Thursday 22 September 2022

'Her Majesty Was Looking Down On Us': William & Kate Thank Windsor Volunteers

Good afternoon, dear readers,

I wasn't expecting to see the Prince and Princess of Wales for the remainder of the week, as all engagements were cancelled for this week, including a scheduled trip to the US for William and a collaboration between two of Kate's patronages and the Laver Cup. I understand it's a joint effort between the Princess and Roger Federer, the 'Prince of Tennis', who will be retiring after the Cup and will be sorely missed by tennis fans worldwide. Whilst it's not a week for traditional appearances, it is an appropriate time to share gratitude for all the people who went above and beyond to give Her late Majesty the send-off she deserved.

Today, the Prince and Princess of Wales met those involved in facilitating the Queen's Committal service at Windsor and all those involved in ensuring the Windsor procession ran smoothly.

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William and Kate arriving.

William and Kate visited Windsor Guildhall to thank "unsung heroes" involved in the day. A video from the reception.

The Princess told guests she noticed and was impressed by all the preparations in Windsor in the days before the funeral while she was doing the school run.

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William opened up about emotional moments.

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More from the Mail:

'The group spoke about the number of people in the crowds, with one of the logistics staff saying it was about 110,000. 

William said: 'We did not see the whole town come to a standstill. That's what we were worried about, that it would disrupt everyone's lives.'

Later, when one of the staff talked about how difficult the last few days must have been, he said: 'If you flip it on its head, it is always very comforting that so many people care. It makes it a lot better. There are certain moments that catch you out. You are prepared for all but certain moments catch you out.'

Scenes in Windsor on Monday were unforgettable.

And they will live on in history, thanks to the efforts of so many.

The Waleses sat down with volunteers.

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William and Kate heard more about the people involved.

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In the background, you'll note a stunning portrait of Her late Majesty.

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As for so many of us, Paddington was particularly special to William.

Kate Mansey shared:

"The Prince of Wales told volunteers and staff who helped with the Windsor committal that the Royal Family had seen five rainbows over Balmoral shortly after his grandmother died. The Princess of Wales added: ‘Her Majesty was looking down on us.’

People reports:

"Three days after the history-making monarch was laid to rest, the Prince and Princess of Wales, both 40, met volunteers and operational staff who were involved in the committal service for the Queen at St. George's Chapel in Windsor Castle on Monday. They also supported the crowds that gathered to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth after her death on September 8.

Queen Elizabeth relocated her home base from Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle amid the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. She spent most of her final years at the royal residence, although she died at her traditional summer getaway in Scotland, Balmoral Castle".

The couple leaving Guildhall.

The Duchess repeated a Dolce & Gabbana coat today.

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Kate last wore the piece for her first engagement following the late Duke of Edinburgh's passing during a visit to the RAF Air Cadets 282 Squadron in East London to meet young people supported by the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

The black wool and silk-blend, double-breasted, button-down coat features a collarless design, round neckline, buttonhole on the front, front flap pockets, long sleeves, pleated waist, mid-calf length and straight hem.

Kate accessorised with her Annoushka pearls.

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It was a lovely tribute to those who worked tirelessly behind-the-scenes.

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The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office shared several images from the Heads of State reception at Buckingham Palace, which took place on the eve of Her late Majesty's funeral.

The King and Queen Consort and the Prince and Princess of Wales with President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr Jill Biden.

As previously noted, Kate wore the same Catherine Walker dress with bow detail from the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral.

The Princess accessorised with the late Princess Diana's 'South Sea' pearl earrings.


In this post's opening paragraph, I spoke about the importance of gratitude this week. In keeping with that spirit, I want to send a heartfelt 'thank you' for your incredibly generous comments, messages and emails over the past twelve days. When the enormity of covering the nation's farewell weighed on me and the sheer emotion of the week required moments for pause, you all buoyed my spirits. It's ten days I will never forget, ten days which are the most significant I've had the privilege to cover. I don't take for granted the loyalty of readers who checked in every day (if not several times per day) to follow each stage of the nation's goodbye to the Queen.

