Sunday 27 August 2023

The Prince & Princess of Wales Attend Crathie Kirk Service

Good afternoon, dear readers,

The Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis arrived in Balmoral earlier this week for the annual summer sojourn to the Scottish Highlands. It's an incredibly poignant year, and this time last year Her late Majesty was spending her final weeks there, a place she cherished dearly throughout her life. I suspect nothing would give her greater pleasure than seeing the tradition continue into the reign of King Charles III.

The couple arrived accompanied by the Duke of York. The King and Queen, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh and Sir Tim Laurence were also photographed in attendance. The Mail Online has the images here.

Middleton Maven confirms Kate wore the Hicks & Brown Suffolk Fedora hat in dark brown. 

It's been suggested by several royal watchers Kate may have worn the Holland Cooper Full Length Marlborough Coat (the 'tawny' print does look like a solid match, from the very limited view we have).

Crathie Kirk is a small Church of Scotland parish church in the village of Crathie. It is known as a regular place of worship for the British Royal family when they are staying in nearby Balmoral.

Queen Victoria worshipped there from 1848, and every British monarch since has attended services at Crathie Kirk. Initially, Victoria's decision to worship at Crathie Kirk caused a scandal, particularly when it was discovered that she had received communion there. As Supreme Governor of the Anglican Church of England, it was expected that she would visit the Scottish Episcopal Church, which recognised the authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Undeterred by criticism, she laid the foundation stone for a new, much larger church in 1893. Below, the Kirk in 1895.

The Royal family first became interested in Balmoral in 1847 when Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visited Ardverikie on the edge of Loch Laggan which is in the west Highlands of Scotland. Their time there was marred by terrible weather. Queen Victoria mentions the 'pouring rain'​ many times in her diary. While at Ardverikie, the son of the Queen's physician, Sir James Clark, wrote a number of letters to his father who was convalescing at Balmoral. The letters from Balmoral described blue skies and fine weather, and this news of dry weather interested Prince Albert. In 1848, it was suggested that the Balmoral climate would make a more suitable Scottish residence for the Queen, with the artist James Giles commissioned to make watercolours of a plan of the house. The decision was soon made to acquire the remaining 27-year lease for Prince Albert, and in 1852 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert bought the castle outright.

Victoria would later described Balmoral as "a paradise in the Highlands. All seemed to breathe freedom and peace, and to make one forget the world and its sad turmoils".

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip spent a portion of every summer at the retreat, and made a lifetime of family memories there. It is said Her late Majesty was happiest there. William and Kate's own tradition of visiting the Highlands began in the early years of their relationship and now continues with George, Charlotte and Louis.

The royals enjoy going for long walks, exploring all the natural beauty the estate has to offer, along with family picnics and plenty of fun and games for the children.

The Princess and Princess have been on their summer break from official engagements since mid-July. I wasn't entirely sure if we would see indications of change given their new roles and responsibilities, but thus far it's been very much precisely in keeping with their schedules as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. I thought it possible we might see a surprise engagement or two in Cornwall, as we know the family enjoy holidaying there, or possibly a Balmoral appearance. Below, the King, accompanied by the Queen, presenting a new Colour (or regimental flag) to the Royal Guard yesterday.

I've received several emails about the family's summer plans. I think it likely time was spent in Cornwall and is becoming something of a tradition for them. Perhaps they enjoyed an overseas break with Kate's family? We do know a substantial amount of time has been spent at their Norfolk bolthole, Anmer Hall. As you may have read, Kate surprised festival goers with an impromptu visit to the Houghton Festival, a stone's throw from the Sandringham estate. Kate was photographed with friends, enjoying spicy margheritas and taking in sounds at the 24-hour music festival.

More from the Evening Standard:

'According to reports, Kate was hesitant, but eventually agreed and attended with a large security detail. Prince William wasn’t there.

At the festival, she shunned the food trucks, instead opting for the upscale on-site restaurant, Turntable & Napkin, where festivalgoers can treat themselves to a four-course meal, featuring burrata, panzanella, short rib ragu, and affogato, for £60 a head.

A source who was at the restaurant told the Evening Standard that Kate, who was wearing an understated black off-the-shoulder top, black skinny jeans and Veja trainers, was in high spirits, ordering spicy margaritas, eating affogato, and speaking affably with the other members of her party. Her companions apparently carted in a huge, balthazar-sized bottle of AIX rosé and, together with Kate, left the festival restaurant staff a £700 tip.'

