Wednesday 18 March 2020

Changes Ahead in Royal Watching

Hello to you all,

It feels far longer than nine days since I last clicked 'New Post' to write about Kate's Place2Be reception at Buckingham Palace earlier this week. You've all been very much in my thoughts and prayers daily since the unwanted visitor - COVID 19 - became a part of our lives. In particular, I know we have many readers in Italy and I want to express my deep sorrow to all of you. Like all of you, we've watched as countries like Italy, Spain, China and many others have dealt with unimaginable circumstances, losing loves ones whilst embattled in the fight against this invisible intruder. Through so much pain and fear, the power of solidarity and community has been so moving to see.

In the US and over here in the UK, the way we live our lives is beginning to change. We have over 2,600 cases and sadly 72 deaths and this is the calm before the storm by all accounts. The weeks and months ahead will ask much of us, none more so than those on the front lines, particularly within the NHS and other health services all over the world. From indefatigable doctors, nurses, support staff and healthcare assistants to challenges ahead for emergency services and all those involved in supplying us with essential services - producers of food, those working in our supermarkets and shops - how can we help them right now? It's simple. Be kind. Be understanding. Be patient. We often discuss the importance of a momentary act of kindness; it has never mattered more.

I'm worried about loved ones, we all are. It's easy to become overwhelmed by the deluge of news and online reports. I think it's vitally important to solely rely on official trusted channels throughout this and follow all measures such as social distancing. It's a time when social media and our access to so many communication platforms will make such a difference to those in self-isolation. We can all play our part in this. Pick up the phone, send a text, an email, a message on social media. Check on a neighbour or vulnerable person in your community. We're all in this together and we will get through this together.

Royal watching will of course change in the coming months. There's nothing on the Cambridges' calendar, nor do I anticipate there will be in the manner we are accustomed to for some months. Yesterday, Buckingham Palace confirmed several changes to the Queen's calendar and the cancellation of annual events including the annual garden parties and the annual Maundy service at St George's Chapel. Calendar staples such as Trooping the Colour will be decided in due course. It's just been announced plans for Princess Beatrice's wedding will be severely scaled back with their Buckingham Palace reception reportedly canceled. I expect we won't see the Royal family gathering in Windsor for Easter Sunday service either. Certainly any overseas travel, away days or announced engagements which could draw crowds or large gatherings are off the table. I expect George and Charlotte's school will close imminently for the foreseeable future and perhaps a good portion of the Cambridges' time will be spent in Norfolk.

Yesterday, we would have normally expected the annual St Patrick's Day appearance for William and Kate. The event was not scheduled this year as most of the regiment is deployed in Iraq on a six-month tour focused on training security forces across multiple locations in Iraq and further north in the Kurdish Region.

I'm sure palace aides are looking into appropriate ways the Royal family can contribute throughout this period of uncertainty. Will we see them utilising social media more in the weeks ahead? Perhaps sharing more images and information from behind-the-scenes work? Collectively, I expect the royals will want to support and highlight all those whose tireless efforts will make such a difference every step of the way.

We saw the beginnings of this with a video appeal from Prince William today urging people to donate to help individuals suffering hardships as a result of the outbreak for the National Emergencies Trust appeal: "Whenever and wherever adversity strikes, the people of the United Kingdom have a unique ability to pull together. The way that local communities support those affected shows the very best of our values and human nature. The public’s desire to help in the wake of tragedy needs to be managed and channelled in the best possible way which is why the establishment of National Emergencies Trust was so important. I said at its launch last year that I dreaded the day when it would be needed. Sadly, with the outbreak of Covid-19, that day has come faster than any of us would have hoped. But now more than ever, I am grateful that the National Emergencies Trust exists. It will ensure the support reaches those across the UK who need it most as quickly and efficiently as possible. And it will help to ensure that all our efforts to overcome this challenge are channelled in the best possible way."

The trust was established in response to tragedies like Grenfell to ensure funds are placed as quickly as possible where they are needed. William recorded the message at Kensington Palace today. If you would like to support this important appeal please click here.