I think fondly of starting 'Duchess Kate' on a whim in university over eleven years ago. I still remember clicking 'New Post' for the first time and my amazement when page views began appearing. It's been quite a journey. In the coming weeks, we will say goodbye to 'Duchess Kate' as the blog takes on a new name to reflect Kate's new title (it still seems rather strange to think I'll never start a post with 'The Duchess of Cambridge' again). I will give you all ample notice before any change is implemented. As many of you have discussed with me, Blogger has disabled the 'Follow By Email' option. I am currently searching for an effective alternative.

I would expect, as the Prince and Princess of Wales, we're going to see enormous changes to William and Kate's schedules and duties. I'm looking forward to covering the next stage with the community here.


  1. Thank you for maintaining a beautiful blog. I appreciate it.
    Mary, Canada

    1. ITA - There have been days where a new post on this blog made my ho-hum day so much better. Thank you so much for your dedication, Charlotte! Maria V

  2. I am struck by the reality of Harry and William's father now becoming king. I recently read about Charles' very, very full days, and obviously those will continue as king. I feel for W&K with their increased responsibilities -- I am not saying they won't rise to the occasion, but it probably hampers their hope of a "normal" upbringing for the children. I hope Charles is king for a long time.

    1. Allison, I think The Prince of Wales said pretty much the same, when he said we thought we would have a few more years. New house in Windsor and probably hoping to spend the late Queens twilight years with him and his family close to her. Very sad that wasn't to be. Definitely more work now for both, I'm sure as always they will find the right balance between family and their roles as Prince and Princess of Wales. S. ☺

    2. That was my feeling too. The beginning of a new era, full of responsibilities, the nice family time is up. I hope they can find a balance.

  3. It’s really incredible; the care that goes into which clothes she will wear and the meaning behind it, including when to rewear an outfit. Such respect for the institution and traditions.

  4. Long time reader here! You've been a great source of information on the public life of Kate in her role as the Duchess of Cambridge. You may want to consider compiling a "Yearbook" and offering it for sale. I understand the writing is your own, yet the pictures would need to be sorted out - but your chronical is unique and noteworthy and quite a historical treasure. You wouldn't necessarily need to organize it by year... could also organize by topic... similar to this framework: Duchess Kate Tracker

    Your work really is quite the encyclopedia on her life so far.
    Best to you,
    Florida Moxie

    1. Klara from Croatia22 September 2022 at 20:08

      Florida Moxie that is a great idea! I would buy it!

    2. I would definitely buy such a book!

    3. Moxie, yes the writing is her own and very good I might add. Always facts and well researched. Regardless of photo copy rights. What I've noticed over the years, is that Charlotte has a very good eye when selecting the pictures she choses. You mentioned a book. I'm surprised no one has offered Charlotte work writing for a newspaper or magazine on the Princess of Wales. Or maybe a weekly YouTube video now that Catherine is Princess of Wales. S. ☺

    4. I would buy one...fl girl

    5. What a fantastic idea Moxie which could evolve into so many more things. Thank you Charlotte! Love this blog. So informative & respectfully done. Fran from Canada

  5. Thank you for all the Information. You did an fantastic job and I can't wait for the next period. Prince and princess Wales. Wow.

  6. It is a privilege to read your wel thought articles. Thank you, I am a long time follower but will try to contribute/comment a bit more, like I did for your outstanding post on the late Queens farewell and funeral. I wish for you some reflection and looking back and forward time as well. I for one am very excited what the future will bring for the Prince and Princess of Wales but also wished for them a little longer family time. Thanks again and warm regards from the Netherlands.

  7. Amazing coverage and insights. Thank you for your tireless work. I enjoy reading everything you write. Ngā mihi nui ( Thank you)

  8. I was surprised to see the Prince and Princess of Wales having an engagement so soon after the funeral of the Queen but it was very nice to see the Royal Family thanking all of the volunteers who helped with the events of the past week.

    It will be exciting to see what the future holds for the Prince and Princess of Wales. I would think we would be seeing more of them than before as they have higher roles in the Royal Family. Charlotte how long do you think it would be before the Wales move into Windsor Castle as you had mentioned previously? Excited to see that they will be making a visit to the US in early December. I told my husband we should make a trip to Boston so we could maybe catch a glimpse of them.

