Saturday 27 June 2020

The Duchess Plants a Very Special Sunflower During Visit to the Nook

The Duchess of Cambridge carried out her second public engagement since Covid-19 restrictions began in March, with a visit to East Anglia's Children's Hospice's Nook in Framingham Earl, Norfolk. The visit took place quietly on Thursday.

The visit was in support of Children's Hospices Week which ends tomorrow. On Monday, a Zoom video call with Kate and the Duchess of Cornwall was released, with a family supported by EACH through the incredibly painful loss of their son and brother participating. Whilst speaking about the loss of nine-year-old Fraser, Kate promised to plant a Sunflower in his memory at one of EACH's hospices. She continued: "Children's hospices go that extra mile actually and support families like yourselves, I think it's extraordinary. They consider the whole family as well, which is really important."

On Thursday, Kate planted a sunflower in Fraser's memory.

The Mirror reports: "The blooms are the symbol of hospice care and was the favourite of Fraser, who suffered a rare genetic condition and died in January. His mum Carla, 37, said: 'I'm speechless. We are very touched as a family that she has done this and will be going to see Fraser's sunflower when we can. Fraser was always quite girly, and he would have loved to have known a princess was planting a flower for him. He would be very honoured.'"

As we have discussed on the blog before, COVID-19 has dealt a devastating blow to the charitable sector. EACH's charity shops typically generate £100,000 per week, but with their closure in recent months and the cancellation of so many fundraising activities, it presents a large shortfall in their annual budget. Chief Executive Tracy Rennie told the BBC: "What we are all facing is unprecedented. We know this is a very challenging and uncertain time for everyone, and for EACH the financial impact is overwhelming." There are over 450 families in Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk depending on their services. They estimate they have lost £1.8 million in the past three months. They launched an emergency appeal which has once again brought out the community spirit of the areas they work in. If you wish to donate please click here.

You'll notice a staggering £16,000 donation to the appeal from the family. 13-year-old Stuie was determined to make a difference after losing his brother. Every day in May, he ran 5K and raised funds for EACH through his Just Giving page. Stuie said it's his way of thanking the hospice and its staff for the "amazing memories" he will cherish thanks to EACH.

Stuie added: "Fraser wasn’t just my brother, he was my best friend."

More from EACH:

'Fraser had Coats plus syndrome, a rare condition that affects multiple organs and causes brain abnormalities that worsen over time, slow growth, movement disorders, seizures and a decline in intellectual function.
The Delf family began their journey with our hospice in Milton, believing they only had days left to spend together. Fraser managed to defeat the odds, lasting seven weeks, a little longer than doctors anticipated, before he died on 17 January 2020.
In the seven weeks spent at the hospice, the family were able to create some amazing memories – including Mum, Carla and Dad, Stuart renewing their wedding vows.'

There was another special reason for the visit. Kate brought a selection of plants and seeds she purchased during her visit to Fakenham Garden Centre earlier this month, to create a garden with volunteers, staff and families. Kensington Palace said: "The Duchess helped create a space that would provide enjoyment for children and families, using sensory plants such as lavender, bay and rosemary. The garden also contains strawberry plants, herbs, geraniums and hydrangeas in a calming lilac colour scheme."

The Telegraph reports:

“The children are really enjoying growing their sunflowers,” she said. “Louis’s is winning so George is a little grumpy about that!”
Tracy Rennie, EACH’s acting chief executive said the Duchess had offered to create a new garden for the home to “bring people together”, choosing pots and plants in line with expert suggestions during her visit to Fakenham garden centre last week.
Her shopping list included strawberries, sunflowers, lavender, thyme, rosemary, geraniums, hydrangeas, two large bay trees, rock hyssop, sage, chives and tarragon, which have now been planted at the Nook.'
While there, she was seen pushing a trolley full of plants and making small talk with other customers, empathising with grandparents socially-distancing from their grandchildren and disclosing she too has missed the Middleton family she is yet to see since lockdown.'

