Sunday 2 August 2020

A Getaway on Tresco Island for the Cambridges

At this time of year, the Cambridges would usually be enjoying a sun-soaked vacation on the Caribbean island of Mustique with the Middleton family. Like so many around the world, they have changed their annual plans due to the pandemic and opted to enjoy a family break closer to home. The family, who have been staying at their country home Anmer Hall, travelled from Norfolk to the Isles of Scilly off the Cornish coast for a getaway last week.

The Mirror broke the story and shared the following information:

'The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge said hello to locals as they cycled across the stunning island of Tresco.
A holidaymaker today said: “William and Kate were riding their bicycles, having a laugh. They looked so happy enjoying the weather. I did do a double take. They were really friendly and said hello.”

They chose the idyllic Tresco island which is accessible by boat or air only. The picturesque island, home to under two hundred residents, is known for its white sandy beaches, historic sites, warm local welcome and family-friendly activities.

The Mail on Sunday reports the Cambridges arrived via helicopter and spent their time at the large, granite Dolphin House. It is owned by the Duke of Cornwall (Prince Charles) and indeed Tresco is part of the Duchy of Cornwall. William will inherit when his father becomes king.

Dolphin House is actually available to rent year-round, with prices for a week ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 for the house which boasts "spectacular views towards Round Island Lighthouse, set in large private walled garden".

A peek inside.

Breathtaking sea views.

The spot holds significance for the Wales family. Many will be familiar with the family photos of Charles and Diana with William and Harry on their bikes during a holiday on the Isles of Scilly in 1989.

The Cambridges carried out a two-day working visit to the Isles of Scilly back in 2016. It marked William and Kate's first official visit to the scenic part of South West England since their wedding. For day one, Kate teamed a pink Lela Rose dress with her Monsoon Fleur wedges.

A rainy morning altered the couple's day-two plans. Thankfully they were still able to carry out several engagements in Tresco. Below, the couple on the terrace of of Tresco Abbey Garden.

The Duchess was stylish in her navy Smythe one-button blazer, GAP patterned trousers, an off-the-shoulder top by H&M and her Monsoon wedges.

It's a beautiful spot for a break with the children. I'm sure they had a wonderful time!


  1. What a beautiful spot,for relaxing and spending time with family and having fun. It not always have to be a place far away. Hope they all have a fun holiday.

  2. Tammy from California2 August 2020 at 19:46

    I giggled when I read this post because a news outlet yesterday reported they were on the Island of Sicily in Italy. I thought: A) Why would they choose another country right now with the pandemic instead of staying within their country borders? and B) When did Sicily become a remote island?
    HAHA! Now I see it was SCILLY. Big difference!
    Looks lovely and I hope they had a wonderful time!

    1. Tammy form California I thought the same thing when I first saw the reports. Then I realized it was an island of the cost of England not Italy lol.

  3. Lucky to have a change in surrounding at this particular time. I am sure many envy them.It is so difficult to know which plans to cancel and which to move forward with in safety at least in the USA.

  4. I love everything about this outfit ... except for the way it looks on Kate. I think that Kate and cigarette capris just aren't friends. This along with the blazer emphasizes her long torso and wide shoulders and (relatively) shorter legs.

    I am noticing something though -- Kate now goes without pantyhose with more casual shoes. There was a time when she literally never made a public appearance without pantyhose. She wore them even with sneakers and track pants. I kind of like this more casual Kate.

    1. I think she still sometimes sneak in pantyhose with sneakers.
      But I agree it is so easy to forget the meticulous care Kate took in the beginning not to offend anybody, to be the picture perfect princess. I think she was so unsure of herself that she felt the only way to cope was to colour between the lines.
      It has been awesome to see how she found her feet, paid her dues and decided which rules are rules and which is suggestions/conventions that she doesn’t need to follow if she doesn’t want to. It has been quite a journey.

    2. Caroline in Montana3 August 2020 at 18:01

      It is my understanding these outfits are from 2016 and there are no pictures from the private holiday they were just on?!

    3. Ivy Lin, I believe these pictures and outfits are from W&K's visit back in 2016. If my understanding is correct, then it would seem like there were times even back then when Kate was going without pantyhose. (In these photos her hair is longer and darker than we've seen this summer, so don't think these are from their recent visit).

    4. Ah, gotcha. But I have noticed that for example some of the outings she made recently she is without pantyhose in more casual shoes like espadrilles. And that was simply not something we ever saw from Kate in years earlier. As I said, she wore pantyhose with sneakers and track pants!