In our little corner of the internet, this blog will continue to hopefully provide a distraction for the few minutes you pop in. I want to write posts and create content you all enjoy and which are of interest to you. In the comments, please share ideas you would love to see. Perhaps more fashion and jewellery posts? A royal rewind of sorts covering highlights from the past decade? Something entirely different?

The royal watching community, once a safe haven and a enjoyable hobby has taken a toxic turn in recent years and I'm appealing to each one of you: let's stop arguing, fighting and tearing one another and the royals apart online. Let's come together and remember we are all bonded by our interest in following the royals on their journeys. Recent weeks and indeed the ones ahead bear a spotlight on what matters most and the strength of togetherness.

'I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things.' - Mother Teresa

Stay safe and I'll talk to you soon,



  1. Hi Charlotte!!! Thanks for your post, I am sending my love to you in UK and all the fellow followers like me across the globe. What scary times. I am in the United States and 20 weeks pregnant. I cannot leave my house but going for walks, etc. your posts are always a highlight to my day and now more than ever. I’d love to see more on Kate’s Jewelry and it’s origins. Also, might be fun to dive into some of her pieces by the same designer, like a designer highlight? I’m not sure just throwing out ideas! :) much love to all stay safe

  2. Hi Charlotte, I'm still reading also if I didn't post for a long time. Thank you for your warm words about our situation in Italy. I'm living in Milan, the center of this terrible disease. We are locked in our homes, hoping that the storm will come near us without streaking us too closely. It is a sad and strange moment, it's like a war. I hope that this invisible and terrible beast will teach us that we are linked to each other and our life depends on other's life. Wishing you the best.

    1. Lynn in SC πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ18 March 2020 at 23:19

      Just yesterday somebody asked me what I was doing to cope and I said “thinking of Europe in the 1940s” and I have since seen references we all need to work together and stay strong like so many did during both World Wars.

      I know this is bad, but the wars were worse and our worlds got through them - we will get through this.

    2. I am from Greece and every day I watch the news about the tragedy that has hit your country!Almost every country is affected by the coronavirus,but Italy is suffering the most.I pray for your torture to end soon.You are amazing people,and even a deadly disease like this has not managed to break your spirit.Courage,neighbors!

    3. You are in all of our thoughts!

    4. Stay safe, Paola! ❤️

    5. Ciao Paola, I am in Milan too and feel just the same. Let's keep holding on and let's hope it can be over sooner rather than later.
      Take care everyone.

    6. Zora from Prague19 March 2020 at 20:24

      Hello Paola, so nice to see you again! I've been thinking of you and of our friends who live in Italy. It does feel like a war. I'm reminded of King George VI. words when he asked his people "to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial." Take care!

  3. Dear Charlotte,
    Your blog is amazing, what you do here and on Mad About Meghan is absolutely wonderful. I love your blog, I read it regularly although I rarely comment. I'd love to read new posts from "Kate Loves" series - maybe about Kate's travels, for example to Canada or India (I remember William said in his speech on that tour Kate had wanted to visit India for many years)
    It's hard time for us all around the world, I anxiously wait for the end of it. Wish you, Charlotte, and all of you here much health.

    1. I love Charlotte’s Kate Loves posts, too!

  4. Susan in Florida18 March 2020 at 22:23

    Charlotte , THANK YOU ! This is a time where we use the internet for the good. I want everyone to stay healthy, I was putting off organizing my closets anyway, so I’m planning some deep spring cleaning. Everyone please, please do all the things you are supposed to so we can come out on the other side of this. We are all in this together. This blog has been our happy place. As for posts : I suggest jewelry and hats.

    1. Plus one on jewelry and hats!


    2. Caroline in Montana19 March 2020 at 14:55

      Oh yes, hats and jewelry for sure!

    3. Caroline in Montana19 March 2020 at 14:59

      Thank you charlotte. as global readers I hope all of you stay safe and healthy. Im with susan on the deep cleaning and maybe even some painting of bedrooms. I am in the us in a small town in montana but even that is shuttered, I feel its going to get worse here so we all need to hang in there. would love anything you post! thank you charlotte for allowing us a break from our worries to come here!!