Kate joked she was making a "big mess" as the group got their hands dirty.

Hello! shared a moving story about a family Kate met:

Star, 11, Hudson, eight and six-year-old Sonny Pope-Saunders helped her transform the shady spot. With her eldest son George due to turn seven on 22 July, the Duchess no doubt felt huge empathy for Kelly and Jordan Pope-Saunders, who were visiting the hospice for the first time with Sonny, who was a normal healthy boy until he was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour shortly after his birthday in February. But there were plenty of smiles as she met the little boy.
Tracy Rennie, acting chief executive of EACH, told her: "Sonny’s got you a present!" as he held out a white wristband inscribed with his fundraising slogan "Sonny Smiles" for her to take. Crouching down to chat to him, Kate said: "Hi Sonny, Wow, is that for me? Thank you very much Sonny, am I allowed to take it? Are you going to give it to me later?" After handing it to her with a smile, she popped it straight onto her right wrist.
"Is this your first time here? What do you think, have you had a look around?" she asked the family. "It’s lovely," said mum Kelly, 31. She told Kate how she had taken her son to see the GP in February because he wasn’t himself. Within days he had been diagnosed with the difficult-to-treat brain tumour. "It all happened quite quickly," said the Duchess, who looked visibly moved and shook her head as Kelly added: “And then lockdown hit."

There's footage of Kate meeting the Pope-Saunders family in the video below (at roughly 1 minute 20 seconds in).

When EACH announced ambitious plans to raise £10 million pounds for a purpose-built hospice in the heart of Norfolk, named the Nook in 2014, it was clear this would be an enormous undertaking, but a necessary one, in order to care for the needs of families in the area. They had outgrown their hospice in Quidenham, a very old two-storey building with accessibility issues. I've said it before, the appeal and the sheer level of efforts to reach a figure - which may have seemed insurmountable initially - was nothing short of inspiring to watch. On social media day after day, one would see updates on bake sales, sports events, corporate sponsors, donations to EACH's charity shops, fundraisers by the local cadets and local businesses.

With these countless endeavours and high-profile support from the Duchess of Cambridge and Ed Sheeran, step by step the goal was achieved.

Kate officially opened the Nook, wearing her violet Oscar de la Renta suit, last November. During a speech the Duchess said: "The Nook is a realisation of a vision that began five years ago. Thanks to immense generosity and support from all those who contributed to the Appeal, this state-of-the-art facility is fully operational and already making such a difference. At the opening of the Treehouse Hospice many years ago (which I think I will remember for some years to come as it was my first ever speech!), I referred to your hospices as being homes. This visit today has only reinforced for me just what is at the heart of what you do here, throughout your work, and that is family."

And now seven months later, the Nook is a home away from home and the dream has been very much realised.

In a message from the Duchess about Children’s Hospice Week, she said: "This Children’s Hospice Week, I’d like to thank the amazing staff for all the work that you do in children’s hospices around the UK. The care and the nurture that you provide children and families in the most unimaginable circumstances is just awe-inspiring. I'd also like to pay tribute to all those families out there who are caring for and looking after a child with a life-limiting illness. You do the most extraordinary job and I know it's particularly hard at the moment, so my thoughts go out to you all."

Now, Kate's stylish summery look for the outing.

Kate's dress is the lilac Marie-Louise style by Indonesian ethical label Faithfull the Brand (with thanks to Regal RepliKate). The $189 dress is described as: "Faithfull the Brand's feminine dresses are made with the warmer months in mind. This 'Marie-Louise' crepe style is decorated with colorful hand-painted blooms against a lilac backdrop, and shirred at the sleeves and bust to create an empire shape." It's available at Net-A-Porter, Faithfull The Brand's website and The Iconic.

The print is called 'Nefeli Floral'.

The Duchess wore her Russell & Bromley Coco Nut wedges.

