchess is now Patron of seventeen organisations:

Patron of Action on Addiction
Patron of Action for Children
Patron of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club
Patron of the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Royal Patron of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices
Royal Patron of The Art Room
Patron of the Lawn Tennis Association
Patron of the National Portrait Gallery, London
Patron of Place2Be
Patron of SportsAid
Patron of the 1851 Trust
Patron of the Natural History Museum
Patron of The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry
Honorary Air Commandant of The Air Cadets
Patron of Nursing Now
Patron of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)
Patron of the Victoria & Albert Museum

In the coming months, I'm planning a new series of posts taking a look at each of Kate's patronages and her work with them over the years. Several of you suggested it before and I thought it an excellent idea. My hope is to create a separate page for each patronage with plans to add events and engagements as they take place in the future.


There's been a number of notable staff changes across Royal Households in the past year. Another significant departure was announced today; Prince William's private secretary Miguel Head is to leave his role in July after a decade of service. In a very affectionate statement a spokesman for William said "His Royal Highness feels incredibly lucky to have benefited from Miguel's support and advice over the last decade. He has been an outstanding Press Secretary and Private Secretary and has been central to the decisions that have guided the establishment of the Duke's office". Below we see Miguel and Kate's former private secretary Rebecca Deacon at the Tusk Conservation Awards in 2013.

Veteran royal correspondent Peter Hunt described the warmth of the statement as "striking".

Miguel Head will be replaced by Simon Case, the director general Northern Ireland and Ireland in the Department for Exiting the EU. As with Catherine Quinn, Mr Case brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Both will be central figures in the years ahead when Charles becomes King and William and Kate take on increasing responsibilities both at home and abroad.

'Simon Case, who will take up his new role in July, has held a number of senior positions within the Civil Service, including serving as Principal Private Secretary to then Prime Minister David Cameron.
His previous experience also includes roles as director of strategy at GCHQ, director of the Implementation Group at the Cabinet Office and a posting at the Northern Ireland Office.
The role of Private Secretary to The Duke of Cambridge is the most senior appointment in the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Household with overall responsibility for its management.
The role, the most senior in the Duke and Duchess' household, gives Mr Case responsibility for the Duke's work, which increasingly includes supporting the Queen in her public duties and taking on sensitive diplomatic overseas tours.'


It's that time again! We're asking you to vote in our 'Royal Baby' polls. This is always a fun one.

Do you think the Duchess is expecting a boy or a girl?

Boy or Girl? free polls

Next, it's time to guess the name! I'm incredibly excited to see your choices for this one. When Kate was expecting Charlotte the top three names chosen by you were....'Charlotte Elizabeth Diana'. Can you possibly guess the correct first and middle names again? The Duke and Duchess have chosen quite traditional names thus far. As the third child is further from the throne there's more scope in terms of choices. Will they choose a name with royal history? A Middleton family name? Perhaps they will completely surprise us.

Indeed, the British public has already weighed in. More from Royal Central:

'If the British public has a say in naming the next royal baby, then get ready to meet Prince James, Princess Victoria, or Princess Elizabeth. polled 4,000 Britons to compile their results and pitted the public against the bookie odds.
While Princess Victoria and Princess Elizabeth tied for the top girl names determined by the British public, the bookies are hedging their bets on a Princess Mary, a Princess Alice, or Princess Victoria. A baby prince, per the bookies, will be named Prince Arthur, Prince Henry, or Prince Albert.'

For the purposes of the poll, I've selected twenty possible names for each gender looking at the royal family's history, recurring names from the Windsor and Middleton/Goldsmith family tree and names which are particularly popular in Britain right now. You can vote for more than one name and if the name you like is not on the list simply leave a comment with your selection. The name with the most votes will be the winner with the second and third chosen as possibilities for the middle names.

Vote For Girl Names free polls

Vote for Boy Names free polls

Speaking of the Royal Baby, the Palace have launched a dedicated page on their website for updates, click here to view it.


  1. For a girl, I picked Alice, Victoria, Grace, and Carole. For a boy, I picked Arthur, Philip, Albert, and Frederick.

  2. These polls are my favorite!! So excited to see who's right or in last time's case, if everyone's right! :D

    I really hope it's a girl. Victoria Mary Frances or Alice Mary Frances is my guess!

  3. Excited in the US26 March 2018 at 20:23

    Is there any confirmation that W & K did not find out the gender of their third child?

    Are parking signs posted yet in front of Lindo Wing?

    1. ๐ŸŒธ good point, EITUS. “PARKING SIGNS IN FRONT OF LINDO WING”. A sure sign. Hopefully we’ll see them there soon.

    2. Excited in the US27 March 2018 at 00:05

      Thanks surfer girl.

      I see from the comments below that you think the baby is a boy, I confess, I am leaning that way myself!

    3. I may have missed a post but has it been officially confirmed that the birth will be at Lindo Wing? Am just wondering if Kate may surprise us all this time and have the baby at home. She appears to have healthy pregnancies and labours so maybe she might have her wish this time around and have a totally private birth.

  4. Thanks Charlotte for the wonderful updates. I am pleased to hear that Kate has accepted such a prestigious position. I really think Kate and William are being polished for much bigger things to come. They are such a loving couple to each other and others they meet. Can't wait for the new baby to arrive and find out the name! This is so exciting.

    1. Sheila, I totally agree about Will & Kate! It's crazy, after all that run up these past several years.... we are witnessing them prepping & stepping into the next phase of the roles they have been destined for!!! :) They are so busy transitioning & here they have Baby #3 on the way! So exciting! :)

  5. I've also wondered about Margaret as a potential girl name. Or Spencer, but I suspect that's not quite traditional enough. Maybe as a middle name for Harry/Meghan's offspring.

    1. ooooh! Katie I love those names!! How did we all miss them?? I can Definitely see Margaret or Spencer being one of the names!!! Good Call! :)

    2. Great suggestions, Katie! I don't think there were any names strictly from the Spencer family suggested. I like Spencer David. I think it is time for another David. And Emily Margaret. I am still holding out for two babies.

    3. ๐ŸŒธ Spencer David sounds like a name from a Colin Firth (❤️) movie. Love it. :)

    4. Oh SG! You are So Right!!! I'd say "ohh la la", but we're talking about a baby! :)

    5. Anon, I have to say I'd be surprised (because it wasn't announced in advance, as in other Royal Families) but at the same time I'd not be surprised too! :) Adds that extra touch of mystery~ :)

    6. Colin Firth! Although, seeing his wife at the Commonwealth fashion show cooled my ardor somewhat. ;)
      Now I will have to watch P&P again (for the 40th time) and eat CAKE! I still haven't recovered from the cake edition of the Meghan blog1 anon2:04

  6. I think for a girl It will be Victoria & I thought Alexandra Philippa (as a nod to Prince Philip & Pippa for the remaining names. So Victoria Alexandra Philippa ( I don't think they will use Elizabeth or Diana for first names & not for middle names, as they were used for Charlotte. I also don't think they will use Carole, as it's a tad too everyday modern.
    I think for a boy it will be either James Albert Philipp Michael or Albert James Philipp Michael (depends on if this is their last) I don't think they will go with Philipp or Michael for first names. I also don't think they will go for Henry, in case H&M want to use that if they have a son. So that's my wager! :) (I don't think they will use Henry or William for first names as it's always so confusing to have duplicate names in a family. Believe me I know! We have so many duplicates! (Oddly many from those who married in!:) Even tho both Harry & William will always be Dukes... They will still be referred to often as Prince Harry & Prince William. So to add another little Prince Henry or Prince William..... you get my drift. :)

    1. Caroline in Montana27 March 2018 at 15:10

      We are very close on our guesses!! my boy name is Albert James Philip Arthur or some variation with albert as the first name, a nod to QU2's father and my girl was Victoria Alexandra Grace although if Caroline would have been a choice id go for that!! I agree with your other speculations as well:) very excited to find out what and who this baby will be!!

