Sunday 22 March 2020

A Special Mother's Day Message from the Cambridges

It is a Mother's Day like no other here in the UK. The vital advice to come together by staying apart is particularly stark as so many forego their tradition of spending the day with their mother or grandmother, going out for Sunday lunch or preparing a family meal. This year though, the greatest gift we can give will not come in the form of flowers or gifts, it will be through rigorously abiding to essential measures such as social distancing and staying at home if possible to play our part in saving the lives of so many mother's and grandmother's out there. I suspected we would see a special post by the Cambridges to mark the day - and we were treated to an unseen family snap of Kate giving Charlotte, and William giving George, a piggyback. The standout from this shot is the little Princess' expression; look at that smile!

It looks like the photo is from a set taken by Matt Porteous in Autumn 2018 at Anmer Hall. A family image was released that December for the Cambridges' Christmas card photo. The Duchess wore her Fjallraven Forest Green Sweater and Asprey Oak leaf earrings.

In a message accompanying the post, Kensington Palace wrote: "To mothers new and old and families spending today together and apart – we are thinking of you all at this difficult time. Happy Mother's Day!" They shared a gorgeous photo of Diana with William and Harry too. This image has always been a favourite of mine throughout the years. I have no doubt they are both thinking of their mother today.

There was a surprise in the post in the form of a lovely photograph of Carole Middleton holding baby Kate in her arms in her nursery. I've always though Kate resembled her father, and she most certainly does (as does George) but in this photo I see quite a likeness between the Duchess and her mother. Kate's incredibly close to her family and today was a fitting opportunity to honour her mother.

Very sweetly, the final addition to the post was George's Mother's Day Card for his mum. How talented is he? The Cambridge children adore doing arts and crafts and it certainly shows. George's beautiful creation features a yellow vase with a red heart and three flowers. Like so many mothers today, the gift of a homemade card will put a smile on their faces and mean more than ever.

Buckingham Palace shared a photo of a young Queen with the late Queen Mother with the message: "Mothering Sunday is a chance to thank and celebrate all mothers and caregivers, wherever they may be. So to all Mums everywhere, we are thinking of you, and wish you a very special Mother’s Day."

Clarence House shared a darling photo of a young Prince Charles with his mother taken in 1950.

Wishing all celebrating a very Happy Mother's Day. If you're outside the UK, today feels like a perfect day to call your mum regardless and tell her you love her.


  1. Deciding what to share at a time like this is so difficult, but I think they got the tone as close to perfect as you can. The piggyback picture is just bound to bring a smile to everyone’s face, including Diana and especially Carole was a nice touch and everyone can associate with George’s home made card.
    And their message was also a perfect balance between reminding people how dire the situation is without being depressing, scaremongering or preaching and that is not an easy feat.

    It also seems like somebody at the palaces as doing some coordinating for a change. The three messages was released almost simultaneously. It just gives a more cohesive message than when everyone does their own thing.

    1. agreed. and I think by using a picture that's old (fall 2018) and not recent was also a wise idea. yes they're having fun as a family, but its old fun. considering the various hardships people are going through, a current happy picture could cause a negative reaction from some

    2. Anon 1516 - initially I was a bit disappointed the photo is so old but you are absolutely right and I hadn't thought of that. Thanks for commenting.

    3. Caroline in Montana23 March 2020 at 15:28

      Anon 15:16, I had not thought of all the points you raised in using an old photo. I was disappointed in the use of an old photo until I read your post. Its funny how reading someone else's point of view can put things in perspective! Thank you!!

  2. What beautiful, sweet photos! I especially like the one of Kate with Charlotte on her back. (:

  3. Beautiful message and the photos are sweet and so pretty too (George’s artwork.) Stay safe, stay positive and stay balanced. I keep humming the Vera Lynn WW2 song “We’ll Meet Again”

  4. Beautiful photos! George’s card to his mother is especially touching. And how chic the Queen and the Queen Mother are!

  5. Jean from Lancs22 March 2020 at 14:56

    I was feeling just a little sad this morning at not being able to see my son, then I saw these lovely photos and George's card and I smiled. Immediately after I received flowers and a phone call, reminding me how lucky I am.
    Happy Mothering Sunday to all the Mums

  6. What wonderful photos! Thank you Charlotte. To mothers, caregivers and nurturers in all forms out there; be blessed.

  7. This is lovely. It’s charming and seems special to them, each acknowledging their own mother in a warm way, just letting the photos speak.. The heads together post is also great, with the blue heart. Well done

  8. All lovely photos. Loved seeing a young Carole, wow she has always been gorgeous and yes she and Kate really look alike.

