Thursday 26 March 2020

George, Charlotte & Louis Clap for NHS

At precisely 8 pm the nation came together from our hospitals, living rooms and balconies to clap for the National Health Service. It was an opportunity to highlight the incredible work our doctors, nurses, GPs, pharmacists, carers and all healthcare staff are doing during these unprecedented circumstances. Joining in the round of applause from their garden at Anmer Hall in Norfolk were Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis (I'm guessing filmed by Mum or Dad). It was an unexpected and delightful surprise to see the Cambridge children participating. My word, isn't Louis growing up quickly?

The Earl and Countess of Wessex also joined in the applause with their children Louise and James. Edward said: "Thank you to so many of you working on the front line. We really appreciate it."

In Windsor, Scotland and Canada, the Queen, Prince Philip, Charles, Camilla and Harry and Meghan clapped from their homes. Below, scenes at Windsor Castle tonight.

It follows news over half a million people have volunteered to become National Health Service volunteer responders. They will be asked to assist with vital tasks including driving patients to appointments, delivering medicines and supporting vulnerable people across local communities. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said every single one could play an "absolutely crucial role" in the weeks ahead. As patron of the Royal Voluntary Service and National Council For Voluntary Organisations, Buckingham Palace shared the following message: "Thank you to organisations such as the Royal Voluntary Service who have been supporting and furthering this recruitment drive. Volunteers always have a huge role to play in society, but never more so than in difficult times - and for that we salute you."

Indeed, yesterday we were privy to the Queen's audience with her Prime Minister for the first time as Buckingham Palace shared a photo of Her Majesty speaking to Boris Johnson remotely from Windsor. HM dressed in purple was surrounded by figurines of her beloved corgis.

As we discussed yesterday Prince Charles tested positive for COVID-19 in Scotland. The future king is said to be displaying mild symptoms but "remains in good health" and is working from home during the period of self-isolation with Camilla. Clarence House thanked well-wishers for their kind words since the news and shared a little clip of the couple clapping.

I know I speak for all of us when I say a heartfelt thank you to all those on the front lines throughout this global pandemic. Our doctors, nurses, carers and so many others are not only looking after those most vulnerable and unwell, they are sacrificing time with their own loved ones and working tirelessly to offer the best care they possible can.

Thank you, NHS!


  1. Thanks Charlotte, this touched my heart and made me smile. Thanks to the health workers over the world.

  2. Yay we finally see Charlotte in pants!

    1. Anon 21:36 what? I thought we were beyond caring what boys or girls were wearing a long time ago....

    2. Ali, I think it is a perfectly valid comment that this is the first time we have seen Charlotte in pants. I have often seen people having opinions about Kate not allowing Charlotte to wear pants, this picture just shows that while Kate and/or Charlotte might prefer dresses for official engagements, at home they both wear pants when they want to.

    3. Caroline in Montana27 March 2020 at 14:27

      and Louis is in pants too! must be chilly? seems like we didn't see George in full pants for years? boys are still boys and girls are still girls, love kids fashion so I still care!

    4. Ali,
      I am pretty sure half of the world has stopped caring, but since we always see princess Charlotte in skirts or dresses I was happy to see her in pants. It has nothing to do with what boys and girls should wear, I was just happy to see her in a different clothing style. I had the same reaction when I finally Prince George in pants last year.

    5. I think they dress their children slightly differently when they are „on duty“ or photos that will be published. Apart from that we don’t really see them. I believe this is to help them distinguish between private time and time in the public eye. So I am not surprised they See wearing completely normal clothes. I am more surprised we see them wearing them.

    6. C. I once read an interview with Queen Maxima of the Netherlands where she was asked why she always dressed her 3 daughters in identical outfits (while they were younger) and coordinated with her and their father? She answered that they treated it like a team uniform. Putting their uniform on made them a unit against the crowds/media/strangers. When she put it like that it made so much sense to me. I won’t be surprised if W&K follow a similar philosophy.