  5. Charlotte, I am a long time reader. I always go to your blog first for royals coverage. I'm writing now because I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this post. For many of us, certainly myself, I turn to your blog for comfort and enjoyment, so for you to update us now is especially nice and provides that hint of normalcy in a chaotic world.

    As for what I'd like to see - I was going back over old posts and enjoying seeing the evolution of Kate's style and her clothes; it might be nice to see some "then and now" type posts. Thank you.
    SG in California - currently under shelter in place order

  6. Charlotte--I read here often but don't typically comment. But THANK YOU for this lovely, warm, kind post, and thank you for the hours and years you have spent here. It is a wonderful place to visit. Best wishes to you and everyone here as we weather this crisis.

  7. Hello Charlotte!It is always a great pleasure to read your posts.I pray for this nightmare to end soon.The whole world is hit by a great threat,and now more than ever we need to be compassionate and protect the vulnerable members of our community.I come from Greece,but I love reading your blog since I have a great interest in the Royal family and especially Catherine.Do you believe that we could see her undertaking any embargoed engagements related to coronavirus or is it impossible?I would also like to read posts dedicated to Catherine's shoes and hats!I wish you nothing but the best!

    1. Annette O'Sullivan20 March 2020 at 13:37

      I should imagine the main priority will be protecting the health of all the family so they will be retreating to the country and home schooling.

    2. I assume all their activity will be from screens. I’m sure William is being updated given his especial relationship with ambulances and health care in general, I think he will send some message of gratitude and support both in public and private.

  8. I am Gabriella from Italy, thank you for your kind words about my country.
    I appreciate your wish to continue with some posts, we surely need some distraction.
    I would suggest posting outfits by color, exploring the nuances of outfits and accessories; also, some funny posts like “guess when this outfit was wore” omitting or deleting some details.
    I know this looks a little time - consuming, but take into account that this enemy has not so many weapons we can use, one of them is social distancing. I will not bore you with the details, just consider that I agreed with my 80 years old parents to not meet since end of February.
    Thanks for all your effort and passion with this blog, I love it.
    Gabriella from Rome

  9. Sarah Maryland USA18 March 2020 at 23:43

    I would love you to do more Kate loves posts!

  10. Thank you Charlotte for every thing you do. I would love to read more about Kate’s jewelry and its history. -Beth in TX

  11. Great word! I look forward to your posts as a welcome distraction. Praying for everyone!

  12. Thanks Charlotte. Stay safe my thoughts are with you

  13. I've missed your posts, we are in California and are staying home as much as possible. Schools are closed and some work is stopped too. Doctor's are pushing appointments ahead by months when possible.

    I like reading about everything you write! I wonder if you could breakdown some of the ways they make her clothes. What does bespoke mean? Does she go to the designer and ask for what she wants? Do they send her ideas or clothes? Why are designer clothes so expensive, how are they making them differently that makes them higher quality?

    Kate loves.... Other members of the total family maybe? Like looking at her experiences with Sophie or the queen or whomever and how their relationship has grown. Maybe how they supported her initially?

    I'm curious about their lives with paparazzi too. I didn't follow Kate before the engagement much so I didn't know how bad it was before they were engaged. How has it changed? How can she walk through the crazy flashing lights?

    1. This is wonderful! I would love to read about everything you suggested!

  14. Hi Charlotte! One of the most interesting facets of the royal family is the continuity through the ages. I loved that history blog you flirted with awhile back. While the current George and Charlotte are named after Charles and the Queen's father's regent name - the history of George's and Charlottes throughout the family might be an interesting read. Louis is a more recent name, I believe. How those ancestors connect to family houses and historic places (in the UK and abroad) and who built what what might be a lovely journey. The Ancestors of George and Charlotte (and Louis) is something to consider. Here in the US, we have a city in North Carolina called Charlotte and it was named after Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz who was the consort of George III. He acquired Buckingham Palace for Queen Charlotte. North Carolina was named after Charles I. And the county that Charlotte resides in is Mecklenburg.

