Friday 20 March 2020

The Cambridges Thank London Ambulance Staff For Vital Efforts

On Wednesday night, I wrote a post about changes ahead in the royal calendar. With significant calendar staples being canceled and rescheduled, it was inevitable the regular programme of engagements couldn't continue as normal. How would the Royal family alter their traditional work during this crisis? Would we see them more through their online channels? This evening, we saw a glimpse of those changes with the release of images, videos and information from a low-key visit the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge paid to the London Ambulance Service 111 control room in Croydon yesterday.

I think the Royal family has an important role to play during this time of uncertainty and a unique opportunity to lead the nation in supporting, highlighting and thanking those on the front lines of the fightback against Covid-19. I thought this visit a very important and timely one, and the first of many we could see in this vein with the appropriate measures in place ensuring all guidelines and precautions are followed.

A notable absence was the usual selection of reporters and photographers who cover engagements. In their place, the couple's photographer, Adam Vallance, took a number of images and official remarks were shared by the Palace.

The couple spent time with staff who have been taking NHS 111 calls from the public and thanked them for their vital work and dedication.

During a group discussion they were told about how members of the public can help alleviate pressure on the system by using advice online on the NHS website before calling. In terms of calls, the team have experienced their three busiest days ever during this week. They are appealing to the public to only call if it is absolutely necessary.

Kate asked staff: "How many extra calls are you getting?" Before adding: "You're doing such a great job, it's amazing." There was a light-hearted moment when a member of the team told William and Kate she previously worked as a telephonist at Buckingham Palace.

More from the Mail:

'Prince William bumped into a former Buckingham Palace telephonist who movingly told him how his late mother used to sneak in and sit with them to answer calls. He spoke to 111 call handler Paula White, who told him about Princess Diana’s hi-jinks and how she even brought William in to see them when he was a baby. He joked: ’Was I behaving myself? A rowdy little child?’
Afterwards Paula said: ’He said ‘Was I well behaved?’ I said, ‘I can’t say sir - the press are here!’ ‘Explaining how Diana used to sneak in to the switchboard room after she was engaged she said: ‘I worked there when his mum was getting married.‘She used to be taking calls with us. I saw the ring! ’He was just a little baby when she brought him down.’ Having a visit from the couple was a big boost for staff morale, she said. ’It’s lovely. It’s like a pat on the back. It just raises morale,’ she said.
She added: ‘It has been quite relentless [although] it’s slowing down now, because I think the public are now realising they can go on the website and get a lot of information from there. ‘Every other day the procedures are changing, but as long as you look at your emails, you’re set to go.
‘There’s a lot of panic at the moment, but if you just reassure them, when they first come through… ‘Do you want an assessment, or do you just want information?’ it tells them the two different guidelines… By the end of it they are happy.’

In a statement from William, the Prince said: "The last few weeks, and more recent days, have been understandably concerning with the continuing spread of coronavirus. But it’s at times like this when we realise just how much the NHS represents the very best of our country and society – people from all backgrounds and walks of life with different experiences and skills, pulling together for the common good. Not only are NHS staff and emergency workers responding to the needs of the public, they – like the rest of us – are concerned about their families, friends and loved ones. They need our support as much as we need theirs."

Prince William continued: "That is why Catherine and I were proud to visit staff working at NHS 111, to pass on our personal thanks, along with those of my grandmother and father, to staff working around the clock to provide care and advice to those that need it most. It was also brilliant to see the great online tools for those with mild symptoms or worries. All of us have a part to play if we’re going to protect the most vulnerable. That means acting on the latest expert advice, staying home if we or those we live with have symptoms, and avoiding non-essential contact to help reduce the spread of the virus."

Garrett Emmerson, CEO, London Ambulance Service said: "Our staff are working incredibly hard in all four of our call centres taking more than twice as many calls as usual. It has therefore been an incredible boost to staff to be able to meet with The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Their Royal Highnesses spoke to some of our 111 call handlers and clinicians who are extraordinarily busy as we work hard to support Londoners and the wider NHS."

The London Ambulance Service takes NHS 111 calls through its control rooms in Croydon and Barking, which have currently been receiving at least five times the usual rate. The London Ambulance Service also operates two 999 control rooms which have been receiving nearly 8,000 calls per day.