It appears Kate wore her £5 Accessorize hoop earrings.

It was a lovely engagement and very poignant to see Kate planting a sunflower for Fraser. It clearly meant a great deal to his family.


  1. I applaud her getting out there and the planting of the sunflower and everything.

    But I just do not understand why no masks are being worn here. Especially around people who work with vulnerable patients.

    1. William was wearing a mask earlier in the week. Since there is no general rule to wear a mask in the UK except on public transport, I have to assume that they take their lead from the organizations they visit. As a big advocate for wearing a mask I might not understand it, but I can’t fault them for following the advice of the organization.

      I did read somewhere that Kate was wearing a mask inside, but there are no photos taken inside so we won’t know for sure.

    2. In total agreement. Also wondering why it appears that proper social distancing is not being practiced in many photos.

    3. I had this same question! I’m wondering if it’s a UK thing, I’m in the US.

      It would make a huge impact if Kate wore a mask.

    4. This mask debate under every post is boring. Do anyone here believe she or any other member of the RF is acting against the general rules given to all citizens in the UK? Why would she have to use a mask to make an impact if the government is telling people not to wear them? And I’m saying this from Spain where we have the most strict rules for masks. The constant nitpicking on anything Kate does or doesn’t do like some people would want her to do is exhausting.

    5. I'm un the UK and I work closely with medical staff. She should be wearing a mask. It's not hard and her influence would be much appreciated. And why not take a picture with a mask if she was wearing one inside? And the location makes such a difference - these people are either vulnerable themselves or work with vulnerable people. Safety is key. I think it's very irresponsible.

    6. So R, are you suggesting that Kate, all her staff and all the staff from EACH as well as families supported by the charity are irresponsible and acting against the rules provided by the government? I can imagine all the comments labeling Kate as privileged if she had worn a mask whereas the hospice staff didn’t.

    7. It is true she didn't wear a mask in the video but if you look at it again she is mostly practising social distancing except when potting the plant.(It would be difficult to do this without getting close to the other woman so perhaps they should have thought about that.) She was also careful to move away from the little boy in the striped shirt when he came over to her side. Otherwise she was sitting and standing at least two meters from the others.

    8. They should ALL be wearing masks. You cannot reply on the virus suddenly stopping at 6 ft, especially without masks. I don't know if the other people refused and so she didn't or what the circumstances were. She looked SO nice with her natural looking face and pretty dress -- a very lovely useful look! Planting a garden/plants is just the sort of thing to do. It can be appreciated by so many people, visitors, patients, families, staff. Excellent way to quickly make a difference. I feel that she may be restricted to some kinds of activities while Meghan can now pick "bolder" topics, and I was very glad to see that she found something that is not controversial and can have a big impact. I think the Hands-on approach that M&H and W&K are taking is a departure from tradition and a very, very nice and helpful departure.

    9. Yes I think all the adults should have been wearing masks. It not be the government rule but I think it is irresponsible not to wear one when in fairly close proximity to others, which Kate was at times here. Plus her influence in wearing a mask would do a lot to encourage people who are being a little lax to think of the safety of ourselves and others. There was a choice to be made here and I think she made the wrong one.

    10. I do think it would be unfair to call Kate privileged if she had worn a mask and others chose not to.

    11. I think we all have our opinion on this, and some of us disagree with the way our government is tackling things. I know I think the government of my country has been too hasty in relaxing some mesures and I still wear a mask when nobody does. I believe you feel the same R. And you are probably right. But I think it proves how little freedom of choice Kate really has. She has to wear or not wear exactly what the government of the UK decided, even if she disagrees. Even wearing a mask when not recommended would be a political statement in her case. Sould she have made the statement? Perhaps. On the other hand I suppose there are people in the UK who wish to go back as soon as possible to normal, and she is representing them also. She cannot take parts. So the safest way is to keep to the official recommendations. And I believe Kate is very cautious and careful to remain as neutral as possible.