    7. Anon 15:54
      Thanks for the comment. Text can be a difficult way of communicating:):).

    8. RachelZA that is so interesting and it does make sense!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. It was filmed by the Duke and a lovely idea.

  4. Louis looks just like Michael Middleton!

    1. Hopefully Louis has Michael Middleton's hair genes, also!

  5. Thanks Charlotte. What a lovely post. On a fashion note, love seeing the kids dressed like any other kids. And Charlotte is in the pants and striped navy shirt that her mom wears often.
    Stay safe everyone and wash your hands!

  6. I love this!!! They are so cute!!!! 💕

  7. It sounds like a lovely response by all of the UK. Charlotte and Louis (so big) look so good dressed casually, and George is looking like William to me now. I guess we have not reached a peak here in the US, and New York is in a particularly bad situation. I'm lucky to live in a relatively unpopulated area of the country and to have work that keeps me inside. The use of volunteers sounds very encouraging -- I am assuming they will have some PPE.

  8. Love this...teaching kids about support to others. They will not understand fully for many years but the seeds are planted.

  9. thanks everyone here the hospital in my country is on red alert status my lil sis and can bewoth us theysre also frontlinners hoping for corona virus to stop

  10. Thank you, Charlotte, for this extra special post. Sending you best wishes for your good health and safety.

  11. so cute to see charlotte and george and louis. man louis is so adorable!
    also so nice to see the wessexes! i always enjoy hearing from Prince Edward. Not sure why Sophie looks so tense when hes speaking but she has looked tense also at the commonwealth ceremony. thanks for the nice post at 7pm here in vancouver we bang pots and clap just the same for health care workers

    1. We haven't had this begin over here in the US & I don't know why!? At least not here in Chicago!? If I've missed the news of this happening elsewhere stateside, I hope a fellow American will alert me, as I'd love to know it's happening somewhere! I'd start it off, but we live in the country outside the city. So I do clap & celebrate my husband when he comes home from working at his university hospital system! :)

    2. Caroline in Montana27 March 2020 at 15:05

      I agree with you Melissa, the CoW does look tense, I thought maybe it was just the freeze frame picture, but after watching the video she really does. LL looks amused as she watches her dad talk and VS looks very bored, lol. I think this is a great gesture and it seems like it has also helped get more volunteers! win win in my book!

  12. Louie! He's a boy and not a baby anymore! :'-) Wasn't he just a baby yesterday??

  13. I know people see a lot of Michael Middleton in Louis, but I think he also looks a lot like Prince Andrew.

  14. I am so so torn about this. Initially I loved the idea, but then I spoke to nurses and caretakers and they were actually not very happy about it. They said it feels cynical. They are chronically understaffed, underpaid and undervalued from society. Many work at their very limits and not just now. This gesture just doesn’t sit right with them because they see it as an empty gesture. They fear, as soon as the pandemic is over things will go just right back to what they were. I think we should all campaign for better wages. I am absolutely fine to pay £10 into health insurance or tax more a month if this leads to better work conditions for those that care for us in times of need and right now even risk their own lives. Just clapping might make me feel good but it doesn’t help anyone.
    Well, maybe the majority of caretakers, nurses and doctors is indeed happy about it - if so the intention met it’s outcome. I hope that’s the reality.

    1. Anon @6:25. I agree.

    2. Health staff, supermarket staff, police, the army etc are loving that we’ve been doing this in Spain every day. Many of us vote parties that support and want to improve public health systems so I don’t feel this is cynical at all in the majority of citizens.

    3. Caroline in Montana27 March 2020 at 15:07

      I see this movement differently, over 1/2 a Million people have volunteered and that is huge, a good wonderful thing. good thing care givers don't get into their field for the money, agree they should be paid better. I would think an entire country thanking you would give you a boost to keep going and that in itself will help others.

    4. The last paragraph of your comment is the most accurate. As a nurse, I greatly appreciate gestures of kindness and thanks. I saw many pictures of nurses and healthcare individuals smiling and waving after this event. We should do this in the US.

    5. I agree, I have many doctors in my family and although they appreciate applause, more medical supplies is what is going to help them.