  9. As always Valunteers are needed to help. People are so happy to step up and fill the void. So, it is just right for the Prince and Pss of Wales to meet with them and thank them all for the help, they have given them over so many days. I love this black D&G coat. css

  10. Look at that crowd! I love how absolutely respectful everybody was, there were no fences and there were no problems.

    Have you seen any news about what’s going to happen with Kate&Federer? Will Kate’s patronages still benefit from this association even if there’s no match?

  11. Charlotte - you are simply amazing. Your blog is one of the first that I read each morning. Love all that you’ve done over the past 11 years. Here’s to more in the future!

    1. I feel the same way! Thank you so much, Charlotte. I truly admire your work and I read it every day. This is a wonderful community of readers.

    2. Must say thank you again for this special blog Charlotte. I also check in most days.

  12. Charlotte - thank you for all of it. I hope you print and save this in hard copy. It is an historic gem. I look forward to your new page as you move along with Kate.

  13. Thank you so much for being my go to source for all things related to the Duchess/Princess as well as the whole royal family!

  14. Thank you Charlotte for making that commitment to continue covering the very busy Princess of Wales. Also, this is a question for everyone in this community….do you feel that the Prince and Princess of Wales will be able to perform the additional and extended activities out of Adelaide Cottage or will there be another move for the family in the near future?

    1. I am thinking they will not be long at Adelaide Cottage, it seems quite small for a family of 5 especially after living in their apartment in Kensington Palace and their country home of Anmer Hall. It has been mentioned they would eventually be moving into Windsor Castle. Wondering if there will have to be work done at Windsor Castle to make it more suitable for a young family to living in.

    2. I agree with Amy. They've barely gotten used to Adelaide Cottage, so it doesn't seem to disruptive to move, and it would seem much easier to be in a bigger place with staff nearby. I would guess that the big issue for the family (besides the fact that the apartments in Windsor probably haven't been updated in a long time) would be that they love to cook. I wonder if there are auxiliary kitchens around the family quarters.

    3. I think they already had taken on a lot more work as both their children and the late Queen got older. I would imagine this move and choice of home was well thought out in regards to their needs. You can see on Google if you look what section of the Palace was the late Queens private apartments. They used to stay there for Christmas so all the family would of had rooms there. That might have changed after they stopped going there and the fire. I hope they stay in their new home. Plenty of time to be living in a Palace or Castle with staff. It's not really a cottage it's a 4 bed good size detached house. S. ☺

    4. I don’t think we will see a move to the Castle any time soon. It is much easier to give their children a more normal upbringing in a “cottage” than a castle. With Adelaide Cottage being so close to Windsor Castle there is no need to work from home, hence no need for space for their staff. What we might see is a office set up at Windsor Castle in the neer future.

  15. Charlotte, thank you so much. Your blog is the only that I read for I know it’s factual and correct and written so eloquently. I look forward to the next chapter reading about The Princess of Wales. Thank you Charlotte, you are so sweet, special and very much appreciated. Very well done ❤️ -Joanne in CA, USA

  16. Charlotte I am a long time follower. Thank you for all your personal time you put into this blog to keep us all informed on the royal couple. Catherine Princess of Wales is on stunning lady. She will do a wonderful job and be a big support to her husband as they move forward.
    I still believe I will continue to put their children first. I think Charles know those children come first. And he will support them.
    Thank you again fir all your hard work.

  17. Well done, Charlotte! I was an early subscriber. I remember how pleased I was when the Duke and Duchess chose Charlotte as their daughter's name. Looking forward to the title switch.

  18. You have done a lovely job covering all the events and providing details letting us know where and when to watch. I have really appreciated it. Thank you for all your time and effort and I am looking forward to the changes coming...

  19. Draga Charlotte, čitam tvoj blog od prvog dana. Radiš odličan posao. Hvala ti za sve. Pozdrav iz Hrvatske. Mirela

    1. Klara from Croatia24 September 2022 at 00:36

      Pozdrav Mirela, drago mi je da nas ima još iz Hrvatske. Također pratim od prvog dana. Svako dobro!

  20. Incredible coverage this past heartsore week. Your carefully selected images, narrative and added historical information make this such an enjoyable and informative blog. Always.

    1. I completely agree! This blog is always so informative and interesting. Thank you for all your work not just over the past 2 weeks but on every post.