    2. Oh Caroline it is so exciting! :) We'll see if & where our Victoria & Albert show up! :)

  7. Oh by the by, I think Charlotte looks so much like William as she is sneezing in the last photo! :) It's the nose :)

    1. I see that similarity. Truthfully I believe Princess Charlotte resembles her great grandmother the Queen.

    2. ๐ŸŒธ Connie. I agree. Princess Charlotte has reminded me of the Queen Mum all along. :)

    3. I completely agree with both you ladies. Also, I'm always struck by how much HM reminds me of William in that black & white news reel of her giving her Birthday Speech from Africa! :) I usually always think he reminds me of Diana.

  8. Now that I look.... both George & Charlotte seem to have William's nose in that last photo. :)

  9. Thank you Charlotte for the Wonderful New Post & The Voting!! :) Such fun & I thank you for adding in an updated list of Kate's patronages! I love your idea of highlighting them! You are so thoughtful & generous with your time! :)

  10. Duchess fan from Downunder26 March 2018 at 20:49

    Also, based on current poll results, I think your post may need a carve out to the effect that the second and third most popular names will be middle names “(except if they are part of George or Charlotte’s name)”? Just a suggestion :)

  11. ๐ŸŒธ Charlotte. Thanks for another excellent page (and for your thoughtful, helpful and kind editing.xo).

    Love the list of Kate’s Patronage’s. Excellent idea about the pages for the patronage’s. It just keeps getting better and better.❤️ I so hope you maintain sleep, meal and recreation components in healthful balance through all this. Including lots of hugs for Mr. Charlotte, blogmaster artiste extraordinaire. :)

    Love the baby name guessing. Can you believe we got Princess Charlotte’s right like that? What are the odds? lol (we did get all three right, right?)
    This time I chose Carole Victoria Olive. I think Carole deserves it and what an homage to Olive who suffered so much for Britain in the loss of her three soldier brothers. I think Kate’s been active with Victoria and Albert things, so the name Victoria might be particularly germaine to her now.

    And, Michael Albert James. Although I would change it now to Michael Phillip Albert if I could.
    I think Michael certainly keeps a humble low profile. I think a lot of Kate’s calm steadfastness is attributable to Michael (and to Carole too). And her sense of humor also.
    Of course Phillip, after carving out a family and career like he did, and being the lynchpin that has held the family together all these years as Eugenie and the Queen have said, he deserves it it in my opinion. And, Albert is related to both Prince Phillip and the Queen (and most of European Royalty) so that’s a possibility. And because Kate has been so involved in things pertaining to Albert also. A lot of fun guessing.

    Sounds like Catherine Quinn and Simon Case will be formidable assets to the team. I am eager to see what changes will be brought forth
    from their input. We have been hoping for some changes at Kensington Palace. It will be interesting to see what changes, if any, occur.
    If things continue status quo we will know the team was taking directions from the top from the git go.

    Thanks again, Charlotte. You are truly the best.❤️

    1. SG, Wow that Olive was a formidable woman! I remember reading up on her & she was quite impressive! Kate comes from a long line of strong women!! I completely agree with you about Catherine Quinn & Simon Case!! This is getting good! :) xo

    2. Carole and Charlotte are both femail forms of Charles, so he is covered! I think Arthur would be a lovely name, Philip would be a really nice gesture, as would Michael. For a girl for some reason I think Alice, with Mary and Philippa?

    3. ๐ŸŒธ Oh. And I think Kate that the baby that Kate has been nurturing and carrying all these months is a boy. :)

    4. I would think it's a girl :-) And for a girl I would suggest the name Valerie Mary, in honor of Kate's grandmother who was a WW2 code breaker.
      If it were a boy I do like the name Arthur Michael. Thank You Charlotte!XOXO

    5. ๐ŸŒธ Becca. I would love to see Olive honored by having her name included for baby Cambridge.

      As I’ve been thinking about it though, as fun as a little girl can be, I think a boy would be nice so that George when he is King can have a brother to help support him. Charlotte can give him the female perspective but his brother can give him that male support and perspective. And having two brothers can give Charlotte extra stability of male support and protection (not to sound sexist) if that makes sense. And let her be a little (more) spoiled perhaps? :)

  12. Charlotte, you don't know how happy I was when I read you plan to create an individual sub-page for Kate's patronages and a new series presenting them. It was practically the only feature I have been missing from your blog since I have followed you.
    Your blog has been a sincere point of information through the years, I have learnt really a lot on the united Kingdom and the Royal Family. Thank you for contributing to that.

    1. Does anyone know of there are similar itemized lists of patronages for other royals , giving details of dates of visits to each per year?1

    2. There is a list on patronages on the official patronages of the members, but I have never seen a list with a number of visits. They may be found on blogs, but nowhere else I think.

  13. When it comes to fashion, I am never in the majority in poll results. With names, I am. Perhaps those two names are just so evidently appropriate. Interesting.

    The Duchess has obviously chosen to become patron of organizations in which she is specifically interested. Her patronages are accumulating gradually, and the roster represents her very accurately. I hope that continues.

  14. I think the baby will be a boy and will be names Philip Michael Henry, though I would not be surprised to see Arthur used as well. William is extremely close with his grandfather and I think would want to honor him in this way, as well as give a nod to other close men in the family. If it is a girl, I lean toward Alexandra Mary Carole.

    1. I'm hoping for another little girl so I'm going to put my money on Princess Victoria or Princess Olivia. I really like those names but I'm the worst at guessing names lol! I really hope that it's a girl because the Windsors already have so many males and also it seems like there are so many more female names to choose from :)

    2. I completely forgot that Olivia could still be a nod to Olive! :)

  15. Pam from Boston26 March 2018 at 21:13

    My write-in choice for a girl is Cecilie (or Cecilia). Very cute with Charlotte as a sister. And honors Prince Philip's favorite sister. I also like Eleanor.

    But from the options listed, for a girl, I voted for Amelia - very pretty and less expected than Victoria, Mary, Alice or Alexandra. Alice to me would be honoring Philip's mother, who was rather crazy, wasn't she? And Mary, for Queen Mary, is a no for me as well, as I understand Queen Mary was a rather stern and cold woman (not an expert...I could be wrong).

    My write-in choice for a boy is Nicholas. I also like Hugh or Bernard.