    6. Is it enough, no not at all. BUT from those of us who can't help, except for to stay at home and keep this from spreading, it's a way of expressing thank you to those on the front lines. It is a kind gesture that is well intended and I hope that is the message that the nurses and healthcare individuals take away! When the immediate threat subsides somewhat, then we can all take up the charge to ensure that these wonderful workers are given the medical supplies and tools to do their jobs, but for now we can show them our gratefulness for their hard work.

    7. I agree with Caroline in Montana, sharing an expression of gratitude and thanks always helps.

      Yes, it isn't money, but not everyone can afford to make monetary donations.

      An expression of gratitude from the heart, I would hope, is always welcome.

      Border Terrier lover :-)

    8. ILoveElephants
      Of course more supplies is the critical piece, but the applause and more supplies are not mutually exclusive. Both can and are being done, thank fully.

  15. Zora from Prague27 March 2020 at 10:43

    Thank you for a beautiful, heart-warming post, Charlotte! The kids are so sweet and I love how Louis takes a glimpse of George and Charlotte! 🥰

    1. Very heart-warming Zora!! Love this adorable trio!! Hope that everybody and their familes are well and staying safe! cc

    2. Zora from Prague28 March 2020 at 09:06

      I'm relieved to hear from you, CeCe! I've been worried. Hope you and yours are OK!

    3. Thank you Zora!! Yes we are all doing OK, thank you so much for asking. Our city went into lockdown on Tuesday night and have been scrambling to adjust work schedules amidst the chaos as well as ensure the households are supplied and safe. I have been checking in to read Charlottes posts, and to read the comments (a very welcome break), but haven't had time to post. I hope that your family is well, I have been trying to get information but haven't heard what is happening in Prague?? This post lifted my spirits and made me smile, Louis looking up at his brother and sister and especially Charlotte's little giggle at the end, too adorable!! I like how William and Kate are including the children in this effort.
      (William's NHS appeal has raised $11Million pounds!!) It's important to keep up morale on all levels. On that note, I am hoping that if we all cooperate we can see an end to this. I do really hope everybody is doing well. Take care and please be safe Zora!! cc

    4. Zora from Prague28 March 2020 at 22:03

      Thank you for the news, CeCe! Our country went into quarantine on March 12. Schools, theatres, restaurants.... are all closed, people can only go to work (we are lucky to be working from home), go shopping for essentials and for a walk, just 2 people together, keeping 2m distances and wearing a face mask (there aren't enough masks to buy so we wear home-made ones; a good friend keeps us supplied and today she sent me a special mask with lady-bird pattern, to cheer me up!) So far, about 2600 people have tested positive and 11 died. Supposedly, a lot more people are infected but have only mild symptoms and didn't have to seek help. The authorities are hoping the infection will spread less quickly thanks to the measures and the health system will be able to cope. My family are all well. Sometimes it's difficult not to be upset, though, reading the news. I began to reduce the amount of news I read; it's been too much. I feel sorry for people with anxieties, depression etc. - the current state makes all these worse of course. As you say, it's important to keep up morale. I try to do so through cooking - feeding my 3 men at home well. And today, I was happy as I was able to buy 10 beautiful violas for our + Mum's balcony.
      DKB posts are definitely morale-boosting - such welcome respite from worries! Stay safe, CeCe!

    5. Glad to hear you are safe and it seems Prague was ahead of the curve on closing down! How nice of your friend to make you a mask!! I am intrigued by your violas and + Mum's balcony?? It sounds very uplifting!! Be sure to take care of yourself too as you are taking care of your family! cc

    6. Zora from Prague2 April 2020 at 16:38

      Thank you, CeCe! I take care of myself too: I know a wonderful therapist who was helping me 10 years ago when my father died. I contacted her about a month ago and she offered to call me once every two weeks. In this way, I can talk to her about things that worry me the most. It helps me a lot! At this time of growing stress and anxiety I find it important not to neglect my mental health.

  16. So cute and sweet! I'm glad William and Kate made this with just the children, it's lovely to see the little group all together, like the same casual video or photo we all take of our kiddos. What a beautiful family they are!

