Friday 1 May 2020

Happy Birthday Charlotte: The Princess Helps Deliver Meals in Norfolk Ahead of 5th Birthday

Can you believe this little princess is celebrating her 5th birthday tomorrow?

To celebrate the birthday of the Princess, who is affectionately known as Lottie by her family, several beautiful photos were released to mark the day. They were taken by the Duchess who has a great eye and takes fantastic photos of her children. With Louis' photos we saw the Prince painting a rainbow, a subtle nod to the rainbows being painted by children all over the UK in recognition of our frontline services. We've seen that new tradition continue with news Charlotte's photos were taken as she helped deliver homemade packages to elderly residents near the Cambridges' home, Anmer Hall.

Charlotte is pictured earlier this week picking up parcels on the Sandringham estate to deliver to doorsteps. They include pasta tied with a ribbon, which she helped to prepare. Charlotte was joined by William, Kate and George on the food delivery.

The Telegraph reports recipients were surprised when they spotted the royals leaving packages for them, and whilst all social distancing measures were adhered to, there was time to say hello. Staff on the Sandringham estate have been preparing over a 1,000 meals per week to help support the most vulnerable in the area.

Charlotte was cute as a button in a houndstooth ZARA dress (with thanks to Kate's Royal Closet).

On 2 May, 2015 Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge was born. The Duchess was admitted to St Mary's Hospital in the early stages of labour at 6 am. With Prince William by her side, she was safely delivered of a baby girl weighing 8 lbs 3 oz at 8.34 am.

There was a burst of excitement when it was announced Kate had given birth to a girl. I remember when the Our Queen at Ninety documentary aired in 2016, Kate said Her Majesty was "thrilled" Charlotte was a girl. Of course, Charlotte's middle names are very fittingly Elizabeth after the Queen and Diana after her grandmother.

The excitement was only matched when these very sweet photos of George holding his little sister were released.

For Charlotte's first birthday a darling new set of photos was released taken by the Duchess at Anmer Hall. We were seeing a pattern of Kate increasingly taking photos of the children around that time which meant we saw much more more informal and natural shots as the Cambridge kiddies are very much at ease with mum behind the lens.

An adorable new photo taken by the Duchess of Cambridge at Anmer Hall was released to mark Princess Charlotte's 2nd birthday. Charlotte was looking increasingly grown up and very much resembling her great-grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen.

I never realised how much the first photo of Charlotte with little Louis echoed a very similar one of her as a baby with George (shown above) until I looked through the photos some time later. This image marked both Charlotte's third birthday and our first look at the baby of the Cambridge family.

And last year to mark her fourth birthday, we saw several lovely shots taken by the Duchess of Charlotte enjoying the outdoors.

Wishing Charlotte a very, very Happy Birthday and a day of endless fun with George and Louis.


  1. Wow Charlotte still really looks like the Queen to me. With a little bit of Princess Margaret as well...definitely a Windsor. I hope she enjoys her birthday!

    1. Couldn't agree with you more. There's a resemblance to Princess Margaret's daughter too. Lovely child.

    2. I agree. She has always looked like her great-grandma!

    3. I agree; she is definitely a Windsor! I see so much of Princess Margaret & her daughter Sarah in Charlotte. I can’t believe she’s five already! Time flies 😱
      She seems like a very sweet, thoughtful little girl :)

  2. ILoveElephants1 May 2020 at 21:52

    Princess Charlotte is absolutely beautiful. She has this regal aura just like her mom and great grandmother. I love how the Cambridge’s are helping during this pandemic. I wonder what type of pasta they made. It would be awesome if kate released the recipe for the pasta.
    Happy birthday princess Charlotte

  3. Gorgeous photos!!!! Happy Birthday!! ❣️

  4. The first photo, the studio portrait, is lovely! Charlotte obviously loves to smile for mum :) And photos of her delivering food parcels are a subtle reminder that times are still very difficult in England. A perfect balance.