    From the listed options I voted for Michael as I would love to see one of the Middleton family honored. Although there already is a Prince Michael still kicking around. I love the names Philip and James, but I don't think they'll use either for a first name. If Elizabeth was used as a middle name for Charlotte, I don't think Philip will be used as a first name. And there already is a young James in the family. And I think Kate is more likely to name a son in honor of her father rather than her brother.

    1. Sonja from Bavaria27 March 2018 at 11:17

      I love the name Nicholas, but since Princess Madeleine of Sweden has a son named Prince Nicholas, I think William and Kate would not use it...

    2. Philip's mother, Alice, was not "crazy". She had both physical and psychological health issues. As a mental health professional, I feel it is important to help people understand the use of appropriate language when discussing mental health challenges. We have to stop using words like "crazy", because such a label only stigmatizes anyone living with a mental illness. No one with mental health challenges is crazy.

    3. I would say Alice was more eccentric - and disabled, since she was profoundly deaf, than anything. She was also honoured in Israel for helping Jewish people during the war and she was very charitably minded - so her name would be a very positive one. (And given the mental health campaign, her mental state shouldn't matter.)

      The queen adored Queen Mary and didn't see her as cold. Mary's sense of duty also truly defined the last century's royal family's role - so another positive association.

      I like your choices. I do see Philip as possible, given his age, but because there is an active Michael, I think that's more likely as a middle name. As you note, James is already in use in the younger generation so I think unlikely to be repeated.

    4. I also think Amelia and Nicolas might be contenders. They go well with George and Charlotte, and are popular with royal precedence. Eleanor is a great name as well and well used among the young European royals right now- Eleanore of Belgium, Leonor of Spain, Leonore or Sweden. Frederick goes well with George and Charlotte too and checks off the Cambridges' love of longer names (Alexander, Charlotte, Elizabeth).

      If it goes like the last two times, the top name in the British polls will be the first name, so Arthur or Alice. I think the baby will be a boy by the way. George was bigger than Charlotte. Again, this seems to be a bigger baby.

    5. Forgot to mention that if it is a boy, I think we may see Michael as one of the middle names since Carole, Charles and Diana were honored when Charlotte was named.

    6. Pam from Boston27 March 2018 at 17:02

      I'm from a family of people with mental health issues....anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, body dysmorphic disorder. My sisters and I refer to all of our family as "crazy", affectionately. But I apologize for my use of the word ....didn't see it as such a bad word to use but I realize others can see it that way.

      I am thrilled with all of the work the young Royals are doing to help destigmatize mental health.

    7. Pam, call me nuts, but I'm not a fan of Mary for a Royal name. I just always think of the Queen's great-grandmother Mary of Teck then Mary Tudor & Mary Queen of Scots. You know how names are funny that way? How you can't like a name if it reminds you of some mean kid from grade school & all? lol :)

    8. I also thought of another reason Albert would be great as a first name. Then both boys would be named in honor of The Queen's Father! :) Plus, we could have a new "Bertie" for a new generation! :)

  16. Boy, with Catherine Quinn & Simon Chase..... "The Times They Are A Changing"! History in the making! :)

    1. I agree Becca!! I don't know much about either of them, but both appear to have the credentials and experience that will provide a great foundation and support system for Team Cambridge!! Already, I think we are seeing Catherine Quinn's influence on Kate and it's a positive direction. It is history in the making! cc

  17. Charlotte, great to hear you want to create a page for every patronage! How do you manage to do all this work for the blog?! Wow! In the last period I did not even manage to simply read all the new posts...

    Coming to the names...finally! Its the funniest part, isnห‹t it? Seems yesterday they annonunced pregnancy no. 3!

    As George and Charlotte are very classic names I think they will chose a classic name for baby no. 3. My guess is it will be a girl.

    Think with George and Charlotte the following names sound good:

    Alice (but think this one is too "modern")
    Isabelle (Isabella) as its a different version for Elizabeth

    Philip (more probably for a middle name)

    My personal favourites are Madeline for a girl or Frederick for a boy.

    So curious to see which names they will choose :)

    1. Alice, born 1885, was Prince Phillip’s mother.

    2. Allegraflora, I’m with you! I think they will choose traditional names to go with George & Charlotte. For a girl: Victoria/Alice Mary Alexandra & a boy: Arthur/Albert Philip Henry...I found it really hard to pick the names & which order I want them to go! I like the name Alice or Victoria...& Albert or Arthur for a boy. Philip & Henry as middle names would be lovely as a tribute to Wiliam’s grandfather & brother. I also think she is having a girl! William will be outnumbered :P

  18. What about Caroline? It would honor a grandfather as well as a grandmother. As we already have Prince Michael of Kent and James who is Edward and Sophie’s son I hope they pick a name not already in the family. Arthur? Albert? Richard? (The Duke of Gloucester’s older brother was Richard. He died in a plane crash.)

    1. I believe the present Duke of Gloucester IS Prince Richard. The Duke of Kent is Prince Edward, another Edward in the family.

    2. I doubt they'd use two female versions of Charles (Charlotte and Caroline)

    3. I also have been thinking Caroline. I like Amelia as well. Not so old fashioned to me. I hope they chose a name that is unexpected.

    4. I'm thinking Caroline as a middle name maybe, to honour Carole.

    5. Prince George, Duke of Kent, was the one who died in the plane crash. Also, Caroline is another form of Charles, as is Charlotte of course, so it's basically the same name.

  19. I think รญt will be a boy, Richard Albert Philip or James Albert Philip. For a girl I chose Victoria Amelia Caroline or Alice Helena Victoria.

  20. It surprises me that the odds are that high for a 'Princess Elizabeth' because they do already have an 'Elizabeth'. They would not insult either Charlotte or the new baby by naming it an already used name. I agree that Phillip would definitely be there. It would please the Queen so much and obviously be a huge honor to PP. I would not be surprised if Michael made it in, though I am not expecting it...if that makes sense!

    1. Sonja from Bavaria27 March 2018 at 11:15

      I agree with everything you said! :)

    2. I don't think it's really an insult to reuse a middle name as a given one - think how many Victorias and Alberts there were repeated. The main reason not to reuse a name as a first one when a family member already has it is to avoid confusion.

      I thought Elizabeth was a lot to put on a first daughter. But since the queen is very elderly, it might be a nice choice to give her name so it is carried on. The young princess could be Lizzie - which is quite pretty, in the way Harry was used for Prince Henry.

    3. Queen of the South27 March 2018 at 18:06

      I am with you Katie. I very much doubt that they will use any if G&C’s names. It just doesn’t seem right. With the exception of maybe Alexandra.

  21. Charlotte—your work here is tireless and beautiful! What a great idea to have a place to follow each of the duchess’ patronages. You do keep yourself busy! Your work here is very appreciated.

    It’s exciting to see more new patronages added as Kate grows into her role. This past winter and spring have been exciting to follow, and I’m looking forward to the fall.

    I’ve been inclined to think this next little one will be a girl, and I’m guessing Mary Alice Victoria. (Although I really like Surfer Girl’s suggestion of Olive in honor of her grandmother—I hadn’t thought about that!)

    I’ve had a difficult time coming up with a likely boy’s name, but with Prince Phillip’s retiring and the strong center he has been for the family, I am going to go with Philip Michael Arthur.