    5. I am not sure how one could tell someone was wearing pantyhose by looking at a photo. Ankle and knee length hose give a much classier look to feet than socks or bare feet with shoes. She generally wears sandals without socks, however. As she did in the 20016 photo.
      Remember the days of wearing Birkenstock sandals with socks?

  5. Looks gorgeous. As an American I would love to stay for a few days in the area. But I also asked in an earlier post
    what UK folks who post on this blog thought about the area.... Glad WIlliam, Catherine and family had a few days in such a lovely spot.

  6. Thank you Charlotte for a great post. This outfit is truly a favorite of mine. I love the pants, top, jacket and shoes!! To me it really compliments her.

  7. Even I was initially flabbergasted to read Sicily!

  8. That sounds lovely. I remeber their first visit and her fantastic outfit choices. I always thought that it would be important that the future king and queen spend more private time/holidays in their own country. Sure, a Caribean island is nice but it also leaves a bad taste, especially when the country and its citiziens struggle. This stay surely wasn`t cheap but it leaves a feeling of being more relatable, appreciating the national opportunities (which is also a much more eccological way of travelling- apart from the helicopter, supporting and promoting your country. The UK has so much to offer. I haven't even come close to ticking at least a third of the points off my UK bucket list. I don't know- this really hit a nerve with me and I can only praise them for this decision.
    Charlotte brought up an interesting point. Wiliam will inherit the house from his father, when he becomes the Duke of Cornwall. As will George at one point. I always wonder what will happen to the Dukedom of Cambridge? It would go to George, but he will also become Duke of Cornwall - probably before he becomes Duke of Cambridge. Would he be given another Dukedom as a wedding gift, as he presumably will be married before he inherits either title? Or could they change the rules, so Louis has a chance of inheriting it? Combining three Dukedoms in one person seems like a strange move. And can they please make Charlotte the Duke of another Dukedom? Maybe it is time to get over the history of the last Duke of Windsor and revive the title with a British princess? I think the female hereditary succession is long overdue. She should be able to hold this rank in her won right. There are enough daughters who would love to take over their families ranks and estates. The Queen is in fact the Duke of Lancaster, so I believe the time is right. Maybe Charles will set things finally in motion.

    1. It is highly unlikely that George will ever be Duke of Cambridge - the only way I can see it happening is if William dies before Charles.
      Once William becomes king the title “Duke of Cambridge” reverts to the throne. Hence he is no longer the Duke of Cambridge and his son can’t inherit it.
      It could then be recreated for George (unlikely since he will already be Duke of Cornwall at that point) or Louis. And I agree with you if feels wrong for Louis to be made a Duke if Charlotte is not. But then again Charlotte will most likely be Princess Royal which is prestigious in its own right. After all there are lots of Dukes but only one Princess Royal.

    2. Caroline in Montana3 August 2020 at 18:15

      I don't think that anyone is going to be either the Duke or Duchess of Windsor, I think its got a serious taint to it. (its almost an insult?)

      Charlotte will become the princess royal and upon her marriage I'im assuming she would get a title, if she wants one or she may remain Princess Charlotte.

      George is now just Prince George, only when he is the prince of wales does he get the duchy of cornwall dukedom and all the other titles that come along with it. I don't see how George can become the duke of cornwall/POW BEFORE he becomes the duke of cambridge? to be the duke of cornwall goes along with being the prince of wales. his father will become prince of wales first and then george would become the duke of cambridge only becoming the prince of wales and duke of cornwall when william is king, right?

      Louis should sorta technically be the duke of York eventually as the second son but again that got kinda ruined and is seeming to become a dead end as neither of the girls can inherite? (Thats a shame!) besides louis might not even want a title or maybe the duke of Edinbourgh will be revived for louis? that would seem fitting!

    3. I share in your praise of W&K for the decision to vacation within the UK. It's very interesting that the Dolphin House belongs to the Duke of Cornwall! I had no idea about this island, nor nor do I remember it was where William and Harry vacationed with their parents. Good on W&K to be exploring their UK with their children and making memories for them.

      Even in the US, there is a shift in travel with less people using airlines and traveling by cars to points of interests within their own state, country rather than flying to exotic destinations. The CEO of Air BNB was interviewed and said that more and more people are driving to their destinations and renting entire homes vs. hotel rooms and smaller Air BNB rooms within homes. COVID saw a change in the hotel/motel/BNB industry for several months, but with summer this 'summer' shift has added a new dimension that is great for the bottom line, and welcomed, as is a change of scenery for mental healthiness.