A video from the visit.

The appearance of the Duke and Duchess follows the release of a statement by the Queen in which she assured the nation the Royal family was ready to play their part.

The Queen's full statement:

'As Philip and I arrive at Windsor today, we know that many individuals and families across the United Kingdom, and around the world, are entering a period of great concern and uncertainty.
We are all being advised to change our normal routines and regular patterns of life for the greater good of the communities we live in and, in particular, to protect the most vulnerable within them.
At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s history has been forged by people and communities coming together to work as one, concentrating our combined efforts with a focus on the common goal.
We are enormously thankful for the expertise and commitment of our scientists, medical practitioners and emergency and public services; but now more than any time in our recent past, we all have a vitally important part to play as individuals - today and in the coming days, weeks and months.
Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch with each other and making sure that loved ones are safe. I am certain we are up to that challenge. You can be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our part.'

How long have we been waiting to see the Duchess is a trouser suit, especially in a brighter shade? One of the takeaways from your responses to Wednesday's post is the palpable need for a few moments of light relief amidst the relentless news cycle. I'm sure Kate is aptly aware of that too - aware many avid fashion followers enjoy a sartorial distraction. Whilst the nature of this visit was a serious one, and the incredible work underway the sole purpose, it made me smile to see several readers on social media noting their day had been brightened by the unexpected royal fashion fix. It's the little things right now, right? It's heartening to see Kate supporting the British high street now when businesses are facing unprecedented change. The Duchess also followed in the Queen's footsteps by choosing a brighter colour for the visit and looked fantastic in a polished dark rose Marks & Spencer blazer and slim leg trousers (a great ID by Middleton Maven).

The £99 Wool Blend Double Breasted Blazer is described as: "Tailored fit with added stretch for a figure-defining silhouette. Italian wool-blend fabric creates a luxuriously smooth drape. Contrast button fastening."

The matching £59 Wool Blend Cropped Trousers features a zip, hook and bar fastening. Front pintucks and two functional side pockets.

Kate teamed the suit with a pair of Hugo Boss grey embossed leather pumps she's had for several years.

A lovely surprise to see William and Kate's engagement, and even better to hear of the boost it gave staff. This is where the Royal family can be key as we take this difficult period day by day.

Before I sign off, I want to thank all of you for your kind wishes, comment suggestions and supporting comments to one another. I greatly appreciate each one; they will provide a little distraction and a healthy dose of royal fun in the weeks and months ahead. Stay safe for the weekend and continue to follow all precautions.


  1. Thank you Charlotte . The latest round of restrictions, although I knew they were coming, really brought home the severity of the situation. It is quite frightening. To see Kate and William brightened my thoughts. I wish you and all the lovely people who follow your wonderful blog good health and hopefully we can get through this - Linda x

    1. I second this. It's been a stressful time and seeing Kate and William brightened my mood. I hope everyone is staying safe and sane! You're all in my thoughts.

  2. jean from Lancs20 March 2020 at 19:48

    What a lovely surprise. Love the suit.

    1. I think there’s something weird about the pants. She looks fine but the pants look weird especially around the upper thigh and we know she’s slim.

  3. So great to see the Duke & Duchess still out & about in these trying times. I love love love 💕 the trouser suit Catherine looks wonderful!

  4. This visit was a lovely surprise on what has been a dark day here in the UK. So glad to see K & W supporting our incredible NHS workers who at every level are doing such a fantastic job. Wishing you, Charlotte, and everyone, safe passage through this crisis.

  5. What a nice surprise!

  6. That pink trousers and jacket are so Queen Letizia. Exactly what Doña Letizia of Spain has been wearing lately. Very suitable and chic.

    1. That is true. Queen Letizia wore a pink suit very similar to this recently. But, the first Royal that came to my mind was Princess Victoria. Unfortunately Victoria usually wears shooties with her suits. So, I loved the grey pumps Kate wore with this suit.

  7. It's a wonderful surprise to see them. I agree that supporting the high street was a smart move on Kate's part. Regarding your question about what posts we'd like to see, I'd like a poll of what British royal tiara we'd like to see Kate wear next!

    1. Her suit is fantastic! It's professional but also feminine and fun. It's good to see her in high street clothes again. Maybe we'll see her back in her old favorites like L.K. Bennett and Goat!