    It will be exciting to see when the new baby arrives! Prayers for a safe delivery.

  22. Duchess fan from Downunder26 March 2018 at 22:34

    Not sure if my earlier post made it through. If it’s a girl I’m tipping Alice, a boy Arthur, which I have said from the outset.
    I also like Adelaide for a girl, but most likely a middle name. I don’t think it will be Victoria or Mary for first name, as this would be too confusing with the crown princesses of Denmark and Sweden. I think they would want her name to be spoken without confusion!

    1. Alice and Arthur are my top 2 favorites. Victoria is my second favorite for a girl, but you made a good point about duplicate names. I don't know of any other current royals with the name George or Charlotte, unless I'm mistaken, so those were good choices.

    2. Alejandra Campos27 March 2018 at 04:36

      Jeje! Love your comment about being outspoken!
      I choose the least popular names - Olive Rose and Francis Thomas just because I like the sound of them :p
      We shall see!

      Thanks for the post Charlotte!

    3. Caroline in Montana27 March 2018 at 15:28

      I also wondered that when George and charlotte were born, the names of the other royal babies throughout Europe, you would not want to duplicate? Would be interesting if George (or any of them) grew up to marry each other and unite dynasty's. like back in queen victorias day with her grandchildren etc. would be great to see living history like that!

  23. You did not include Catherine or William. Both could very possibly be one of the baby's middle names. If it is a girl ( which I think it is) ,the name will be Mary, if it is a boy, Albert.

    1. Yes, I definitely think Catherine or William for one of the middle names.

  24. I don't think they will choose John as a first name. I believe the Royal Family has not used John as a first name in several generations (due to the fate of the tragic Prince John, son of George V and Mary). I love the idea of Philip or Louis as the first name for a boy or Alice or Mary for a little girl! Lisa from Texas

    1. I agree I think John is unlikely. But I would love to see Richard rehabilitated - especially as the much maligned King is now out of the carpark and properly buried!

    2. I'm sorry Julia, but the carpark comment just cracked me up! lol :)

  25. I love picking baby names - it means we’re getting closer to the new little one’s arrival.

    For a girl, I’m thinking Caroline Frances or Caroline Margaret. I do also love Alice Elizabeth or Alice Victoria.

    For boys, I definitely think it’s going to be Phillip. I would go either Phillip Michael or Phillip Charles.

    I love reading about Kate’s patronages, I think it gives us so much insight into her personality and gives us little window into her heart.

  26. I pick Victoria Olivia. I think adding Kate's heroic relative is a great idea as someone mentioned.

  27. I chose Alice Elizabeth Diana for a girl and Albert Alexander Louis for a boy. I hope it’s a girl though

  28. I wasn’t aware of your blog when George was born so did you do a poll like his before George’s birth?

    1. Hello,

      We didn't, the first time was ahead of Charlotte's birth and the vote was spot on.

      My own list above is merely a starting point, so please feel free to comment with your own suggestions :)

  29. Alice Mary Victoria, or Phillip Arthur James.

    1. Oh, I think you might be spot on there! I like the sound of those combinations:)

  30. I just feel it in my waters that this new little angel is a girl. My thinking on her name is around traditional conservative choices and so I have come up with Victoria Mary Grace. If this baby should be a little Prince then I can imagine something like James Arthur Michael. Fun to speculate, thank you Charlotte and thank you for the opportunity :-)

  31. Charlotte - Thank you for the full list of Kate's patronages. I look forward to the new additions about them.

    I've wondered how Kate manages to stay current on all of them. Her support staff must provide her with regular reports. How interesting to think that Kate must have her own office somewhere, chock full of information and updates concerning her patronages. I'd love to know how much time she spends weekly on regular updates as well as preparation for upcoming events, and what she does behind the scenes to support her patronages.

    1. Caroline in Montana27 March 2018 at 15:33

      you made me think, so does kate or William or everyone for that matter, get a different daily version of a red box with all the daily updates and get a briefing everyday? what a task to stay on top of all of that!!

    2. Heather, you brought up a great point. Some people think Kate is only working when she attends an event. However, I am certain she spends many hours in study, preparation and communication on the things she is involved in. On top of that she is rearing royal children with her husband a future king. Sounds like full time to me! Thanks for your post, and thanks Charlotte for your updates and fun polls!

    3. Heather, I believe Kate does have an office & has been very busy & is about to get busier! :)

  32. I think George and Charlotte will get a little brother this time... I'm choosing Peter Michael Philip. William seems to have a great relationship with his cousin, and Peter is a strong name. Michael and Philip to honor both sides (although if they do that then perhaps it's Peter Charles Michael Philip. Can't leave either grandfather out!)

    For a girl: Eleanor Carole Rose. And she becomes "Ellie" with friends and family.

    Thank you for all the great choices.

    1. I love Rose as a middle name...but it's also Camilla's middle name and I am not sure how all the family dynamics would play out with that one.

  33. Victoria Alexandra Margaret

  34. What a fun post, thank you Charlotte! I have no feeling either way this time, but I will put all my money on a girl for Kate and William! I am thinking Alice or Alexandra for a girl, and Albert or Arthur for a boy. I wonder if they would not pick Victoria or Mary, seeing that those are names of future Scandinavian/European queens, who knows. Second names then.. For a girl: I am hoping Frances to honour Diana. Mary or Victoria as second names would be nice. For a boy: I am hoping that Phillip and Charles will make it in this time. They might even use William, as William's second name is Charles. So there is precedence... hmm Tricky tricky! It is getting exiting peeps!

  35. I think Kate is carrying high and as such my guess is a baby boy Cambridge. My guess for a boy's name is Michael Philip Charles. If the baby is a girl, my guess is Alice Victoria Adelaide or maybe Marie Adelaide Victoria. Margaret may crop up to and is also a Spencer name. I also think this baby will be born in April unlike little Charlotte who kept the world waiting for May. :)

  36. Courtney From NC27 March 2018 at 03:37

    I think it's a girl.amd my names are:

    Victoria Alexandra Grace
    Arthur Michael Phillip Albert

    I am on a cruise, headed toward Aruba but had to take a guess at Baby Cambridge Cubed's name! Exciting times!

    1. Have a great trip! I think it’s a girl, also :)

    2. Lucky you to escape the bitter cold! Have a splendid holiday!

    3. ๐ŸŒธ Enjoy, Courtney. ๐ŸŒด☀️๐Ÿ›ณ๐Ÿน You definitely deserve it. xo

  37. Hi Charlotte,
    I wonder if it might be clearer to state that Kate is the patron of 16 charities and an Administrator of The Royal Foundation. The DuchessKateTracker categorizes them by type:
    1) Art/Culture 2) Health 3) Military 4) Sport and 5) The Royal Foundation That list differs slightly from yours in that they give her credit for The Scout Association and combine the Art Room and Place2Be.
    and Kate Middleton Review (currently on hiatus) has a wonderful index of her appearances by charity through 2018:
    should those resources prove useful to you.