    1. Annette O'Sullivan20 March 2020 at 13:40

      And in New Zealand we have Queen Charlotte's Sound named after the same Queen.

  15. Thank you for keeping us updated. I would love any posts you would do! I, for one would love a post on all Kate's evening gowns or on just her hats.

    These are trying times. I pray you all stay safe and healthy! Learn something new while you are at home. Take an online course. Take up knitting or crocheting or quilting or something.

  16. Steph from Canberra19 March 2020 at 02:44

    The community here has been in my thoughts over the last couple of weeks. We only have 3 cases here in Canberra so far, so it's a strange feeling watching and waiting for everything to escalate as it has elsewhere. It feels like I'm in limbo as I don't want to go out, but it also feels like not going out is overreacting. I have family in London and the US, so I'm watching the news closely, and my heart breaks for all those around the world who have lost loved ones.

    I am so glad you are keeping the blog running, Charlotte - a little distraction for us all! I was just thinking the other day that I'd love to see some Kate Loves posts while it's quiet on the royal front. I'd particularly like to learn about some of the royal residences, and it would be great to see some posts on Kate's pre-wedding and newly wed days - I only really started royal watching closely a few years ago. And maybe something we can interact with like a poll or a style Kate post :)

    Best wishes to all at this difficult time. Stay safe!

  17. American Anglophile19 March 2020 at 02:49

    Charlotte, your blog is a solace and a safe haven. Thank you for taking such care in your reporting, and for creating a this constructive, thoughtful space. What a rarity. I'm also grateful to you for taking the time to create new content in these hard days. How about a piece on your own writing process? I've always been curious how you put your fantastic posts together, and so quickly!

    Best wishes and warm thoughts to all of you. Looking forward to coming to this site in the days ahead!

    American Anglophile

  18. Thank you! This is such a crazy and serious time. This type of distraction is so welcome. For future ideas, I suggest ideas for the Japanese state banquet (which might get cancelled) or best re-wears.

  19. Hi Charlotte, reading while sheltered in place in CA. Thanks for the pleasant distraction. It’s so nice to come somewhere where there is no royal bashing! I’d love posts on replikates, and maybe some in what we know about their home life- recipes, habits, etc?
    Thank you and best wishes to you and everyone. Hopefully we all get through this sooner and safer...

  20. Hi Charlotte, thanks for keeping the blog going! As for post suggestions, I like seeing how Kate rewears her outfits -- how much a hairstyle change, or different accessories can make the same outfit look different. Maybe a post with examples of that?

  21. Well said, Charlotte, thank you! Do take care of yourself and your family and stay positive!

  22. You are such a sweetheart, such a wonderful human being. Thank you for such a heartfelt, lovely message to your readers. We are with you, too. Anything you choose to write about will be fine. Sylvia.

  23. Thank you for your thoughtful and compassionate post - I always enjoy your blog so much and hope you and your family are safe and well.
    I'm not sure this is your style, but I would love a series of posts on the duchess's ENTIRE earring collection as there is much there to be admired and inspired by!

  24. Dear Charlotte’s, I am very happy you want to provide royal content for us even though there won’t be many new engagements to talk about. I have several ideas for posts but they are pretty intense on your part.
    (1) an overview about Kate’s wardrobe. All her coats, all her day dresses, all her gowns, get it.
    (2) showcasing which clothes she has repeated.
    (3) a massive poll to find the all time favourites.

    You might also want to dive into more general royal topics. What does the BRF enjoy, certain foods, traditions (as a German it’s normal for me but many don’t know about the celebrating Christmas at Christmas Eve traditions and there are very strange wrong informations about it out there. -much like the „Prussian Blue“ claims that where just wrong too-)? Where do they travel? How works the income for the PoW (Duchy of Cornwall) or the Crown (Duchy of Lancaster)? Who are all the working royals? Who gets paid from what source? What are their backgrounds and what are their main focus points in their work?