  21. Klara from Croatia22 September 2022 at 20:19

    Thank you for this wonderful blog. I just wanted to say something unrelated - I love how Kate ages gracefully and beautifully. I am so happy she doesn't do "fillers", estetic surgery and so on ... She looks the age she is. Her mother also looks so elegant and beautiful without any antiaging changers. I like that so much, looking her changing through years, maturing with dignitiy, after having three kids, it makes her even more beautiful in my opinion and I hope it will stay that way, it would be excellent role modeling if it stays that way.

  22. Thank you, Charlotte. I’m a long time Italian reader who never dared to post a comment, but this time I want to express my gratitude for your admirable dedication and precious work. Reading your blog has meant a lot for me, for years, and I’m sure it will continue to be a source of inspiration. All the best, Federica

    1. beautiful comment i feel the same and grateful for charlotte's hard work

  23. Charlotte I am surprised you are changing the name of the site. While she is Princess of Wales, she still retains the title Duchess of Cambridge. I know Princess of Wales is higher, but since she still holds the Duchess title as well I am surprised you are going through the effort to change the name of the blog. Just my two cents :)

    1. Yes I agree. It might be suffice to change the heading on the top of the page. The url doesnt matter. It reflects the beginnings and are familiar to all. Love this blog. Thank you Charlotte!

  24. Thank you for a wonderful "go-to" site. You clearly put a great deal into it and it shows.

  25. Thank you for everything Charlotte! It’s such a treat to learn so much about her and her work. I’d love to see her at Laver Cup, and I’m sure William was disappointed he wasn’t able to attend the NYC event for Earthshot. But I’m glad they are recognizing the incredible volunteers who showcased the monarchy so beautifully. Sue

  26. I found your blog by accident a little after the royal wedding all this time ago, and haven't stopped checking in every so often to see what's new in Kate's style. I am amazed at how well written all your blogs are and have been, how thorough they are in details and info on each engagement. I can't believe that the blog will have a new name soon - I knew at some point Kate would move closer to being Queen Consort, but it felt like one of those things you never truly expect to see. Exciting times, the end of an era - from Duchess to Princess! Above all, thank you for keeping this marvelous blog for us who don't like the drama of Twitter/mainstream media and just want to know the factual information about each engagement. This blog has been a life companion, and has strenghtened my viewing of Kate's style and personality as a role model, thank you for everything.

  27. Charlotte, thank you for your hard work and beautiful writing. We appreciate you.

  28. Long time silent reader here. Charlotte, I have enjoyed reading your blog almost from the beginning and have always appreciated the coverage and information that you provide for us here. Thank you very much for all the time and hard work you put in, as well as for the community you provide for all of us who love to follow the now Princess of Wales.

  29. Thank you so much Charlotte. I have followed your blog since the beginning or nearly at the beginning, and enjoyed every bit of it. I look forward to all your posts.

  30. Long, long time follower. Almost from the beginning. Have totally enjoyed your blog. Looking foward to the next iteration. All the best, LauraT

  31. Charlotte, Thank you Thank you Thank you for your amazing, thorough & always fascinating coverage. Not just of The Queen's Funeral, but of all that has come before, during these last 11yrs! I can't imagine not having your blog in my life. It has been an ever ready source of accurate, interesting & educational/historical coverage.

    I also feel bittersweet about the next stage..... I too had hoped that Will & Kate would have had a little more time, for their "normal family years". However, we knew this day would come & they are more than ready to step up. It will definitely be more for us to read & more for you to cover. My heart goes out to them, as they make the necessary adjustments within their sweet family.

    With Great Thanks & Admiration,

  32. I found your blog on the day of Will & Kate's wedding, I think! Anyway, it was right about that time. I love it and have always thought that your work is top notch. I hope you got several nights of full sleep after Monday night! What a marathon you maintained, a super marathon.

    I did say above that I would buy such a book as Florida Moxie suggested, but I know first-hand how much effort a book of any kind takes, and I don't wish that on anybody who already has a demanding job. It can easily be overwhelming, especially the work involved in getting copyright permissions from ALL those photo sources. I wonder how many pages of text you've written over the past 11 years? One thousand? Two? I printed my own blog's posts over a seven-year period and used up two reams of paper and several sets of ink cartridges. And I didn't write nearly as much as you do.

