Wednesday 23 March 2016

UPDATED: Kate's Family Chutney Recipe, William Travels to Kenya And a Merci Maman Giveaway!

Hello, dear readers,

We're back with news from the Our Queen at Ninety documentary, reports of a trip to Kenya and an exciting giveaway from Merci Maman.

Ahead of Sunday's screening of Our Queen at Ninety, nuggets of information and interview segments are being gradually released. In Kate's interview she revealed the gift she chose for Her Majesty for her first Christmas with the Royal family in 2011. Choosing a gift for the Queen is a daunting task, as Her Majesty is well known to prefer small, inexpensive items.

Kate turned to her grandmother's recipe for chutney. In the interview she revealed:

"I can remember being at Sandringham, for the first time, at Christmas. And I was worried what to give the Queen as her Christmas present. I was thinking, 'Gosh, what should I give her?' I thought, 'I'll make her something,' which could have gone horribly wrong, but I decided to make my granny's recipe of chutney.
 I was slightly worried about it, but I noticed the next day that it was on the table. I think such a simple gesture went such a long way for me and I've noticed since she's done that on lots of occasions and I think it just shows her thoughtfulness, really, and her care in looking after everybody."

Several readers have been in touch enquiring about popular British chutney recipes. Luckily, I can do better that that and share the exact recipe thanks to Pippa. In her book Celebrate Ms Middleton shares the recipe for 'Granny's Marrow Chutney'. Pippa writes: "This is my granny's recipe which has been passed down the family. It's a great way of using up very big marrows, but use large courgettes if you prefer, or experiment with different fruits and vegetables following the same principles."

The ingredients:

  • 1.8 kg marows, peeled, deseeeded and chopped into small chunks.
  • 4 medium onions, peeled and chopped into small chunks. 
  • 3 apples, peeled, cored and chopped.
  • 225g sultanas or raisins.
  • 225g stoned dates, roughly chopped.
  • 600 ml malt vinegar.
  • 900g soft brown sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  • 2 tablespoons ground ginger.
  • 2 tablespoons mixed pickling spices, secured in a piece of muslin.

Pippa writes: "Put the chopped marrow, onions and apples into a large preserving pan, add the rest of the ingredients and the bag of spices and stir together, then place over a medium heat. Bring to a simmer, then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 1 and a half to 2 hours. Take the pan off the heat, cool and remove the muslin, squeezing the liquid from the bag. Spoon it into sterilised jars with vinegar-proof lids, filling them to within 1cm of the top. Store in a cool place for up to 12 months. Once open, store in a fridge, and use within one month."

Do let me know if any of you attempt to make it. I may even give it a go myself over the weekend. For those who enjoy giving homemade gifts, it's a great option.

Below, we see additional video featuring Kate speaking about going to Leicester with the Queen without William, Her Majesty's 'gentle guidance', members of the family teasing her for speaking so long chatting on walkabouts :)

We'll be covering Kate's participation in the documentary in its entirety when it airs on Sunday night.


UPDATE: Prince William travelled to Kenya for a short private visit to attend the wedding of Jecca Craig to conservationist Jonathan Baillie on the 55,000 acre wildlife reserve run by Jecca's father, Ian, in the foothills of Mount Kenya. William famously missed Peter Philipps' in 2008 to attend Batian Craig's wedding.

The Palace confirmed William will be in Kenya from 24 - 27 March in the official press release:

'At the start of his short visit to the country, on Thursday 24th March, the Duke of Cambridge will attend a meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta. The meeting is taking place at the request of Her Majesty's Government, and His Royal Highness is pleased to have the opportunity to meet the President while he is in Kenya. They will discuss the relationship between the United Kingdom and Kenya, to deepen relations between the two countries on a broad range of topics including defence and security, and conservation.
The Duke, who is President of United For Wildlife, will spend the remainder of the day seeing first-hand some of the longstanding conservation and anti-poaching initiatives taking place in Kenya, which are supported by Tusk Trust, the charity of which he is Royal Patron.
The remainder of this short visit to the country will be private.'

Below we see William with the President following their discussion which focused on their joint commitment to wildlife conservation.

Richard Palmer reports the Duchess, George and Charlotte will spend Easter with the Middletons.

Richard Palmer Twitter Feed


Now, time for something fun! The lovely folks at Merci Maman are giving away a very special personalised necklace you may be familiar with.  Back in October 2013, Kate was photographed out shopping wearing a new piece of jewellery - The Duchess Necklace by Merci Maman.

Merci Maman

Kate's gold plated necklace has three charms: a disc engraved with 'George Alexander Louis', a heart engraved with 'W' for William, and the figure of a little boy.

Merci Maman

When Merci Maman founder Béatrice de Montille discovered Kate wore her necklace, she told Hello! how thrilled she was:

'I was so delighted to see Kate wearing it. I see her as the most inspirational woman of our generation. Pippa sent us a lovely email in early 2012 thanking us for one bracelet we had sent her. So when Prince George was born, we asked her to pass on this gift for Kate and we are so thrilled she has worn it.'

Personalising pieces is one of the key reasons Merci Maman is such a popular choice for gifts to mark special occasions. Customers can choose their preferred metal, length, and number of chains. The Duchess Necklace retails from £79. Below we see it in silver on a shorter chain, and in gold on a long chain.

Merci Maman

Customers can add a free gift box to their order and choose from a selection of lovely greeting cards.

Merci Maman

French mum Béatrice de Montille crafted her first bracelet in 2007 from her kitchen table in London. Fast forward nine years, and she now works alongside a team of twenty in the company's London studio. ‘Merci Maman’ translates to ‘Thank you, Mum’ in English and is a nod to the creator's French origins and the original celebration of the mother and child bond. The brand is considered a 'go-to' for those seeking unique gifts.

Merci Maman

Below we see the personalised £69 Tree of Life Necklace, the £39 Initial Necklace and the £99 Eternity Trio Necklace.

Merci Maman

There's an array of beautiful, intricate designs as seen on the Arabesque Necklace which features a beaded effect on the front giving a textured feel. We also look at the very pretty Acorn Necklace.

Merci Maman

Pieces featuring striking gems include the Gem Spinning Necklace, the Gem Spinning Rings and the Gemstone Cuff. These items can also be personalised with the added extra of choosing your own gemstone.

Merci Maman

The £29 Liberty Bracelet is a lovely gift which comes in seven different liberty ribbons. Customise your own with a selection of charms, colours and metals available.

Merci Maman

There's a collection of pieces for Christenings and Communions, including personalised medals and keepsakes.

Merci Maman

One could browse all day... Back to the giveaway, if you would like to win your own personalised Duchess Necklace the entry options are:

Wishing all participants the very best of luck, and a huge THANK YOU to the Merci Maman team! :)

Merci Maman

Before we leave you, we'd like to express our sadness at the terrible events in Belgium yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with readers in the area or those with family and friends there. Buckingham Palace released a statement in which Her Majesty revealed she and Prince Philip "have been deeply shocked and saddened by the loss of life and injuries after the terrorist attack in Brussels". I expect we may see the Cambridges signing a book of condolence as they did for the Paris attacks.


  1. I think we will definitely see a member of the BRF sign the book of condolence at the Belgium Embassy. But I don't know think the Cambridges are any more likely than the rest of the Royal Family. Especially given that a number of royals have visited Belgium recently.