  8. Just looking gorgeous, Catherine! Thanks to both of you for giving such a boost to the call center workers

  9. So glad to see them out and about encouraging the people on the front lines, so to speak. That will be something for the workers to remember all their lives! I really like the Duchess’s outfit but from the knees down there’s a lot of wrinkling going on. Is the cut of the trouser leg off a bit?

    1. I think Kate might have a similar problem I have (why I also don’t wear pants often). The ratio of my thighs/calfs differ from the regular. When pants fit my thighs they are too tight around my calves and climb up (like Kate’s are doing) and if I buy pants that fit my calves they are too baggy around my thighs.

    2. I expect she’s got knee high stockings on, which tend to grab unlined trousers. But the look as a whole is fab, especially those grey shoes, a great choice

  10. Sandra from the Duke and Duchess! Always on point and on message.
    This suit looks stunning on Catherine and I find the tapered pant very flattering to her figure.
    The English Rose for sure in this pink. I love how she wears affordable fashion and not just high priced designer labels. She mixes it up and is always dressed for the event. CLASS all the way.

    1. She is absolute class! Love the rose colour on her.

  11. Wow! Our kate is gorgeous! I'm happy to see her in a trouser suit! And what a moving visit, highlighting the work of who give vital guidance to everyone in this coronavirus crisis. Surely a wonderful engagement! Thanks Charlotte for this post.

  12. I'm glad William is past his virus joking -- but who knew things would go so far so quickly? I love Kate's outfit and hair -- she looks very young and cute. Makes me think of what Meghan has worn -- and I like the color and the gray shoes. Regarding the response to the virus, I hope the UK is better prepared than the US! We had a government pandemic team but it was disbanded a few years ago. Supplies are short or lacking. Healthcare providers are trying to make their own masks from clear plastic. Not enough PPE. People in my small town have hoarded toilet paper so there is none -- why, I don't know! And some young people think this is a joke. And the effect on the economy is staggering. I hope so that this will be gone sooner rather than later, and we all need distractions like this wonderful blog. Thank you, Charlotte!

    1. Are you going to keep mentioning William’s joke forever? We all did it. We underestimated the virus. I can show you thousands of jokes about it here in Spain and guess what, we’re now all locked at home and we already have a thousand dead people because of the virus. He made a comment we all were doing until the situation hit us and we all realized we were wrong. Don’t need to mention it all the time. Just focus on what they’re doing. I’ve read several people from the service tweeting how happy and motivated they felt after this visit. That’s the point. Not a comment William made 3 weeks ago when we all thought this was not important at all.

    2. That is so horrible! The panic over toilet paper is bizarre, to say the least. Crises like these bring out the worst, but also the very best, in people. I, too, hope this will all be over soon.
      Thank you, Charlotte, for continuing to keep us updated.

    3. Kiwi Gal, the toilet paper obsession is so odd but maybe people think they are safe if they have a lot. I think people don't know what to do because there has been no guidance, so they just stock up. One man bought $275 worth at a local dollar store. Another woman bought some by a man hiding around the side of a store! There are little toilet paper earrings available, and tons of jokes about other items to use. There are people in this little town who are helping others who cannot find bread or baby formula, for example. I worry about the people who live not week to week but day to day. And I never thought of jokes when it started in Wuhan -- I have a friend who's mom is a physician there, and I worried so much about her in the hospital. Happily, she is OK.

    4. Well said, Anonymous!

    5. I think Allison's comment was completely appropriate as she noted it and that she was glad he moved on. I feel the same. He's in a position of influence and should be held accountable. Thankful he's now lifting spirits.

    6. @Anonymous 22:24: what is the problem with pointing out his lack of judgment? And experts and a lot of normal people did not underestimate the virus, especially at that point. Just because some people didn’t listen to the available information doesn’t mean we were all naive. Wiliam has access to experts and he has advisors that should have briefed him. From my future king at almost 40 years I do expect to educate himself over a pandemic that is hitting his country to be prepared and be able to make appropriate remarks. I wish he would drop a comment about how he regrets it and that he educated himself. It could have just been a side remark at this engagement. It would be a perfect opportunity to connect to the people and maybe a way to approach to ones that still don’t take it seriously. We as a society should protect our weak members. The people who don’t should be ashamed of themselves.

