Wednesday 20 June 2018

Prince Louis' Christening Details Released!

Kensington Palace confirmed today Prince Louis will be christened on Monday, 9 July, at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace, London. Prince Louis will be christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby.

Prince Louis will be eleven weeks old when he's christened. We last saw photos of Louis in early May, the little prince will have changed quite a bit when we see him on the day.

As with George and Charlotte's christenings, it will be a small, intimate affair attended by godparents and their spouses and close family. Hello! reports:

'Members of the royal family are expected to attend including the Queen, Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and Meghan. Kate's parents Carole and Michael Middleton, her younger brother James and her younger sister Pippa, who is pregnant with her first child, are also expected to make an appearance.'

Louis' big brother George was also baptised at the Chapel Royal. At the time aides said William and Kate selected it because they felt it was the perfect choice for an intimate christening.

The Chapel Royal at St James's Palace was used for the lying in state of Diana Princess of Wales after her death in 1997. The chapel was also the venue for Kate's confirmation into the Church of England in 2011, in a private ceremony before the royal wedding. Built in 1531, the heart of Mary Tudor was laid beneath its chancel step in 1558. Princess Beatrice's christening took place there in 1988, William attended the service with his mother. Below, the Sistine Chapel Choir performing in the Chapel Royal last month.

Charlotte's christening was a much more public affair because it was held at the Church of St Mary Magdalene on the Sandringham estate. Thousands of well-wishers from the nearby Norfolk area and much further afield travelled to St Mary's to catch a glimpse of the Cambridges on the day.

The Palace confirmed the service is "private" although one photographer will be present, so we can expect a nice selection photos similar to George's christening. It's unlikely we'll see the same variety of shots as Charlotte's christening, due to the fact there isn't an arrival/departure walk.

Louis is expected to wear the same gown as his siblings. It is a hand-made replica of the royal christening robe, made by Angela Kelly, dressmaker to the Queen. The original Honiton lace and satin robe, which is now 172 years old, was last used in 2004 with Lady Louise Windsor being the last royal baby to wear the piece. After years of wear it had become too fragile to use, so in 2008 the Queen commissioned a replica. It features the same length skirt, elaborate collars and bow as its predecessor. The first baby to wear it was was James, Viscount Severn, son of the Earl and Countess of Wessex.

William and Kate's choice of godparents will be revealed closer to the day. Will we see the Duchess in cream McQueen again?


Next we have several fashion updates regarding pieces the Duchess has worn. The GOAT Eloise Tunic Kate wore for the Place2Be School Leaders Forum last November has been restocked in all sizes. The 100% wool, plum dress is described as "Simple, chic and timeless the Eloise dress in a deep purple hue is a wardrobe must-have. A line shaped with a high neckline decorated with shine pewter buttons the Eloise is perfect for teaming with flats for a more casual look or heels to dress up."

The Office Nina Block Heel Sandals Kate wore to Wimbledon are reduced from £62 to £39.

And Kate's Michael Kors Carnation Georgette Shirtdress is reduced from £215 to £150.


Finally, congratulations to Mike, Zara and Mia Tindall on the new addition to their family. Zara gave birth to a baby girl on Monday.

The Duchess greeting Zara at Royal Ascot last year. 

You can view the full announcement here. 


  1. It will be so nice to see the Cambridges again. I assume both Charlotte and George will attend the christening, so maybe we'll see a family portrait. I am curious about the godparents chosen. William and Kate have chosen both friends and cousins for George's and Charlotte's godparents, so I'm wondering what family members will be asked to be Louis' godparents. Maybe young Louise Windsor? Or Louis Spencer?

  2. Glad to get details of when the christening will be. I liked how we got to see more of the family at Charlotte’s christening, but I understand why William and Kate have chosen The Chapel Royal since they are now based in London. I can’t wait to see pictures of baby Louis!

  3. Correction: Zara had the baby on Monday not Wednesday:)

  4. If it's on a Monday does that mean we won't be seeing George and Charlotte this time because they'll still be at school? I don't think they will have finished for summer by 9th July will they? It won't be quite the same without seeing the whole Cambridge family together for the first time, if so.

    Great that it's coming up so soon though - it will be wonderful to see how much Prince Louis has changed since we last saw pictures of him. I remember how much George had changed by the time of his christening (I still chuckle over that official photo of him with his arms raised - one of my all-time favourite images of him).

    1. I believe term ends on 6 July for George, we should definitely see them there :)

    2. Phew! Thanks Charlotte, that's great news!

    3. caroline in montana21 June 2018 at 17:29

      Now im curious, is school really that far into the summer over there? when do they go back in the fall? here in the us its usually the first part of june for kids and earlier for university to be let out. they go back at the first of September or earlier for university.

    4. In my part of the US kids up through HS are getting out this week with many schools not ending until June 22nd. Then they will go back September 4. Colleges are all over the place but in general a shorter academic year. So for college maybe September 4 - May 10 or so for next year, including finals. Many students are done even earlier, depending on the finals schedule.

    5. Most schools finish for summer on 19th July and go back on 5th or 6th Sept. Fee-paying schools finish earlier (around 6th or 10th July)

    6. Absolutely right, Diana — the more you pay for the school, the fewer days you’ll actually spend there! :-)

      Boarding schools usually have about the same start and finish dates as private day schools, but the vacations (Thanksgiving, winter break, spring break) are _much_ longer.

  5. Kate, Texas, USA20 June 2018 at 13:51

    Looking forward to the lovely occasion and seeing little Prince Louis. It will be a sweet and special day for the family. It will be beautiful seeing the Cambridge family all together for the first time. Can’t wait!