    Princess Anne was just there last month, and also visited last year. Charles and Camilla also visited last year. The Duke of Kent and Duke and Duchess of Gloucester were also there last year, but are obviously not as high profile.

    1. It should be someone who was there recently. That seems more fitting, IMO.

    2. The Queen sent condolences but I don't think she went to the Embassy. W&K did go the French Embassy after the attacks last year.

    3. Would make sense to send someone who does not have engagements over the next few days or week and is available to make the trip. Would be great to see any of those who you listed Gert, if they are free. I would also love to see Sophie.

    4. Stephanie, It looks like everyone is off for the next week for a long Easter Holiday. So it could be anyone, they all have open schedules. They will probably be out of town for most of the holiday. So it would either be today or tomorrow or during the first few days of April.

      Diane Brown, We usually see both the Queen send her condolences in a letter, and someone sign the book at the embassy.

  2. Sarah from Calif.23 March 2016 at 21:09

    Lovely post Charlotte :)

    1. Yes Charlotte, lovely, even if Kate does not have an engagement, we can count on you not to let us go to long without a post!!!

  3. We do not have children, but I would engrave a pendant with our initials and wedding date

  4. I am guessing a marow is a squash of some sort?

    1. Caroline in Montana24 March 2016 at 15:14

      that was going to be my question! I kept thinking of bone marrow, lol.

    2. I did too with the bone!!!
      What is a marrow?

    3. a type of zucchini.

    4. Thanks! Could you use zucchini instead?

    5. Yes, zucchini could be substituted for marrow. The recipe says that courgettes can be used instead - courgettes are zucchini.

  5. From another blog: "The BRF has had a tradition of buying inexpensive/home-made things. In fact, there is a competition who can buy the cheapest or most silly gift. "

    I love it :) I think it is very down-to-Earth that they do that!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden23 March 2016 at 23:41

      Yeah, I love it as well. And very clever, since they are probably at very different levels of wealth. It prevents people from going over budget just to "fit in".

  6. I hope Kate will not listen too much to the "family" about her chatting with people she meets, I think it's such a nice side of her to be so chatting and open to the contact with people.

    1. I agree too. I think that's part of the charm and generosity of William and Kate. Why quash the sincere interest she has in the people who are supporting their causes and the family firm?

    2. Many members of the RF are very kind and chatty to people. They are also mindful of the schedule of those they have come to see. That is possibly why there are remarks that Kate spends excessive time on walkabouts, however nice it is that she likes to speak with people :)

  7. I would hope William puts his children first. It is his baby daughters first Easter. What kind of father would run off to attend an ex flames wedding over his own children. It does not matter how close they are. Family always comes first.

    1. W&K are a team, both publicly and privately. IF he will attend the wedding, it is between them and only them.

      What about families where someone is scheduled to work on a holiday? A nurse or police officer, for example. People *can* celebrate before or after the actual day.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden23 March 2016 at 23:43

      Is first easter such a big deal? I mean, they can egg hunt two days before and Charlotte and George wouldn't know the difference. Also, there is no eveidence what so ever that William and Jecca were anything more than friends. And considering he's been friends with her a long time, even proposed to Kate on her familys land, I feel like it's very normal to want to attend their wedding. Family comes first, ofc. But missing easter in my book does not count as putting family second.

    3. I don't find that working or being absent from occasional holidays means putting family second.

      Making time for one's family is more about quality than quantity.

    4. I am glad Miss Craig is marrying. Perhaps there will be fewer assumptions about her and William from now on. It seems having a friend of the opposite gender causes unnecessary innuendo.

    5. 01:45, That makes two of us. Huge relief.

    6. I'm expecting little twins this spring. I'd love to engrave their names on two peas in a pea pod on a long elegant chain.

    7. I think it is not true at all that Jecca is William's ex. In 2003, his office denied it and Jecca denied it too. What's more, she had a boyfriend the whole time! Crazy British tabloids. Read this -

    8. Rebecca - Sweden24 March 2016 at 14:51

      Anon 01.45, William getting married didn't stop them, also not her having boyfriend when the rumours were first around, neither the palace denying them. So I doubt that her marriage will get in the way of the medias stories :P

    9. Since you brought it up. The stories are not all out of thin air. She did go with William and the boys to the Duke of Westminster's estate outside of Seville for boar hunting in 2014, while Kate went by herself to Mustique with baby George and she was given a place of honor at his 21st. birthday party. I am not saying they got together but I didn't know that Jecca hunted wild boar either. Just that her appearance getting off the plane onto the estate in Seville didn't look good. (Apparently they were not expecting any cameras.). Actually I think someone pulled some strings to get the Seville thing quickly out of the news. It could certainly have easily become a scandal. Stupid, stupid thing for William to take her to Seville like that, IMHO. The boar hunting was controversial enough given William's stance on conservation and Jecca's also.

    10. The whole St. Patrick thing was about "spending time with the children".

    11. Wow, thank you very much for that link clarifying the whole thing. I cannot believe the press are leading us on to believe something that never happened! I am all for accountability but it is very untruthful of them to report something that is false.

      Anon 18:20 That incident was not pulled out quickly at all. I remember when it happened. And it should be pointed out that "guest of honour" was just the tabloid's way of saying it. Read the link above, Jecca went with her then boyfriend Henry.

    12. Relax! I think we assume W & K think like us common folks-& as down to earth as they are or appear, they have huge responsibilities. HRH probably didn't want to leave her children as she has the upcoming tour- & the children will not suffer if PW is gone for a few days. He could just as easily be working at this time. I believe these two are as solid as they come, PW will not repeat his Fathers mistakes. Happy Easter all & Blessings as well.

    13. Thanks 20:10, I will.


    14. 20:10, 12:32, wait a minute please. Did Jecca have an accompanying boyfriend to William's 21st. birthday party OR to the boar hunting weekend at the Duke of Westminster's private estate outside of Seville in 2014?

      Isn't the Duke of Westminster William's godfather? I believe his son is one of George's godparents.

      Thanks for any help on this.

    15. Deliah,

      He won't? What about the Seville weekend?
      People got so upset about Kate missing
      St. Patrick's Day. Just as important, it seems to me, is a new father going off on a private, leisure weekend with Jecca Craig, leaving his wife and new baby to fly to Mustique by themselves. Is that really so different from Charles?

    16. Stephanie, if they were about "quality" time over "quantity" of time, they wouldn't be trying to condense their schedules to create "more time"(quantity) with the children." And they have a lot of time with the children already.

    17. Anonymous 21:22, I will answer that question. Jecca was accompanied by her boyfriend Henry Ropner for William's 21st. In 2014 she was dating Hugh something.
      Anonymous 01:12, The Seville weekend was with several other male friends at the invitation of the Duke of Westminster and was not on the same weekend as Mustique! Facts, facts, facts.
      I agree Deliah, as far as royal marriages go, W & K are as solid as they come. Hope it stays that way.

    18. I agree Esther.

  8. I would personalize mine to say "Know thyself", include the letter C on the small heart charm, and if I couldn't choose the bird charm I would choose the little girl charm.

    I follow Merci Maman on Twitter and Facebook under my blog name.