    7. All governments have access to experts and look what is happening everywhere.
      It seems to me that many people in this blog don’t like William and have been vocal about it in the past, so his now unfortunate comment is being used as a weapon against him.

    8. A conversation, almost "shop-talk, between two people with first responder experience. Anyone with similar experience would understand this sort of dark humor. Heck, anyone who has watched a television emergency medical show should be able to under the spirit in which William's remark was made.
      I am sorry to see the sort of nit-picking commentary that still crops up here. It is very difficult but we must reshape our internet programmed mindset to look for the faults in others. Meanwhile, has anyone here heard or read one complaint about Camilla's self-isolating in a bomb shelter remark? I am not criticizing her. I was just making a point that ugly, like beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder.

  13. What a royal treat! Yes, this is the Royals doing what they can do best--raising morale and for us a sartorial distraction! I love Kate's outfit. Yes, we have been waiting for this a long time and what a great pantsuit or trouser suit it is. I love the color and the pumps in contrasting color. Nice look!

    1. Zora from Prague21 March 2020 at 12:37

      I agree with everything you say, IBR!

  14. I love love love this trouser outfit. Perfection!!!!

  15. Caroline in Montana20 March 2020 at 22:31

    WOW what an awesome surprise to kick off the weekend. I like the color and I like the idea of the pant suit. I think these pants are too short and the waist too high, maybe would be better with flats? wish they were just straight leg with just the toes of the shoes peeking out. not sure about the color of shoes either. but she does look great no matter what my personal preferences are. so nice to see them out and encouraging for all way beyond who they are visiting, really makes this special. they are pure class, always.

  16. What a pleasant surprise! It's been rough over here. In NYC everything is shut down, I'm a teacher and already miss my classes terribly. But Kate decides to surprise us fashion wise with a tailored cropped pant suit! I love the color on her and think she FINALLY found the right fit and cut for tailored slim fit trousers.

    Stay safe Charlotte and thank you for everything you do to bring brightness and sanity to royal watching!

    1. I so couldn't agree more on all levels...we all so enjoy these happy and lovely distractions, always, and especially now! xo from Boston (MA, USA)

    2. Zora from Prague21 March 2020 at 12:40

      Ivy Lin, a lot of schools encourage their teachers to be in touch with their students online, perhaps even do some teaching via Skype. I'm sure going on in some way would help you, it helped me too! Love and take care.

  17. They had to respecting social distancing measures by working from home

  18. Karen from San Antonio20 March 2020 at 22:57

    Charlotte - thanks for this excellent coverage of an important and spirit-lifting visit by William & Kate. My best to you and all in the UK as we join together in this worldwide fight against an invisible threat.
    Loved Kate's outfit and the fact that William was dressed more casually too. Right on point with sartorial choices for both. Kate looks fabulous!

  19. Love this suit on Kate! Fantastic look and such a fresh break from the norm. Really happy to see them both out and about, I think we will see more of them on the front lines stepped up with the Queen and Charles out of the city.

  20. Thank you so much Charlotte!!! It is such a lovely surprise to see this post, especially during this difficult time in all our lives! The Duchess as always looked resplendent. But I have to admit the best accessory both the Duke and Duchess wore was their smile! It was much needed for all to see and bring great comfort! Remarkable! ❣️

  21. It's such a nice treat to read something fun after hearing nothing but bad news all week. Thank you so much for sending these out. Kate looked great! (As always.) It's encouraging to see the royal family out and about among the people. I appreciate their efforts to make a difference in such a crazy time.

  22. Kate looks great. Here is to more albeit long distance coverage of those folks and groups working hard with the cornavirus outbreak!! I am in America and on lock down...

  23. Wonderful to see William & Catherine's visit, today. Their public attention does wonders for the emergency personnel. William looked & sounded warm, concerned, sincer, and approachable. Good to see him in his element, doing a surperb job.
    Catherine looks gorgeous, as ever, and I just love her in dusty rose! Simple hoops, too - Yay! She appears so comfortable and really listened to those she spoke with.
    Her the suit is beautiful, even if I think the pant legs are way too short - must be a personal preference. Her shoes are awesome - love them!
    Charlotte, thank you, for an enjoyable, informative, and sensitive post.