    I think there is a difference in the work of The Royal Foundation - which is operating more as an umbrella to encourage charities to cooperate - and Kate giving time to individual charities. I don't think she will be continuing to collect a large amount of patronages given she has duties to visit UK businesses, foreign countries, attend State Occasions, and make appearances as a member of the family (church services, memorials, military events, and as William's spouse). I can see the Royal Foundation doing more of the symposium type events where Kate attends with many leaders and they put out a photo.

    A polite suggestion might be to focus on an area of life, for example, arts/culture and list her work as 1) a patron (such as NPG), 2) home UK support (such as BAFTAS), 3)Foreign visits (places/museums she visits abroad) because in this way it will demonstrate a breadth and depth on a general topic over time. Watching Kate Watching Sports is a tongue in cheek listing of her work in "Sports" but doesn't include her attendance at clinics. Meanwhile she and William have done a bit for British and Commonwealth brands here and abroad when they do their visits to Industry. Nature/Conservation is another topic and so is Military (battlefields/memorials). Health and Education are other topics and so is Foreign receptions (here and abroad).

    I'm over thinking it! Whatever you think adds to the conversation. I just wonder if sometimes folks hyper focus on "charity" when it really is only one piece of the royal lifestyle.

  38. Oh! And in case you were wondering... I picked a boy named Michael Philip Peter. Who they call Flip.

    1. ๐ŸŒธ lol. lol. “Flip”. That’s sooo Moxie. :)

    2. Flip!!!! lo lol lol :) (still cracking up!) xo

  39. Sharon Washington state27 March 2018 at 06:31

    I voted for Alice Victoria Rose.

    1. I like your choice, Sharon! I think Alice is a good name.

    2. Me too! And if it's a boy, Albert William Edward, to be known as Bertie.
      Sarah UK

  40. Neither of the names I have picked are on your list! I know that Caroline is close to Charlotte as being a feminine form of Charles, but I do hope that Caroline forms part of the baby girl's name! I also like Adelaide. Caroline Adelaide Mary (CAM for Cambridge - therefore unlikely!) But I hope at least one of these names appear.

    1. "Cam" or "Cammie", has a bit of a ring to it! Much better than "Flip"!!! lol :)

    2. ๐ŸŒธ Becca. Don’t let rf hear you say that.

  41. Is it done, in these circles, to name your child after a still living relative? If it is, my money is on Philip all the way. If they really want to honour their family then Philip Charles Michael. But I could see something like "Philip Arthur *insert modern name*" too. Like how Sophie and Edward's son has Theo as a middle name.

    For a girl, Alice. Would have been cute if they had named her Caroline - we'd have Catherine, Charlotte and Caroline Cambridge - there has been a British queen named Caroline, too - but maybe they feel like it would look too much like taking Carole's name and "classing it up", you know? Which would feel a bit skewy. But I can't see them naming her Carole.

    1. Sonja from Bavaria27 March 2018 at 11:12

      I love the idea of Caroline for a girl (and if not as the first , then as a middle name)!

    2. I love the idea, but I too had the same "wincing" cringe when I thought about honoring Carole with any version of her name for a first name, even Michael too.... sad, but I think it would just sadly cause a hassle. :(

  42. OT, but: Looking further ahead, I would love for Henry and Meghan to name their future daughter Frances after Diana! And their future son Dorian, after Meghan's mother Doria. Dorian, Viscount Inverness (if Harry gets Sussex as a dukedom) and Lady Frances Windsor. :)

    1. I’m kinda hoping Harry and Meghan will name a daughter Diana. I can understand why William & Kate didn’t use it as a first name but I could see Harry and Meghan using it.

    2. I love the name Dorian for a boy & of course Diana! slam dunk! :)

    3. ๐ŸŒธ I can see Harry and Meghan naming their daughter Diana. That would be really nice. And her middle name Doria.

  43. If it is a girl I am sure it will be Elizabeth. We strongly considered George and Charlotte for our own offspring only to have the Cambridges "snatch" them away. I am due with a girl in September and my heart is set on Elizabath so I am sure they will follow suit ;-)
    Boys names are much harder. There are a lot of very good possibilities. Albert or Philip might make it. I cannot see Richard or Edward for historical reasons, and I don't see Charles as their relationship seems stretched sometimes. Additionally it sometimes leads to hurt feelings if the first name is after one grandparent. It is different with royals but families are families and you don't want one family to feel set back.
    Have to admit, that I am very eager for the arrive of the new baby. It feels strange sometimes to be so emotionally invested in other peoples lives.

    1. ๐ŸŒธ lol. C. Those rascals, stealing those names. Here’s hoping baby Cambridge #3 won’t be named Elizabeth. :) Do you have a middle named picked out yet? And, yes, there are times when I get so emotional about what William and Kate, Harry and Meghan are doing, then I stop and wonder what all the fuss is about as I don’t even know these people. I have seven years of almost daily input here about their lives. To be honest, I try to take a lot of the “issues” that come up to prayer. So hopefully, the investment of time and emotions has some good outcome/input. If they only knew how much we all care I think they would be thankful. :)

    2. The middle name will be Jane. We have three other options for Elizabeth though but the Cambridge‘s choice won’t play a role this time ;-)

    3. C, what no "Richard"??? Even though (as Julia so aptly reminded us) he's "out of the carpark"!!! lol :) Sorry between "Flip" & "out of the carpark", I'm still cracking up!! lol :)

    4. Actually C. & SG, It's a really nice thought that both William & Harry's families have so many of us "Angel Aunties" praying & looking out for them! :) xoxo

    5. ๐ŸŒธ very nice, C. Other options. Good. They won’t get you this time around. :)

    6. ๐ŸŒธ Yep, Becca. Prayer changes things. ❤️

  44. From the ones above I think Alice, Victoria and Amelia are most likely. I don't think a name that doesn't have royal history would be chosen fort the first name. Adelaide, Matilda, Eleanor, Margaret and Helena are further options. My choice would be Adelaide Victoria Alice. But I think they'll go with Alice, Amelia, Matilda or Eleanor for the first name, Victoria as a middle name.

    Boys' names are always less exciting to me, sorry! Thomas would be my guess there.

    Great news about Kate becoming patron of the V&A. I've been there while in London and loved it! It's a fantastic museum.

  45. Boy - Philip Henry James, I think it is a perfect combination of the names of their siblings (Pippa and James, as well as prince Harry), plus prince Philip...
    Girl - Frances Mary Alice (Frances as Diana's middle and name, and Francis is Michael Middleton's middle name), Mary as the only middle name of the Queen not used and Alice as tribute to prince Philip's mother...
    I do think that the baby is a boy, though, not sure why I think that...

    1. ๐ŸŒธ Milena. I like your names choices also. I like names chosen for a reason and your reasons make sense. :)
      I also think the baby is a boy.

    2. Wasn't Frances Diana's Mother's name, also?

    3. Oh Milena, I hadn't thought of that combo "Philip Henry James".... Me likey! :)

    4. ๐ŸŒธ I think she was, 19:44.

    5. Diana had a troubled relationship with her mother (who left her children when they were young to live with her new husband), so I doubt Frances would be used.