George, Charlotte and Louis will return to Lambrook on Thursday, 7 September. The following day, William and Kate are expected to lead the nation in marking one year since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Whilst nothing has been confirmed by the Palace, the Mirror reports:

'The Prince and Princess of Wales will on Friday, September 8, visit St David’s Cathedral, on the day they will lead tributes to the late Queen. A year to the day of her passing, William and Kate - who became Prince and Princess of Wales on King Charles’ accession to the throne - will visit communities in south Wales to kick start their autumn plans after the summer break.

Prince William is on the day expected to lead tributes from the royal family, paying homage to the life and legacy of Elizabeth II, but any message will strongly “look to the future”, sources have said. William is not expected to speak at the cathedral but the couple will be shown around the ancient church in St David's, the UK’s smallest city.'

On that note, I am finally in the process of finishing your gorgeous Go Pink! looks marking the last of our 'Styling Kate' series for 2023. I can't wait for you all to see them :)


  1. My goodness but these people’s sense of optics are appalling. Attending a festival with a huge security contingent and staying sequestered in the VIP area? Attending church quite publicly with the royal who’s been pointedly shunned from royal work due to horrendous and immoral decisions in his personal life? Failing to muster anything more than a half effort video for the Women’s World Cup? The questions about the role of the monarchy and these people specifically are growing louder by the day. They must know they have to course correct. Are they truly this dense to make PR stumble after stumble? It’s become rather shocking.

    1. I would agree. It’s easy to get swept away in the fashion and charming smiling visits (and trust me, I do!) but once you zoom out and really look at the behavior of it all it is truly appalling. Thank you for the reminder. Ultimately this is what Harry is trying to illuminate to the rest of us.

    2. I completely agree. I think the idea of disappearing for such long periods not just in the summer, but over all school holidays is very poor optics. The Queen did this, but times have changed. The argument that they are being good, hands on parents is so insulting to others who have to juggle childcare, jobs etc every time there is an Inset day, or a strike, or school holidays. Whilst I agree with another comment that we don’t expect them to live a normal life, I think they are now so distanced that they become irrelevant. I think the biggest issue with not going to watch the Lionessess, is that now every time he does fly he will have to justify it. You do have to wonder who is advising them. LRB

    3. I see your point about Andrew and the Women's World Cup, to an extent, but I respectfully disagree with your criticism of Kate's way of attending the festival.

      There are bad guys out there and the royals are targets, unfortunately. As a parent and as a person with the best interests of Britain at heart, Kate has a duty to remain safe and protected. This means that she can't casually and spontaneously decide to go in the midst of crowds at a music festival by herself. This is a sacrifice of freedom for her. You or I could just go to a festival. She can't.

      I say "good for you" to Kate for finding a compromise way to go -- for working within the boundaries of what is prudent to be able to participate in life, to an extent. I suggest that Kate was in a VIP area because that's what her security detail confined her to, not because she was being elitist.

    4. I 100% agree. Horrible optics, and it seems people are finally starting to voice some very valid concerns/criticisms.

    5. I don't agree at all. This looks like an "anonymous" campaign to nitpick William and Catherine's every move. The summer is traditionally a time where they have light duties and spend time with their three very young children, as they should. As we all should do when we are raising a young family.

    6. I agree. It looks like someone is targeting this blog and being harsh on 2 people who have incredible complicated lives even with their privileges. Would you want that kind of judgement everytime you do anything.

  2. I am glad K took a break, it’s been a tumultuous year to say the least. I’m of the opinion that we all have the right to choose the life we want to live and that includes K regardless of “duty” which is simply outdated. While I wish her initiatives had more impact and greater results I’m happy she tries to balance her responsibilities. KC has long wanted to modernize the monarchy and that time has now come.

    1. I like the hat.

      I hate to heap on about the visibility as I've been a huge fan, but the lack of stepping it up in their new roles has been very disappointing. It does not seem sustainable. It is one thing to maintain a balance, but months off annually is extreme.

    2. I have to disagree. I don't think there's much balancing going on at all. Kate is barely seen. She's a senior royal, yet her numbers are far below that of Anne, Charles, Camilla, etc.

    3. Remember these people need to do this job until their last breath! So a break and summer and time to be there to make sure their kids grow up to Normal adults is normal to me.