  24. What a terrific brief break for the workers/heroes. I loved in the video when they were taking pictures of Will and Kate. And thank you Kate for wearing one of my favorite colors! I need that. Desperately want that blazer.

    Thanks for the post Charlotte :)

  25. It took years but Kate finally showed up in a FINE pari of trousers, in a style that actually fits her! And colors, after months of Clooney nuance.

  26. Oh I love a good suit on women. Hopefully, Kate will get some more. Using M&S was a great choice on many levels. But I hope she will try other brands because the fit is a bit off. Letizia is very slim too and her Hugo Boss suits fit perfectly. But then, she is pretty small. The blazer is a tad too long and her lap area looks a bit weird. I think Kate’s silhouette would benefit from lower cut pants in this instance and either a white shirt or a top with a more interesting neckline would have been better. The waistband is always behind her arms/hands which increased this impression.
    Colourwise, while I like the colour (and love the pairing with the shoes) I think it’s not the best colour for her complexion.
    It’s a solid fashion outing but I think she could look even better. On a general note, I think the current situation calls for repeats. Many people experience shortages and restrictions. Old people might find themselves reminded of rationing. Repeats would feel a bit more relatable.
    Hope everyone stays safe.

    1. She is quite short waisted with long legs so these store bought pants are too short for her.I am the opposite -long waisted with short legs so most pants are too long on either case it means that even shortening or lengthening them results in them not fitting properly. Her height means that she probably should always get pant made for her.

    2. She is very long-waisted, actually, and the pants are not hitting her knees at the right point. Very surprised she wore these. She looks great in long pants or wide-legged crops.

  27. I love how William made a point of mentioning HM and Charles, making it clear that the reason they are the royals doing the visit is not because they are so special, but because HM and Charles can’t do public visits at the moment. They are not there to represent themselves, but the monarchy and through that the British people.

  28. Renee from South Africa21 March 2020 at 07:12

    I just love these trousers on Kate!! I have been waiting such a long time for this look:) Thank you Charlotte your blog "changes ahead in Royal watching" is much appreciated!!! My message to all my "duchess Kate blog" family is to be strong and couragesous in these times that we are facing at this moment.

  29. Anonymous as an ER doctor on the front lines in NJ, I knew this could be bad when he made the joke and I found it entirely inappropriate. Being fans of the royals doesn’t mean we need to whitewash their mistakes. I remain a huge fan of Kate and Meghan. And I hope William learned from his mistake. I knew in Dec this could be bad. We as doctors were asked to try to buy our own protective gear after US public bought all masks and respirators. My colleagues have none or are running out. I reuse one mask all shift. Doctors are being told to not wear masks unless patients test positive which is dangerous. Charlotte don’t know if you have any ability or interest in posting an appeal for US readers to donate any supplies especially N95s, reusable respirators or filters, gowns, to their local hospitals. An ER doc friend is trying to coordinate donations.

    1. It is not whitewashing. It is understanding that at the moment he made the comment the situation was not what we are living today. We all said and laughed at things we now know we shouldn’t have. It happens. Just let it go and appreciate what he’s doing now.

      I’m sorry to read that you’re facing the same equipment problems we’re facing here. It’s an absolute shame that our health depends on donations.

    2. Beth, It is completely untenable that this has occurred to the healthcare workers. Just one shift would be fearful to me. Trying to get millions of different PPE into the system now is inexcusable. PPE is simply vital. When I first read about Wuhan, my husband suggested buying a few masks because he has diabetes and an immunocompromised state. We could not find N95s but managed to buy just two at a vet supply source. That was many weeks ago, when every day counted. Beth, I hope you remain safe.

  30. Rita in Florida21 March 2020 at 13:22

    Charlotte thank you so much for your blogs and for this incredible community. These are scary times and my best wishes for all to stay safe and isolated. Made a quick run to grocery in US at 9 am yesterday only to find all meat already wiped out 😳

    Wonderful and spirit lifting visit for The Cambridges. I was happy to see Kate venture out in a bright pantsuit until I saw the pants were a terrible fit. Not sure what did or don’t happen with the tailoring there. I am also reminded of somebody on this blog who, in speaking of accessories, “I always want to throw a scarf on her”. Today I did too.