    1. Tammy from California27 March 2020 at 15:20

      I agree with you Lori, they are SUCH a beautiful little family.

  17. Great support Well done Will & Kate for sharing and getting their children involved The UK gave a big shout out to everyone of our key workers not just the NHS. Who are keeping the country going

  18. A lovely little clip and a perfect way to involve the kids in supporting the frontline staff.

    On a different note. I have always been impressed by the way W&K protects the privacy of Anmer Hall and to a lesser extent KP. Work, meetings and interviews always get done in the office part of KP (with the exception of the Obamas) the only people they ever invite to Anmer are friends and family. After all these years we have hardly any idea how it looks outside and none from the inside.

    And even this video, taken at Anmer, is taken against a none descript wall, giving nothing away. Same as with birthday pics Kate have taken. Almost always taken outside, but in such a way that the background doesn’t really feature.

    At first I thought it was a coincidence but they have been so consistent that I have to believe it is intentional.

    Don’t get me wrong I would love to see how Kate decorated her home, but I can completely understand keeping that part of their life private.

    1. Rita in Florida27 March 2020 at 19:41

      I agree RachelZA and I applaud W&K for that. They have given their lives to public service and I am certain they want to keep their private home for family and friends. I suspect there are security concerns also given their popularity.

      I thought this was a terrific gesture and I cannot get over how much the children have grown - as they do. Boy that little Charlotte is a Windsor through and through. I think the boys favor the Middletons. So adorable.

  19. Tammy from California27 March 2020 at 15:20

    They are all so big and grownup!! Louis watching to see what big brother and sister are doing...

  20. Hope more ways will continue to be found to show appreciation for all the front line workers, such as the government making sure they have equipment and sufficient numbers of staff. Hope their friends, family, and neighbours can offer practical help. I thinking clapping at least was a way for everyone to show appreciation. I watched the Cambridge kids a couple of times, just to see little Louis. He was so cute and earnest, and looks up to his big brother.

  21. Annette New Zealand27 March 2020 at 22:15

    This is a great idea tp help unite the country behind the NHS in UK and it is so lovely to see the children. Singing together from their windows or even those locked in sharing a similar prayer time are other nations efforts to keep up our morale. Here in New Zealand we have just started a complete national lockdown for a month with a warning it could be longer. My husband and I are completely cut off from everyone except for one of us occasionally visiting the supermarket or pharmacy for essential supplies or going for short walks ( just the two of us keeping two metres away from others. ) We miss our family not visiting for meals and our grandchildren not popping in. Surprisingly our Prime Minister and her government has massive support for this as we don't want to import the virus more than we have already. We have under 400 cases here but only one in intensive care and no deaths as yet so we may be lucky. However there will be a need for morale boosters to keep spirits up while we are in self isolation. All churches, cinemas, universities schools and preschools are closed as are all playgrounds and places where people might congregate. So many have heeded the call to make their daily short walk more interesting for children by putting teddy bears and soft toys in front windows. It was such a joy yesterday to see how many are doing this. We can also still wave to each other and call greetings and the phone and internet are proving to be a blessing in this dire situation. Kia Kaha everyone and be safe.

    1. Zora from Prague28 March 2020 at 21:40

      What a great idea, putting teddies in front windows! 🐻 I love it! 😃 Stay safe and healthy, Annette!

    2. Annette New Zealand31 March 2020 at 10:08

      Thanks Zora. I have visited your beautiful city. and loved it. Stay safe

    3. Zora from Prague31 March 2020 at 13:50

      Oh, Annette, really? That's so lovely to hear! 😃

  22. Love this, especially the Cambridge children!

  23. What a darling family. Thank you for sharing.

    We are day 3 of our nationwide lockdown in New Zealand. The message from our health officials is to stay at home and to keep within in your family bubble.

  24. Yes indeed; many, many, many THANKS!🙏🏽
    Thank you, Charlotte.

  25. A very well timed and welcome during these very strange times. Well done.


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