    4. Caroline in Montana5 September 2023 at 02:29

      Hear hear!! Exactly, till their dying breath is correct!

  3. It was lovely to see them out and I like her hat. Would love to see the whole outfit. It’s unfortunate Andrew couldn’t have ridden to church with his daughters.

    As for a World Cup it would’ve been nice to see William there and I wonder if he would’ve gone if it wasn’t as far away. The whole game has such a sour taste after the Spanish coach’s behavior and follow up statement. And sadly we should only be talking about the incredible women playing and how many viewers tuned in. They are the draw, not William or Letizia. Thank you Charlotte! Sue from IL

    1. William should have been there, in my opinion. To not go, and then follow that up with an appearance with Andrew, of all people, is a really bad decision.

  4. It’s that time of year when the end of summer School Break approaches and media puts forth stories about the weeks since William and Catherine have performed appearances and duties and speculates how/where they have spent the prolonged Break. For me it seems that while the royal couple have a sense of Duty to Crown and Country, they are
    not Everyman/Everywoman who represent the struggles of most UK citizens. They are beyond independently wealthy—capable of taking entire school holidays away from their work obligations, traveling to private idyllic spots around the globe with personal protection, and will always have access to the finest healthcare, the best schools with tutors as needed, reliable high-quality childcare assist, and access to nutritious high-quality food and multiple beautiful homes. Expecting them to live as though they do not have those advantages seems disingenuous. They live out very singular roles that the majority of the UK feels has value to the country. I personally have no doubt they genuinely care, but I also do not expect them to live a lifestyle that parallels the majority of their fellow countrymen and women.

    1. Well said Dawn USA!
      Sue in WA

    2. Well said.
      I'm fascinated by the pageantry and the opulence, but I wouldn't trade places with the members of the royal family. I value my ability to move freely in the public world and participate in activities that interest me, which are things they will never be able to do.

    3. Well said! If I had that much money, I would spend as much time with my young children as possible. Speaking as someone with grown-up kids, I know how quickly their childhood passes. If these children are to grow up grounded and sane, they need a happy and carefree childhood, not one spent posing for photographers in the public gaze.
      Kate's sister, in a similar position without any duties, is a full-time Mum with no pretence of a job. Kate could have been the same.

    4. Trickymum, you are absolutely right. There are many women who do not have to work and can afford to stay "at home" with their children. Pippa certainly can, as can many of Kate's friends. As in the US and elsewhere, there are many people at both ends of the wealth spectrum.

    5. Even when the children are at school they undertake pitifully low numbers of engagements.
      In the school holidays they could undertake a couple of engagements separately for 6 weeks if the holidays . The other parent could look after and nurture the children .
      Kate is not the same as her sister she has a duty to the country . Great privilege comes with responsibility.
      They have an option to step back from the monarchy as Harry and Meghan did …..TG

    6. Sadly, they actually do not have an option to step back. While they are not "slaves," they would face such criticism for "abandoning the UK". Look at the abuse hurled at Harry and he's just William's wingman. Also, then poor George would be the center of attention then. If they were able to skip over their children, then Andrew would be the next king. Then Beatrice, who probably doesn't want to be queen. It would be LOVELY for them to be able to have a normal life at least until it's time to be king, and same for George, but I think the it's all set in stone.

    7. No, but what people do expect is that the Prince and Princess of Wales actually show up for the engagements that their senior roles require. They barely work, even when the children are in school. There are only so many excuses to be made for them, and frankly, I don't know why people bend over backwards to defend them so much when the numbers speak for themselves. If we're to have a monarchy in this country then the senior royals should be pulling their weight.

  5. Kate and her party left the restaurant staff a £700 tip...? What world does Kate live in that is relatable to us mere mortals? I used to be a massive fan of Kate and William but my loyalty has significantly dipped due to their lack of engagements and the fact they take every single school holiday off in its entirety is just insulting. They really need to up their game or Graeme Smith and his Republic party will be getting more supporters!

    1. Absolutely disillusioned with the pair of them..thought they would up their game once they became Prince & Princess of Wales. I accept that they want to spend time with their children but how many parents get to take off 8-12 (?) weeks holiday. As Charlotte said..I expected t o see a couple of engagements..When you look at the European Royal Families they still do the odd engagement here and there..
      Diana & Charles always attended the Braemer Games in Scotland..don't hold any hope we'll see this pair attend.