    12. She may not have had the choice. Although she displays excellent leadership skills, Kate by no means calls the shots in this Royal Family. There has been a recent apparent coordinated effort amongst the active senior royals to present a united front of confidence and openness. We have seen Charles, Anne, Sophie (many times) out and about without masks. William only wore that mask that one time because he was touring a research lab.
      Whatever our private stand on masks may be, this family does not have the luxury of touting personal opinions; especially if they conflict with the current government message.

    13. Caroline in Montana29 June 2020 at 15:38

      Hmm, yes, she made a choice not to wear a mask and so did all the people around her, people make choices everyday. Tired of those who judge folks and demean people and put them down just because they are not doing what they "think" someone else should do.

    14. I am sure Kate is advised on whether she should wear a mask or not, and I imagine she is following the UK rules, but it does look weird and dangerous to me to see her so close to the kids and not wearing one... I am writing from Italy and we have been wearing a mask for almost 3 months now... even in open spaces, when close to other people. I am not criticizing her as nobody else is wearing one in the video so I am sure she is following the general rules, but I cannot help being surprised that in the UK it is still not mandatory, and it became so only very recently on public transports. Scientists say a mask can limit the spreading of the virus down to -90%.

    15. R, I completely agree! I absolutely love Kate & she is just a ray of sunshine in this engagement.... but I must admit to being so distracted that I couldn't finish reading the whole post..... I was upset that she wasn't wearing a mask, especially being around families with children with Health Issues! I am personally still struggling with some debilitating complications, 2 months after recovering from 10 weeks of "moderate" Covid19. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before & I'm still so weak.... I can't imagine how hard it would be for those who already have compromised health. I just think these engagements are such opportunities for "Teachable Moments". We are struggling of here in the states with the issue of wearing masks.... I know it's inconvenient, but it is something we can do to decrease the spread of the virus by 5x. Thank you Charlotte for another lovely post about such an important cause! Btw..... am I the only one who just feels like Kate is growing into her current & future role by leaps & bounds!? Bravo Kate! xo

      Becca USA

    16. I think there is some serious speculation going on here. Wearing a mask is NOT a political expression. It is not a problem at all to wear a mask if you think it is warranted even if others doesn't. Most governments aren't that touchy and feel threatened by their citizens (public figure or not) making this kind of choices. Many people in Europe decide on stricter rules for themselves than required from the goverments and nobody pats an eye.
      Governemts make this rules not only based on the health and saftey measures given by scientists. They also think about how a society as a whole is affected, how the economy is affected and last but not least, how they can get reelcted. Would it be safer (in terms of COVID-19) for everyone if we would wear mask everytime we have a social interaction. Probably yes. But it would also be safer not to have these interaction at all. Isolation and social distancing for months (remeber this is going on for almost six months now) is just not realistic. Our governments (and many people) feel we have reached a breaking point where the benefits of isolating don't measure up to other very harming effects anymore.
      People that feel they can go on, can absolutely do so. Isolate, wear masks where ever you want to. Kate doesn't and feels her actions are good enough. That is her personal decision. Would it make any impact on the public- I actually doubt it at this point. And no one forced the charity to not give out a mask only rule for the engagement. No one forced the other people not to wear masks. If they were concerned about their safety they would have defenitely done this. No royal visit should be worth forgoing health concerns if you have them.

    17. Caroline in Montana30 June 2020 at 14:27

      BeccaUSA, I am so glad that you are recovering well despite still feeling weak. i hope that you continue to improve everyday!! thoughts are with you.

    18. I don't think we really know whether or not she chose this . She "feels her actions are good enough?" Sounds like speculation to me. We have no idea what she is being told, why, and by whom. She has committed herself to this family and and must realise that some of her choices-perhaps many- will be limited.