  9. Thanks for the giveaway! I would engrave it with the names of my children with corresponding little boy and girl charms:)

  10. I believe marrow is a squash. The ones pictured are not something I see in the markets here. There seems to be a missing step in the recipe, which apparently is pouring the cooked mixture into muslin cloth and hanging it to drain. Zucchinis are very juicy, and marrows must be as well. The chutney sounds delicious.

    1. Thanks. :)

    2. I wonder what some of the other Christmas presents Kate has given to the Queen since then?

    3. I have read that she makes jars of jam for all of the family.

    4. Maybe some other homemade things like jam or biscuits or pictures of George & Charlotte.

  11. I can't believe I didn't think of Pippa's book for the recipe! I was wondering if we would ever somehow get the recipe. #fail. Even though it doesn't look like anything I would ever eat, I would taste it just because Kate made it :)

    I would probably engrave my necklace with something like "Kate Watcher" or "Royal Watcher". I would keep it gold like Kate's and pick the acorn charm with my initial on it and the dog charm with my dog's initial on it :)

    I liked their page on fb and signed up for their newsletter.

  12. Love the necklace! I would do my son's name on the main pendant, an N on the small pendant, and the boy charm in gold plating, the shorter necklace length like Kate has.

    3 submissions please, this comment, I liked fb, and signed up for the newsletter. :)

  13. Oh sorry, it's the little bag of spices that is drained, not the chutney. I need to read carefully bfore commnting! There are somewhat similar recipes online that measure rather than weigh ingredients. They have more ingredients but probably could be adapted to the Middleton ingredients.

  14. This is one instance where this saying is most likely really true. "What do you get the person who has everything?" :) A "normal" gift would have to try hard to outshine the surroundings of BP, Windsor Castle, Sandringham or Balmoral and the Queens Jewels. Homemade chutney is perfect in it's humble simplicity and home-madeness. Home run.

  15. I think the necklace is beautiful in its simplicity! Just love it! I'd put the initials of my husband, son, and daughter on the charm if I got one!

    I love this blog! Thank you so much!

  16. Also, I subscribed to the newsletter, and followed Merci Maman on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram! Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  17. Love the necklace. I'm not sure what I would engrave on it........ Thank you!

  18. I My daughters name and the necklace in silver.
    2 I subscribed.
    3 I followed on twitter.

    Three entries.

  19. My Grandma and Tonnie used to make a chutney similar to this.. curious to try

  20. I discovered marrow are mature courgettes (what we refer to as Zucchini).

    1. Thanks 23:57, :)

    2. That was going to be my question ... what the heck is a marrow? I immediately thought of bone but figured it couldn't be that. I love chutneys so will have to give this recipe a go (wanting spring to arrive!). Ohio gal

    3. I thought the same thing Ohio gal. And then I thought of Haggis. Relieved that it is a zucchini.

  21. Thanks for the give away. I would love to win the necklace Kate owns.

  22. What a lovely giveaway! I have subscribed to the newsletter and followed on Twitter and Instagram. As my boyfriend and I do not have children, I would have our anniversary date engraved on it and an aqua gemstone rather than a charm.

  23. Rebecca from Canada24 March 2016 at 00:35

    Hi, I have liked Merci Maman on facebook and signed up for the newsletter! I would engrave a necklace just like Kate has- my son's name on one and my husband's initial on the other :)

  24. Sarah Maryland USA24 March 2016 at 00:40

    I would like silver necklace with a heart and a dog with the letter B for buddy the name of my late dog!
    This is a cool giveaway!

  25. For one entry: I'd love a little boy charm with my son's initials and birth date! I'd also love a heart with my first initial on one side and my husband's on the other!
    For a second entry: Subscribed to the Merci Maman newsletter.
    For additional entries: Liked Merci Maman on Facebook, Followed Merci Maman on Instagram, Shared the giveaway on Facebook.
    I completed 5 entries.
    Suzanne (

  26. Entering for the necklace:

    Not super original… I would engrave my baby daughter's name and birth date on the disc and add the little girl figure for her. the heart would be my husband's Initial. I would want silver or rose gold in the longer length.

    Beautiful Jewlery and awesome giveaway!

  27. Thank for doing such a nice giveaway! It is very thoughtful!

    I would like a gold with two cats, a heart for my hubby and the circle engraved with my 2 cats name it. I don't have any kids and I consider my cats my kids.

    I have shared this on Facebook, Retweeted, Followed them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, subscribed the Merci Maman newsletter, and shared it on Facebook.

  28. I would personalize the charms in loving memory of my mother, who died of breast cancer 21 years ago. And would have charms for my daughters

  29. How lovely! I would do the gold circle and personalize it with the name of my sweet two year old Nathan James!

  30. This is what I'm telling my husband I'd like for a push present for our first baby this summer!! I would personalize it Ava Gabriella in gold short chain and a heart with my husbands initial.

    Ive subscribed to the newsletter and started following on Instagram.

    Thanks for this post!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden24 March 2016 at 02:00

      Congratulations on expecting :D

  31. I would have Alena and Ben engraved on the larger pendant and M on the heart.
    I shared/liked on Facebook and subscribed to the newsletter (3 entries).

  32. Oh gosh, I would LOVE to have my very own Duchess Necklace <3 Wow, what a great Easter giveaway!

    • Here's how you would personalize my Duchess necklace: Ironically enough, my partner's name is William, so I would engrave a "w" into the heart <3 I would leave the baby blank, because I know I will want to have children someday with him, so I think it would be lovely to have this piece complete when the time has arrived! Plus I want it to be a secret (not knowing if it's a boy or a girl), so I would get a boy and girl pendant! I would choose gold because everything I own is in gold! I'm not much of a silver person. Lastly, I would get the long chain like Kate's, because I like to wear scarves with my necklaces dangling out below - I love that look (Plus I'm a layering type of girl).
    • I just subscribed to the Merci Maman newsletter - who wouldn't want to hear about the latest updates, new items and sales! Seriously though, what a cute shop.
    • I am already a fan of Merci Maman on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - check!
    • I just shared this wonderful giveaway on my personal Twitter account so that all my friends who have children or are expecting (believe me, there are a LOTS)...can hear about this wonderful opportunity too <3
    • Based on my answers above, I've entered 5 times! **Fingers crossed**

    Thanks for being wonderful! I'm really looking forward to "The Queen at 90" air this weekend xx


    1. Tammy from California24 March 2016 at 04:03

      Okay, you win. How can I compete with that?

  33. Long chain, silver plating, with perhaps the family tree and birthstone tone gems. Lovely pieces.

  34. What an exciting giveaway! I'd get a longer gold one with the girl charm for my daughter, engraved with her name (Elizabeth), and a mini heart with my initial (J). Five entries for me: I've also liked MM on FB, followed on twitter and IG and subscribed to the newsletter. Fingers crossed!

  35. I would love one boy charm, one girl charm, and the. To have either a large f or my name +`my husband's name.
    Jenny from South Carolina

  36. Great giveaway! I would pick the silver version on a long chain. I would personalize it with two little boy charms and put my boys' names on the disc. My husband's initial would go on the heart. It's three entries for me...I also subscribed to the newsletter and liked on Facebook.