    2. I don't understand your premise of outrage. Why do you think the future queen should be "relatable"?! If the royal family lived exactly as you do, would anyone be reading a blog about their fashion, their activities, their celebrations? There is no blog about my life and I bet there's no blog about your life either. We follow them for the opposite reason; it's because their lives are exceptions to the ordinary.

      As for the £700 tip, if it's true, do we know how many people were in their party? Frankly, I'd be more upset if the tip had been ungenerous rather than over-generous. Have you ever watched Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee? He always makes sure that he and his guest leave extravagent tips. Why? Because everyone knows that he's incredibly weathly and the wait staff who served him are not.

    3. Same here!!!!

    4. I see no reason to resent staff receiving a generous tip. It's the cost of a blouse or sweater for the participants. And I agree that it's silly to expect royals to be relatable.

    5. I think giving a generous tip is a nice thing to do. Money well spent.

    6. Of course the Royals have to be relatable to be respected. If they are out of touch with the people of the UK then they would lose all respect. And no I don't watch Gerry Springer in Britain

    7. * Jerry Seinfeld

    8. Exactly. I'm not understanding the sudden outrage by anonymous posters. I certainly have my suspicions, though. That's all I'll say.

  6. Interesting that Lady Hussey is still close while "Black charity boss Ngozi Fulani is stepping down as CEO of Sistah Space, blaming racist abuse she received following the Buckingham Palace race row." Andrew is presented front and center while the king allows continued abuse of one of his sons and his family. I'm afraid my eyes have been opened about the "family."

    Regarding Kate's appearance, I think all of the queen's grandchildren have been much freer since the queen's death. I see nothing wrong with Kate going and it's a shame that she can't be free like the rest of us. I only wish the photo had not been so distorted -- I know she looked much better!!

    Regarding William and the Lionesses, I have thought for a very, very time that their advisors (who probably are more like controllers) do not live in the real world.

  7. I have to say that I do not think it is good optics for the Waleses to take the whole Summer off official duties, and all school holidays as well. Yes, they have children, who are rightly their priority. But so do thousands of working couples, and none of them get to take all this time off, and most of them don't have a fraction of the resources and help that W&K have. They are working royals. That is their job. In what world do they think people can take so much time off just because they have children? They need to be doing a LOT more visible work.

    1. It can be hard to interpret someone's emotions from their comment on a blog, (and I apologize if I'm wrong), but you seem angry that their "job" gets more weeks off than your job.

      Maybe the problem is thinking about their lives as fulfilling a JOB description rather than seeing them as fulfilling a ROLE in their nation's life. A job might have clearly defined hours and a specified number of weeks of vacation. A lifelong role is not that!!

      Princess Diana once commented that being the most photographed woman in the world was like being the bride every day, everywhere she went. Kate is now the most photographed woman in the world. The attention that a bride gets can feel glorious for one day, but it's a tremendous amount of pressure to be perfect if one is the subject of scrutiny every day and everywhere!!! They can never have a bad hair day or gain weight or wear comfort clothes to run errands or even have the freedom to simply take a walk on a beautiful day without images being shown world wide.

      It is ironic to observe that Kate and William get virtually unlimited vacation time and yet acknowledge that until the day that they die, they will never truly get any time off. They earn the former because of the latter, in my opinion.

    2. Totally agree!

    3. No, I'm not angry. I just think they're taking the mick a bit. Most working parents don't get to take all the school holidays off, and that's without live-in help. I wouldn't want the life W&K have, with its relentless pressure. But they seem to be using the fact that they have kids as a reason just to not work for nearly half the weeks in the year. I don't think that's on.

    4. Kate is not the most photographed woman in the world. This has been widely disputed. One reason is the very thing the comments on this post are pointing out. She’s simply not seen enough in public to be photographed to merit that “title”. Diana had immense star quality as well as immense tabloid interest in her personal life towards the end of her marriage and divorced year. Leading to practically inhumane levels of interest in her life and image. The same is simply not true for Kate. A recent survey of Google images asserted Taylor Swift is in fact the currently most imaged, and presumably, photographed woman in the world. I don’t know the methodology or data of how this claim is arrived at, but I’d reckon she’s certainly more photographed and sought than Kate.