  6. That is a lot of baby. I know, because most of mine were nesr that size. The Tindalls must be very happy. Princess Anne is well supplied with granddaughters!

  7. I think at this point I can safely put my bet on a new bespoke JP or AM design, of course it will come in a colour and cut which will be the same or similar to her previous ones. Nothing unexpected.

    1. Indeed, I know what to expect. Classical elegance, with a stunningly ravishing hat. Perfection and harmony. The reason the DoC is one of the best dressed persons in the world with a coherent personal style. The definition of elegance IMO

    2. I completely agree Natacha! Kate seems to have taken a page from the Queen's book on dressing as she will be classically elegant with a "stunningly ravishing hat" and will be the epitome of royal poise and grace. Looking forward to the christening and seeing the Cambridges. cc

    3. I find Kate's hats to be just gorgeous! It doesn't hur that she is so pretty, but thy always are luscious and beautiful/

    4. caroline in montana20 June 2018 at 20:14

      +1 Natacha. nailed it with Classical Elegance!

    5. I agree with the four responses (so far) in this thread and will just add that Kate dresses for her role and NOT to entertain us with her wardrobe choices.

    6. True, RF. She dresses for her role. But she entertains us all the same!

    7. Hear hear!!!
      I love the DoC “predictable style”...she is always classy and elegant!

    8. I couldn't have said it better. Kate's style may be "predictable" to some but I love the timeless elegance which she brings to the table. I don't want to see Kate in the latest trends or the coolest fashions... I like that she has developed a style - one that works so well for her.

  8. 172-year-old satin and lace... imagine the gentle handling, laundering, storage, and mending needed to allow it to last that long.

    When people ask me why I enjoy following the BRF, things like this are among the reasons. In our contemporary world, single-use items - such as Keurig cups and paper plates - are discarded without a thought (and hopefully recycled). Even our smartphones - complicated technology - are disposed of and replaced within a few years. Some people get a new phone every year. The skill and care needed for a garment to last for 172 years... that's an art. That's a show of respect not only for history and for tradition, but for the materials themselves.

    1. Intrigued By Royals20 June 2018 at 16:58

      I agree with you, Heather. The history represented by the family is very interesting and good to remember. I always wondered how you put a 172 year old garment on a 3 month old baby without ruining it. Maybe they wait till they baby is sleeping!

    2. How very true Heather, taking care of things is becoming a lost art! Part of why I enjoy following the royal family is how they respect and honor tradition....the history of everything is very interesting and important to preserve. cc

    3. You are absolutely right

    4. Zora from Prague20 June 2018 at 21:20

      I so agree, Heather and CeCe! The older I get, the more items with a history speak to me. Touching something that my grandmother used to wear, drinking from a cup which was made some 80 years ago, going through tiny black and white photos... I learn to understand something about how the time passes, about family roots and about belonging somewhere.

    5. I agree ladies...wholeheartedly.

    6. The christening frock is a replica of the original one.

  9. I'll stand corrected, but I don't think with the George and Charlotte's christenings, neither of W&K siblings stood as godparents. So I hope this time we get to see Harry Pippa and James on the list. Better still, if Meghan could be chosen !
    What an amazing year so far for HM and BRF. Two new additions and a Royal wedding !
    Kate will probably go for a McQueen, and I'm hoping for another statement hat. I loved her whole look at Trooping the Colour.

    1. From what I've read it isn't usual for a close blood relative to be named godparent because they are already,presumably, an important and intimate part of the child's life by being their aunt/uncle, etc. Usually non-family (or non close family) are chosen as godparents. :)

    2. Wendy, Elizabeth the first died in 1603. At the time of your ancestors arrival in the USA, we had Charles the first on the throne from 1625 to 1649 (his execution). Then from 1649 to 1653 we were a Republic until the restoration of the monarchy.

      Angela, London,UK

  10. Can’t wait!! I love all the articles about Meghan right now but Kate is still my “first love” in the BRD and I have missed her. Hoping she’s having a restful maternity leave with her 3 babies. Having had my third last summer “restful” may not be the most accurate term but memorable it is sure to be :)

  11. That is the day I arrive in England for my first ever, but much longed for, trip there! We land at 9am and are staying in the Mayfair area of London. Would it be worth going to the chapel at St James to try to steal a glimpse of arrival/departure or is it set up in a way where the public won't be able to see anything?

    1. Florida Girl, Just contact the palace and ask them to pick you up at the airport to be sure you make the christening on time. Seriously, after an overnight flight, getting through customs and immigration, claiming your luggage and getting into the city from the airport, you are going to be mighty tired. Although your accommodation is not too far from St. James, it is a gamble about whether you will be able to see anything. But if you aren't too weary, it might be worth it to walk over to the St. James area. Just to be in the vicinity you will feel the energy of the occasion.

    2. Florida girl, if you Google images from George's christening, you will see people waiting behind barricades set up along Cleveland Row. I'd give it a try! Timing will be the key.... :-)

    3. Oh florida girl, how exciting for you! I hope you have a lovely stay and I wish you all the best for an amazing trip. I don’t know anything about access to viewing on the day of the Christening. Maybe local papers/online closer to the date might be helpful?
      Royal πŸ‘‘ Watcher

    4. Thanks! Great advice! Laura - too funny!! I think I will mention it to the Palace when I call them to set up my tea with the Queen.

      Wait, I'm coming all the way to London, I WILL be able to visit the Queen, right?! ;)

      I'm so excited about this trip! Taking a royal tour and visiting lots of palaces, going to Windsor too. And the Tower of course, and a play at the Globe. And the Downton Abbey place, and maybe Wimbeldon.