  25. Dear Charlotte, trusting you and your family are well, as well as hoping this situation will end soon. I live in Switzerland, a country currently in lock-down. Working from home, enjoying the time with my little son and daddy and our cat :) Going out only when really necessary, following of course the rules and indications the government gives us. Of course, trying to stay positive, I am sure this helps, but indeed this is easier said then done. To answer to your suggestion, I think some posts about Kate's fav cosmetics would help and would also be a nice way of distraction :) in the good way, surely. Thank you. Stay safe all of you!

  26. I know for me I love the Styling Kate summer post - one of those would be a welcomed distraction. Maybe a style for a Commonwealth tour - what would she wear to a garden party or a formal reception in Ghana, or Singapore, or Grenada? We can travel in our imagination, read up on countries and designers and forget about everything else for a moment.

    1. I was also thinking of reader participation posts. What has been your favorite blue outfit? What could she wear for x event? I know the distraction going on a frivolous hunt through the internet will while away some time and we could come up with the creative ideas. ~Pat (WA/USA)

    2. Thank You Charlotte for all you do for this blog, I have followed it for years. You do a wonderful job. I agree with Jen, the Styling Kate series is always fun, folks spend hours finding the right outfit, and the looks are amazing.

      Connie from Alaska.

  27. I would also love a post about Kate and the Queen. The first meeting, how the relationship have developed. A post about Kate’s brother would be interesting as well.

    1. Great idea, especially that he's getting married soon.

  28. Thank you, Charlotte. Some fashion & jewellery posts would be great!
    Be kind to one another out there x

  29. Thank you for this article Charlotte, I rarely post on here but as I live in Italy I felt I'd have to tell you all: please take it very seriously an follow your Health Authorities' instructions in detail. This virus spreads incredibly easily, also from people who seem perfectly healthy. At the same time, please try and stay calm. This can be fought, we have been doing so for almost a month now in Italy, it's still not getting better, but we know it will eventually. Hold on and be careful.

  30. I don’t comment often, but love both blogs. Along with the other topics mentioned I’d like to read about houses and their history. I’d also like to read about past royal houses and their fashionistas. (My ancestors way, way back were Plantagenets.) Take care everyone, create acts of kindness and show love at every turn. I’m in the USA and our journey is just beginning.

  31. Thank you for this blog, Charlotte. Like Susan said, let's use the internet and this space for good. Honestly, as far as posts go, I don't want any "repeats" or posts about any clothing/jewelry we've already seen, or "best look" polls. I'd like it if you posted weekly with an update about ANY royal family news, like Bea's wedding, Queen and PP health, any of the children, just whatever. Then I'd like for all of us on this blog to support each other. In that way, I thought you could pose a question about getting through these uncertain times, and let us give our thoughts and advice. Questions like: how are you keeping children occupied? Best tv shows to watch? Recipes? Anything like that. As we write in from many countries, it would be interesting to see what's different or the same for us, and how well we are coping. Let's talk about us for a change and help each other. We can talk about Kate and Meghan when things go back to normal.

  32. Charlotte, thanks for your email/blog. Since I retired the internet has been a real lifeline, and I found your site and others relating to Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. I particularly have found your diary of events helpful in building up a history of all the Cambridge’s have taken part in. Perhaps you could start reissuing pictures and dates from when you first began. It would certainly help me go back to the beginning for my own digital albums.

  33. What a nice post! This is a really nice distraction from all of my worries about the virus. Thank you!

    Over the summer, you held a Styling Kate contest. I would love to see that back again.

    Stay healthy and safe, everyone!

  34. Thanks from Italy Charlotte, take care


  35. I particularly enjoyed the „Kate loves“ posts about Catherines more private parts of life, such as „Bucklebury“, „Anglesey“, „Polo“ or „Restaurants“. It is so much fun to read about her down to earth lifestyle and their everyday life as a family. I would love to read similar posts, Charlotte, for these posts were always so well researched.

  36. Hello! I have been reading for many years and enjoy your gift of writing and royals; it is a great combination! Maybe a post about past pictures of the St. Patrick's Day appearances by Kate and other members of the royal family? Maybe info about their home/community in Norfolk? Thanks so much!