    5. It doesn't matter if Kate is or not the most photographed woman. Her life is a life of constant scrutiny, such as even Taylor Swift will never experience. Taylor Swift can do as she likes, the consequences may be more or less popularity, but she doesn't answer to anyone, her role is not set, she is not representing anyone else than herself. She has the pressure of notoriety, which is a lot, but Kate's constraints increase the pressure tenfold.
      Anyway, it is a strange life, and from Harry's book we know how little freedom she has. I agree with In My Opinion, they never have time off. I also agree it cannot be compared to a job and "doing engagements " is only the tip of the iceberg.

    6. I agree too!!!!!!

  8. To those who complain less visibility of Kate and William, have you ever thought how much work they have behind the scene? My father and ancestors served to the Japanese imperial family. They are actually quite busy with duties and responsibilities, updating themselves with religious activities as they the head of Shinto religion in Japan. This would apply to Kate and William, I assume. Waving to crowds, attending official engagements, shaking hands are not just their job.

    1. My guess is they really don't do all that much work behind the scenes, either. This has been ardent supporters' go-to argument for a while, now. What work do you *really* think they're doing? Attending a few meetings? Reading a few briefs? Having some conversations? I would guess that amounts to a handful of hours every day/week.

      I think it's time for everyone to face facts: William and Kate are simply not pulling their weight, and their children are no longer a valid excuse.

    2. So so true......

    3. I would like to point out just one thing. The important word in Anon's 15:26 comment is "guess". We can only guess, we do not have their schedules before us to examine them, and we never will. Neither will we know all the factors that come into play. There will always be a lot of estimating and speculating. And it's up to everyone to consider whether it is possible/ fair/ acceptable to base one's judgement on speculation. Which doesn't mean we aren't entitled to have our opinions; I just don't think it's OK to be very judgemental about someone. (Btw, I do think the Waleses' schedule will get busier and busier in the future. But that's guessing too :) )
      Just my two cents.
      Zora from Prague

  9. The discussion on them doing more engagements etc reminds me of the debate around bosses expecting “face time” or “presenteeism” vs acknowledging the work of those who are working remotely.

  10. At some points I think we see more of Zara and Peter’s children than the Walses. It would be lovely to see them out and about more with their cousins. It’s been a few years since we’ve seen them with them “off the record”. I also wonder why we never receive intimate photos of the children with their grandparents, especially when they are at Balmoral. I think the Queen did this quite often with her grandchildren, as there are many pictures of the families at Balmoral. While, they wish to be very closed off, it wouldn’t hurt to let the public see them as a normal family, doing normal things. Just a thought :)

  11. Third attempt to post. Wouldn't publish. Definitely brief this time. The Queen made it clear her son is still very much a part of the family. The king and his siblings have supported their brother. Now the future king has shown his support. They are just trying to contain a situation they have some control over, less headlines. As a fan it's sad to see a dark cloud over The House of Wales. S.🙂.

  12. I think it's a good thing that they spend so much time with their young children. A blink and they are teens. They are rearing the future King and Princess Royal in this crazy world we live in. Some people had commented on the lifestyle. Regardles of the royal wealth, they are both worth millions. William now has the benefit of a billion pound estate. I think on the scale of it they live a quiet modest life. S..🙂..

    1. I strongly disagree. They're just living like regular wealthy elite, but they're supposed to be full-time working royals (and no, I highly doubt they're actually putting in that much work behind the scenes). As so many others have pointed out, they could easily still devote time to their children and work...they just don't.

    2. I think they live under unbearable pressure. Their coping strategy is to spend as much time as possible with their children and I don't begrudge them their way to keep their sanity.

    3. Natasha, can you imagine living under a global spotlight and then the responsibility of the Crown. I honestly can't fault them in anything. Coping is a very good choice of word. A lot to give up for any family. S.🙂.

  13. I see some valid points from each side of the discussion about the Wales and their work schedule, Queen Elizabeth was ill for at least the last year of her life and worked up until a few days before her death. At least this is how I remember 2022.

  14. Susan in Florida29 August 2023 at 16:30

    Has it occurred to anyone that William and Kate are breaking a pattern of Royal upbringing and doing it with the full blessing of the late Queen and now the King ? How often have past royals described themselves as lonely growing up? How do you raise Royal children who will grow into stable adults? How do you teach them to see their position in life as a platform to help others and not behave like entitled brats into their 40s? How do you get the kids to bond, and love each other through adulthood in a lifestyle that few will ever understand ?
    We don’t know. But maybe the decisions are taken with this in mind.