    All that to say thank you, Charlotte, for your work and for continuing into the Princess of Wales era.

  33. Hi Charlotte - Thank you for all the time spent creating such an informative blog. I wonder, now that HM's funeral is over, if you would consider doing a post on the funeral fashions?

  34. I have followed your blog from the beginning, sometimes commenting, sometimes just lurking. I have followed the Royal Family from the time it was simply books, the odd very respectful newspaper article, through the Diana Years and the rise of the tabloids, then social media. I have sometimes missed the lively comments we early subscribers used to have but I totally understood when you had to call a halt: you have been forebearing and I never envied your task of moderating a Royal blog at this time of such upheaval. I now mainly lurk and enjoy but did want to surface to say thank you for your blog on Catherine, for the photos you manage to find and post—the above are the only photos I have seen from the official reception and they are lovely—and the history you illuminate. However you decide you want to change your blog is always fine by me. Valerie in Arizona.

  35. Thank you for all of your great work as a citizen-journalist. I looked forward to your reports as much or more than any other news source. I also look forward to your next iteration of the blog!

  36. Charlotte, I'm not surprised to see them both out and about so soon. I would expect we will be seeing a lot more of them and the rest of the working Royal Family. They both looked a lot better today. Its a shock to have to deal with death even though you know its coming, let alone step up to new Royal roles as the whole world is watching. Someone mentioned the move to Windsor Castle. I hope they take at least a year in their new home to think about it. Charlotte, when you change the name of your blog, will you use a picture of Catherine as Duchess or Princess? I would think all those reading this has a favourite photo of her. S

  37. Thank you so much for your efforts over the past two weeks, and the past 11 years, Charlotte! This is the only source I check for Kate news and coverage, because no one else compares to you and your writing. I'm also looking forward to watching both Will and Kate's next chapter - major times are ahead! - Jenna, California

  38. Thank you for all your work Charlotte. I will continue to follow you on a new blog, and can’t wait to hear.
    Best, Royal 👑 Watcher

  39. Long time reader here! You've been a great source of information on the public life of Kate in her role as the Duchess of Cambridge. hmm looking forward for some changes please update us where you switch thank you for your hard work charlotte

  40. I can’t believe how fast 11 years have flown. I always looked forward to reading your blog, the only one I do read. Here’s to the next 11. Whatever you decide I will follow. You have made a wonderful historical record of Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, now Princess of Wales. I so admire you, Charlotte, and your integrity and diligence to the truth. Thank you.

  41. Thank you, Charlotte. Your time, effort and dedication to this blog over the last decade has been amazing and quite professional, and is truly appreciated by all your readers. Vicky/Hudson Valley, NY

  42. Dear Charlotte,

    I'm from Brazil and consequently had never heard of Kate Middleton until the engagement. Her beauty and poise intrigued me, so I googled her and, lucky me, I came across your blog. Since then I've been a loyal follower and have always admired your posts. In all those years I've probably made 2 or 3 comments. Since English isn't my first language, I felt a bit shy about writing here.

    I am writing this comment now to THANK YOU for years of beautiful posts. Your blog is about the Princess, but it's also a wonderful lesson in British history. I've always enjoyed it immensely and in the past two weeks I was in awe at how elegantly and respectfully you covered the death of the Queen. You are the epitome of good taste, good manners and elegant writing.

    Once again, thank you so much for your hard work. You have a huge admirer here in Brazil.

    Best wishes,
    Brazilian Fan.

  43. I have followed this blog from the beginning, Charlotte, and you have done remarkable work.
    I see the Princess Royal has also thanked volunteers. I watched seven hours of funeral coverage on Monday and thought often about all those people making it happen, making the pageantry perfect. It is a tribute to Britain.
    - Karen in Virginia

  44. this is so kind of them but i wish they would just take some private time now to rest and grieve they deserve it

  45. Dear Charlotte thank you for all your hard work over the years I have been a follower as you know since the beginning and your posts have brought so much joy all these years. As I looked after my dying mom when I was so sad I would come on here to read when she was asleep for a break. It helped as a distraction from sadness. We are all grateful for all you do.Thank you and regarding a way to have followers follow your blog you can use the follow by email widget by many blogs went to that after blogger disabled