  37. I don't know but thank you for posting this message.

  38. Thank you for your kind and empowering words!

    To answer your question, I would like to see the continuation of the series of Kate's patronages and much more on jewelery. :)

  39. Thank you so much for your blog; it's the highlight of my day. I read it daily and like others rarely comment. I"m glad the Cambridges and Royal family are taking the virus seriously and cutting back on duties for their safety and the safety of others. As far as posts, I would love to see more jewelery and fashion. Maybe a post about shoes, another about hats, another about jewelry, etc. Or something about the sentimental pieces, her necklaces with the kids names, things William bought her, etc. Evening dresses, etc. A look back is always great. And the "style kate" events are fun to look at, even though there's nothing coming up you could do another of those. Thanks again for everything Charlotte and take care!

  40. A best of 2019? Anything will be so welcome, we are truly in need of a distraction. Thank you so much for your blog.

    Stay safe all of you and please stay at home, it is the only way.

  41. I thought C. and Katie had some great suggestions! I love when you post photos and info about houses/castles, for example!

  42. Thank you for updating as you do. I look forward to the day the royals can safely return to the public, but in the interim, know they are staying as safe as possible, just like everyone else. Stay safe everyone!

  43. Charlotte - After many years of reading your blogs, I almost feel as if I know you! And I must say that I envy your writing wonder that you gravitated to writing the blogs. I'm from the US (Minnesota), where the weather is still pretty dreary so it was particularly uplifting to read your post today. Minnesota has 77 confirmed cases of covid-19 with no reported deaths. We've been told to expect both numbers to increase drastically as more testing is underway to help quantify this disease. As far as topics for the blogs, the suggestions here from others are great - you'll have a lot of topics from which to choose! I'm really interested in the provenance of the royal jewelry, the magnificent palaces and country homes, and the ideas around what life is like for the royals outside of the times we "see" them at their engagements on the blogs. What's "a day in the life of Kate" typically like when she's at Kensington Palace? And when she's at Anmer Hall? As an American, what's with the hats?? Which occasions call for them and which don't? How would someone like Kate order a hat for a particular outfit....I get how to pull together "regular" clothes, but what makes a hat fit/not fit? Thanks for your willingness to keep the blogs going during this time. Be well.

  44. Also Greece has been hit by covid!

  45. Lizarina in the US19 March 2020 at 18:07

    Charlotte, thank you for your lovely work. I lived in the UK for 5 years as a child, and greatly enjoy your blog as I have a soft spot for the British Royal Family. I particularly like that you provide links for the charities various appearances support, making your blog richer than just a fashion commentary.
    I'd like to see future blogs focus on something different also, not reviews of past topics. I think it might be interesting to look at the fashions of England's queens over the ages--that would give us all a fashion history lesson as well as review of England's queens. Start with William the Conquerer's wife....
    I suspect we'll see more virtual out reach by the Royals like William's comments yesterday. It would be nice to have those highlighted along with more indepth information as you've done in the past. The news media here doesn't always pick up all the UK happenings.

  46. An idea for a series of future posts: You could have readers write in about how we have been influenced in our behavior, wardrobe, etc. by getting to know Kate through the blog. What positive changes we have made as women, mothers, volunteers. I find her a great role model! When choosing certain outfits, I think - is this appropriate and thoughtful for the occasion, for example.

  47. Oooohh, I enjoyed all your “Kate Loves” and we haven’t had any for a while. Just something light & fluffy to take our minds off our troubles. Thank you, Charlotte!
    Beth in SF

  48. I love this blog and all the work you do. ITs always a great distraction for me and my health issues I deal with daily. I self distancing before it was thing lol.

    I love all your post about royal jewels maybe a highlight of what she has worn and could where when she is Princess of wales & Queen consort.

    Also would be cool to do ladys day post maybe and highlight some of the other working galls, Princess Anne does so much work and I love that she recycles clothing from events 20 years ago. Sophie is also great and feel doesn't get the highlights she deserves. I know its a Kate blog but any distraction is great.