  5. Pam from Boston1 May 2020 at 22:36

    What a great photo! Charlotte really looks like the Queen in this photograph. It was my very first impression upon seeing it. I love the dress, really cute. Adorable child.

  6. Thank you Charlotte. A delightful post. Really like that the Cambridge childre are starting to learn the meaning of service, which will be a thread in their entire lives.
    I have seen two comparrison photos one with William and one with Sarah Chatto at the same age.. it seems Charlotte has William's eyes and Sarah's mouth/chin.
    Thought the photographs were well done reflecting life in the current situation.

  7. Such a beautiful child! Kate and William are such good parents, teaching their children the importance of helping others. This future king and his family will serve the people well.

  8. What a beautiful little girl. Her mother is a wonderful photographer.

  9. She looks like Sarah Chatto (Princess Margaret's daughter). Happy birthday, Princess Charlotte!

  10. What a beautiful little princess. How awesome that the whole family was out delivering meals to those in need. Very heartwarming and I'm sure it was very special for George and Charlotte to do this. Made them feel important and happy.

  11. What a beautiful girl. And I love how the family doesn't just talk the talk, but walks the walk when it comes to values. Seeing Lottie (love her nickname) happily delivering pasta to local residents did my heart good.

  12. Kate has captured a wonderful close-up photo of Charlotte so we can see her interesting eye colour, similar, I think to hers (?). In her appearance, I think she looks a mix of both parents. Great to see Charlotte helping with the deliveries to vulnerable residents.

  13. The first photo is absolutely gorgeous - a classic for the ages! And the dress and tights are SO cute. The package deliveries were sure to have been the thrill of a lifetime for the recipients!
    Happy Birthday to Princess Charlotte from another May baby. : )

  14. Little beauty. I think she looks so much like the Queen!

  15. Wow princess charlotte looks like thr young queen happy quarrentine birthday

  16. Gorgeous. Is it just me but at first glance I really saw Princess Anne in her. As always, thank you to Charlotte for her wonderful reporting. You have no idea how much I treasure you!

  17. Wow! This girl keeps getting prettier year after year. To me she resembles a lot her dad when he was her age.

  18. Beautiful photo. Charlotte reminds me of Lady Sarah Chatto and the Queen.

  19. Tammy from California2 May 2020 at 03:48

    Ohhh WHAT a treat!!! Love that we have had Louis and Charlotte’s birthdays so close
    Together!! Love her outfit so much!!!

  20. Zora from Prague2 May 2020 at 07:32

    Princesse Charlotte is a beauty!!! The 1st picture is just fantastic, a superb portrait, almost like a painting!, capturing both her serious and fun sides. There is something about her look that resembles HM so much! The pictures with the food packages are lovely too. It's so important that the Cambridges let their kids take part in helping people! They will benefit from it greatly when they are older. William and Harry also remember their mother including them in her charitable work.
    Happy birthday, dear Princess "Lottie"! 💐

    1. She is a beauty Zora! Kate really does have a talent for capturing the moment with a camera! I love that there is this tradition of W&K sharing photos of their children on their birthday, but like the new twist of posting a series the day before, and then saving a special photo for the actual birthday. The last picture of Charlotte is really beautiful! It looks like Charlotte had a good time being helpful, she seems like a take charge little girl. Good on W&K for starting to show their children how to give back and doing it as a family. I like how they are managing to find a balance with their public and private roles. seemingly on their own terms, and somewhat low key. As parents I think they are doing an impressive job. cc

    2. Zora from Prague3 May 2020 at 11:10

      I agree, CeCe, adding the last picture later is a very good idea and such a treat for us! 😃 I love the last photo too. Charlotte looks so gentle! It reminded me how some commenters said early on that Charlotte seems to be "an old soul". She's definitely a sweet girl and she's going to be a VERY pretty young lady! (No wonder.)
      Yes, the Cambridges are doing an amazing job as parents! 🌼

    3. I had forgotten that comment Zora, but I like it and would agree, she does seem to be 'an old soul'!

  21. The resemblance has grown indeed. I haven’t seen it before but now I do. Her portrait is perfect. Very serious but she still managed to show her personality.
    I am very impressed with how the Cambridge’s support and how they manage to stay out of the limelight while doing so till they want to get it known publicly. Many have questioned how they help their children to adapt to their role and the publicity it brings. They obviously take a different approach as for example CP Victoria. But glimpses like this show that those children are brought up with the awareness they need to serve their country in their royal roles. I feel like Wiliam and Kate have eased up and found a new way with the press so hopefully we will continue to see more of the whole family.