  37. Vonnie A. From Pennsylvania24 March 2016 at 02:33

    4 entries please. Liked on FB, followed on Twitter, shared of FB. I love the gold. And the charm to say 'Love Always', with 2 boy charms and the heart to have a 'V' on one side and a 'E' on the other. For my husband and I and our 2 always :) I love the long length.
    I love reading the posts. You do such a wonderful job Charlotte! I just love reading about the Duchess and her family. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win this beautiful necklace!

  38. I would put my boys' names on the disc with a boy charm and our last name initial (W) on the heart in gold with the long chain. Just entering here.

  39. I LOVE the acorn necklace. I'd get a longer chain in the gold. Such beautiful pieces.

  40. yes I love the giveaways my sister name she will have is birthday these may congratulation on your expecting Stephanie Elizondo I hope you win

  41. So fun! Can't wait for this documentary. ;)

    I would LOOOOOVE the necklace and engrave one just like Kate's with my two babies, Ellie Mae and Finn.
    What a sweet celebration of motherhood and the loves of ones life!

    Subscribed, liked, followed = 5 entries. WOO!

  42. Thank you for changing the subject Charlottee. It was getting way too tense. Happy Easter everyone.

  43. I would be thrilled to win a Merci Mama ncklace. I've admired them from afar ever since I saw HRH wearing hers. I am a new mum so I'd love something to commemorate my daughter. I'd choose silver coloured and a little girl charm with an A for my daughters name.

    I've followed your blog for years and enjoy it immensely. Thanks for many great reads!!!

  44. I would personalize the necklace with my daughter's name (Susanne Abigail) and a heart charm with R for my husband, and a girl charm. This is my only entry for this contest. :)

    Thanks to the other reviewers for clarifying that marrows are zucchini for us Americans! I guessed so from the picture. Also, as someone who gardens and cans (I've made my own salsas, chutneys, jams and jellies, and canned beets, tomatoes, green beans, apple butter, etc.), I'd be nervous making that chutney recipe to store for a long time without either hot water bath canning or pressure cooker canning first to ensure all bacteria are killed. Not sure which method would be more appropriate for this recipe--it uses vinegar, but zucchini is not a naturally acidic vegetable and usually needs pressure cooker canning.

    1. Thanks for the canning news. Great knowledge to have.

    2. Julia from Leominster25 March 2016 at 00:32

      I'm giving a link. Zucchini is usually courgette(s) - Marrow is more generally summer squash and not quite the same. AND

      I'm not the expert chutney maker that Kate is (You won't find me sending a jar to the queen) but I would normally use a yellow squash, not courgettes or zucchini. I'm not sure it matters though. Anyone who has a US version of Pippa's book may find the word has been adjusted. I'm sure it was published in the States.

  45. A beautiful giveaway idea. I would get a longer gold chain with the girl charm to give to my older sister, who had a stillborn daughter last year. I would engrave her name Vera Elle with a mini heart with her husband's initial, R. She is pregnant again now so I would add another charm for her second child I have dubbed Bubba June.

  46. Tammy from California24 March 2016 at 04:03

    I Loooove the Acorn necklace. I live in a small city in Southern California. Our city is surrounded in Oak Trees. They are my favorite and that necklace just reminds me of home.
    I would get my necklace in gold, the leaf in gold and the acorn in gold. I would have printed on it: " From mighty oaks grow" just like Merci Maman has and then have my little boy's name "Reece" on it.

  47. Having a new post, yeahh, thanks for the giveaway really charming.

    I must say my jaw has just dropped when I read about another holiday weekend without family at Easter. And I leave it with that, people are already out there explaining how no problem this is.

    Have a lovely Easter to you Charlotte and to many readers!!

    1. Anett, I agree. Maybe they receive perks for creating controversy. For keeping their names in the papers. Or, maybe they think they rule the world and simply don't give a hoot about public opinion.
      Hopefully that isn't true but it surely seems that way at times.

      Whether the children are one or ten, their whole emphasis has been about spending time with the children. Seems contradictory. And leave it to Jecca to draw her wedding guests away from home
      (many not even from her continent) for Easter weekend. At least she's having it at home and not in Seville. Again, William and Kate's choices are a definite curiosity.

      If I had a choice, I would choose the pendant in gold with my husband and my son's name on it with two boy figures and a small heart with a cross on it in gold.

      Happy Resurrection Day everyone who believes. :)

    2. I would chose the long chain with that. I forgot to specify that. Thanks.

    3. I agree Anon whether the kids are 1 or 7, does it matter really? Last week their whole non-working point was spending and prioritising time with family as such. Now then what next? Was it another lie?

    4. Rebecca - Sweden25 March 2016 at 09:04

      Actually, it really does matter. A 7 year old is rather aware of days, have friends that remind them that THIS sunday is easter etc, so they expect something to be done that exact day. A 1-3 year old doesnt have that awareness so for them it doesn't matter if the egghunt is on friday, sunday, monday or the next week since they wont know a difference. And I think that when a close friend get's married, most people try to be there.

  48. I love the Merci Maman necklace! I would choose five heart charms with the names of my five children in silver.

  49. Sorry if this is a duplicate post, want to be sure I get in :)

    Love love love the documentary teasers! Cannot wait to see it!

    And so excited about the giveaway! It's literally one of my favorite pieces she has worn!

    I completed all entries on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, as well as joining the mailer

    I would customize mine as follows

    Avery James
    Audrey West
    K heart
    Girl and boy charm

    Fingers crossed and thanks for all the awesome info as usual!

  50. My husband died when my boys were 7 and 9 years old and I would write their names and his onto a piece of jewellery as a special reminder of him.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden24 March 2016 at 14:53

      I'm so sorry to hear about that :(

    2. I am sorry as well. How strong you must be to endure such a thing - you have all my respect. I hope for good things for you

    3. Thank you both so very much. It was 13 years ago now but it is still hard.

    4. Tedi in California24 March 2016 at 22:00

      I am sorry too. How difficult it must have been for you and your boys.

    5. I don't doubt it. Time passes so quickly but also slowly. <3

    6. 10:55, I know, firsthand, what you must have gone through. My son was 18. It sounds like some years might have gone by since your loss and if so hopefully you all three have found stability once again. My son and I are just achieving ours. hugs. :)

    7. Thank you again, time helps but my youngest son is still angry.

  51. As I'm pregnant now it would be the perfect gift. I would like to have a heart charm and my husbands Initials and a Little Boy and Girl charm.
    I subscribed to the Merci Maman Newsletter and liked it an Facebook.
    Bianca (

    1. Rebecca - Sweden24 March 2016 at 14:53

      Congratulations on the pregnancy :)

  52. Ainslie in Dubai24 March 2016 at 11:46

    Long time follower (and a never commenter) here.. Seems like a perfect time to begin! I'm expecting my first baby, a girl, in early May. My due date is 2nd May, same as Princess Charlotte's birthday! I adore the Merci Maman necklaces. I would personalize my necklace in the style of Kate - my daughter's full name, a girl charm and my husband's initial (also a William) on the other charm.
    Have liked Merci Maman on FB too 😘

    1. Rebecca - Sweden24 March 2016 at 14:54

      Welcome and hope to see you more in the comments :D

    2. Ainslie, Welcome. :)

  53. I would love the Duchess necklace with the long gold chain. I would get my son's name, James Owen, engraved along with his birthdate. I would also add my husband's initial.