  31. Thank you, Charlotte. You continue to be at the “top of your game” as we say in the USA😊. Enjoyed the post. Be safe to everyone.

  32. I hope that W&K do cut back on their appearances, although this was a great place to be. Although older people tend to be more adversely affected, younger people are not immune -- right now, 56% of cases in NYC are younger people. And it can be deadly for them, too. Reminds me of the RF during the bombing of London, which I have read about so often.

  33. Veronica in San Francisco21 March 2020 at 14:43

    Charlotte - thank you thank you thank you! As I end my first week of sheltering in place here in San Francisco, one of the things that has been the hardest is the loss of so many daily habits and outlets that bring me joy. Your blog has been one of those habits for years. Thank you for all you do for us royal lovers! Stay safe.

  34. Wonder why they did not stand 6 feet from others as social distancing requires? That could have been a powerful visual for the "flatten the curve" effort for us all to see.

    1. It appeared to me that for the most part they kept an appropriate distance.

    2. A beautiful, youthful suit. One of her best looks despite the trousers being a bit off with her long thighs and shortish calves. She looks wonderful. This encourages first responders, doing such brave, exhausting work in this unnerving time.

    3. Good point. They are awesome and could well demonstrate. BTW love her outfit. Great to see her in a pants suit.

    4. Honestly they shouldn’t have gone at all. I’m surprised they did and it’s getting so much praise. People are still slow realize the gravity of what is going on. Everyone needs to stay home except for the very most essential of people. And it needs to happen right now. There is no appropriate time for a photo op or morale boost. I know this sounds harsh but it’s not. The reason I know it’s not is because I am currently front line at a large New York City hospital. And we are inundated at the moment and I am sure will be overcome any day and be in Italy’s terrible situation. Its unavoidable. And it’s happening. Everything needs to stop right now. Including royal photo ops. They can do all the video messaging they want but this is unprecedented. There’s no comparison to London after the blitz or New York after 9/11. The danger is people being out and near each other. So please I am asking do not do it unless you are absolutely essential.

    5. It’s getting praise because that’s what royals are for, to represent the whole country in situations such as this. We all in Spain wanted our king and Queen to say and do something on behalf of us all, especially a message of gratitude and support to our health workers. They didn’t. The king released a message when 1000 people had already died. A controlled 5 minute visit to health staff that did not interrupt their important job was what we are were waiting for. The backlash the message of the king got here is almost unprecedented.

    6. I am a health care worker, too, and very much agree with Anon 22 MAR 2020 at 12:40. Kate and Will can be with us virtually with ZOOM, Skype, Facebook Live, etc. Kate and Will could show us how their family is isolating at home. Give us tips and inspiration on how to stay healthy and well while isolating at home -- do this please rather than going out.

    7. I bet that if they show how they’re isolating at home that is 500 bigger than any other British citizen house you all would be here complaining that they are out of touch.

  35. Tammy from California21 March 2020 at 15:57

    You know, it was SO nice when they got out of the car not to hear "click, click, click"! It was also nice to be able to hear what they were saying! WHAT.A.DIFFERENCE.

  36. Love this visit! Kate looks lovely in the suit and love the story about Diana visiting the telephone operators. How nice for William to hear that story about his mom. Anon in CA

  37. I just read a story on how James Middleton and Alizee are postponing their summer wedding due to the coronavirus. All of it is so sad I really hope this virus goes away this summer and James, Beatrice and many other people can have their wedding in the fall.

  38. Truly this made my day! Thank you, Charlotte for the thoughtful coverage and a spot of bright news in the world!

  39. Is no one going to comment on the fact that they really should be showing an example of self isolation rather than going out risking spreading the virus more? I feel like this visit was in poor form. A video message thanking those helping would have been much better.

    1. It really would have been better. I just posted above so I don’t want to beat a dead horse but I’m increasingly upset at how misguided this was. I am on a break after an 18 hour shift so I fully acknowledge I am tired and defensive. I post on Charlotte’s blogs for entertainment and discussion and have always found Charlotte to be delightful and informative for my royal following hobby. But I am becoming increasingly upset as it sinks in that the Cambridge’s did this. I’m trying to manage being pulled away from my own critical work to accommodate a royal visit and I am beyond disturbed that this was considered a good idea. And it is almost the opposite of the message being issues all around the world right now. Stay. Home. Regardless of who you are or why, royal or not. Morale boost to me just does not cut it. Stay. Home. Period. Please everyone. Please help us in healthcare keep our head above water.

