Saturday 23 January 2021

The Duchess Zooms with Nurses "Going the Extra Mile"

Hello, I hope you're all having a lovely weekend.

On Tuesday, the Duchess of Cambridge spoke with several inspiring nurses from University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire about their experiences during the pandemic. Kensington Palace revealed, "The Duchess highlighted the vital role that nurses are playing in the vaccine roll-out and spoke with Caroline Rudd and Judith Smith, retired nurses who met when they began training at UHCW in 1978 and have now returned to the NHS to help with the vaccination programme in care homes. The Duchess also spoke to Professor Nina Morgan, Chief Nurse, and Vasu Lingappa, a Critical Care Outreach Practitioner, about caring for critically ill patients and the impact that this can have on staff wellbeing."

The Queen has given the Duke and Duchess permission to work from a room in Sandringham House. People reports:

'Queen Elizabeth has given William and Kate space to use at her Sandringham home, which is just a couple of miles from the couple's country house, Anmer Hall, where the family of five has been isolating. The monarch and Prince Philip are currently living at Windsor Castle amid the ongoing pandemic.

While at Sandringham House, they can conduct their video calls without any chance of interruption, while the other helps with the lessons that George, 7, and Charlotte, 5, are working on at home.'

The Duchess became royal patron of Nursing Now in 2020 having seen firsthand the impact of front-line medical professionals during visits to hospitals and hospices, and through her work in support of children's mental health and early intervention. The global campaign is aimed at raising the profile and status of nursing worldwide so nurses can make an even greater contribution at the heart of efforts to tackle the rising burden of disease. The effort has taken on a more significant meaning than ever before due to the pandemic.

During the call, the Duchess told nurses, "We hear time and time again about the amazing things nurses up and down the country are doing and going that extra mile. It’s the things that are not part of the training and the things that you’re taught, but the things that come from your heart. I think that’s what matters so much now: these acts of kindness to the patients you’re looking after." Kate heard from an amazing nurse who exemplified going the extra mile for a patient battling Covid-19 by singing Bon Jovi songs.

'The Duchess this week spoke with Caroline Rudd and Judith Smith, two retired nurses who first met when they began training in 1978 and have returned to the NHS together to help with the vaccination programme in care homes.

Caroline told Kate: “I’m supposed to be retired, I left nursing three years ago after 40 years with the NHS, but when the pandemic came along I felt the need to come back and I’m currently working as part of a vaccinations team out in the community.”

Beaming Kate told her: “Well done for coming back!”

Kate added: “Well 2020 was supposed to be the year to celebrate nurses and midwives across the country, who would have thought we would have a pandemic like this, so a huge well done.

“It cannot be underestimated the work that you are doing and a huge huge thank you for all that you have done, and continue to do in probably one of the most challenging times that has ever faced the NHS.”

Kate wore a black blazer and white shirt with what appears to be her Simone Rocha pearl earrings. She also debuted a longer hairstyle than we've seen in some time. I've always loved longer hair on Kate and look forward to seeing it more.

On Tuesday, the Duchess also held a Zoom call with Holocaust survivors and Holocaust Educational Trust’s youth ambassadors. I wouldn't be surprised to see Steven Frank and Yvonne Bernstein, two holocaust survivors the Duchess photographed last year, included in the call. Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on 27 January. We should hear more then.


We also have a couple of fashion updates to share today. Kate's much-loved Canadian Tartan Maple Leaf scarf is back in stock at Etsy for £15. The Duchess most recently wore it on the wonderful Royal Train mini-tour.

Kate's Boden Abercorn Scallop Cardigan in frosted blue is available for pre-order (with thanks to Kate's Closet).

As I'm working on a new series of Kate Loves posts, please do share your suggestions in the comments :)


  1. Kate loves: country life

  2. I'd be happy to read something on Kate's older jewelleries, possibly pre-engagement days. I know it's a huge bite, but still, I'd be happy.

  3. This Pandemic is going on for a year now. With the vaccine I hope it is on it's way out. It is a fantastic thing, that people are still helping the masses who really need it. It is always amazing that people in need them self, step up and do a lot for others. To every person who has been helping since the beginning of this hell a great THANK YOU. And GOD BLESS YOU and KEEP YOU SAVE and sane.

  4. Kate Loves... Pregnancy! And/or Pregnancy Fashion (sorry, I am 11 weeks with my first!)

    1. Congratulations, that is wonderful news :)

    2. Marianne, Cumbria (UK)24 January 2021 at 06:09

      Charlotte, don't know. how to say this but i'm sure you understand. How about Kate loves a threesome :- Prince George's arrival :D

    3. Congratulations! It is wonderful hearing happy news. Thanks for sharing this exciting time. Sending best wishes to you and the little one.