    1. Very well said Susan I couldn't agree more with every point you make. It must be very hard bringing up their children with the eyes of the world watching and judging you. They need to get use to Royal life slowly. The are the future king and Princess Royal. Can you imagine where the family would be if William decided to take off as well. I fully support them in all the decisions they make in regards to their children. I also think no matter what they do and tell the amount, it will never be enough for some people. S.🙂.

  15. As a follower of Kate since her marriage, I used to get really frustrated by her lack of work. But with hindsight, the 'slow and steady' approach did pay dividends in terms of gently integrating her into the Royal Family and public life. That said, I think it would be so easy to do a bit more work, without compromising the quality of their family life, and get loads of positive PR for it. The most respected members of the family have traditionally been those who are thought of as 'hard workers' and I think W & K will find it hard to leave their 'workshy' reputations behind. I think William is controlling all of this, not Kate. I don't really think he's a royalist at all. I think he's going along with it for his grandmother and father's sake but his heart isn't in it. He makes the most of the privileges that come his way but I think the bargain (engagements and public life for privilege) is broken in his case. I think he feels he did enough losing his mum at an early age and that's as much as he's going to give. Anything else is on his term. Just my theory!

  16. Another possibility is that KC doesn’t encourage K&W to do much, this has often been reported on including in Harry’s book where he wrote that KC and Camilla scolded them for “stealing the spotlight” We know from the Diana days that KC was very insecure and her popularity and his jealousy contributed to the breakdown of their relationship.

  17. Each generation of royals has been so different - consider when Charles was left with nannies for months at a time. Think of what each ruler was like. It is possible that W&K are slowly turning the role into a more ceremonial position in which they have a lifestyle more like their wealthy friends. I actually don't see a problem with that -- they didn't ask for the role. The idea of being a hard worker seems to be associated with the Queen and her four children, although C and A were obviously the leaders. I think a more symbolic role would make all the family members happier and avoid the mistakes made by Charles and his parents.

  18. Just wondering,......shouldn't they attend the Sweden 's jubilee at September 15th?? Isn't it their responsibility as prince and princess or Wales??? Other royals already have started to confirm. Just wondering..........

    1. It would be as the Prince and Princess of Wales but the invitation would have to come from Sweden, and Sweden normally only invites other Scandinavian monarchies to the Jubilees - Norway, Denmark etc

  19. Personally I would find a ceremonial role unacceptable as it seems a step back to the Victorian age . Elitist and totally out of touch with their subjects.
    No one is asking them to work full time just some of the time in the long school holidays and more in term time . The other parent could look after the children .
    They didn’t apply for the jobs but from an early age William would have been aware of his role and Kate knew before she married what it would entail.
    They do after all have over 50 staff to help them .GT

    1. I keep forgetting the staff. Seriously, the staff could set up 8 zooms a day.

    2. I am astonished that anyone could possibly think a purely ceremonial role would be a good way to modernise. As a UK taxpayer I would find that totally unacceptable. I really think they need to up their game - all of them. Will and Kate rarely work outside a 10am - 3pm day, they do very few evening events, so they are both there for their children a huge amount more than most families are able to manage. As an aside I would prefer Charlotte not to be a working royal. I think the time has come for the monarch and the heir only. But I suspect I won’t see that in my lifetime. LRB

  20. These critical comments are so horrendous when considered in context of this young family. When our children were in their primary years, we made every effort to nurture and support them as they discovered their way in the world. Those early years were a treadmill of before, during and after school activities; do the Commonwealth need more Andrews and Harry’s who have a sense of entitlement being waited on by Staff? This family live as their own family unit in Adelaide Cottage, yes, with support but I have no doubt that every 5 minute slot of their school term days from 7am to 9pm will be micromanaged by courtiers. The Prince and Princess of Wales are known to work very hard behind the scenes working with and learning about their Charities from the ground work to the highest levels.
    This last 12 months their children had the transition to a new school, they then had the very public bereavement of Queen Elizabeth, but also the transfer of all the portfolios associated with the Prince and Princess of Wales roles, their days will have been filled with meetings and study periods to grasp it all. We are blessed with a wonderful young couple who need to be allowed space to live the early years that Kate champions, the Commonwealth and World will benefit. Thank you Charlotte for your wonderful insiteful coverage, I love it!