  9. What a special treat. I love the composition of the first photo very much. A very talented photographer. <3

  10. Tammy from California22 March 2020 at 16:34

    I loved this!

  11. Mother's day is in May here in US, but I will celebrate it today also with a call to my mom who is 90. The pictures and words on this post today are so touching. Thanks Charlotte, and HAPPY day to moms all over the world.

  12. Zora from Prague22 March 2020 at 17:52

    Lovely, lovely photographs! Thank you so much for this post, Charlotte! I can't say which one I like the best; they are all so beautiful. The message from the Cambridges is so simple and so true!
    Happy Mothers Day to all who celebrate! 🌺

  13. Beautiful pictures and perfect message. I hope everyone is safe, and I am thinking of you all❤️

  14. They are lovely photos. My favorite is always Harry's little cute grin, but look at those marvelous shoes the Queen and her mother are wearing! :) And George's drawing is really wonderful -- he must be taking art classes. So much texture and color.

    1. I always love looking at the shoes in the older photos! So much of what they wore is so great!

    2. Speaking of the shoes I thought it interesting that HM has on dark(or black) gloves, purse and shoes with a lighter colored coat, dress, and hat like she still does today. I thought that this was something she had just done since she was older and this proves me wrong.

  15. What a nice surprise! Since I live in the US I always forget that Mother's Day comes earlier in the UK. I have been trying to prepare myself for less Royal news, but I have been pleasantly surprised by the Cambridges visit on Friday and this lovely post today. I especially like the picture of Carole and Kate. This is a much better picture than we've seen before of young Kate and younger Carole. It is nice that KP, BP, and Clarence House seemed to coordinate better. My only regret is that we don't have a more recent picture of Kate and Charlotte. Maybe they are saving that for Charlotte's birthday. Continue on my dear friends with your "sheltering in!"

  16. This made my day! Thank you.

  17. Rose from Montreal22 March 2020 at 20:52

    Thanks Charlotte. These photos and your wonderful blog truly made my day

  18. Wow. George really has some creative talent there!

  19. Susan in Florida22 March 2020 at 22:48

    Nice group of photos from all at this odd time. Happy Mother’s Day UK ! I love all the photos

  20. This post brought so much joy to my day, especially in light of the reality we are facing. That means a lot. Thank you Charlotte.

  21. Lynn in Nor Cal23 March 2020 at 04:44

    Beautiful photos!

  22. I thought it was sweet and telling to include Harry, too.

  23. Such a happy uplifting post. Thank you

  24. Thanks. Just a point: wasn't this photo from 2019, not 2018?

  25. Thanks God we, in Poland, celebrate Mother's Day in May, 26th. I hope it will be better day for all of us! All the best for all mothers, including me :-). Zofia

  26. I have been thinking a lot about Nanny Maria this weekend. I am sure she is very worried about her family in Spain and I truly hope that she feels a part of the Cambridge family, that they are supporting her during this time. We hear so little of her and yet, in Kate's place, I would feel her such a vital part of the extended Cambridge family. I spent a summer as an au pair many years ago in my teens and was also a kind of live-in nanny for a year when my daughter was small so I feel a kind of kinship with her. And their cook/housekeeper, Antonella, as well, whose family is, I think in Italy. I would love to think that they are being nurtured as much as they are nurturing. Things are still fairly quiet down here in southern Arizona. We have had 1 confirmed case for our 45,000 people in our city however many of us feel that's because we have little testing here. And only 8 ventilators for the whole city, so we pray the number stays low. I live in a 55+ community (I am almost 68 but in very good health knock on wood) of about 500 and most of us have been staying in our homes, no gatherings at our recreational centers or pools, since last weekend.

    1. Caroline in Montana23 March 2020 at 18:50

      Stay safe and well Valerie!

  27. Charlotte. Sophie Wessex has just posted a video message on The Royal Family instagram shot by Lady Louise. It was lovely. I have been so proud of our Royal Family and how they are so supportive and in sync with the national pulse. So well done. There have been some uplifting instagram posts. James Redbanks (A Shepherds Life) Jamie Oliver Chris Jackson the photographer. However the most unexpected one was from Noel Dokovich, such a sincete and heart felt message. Perhaps one of the best things we can all do is find the people who are documenting their lives or occupations in these unusual times with sincerity positivity and humour.

  28. These message lift my spirit and my body during these hard times even if the mother day celebrated in my own country in may i hope and pray that by that time everything is ok

  29. Blueskygal from AZ25 March 2020 at 01:34

    Wonderful - lovely photos. Well done Wills & Kate.

  30. Wonderful post. Thank you, Charlotte.


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