Wednesday 25 March 2020

Prince Charles Tests Positive for COVID-19

If we've learned anything about COVID-19 in recent weeks, it's the fact all of us are vulnerable in this situation. The virus has already touched so many lives and affected so many families. This morning, we received confirmation the Royal family has been privately going through the same concerns as so many all over the world with news Prince Charles has tested positive.

A statement from Clarence House confirmed the future king and the Duchess of Cornwall (who thankfully tested negative) are self-isolating at their home, Burnham, on the Balmoral estate.

“The Prince of Wales has tested positive for Coronavirus. He has been displaying mild symptoms but otherwise remains in good health and has been working from home throughout the last few days as usual. The Duchess of Cornwall has also been tested but does not have the virus. In accordance with Government and medical advice, the Prince and the Duchess are now self-isolating at home in Scotland. The tests were carried out by the NHS in Aberdeenshire where they met the criteria required for testing.
“It is not possible to ascertain from whom the Prince caught the virus owing to the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks.”

It has been confirmed the Queen last saw her son on 12 March and "remains in good health". People reports:

'Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth were last together almost two weeks ago, when members of the royal family left London for their holiday homes to self-isolate amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The Prince of Wales, 71, who became the first member of the British royal family with a positive diagnosis of the coronavirus on Wednesday, last saw his mother the Queen, 93, on March 12, according to a statement by Buckingham Palace on Wednesday.
“Her Majesty The Queen remains in good health. The Queen last saw The Prince of Wales briefly after the investiture on the morning of 12th March and is following all the appropriate advice with regard to her welfare,” a palace spokesman added.' 

We last saw Prince Charles with the Cambridges at the Commonwealth Day service on 9 March. It's been reported he spoke to both William and Harry over the phone. It's very much a situation where the Royal family are widely dispersed at present. The Queen and Prince Philip are at Windsor Castle, Charles and Camilla in Scotland, the Cambridges at their Norfolk bolthole, Anmer Hall, and the Sussexes in Canada.

As always, Charles had a packed schedule which included a meeting with Prince Albert of Monaco - who has also tested positive for COVID-19. His last public engagements included a dinner in aid of the Australian bushfire relief and recovery effort, hosted by the Lord Mayor of London, investitures at Buckingham Palace and the Prince's Trust awards. No doubt every effort has been made to contact those Charles was in close contact with during those events.

Victoria Murphy spoke to a palace aide who told her Charles is in "good spirits":

'Prince Charles is in “good spirits” despite testing positive for the novel coronavirus after experiencing mild symptoms, a palace source said today. The source said the Prince’s condition is “unlikely to escalate into a more serious case,” and he continues to feel well enough to work from his Scottish home, Birkhall.
Scotland’s Chief Medical officer has also issued a statement, which reads: “Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, has confirmed that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Rothesay, were tested for Covid-19 for clinical reasons. She is very pleased to confirm that both remain in good health.”

Wishing Prince Charles a speedy recovery! I'm continuously thinking of you all and hoping you are safe and in good health right now. I'll leave you with these messages from All On The Board.


  1. Sarah from California25 March 2020 at 15:18

    Terrible news. Hope and prayers for a speedy recovery for Prince Charles and all those effected by this horrible viris.

  2. Susan in Florida25 March 2020 at 17:19

    We are all in this together. I hope he has a fast recovery.

  3. Lets hope he gets over it fast,also he stay away from everyone else. This virus don't discriminate no matter who you are. Stay healthy everyone.

  4. And this is why Comments are appearing here begging people to stay home. Royals included. There is no photo op or public event worth this. I sincerely wish Prince Charles a speedy recovery and good health for his family.

    1. Their outings were before the government told people to stay at home. RFs are not independent entities, without the PM taking measures they are not allowed to do their own thing and stop their schedules.

      Everyone here agrees with the stay at home message. As I said the other day, this is my 11th day at home. But a member of a RF of a country that was not confined going out for their photo ops, as you call them, is not irresponsible for me but just a person doing their duty.

    2. Please. The situation in Italy has been known for weeks. The Cambridge’s appeared after most countries had gone to lock downs and the severity of the virus was known. And the royal family absolutely can decide to cancel their events and frequently do. And one would think that would have been prudent given the nature of their work involving crowds and handshakes. Their duty is to set an example and stay home. I’m honestly shocked this is such a controversial statement that I’ve received push back for in light of a an obvious global health crisis. There’s no slicing this any other way. It’s honestly shocking to me people don’t see that. I do not know when William and Kate last saw Charles but it’s not inconceivable they are asymptomatically passing it and held an event. This is the way this is transmitted and the royals aren’t any different. Duty or not.

      I wish the best for the royal family and their health. And for all of us. I am a front line health care worker as I mentioned many times and I am seeing this impact so deeply my beloved New York. So I understand I have come across as aggressive to some here and I don’t intend to. But please. Stay home.

    3. @Anonymous 20:01: I slightly disagree. Of course they are allowed to stop. No one can force them to go out. The question is how they go on about it. As most people went to work as long as it was allowed I get why they did too. Being seen was a sign of strength during the wars and important to connect in recession. But this time, stepping away, connecting online is the sign they should give the public (and they could have been the first ones to to do, to show the public it is indeed serious).
      I think they could really invest in a good media strategy regarding their social media and built a strong, young community. Prince Charles is very funny, it would be hilarious to see him more on Instagram for example. That’s a new way to connect and I am sure the BRF could get on top of it.

    4. I would like to add that the King of Spain has visited (finally!) one of the field hospitals that have been created to help and monitor patients. Victoria from Sweden has done the same thing.

    5. C, I completely agree that they should use social media better. But asking a RF to go and protect themselves self isolating when the rest of the population was told to carry on as normal is completely against what any RF represents.

  5. oh its a terrible news everybody is not accepted even public officals and royals are not included

  6. Prayers for a speedy recovery and that no one else in the RF gets it. Prayers for the UK and the world!

  7. Tammy from California26 March 2020 at 14:34

    I wish PC a speedy recovery and hope the Queen is safe from it, having been exposed. I wish you safety AND EQUALLY sanity during this time.

  8. I think it is time to stop shaking hands when this is all over. Too much diseases are spread that way and people shouldnt be offended. Best to greet each other in other forms. Hoping for the best for Prince Charles and that his parents do not get it.

    1. Ironically Prince Charles is the one public figure who stopped shaking hands very early on and he still got Covid.
      I can understand where you come from, and at the moment it is definitely the right thing to do, but one also cannot live your life trying to avoid every possible germ.

    2. I believe just as 9/11 changed the world for evermore so to will this virus. There are many people aware of germs in todays society and in the past have made a joke of it. I believe most of us will now give second thoughts to greetings we offer each other and acknowledge how smart overly conscience people were and are.

  9. Here’s to hoping Prince Charles’ recovers speedily🙏🏽. Thank you, Charlotte.


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