    1. C. one of the things I noted in these photos of Charlotte delivering the food packages is that she is front and center with no one else in the photo. I don't know whether Kate and William deliberately stayed out of the photo or if it was just natural to Kate that she wanted the spotlight on Charlotte for her special day. My daughter has four children and she makes sure that each one has that, the spotlight, on their birthdays. Yes, there are photos with the family and friends but always photos that are just "theirs." Sweet.

    2. Caroline in Montana4 May 2020 at 18:16

      Valerie, I realized that too, that she was the only one in the shots. Does that mean the George wasn't there at all? did kate also take the shots of her delivering the food? I think its good they each have their own shots, and kate does such a wonderful job of it!

  22. Lovely photos Can’t believe Charlotte is 5 already Also nice to see the Cambridge’s supporting the local area with food packages

  23. Great grandma Elizabeth very much in evidence! She seems such a confident young lady so maybe she’s inherited some of HM’s unflappable Windsor genes along with the Middleton ones. Happy birthday Charlotte!

  24. Charlotte, the Princess, really does favor the Queen. Happy birthday, Charlotte. Enjoy!!! Thanks, Charlotte, the writer😊

  25. What lovely photos. So great to see the family involving the kids.

  26. What a beautiful little girl. Can't wait to see what her future brings.
    Marla from NH

  27. I love these retrospective posts. Charlotte looks as if she has a lot of character. Wishing her well.

  28. What a charming little girl. She looks very much like the Queen to me, with a bit of Spencer thrown in (William). It’s brave for a four year-old, as she was then, to walk up to a stranger’s door like that. Good for her, learning to care for others early on. I hope she is enjoying a fun birthday at Anmer today.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Eldee in Canada2 May 2020 at 17:12

    Well I just love these photos...I get a sense this is a young lady who has her own mind and a strong will...I bet she keeps George and Louis in their place!

    I love the is a tad sophisticated (suiting her personality) but still age appropriate. Great choice.

    And from a PR perspective both these pictures and Louis have been right on point. They stick with the tradition of releasing birthday photos, but are sensitive to the current environment and demonstrate the values that Will and Kate are instilling in their children. Extremely well done.

    Happy Birthday Charlotte.

  31. What a cute little girl. Happy 5th Birthday Pss Charlotte of Cambridge, may you have many more Birthdays.

  32. The future Princess Royal. What an amazing job the family are doing.I see her late grandmother in her. Hopefully a birthday to remember with her mother baking and grandmother sending party supplies.

    1. Caroline in Montana4 May 2020 at 18:24

      I have had that thought too, and I wonder, when exactly does she get that? is it not until William is king and he bestows it on her? Does the previous PR have to be deceased? Or will she never get it?

  33. Happy birthday to Princess Charlotte. ImagineOpening your door and seeing the Cambridge family dropping off groceries. Giving back is an important lesson for all children, but especially these children. Well done!

    Hope from USA


  34. What a beautiful little girl! Charlotte is so lucky to have such wonderful parents making sure their children know the importance of helping others from an early age. Happy birthday Charlotte! 🥳

  35. what a darling angel happy bday to the little princess!!

  36. Why do I get the feeling she is wearing her work clothes while delivering food. Looks very professional. Great example to show to other children at this time. Also definitely the Boss.

  37. What a beautiful girl! And how wonderful her parents teach her from a young age to serve others. I’m a big fan of Kate’s photography skills. Love how the pictures they choose to share reflect the current situation and the kids personalities/interests at the same time.

    Eva from G.


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