    2. Apologies word should be “imagine” not manage. I wasn’t there obviously maybe these workers are fine. And I apologize for my dramatic tone but many of us, especially those in healthcare, are really frustrated by the slow role realization that’s happening and needs to be happening much faster if not immediate. I don’t think visits like this help reinforce that message.

    3. Hey do both of you realize that the Queen and Prince Charles are in isolating at the moment due to their age being at risk. So someone has to spend in and represent the monarchy at the moment. I get it you're concerned but I'm pretty sure Will, Kate, their staff, and their security knows what they are doing and I'm pretty sure their security wouldn't let them into the building if it was at high risk. A couple of staff said on twitter that everyone follow all safe protocols during this visit and said that Will and Kate's visit wasn't some short photo up at all. They went there to show their support and thank everyone for the hard work that they're doing.

    4. They didn’t go to a hospital to interfere with patients being treated. Nor they attended a thousand people event. They went to a call center, met with 5-10 people in a controlled environment, I assume during a break in their jobs. Or do you think they just showed up and interrupted everyone working and those workers stopped taking urgent calls to talk to them? I’m sure this is the only visit we’re going to see. They will keep doing things from screens now I get.

    5. I think the tabloids are pushing a "William and Kate step in for Charles and the Queen" agenda. Even saying Harry must return to the UK. They must all stay home -- not just for their health but for the health of the people who work for them. I read that a BP worker has tested positive. Months were wasted in responding, certainly that is true in the US. We have infectious disease experts who were ignored. I hope that the lesson will be learned to listen to experts, whether it involves global warming or world health. One of my jobs is for a retired Lt Col who said the virus in China had nothing to do with the US and that she wasn't interested because she didn't care about anyone outside of the US. This was a month ago. And she had been a nurse! So people need to learn that viruses and other issues affecting the world do not ask permission to enter countries!

      I guess my criticism of William was partly based on the fact that he seemed to be isolated from what must have been wiser counselors. We certainly have that problem in the US, too!

    6. I’m sorry but there is no controlled environment. This comment is just more of people not understanding what is going on. There is no controlled environment! There is no assessing of a minimal risk. Everyone who is showing up at the hospitals now thought they were in a safe environment and then was infected. The only strategy right now is everyone staying home. Regardless of royal role or morale. The virus does not care who you are or if the environment is controlled. And I don’t know if if these workers were on a break. I think that’s a risky assumption for you to make. I’d imagine anytime the royals go anywhere there is some prep involved, even if in a scaled back fashion. And what I am saying is that people in the health care system from front line to call centers absolutely do not need to be focusing on that. Resources are incredibly stretched at the moment and likely to buckle. I’m sorry to be alarmist but my blood is boiling to see commenters assert it was a controlled environment with risks assessed. This is a global pandemic there is no such thing. The only current strategy is STAY. HOME. And I think the royals could do a wonderful job reinforcing that via clever video messages or social media. This was an error. Even Prince Charles and the Queen staying on public calendars as long as they did was an error.

    7. I’ve been at home for 9 days now so no need to tell me what we have to do. I’m doing it.
      Everyone present at the visit has tweeted that they loved the visit so I’m not wasting more time discussing it. All people still going out and crowding parks are not doing so because a royal has been out once showing support. They have a job to do as have people that work in supermarkets that can’t be at home right now. Don’t blame Kate or William or other royals if people are completely irresponsible.

    8. Sorry it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it because I'm pretty sure their security and professional staff knows what they are doing. I hope you still have this same attitude towards people who still have no choice but to go to work despite this virus spreading around. I have no time to argue with people who rather use aggression in their response. Have a good day.