    1. I agree, Melisssa, reading DKB has been a source of joy for me too as I take care of my Mum (87). Sometimes I show her pictures from the posts which she enjoys. She always says how beautiful Kate is and what a lovely couple/family they make with William and the kids.
      I love how many readers, both the frequent commenters and the rare ones, have taken the opportunity to thank Charlotte now. And I join in wholeheartedly! ❤️

  46. So many have already penned their thanks to you for this amazing blog. I, too, would like to add my name to the list. Thank you for all the excellent posts in the past and I am looking forward to many more in the future!

  47. Those days have been very moving. I am starting to process it all. The outpouring of grief and support was impressive. I like how William said it was comforting. It was also impressive how well Prince George and Princess Charlotte managed. They were amazing. What wonderful parents the Prince and Princess of Wales are.

  48. Jennifer from Canada23 September 2022 at 12:13

    Just stellar coverage of the whole mourning period and all the activities and services. An avid reader but rare to comment, as the blog transitions for this next phase of Catherine’s royal life, it is timely to say a big thanks and acknowledge both the research imbedded in the blog postings and the empathetic style of writing. I truly enjoy visiting this site, and the commentary from other readers too! Thank you!

  49. While I am very used to coming to Duchess Kate, I am old enough to remember the previous Prince and Princess of Wales. It is nice to hear William and Kate addressed with their new titles.

    It may be early to discuss fashion, but I admit, I wonder if we will see any evolution to Kate's fashion, and of course, new jewelry for major events. Really, all the royal ladies in the family may end up with a new jewelry item, bequeathed by the late Queen from her personal collection. She seemed thoughtful and loyal.

    1. GA, I hope we get to see the new Princess wearing not only the official Princess of Wales jewellery but also the jewellery worn by her late Mother in law Diana Princess of Wales. I think those jewels were being held by the Crown for the next Princess. The only jewelry we have seen been worn belonging to Diana are all from her personal collection. I remember reading something after Diana died and it said all jewels gifted to her were as the Princess of Wales and therfore would be held for the next Princess. She will obviously be left some amazing jewellery from the late Queen besides what she has already been given and worn. There is a lot of jewellery from Mary and Alexandar that hasn't been seen in years. Let alone all the gifts given over the last 70 years. I always thought that Queen Elizabeth had the best emerald collection and then she pulls out the Grenville emarald tiara and necklace. The new Queen has a very large collection of her own. Queen Elizabeth would of had all of it sorted, it goes to the new King and as she did with the Duchess of Cornwall made her wishes clear. S. ☺

    2. I am not sure I entirely agree. The Royal family have some fantastic jewellery but I always felt that loading oneself up with thousands of pounds of it on public occasions was rather offputting for some of her subjects. This is especially so in this more egalitarian time as it makes it clear how different their life styles are from ours. Ultimately they are supported by the British taxpayer and the King does not pay income tax like the rest of us. It is true that they signed their most important properties over to the state in return for the Sovereign grant, but over the past centuries they had been enabled to build up a vast fortune because of this privilege. There is already some muttering about the new King's lifestyle. However Presidents cost a lot too and providing they are not too blatantly extravagant I can put up with it.

  50. Thank you Charlotte for all these years of work. Your blogs (I include the one concerning Meghan) are a real source of information and I am always amazed by all the historical development you do on almost every article, which allows us to learn a lot.
    You also choose the photos with talent and, even though I don't write comments every time, I always react behind my computer screen. ;)
    I commend your work and the speed with which you cover events.

  51. Thank you so much Charlotte for your lovely, informative and educational blog. I am a long time loyal reader South Jordan, Utah in the United States. Thank you Charlotte.

  52. Thank you for everything , Charlotte. I’m guessing you and your husband need some rest. I love this blog. Yes , I followed it for fashion but your coverage with eloquent words and respectful comments make this blog something your followers cherish. I can’t believe it’s 11 years since your started this community.

  53. A heartfelt thank you for so many genuinely kind comments. I'm truly grateful for each and every one. I'm exploring several options and want the transition to be as seamless for readers as possible. The disabling of 'Follow By Email' is the primary issue in my mind as I know it's been an inconvenience for so many of you.