      I know I'm going to cry when the plane touches down. A lifelong dream.

    5. I'm so happy for you, Florida Girl. Although I've lived most of my life in Canada, I spent my first five years living just outside of London. My mother was a huge monarchist and took me into London to see all the royal events. Although I was quite young, I can certainly remember Trooping the Colour.

      You are in for a wonderful holiday and you are certainly hitting some highlights. Enjoy, Go well and safely!

    6. I'm so happy for you! I hope you have a lovely time. I would like to go for family research. My family arrived in Massachusetts in 1634.I do believe that was during the rein of Elizabeth I.

    7. Zora from Prague22 June 2018 at 07:08

      Oh, florida girl, I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute of your trip!! How exciting. I'd definitely go and try to get a glimpse of something. I agree 100% with Laura: "Just to be in the vicinity you will feel the energy of the occasion" - that is so true! You'll be able to tell your friends that "you were there for Prince Louis christening" ! Your plans sound lovely. Enjoy and let us know how it was, please! (And give our love to HM over a cup of teaπŸ˜ƒ!)

    8. florida girl, I'm So So Happy For You!!! :) You will have a Ball!!! Actually I have a favor to ask of you... I am flying over in August for a Feature Film Shoot & will be staying in London! I usually stay at Big Hotels, but this time I'm looking for a Quaint Boutique one & I find it so iffy to know from looking online.... I have some names from friends... but if you see something nice would you mind sharing it? The Mayfair area is lovely!! :)

    9. Oh do share where you go & what you see & where you have Tea!! :) xo

    10. Susan in Florida23 June 2018 at 03:45

      Have a great trip ! To beat jet lag, you have to act as if the time of day when you arrive is the real time. Seriously, sleep on the plane and act like it’s 9am when you arrive. Go outside for daylight and stay awake until your regular bedtime. Or one hour early to bed , but no more. It sounds insane, but it works. We used to refuse meals on the plane because it was supposed be our night time. Flight attendants get it, it’s not odd behavior. We lived in Kuwait for two and a half years , our trips to the USA were 24 hours , door to door with layovers. You will feel awful the day you arrive, but stay up until normal bedtime. Please trust me on this, as one Duchess fan to another.

    11. Thanks everyone! Great advice! The more I think about it the more I think I'm going to have the driver drop me at St James' on the way from the airport if it's near the time and my husband and luggage can go on to the hotel. No matter what I see or don't see, I will regret being that close on that day and not hanging out there to at least say I was there like you say, Zora.

      Thanks for the travel advice, Susan. I've never flown overseas or overnight. I'll remember your suggestions and tell my husband too.

      Becca, I sure will keep my eye out for boutique hotels and will let you know (that sounds like an exciting reason to be in London, btw)! We're staying at the Marylbone. We're taking a few private tours so as I look around and talk to the guides maybe I'll get some ideas. We like boutuque hotels when we stay in NYC so we usually notice them when we travel.

      I'm REALLY nervous about seeing the queen. Mainly about if it'll hurt when the guards pull me down off the fence if I'm caught.... ;)

      CAN YOU IMAGINE actually meeting her?! I don't see how people at the garden parties don't wet their pants when she talks to them! πŸ˜†

    12. I have enjoyed this whole discussion and your delightful humor, forida girl! The visual of that fence-climbing incident will remain with me throughout the day, prompting repeated smiles and chuckles...

      Regarding your last comment: one would need to forgo the tea, I should imagine. ;)

    13. Florida Girl, It sounds like you have thought things through and have a plan. BTW, the Marylbone hotel is said to be lovely and I've heard they serve a wonderful afternoon tea. So if your arrangements with Her Majesty don't come to fruition, you can still spoil yourself doing the tea ritual with hubby, at your hotel.

    14. Anon 20:32 you made me smile! ❤☺

      Laura, thank you for telling me that! I've never "had tea" properly - looking forward to that. Maybe I can at least get my husband to wear a dress, grey wig,lipstick, and a black Launer handbag....

    15. Florida Girl, Be prepared…the afternoon tea is not inexpensive. But it will be a unique and perhaps once in a lifetime experience. Let hubby come as himself, that way you don't have to curtsy.

    16. 🌸 ha. good luck with that florida girl. πŸ˜³πŸ˜„

    17. 🌸 florida girl. That is about getting your husband to dress like the Queen that is. (my comment above)

      As for all the other stuff. GO FOR ITπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‘‘πŸ°πŸŽ‰

    18. Thanks SG and Laura - funny! πŸ˜† And thanks for the tip, I'm sure I'll do the tea it at least once.

    19. Caroline in Montana25 June 2018 at 20:04

      Ok, I just had to check out your hotel and I must say how jealous I am! I looked at the afternoon tea as well, so glad I was sitting down it looks delicious! one question on the tea, do you have to choose between sweet or savory? and if its 32 in pounds how much is that American? you must tell us all about your trip! I wish to go one day myself. I hope you have a wonderful time:)

    20. Thank you, Caroline! I will have to look online at that tea also. We're excited about the hotel. Our travel agent suggested it. We had to book it back in February because we'll be there during Wimbledon week so things were booking up (there's also a ton of concerts going on that week which we figure is because of Wimbledon also).

      We just realized we'll be in England during the finals of the World Cup! Kind of looking forward to seeing what it's like there during that (really, more than "kind of" but we've been warned it can get crazy).

