Friday 8 September 2023

First Look: The Prince & Princess of Wales Pay Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

The Prince and Princess of Wales have just arrived at St David's Cathedral in Pembrokeshire for a service marking the one year anniversary of the late Queen's passing. They will also conduct other engagements in the area today. Kate's repeating a burgundy Eponine London dress and a hat by Sahar millinery (with thanks to What Kate Wore). Kate accessorised with the Queen's pearl and diamond earrings.

**I'll have a full post shortly**


  1. Nice, look, great fit, and beautiful color. But a perhaps a bit predictable and staid. The Princess has really developed a uniform, as the late Queen and the Queen Mother did, particularly for this type of event and public appearance, and we've seen it in other contexts as well. That's understandable but not hugely interesting from a fashion or aesthetic point of view. It's more than suitable, and she always looks well-put-together in these ensembles, but there just isn't much to discuss.

    I hope that, as she grows older and grows even more comfortable with her role as Princess of Wales and future queen consort, she doesn't abandon any notion of experimenting with fashion and lock herself into a wardrobe cage. She's always dressed conservatively, in a rather "royal-traditionalist" manner, instead of a fashion-forward mode, and I wouldn't expect her to depart from that manner very radically. But I'd still like to be surprised now and then. I don't want simply to shrug at what the Princess wears from here on out.

    1. Vittoria, I would be happy if she never wore another coat dress again!

    2. Vittoria - The subdued color and classic cut of Kate's coat dress keeps the focus on the occasion, which is a somber memorial of the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's death. It would have been wildly inappropriate to wear a fashion-statement dress or a more vivid color. The princess's public appearance is intended to honor the late Queen, not to be "interesting from a fashion or aesthetic point of view." However, I agree with you, Vittoria, that I look forward to happier occasions when fabulous fashion can be seen again.

    3. I love coat dresses,so I’m always to see one.They are not coats,they’re dresses that incorporate some of the style elements of a coat.

    4. In My Opinion, of course I understand the constraints and the message being conveyed. No one who has regularly read my posts here would think that I do not.

      I'm afraid that was not my point, which was that when she wears these royal event-suitable outfits, there is not much to say. I am simply hoping that she'll be willing to experiment, as she once did, rather than fall into a tiresome wardrobe rut, and that we'll be able to engage in some genuine debate and discussion.

    5. Joanne, I think this one's actually a coat.

    6. While I understand what Vittoria is saying, I fully agree with "In My Opinion." Yes, this outfit is predictable and staid, but it is being worn. by the Princess of Wales, to a church, for a service honouring the late Queen. So of course, Kate's outfit has to be respectful, sedate and yes, even staid. An event such as this is totally the wrong time for her to be trying to go for an exciting or adventurous fashion aesthetic. Kate will wear brighter colours and styles with more zip, at future "fun" events, but I seriously doubt that she will ever dabble far from the tone she has successfully set. For those craving fashion forward, electrifying looks, it would be better to follow celebrities, rather than expecting a member of the Royal Family to break out in a spellbinding, controversial outfit.

  2. Happy to see them again! Catherine looks great, but why she is wearing a winer coat when everybody are in short sleeves? Federica

    1. This is not a winter coat but rather a considerably lighter coat dress. Short sleeves might not be considered appropriate for a memorial occasion in a church.

  3. I think this is a beautiful look head to toe. I think it’s really smart to do a repeat so the focus could understandably be on her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Thanks Charlotte! Sue from IL

  4. Beautiful from head to toe, great choice for the occasion.
    I had been wondering before, what color Catherine would choose - black would have seemed a bit too much, compared to the rather bright colors the King wore today. So very well chosen!

    Allow me another remark: Of course her style sometimes seems a bit "uniformy", but in my opinion this is just perfect. Her role is not the fashion puppet and I also find it highly respectable that she often rewears things - economically as well as ecologically. It is rather sad to see other Queens in Europe (not Letitzia of Spain who often recycles her beautiful outfits) who seem to spend huge amounts of money and resources in their clothing. Not a good example!
    Su, Vienna

  5. She looks like a dream. Beautiful but soberly and appropriately dressed. Catherine just gets lovelier all the time. Also, I'm amazed at how much little Charlotte looks like the late Queen in the 1968 photo that Charles released.

  6. Beautifully exquisite and oh so lovely for the engagement. Such a sad day, but beautiful remembrance.

  7. As far as fashion, not very exciting! And so covered up. I guess it is fine for the occasion. It does seem like she continues to use very suitable clothes as a uniform, which is probably good for the job but boring for viewers.

