Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Cambridges Surprise Pupils at Casterton Primary Academy

How many of you have become acquainted with remote video services like Zoom and FaceTime of late? Be it for a professional conference or a much-needed conversation with a loved one, how we interact has changed monumentally. I think often how incredibly fortunate we are to have such technology at our disposal and the difference it is making for countless people during a difficult time. Today, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge availed of this as they surprised pupils and staff at Casterton Primary Academy. The call was arranged due to Kate's role as patron of Place2Be.

We recently discussed the roles the royals will play and how, like so many of us, altered their typical work schedules will be for the foreseeable future. I think it important we continue to see them using their platform to support a range of causes and highlight the amazing efforts underway. Many of the children at the Lancashire school are the children of key workers and are still attending classes, whereas most children are continuing their studies at home, including George and Charlotte.

It was very special to see Harris and Lloyd holding drawings of their parents and speaking of the work they are doing at the NHS and in schools. Kate told them: "I'm Catherine, and this is William next to me." William commended their parents' efforts. Kate told them: "They are doing an amazing job, the NHS workers."

During a chat with a group of young sisters, the couple admired their Easter-inspired artistic creations before William asked: "Is that a handbag?" He was quite quickly corrected with an emphatic "No, it's an Easter bag!" :)

More from Victoria Murphy:

“We just want to say a huge thank you to you guys and well done in keeping it all going. Please pass on many messages of support for all the staff and all the volunteers—they’re doing a great job,” the Duke of Cambridge said during the call.
The Duchess echoed his words, saying: “Well done honestly to you and everyone who’s in during this time. It must be such a relief for all the parents who are key workers to know that the normality is there for their children—they’ve got the structure, and they’ve got a safe place for them to be, so really really well done to all of you.”

Watching the video put a smile on my face and I know it meant a lot to the school, teachers and their families. For children in particular, this is such a strange time, with much of their routines drastically changed. The chance to chat with a prince and princess will have made their day and I hope to see more of this from the Cambridges in the weeks ahead.

The eagle-eyed Heaven identified Kate's mustard yellow Puff Sleeve Sweater as a past season ZARA style. From a very, very brief moment in the video, it appears Kate styled it with blue jeans.

Mustard sweater and tops have been all over the high street; it's a great shade for spring. Three stylish and affordable examples are French Connection Crepe Puff Sleeve Top (reduced in a range of colours heree) the Warehouse Pointelle Textured Jumper and the Eileen Fisher Organic Knit Sweater which is currently on sale at Saks Fifth Avenue.

The Duchess wore her hair in a demi-chignon and accessorised with her Catherine Zoraida Fern Leaf earrings. The ladies from Kate's Royal Closet noted there's an excellent Repli-Kate available on Etsy for $36.

I'll see you tomorrow evening with a new post.


  1. I love love love this sweater and color on Kate and even more love seeing her and William during these times. They lift my spirits. Through my working at home these past weeks, I've had to use Zoom for meetings with coworkers and associates, and my kids are using it for their school classes. But it's been very tough being separated from so many people in my life.

  2. It was such a sweet video! If you look toward the end, there’s a moment where Kate appears to be fighting off tears (in my opinion) you can see her face change and her eyes water, but then it cuts to the children or it’s edited.. either way it was heartfelt to see. These are trying times and we’ll get through them.

  3. Tammy from California8 April 2020 at 22:47


  4. ❤️ this! Those kids were so sweet - William cracks me up 😂 Kate looks great in mustard!

  5. Sarah from Calif.8 April 2020 at 23:44

    Love it!!!

  6. That's so lovely to see. All our schools here are closed and many are worried about vulnerable and abused children. School was their one safe place and where they could get food. God bless these teachers doing this. Lovely to see Kate and Wills bringing smiles on the kids.

    Stay safe Charlotte and all your readers during this pandemic

  7. Wow great video Will & Kate doubt a grand job keeping in touch with various key workers Ljve how natural these 2 are xx

  8. Love all of this. So inspiring. Seems the new social media wizard they hired (who formely worked for the Sussexes) got straight to work putting them on a zoom call. ;-) Can‘t remember them having done one publicly before, have they?

  9. Reading comments about this on very different social media accounts everybody seemed to agree that they while watching it they were smiling during the whole video. It happened to me too. 3 minutes of cuteness, gratefulness and joy. Very much needed these days.

  10. Reading comments about this on very different social media accounts everybody seemed to agree that while watching it they were smiling during the whole video. It happened to me too. 3 minutes of cuteness, gratefulness and joy. Very much needed these days.


  11. Hello kate's skin looks radiant recently. Can you make a post about her skincare and makeup?

    1. That's an excellent idea and I agree Kate's skin looks fabulous.

  12. It would be super if they could do a bit more of this for other schools.

  13. Jean from Lancs9 April 2020 at 13:11

    What a great job the Duke and Duchess are doing. How would we have managed being in isolation without the internet.
    HM too managed the Maundy service by letter!
    Thank you too, Charlotte for your great reports that brighten our days.
    Keep well everyone

  14. Kate looks spectacular. Most people look a little less glamorous under these circumstances, but she pulls off a great look with apparent ease.