    A proper archive of Kate's years as DoC is an excellent idea. I'm thinking of a proper online chronicle/resource. Thank you all for your patience.

    1. Thank you Charlotte! I appreciate your diligence in making sure this is an easy transition for all your readers who frequently visit your page often. Thank you for this post as well. It was so nice to see the Wales thank all those who helped with HM The Queen’s committal service. It was so touching and elegantly organized. ❤️


    2. Thank you! And please keep the archives, your posts are factual historic documents that should be studied to understand the RF. Even the comments are interesting in hindsight. I remember for instance the 400+ comments when it was announced that William would work for the air ambulance most of them negative. Now he has the burden of his new role, I am glad he did.
      Anyway, thank you Charlotte for all those years.

  54. Tammy from California23 September 2022 at 23:37

    Charlotte, my sister told me about your blog and I think we have been following it for almost the whole time. I have watched it go from mainly a fashion blog (which cracks me up when newcomers say "Why are we talking about her clothes?!") to more. I won't lie, I still come for the clothes (I really miss the "Dress Kate" posts), but have also enjoyed the patronages and charities. A huge thank you for all you've done here. I have had a BLAST reading this blog for the last decade and have also liked watching you change and evolve to the blog style you prefer.

  55. Thank you Charlotte for faithfully keeping up with the post all these years.

    Your posts are most informative and well-rounded in all aspects. The even tone and fair comments allows reader like me to have a better understanding of the royal family and its history. Your blog seeks to provide balanced views and it is really valuable in this age of social media where everyone and everything seemed a little skewed at times.

    Your loyalty and steadfastness to balance reporting is much appreciated and admired.

    Thank you again 🙏🙏🙏

  56. Hello! Thank you so very much for your wonderful site. I've followed it for years, and can't tell you enough how much I appreciate it. Huge hugs from Canada!

  57. Maureen in Colorado24 September 2022 at 13:59

    Thank you, Charlotte, for everything.

  58. Volunteers did a great job indeed! Everything was perfect, and the Waleses were just perfect too in giving tribute to thank them. And thanks a lot to you Charlotte, too! All your posts, words, coverages have been amazing. It's indeed a changing time and we can't wait to see what's next! Thank you!

  59. 11 years! Wow! How did that happen? Like so many other commenters, I found your blog around the time of W&K's wedding and have enjoyed it ever since. I read all your posts, although I rarely comment. I second everything Tammy from California wrote, would definitely buy your book should you take up Florida Moxie's suggestion and agree with everyone that your blog is wonderful. Your graceful writing, research skills, thoroughness, clean copy and speed leave me in awe. Hope you and your husband have a chance to rest and recover now, post-funeral. Best wishes, Kate from Australia.

  60. Charlotte what will the new name be, how will we know? Will you post it here first?? Having followed for years and loving it Im anxious I will not know when you start the new one????

  61. The Prince and The Princess of Wales are such an asset to crown & country; their kindness & compassion for all shines through in all they say &;do!

  62. Thank you for your years of excellent coverage and tone, pitch-perfect as always! I, too, look forward to Kate's life as Princess of Wales, and to your coverage of it.

  63. Thank you, Charlotte, so much for all you have done for the last 11 years. I have followed since the beginning and it has become a regular part of my life, a highlight of my day or week really, to be able to check in and read what you have prepared. I really appreciate the maturity, grace, and respect, with which you handle this blog and its content. The evolution of the content has been wonderful to see and I admit I still love that you've maintained a focus on the fashion also. It's a lovely community that you've created for us. Thank you! I'm looking forward to the next stage of the monarchy and of the blog.

  64. Thank you Charlotte for your wonderful blog. So well written and researched.

  65. Charlotte--just wanted to echo others' gratitude for your tireless efforts with this blog. I have never publicly commented before, but have been following your blog since it began (when I was also in college)! It has facilitated my long standing interest in the Royal Family, and continued interest in HRH The Princess of Wales who, like me, was an art history student. Your coverage is up-to-date, thorough, and most importantly respectful. Thank you!

  66. This is a wonderful blog, thank you for all the hard work that goes into maintaining it and keeping up informed and up to date.


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