    1. Yes! A blog called All Things Royal would be great. I have been looking for similar blogs for Anne and Sophie.

  49. Hello—thank you for posting! I look forward to your posts so much! I would love to see collections of Kate’s coats-/she has so many but how busy would that keep us reading? As well as hats, jewelry, shoes lol! All of her collections really! Maybe go over the jewelry she got for wedding gifts and on royal trips?

  50. Theresa - Austin, TX19 March 2020 at 19:03

    Thank you so much for this compassionate post! I would love to see fashion/jewelry/maybe some related history posts on other British royals: Queen Mother, Queen Mary, even Queen Victoria.

  51. Zora from Prague19 March 2020 at 20:11

    Thank you so much for this post, Charlotte. I'm so glad you are going to continue writing. DKB will surely be one of the positive, inspiring things and a place of respite for many of us. I would especially like to thank you for your sense of responsibility with which you appeal to us to all be kind to one another and stop fighting.
    William's speech in the video was very good. I'm sure that in his position and with his grandparents and father in the category of those who are more at risk, he feels the graveness of the situation acutely. He is going to need the support of his family more than ever. He is fortunate to have his wife.
    As for the topics for your posts, my long-term wish has been to read about how you work on individual posts; how you research and plan them, how long the writing and editing takes you, how you proceed about the photographs..., simply - a behind-the-scene look into your work for us.
    My country is currently in the quarantine like many others; all schools, museums, restaurants etc. are closed, we can only shop for food and medicines, we have to wear face masks outside and are supposed to stay at home as much as possible. Two things strike me the most: the creativity and solidarity of so many people, and how quick such a change can be. Could we imagine anything like this just 3 weeks ago??? Absolutely not. But life has to go on and we have to adapt, come together in spirit - if not physically - and do our best, helping each other.
    Take care and stay safe everyone! :) 🌼

  52. Melinda from Aus19 March 2020 at 20:11

    Hi Charlotte & HRH Duchess Kate Family,
    Firstly, thank you for your post Charlotte. I have never met you but I have been stalking your blog for many yrs, so, in a way, I feel like I know the beautiful person that you are. Thank you.
    Secondly, for all those who post, thank you for being kind to one another. On many occasions you lovely ppl have restored my faith in humanity.
    Thirdly, I have to keep pinching myself for the realization that this is real and not just Steven King book I'm reading.
    As I am one if the "high risk" ppl (I have a disease called Large Cell Vasculitis LVC), I have a feeling I'll be at home a lot more as of Monday *sigh* I love my job and the ppl I work with (mostly). So, new posts will be awesome xxx

    Thoughs: Catherine's jewelry and it's history, I absolutely love the history of the royal family, so, maybe some of that?

    The word isolation makes ppl feel alone all by it's self, stay strong all, look after your mental health (very important) and help those around you, even the ones you don't know xxx

  53. I vote for fashion and jewellery. While posts about the Duchesses patronages and charities are no doubt educational, I think times are serious enough as it is and we all could use some old-fashined, lighthearted guilty pleasures around here. I would love to see e.g. everyone's guess for the next piece of the Queen's jewellery Kate is going to debute. Or an "this day XY years ago post" with a look back on prominent Kate-outings in the past. Oh, or to relieve some of the milestones. George's birth feels like it was ages ago. Just some thoughts of the top of my mind. Did i mention jewellery? ;)

  54. Thank you Charlotte for your very thoughtful posts on both your blogs. May you and yours stay well. God bless.

  55. Hello Charlotte! I love the idea that your blog can continue to be a beacon of light right now! I would love to see more about Kate's jewelry, a bit about her history or many great suggestions from your other readers!
    One more thought I had was to do a Dream Outfits activity like I know you've done in the past. Maybe even something like "Casual Kate in Norfolk," fitting in with so many of us spending days on end at home. I think it would be a fun way for the lovely "Duchess Kate Community" to have something to focus on and to contribute to the blog.

    Thanks so much for all the care you put into creating a beautiful space for us as royal watchers to enjoy!

    Charlottetown, Canada

  56. I'm curious on the changes to come after this is over. Will we see more or less of Kate? Will the monarchy turn more toward a digital means of connection? Stay safe, all.