  46. Up until recent photos, I would have said she was having a boy, but, I'm edging towards a girl now. I quite like Eleanor, a name that hasn't been used in many years. If they opt to have two middle names, how about Catherine and or Rose/Mary. For a boy, there are limited names as many are in use. Arthur (it's one of William's names) Philip Francis (Michael Middleton's middle name, plus Diana had the female version as one of her names).
    One day they'll become the Prince and Princess of Wales, so they might surprise us all, and opt for something Welsh ! :-)
    Hope Kate is taking time to rest up, and prepare for the new arrival.

    Doubt we'll see Kate take up her duties again, until after the Summer, but with her list of Patronages,growing, and they all seem to be causes close to her heart, and ones she herself has said are special to her, she will have a busy Autumn ahead !
    Thank you Charlotte for the detailed post, and the fun of the poll ! :-)

    1. I noticed with Pam above too the mention of Eleanor. It's a lovely name and that of a powerful queen consort. So whilst I didn't pick it, it would be an excellent choice.

      Not quite sure about Welsh names - is Gladys ripe for redemption? (I know a Gladys but the name as not been fashionable of late!) The Welsh can be a bit tetchy though - not sure how they would view the use of a Welsh name. (Scottish is different because of the Stuarts.) An interesting Welsh and Scottish male choice would be David but again, because of the Duke of Windsor - most unlikely.

    2. ๐ŸŒธ Annabel. :) I thought only the first born (heir to the throne) becomes Prince or Princess of Wales. When George is King then Princess Charlotte will become Princess of Wales but unless she would become Queen baby Cambridge #3 would not become Prince or Princess of Wales. Is that right? :)
      Sometimes making a big wall chart for all the Royal lineage is the only thing that helps, lol. And I am not in a Royal lineage wall chart mood at the moment (although I do have days where they would be appreciated as the lineages can be so complex, lol.)
      But I don’t think that it is likely baby Cambridge #3 will ever hold the title of Prince or Princess of Wales.
      I still think the baby could be given a Welsh name though as a nod to all the Prince of Wales that have gone before and as a nod to William and Kate’s time spent in Wales. That is a sweet idea. :)

    3. Queen of the South27 March 2018 at 18:15

      When William becomes the Prince of Wales their kids will become Prince George of Wales, Princess Charlotte of Wales and xxx. The same way Harry is currently Prince Henry of Wales because his father is the Prince of Wales and he has no other title.
      When William becomes King, George would be the Prince of Wales, Charlotte The Princess Royal (after Anne’s death) and what Cam#3 would be is interesting.

    4. The title “prince of Wales” is only given to the heir apparent, and Charles wasn’t given the title at birth or even when HM became queen. So, William and Kate will most likely become Prince and Princess of Wales at some point after Charles becomes king unless something unusual should happen. The only way Charlotte would become princess of Wales would be if George never had children and she was the heir apparent and granted the title.

    5. @surfer guel: I think she meant Wiliam and Kate, so that they would pick something Welsh.
      I don’t think it is likely though. First- George would be the next PoW, so why not give him a Welsh name and second- a choice like that might raise some eyebrows in Scotland or Nothern Ireland. The UK might be called United but those identities are still strong (not saying it is bad though). The crown has to unite them and not stirr up rivalry over superficial subjects.

    6. Julia, you have the absolute best phrases!! Between "he's out of the carpark" & "The Welsh can be a bit tetchy" I still have a smile on my face! :) xo

    7. So Anon23, Once Will & Kate become Prince & Princess of Wales, we would have Prince George Wales, Princess Charlotte Wales & Prince/Princess Baby #3 Wales. Then once Will & Kate become King & Queen, I guess we'd eventually have George Prince of Wales, Charlotte Princess Royal & Prince/Princess Baby #3 Windsor. How does that look to you all?

    8. Isn't Gladys a kind of--ummm--"common" name? Like the parlormaid? Glenys is a beautiful Welsh name or how about Meghan??

  47. My husband and I started trying for our first child before Prince George came along and that was our very favourite name buuuut after the royal birth it really boomed in popularity and we decided we didn’t want a name quite so popular. 5 years down the track and we fell pregnant with twin boys through IVF and we chose Edward & Arthur, loving that they are classic but not overly popular names... I will laugh heartily if it’s a boy and they call him Arthur (and will then spend the rest of his childhood saying “my Arthur was born a whole year before Prince Arthur!”). If it’s a girl, I have no idea, I do love Alice a lot so that would be my choice!

    1. Kate, what's the name of your first boy? And I do love the name Edward.

    2. Alice & Arthur are lovely choices! If I really had to narrow it down, I would pick those as first names :)

    3. ๐ŸŒธ Kate. Congratulations on the birth of your boys.

    4. How funny!! I would have reconsidered the name too. I could see W & K naming another son Arthur! Edward & Arthur are such fantastic names.

  48. I wonder why people always think that W and K will have a girl. Of course the first time it was wrong and second time correct. But everytime it seems to be a larger number wanting a girl.

    1. Maybe because they wanted Princess Diana to have a girl and she never did? Just a guess.

  49. Thinking Alice victoria mary or Alice Angela victoria, or maybe Caroline thrown in somewhere. For a boy Arthur Albert philip

  50. I do believe it's worth thinking about would they go for Victoria when there's already a Princess Victoria? Would they go for Mary, when there's Princess Mary? Would they go for Sophia when there's Queen Sofia, Sofia of Spain and Princess Sofia of Sweden? Would they go for Eleanor when there's Princess Eleonore of Belgium, Princess Leonore of Sweden and Princess Leonor of Spain?
    I don't know the answer but I'm sure they wouldn't go for Grace, as Princess Grace was and remains an icon.

  51. Sonja from Bavaria27 March 2018 at 11:08

    I am secretly hoping it will be a girl, but I kinda have the feeling it will be a boy..

    I think a girl will be called Alice. I love that name, but I would really like William and Kate to surprise us with their name choice (George and Charlotte were so predicted by the public and bookies)!
    For a boy, I think Arthur Michael Philip would be nice.

    1. I agree! It would be so fun to have some name come out of left field. You're right, George and Charlotte were very predictable. But, I think that falls in-line with Will & Kates personalities. I bet Harry and Meghan will pick less predictable names!

  52. Just read through all the comments and everyone has such great name suggestions! I’m getting so excited to find out who the new baby will be! I picked only one name for a girl and one for a boy—Kate’s parents’ names. I know royal children have several names, but name-guessing is not my strong suit I’m discovering!

  53. Boy- James Philip Michael
    Girl- Mary Alice Victoria

    I’m favoring a boy this time

  54. A lovely new patronage - and important staff changes.

    For the polls, I'm leaning towards a boy but we shall see. I seem most drawn to names that begin with an A.
    For boys I like Arthur or Alfred (which doesn't appear on the poll.) Albert is likely to become Bertie which I like less well. I do think it would be nice to honour Philip. Now he's retired, there would be no confusion so I would be fine with that as a first name too. I think James is unlikely as there already is a James in the immediate family. I wonder about using Michael without using Charles. So my choices below - any combination possible.

    1.Arthur Philip Michael
    2.Alfred Charles Michael
    3. Philip Arthur Leo.

    I just had to put the last in - it is very popular right now - but not traditionally royal except for Leopold who had an unfortunate history.