      Would also agree with you about changing the female hereditary succession, have to believe that there are enough titles and estates to go around to help carry on the family tradition.

      On another note, while I am happy to see the casual side of William and Kate and the entire royal family, I am very much missing the formal engagements, the traditions, and the opportunities to dress up. This isn't just limited to the royals, as there is also a shift in retail clothing sales lately, with a drop in formal work clothes being sold. Even in the salon industry, with no need to go out and be seen, there has been a drop in cuts, coloring, nails, etc. at least in my part of the world. Before anybody jumps on me about how petty this may sound right about now, there are perceptible shifts in how business is being done now and possibly how it will be done in the future as a result of this. Very, very thankful for what we have, but worried that entire industries and livelihoods are being affected right now, as well as don't want to see certain traditions go by the wayside.

    4. Caroline in Montana3 August 2020 at 21:38

      RachelZA - Once charles is king, william becomes the pow and all associated, then doest that make PG the duke of cambridge or wait would that make him prince george of wales until he marries and gets a title or become the pow when william is king?? lol so confusing:)

    5. Caroline, an interesting fact about the title Duke of York is that it has never been inherited, not because it can’t, but because every single Duke of York either became king (and the title reverted to the throne) like the Queen’s father, or had only daughters like the current duke or had not legitimate children who could inherit.
      That’s why it almost became tradition for the second son of the king to be Duke of York. They keep recreating it because York is such an important part of England.

    6. Thanks for everyone who answered.
      @Rachel: I didn't realise that the title automatically would fall back when Wiliam becomes king. Makes sense. He would be king, the Duke of Lancaster and the Duke of Cambridge. I agree that George will become the Duke of Cornwall before he could inherit the Cambridge title. That is why I raised the question that he would popably be given another Dukedom upon marriage. Maybe the Dukedom of Edinburgh?
      I disagree with the idea that being the Princess Royal is enough profil compared to her brothers for Princess Charlotte. This title is not inheritable. And I think it is time that females can hold those titles in their own right and pass it on. Princess Royal feels very passive compared to Duke. Maybe it is semantics, maybe it is how those titles worked in the past. A Dukedom was able to support the title holder financially, while the Princess is payed out of Daddy's/Mummy's purse in is therefore dependent. Why should Louis be able to pass a title on and Charlotte not?
      I don't think Louis is in for the Duke of York. And I think it would be wise to stop tying certain Dukedoms to certain family positions. Lancaster and Cornwall are enough. Takes the fun out of it a bit. Anyway, Andrew is probably still alive when it is Louis' turn. But I agree, that they might let it rest for some time.
      I also disagree about the Dukedom of Windsor. A British Princess could very well carry it and heal the wounds of the past. I mean, yes it has an unfortunate history but honestly- I think the Dukedoms of York and Sussex will be the next one people are going to talk about for ages. Both will probably get a bit of a break in the future. I would love to see more unknown Dukedoms to be brought back. And I expect the current and future Dukes to spend a bit more time to promote and support their Dukedoms (like Charles does for Cornwall).
      Maybe it is also time to overthink the title as a marriage gift. Who knows if those children are going to marry? They might very well choose not to. So, why not bestow it upon a certain age? That seems more fair in my book.

      On another note: The portrait of Louis for his second birthday thank you card is just gorgous. He looks so grown up with a charming young boy smirk. I guess we have a ladykiller in the making :-)


  9. Susan in Florida3 August 2020 at 15:18

    Nice to see them chose their own nation for a family getaway. I didn’t know certain palm trees could grow in the UK. Is it a micro climate and warmer there? While many of us love history or seek adventure in another country, and nothing is wrong with that , we tend to neglect the our closer travel places. Keeping closer to our homes , going to the next county, within a US state, or our own nations might be a good choice to help build up businesses after this pandemic.

    1. I just read an article in Architectural Digest about this vacation (!!!) and they stated in the article that it does have a microclimate with temperatures not going below 50 degrees F, even in winter.