      I DO know I found out today at my bank that if I want 200 pounds I'll need to give my bank 280 US dollars! WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT??!! haha :)

    21. I'm sure I'll be posting a lot on facebook (sarah dalton chamblee).

    22. Rhonda - Wisconsin27 June 2018 at 17:42

      florida girl - I am so very jealous! I've warned my hubby that a trip to the UK is definitely on the radar in the future AND it will revolve around Trooping the Color so that we can see the pagentry. Enjoy every minute and I'm going to send you a friend request on facebook so that I can follow your trip!! Give HM our best and do try to stay poised and calm when they pull you down from that fence! :o)

    23. Lol Rhonda!! I'll try not to let my dress fly up....

      My husband has had to "sign off" on coming on this trip with me. He is a great beer/great food kind of guy so London would not be his pick for our first ever overseas trip (Belgium, France, Spain are his first desires). However, we are A1, first class procrastinators. So, since I was the one who finally pulled the trigger on a trip (this one) and have done all the work except making restaurant reservations then I got my way - a royal tour! :) But, I made him think hard about it before agreeing to go because I have no problem traveling alone and I don't want to hear any lip from him when he's on his 4th palace! πŸ˜† I had the travel agent draw up a loose plan at first and presented it to him so he knew what he was saying yes to. He's always supported my royal history hobby (buying me books as gifts, etc) but definitely doesn't feel the way I feel so this will be an interesting journey for him..... haha! I'm glad he chose to go though.

      We pretty much put the final touches on the plan today. Heres my short summary:

      Mon July 9 - arrive 9am - try to be a part of the crowd at the Christening and/or go to Hampton Ct Palace (our only chance to see that the whole trip).

      Day 2 - The Tower, a tour of The Globe Theater, "Hamlet" at The Globe that evening.

      Day 3 - A group tour for 11 hrs to Oxford, Bampton, and Highclere (Downton Abbey)

      Day 4 - 8 hour black cab tour of London with heavy emphasis on royal sites

      Day 5 - off - either Wimbledon or Sandringham

      Day 6 - 1/2 day private walking tour of central London including a tour of Westminster Abbey plus 1/2 day of a walking tour of historic pubs.

      Day 7 - off - either Wimbledon or Sandringham

      Day 8 - 1/2 day at Windsor, 1/2 day at Kensington Palace

      Day 9 - leave

      Plus teas and dining that we will schedule on our own.

      I hope you do send me a facebook friend request at Sarah Dalton Chamblee as that is where I post - I have a twitter account but Twitter scares me lol!

  12. Silvia from Tuscany20 June 2018 at 17:29

    Nice article. Nice to see Kate again and the rest of the family. I do agree with Heather. In a world that creates tons of rubbish, being able to keep and take care of a christening dress for years and years is something worth respect.

  13. How very exciting to have another royal event to look forward to!
    Royal πŸ‘‘ Watcher

    1. Zora from Prague20 June 2018 at 21:22

      +1, Royal Watcher! Aren't we lucky? πŸ˜ƒ Thank you for the lovely post, Charlotte!

    2. Definitely Zora πŸ˜€
      Royal πŸ‘‘ Watcher

  14. Looking forward to have her back, even if I hope she is really enjoing her beautiful family. For me, it's Kate First!

  15. I’m looking forward to seeing the whole family, I’m sure the kids have all grown so much - at their ages, they change so fast! I know she’s worn cream for the others but I’m hoping she maybe adds a tiny to it - a pale yellow or green. Perhaps a pastel added in her hat or jewelry.

    I’m excited to see the godparent list. I’m hoping for Meghan and Kate’s brother James, as both Pippa and Harry played major roles in the wedding so it would be nice for the others to have that moment and that memory.

    I would also like to see Rebecca because she and Kate seem to have a special bond.

    1. Actually Kate’s brother gave the only reading at Will and Kate’s wedding, so he did have a major role.

    2. We view it differently, I don’t consider a reading a major role in comparison to Maid of Honor/Best Man.

    3. Well, I don’t see what other role a brother of a bride could have in this case. Obviously, he’s not going to be the best man or maid of honor. She’s clearly close to her brother as well and I think she did the best she could in terms of the wedding. - Anon 4:45

    4. In some churches being asked to give the only reading is considered a real honor. In the US where it's typical to have multiple adult bridesmaids & an equal number of adult groomsmen, there likely would be a role for the bride's only brother in the actual bridal party. But in a UK ceremony with mostly children in the bridal party and only two adults besides the bride and groom....

      Apparently as long as they've been baptized, the CoE doesn't require (but prefers) godparents to have been confirmed. Since both Pippa and Kate were not confirmed until shortly before their weddings, I kind of doubt James has been. I guess that might play a role. Of course he could get confirmed if he wanted to.

    5. Agreed Lizzie. Also I don't think the royal family chooses siblings as godparents. I don't believe either William or Harry have godparents who are their aunts/uncles (Charles and Diana's siblings). It seems to be their tradition. Hence, they choose close friends, cousins, etc. - Anon 4:45

  16. Susan in Florida20 June 2018 at 21:20

    I hope we will see Prince Phillip at this christening. Maybe that’s part of why they chose St James?

    1. I thought about that angle, but I think it has more to do with tradition (George). And it makes the tribute to Diana even clearer since Charlotte was christened at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham. IMO. :-)

    2. St Mary Magdalene Church also paid tribute to Diana. It was where Diana herself was christened. I think (pure speculation) that they wanted a more private event. Plus, they are now officially based in London and not at Anmer Hall. Charlotte's original post on Charlotte's christening and the church's linkage to Princess Diana:

  17. Can't wait to see baby Louis and the Cambridge family! I too love Duchess Catherine's hats and look forward to seeing which one she wears on the special day!