    19. @Anonymous 20:08: do you actually think anyone would advise her to go against her and her families health concerns about such topic. If she was actually concerned she should have worn it- especially as she is not isolating herself from her children or husband. No one would advise a charity to go against their safety concerns for their employees or cases. Wearing a mask is NOT a political controversial choice. She is well within the official rules but I assure you nobody is limiting her choice to wear a mask. No one could. That would actually be illegal.
      Her advisers and Kate obviously think she is safe and also not endangering anyone. They wore masks inside, so everyone involved must have thought they are save without outside.
      I think we can trust Kate to stand up for herself and should form our opinions on her actions and words.

    20. Anon 10:40 thank you. Some people have a really warped sense of royal family protocol. Yes they’re formal but they can’t actually prohibit anyone from making their own physical/health choice. You don’t surrender bodily autonomy as a member of the royal family. It’s 2020. If she felt unsafe not wearing a mask she could have worn one and no one would have actually had the right to stop her. And contrary to popular belief you don’t surrender political views in the BRF either. Yes the queen is prohibited from voting but technically none of the others are. They make a decorum choice to not speak publicly but this is far more of a gray area than people think. They always find ways to implicitly support political causes even if not wearing a campaign button. And as many have said wearing a mask is not political. It’s not Kate’s role or responsibility to be a pawn in some sort of government messaging around masks. If they British government can’t come up with a better way to communicate their public health message than a duchess on an innocuous visit to garden with a charity than frankly they have bigger communication problems. I think what is far more likely is that this event was assessed for its ability to maintain social distance. The same we all are assessing any public visits we may need to make. That’s all.

  2. Omg! I actually have an almost exact replikate of this outfit down to the wedges. My dress is green but exact same style and look. Often I admire Kate's outfits but I could never wear them. But this is actually something I do wear often. So psyched!

  3. Thank you, Charlotte. Kate looks great in this colorful and flowing dress. I love, love her hair straight like this. I am praying for the families and children here. Praying for healing and comfort.

  4. Hi, I've never commented before, but I wanted to say that, as a mother of a young child, myself, after reading these excruciating stories about children and hospice, I find it very difficult, if not impossible, to then read about fashion and jewelry. I love fashion just as much as the next person, and especially Kate's, and I do love your blog very much; but I wonder if maybe the posts about hospice might take this into account and just stop there. Anyway, just a thought. Thanks.

    1. Hello, Anon, and thank you for your comment. Your thoughts reflect my own in many ways and it's an issue I've struggled with over the years. We've discussed it on the blog and the feedback suggested readers do want fashion information included. I always ensure the bulk of the post is on the engagement and the cause. Fashion is covered at the bottom and for an important engagement like the above, it never covers more than 20% of the post space. I've often heard of readers saying they were searching for Kate's dress or shoes and then learned about a fantastic charity or initiative, sometimes going on to support that charity. Kate's clothes often tell part of the day's story; colours or brands may be sartorial nods to the places she is visiting. So, I very much hope it comes together in that sense. I do strive to properly research and take the time to write information filled posts and hope any fashion coverage is always done respectfully.

      Blogging and how bloggers write is constantly evolving and after nine years, I'm very much still learning and always listening. I really do appreciate respectful feedback like yours.

    2. Charlotte, as a reader of your blog since you began, I believe you strike the right note always, even on difficult topics, between fashion and causes. When Royal women choose clothing in the colors of a host nation or showcase local designers, they are acknowledging what they wear is part of the event.
      At the same time, your posts inform and invite readers to participate. I have donated to charities featured in your blog, and if I were of an age or income to wear the clothing, I surely would have done that as well.
      While losing a child is the most horrible thing I can imagine, hospice can be a place that triumphs over despair and anguish. Kate’s cheerful dress and bright smile send a message of love.

    3. I think your blogs always strike the right note. You never make the event all about the fashion, but sometimes the fashion is part of the story. And when not, many readers are still curious and appreciate the information. I am particularly focused on jewelry, for some unknown reason.