  54. Forgot to add - subscribed to news, liked on FB, Twitter and Pinterest. Retweeted. So 5 entries, correct?
    All those necklaces are gorgeous.

  55. It's a beautiful necklace, I would love to give it to my mum with the name of all her grand-children. If I keep it, I would choose a gold one with the name of my little boy, a star and a heart

    I've susbribed to the newsletter, Liked mercimaman on facebook and shared the competition
    so 3 entries for me!

  56. How does one choose! Such lovely, meaningful itmes! I would have something made for my Evelyn Rose & a "P" for my husband Patrick.

  57. Love the necklace. I have 2 boys and would have it engraved for them!

  58. I'd go classic style -- pendant with my daughter's name engraved, heart with my husband's first initial, and a little girl figure.

    I subscribed to the newsletter
    I follow on FB
    I follow on IG
    I follow on Twitter

    I posted the giveaway:

  59. I have six grandchildren and would love the necklace as reminder of them. A little boy and girl with their names engraved (somewhere) would be so special!

  60. I just love this giveaway! I commented earlier but didn't mention that I followed on Twitter as well.
    I would choose the long chain in silver with a boy charm, a girl charm and heart with places for six names of six little grand babies (three of whom live far away)--hoping, hoping!

  61. Love this giveaway, have been admiring this necklace each time it pops up on my Facebook newsfeed. Great to see the Duchess wearing one.I would love to win and would like to have a boy charm, a girl charm, a charm with both their names in the middle and a heart charm with my husband's initial on in gold.
    Good luck everyone.

  62. KP has confirmed that William is in Kenya for a private trip.

    Obviously how Kate feels about this is most important, but because of their public roles this will play out in the court of public opinion. Whether you agree or disagree or think that's right or wrong, it's just reality.

    Christmas and Easter are still the big holidays (Easter being the holiest day for Christians) and I think most Brits will have trouble relating to this one. Especially parents of young children will have a hard time imagining one spouse taking off for a weekend trip over a major holiday and leaving the other at home with a soon to be 3 year old and 1 year old.

    But more importantly, I think he's also opening up a can of worms, given that his main line for not doing more royal engagements is that he is a devoted, hands on Dad, and "family is first for him, that's non negotiable" to quote some of the recent KP explanations.

    I agree with what many of you have said, positive and negative press both come in waves. But they still take a toll and they do have consequences. Just want to emphasize this has nothing to do with Jecca or whose wedding it is, but most parents who are or have been home with small children will think this odd I suspect. I'm also thinking the tour will not be the glowing "all is right with the world" fix ... I predict it will be a little rocky press-wise.

    Happy Easter to all who are celebrating! And Happy Spring, it's been a long winter :)

    1. I see your point but we also live in reality, where couples often need to split themselves between priorities and obligations. This has been illustrated both with this wedding and at St Patrick's Day. I think they are a good team.

      I also like to point out that the Craigs are very close to William and probably really appreciate that he made time for it. That he proposed to Kate in their property and told them before anyone else speaks volumes. I am sure Kate would have gone too if she could, but with the kids needing jabs and everything, it was more practical to stay.

      The meeting with the president and on conservation were a nice added touch.

    2. I have no personal opinion on their decision, relationships are a tricky business and best left to the people involved, what works for one couple won't work for another. Impossible to judge from the outside.

      I was giving my opinion on how I think this will play to the public, particularly given the statements made to defend William's work load recently.

      I agree the meeting with the president (which KP admits was a late add-on) was a nice and probably necessary touch. If they release some Easter pics of the children on Sunday or Monday that would help too :)

    3. Nice put Claudia!

      "Family is first"- straight from the horses mouth alias Kensington Palace. Now we all know and can interpret differently where William's priorities lie.

      I truly feel sorry for Kate at this point. We can clearly see who makes decisions in that family. And as someone suggested on twitter:

      "Kate doesn't need my sympathy, I'm sure, but I hope she's OK with it. I wouldn't be."

      I wouldn't be either.

    4. I find nothing wrong with attending a friend's wedding. It is four days, not four weeks. And I am sure Kate is okay with it as she's always been good friends with Jecca and the Craigs. I'm sure she'd have loved to come too, but it would have been too much hassle for the kids. And just because William does this does not mean he does not put his family first. Does not mean he is less of a father or that he loves his family less. Cut him some slack, he can't do anything right to some!

    5. Neither would I Anett, or the hunting weekend.

    6. W&K have always appeared to be very happy and secure in their relationship and I'm sure Kate is fine with this (she doesn't strike me as the drama queen/needy type). Attending a friend's wedding (hopefully a ONCE in a lifetime moment for the bride and groom) does NOT mean family is not a priority. It simply means this is life happens and we accommodate it.
      It's a friend's wedding for goodness sake and I do not see a conflict in the decision to attend, but I am also well aware that people can and will twist this if the desire is there.

      As I stated before, many people make adjustments to celebrate the holidays and this is no different. I'm sure Kate will have her family over and George and Charlotte will enjoy a happy weekend without requiring therapy due to William's absence.

    7. Without requiring therapy, Royalfan? How odd. You were the first to suggest that if Kate went to the St Patrick's Day event, it would harm George's mental health. It follows your own argument that William is damaging his son's future by skipping out Easter weekend. :-)

    8. Not exactly the same scenario. Sorry.

      If there HAD been a SPD party at the nursery, the Cambridge's would not have been in control of the timing. It's a bit different with an Easter celebration at home which they CAN plan to accommodate their immediate family.

    9. RF, So can a wedding schedule be scheduled differently. She had to have known William wouldn't miss it.

    10. 00:44, have you ever planned a wedding? You start out trying to please everyone and end up realizing you will please no one.

    11. Easter weekend RF??????

    12. Haha royalfan I agree once with your last wedding statement of yours. As you feel the need to answer to rest of the arguement, let's agree to disagree without name calling and leaving everone what desires and why. Thanks!

    13. Rebecca - Sweden25 March 2016 at 09:09

      Am I the only one who thinks going to a close friends wedding is a normal thing to do? And a normal thing to prioritize? Its not always possible but you do your best. And William going alone makes sense with the kids. I sure wouldn't say to a spouse that "you have to stay home for the egghunt that will happen every year and don't go to your longtime close friends wedding". Seems a bit petty to me. I know all relationships are different and what is tolarable in some relationships are a no-no in others. And clearly this is how William and Kate are doing it. It's not our place to judge.

  63. So he went to Kenya. He met with the President at the request of the government and then the rest is private.

    I see no problems here. The press loves to stir that pot regarding Jecca. They were babies and it was a passing crush if that. Kate and Jecca have been close and do not forget that William took Kate to Lewa (Craig ranch) to propose. The Craig family are FAMILY to William. He should attend the wedding of Jecca.

    Omg Yes Easter is a big holiday bUT Charlotte is not going to remember if Dad was there. George might but I suspect that being with the Middleton clan that Easter will be great fun and no one is going to slighted or scarred.

    I am sure the press is going to report all kinds of back stories from a decade ago and we should ignore them. There is no need to discuss that issue here AGAIN.