  18. So I'm supposing this means we won't see them at Ascot after all?

    I definitely think Kate will make it a 3rd go 'round with a cream ensemble. Probably McQueen, but possibly Catherine Walker? I'm also hoping she wears her hair down, again, like she did for George's service. She looked stunning that day.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how Louis has changed! It will also be nice to see the side-by-side of each of the Cambridge christenings.

    1. Becca H, I am with you. I like the similar look she has worn to the christenings, hope she continues this look with Louis. She did look so pretty at Georges's with her hair down. Hope we get a few good shots of Louis to see how he is growing.

  19. im is so nice they release the christening details we hope the cambridges family again hmm i hoping they will release the godparents pretty sure aunt pippa will be there as godparents and it should be nice to see the duke and duchess of Sussex will be made on the list or maybe they will ask the one Diana niece and nephews spencer will be made cut there it would nice two family collide

    1. Anglophile in Ohio22 June 2018 at 03:20

      William's Spencer cousin Laura Fellowes is one of Princess Charlotte's godparents.

  20. I'm suggesting...Ella for the name of Zara Tindall's daughter. Mia and Ella would be cute. So happy for the Tindalls!

    1. That's a great suggestion!! Mia and Ella has a great sound! Anxious to see what they do name their little girl. Zara and her husband look like they have a great relationship. I share your salute to the Tindalls!! cc

    2. Ella would be so sweet :)

  21. I actually should be working, but....sharing a link. Found this article as today is William's 36th birthday and apparently at an event he shared that Charlotte loves the color pink. He was gifted with wonderful leather bags for each of the children and Charlotte's is of course pink!! Love it when William and Kate talk about their children and share little insights. I remember when William was born as I was pregnant at the same time as Diana and my daughter was born in April, two months before William. The time just flies by...Happy Birthday William! cc

    1. I saw those bags. They are really cute.

    2. Oops here's the link: cc

    3. 🌸 Cute story, CeCe. 😊 Is your daughter into the Royal family? What does she think of the boys and their spouses since she is in their age group?

  22. My family have a Victorian, cotton lawn broderie anglaise Christening robe complete with underdress. It was bought for my grandmother in 1912 and all her 5 Brother’s and sisters, my mum and her brothers and cousins, the me and my siblings and cousins, followed by my children, nieces and nephews were christened in it! It has got quite thin over the years. There is a little tear in it which was mended (badly) by someone. I suggested that I would remake it re entry but my mum likes the story it tells.

    1. Wow what a amazing tradition, how fun to share that with your whole family. My mom made a beautiful dress for each of my girls that they will be able to use and pass down through their families.

    2. Shining, , what lovely story and family tradition. My sister made a christening gown for my first child and each of my three wore it and now the grandkids are wearing it. But this gown does not have the history that yours has. It would be lovely to get a note book and on each page tell a bit about each person who wore it. Although I realize it might be difficult to recall all this info about members now deceased. The note book could be kept in the box along with the gown. I understand why your mother prefers the original rather than a remake. Do take the gown to a qualified seamstress to do the repair. It will be worth the cost. Perhaps an underlay could be attached to give the original layer some stability. I would do it for you at no cost, but seriously doubt we live anywhere near each other. I am in the Toronto, Canada area.

    3. 🌸 Shining.😊 What a sweet legacy.

      😊 Laura that is a sweet idea about the brief biographical info. An excellent idea also about a pro mending that tear and an excellent idea about just doing an new underlayment. AND super sweet that you offered your services for free.πŸ€—❤️

    4. Laura how kind your offer is - yes! there is an ocean between us. I'm in Ireland. But your idea of the underlay is very good and I must do something about it. I have the skills to do it but must just go about doing it. I actually have started a book chronicling the individuals who were baptised in the gown - a work in progress. The funniest story regarding the gown was when I brought the gown to my cousin, her husband nearly had a seizure that his son was to be baptised in a dress!! We assured him that many very masculine men had lived out their lives successfully with such a start!!!!

    5. Coincidentally Shining, I was in Ireland for the month of April. It is such a beautiful country. If you have sewing skills then you can do a few things to make the gown a bit stronger. Also, and it could be too late for this to do much good, but you should store the gown wrapped in acid free paper. Not sure where you'd find this, but archivists use it for historical items and documents. It slows down the rate of deterioration. Yes, indeed a funny story about a Dad not wanting his son to wear a dress. I say, if it is good enough for the future king of England to wear a gown, it is good enough for any boy. Good luck with the book and fortifying the christening gown.

  23. I’m really looking forward to getting a glimpse of little Louis again :) He’s such a handsome boy! I’m pretty sure Kate will wear another cream McQueen again...keeping continuity going ;) Congratulations to Zara & Mike on the birth of their daughter! She was born a day after my birthday. The NZ Prime Minister just gave birth to her little girl yesterday, on William’s birthday (NZ time). So many June babies :)

  24. Happy 36th Birthday to William, btw!

  25. Yes, can't wait to see Kate outfit and a new portrait as a family of 5!
    I think she will wear McQueen again.
    It would be fabulous to see Pippa, James, Harry and Meghan as godparents. They are all so nice and lovely. Let's see...

  26. Charlotte, I know this is dedicated to Kate, but I just would like to say that in the first three days at Royal Ascot, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, has worn adorable outfits.
    The first day, she wore a lovely pink dress, then the wide-legged jumpsuit and today a gorgeous pleated dress with a very stylish feather hat! It reminds me of Camilla's at HM wedding. Excellent choices from Sophie!