      Border Terrier lover

  10. Valerie in Arizona3 August 2020 at 15:47

    I took such vicarious pleasure in imagining their vacation in Tresco. I had been feeling sad for a few days as I had been thinking that for those of us in our late 60s, every six months of this pandemic is like a lifetime. Literally for many. But one thing about aging, looking 70 in the face, is that when we fall ill, our illnesses take more out of us than they did in our 20s. I don't mean to complain, simply am musing that that is why people of my age are cautioned to be careful with this virus. But I had already become more aware when I traveled last year. It took longer for me to recover from our trip to England, France and Spain (how glad I am that we went though!) and then in the Fall I went back to Paris and Belfast and once again, it was hard when I returned home. Now, as it looks like we won't be able to go back to the UK/Europe until 2021, I wonder what kind of shape I will be in....
    But enough about me. The comment that C. made about multiple Dukedoms made me wonder, yes, just how many Dukedoms does a Prince have? According to Wikipedia, when Charles was born, as the Queen's heir he immediately took the titles Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Prince and Great Steward of Scotland. Whew, imagine putting that on a birth announcement card! Later, when he turned 10 in 1958 he became Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester although he wasn't invested as Prince of Wales until 1969. Charles is the longest-serving Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay and will become the oldest king crowned. When William was born, he was titled Prince William of Wales. When he married, he became the Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn (Scotland) and Baron Carrickfergus (Northern Ireland.) As far as the Prince of Wales title, this is what Wikipedia says: "Since the 14th century, the title has been a dynastic title granted by the king or queen to the heir apparent to the English or British monarch, but the failure to be granted the title does not affect the rights to royal succession. The title is granted to the heir apparent as a personal honour or dignity, and is not heritable, merging with the Crown on accession to the throne. Since 1301, the title Earl of Chester has been given in conjunction with that of Prince of Wales. The Prince of Wales usually has other titles and honours; if the eldest son of the monarch, typically this means being Duke of Cornwall, which unlike being Prince of Wales inherently includes lands and constitutional and operational responsibilities" ( So given that Charles carries both Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay, I would think that William (should he chose) could become Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Duke of Cornwall and the Scottish Dukedom, Duke of Rothesay, Lord of the Isles, etc.... As to whether he becomes Prince of Wales, I guess that could be a matter of discussion for him and for Charles.

  11. I think that when Charles becomes King, William and Kate will automatically become the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall AND still also be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Typically, people with more than one of these aristocratic titles just use the highest-ranking and I think that would be the Cornwall one rather than the Cambridge one (because it's an older title, I think). They don't automatically become Prince and Princess of Wales - Charles will choose when to award those titles. I think only George would be in line to inherit any of the titles William and Kate have. Charlotte is most likely to become 'The Princess Royal' (which can only be awarded once the present holder - Anne - is no longer alive). Louis will probably be given a Dukedom on his wedding day. But, of course, all of that is a long way away and things could certainly change between now and then!

    1. Caroline in Montana3 August 2020 at 21:42

      I thought that the Duke of Cornwall title comes with the POW title?? i thought that even if anne died (hopefully not for a long time) charlotte can not become the princess royal unless william is king?

    2. Hi Caroline, I'm not 100% certain but I think the Duchy of Cornwall was specifically created for the heir to the throne so that they have an income independent of the reigning monarch. So the Duchy is awarded automatically but not the Prince/Princess of Wales. Could be wrong though. You are right that Charlotte would only be named 'The Princess Royal' once Anne has died (and that's not automatic either). But it's more likely that she'll get that title than that she would be awarded a Dukedom in her own right.

  12. im sure they had a wonderful time. must be nice !

  13. What a lovely place and what fun for them to have a little holiday. Didn’t they start emphasizing the Cornwall connection because people were throwing fits back in 2005 over Camilla being styled Princess of Wales, as Kate will be once William holds that title?

  14. my god everything happen in 2020 looks horrible its greater not to plan on our life everyday i wake up with worrying what would life with be our future child would be plus beautiful scenery i hope the kids would enjoy while young

  15. If William and Kate take over the Cornwall Dukedom on Charles' accession, then Camilla must be going to vacate it which poses an interesting question.

    1. Since Camilla doesn’t hold the title Duchess of Cornwall in her own right, she can only use it while her husband is the Duke of Cornwall. But if William is Duke of Cornwall, it means Camilla is married to the king, so she will have a new title. There is still uncertainty as to what that title will be, but my bet is they won’t mess with precedent and she will be queen.
      But either way, whichever title she will using it won’t be Duchess of Cornwall.

  16. Relative to the comments about the Duke of Edinborough title. I have read in numerous outlets over the years that when Prince Phillip dies, the Queen will pass the title to Edward. That he previously declined other Dukedoms in anticipation. Plus that he selected Earl of Wessex in the interim because of an affinity for the character of Wessex in a Shakespearean play. But who knows.


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