    I don't even remember Easter until I was like 7 and I asked my children and they also said that they have no recall until as theyes shared stories .. they were 6 or 7. So the Cambridge children are not being neglected and I don't see how most peogle would say it's odd or wrong. I think those that do have their own issues regarding what THEY think is right in THEIR world. And they are allowed but to each his own.

    Oh no I wrote half a page and used caps. Sorry Bluehare LOL couldn't resist dear 😉

    1. I do agree, Diane. Unfortunately, people will read what they want into it. As soon as this post appeared, I knew the direction this subject would go in. W&K have to keep calm and carry on...literally. :)

      Regarding Richard Palmer's comment (above) has quite a sarcastic and juvenile tone to it. He may THINK he's pointing out a "gotcha" but, in reality, he comes across like a cranky and bitter man.

    2. dear? uh oh.......

    3. Julia from Leominster25 March 2016 at 00:59

      Here are my dreaded scattered thoughts.
      I have no problem per se with William going to Jecca's wedding - he went to Guy Pelly's wedding in Memphis, so why not Jecca's. I didn't think it was appropriate for Jecca to be the only woman on that hunting holiday for appearance of propriety - it just looked wrong even - as I suspect - it was completely innocent. But William skipped an important wedding - that of his cousin to go to a Craig wedding, so I'm not surprised he wanted to go to this one.
      However, I find a Holy Week wedding taking place either on Good Friday or Holy Saturday extremely odd. Perhaps it is a civil ceremony. But in theory William is the future head of the Anglican church. I realise even Charles has cast some doubt on this but so far, nothing has changed. Frankly, partying on Good Friday does not appeal to me at all.
      The visit to the President of Kenya looks trumped up in an attempt to make the visit quasi-official. Just like the recent (clearly officially taken) photos of William helping with a patient also look like extremely obvious and clumsy PR move - sooner or later, William and Kate will face real damage if they and their staff don't do better.
      I'm also at a loss why the future head of the church and his wife are spending Easter with the Middletons (or the Middletons with them) instead of with the queen and the royal family. (For the record, if they wanted to invite the Middletons along, I've no issue.) William and Kate have not once spent a single Easter with the queen and except for Australia, have never made a public appearance at church. I realise William may expect to return completely hung over if Pelly's wedding is an example, but still...
      Faith is a personal thing for all of us, but most of us don't expect to become the head of the church. This is setting an extremely bad example to the nation, where religious observance is under threat - the future defender of the faith should be giving this some thought.
      But thinking of the country (arguably thinking at all) doesn't seem to be William and Kate's strong area of the moment. I apologise to those who don't care what they do, as long as Kate looks pretty, but at least some of us are wondering what will happen in the future.
      I'm very tired of being grumbly and wish William and Kate would do something beyond what's scheduled to improve my mood of them. For the moment, I will just say for those who didn't see it that I was pleased to see the Queen, Alexandra and Anne together and think Harry is doing brilliantly on his tour. He really does seem to be coming into his own.
      Again, I send my condolences to Belgium and hope some royal family member signed the condolence book. So far, I've not seen who. And for everyone, I wish again, a Happy Easter.

    4. Julia, the next king was divorced and married his mistress who will be crowned at his side. In my book, that can only make the Middleton's a very positive and welcome addition to family celebrations...and values.

      I also think it's unfortunate that you seem to categorize Kate supporters as only caring about her looking pretty, while " least some of us are wondering what will happen in the future."

      We do care about Kate AND the future, and object to her (and William) being undermined in every post.

    5. I didn't realize you were talking to me. Diane. How nice you are. Perhaps you're new to blogs and didn't know that most people consider caps shouting, and consider shouting rude.

    6. Julia from Leominster25 March 2016 at 03:11

      Royalfan - I'm with you on Charles, I don't see either how there can't be damage. My hope is that there will be no attempt to crown Camilla - that does blame the woman - but in this case, I think she bears a huge responsiblity for what happened. I don't go as far as those who say they aren't legally married by royal requirements - although it's interesting and will come up more as the time of his rule nears. The church was founded on divorce (although it's more complicated than that) but...
      Unlike Bluhare (Sorry, Bluhare) I believe the strength of the monarchy in Britain comes from the connection with the church and the sacred aspect of the coronation. Since Charles is bound to weaken that and has been ambiguous in his beliefs, I had hopes William would serve as a strong figurehead, but that has yet to happen. Partying at a wedding on Good Friday is not my idea of a good start.
      I don't think anyone is undermining William and Kate - except themselves. It's like having a film with the top actors, beautiful sets and a noted director - and critics say, sorry, it's horribly acted and a piece of rubbish. There has been many a director who has blamed the critics for undermining the film - but more ofthen than not, there is validity in the critic's viewpoint and the actors and directors - if they are wise - take note of what was said, especially if the public turns away from the film.
      What worries me is William and Kate aren't listening - we just heard William brush off a work-shy comment -saying, it's part of the job. He didn't say, I don't think it's fair - he just basically said, I'm not listening. And the statements from Kensington Palace also reflect that. The trouble is sooner or later, it is always taken one step too far.
      No one is undermining Kate at every post - had she attened the Irish Guard's ceremony, there would have been nothing but praise and minor quibbling over her outfit. (Which I believed would be a repaat.) When William and Kate are active, they get huge support. The problem comes when they aren't. And people hate hyprocrasy - saying, we're going to focus on the children and then missing what most would think an important event. It's not that anyone believes Charlotte or George will remember or care - it's just the inconsistancy.
      I keep speaking of Andrew and I know you Royalfan and Bluhare, are old enough to remember when he was the golden boy and his marriage to Sarah was seen as a breath of fresh air to the monarchy. (More like the bora as turned out!) Maybe you were a rara avis who saw the hubris, the arrogance, that would come to haunt him and destroy him all too soon, but I admit I didn't and 99% of his adoring public didn't. People apologised for him - saying he was just a bit of a lad - the queen has yet to recognise what's happened.
      Although I'm too young to remember it directly, it was the same with Margaret and Snowdon - they were the modern, golden couple - but arrogance took its price there too - people were hugely sympathetic to Margaret but when she stopped caring what people thought, her reputation was damaged.
      I'm a believer that people make their own destinies. Duty had made for great monarchs - arrogrance has damaged and destroyed poor ones. I don't think William and Kate are there but I do think they are flirting with it and I care enough for the monarchy as an institution to speak my mind.

    7. Making new friends bluhare;-) hahaha
      Actually I didn't know that until you lot mentioned it a while back :-)
      DB is sure knows now.

    8. What Bluhare. You don't go by "dear"? :)

    9. Julia, we are not the judge on why someone else's wedding falls on a certain date. No one knows any details about it. Maybe this weekend is just as much a celebration of Christ's love for us as it is for the couple's love for each other. Why cannot people simply be happy for the bride and groom? With the events in Belgium and Easter you'd think people will have more compassion for others and not judge their every single move! And gosh I'm sure William does think of the country! If he didn't care at all why bother meeting the Kenyan president at the Foreign Office's request?!

      Happy Easter to everyone, and to all who celebrate it, may you have a meaningful and spirit-filled weekend.

  64. I would personalize the necklace for my sister and the twin boys she's expecting this spring. I would follow the duchess' lead and do two letter charms, a little boy profile and a disk with the boys' names.