  27. Congrats to the Tindalls on the arrival of their daughter; nice trip Florida Girl, be safe and enjoy. Thanks Charlotte for the info on the Christening and for keeping us informed.

  28. Charlotte I'd like to ask a question, I was wondering why at some royal weddings royal guests ladies from other countries wear a tiara and they didn't at William and Catherine one? Is it because William is not the next in line? Or is there another explanation I'm not aware of? Or I don't remember correctly the day?
    Thank you so much, looking forward to prince Louis christening :)


    1. It depends on the time of the day. If the ceremony is in the morning, men wear a morning coat and ladies a hat. In the evening, white or black tie, and tiaras.

    2. 🌸 good question, Silvia. 😊

    3. Thank you to you all ladies some things are pretty new to me, you're so very nice and patient :)



    Your mom would be so proud of the man you have become and of the family life you have built and your allegiance to your heritage and calling.

  30. Charlotte, as it gets closer if you hear of a time please post. I'll check back to the blog to see so I can plan to try to be part of the crowd there that day. I've searched the internet but nothing seems to have been announced regarding time.

    1. I absolutely will Florida Girl, I hope you have an amazing time :)

    2. Hello Florida Girl,

      It's 4 pm :)

    3. Thank you!! Now I can call the travel angent to figure it all out.

  31. Only the bride wears a tiara to a British royal wedding. Think Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Lady Diana, Catherine Middleton, Meghan Markle. They were all surrounded by women in elegant hats. Some royal weddings elsewhere are tiara events, but not in Britain. It's a difference in dress codes. Since I'm not Charlotte, I hope this is a good answer to your question, Silvia.

    1. Thank you I had not idea of this different dress code, it does make sense now


  32. Prince William seems to have had an enjoyable first day of his journey in Jordan. Too bad Kate could not have joined him, since she lived there as a toddler.

  33. Julia from Leominster25 June 2018 at 08:23

    Florida Girl - have a lovely holiday - I know you shall. don't forget to visit Kensington Palace for the Diana dress exhibit - and also tiaras - I'm certain that's already planned. And the National Gallery! And the Banqueting House Whitehall for the ceiling - and amazing history.

    Silvia - tiaras have never been worn to British royal weddings - even in the 20th century to my knowledge so nothing to do with who is the next heir. Up through Elizabeth's wedding, ladies did wear long dresses and orders and long dresses were worn to Margaret's wedding - but always with hats.

    Andrew - Charles' brother was one of Harry's godparents.

    1. Thank you Julia! I'm writing your suggestions down. The dress exhibit at Kensington is on my list but I'll add the rest. We have 3 "free" days which aren't pre-planned so I have room and have been searching for what to add.

    2. Thank you to you to Julia I wasn't aware of the different dress codes


    3. Florida Girl, When you said you would be in London on the day of Louis' christening, I doubt you thought that so many people who chime in with suggestions. One thing I love to do is take a boat cruise on the Thames. You get the boats near Westminster Bridge, which is near Westminster Abbey. One direction takes you to the village of Greenwich, the other takes you to Kew Gardens, which are spectacular, Richmond and Hampton Court. There is a commentary en route and many, many interesting things to see along the way in both directions. Prices are reasonable and hubby might like a break from all the royal related activities.
      Google: Thames River Cruises from Westminster or Boat Cruises from Westminster to Kew Gardens

    4. Oh Laura thank you! Why did I (or my travel agent) not think of this?! We took an architectural boat tour on the river in Chicago and it was just perfect. I will put that down. I love these suggestions :)

      So, it can take you to Hampton Court? If so, great because I am "on my own" getting there and planning that out.

    5. I lived in England for many years...I second the suggestion for a Thames River cruise. If your husband is along he’ll probably enjoy Greenwich more than Kew Gardens/Hampton Court:). You can see the Old Royal Naval College (beautiful), the maritime museum, Prime meridian line, and the Cutty Sark clipper ship is fun to go through too:)

    6. Thank you, YellowRose!

  34. 🌸 Love and Hugs❤️ to all my friends here, including sweet Pippin.🐾 And Thank You Charlotte🌷for seven years of fun, comraderie, education and personal growth. My love and prayers will be ongoing toward DKB/MAM. ❤️πŸ™ 😊 Be kind to one another.

    1. SG, are you going somewhere?

    2. Rhonda - Wisconsin27 June 2018 at 17:53

      Surfer Girl - this post strangely sounds like goodbye. What's up with that and you better not be leaving us! I LOVE your posts!!!!

    3. ?? What's going on, surfer girl?? I hope this isn't a permanent goodbye.

    4. Also, surfer girl, if you just need a break from the blogs but would like to keep in touch with people, I wouldn't say no to that:) I can give Charlotte my contact info if you like. If not, sending tons of best wishes your wayπŸ’«. Hope you have a spectacular summer.

    5. SG, I hope you're okay. Please stick around. xo

    6. 🌸 Patricia I and Rhonda.❤️ I left an explanation over at MAM. Thanks, Rhonda. I have enjoyed your posts also.😊 Love and hugs to you both.❤️

    7. All wonderful things for you Surfer Girl. You will be missed for sure.❤️ Hugs.

    8. I don't know what's going on as I don't read MAM anymore but Pippin says please stay here - he can't bear to lose his best blog friend and his spaniel friends join in that and I join in that too!

      I know this is a slow time but by autumn things will pick up and we need you surfer girl. I realise things can happen that make you want to quit - it's happened to me - but at the end, here at Duchess Kate we are a good group and it's worth carrying on. Charlotte does brilliantly and is always supportive.