    9. Excuse me are you pointing out my attitude about people who have no choice but to go to work? Excuse me? I am a nurse at a New York City hospital that is about to drown. Do not presume to lecture me about choice to go to work. It may be your opinion but you are flat out wrong. The FACTS are to slow the spread of this virus everyone needs to Stay. Home. And if their security and professional staff who you seem to think have some sort of crystal ball as to knowing where the virus is really have this information I would love it if they would share it with the rest of us. Charlotte I’m sorry this became so contentious. It is your blog and choice to publish my comment of course. But if we’re sharing opinions and not deviating from them then mine is the royals should not be doing in person public appearances right now and this was a Mistake.

    10. And for the record I am sorry if I appear aggressive. But we in healthcare have been left with little other choice in our tone. Governments are responding too slowly. It is not intended as aggression but it is truly begging at this point. Please. Stay. Home.

  40. How wonderful to see them personally thanking staff at our NHS call centres Highlighting the great work being done in difficult circumstances. Love Kate’s look bright and cheerful as well as affordable

  41. I always learned;: the higher the pant hem, the lower the heel. She’s not following that, and she should have.

  42. What a pivotal moment this is, both in the history of the nation’s well-being and the development of the Cambridges’ royal role. With both the Queen and Prince Charles kept away under quarantine rules, William and Kate now step into the national spotlight as the country’s leading royals.

    It is likewise pivotal in Kate’s style as she has finally transitioned to a tailored pant suit, to my great delight. That she is doing so while adopting the Marks and Spencer brand is significant to my mind, being as central to a sense of British identity as either the likes of the BBC or the Queen herself.

    And what a coup Kate has pulled off by unearthing this treasure from the diehard Autograph label, a reliable source of affordable, well-styled workwear that has underpinned many a smart wardrobe. I could scarcely contain my delight on seeing Kate switch up from tailored pants to a formal suit

    The waisted jacket is expertly carried off and I find it hard to believe how affordable it is given how well it seems to lie. Value for money is something on which M&S has built its reputation, and I won’t be alone in having enjoyed any number of staple items from them that have lasted years. I love the flat front styling of the pants, and the smart, slim cropped leg, though the tailoring is less successful and doesn’t sit with quite such immaculate effect as the jacket. The scoop neck tee is an ideal understated layer and I like the quiet contrast texture of the sharp HB pumps. Plain hoop earrings and sleek hair are perfect. The outfit is fresh, and youthful, while retaining all the elegance and understated polish consistent with the growing Cambridge role.

  43. Im so dellight too see the duchessof cambridge and duke together in times like these

  44. Hello Charlotte, my name is Grazia, I am 48 years old and I am writing you from Italy, please apologize if my English is not perfect.
    It is the first time that I am writing to you because I am at home not working for the coronavirus.
    First of all thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my nation right now and all over the world in this very sad moment for all.
    I have many things to tell you and I hope to remember them all.
    First of all, I tell you that I have been reading your blog since 2011 and it is fantastic, well done, with lots of information, photos about the royal family that my family has always followed since Diana and Carlo's wedding.
    Your work is truly extraordinary in a positive way and I thank you very much.
    About the coronavirus, I apologize, but I tell you my simple thought on the reaction in particular of William and the British government.
    I remember that when William & Kate, were visiting Ireland, William said that there was a lot of panic,referring probably to our country, you reported it on the blog. I'm sorry, but how does a member of the royal family at such high levels like them speak like this? in Italy all the news has been telling us about the virus from China since mid-January 2020. How do they say that two graduates also talk about "too much panic, isn't it?"
    And then I got snapped by Prime Minister Boris Jonson,
    and the British government and their reaction "Keep calm, I will tell you when start the panic".
    Now I have perhaps understood why in England there are all these charities, probably the national health service is not so prevalent, but is there a lot of private? I don't know if I explained myself.
    I hug you so much and thank you, good luck for you and your family.

  45. I like that Duchess Kate is wearing a fashionable Double Breast pants suit in beautiful Rose color, so appropriate.
    I would have like to see Kate wearing the blazer closed and the pumps compliment the whole outfit. I have experience wearing slim style pants where the material has a touch of elastase for stretch, that you can see in the pictures a stretch in the knee area. I now will not purchase slim fitting pants with elastase in it, do not like what happens. If the pants had a inch & half more material you would not get that stretch in the knee area. Hopefully we will see Kate wearing more double breasted pant suits of all kinds. It’s so professional and so on trend. 💕🌺


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