    I also joined the Merci Maman newsletter and follow them on twitter.

  65. Frequent reader here but I only comment once in a green moon - I read everyone else's comments though, so I feel like I know you all even though I don't participate in the conversations!

    Lovely giveaway Charlotte, thank you!! I'd love a long length silver necklace with boy and girl charms, an "N" engraved on the heart for my husband's name (Nathan), and a large "B" on the disc. I also subscribed to their newsletter, so 2 entries for me!

  66. I would want the liberty bracelet with Bataan POW/MIA not forgotten inscribed.

  67. Would love to win a gold disc with Evelyn on and 12-05-14 with a gold bunny charm. Followed on Twitter and Instagram, liked and shared on Facebook

  68. Love the giveaway and love your page... I have been longing for Duchess necklace since I gave birth to my boy. I even sent email to my hubby, but sadly he didn't get the message and I guess it really should be gift, so I don't want to buy it myself. I entered via your site, newsletter subscription, followed on Instagram and liked their facebook page, so, 4 times. I would love classic necklce with boy pendant, circle pendant with my boys name written and heart pendant with my husnands name. Hope to win ;) Thanks for a chance to win ;)

  69. Oooo wonderful prize! I would choose the silver version on a long chain. I would personalize it with a little girl charm and have my brand new daughters name engraved. Plus my husband's initial on the heart. Three entries for me...I also subscribed to the newsletter and liked on Facebook.

  70. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this lovely necklace. I will never be a mom but I do have 2 nieces and 2 nephews that I love very much. I would engrave their names on both sides of a heart charm. I would also get a boy and a girl charm -- all hanging from a silver chain. A treasure forever piece.
    I follow on IG.
    Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates! Happy Spring to all............ Miss M.

  71. I would adore the Arabesque necklace and put the name of my kiddos on it... Haven, Tim, and Libby.

  72. I'd love the Arabesque necklace with the names of my own kiddos.

  73. Will be making the chutney next weekend and will post pictures of the results and in view of the Indian tour a recipe for Quetta , a spicy chutney. Godspeed to you all over this weekend and especially to people in Brussels and Kenya so recently subject to terror attacks.

    1. A nice, family, recipe for mint chutney would be such a blessing if anyone has one. :)

  74. As I don't have any children I'd have my husband and I's initials and wedding date engraved. Love the bird and rabbit charms and would probably choose gold. I'm following Merci Maman on Twitter and Instagram and have signed up to the newsletter.

  75. Another vote for the Arabesque necklace with the names of my heroes: Granny Bess and Louie

  76. 1. I would have the Tree of Life Necklace in white gold with my name engraved.
    2. I have subscribed to the Merci Maman newsletter.
    3. I have liked Merci Maman on Facebook.

  77. If anyone is interested, I am selling a brand new L K Bennettt Cayla dress that the Duchess wore on Ebay. I bought it from another ebayer not realizing that it was a UK size not a US size. :( Hence i'm selling it.

    thank you

  78. Congratulations to you new moms and expect ants ones also. hugs. :)

  79. I would get the version of the Duchess for people without children, heart with Z for my boxer I lost in Aug, a star, and disc with 'Love life' I follow on FB, Twitter and Instagram and shared giveaway on Twitter for 5 entries. Thanks

  80. I forgot to add but I do have a puppy so maybe the puppy charm too!

    1. I am so excited to find out who has won that beautiful necklace. :) I hope Kate wears hers again
      a lot.

      Everyone has posted such sweet and sentimental reasons for their entries. I hope that somehow those sentiments are fulfilled. Did I mention I believe in miracles, particularly during this blessed weekend?

  81. Maggie - Minneapolis24 March 2016 at 22:44

    I applaud William and Kate for (hopefully) having a secure enough marriage that both are comfortable with William leaving his family for Easter to attend the wedding of an ex-girlfriend. Different couples are different and only William and Kate can know if this is a good decision for them and if they are both happy with it.
    However, why is it that they are so family-minded when it comes to royal duties, but not when it comes to vacations or weddings? Kate couldn't leave her children for a few hours to attend an important ceremony but is fine with her husband missing their daughter's first Easter and the first Easter their son will most likely remember/understand? They prioritize family except when it affects their ability to go skiing (think about how many hours the nanny must have watched Charlotte and even George on the trip so they could ski) or their ability to jet off to the Maldives. Or even when they were pictured on that train coming back from Norfolk soon before Kate's second pregnancy was announced - that was said to be a trip to Anmer without George.
    I'm not begrudging them their family time or couple time - I'm just saying that it is rather odd for such a supposedly family-minded couple to make this decision for one of the biggest religious holidays of the year. Especially when William is supposed to be King. All that is happening now is that their children will learn that their parents can get out of work to spend time with them, but won't get out of the fun things to do that.
    Also most papers are reporting that William had another almost month-lomg break from work before returning this past week. Of course now he will be gone again.

    1. William will be the head of the Church of England.
      The Queen currently is, and God bless her, she has been faithful to miss hardly any services. She seems to enjoy them.

    2. The wedding is Saturday and all reports indicate that he will be back Sunday for Easter.

    3. links to that 23:56?

    4. Oh my goodness, William could make it home in time to dress up like the EASTER BUNNY and it wouldn't alter some people's opinions. Perhaps the ears would be too floppy. :)

    5. William will NOT make it back for Sunday to spend the day with his family.

      He will be back SUNDAY NIGHT.

    6. Actually he's flying out of Nairobi Sunday evening will arrive in London Monday morning.

    7. The wedding is on Friday. So really there is no reason why William could not be home in time for Easte with Kate and the kids. But he elected to stay on in Kenya and party. There again he is only thinking of himself and not jus family. I remeber in an interview he gave stating thatbKate and hid kids are his number one. But I guess only when he wants them to be. And right now it is Ms Craig who is number one in his life.

    8. Thanks, 00:22.

    9. Oh boy. Remember when we thought william and Kate would be the best thing that every happened to the is amazing how many bad decisions they have made

    10. Way to go, wayward William. Don't ever speak about your family being a priority.

    11. Hi Maggie, I don't really care how William and Kate spend their weekends or whether they are with their children for holidays and important events, but it is a bit hypocritical to lay on the family values thick one side of the bread, and scrape it totally off the other. That's a good point.

      The Queen was out today for Maundy Thursday giving Maundy money to 90 people. Charles and William should both be seen as respectful of the Church rites as they pertain to holy days. They will be defenders of the faith at some point -- assuming that stays. Personally, I'm in favor of making the CoE and monarchy separate. We aren't living in Tudor times any more!

    12. Gosh, so nit-picky! Trips to Anmer without George and possible hours skiing without kids? God forbid any parent does anything without their children! Being family minded does not mean being with your family first all day, every day. We live the real world where life and others are accommodated as they come. Just as you point out those instances, there are also countless times where W&K have put duty first. Why do foreign tours at all and leave the kids?

      Easter is important to many families. But so is a wedding of a dear friend (not ex-girlfriend if you examine the links above). Arguably William can have a lifetime of Easters with his family while Jecca's wedding will be once in a lifetime. That doesn't make William less of a father. Nor is he being inconsistent in saying he puts his family first!