      Love and hugs, Julia

    9. surfer girl - just checked the other blog and am glad it seems to be life decisions motivating you, not something said. But do think about staying here at least. What you're doing sounds important and worthwhile, but spare us a little time or Pip will have no one to send kisses to!!!!! He's very generous with his kisses - as well as with his snores!

      Maybe just follow this blog - things are slow here right now thanks to Louis and I've found that helpful with balancing work and Internet which was beginning to tilt too much in one direction for a time.

      But we can't afford to lose you - you're one of our stalwarts. And you must here how Florida Girl's holiday goes! But the best of luck to you regardless and even if you do leave for a time, think about coming back - it's always lovely when a name that has been 'in absentia' suddenly reappears -

      Love and all good wishes - Julia and Pippin

    10. I left a similar message on MAM. Okay, Surfer Girl, I am a tad confused about your good bye. I know you post often and I'm sure that takes up time, but do you really have to leave this blog…like total withdrawal? Your mission to help others is noble and I'm sure it is a spiritual calling. But even doing this fine work, you need a diversion from time to time. A few years ago I was in Africa doing volunteer work. I had my tablet and at the end of an long, emotionally charged day, I enjoyed coming onto the Duchess Kate blog. It was a little bit of familiarity with familiar commentators and it in no way detracted from the work I was doing. I didn't comment much during that time, but I did occasionally chime in. Perhaps you will do this also. At the very least have a look at the photos here and on MAM. Say "hello" just so we know you are okay. I wish you every success in this new chapter of your life. May God be with you and bring your peace.

    11. I do not follow MAM, but surfer girl I would entreaty you as well to not leave this blog completely. You know best what you need to do and how you need to divide your time, but would agree with Laura that we all need a little diversion from our life's work and this DOC blog has been a happy retreat and your comments bright spots!! Whatever your decision, I wish you happiness and the best in life always! cc

  35. Joanne in California25 June 2018 at 16:37

    Florida Girl, have a wonderful time! I've loved reading this post about the adventures that await you! If you want to share, would love to see a few pics about what you saw, favorite spots, etc., etc. I have never been there, so can't offer any favorites. Everything there looks so lovely...soak it all in as you pinch yourself asking, am I really here?! I know I've asked myself that with places I've been :) Your plan sounds great...and you never know...never know who you might run into :) Safe travels and have a great time!

    1. Thanks, Joanne! I would love to give an update on here (I'll be posting for sure on my facebook - Sarah Dalton Chamblee).

      I just CANNOT believe I'm going! It's surreal, really. Just can't believe it.... ☺

  36. Florida Girl, I hope you are still reading these comments as I'm late to the party. I am so envious of you possibly catching a glimpse of the family at the christening! I hope it works out for you. I was in London for 10 days in April and hoping against hope that Prince Louis would be born while I was there. He decided to make his appearance less than 48 hours after I left. I suppose if he'd been born while I was there I may have headed over to St. Mary's to try to catch a glimpse. I also was there in January and debated about heading over to Great Ormond Street hospital the day that Kate was there. However, it being cold out and not knowing exactly where she'd be and if I'd even be able to see her, and not even knowing what time she would be there, I decided not to go and I do regret it now! Even if you don't get to see them, to be there at St. James Palace at the time of the christening will be exciting enough. My daughter was studying in London this past Spring and texted me one day....because she thought I would know, she asked me what Kate was doing that day. She'd walked past St. Luke's Community Centre, around the corner from where she was living, and there was a crowd of people standing around, "important" looking people going in and out, etc and an air of excitement. She knew it must be something to do with Kate and William. Indeed they were there, Kate's last appearance before her maternity leave. My daughter didn't see them because she had to get to class but she said it was exciting just being around the event.

    My absolute favorite thing that I have ever done there was to visit Sandringham House. I highly recommend it if you can manage it. We rented a car and drove there as it was actually much less expensive than 4 of us taking the train. But if you take the train to King's Lynn, I believe it should be easy to get transportation on to the house. You get to tour the house, the gardens, the beautiful grounds and St. Mary Magdalene church where the Royals attend Christmas service, and where Princess Diana and Princess Charlotte were christened. The tour guides inside the house were so friendly and informative. We lucked out because it was not so busy when we were there and we really spent a good amount of time chatting with the guides. We walked through the same rooms where the family spend Christmas, where they open their gifts and the dining room where they have their dinner. The guide showed us where their tree is set up. It really was so incredibly surreal to actually be inside the house. I have also been lucky enough to have toured Buckingham Palace, the first year it opened to the public (1993, when the Queen was trying to raise money for the renovation of Windsor after the fire the previous year), and I would say that I enjoyed Sandringham so much more.

    Anyway, have a great time! And tell us all about it when you get back.

    1. Oh my goodness, Pam, had NO IDEA you could tour Sandringham!! THANK YOU!! I just finished a great biography on King Edward VII and a lot of it was at Sandringham so it's all super interesting to me right now! This will be a priority for sure.
      Thanks for letting me know about your daughter's experience. It reaffirms others' suggestions about just being there as an exciting thing even if I see nothing. I need to look at maps of the place to help plan this out.

    2. florida girl, it's a tough call when you consider to go to Sandringham takes a full day away from the many, many things you'll want to do in London, but if you haven't already planned a day trip outside of London, it is nice to get out into the country for a bit. It may be a tad long a drive for a day trip - we stayed overnight at a cute inn one mile away - the Feathers, but it's much more doable in a day by train.