    4. Charlotte,
      You have a lovely blog & I find that you have done an amazing job always striking just the right tone & balance in my experience over all these years. I truly have appreciated your sensitive coverage.

      Becca USA

  5. Tammy from California28 June 2020 at 01:22

    Kate looks tan. The Cambridge family must be enjoying the outdoors during this time. I always love these engagements and they speak to me because of the kids. It's a real bummer when an adult gets sick or has problems, but it is devastating when a child gets it. A child should have a carefree "childhood", so I always find these engagements wonderful.

  6. I'm impressed with Kate's enthusiasm in plunging her hands into the dirt to plant things while wearing such a pretty dress and not having gardening gloves. This is a charming episode showing her genuinely service-oriented nature. Great post, Charlotte!

    1. I got a kick seeing her dig right into the dirt, famous engagement ring & all! lol :) She's great! xo

      Becca USA

  7. its nice too see the duchess back in action again in times of the corona scares its seems the duchess really adapt the new normal thing hmm i love the dress very comfy

  8. Lynn in steamy SC28 June 2020 at 02:52

    Wow! A dress I love and within my budget!

    Good job Kate!

  9. What a moving event! She is always so thoughtful! I LOVE her hair! I never thought I would like it straight but it looks great on her!

  10. She's amazing. The Queen must feel very confident for the future with the Duke and Duchess.

  11. Hmm...I like the color palette of the dress, but I'm not sure the cut is right for Kate's frame. Maybe if it was knee length instead of midi, or the sleeves were straight and not puffed? Also not sure about wedges with a midi length--maybe dressy flats instead. Anyway, it looks like she added some layers to her hair, which look summery and sweet!

  12. Kate looks so fresh and beautiful. I LOVE that all the adults are using gloves to garden and she’s right in there with her hands! She’s definitely in her element with kids and gardening. Thanks again Charlotte for the always informative background on what the purpose of each visit is for.

  13. Mariza from NZ28 June 2020 at 04:18

    What a lovely gesture for Fraser! And I love her thicker brows! Not much of a fan of the dress, unfortunately. The material is a bit nanna-ish

  14. What a lovely engagement! Kate looked beautiful and summery! What a personal touch that obviously meant so much to the family to plant a sunflower in Fraser's memory. That was going the extra mile! This is such a worthwhile cause!!! Wasn't it amazing to see Kate get her hands in the dirt even with her beautiful dress on. She just dove right in! That's our Kate!!! And the fact that the dress was an Indonesian label is amazing. That will put that company on the map.

    1. Zora from Prague28 June 2020 at 15:19

      You said it all so well, IBR! I agree with every word of yours. It must be so difficult for her to see all the kids with severe/terminal illnesses but she brings smiles, human warmth, words of appreciation. A compassionate lady in action, humble and down-to-earth. All the staff are wonderful and what they do is just awe-inspiring.

    2. Agree IBR and Zora! This post hurts my heart and brings a smile to my face at the same time! It is touching to know that while she was at the garden center last week, she was thinking ahead to this visit and bought plants just for the occasion. A very beautiful and meaningful visit! cc

  15. Thanks for the detailed report Charlotte Great to see Kate highlighting such an important support group Love Kate’s look She always looks so genuine and cheerful xx

  16. This is the kind of engagement that I always felt she never got to do before lockdown. With the huge interest in any visit by Kate, a massive press pack and let’s be honest anybody who is anybody in the organization wanting to meet Kate and be pictured with her, it often ended up as handshaking and being shown around. A glorified photo-op.

    With social distancing rules restricting the number of people, she could visit and do something with the people of The Nook. Very little glad-handing and posing for the press.

    1. It’s your opinion that engagements ended up being photo ops. I always read very interesting quotes of things she discusses with the people that meet her and also impressions these people post about their conversations with her.