    For girls, I was leaning towards Alexandra. It is the name of my favourite royal lady, quite elderly now, also the name of Queen Alexandra and one of our present queen's names. But it is also the real name of Tiggy and I can imagine what the press would do with that, treating it as a slight to Diana. So I'll stay with the popular Alice for a first choice and Adelaide which isn't on the list as another choice.

    I also notice the absence of Caroline - too close to Charlotte? It is the same derivation but most people saw Charlotte as honouring Charles whilst Caroline would honour Carole - whose own name is so dreadful fifties - (no offense to the Caroles I know!) William didn't know Kate's grandparents, so I don't see their names as likely. Diana had too fraught a relationship with her mum for Frances to be likely although it's a lovely name. Adelaide is a very Cambridge name - although the 'Fat Mary' link is a bit awkward - even though she was very kind and popular. I also like Elizabeth - the queen's age is so great that honouring her would seem appropriate.

    Alice Caroline Mary
    Adelaide Caroline Mary
    Elizabeth Alexandra Julia

    I just had to put the last in - in honour of Julia Samuels which has been suggested elsewhere, although royals rarely choose names to honour someone outside the family. But since this baby - regardless of sex, may well have a limited royal role as the family narrows - and could even end up working in private life, I think there is more latitude on names.

    1. ๐ŸŒธAnd Pippin asks, “Hey, what about Pippin?”๐Ÿพ๐Ÿถ

    2. Caroline would be a really nice choice. (Of course I am not saying this because it is my name ๐Ÿ˜‰)

    3. "Pippin"??? SG, Say Whaaaa??? You trying to compete with "Flip"???? blaaahaaa! :)

    4. ๐ŸŒธ Sincerely, no, Becca. Wouldn’t dare, lol.
      I just love doggies and Pippin is kind of like Phillip or Phillips, no? And if Leo was given a shout out.... :)
      (And, who can top “Flip”. :) Flip Cambridge. Does have kind of a classic collegiate Ivy League sound to it doesn’t it. (Moxie knows what she’s doing.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  55. I hope Kate has another girl. As for a name, as George and Charlotte are traditional names, I'd like to see something more modern or a family name. I'd like to see Carole Diana as a name. For a boy, I hope they use Michael. Kate and William are close to her parents, so that would be a nice gesture.

  56. Spencer Philip Charles for a boy
    Alice Victoria Mary for a girl

  57. I'm guessing they're going to use a reference to Carole Middleton and maybe go with something like Caroline for a middle name although it wasn't a choice for a vote. We'll see... My daughter in law is due at the same time with girl too and I don't know the name they have chosen either!

    1. ๐ŸŒธ 16:08. good news. :) let us know, okay? :)

    2. Princess Caroline of Monaco was long-ago tipped as a possible bride for Charles although she was a lot younger than Charles (doesn't seem so now), and Catholic so that seemed rather far-fetched.

  58. Caroline in Montana27 March 2018 at 15:51

    I think it will be a boy, I don't know why. but it would be so lovely for charlotte to have a sister:) my boy names, Albert "bertie" James Philip Arthur and for a girl Alexandra Victoria Grace, I would also go Caroline Victoria Grace:) although now Alice keeps cropping up in the post and the more I see it the more I like it!! and Margaret and ... lol :)

    1. I Knooooow!! So many good combinations! :)

  59. ๐ŸŒธ I have reconsidered. I think that if the baby is a girl, she should be named Victoria Surfergirl Caroline.

  60. Wow! You all have come up with some great names. Awesome! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are making impressive administrative changes. Both CQ and SC are well-connected with global outreach potential. Their resume(s)’ support a wide range of experiences that’ll prove beneficial to the Young Royals. Charlotte, I’m really looking forward to the Duchess of Cambridge’s patron list. Thank you for compiling the list and for keeping us informed in that area. Today’s post was very interesting. I knew very little about the V&A museum, and was shocked that no Royal had been a patron (given the name and history of the museum). Charlotte, you do excellent work and thank you very much.

  61. Girl: Margaret Caroline Alexandra
    Boy: Philip Michael James

    I'm thinking the baby is a boy. But I am usually wrong about predictions!

    How thoughtful of you, Charlotte, to construct pages for each patronage. How interesting those pages will be!

  62. I'm hoping for a girl, but thinking boy. I know James is a favorite name for a boy, but I can't see them choosing it as that's the name of Edward and Sophie's son. Not sure they would give him the same name as Kate's brother either. So leaning towards Phillip. For girls, I like Alice or Victoria. It would be great if they want a little bit different such as with Oliver for a boy or Eleanor for a girl.

  63. Sarah in Los Angeles27 March 2018 at 17:11

    I have no idea on the gender. I've been wrong both times before. I think it would be nice to have a girl, just like The Duchess herself has a brother and sister. I'm going with Victoria or Mary for a girl. For a boy, I like Nicholas. But maybe Albert because of The Queen's father. I think Philip will be in the mix somewhere.

  64. My picks: Alice Mary Victoria, and Philip Charles Michael. And I'm rooting for another girl :)

  65. Charlotte, why has the V&A not before had a Royal patron?

  66. Pam from Boston27 March 2018 at 18:13

    Now for a boy I'm changing my mind and think that there's a good chance the first name will be Philip. So I'm thinking: Philip William Michael

  67. My guesses: Alice Victoria Alexandra and Albert Phillip James
    Such an exciting time for us (and the RF of course ๐Ÿ˜‰).

  68. I think she will have a boy, it’s just my gut feeling, and whatever Kate and William decide to name the baby, it will be a perfectly British Royal name. I’m just hoping it’s not Albert. (Sorry, I just don’t like the name ๐Ÿ˜ฌ)

    1. I’m with you, Anon23. Albert, Alfred, and Arthur are a little too old-fashioned for my taste. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  69. Queen of the South27 March 2018 at 18:22

    I am fairly certain if it is a girl she willbe Alice, because I really dislike Alice and as much as I love Kate’s style I really don’t like her choice in baby names. Both Charlotte and George was at the bottom of my list.
    If the do decide to humor me and choose something I like it will be Alexandra Mary Grace. Although Elenor might also be a strong contender.
    If it is a boy I really like Micheal.

    1. Pam from Boston27 March 2018 at 19:45

      I don't think Kate has had too much of a say in the children's names so far. (Hoping with this baby it will be different but probably not). Although I do like was on my short list for both of my older girls.

    2. ๐ŸŒธ Although I chose other names, QOTS,
      Alexandra Mary Grace has such a beautiful flow to it. That is really pretty.

  70. Please don't throw rocks at me, but what about a boy AND a girl? Lol, someone else mentioned it first. I've always hoped for twins, and she seems so much bigger than before. Just thought I'd complicate things!

    1. ๐ŸŒธ I was hoping for twins also, Sheila. Twins do run in Kate’s family. Michael’s mother, Valerie, had a twin sister, Mary. But someone pointed out a while back that a release from Kensington Palace about the baby’s due date mentioned only baby not babies. We know how Kensington Palace at times has been less than efficient though so don’t give up hope.