  82. Would love to win this necklace. I would engrave it with my 2 kids names and my partners initial. Amazing prize

  83. RF, the critics have good reason to ask questions for many reasons, in addition to not spending a most special day with his children. The day is a lot about
    more than floppy bunny ears. Our questions center around integrity, perceived and real.

    1. I would be proud to call William and friend and I'd have no problem with his integrity. If he wasn't a good man/husband/father, I don't think his royal blood would impress Mike and Carole if Kate was treated poorly.

    2. Royal Fan, Seville weekend with Jecca, 2014.

  84. I'd have the longest chain length in rose gold with my children's names Sophie and James and their birthstones (peridot and turquoise) along with the heart with my husband's initial J, and the little girl and boy figurines. I have followed all Merci Maman's social media accounts and subscribed to their newsletter. Thank you! Katherine.

  85. I love Merci Maman products (don't have any yet), I would have my daughter's initial on a silver chain if possible, I do like the length of the gold necklace but I would want to wear the necklace so often I think the gold plate may wear off!

  86. I don't think my first comment made it through, I liked on Facebook followed on Instagram and signed up for the newsletter, I love the spinning gem necklace, and would probably get the duchess necklace with my husbands name, a heart, and the small puppy pendant! So excited for the full interview, haven't seen her talk this much on camera, I wonder if she did this the same day as the other video she did a few weeks back

  87. I would love to win a Merci Maman necklace in silver please, with my daughter's initial. I do like the length of the gold but would worry I would wear the gold plate off from wearing it too much. I already follow you on Facebook, Twitter and now newsletter, thanks :)

  88. Adorable necklace, would engrave w/ my 3 children's names in silver on a long chain. :)

  89. I would have the longest length chain in rose gold and have my children's names Sophie & James with their birthstones (peridot & turquoise)as well as my husband's initial "J" in the heart and the little girl and boy figurines. I have followed all the social media accounts of Merci Maman and subscribed to their newsletter. Thank you! Katherine.

  90. Julia from Leominster25 March 2016 at 01:19

    I'm not on social media, so no chance in a giveaway, but for the fun of it, I will say, I would love the two crosses to represent my beloved late parents, a heart to represent my beloved and always loving Leo and three of the dog charms for my precious pups. The charms are truly lovely. I really don't care what colour the metal is - either gold or silver would be fine.

    I'm not happy with William and Kate at the moment and am not going to pretend to be but I keep hoping. I would like someday to be able to curtsy to William as a matter of pride in his achievments and what he has done for his nation and how he expresses his caring for his nation - not just because of who he was born.

    However, I'm deeply moved by the personal expressions of people in this giveaway and I send my greetings to all - my condolences where appropriate - a number of people spoke of loss and my congratulations where appropriate - it appears we have some future royalists coming or already here - and to everyone - while we may disagree strongly at times, I think Charlotte due to her beautiful writing, care, and hard work, has gathered together a special group of followers -

    And so, I send special Easter wishes to her, her hubby and her family for letting her do so much for us.

    As for next year's Christmas gift to the queen - Kate might think of these charms in the names of the dorgis and the corgis. What fun that would be and I'm sure the queen would love it, for she is as much a dog lover as I am - a Lupo appearance would be as welcome to me as a Kate one.

    1. You're so gracious and lovely, Julia, and I enjoy reading your entries the most. Happy Easter from a fan in Texas!

  91. I love this! I would like "K & S toujours" on a heart charm (with a long chain!) in gold OR I would love to get the circle with the tree brances with all my family members names on it! I love these styles and the personalization, as well as the puppy and kitty charms!! La creatrice des colliers a eu vraiment une bonne idee! [ I entered by liking on facebook, subscribing, and by commenting for a total of 3 entries!)

  92. Catherine McConnell Oregon, US25 March 2016 at 01:48

    I love giveaways! Thank you for this opportunity to win a beautiful necklace, my dream would be to have the Duchess Necklace almost identical to the one worn by Kate. I would select the boy charm, engrave the heart with a "J" for my husband John, and the disk with "John Jay V" on the front and "03.05.2013" on the back to commemorate the birth of our son (V for the Roman numeral, because he's the 5th generation of males with the name John Jay!). I would like the necklace gold plated and the longer link like the one Kate wore.
    I also signed up for the newsletter, liked Merci Maman on facebook, and followed the company on twitter and instagram, so please put me down for 5 entries! Thanks again.
    Oh also, what are the details of the contest? When will a winner be selected?

  93. Charlotte, if you ever add a gift shop to your blog, this would be my suggestion ... ;))

  94. Thanks for the chance to win this special necklace! I would choose the silver necklace with both a boy and girl charm.
    I have subscribed to the Merci Maman newsletter as well.

  95. I would like the shorter silver necklace, and if I were to win I will copy Sarah from Maryland and make it about my animals.

    1. Julia from Leominster25 March 2016 at 03:14

      Bluhare, glad to hear it! And hope the Dowager is continuing to improve. A happy Easter to you and hope you get some chance for rest and family time.

  96. The duchess is my inspiration. I would personalize my necklace as similar to the duchess necklace, with my name engraved on the disc : Christine Chang, with my fiance's name engraved on the heart : CK, and a figure of four leaf clover ❤️ This would make a very special wedding gift In the future for me ❤️ I have subscribed to newsletter, liked on Facebook, no of entries : 4

  97. Here are my two cents: W/K were invited to a close friend's wedding(why on Easter weekend?). They divide and conquer - taking the kids is a pain for such a short trip. But don't want to leave the kids on a holiday(major bad pr). William goes(because of he doesn't, public goes - maybe Kate forbid it, drama, drama). There are a few things he wants to do there anyways so he says, while I am there, I will knock these off. Kate says, okay, I will man the fort here-watch the kids and keep prepping for India(you know, planning her wardrobe...or crash course in language, etiquette, memorizing who is who and talking points for those key people, facts about the economy, art, history, etc.). 'I'm sorry dear friend, your wedding just doesn't work for my pr schedule' also seems like a bad pr move. Also, this trip to India, this will be the first trip away from both kids, for real right? Not a 'we are away for a weekend, two hours north by train and can run home if there is an emergency' right? I feel like the combo of the first time away from the kids and the first trip to India might be a bit stressful.

  98. Lovely necklace! I'd pick silver on a longer chain with my son's name engraved on the disc. Also subscribed to the merci maman newsletter. Thanks!

  99. hmm the necklace would be good whatever the duchess will spend her easter with 2 children she will relax with her kids haunting easter eggs I think she spending beautiful day with her love ones im sure the duke feel sorry missing easter

  100. This whole situation is laughable. Will says he wants to put family first...and then goes Kenya over the Easter weekend? The first Easter of Princess Charlotte too. They're honestly becoming a joke. It seems like it's all been a pack of lies. It seems the meeting with the President was arranged last minute too - I'm guessing to try and cover up the situation. Again, this wouldn't be an issue if they continuously use family as an excuse to not do more.

  101. Thanks for the chance to win the necklace!
    I'm expecting my first child in May, I would engrave the necklace with his name, Ludovic, and my husband's initial on the heart charm...
    I've subscribed to Merci Maman newsletter and liked their FB and IG pages, my number of entries is 4.


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