  17. Thank you Charlotte for a lovely post. What is there not to like about this initiative. Creating a garden is such a calming and renewing process. I am sure that garden will grow and provide a balm for many families in the months and years ahead. Liked the choice of plants and that Kate was so involved in the garden construction. Also liked that her choice if dress was from a commonwealth country.

    1. Sorry but Indonesia is not a Commonwealth country. That doesn't detract from it being an ethical choice which I certainly support.

  18. Annette New Zealand28 June 2020 at 10:45

    It really cheers me up to see her looking so attractive in a summer dress with minimal makeup and shorter more natural hairstyle which is very appropriate for the event. This would not be an occasion to dress up! She has really come into her own with her approachable manner and obviously has a natural sympathy for people under stress as well as relating to children. Kate is an asset to the royal family in this very difficult time. William is very lucky to have met her.

    1. Caroline in Montana29 June 2020 at 15:44

      Annette, I was thinking the same thing about the makeup! She is just as pretty without it. I feel like this is more the real Kate and she would wear this around her house so wasn't a big deal to be playing in the dirt. Like her straight hair too, I'm sure its way less maintenance and with 3 kids that's probably a great thing:)

    2. @Caroline in Montana: Kate's natural hair is actually pretty curly in it's natural state. We only get glimpses when we see her in VERY humid weather, so there are only pictures from one tour and from some private moments. She seems to prefer to style it more straight. Her call but I do think (the more wild) curls suit her extremly well.

    3. Anon 12:04, I also had the impression her natural hair was rather wavy and the straighter look actually takes a ton of time. But who knows as she has gotten older if her hair has changed. Regardless, it looks lovely in these photos but I also really like her in the more natural waves or the long bouncy curls. I love that she is not doing the shorter wings with her bangs. That is the one style which I really do not like on her.

  19. What a fantastic way to combine Kate's loves: children, hospice care, and gardening! I've never really thought this before, but the second picture, the one of her sitting, she really favours Carol. This dress has all of her 'colours' that she looks best in, so it's a win for me. Finally, the second to last photo, the headshot, seems to be the most intimate, natural photo of Kate to date. Her makeup is minimal and she just looks so happy and natural. Like she threw on the dress for the event, but didn't over-fuss with hair and makeup.

  20. It is a nice enough summer dress but I do wish Kate would add more accessories, She has plenty of lovely casual pieces of jewellery she could wear just to spice things up a bit. I get that in these times it would not be appropriate to be dripping in diamonds but that is not what I mean here, just a bracelet or a necklace to add a bit of interest,

    1. Zora from Prague28 June 2020 at 15:23

      I understand what you mean but I think she wanted to keep it really simple for this visit. The dress is "decorative" itself.

    2. She was gifted a lovely white bracelet, which she immediately placed on her wrist. I suspect she knew this was coming and did not wish to distract from the moment for the child.
      She frequently wears dainty necklaces but earrings are her thing. Especially outdoors in the summer.

    3. We know Kate for close to 10’years now, and lots of accessories is just not her thing. Sometimes she will wear a dainty necklace, the odd brooch and once in a while a scarf. But most of the time it is only earrings for a day-time engagement.

  21. I absolutely love love love this dress and it's floral print! Kate looks great (and so tanned!?) It must be very difficult emotionally to meet families facing such heartbreaking challenges, but I am always amazed at how well Kate handles it - acting kind and normal and happy.

  22. Valerie in Arizona28 June 2020 at 15:57

    What a wonderful engagement, carefully thought out. We here in foolish Arizona could look at it and say, well THEY’re not wearing masks, forgetting that THEY (Meaning the Brits as a whole) have done the hard work so many here refused to do (and we are now paying the price.) I remember awhile ago someone on here criticizing Kate for not doing enough publicly for EACH. Well, I hope that person is satisfied now. She looks lovely and gentle and kind. And her visit was publicized afterwards and the message hopefully got through about the courage of families going through heart-rending sadness and the people who help. The heck with fashion IMO but I know that I am minority opinion on that so well done Charlotte for balancing all the aspects of the visit that people want to know about.