    1. You forgot to mention they also moved house in the last 12 months. The Princess of Wales has been criticized from day one. Not doing this that ect or doing it soon enough. She is doing it her way and hasn't put a foot out of line, just like with her children. Diana wanted her son's to know the real world and how people live. The Prince of Wales living in a 4 bed with his wife and children reflects that. William was 3 year's older than his brother. He was a lot more involved in his parents separation and divorce. I'm just very happy that he has his own family now and is giving them what he could only dream of. The children are getting older and will be working for the family soon enough. S.🙂.

  21. William and Kate work for Charles, when he asks them to. Never forget there is a Monarch and his Spouse who are in control. Andrew sitting next to William was someone's plan - Camilla's or Charles or both. Andrew probably has a much to say about the Royal family as Harry does. As long as Charles, Camilla, and Anne are still out and about - I don't think William and Kate will be very active in front of the cameras. He'll work on Earthshot and she'll work on Early Years and they'll continue to live the privileged life of Royalty. And C&C will not want them to be out and about. Meanwhile, never forget that Charles also sets their time at the estates. They are there at his pleasure and at Sandringham in December/January. They cannot say no, although they may enjoy their time - or not - mandatory vacations might not be all they are cracked up to be.

  22. I have read the comment section of this post several times now. It’s interesting. I think there are two angles to the newly refreshed criticism for the Walses.
    I do believe that there are elements that have gotten sucked in too deep into the whole Sussex vs Wales drama. Their criticism is often worded very harshly and makes you wonder why they are even on this blog -if not to stir up animosity.
    But there is an element of criticism that stems out of real disappointment. That’s the angle I come from. I am a Monarchist. I do think the RF is doing an ok job for the most part and would like to see it continuing. I do think W and K could be phenomenal figureheads for the 21th century monarchy. I wish them success. I even get the lower numbers as I believe they try to cut their numbers down to the level their continental counterparts work. Which would also be the way forward when there are less and less working royals. I don’t think it’s a problem if they take the school holidays off and continue a longer summer break. BUT they need to seriously step up the rest of the time. Their children are all in school and have a full time nanny. That’s five days to work 9-5. Not all of it had to be public, but being seen is part of the job. You could say, for the Walses it’s even the most important part of the job as they are not the ones to actually be in charge and attend meetings with the PM and so on. Their big special projects fall flat. Earthshot is too new to already be hosted all over the world and just works because there is a lot of money pumped into it. But you can’t do this forever. Ideally, Wiliam would have started in his early thirties. Then there might be a successfull scheme under his belt by now. As of today it looks rushed and desperate.
    Kate’s Early Years is embarrassing. I cannot say one good word about it. And that’s sad. Because the topic deserves attention. But apart from promoting a survey and forming think tanks we haven’t seen anything of substance.
    Many people in different places all over the internet have voiced their disappointment, confusion and even came up with better ideas. Kate would have been the perfect candidate to get involved with the DoE awards. Alongside Edward, so there wouldn’t be too much pressure on her in the beginning and as long as the children are in school. She is massively into sports and the outdoors. She could have found her niche in promoting it for girls and women. A smaller focus, tied to an already successful scheme would fit better to the way she works.
    Wiliam should have taken over and continued the Prince’s Trust. There was no need to come up with their own vanity projects just to show that they are passionate about something- because it doesn’t look like that’s what’s going on. Giving fantastic schemes the continued high profile support would have been good enough. And with a future in George and as Queen.
    And, what makes me scratch my head the most, is their horrible PR. Even with the little they do publicly- their staff could drive a fantastic PR strategy with it. Sometimes it’s less important what you actually do and more what people believe you are doing. That’s really unfortunate. Not driving around the black sheep to a family event would be part of it. If he attends he can organise his own ride.
    Wiliam and Kate had an easy ride for the last 5 years. They didn’t receive as much criticism as before (I still remember when they were single handily bringing down the monarchy if you believed the tabloids), in fact they got praise for every little thing because the tabloids needed a golden couple to play against the Sussex. As they have sunken into oblivion, the Walses have nothing to shine against. In fact, they look subpar and the tabloids will need a new whipping boy. My guess, the wind will get much stiffer for them.


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