  57. Charlotte I am so glad that you plan to do some posts even though we will probably not have any Royal events for quite a while. This blog is a wonderful oasis of calm to so many of us (and especially at this troubling time). My thoughts and prayers are with everyone....

  58. Thank you Charlotte for your thoughtful comments. Thinking of everyone right now. Show kindness and courage.
    From New Zealand

    He aha te mea nui o te ao?He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!
    What is the most important thing in the world?It is people! It is people! It is people!

    1. New Zealand has a soft spot in my heart, I grew up reading romance novels by Essie Summers. A few years ago I started buying them used in large print hardback as they were being removed from libraries here in the USA. I always wanted to visit but the funds just weren't available. Be well.

  59. Oh! Just thought, not sure if it’s been mentioned but who would to see a post on how Kate Pippa and Carol all share pieces and which pieces they share!

  60. Always a big Kate Loves fan as well.

    Perhaps an infographic of some kind could be fun? Most worn shoe, favoured colours, most repeats? Might just be the geek in me. πŸ™‚ Most liked reader outfit...

    I’m also a sucker for a good fashion evolution gallery...

  61. Hi Charlotte and DKB community!

    Charlotte's approach and message are perfect. I'm excited to know that so many of us are trying to find small joys in this crazy time.

    I, for one, would love to see a post focused on Kate's hair styles through the years. I'm always amazed how quickly ppl pick up on when she debuts a new length or color. It would be fun to see a montage of those changes, and her experiments with bangs and elaborate updos.

    Best to all

  62. Cee Cee from KY20 March 2020 at 18:19

    Charlotte, I would LOVE throwback posts to the London Years. They were so fun and Kate and William felt just like us in so many ways- nights out on the town, accessible fashion, etc. Seeing pictures from 2005-2010 honestly bring me so much joy- everything felt so thrilling then. I watch them now with pride and appreciation- I'm at a similar phase as them. Would love to feel like we were all reliving our youth. :)

  63. I see that W & K were at the 111 (911in the US and Canada) offices this morning to say thank you to them. Good for them!

  64. Lots of great suggestions on here. I like the opportunity to style Kate for an event.

    Hope from USA

  65. I've never commented but read this blog every week. Thank you Charlotte for all of your posts. This site is my happy place. You make a difference!

  66. I'd love a post about royal friendships. When they meet foreign royals (eg. at Ascot with Frederik & Mary or Willem-Alexander & Maxima), it seems like they know one another. When do they meet? Do they have regular contact? I'm curious.

  67. Would love to see some posts or polls about outfits we want the Duchess to repeat. Thanks’

  68. Hi Charlotte and thanks for the time and effort you put into this blog. It will be great if it gets updated for the foreseeable future with some posts that provide, as you said, a welcome distraction from the demanding situation we all share.

    I've always been interested in the casual outfits of the duchess, since this is what I wear even to work - work in an IT company. I believe a lot of people are in this boat as well.

    I also very much enjoy and often rewatch/re-read posts about the royal tours - Sweden/Norway and Bhutan/India being among my favourites. They take me to places which I would never most likely visit and are an excellent way to dream away.

    May God give us all strength and health!

    Greetings from Bulgaria

  69. Most informative post. Helpful. Thank you, Charlotte. πŸ™πŸ½

  70. I am a long time follower. Your blog brightens my days. You are so professional & upbeat. Flashback posts are extremely welcomed as we navigate this time. I'd especially like to see springtime flashbacks to celebrate this seasonal time of year. Easter highlights. Hats. Spring engagements. Perhaps some posts on Kate's stylists past and present and their personal styles. Thank you so much for keeping the beautiful content going. The world needs beauty, connection, and joy now more than ever. Blessings to you & all your readers. T.

  71. A piece on possible jeweller that the Duchess might wear belonging to Queen Mary and Queen Alexander would be great. Thanks

  72. Also maybe some fun springtime makeup trends. Kate has been trying out fresh looks lately!

  73. My thoughts and prayer around the whole globe


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