    1. Boring for some, beautiful for others. Annette

    2. I completely agree with you,Annette.

    3. I find it odd that people are looking for a fashion statement here. Catherine is attending a memorial service in a church building for the late Queen. Context does matter, and this would not a moment to be focused on being “fashion forward”. Conservative, warm (because old, stone buildings are cold) and subdued given the nature of the event seem incredibly appropriate. She looks elegant and respectful. A fitting tribute to her beautiful grandmother (in-law) and late Queen.

  8. She wears the same outfit, plus a new hat, that she wore for the Together at Christmas carol concert, which was also dedicated to the memory of the late Queen. Great time for this repeat and a good colour - sombre but not black.

    1. Trickymum,Catherine’s thoughtfulness in all that she does is one of her best qualities,I believe.

  9. Catherine looks great and dressed to perfection...she's not trying to impress or grab attention. Of course she has the means and the fashion savvy to wear whatever she wants, but chooses to keep it low profile. Personally I love her choice of fashion...she's always very fashion conscious. But everyone has their own opinion, and I respect that.

  10. Please post of picture when she wore this before. Love to compare the accessories, etc. Thanks.

  11. Kate looks lovely and very suitable for this occasion. I understand how people who come to this blog to discuss fashion would like to see different or “more interesting” but Kate’s role isn’t to keep the fashion people happy (although I think she does a good job promoting certain designers). And have we stopped to think that perhaps her personal tastes are more conservative? I don’t believe Kate is wearing all these outfits because she “has” to. Her personal style & taste is reflected in what she wears and that is a personal thing that we can’t judge.
    It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since the momentous events of last September. Just seeing these pictures, I was flooded with all the memories & emotions of the Queen’s death and the days that followed.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Donna! I agree with you on all points. Zora from Prague

    2. I agree with you 100 percent! She can't win, either people don't understand why she is repeating something or they are upset because it is another (insert color) dress/coat/gown so it is wasteful, etc etc. And honestly, I am perfectly fine with Catherine dressing more modestly. She is setting a good example for her daughter AND classics will be able to be worn for years. I love her style.

      Border Terrier lover

  12. About Vittorias comment I generally agree although today's occasion wasn't the right one for experimenting.I find her absolutely great, simple, elegant and appropriate. Efi from Greece.

  13. It must be an enormous relief to put on a perfect-fitting, perfectly-maintained, perfectly appropriate outfit already in your closet, for a very public occasion involving both church attendance and greeting crowds of people and know you will look good and be comfortable in it. That's all I would ever ask from "fashion." She certainly looks completely comfortable and at-home in her clothes when wearing an outfit like this. The only pictures I've ever seen of her not looking comfortable in her clothes was in NYC when she wore what looked like a very fashionable but itchy and uncomfortable high-neck Tory Burch jacket to a basketball game and kept pulling at her collar.) When I first saw the pictures from today, I thought of the Victorian tradition of wearing mauve or purple for "half-mourning" after an initial period of mourning and wearing black. (I've also often wondered if Katherine, without an ounce of extra fat/insulation on her, gets cold easily. Some people do, no matter what their body shape. If so, coat dresses are a brilliant choice.)

  14. Thankyou Donna 🙏 you comment is exactly what I’ve been feeling. In fact I’ve stopped reading comments of late because I find them offensive. We all have our own style and nobody should judge her outfits. Even the comments about long sleeves when everyone outside is wearing short sleeves. The people outside are standing in the sun not in a what a presume would be an old cold building or Catherine may simple feel the cold more. I hate freezing buildings I feel the cold terrible and I live in Australia. Even in summer I take a jacket plus it’s actually nobody’s right to criticize. Women are supposed to support other women not pull apart her outfits and some comments even body shame. Why in a world of so much pain, destruction, hate, violence and economic hardships have a comments section that promotes criticism of a human just trying to bring joy and help to people. How about people concentrate on Catherine’s work instead. A job she will never retire from and a job that puts her every move under a microscope 24/7.
    Where is the blog for Catherine’s new positions in the armed services 🤷🏼‍♀️. Instead it’s been on what other people thinks she’s should wear. It maybe fun but Catherine is an individual who can wear whatever she likes and shouldn’t need public’s permission to wear what she wants to wear. The world would be a kinda place if people realized it’s not necessary to criticize people. I have cancer and have lost my hair and I wear baggy clothes because I weigh 35kg and I’m a skeleton and people stare a me so I just stay home. Be nice to everyone 🙏

  15. Lots of insightful comments from both sides. How do I choose!


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