      I think she looks about as big as she was at this point in her pregnancy with George. I’m thinking of the photos of her christening a ship at about that time. But that still doesn’t rule out twins.
      We will know soon. :)

  71. Zora from Prague27 March 2018 at 18:32

    Thank you, Charlotte, for a wonderful fun post! My guess is it' s a boy. I voted for several names I like but having read the comments, I tend to think Alexandra may appear as one of the girls' names and Philip as one of the boys'. Can't wait !!

  72. Pam from Boston27 March 2018 at 18:41

    I think Helena might be a strong contender for a girl. Princess Helena, daughter of Queen Victoria, was very active in charitable work, was one of the founders of the British Red Cross and was a lover of outdoor sports. Her daughter, another Princess Helena, was also athletic, lover of sports and outdoors and particularly of tennis and was often at Wimbledon. She never married and lived her life heavily involved in charity work and taking care of her mother and grandmother. (I've been doing some research...I didn't quite know all this before, but now that I do, both Helenas sound like they have admirable attributes and similar interests as Kate).

    1. I've read some great books about Victorias Daughters & there's another fav I have about her Grand-daughters. I have to check my Nook, but I'll post them in case anyone is interested or hasn't read them.

  73. I’m hoping for a girl, but have been getting boy vibes this whole pregnancy, so voted for that.

    My choice for a girl is Alice, with middle names possibly Frances, Mary, Valerie, Adelaide or Victoria.
    My choice for a boy is Arthur or Alfred, with middle names Philip, Michael, Francis, Albert, David or Peter.
    I don’t really like any of the boys’ names that are likely, the only two I like are James and Alexander, but those have been used in the family.

  74. I love this!! I can't wait to see the gender and hear the name they pick! I love their childrens names so far. I think it's another baby girl and Alice or Victoria are definite options for the name! Another boy would be wonderful though! BUT, considering Kate's brothers name is James I find it highly unlikely she will name a son James. Just my two cents!!

  75. Would love to see any of the following:

    Alice Dorothea Rose -- nn Alix, Alsie
    Alice Victoria Rose
    Alice Mary Patricia
    Mary Victoria Rose -- nn Mae
    Frederica Louisa Mary ("freh-DREE-kuh") -- nn Freda

    Michael Francis Albert -- nn Miles
    Michael Francis Victor
    Edmund Victor Francis
    Edmund Cornelius Victor
    Edmund Henry Victor

    1. Pam from Boston27 March 2018 at 19:48

      Yes...Dorothea! I like that. I didn't like Dorothy because it sounds a little too common for Royalty, but Dorothea would fit the bill nicely.

  76. Just some notes on the names...

    Arthur - Sarah Chatto's son. Q.Victoria's son
    Alexander - this is one of George's middle names. K Edward VII son who was autistic
    Henry - Harry's name so less likely
    Philip - it would be nice to name the baby perhaps though Harry would use it.
    James - Edward/Sophie's son. Princess Marina's son
    Albert - Possibility
    Michael - Prince Michael of Kent so not likely as a first name. A middle name nod to M.M
    Charles - Prince Charles perhaps middle name. P Margaret's grandson
    Peter - Peter Phillips so not likely
    Francis - Prince Albert's real first name
    John - Alexander John was the name of the autistic son of K Edward VII and they called him John. He died at a young age
    Frederick - Lord Frederick Windsor so less likely
    Richard - Duke of Gloucester so less likely
    Edward - Prince Edward so less likely
    Louis - Louis Mountbatten Prince Charles favorite uncle. Prince George's middle name Not likely
    Oliver - Long shot
    Jacob - Long shot
    Thomas - Not used in the BRF but a maybe
    Benjamin - long shot
    Christopher - there was a Prince C of Greece/Denmark and P Phillip's relative

    Other names in the BRF

    Alfred - Q Victoria's son
    David - P Margaret's son, Edward VIII's first name. Less likely
    Samuel - Sarah Chatto's son
    Nicolas - Prince Michael's son
    Aldofus - Used as a first name
    Augustus - Used as middle name various times
    Stephen- not in the BRF but classic
    Kenneth - Founding father of Scotland
    Edgar - English king
    Robert - Scottish King
    Patrick - nod to Ireland

    So what would I choose if it were me? Philip Charles Michael and make all the living grandfathers happy.

  77. Thoughts on girl's names:

    Elizabeth - P Charlotte's middle name so less likely
    Alice - P of Gloucester. P Philip's mother's name This is a popular name in the BRF High
    Alexandra - P Alexandra Queen's cousin and a Q of England. High
    Mary - Many Mary's in BRF High
    Edith - long shot
    Victoria - Many Victoria first and middle names High
    Diana - P Charlottes middle name. Low
    Frances - Diana's mother's name
    Olive - long shot
    Valerie - long shot
    Dorothy - long shot
    Grace - Van Cutsem daughter Low
    Carole - Not as a first name maybe middle name
    Rose - Lady Rose Windsor, Margaret Rose. Possible
    Sophia - its popular nowadays
    Isabelle - less likely
    Emily - long shot
    Anne - Princess Anne so less likely
    Olivia - long shot
    Amelia - Lady Amelia Windsor the model

    Other names:
    Eleanor - there are already princess on the continent named a variation of this name

    My pick would be Alice Mary Carole

  78. Ok, one name I Haven't heard or read mentioned is "Meghan"!!!!! lol Could you even Imagine??? Beautiful name & soon to be family, but can you Even Imagine the reaction???? "Princess Meghan Cambridge"!!! Just had to throw that out there. I mean it would be an option in a regular family, but it just popped into my head & I checked myself & thought "um that would be a no"! lol :)

  79. ๐ŸŒธ Just dawned on me that those who have chosen the names Phillip and Peter. That would cover Prince Phillip and Phillipa, and Peter is the name of Kate’s beloved, war hero, paternal grandfather, Peter Middleton. Just add Michael to the mix and they are covered. They already covered Charles in Princess Charlotte’s name, yeh? And isn’t Charlotte also pertaining to the name Carole, or no?

  80. Boring evening here so thinking about possibile middle names for a girl. Maybe the queens middle names Mary or Alexandra. Or Valerie or Carole/Caroline from Kates familiy as with Charlotte they have honored Williams grandmother and mother.

    Also like the names Madeline (my personal favorite one!), Florence, Dorothy, Lilian, Adelaide as possible first names.

    However have a strong feeling it will be Alice or Alexandra if itห‹s a girl.

    1. Allegraflora, if they named her Valerie that would be something--one of my names is Valerie :) I doubt somehow they would name a girl Josephine although Mary & Frederick did. I think it will be Victoria or Alice. And the boy I think will be Philip or Michael (I am fairly certain Michael will be part of a boy's names.) Wouldn't Michelle be a sweet name--sure that isn't going to happen though.

  81. I think they will honor Prince Philip and her father in the name of a boy. Carole's middle name is Elizabeth and Pippas middle name is Charlotte so between that and Diana, I feel they have the women in their families covered with Charlotte's full name. I like Philip Michael Henry for a boy and am lost about what to name a girl ๐Ÿ˜Š

  82. Congratulations on the good work as Patron. That is a lot of work. I am staying in the background. I will pray for a health and safe delivery and a lovely and healthy baby. XOXOXOXOXO

  83. Helena


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