  5. Charlotte - thanks for your continued wonderful work on this blog! I have 2 thoughts about "Kate Loves" topics: (1) Kate with children photos or (2) Best pandemic video...she's done such a great job with virtual visits. These may or may not meet your criteria, but just a thought. Thanks, Karen from San Antonio

  6. Thanks for this blog. My suggestions are:Kate as a wedding guest, Kate loves blazers, Kate loves pearls, Kate loves suits Kate loves vintage, Kate loves skirts...

  7. Kate
    Kate Loves...Mustique
    Kate Loves...books and reading
    Beth in SF

    1. I would love to read about Kate’s cooking skills.

  8. Zora from Prague23 January 2021 at 22:09

    Thank you so much for the post, Charlotte! I think it is wonderful and so important that Kate expresses her gratitude and appreciation to medical staff. If all those proverbial "extra miles" that nurses all around the world have gone by now could be put together, I suspect it would be a line much longer than the Equator!

  9. Susan in Florida24 January 2021 at 00:50

    It’s really uplifting to see a respected person in a high position, like the Duchess thanking nurses. The attention on nurses was falling away. I agree with Zora about those extra miles. One of my husband's friends (who we haven’t seen in person) has Covid , his wife passed in a nursing home from a long illness, the only connection for them was the kindness of the nurses. Our world owes them a huge debt of gratitude.

  10. the duchess Cambridge uplifting the spirit of nurses all over world the duchess thanking the whole the health care workers abig boastin the world she in highest position to thanking and thinking the health care worked for these efforts 🙏 to God these pandemic will be over and will get. Back normak routine

  11. I would like to submit a more risky list. I like Kate but I am not shy to point out fashion misses or criticism at work related stuff.
    Kate loves .... to costume dress (maybe with a poll?)
    Kate loves .... trends (looking back there are extremely distinguishable periods when she fell in love with a new trend/item and completely overhauled her wardrobe)
    Kate loves .... patronages (completely with a spread sheet of visits and such over the years- I am a numbers kind of gal).

    1. Maybe instead of counting how many times she visited a place it would be interesting to read how many projects she has collaborated with. There’s a big number of programs available for schools that have been developed in collaboration with the foundation, therefore Kate, that nobody knows about because they’re not talked about. During last year some of them were made available for schools in Scotland too and teachers were extremely happy on social media.

    2. Oh I would love to read about all her patronage’s.

  12. Valerie in Arizona24 January 2021 at 06:01

    Kate loves William — would love to see a collection of their most loving photos for Valentines 🥰

  13. Bluerising Havana (CU)24 January 2021 at 16:24

    I'm very accustomed to the more rounded RDigest, although from time to time do quite enjoy this blog nearly as much :) I'm thinking more along the area Kate loves shopping in person we could mix this together with Kate loves her baby girl.

  14. I forgot to comment that I’m so happy Kate is highlighting the work of nurses! She looks very professional.

  15. Kate loves: clothes. I'd love to see a selection of outfits only worn once and we could vote on what we'd like to see her wear again!

  16. Dear Charlotte, I know it may sound silly but... do you have any idea what necklace Kate is wearing? I don't recall seeing it before, and it looks interesting since it's eye catching although tiny...
    Stay safe, hope you all be able to get vaccinated soon.
    Shira, Israel

    1. Hello Shira,

      I grabbed a couple of screenshots and couldn't see it properly. It doesn't look like a piece we've seen before. I hope we get another look soon :)

  17. Oh my! Just when I've been thinking that I should comment and ask some post about pre-wedding days and newly weds days. Ten years wedding anniversary is coming soon! Omg! So my proposals to Kate loves... posts are;

    Kate loves... wedding planning
    Kate loves... newly weds
    Kate loves... first Kanada tour

    Ten years since I started to follow this blog with my limited english skills, because Kate was so special and I absolutely adored her style. I loved Kate's style in that first Kanada tour, it was such a treat evedy day on that tour. I would love to return to those moments again! Whole wedding spring and summer to follow.

    Sonja from Finland
    Silent reader of ten years

    Ps. Thank you for this blog, ten years of pure happiness!

  18. Theresa - Austin, TX25 January 2021 at 14:16

    Kate loves earrings......maybe categorize them by designer (Kiki, etc), or color.

  19. Kate loves... coats (has it been done yet?)
    Kate loves... outdoors
    Kate loves... animals

  20. Kate loves..William
    Kate loves..Family (both sides)
    Kate loves..her charities

    Love her hair in this, not fussy, more down to earth 🥰

  21. What about an update of her evening gowns?


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