    3. We would take a train but yes, I realized last night that Sandringham would be an all day thing. I really really want to see it though. I would've planned it earlier but didn't realize they have tours there. I'm going to try to make it happen on one of our free days.

      We ARE going outside London one day for sure - to Highclere. I am looking forward to seeing it but also just to get out of London and see the English countryside.

    4. And I believe the area near Highclere is a better example of the typical English countryside, although I did love the area around Sandringham.

  37. Wendy, I've been doing my genealogy and some of my ancestors arrived in Massachusetts from England back in the 1630's as well, and we believe, although we don't have proof, that we are descended from John Alden, Mayflower passenger. But more exciting than that was to find out that one of my several-times great grandfathers was a Williams/Cromwell (the family members used both names for some reason) and his mother was someone by the name of Lady Joan Wykys and her sister Lady Elizabeth Wykys was also married to a Cromwell - Thomas Cromwell, who was the secretary to King Henry VIII and ancestor of Oliver Cromwell. I've always been enamored of Britain and all things British, so to find this all out pretty recently was so exciting!

    1. That's amazing! You should definitely read (and watch the miniseries of) Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall about Thomas Cromwell.

  38. im looking forward to that day hmm are they release new details of prince Louie christening hmm so far so good the royal tour in jordan i love prince william

  39. Looking forward to the christening! I am so happy for Zara after her previous miscarriage this is beautiful news. She and her husband truly look in love and so happy.

  40. William is really undertaking the diplomatic trip. Serious write ups on his trip on a variety of news sources including the BBC. This trip would have taken serious preparation time. Looking for ward to the christening and a picture of Zara and Mikes latest.

  41. Zora from Prague27 June 2018 at 13:56

    May I have a question? Does anybody know what name Zara and Mike Tindalls have chosen for their newborn daughter? Thanks.

    1. I've been wondering too Zora. cc

    2. Zora, it's Lena Elizabeth 😊 Nice!

      I admit that Lena is a name I'm not familiar with.

    3. Lena Elizabeth is what I heard the new baby is named.

    4. The little girl's name is Lena Elizabeth Tindall (pronounced Lay-na).

    5. Zora from Prague28 June 2018 at 11:13

      Thank you, everyone! I had a colleague named Lena :). I believe there may be a connection with Helena, Alena and Magdalena. In Czech, we have a similar name Lenka (I have no less than 5 friends called Lenka).
      I like the sound of Lena Elizabeth and also of Mia and Lena! Mia is probably a happy and proud big sister! Looking forward to seeing the Tindalls with both girls. :)

  42. Zara and Mike named their baby Lena Elizabeth, which I think is very nice.

    William is doing a great job on his trip---it was a wonderful idea!

    Florida Girl's trip sounds like it's getting better and better---wish we were all going. :)

    And SG---don't eave!!!!

  43. 🌸 Thank you all for all the love. It has really touched my heart a lot.❤️
    This is a lot, lot harder than I had anticipated, and I knew it would be hard. You all are like family to me and have been such a big part of my life for seven years. I am praying that this leaving is just for a season. The Lord will let me know.❤️

    Erika. That would be so cool to have your email address. Thank you that sweet idea.❤️

    You all are The Best. I hope you know that.
    I will miss you dearly. πŸŒΈπŸ€—

    1. surfer girl, Charlotte has my email address if you'd like to keep in touch. I'll leave a message for you at MAM too.

    2. My Dearest SG, I've only been in & out here quickly over recent days (weeks?), but have caught something about you leaving??? I will have to piece things together & figure it out. I hope you are ok? I hope there was no trouble here? I hope there is no emergency in your life? I'll do my best to get caught up on what news you left here & at MAM.... but all I can say right now is NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Say It 'Aint Soooooo!!! (insert proper emojis, if I HAD Emojis to Insert!!! lol) Don't make me So Sad like this!!! (are you noting all the random Caps?????) lol lol lol Oh how will I be able to come here & Not see your pretty Pink Flower???? It's No Fair!!! :( Is there anyway this can be temporary??? Ok, now I'm getting concerned!!! Are you in trouble with the law??? lol Do you have to go into The Witness Protection Program???? lol ..... No Seriously, I have to joke because I simply can't believe it could be true that you will leave us?? You are like The Queen..... We will Never be without her (in our minds)!! Certain things just don't seem possible..... The World without The Queen & DKB/MAM without you!!! So I will keep Blissfully in Denial, until I know all the Facts or Information!!! But..........if you Truly are "Taking A Break", then I too will leave my contact info with Charlotte to pass along to you, if you ever have a chance to say "hey"!!! Ooooodles & Oooooodles of Loving Hugs, Becca :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  44. PW is doing interesting international tour. So unusual image of him in white suit too.

    1. Just hearing of this! I'll have to google it I guess & hope for pics & info? We are Far Too Spoiled here with Charlotte's Coverage of Kate & Meghan (over at MAM)!!!!
      Love you Charlotte!!! :) xoxo

    2. KP Twitter has excellent coverage as well as the Telegraph and a number of other sources. The Queen must be very proud of William.

  45. God bless and keep you, surfer girl! You will be missed! πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ»❤️

  46. I wonder how the royal family will look like exactly 10 years from now on June 29, 2028? I am guessing Kate will be princess of Wales by then

    1. Bite your tongue! Her Majesty will never die. ;-)

    2. Juniper, from your lips...... 😊

  47. Looking forward to the christening Monday. I know Kate will choose something lovely.
    Hoping the government will relent and allow William to attend the World Cup final if England goes through. RF was told not to attend as part of sanctions against host country Russia.

    1. I hope there’s a chance of him attending a possible final for England. #itscominghome! :D


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