    Both were wonderful with the children and it was a nice message to those working hard in unusual times.

  15. Caroline in Montana9 April 2020 at 14:45

    So nice to see them! I really like the mustard line, and she pulls the color off so well - but then she looks good in most anything. So nice that they are taking the time to do this and hopefully more things like this. They are the real deal and I think the monarchy future is bright with these 2 and their children. glad to see Charles has recovered. thanks charlotte for the post, hope you and all the readers here are safe.

  16. As an American, we have no one and nowhere to look for leadership or inspiration during this time. As such, I have found both inspiration, leadership and even a few uplifting laughs in watching the Queen, Prince Charles and the Cambridges efforts at national and world-wide support to be incredibly admirable. I take personal support and comfort from what they are are saying, and doing and look forward to reading about their activities every day. It gives me hope that somehow even the US might survive this challenge - and if you can find the logic in that - brilliant!

    1. Well said Anon 15:52! I too find inspiration and comfort in their efforts and completely find the logic in what you say!! cc

    2. Well said Anon 15:52 & I feel the same! :)

      Becca USA

    3. The President, the Governors, the Mayors, the Town administrators, and the first responders all provide leadership & inspiration for Americans during this difficult time!

  17. What a nice bright moment! How wonderful that these teachers are helping to give childen of key workers some sense of normalcy in what I can only imagine is a confusing time for them. The bunny ears and the beautiful flowers were adorable. I liked when William asked the little boy to hold the picture of his mother up higher and he did so with such pride. William and Kate are quite a team and I like that they are using what the rest of us are doing to connect, Zoom is pretty cool. Kate looks great and the sweater feels like sunshine. Is there any color Kate can't wear? I think not! Good job Casterton Primary Academy! cc

    1. Zora from Prague9 April 2020 at 19:06

      I agree, CeCe, it was so nice to see that they are using Zoom and doing the same we do - waving, chatting, enjoying the possibility of "meeting" people this way! I can't imagine this situation without the Internet. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of modern technologies (not very tech-savvy either!) but I have to say I'm deeply grateful for all these means of communication - Skype, Zoom etc.! Well done William and Kate!

  18. I have watched it three times now, it's so cute. So uplifting--first their call to the NHS and now to a school. As someone else says, it looks like Kate gets a bit emotional toward the end but then pulls herself back together and jokes with William about his eating chocolate. I could just see him sneaking into the pantry, looking for sweets because that's what my husband keeps doing. I try to keep our grocery shopping to once a week per advice but then every time I look at my husband he has a biscuit or a roll in his hand. Kate does look glowing, I wonder if she has been outside in the garden with the children during this time.

  19. What a cute video! I love that they simply introduced themselves as "William" and "Catherine" with no titles. So unpretentious and warm. What I needed after another grim day in the U.S. with death tolls spiking even more.

  20. A really brillante but natural video, i love to see William and Kate easily interact with the kids. I loved the look .

  21. Great event. William and Kate did a lovely job and both looked just right for the spot. Kate's skin as someone noted is looking gorgeous. Are we sure it is a sweater? On my screen it looks like a silk or silk blend fabric when I blow it up. Either way it looks wonderful.

  22. I spoke too soon. Just posted, about if it was the sweater or a silk or silk blend shirt. I enlarged some of the other photos on this site and in some it does look ribbed. :)

  23. Such a joy to see this post! Glad to see that Will and Kate are still doing what they can to keep spirits lifted.

  24. Thank you Charlotte. A lovely uplifting post. I have always thought the strength of the monarchy is in recent times the ability to reflect the lives of the people which is what has been happening now with the RF activities. And in these times the material has become so much less important - substance of engagement the focus not the clothes. William has a nice vibe with children, an underlying strength which I think children would find comforting. And I think we all need comfort in these troubled times.

  25. I loved this video. They are so natural! I especially loved it when she does the introduction. So down to earth. I love William’s personality. I think Kate really shines in a setting like this. She has come so far in her public life, but I think she is naturally shy so being in the spotlight is probably very stressful. I hope we see more of this while everyone is quarantined because I miss seeing them at events.

    I hope you are all safe and well.

    Hope from USA

    1. I agree, in the last couple of months we have heard her on a podcast and now on a video call and both mediums allow her personality to shine through a lot more than engagements with lots of people or formal settings like speeches or prerecorded videos.

  26. Nice color for the Duchess. How wonderful of them to be soooo supportive when the world needs as much support as it can get. Thank you, Charlotte.

  27. The Academy has a logo with deep yellow Star that said Shine and a few of the boys had sweatshirts with that same school color, so I believe Kate seems to always wear a color/theme and this beautiful style sweater was it. I have a sweater top similar with fitted long sleeves and bellowing out from the fitted arms, it is a style that is old that comes back every ten years or so. I think when this sweater top was purchase for something else in her wardrobe, possible the Gucci pleated checked wool-twill midi shirt she wore in the winter 2020 or something we haven’t seen yet. 💛💫

  28. The duke and duchess doing a great job the duchess is seems in good at natural element during the zoom out


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