  23. Wonderful post Charlotte! thank you for highlighting the cause as well as the fashion

  24. What a simple, unaffected, kind gesture. The straight, unfussy hair helps modernize the dread prairie girl maxi dress, and it’s a super pretty print. I think not wearing a mask at an outdoor event is fine, as long as distancing is observed.

  25. Looking at some of the children,hurts my heart. Sometimes I am close to tears. Not many of us understand their suffering and the challenges for the parents. This charities need lots of help, to support and take care of these children in need. I knew there are many many more then we realize. Thanks for Kate to do her part. I hope her thumb is green, mine is not, because I can kill a plant,because I forget to give them water sad. Kate look lovely wearing this dress.

  26. I love everything about this special hospice visit!! And I love her swishy beautiful hair in these photos. Thanks for the excellent coverage of the Duchess, Charlotte!

    1. Ditto MG!! Love her interaction, she is the embodiment of grace and compassion. cc

  27. she looks so pretty nice to see her always.

  28. This is one of my all-time favourite posts. Lovely writing, Charlotte.

  29. She's so beautiful! It wasn't until I saw a photo of Kate standing with the EACH sign behind her in the same colours, purple and orange, that I realised how carefully she had chosen this dress specifically for this engagement so her clothes complement the visit rather than detract attention. She looks so natural and tanned too!

  30. I think it's a perfect look. I'm absolutely loving all the florals everyone is wearing this summer, I've even purchased a couple of floral pieces this spring whereas normally I am a solid color person. But I think we all need some bright, cheerful colors in the next few months, to take us into whatever the autumn will bring this year.
    She looks lovely. Cheerful colors, a warm and sweet, comfortingly gentle and happy mother. This visit, which focuses on children and families, would be no time for sleek and sophisticated clothing and statement jewelry. She always shines in exactly in the way that she should.

    1. Rita in Florida29 June 2020 at 18:14

      Well said Lori P. I agree on all points.

      I tend toward solids as well but florals are so pretty in the summer. Kate looks incredible. Did she get a few inches lopped off her hair? Looks terrific.

  31. The Duchess is doing very well at the moment. Great to see her out and about again. I hope that the sunflower grows beautiful, after all it was planted with love. She looks stunning, the family time spent in the country has done her the world of good. She's blooming as well as the plants.

  32. I think it is fantastic she, once again, supports a hospice charity. I do love the cut of her dress, love that she brings out the wedges again, I even like the colours BUT the pattern itself makes it something my 80+ year grandmother wears as a nightgown.
    Another thing I noticed never before- Kate really resembles her mother. I never thought it so obvious like in this photos. Her lighter hair dye supports this as it doesn't go to well with her tan in my opinon. it adds at least 15 years. It is very much the style of her mother (who looks incredible for her age by the way).

  33. Steph from Canberra1 July 2020 at 11:03

    This post brought me to tears. It was particularly lovely to see Kate planting the sunflower in memory of Fraser - this must mean so much to his family. I thought it a really special touch that she bought the plants herself, and it is a nice link between engagements. So great to see her pitching in and getting dirty!

    In terms of fashion - Kate looks gorgeous! Very summery and tanned. I love this dress!

  34. Kate looks lovely this dress is gorgeous on her and I like her hair in a straight blowout too. On the mask situation I always wear a mask and gloves when handling potting mix as there can be dangerous bacteria in it and for that reason alone I would be wearing a mask! Here in Australia the bags have health warnings on them not sure about in the UK? I’m glad to see the royals getting out and about.

  35. Lovely dress and tan! I guess Kate has been isolating and is a picture of health. But wearing a mask and observing social distancing would set a nice example to the UK and Commonwealth community who have been hit hard with Covid-19.
    I wish all of you a safe summer whilst we’re freezing in Australia!
    Royal 👑 Watcher


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