Thursday 14 April 2016

Kate in Bhutanese Kira-Inspired Look to Meet the King and Queen of Bhutan

This afternoon the Cambridges travelled to the breathtakingly beautiful Thimphu Dzong.

The couple took part in a Chipdrel - a traditional welcoming procession with music, ceremonial dress and colourful displays.

The excitement and build up in Bhutan since the announcement of the royal visit has been growing. One reader sent me this very interesting email sharing insights: "My friend is currently in Bhutan coincidently. It's amazing, it feels like they are decorating the entire country for the visit - I think they'll be impressed."

The red carpet was well and truly rolled out.

Thimphu Dzong is an ancient Buddhist monastery and fortress on the northern edge of the city in Thimphu. It was built by the first Dharma Raja, who also founded the Lho-drukpa sect of Buddhism, which has remained the distinctive sect of Bhutan. It has traditionally been the seat of the Druk Desi, the head of Bhutan's civil government, an office which has been combined with the kingship since the creation of the monarchy in 1907. The main structure of the whitewashed building is two-storied with three-storied towers at each of the four corners topped by triple-tiered golden roofs.

William and Kate arrived at the Tshichhodzong for the audience with the King and Queen.

The Duke and Duchess were led up to the Golden Throne Room along a corridor that has murals depicting the life of the Buddha.

The Duke and Duchess were greeted by King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema. William and Kate curtsied and bowed when they met them privately.

The King and Queen are enormously popular and loved in Bhutan. Since his father's abdication in 2008, the King has made a point to meet as many of his subjects as possible. He was educated in India and the US, and afterwards studied for a degree in political science and economics at Oxford, where he was known for being quiet and studious. He is a keen Elvis fan and adores mountain biking.

The King proposed to Jetsun when she was seven and they married in October 2011 - just six months after William and Kate. He reportedly met her at a picnic and said: "'When you grow up, if I am single and not married, and if you are single and not married, I would like you to be my wife, provided we still feel the same." Speaking about his wife after their wedding the King said: "She carried her responsibilities superbly well. I was very proud of her. She is a wonderful human being. Intelligent. She and I share one big thing in common: a love and a passion for art."

The couple welcomed their first son in February. The baby remains unnamed. With George and Charlotte at home, I'm sure the Duchess and the Queen will be discussing their children, and perhaps sharing stories. The King and Queen led Kate and William across the vast decorated courtyard. Their Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses lit butter lamps amidst Buddhist prayer chants by the nuns in the main temple of the Dzong.

An overview of the temple.

William and Kate then headed to an open-air archery event hosted by Prince Dasho. They enjoyed tea with him and watched an archery display at Bhutan National Stadium.

 The Duchess was eager to try her hand at the national sport.

In Bhutan, archers must aim at very small, brightly decorated wooden targets positioned 145 metres away from where they are standing.

Kate's expression as William holds a bow and arrow. :)

The couple were unsuccessful in hitting the target, however, they appeared to be having a ball trying.

Kate was taken aback when she heard Bhutanese women were singing insults at Williams. "You're bald, you have a big nose and small private parts" More from Emily Andrews:

Emily Andrews Twitter Feed

Kate throws an dart.

The Duke and Duchess met local children from NGOs Draktsho and Ability Bhutan.

Kate enjoyed meeting local children.

An adorable little boy grabs William's umbrella. :)

The Duchess looked beautiful in a traditional-looking ensemble. Kate wore the Embroidered Wool Cape by Paul and Joe.


The $520 cape was intricately embroidered in India with red, pink and turquoise florals - again, a sartorial connection with a host country. It features smooth satin lining to ensure it's easy to slip on and off. It's available at Net-A-Porter and Boutique1.


Paul and Joe is another new brand for the Duchess. Launched by French designer Sophie Mechaly in 1995 - and named after her two sons - the label mixes Parisian chic with of-the-moment detailing to create a style that is unmistakably French.


Kate's beautiful lavender skirt was made by her unidentified designer in London using fabric woven by Kelzang Wangmo, a lady from Thimphu.

Ms Wangmo works as a consultant providing a range of services including design teaching, texturing and weaving of Bhutanese attires, one-on-one experience sharing, and textile history of Bhutan. Design of fashion materials that are a fusion of eastern and western styles, and marketing and sales of Bhutanese hand-loomed products within Bhutan and outside of Bhutan.

Gaseng Bhutan

More on Kelzang Wangmo from Gaseng Bhutan:

'Mrs. Kelzang Wangmo is from Khoma, Lhuentse, popularly known as “weavers’ valley” of Bhutan. With over 25 years of work experience in designing, texturing and weaving of Bhutanese attires and textiles, most high profile Bhutanese and elites have fine taste for her hand-loomed products. Though she had no formal education at school, her inborn creativity and ingenuity have been widely appreciated by the Bhutanese people. She is a contract consultant at Gaseng and provides our clients with knowledge and insights into Bhutanese textiles and fabrics.'

Kensington Palace shared a video of Mrs. Wangmo's reaction when she heard the good news.

The Bhutanese kira-inspired look is absolutely beautiful and so wonderfully put together. A kira is the national dress for women in Bhutan. It is an ankle length dress consisting of a rectangular piece of woven fabric. It is usually worn with a blouse and jacket. Below, we see Bhutanese women wearing kiras.

It's interesting to note the different elements at play in bringing it together - a cape from a Parisian brand, fabric woven by a Bhutanese lady, and a mystery designer in London creating the skirt.

The wonderful Anna believes Kate wore the £3,900 Kiki McDonough Lavender Amethyst Pear and Oval Drop Earrings.

Kiki McDonough

Kate wore the L.K. Bennett Floret Pumps according to Middleton Maven.

L.K. Bennett
You can watch a video on YouTube.

William and Kate will have dinner with The King and Queen next.


  1. Queen Jetsun Pema is stunning! And King Jigme Khesar Namgyel exudes such warmth and charisma. What a beautiful, warm couple. Very happy to see them in the spotlight.

    I'm not a fan of the Duchess' outfit. I just don't think capes suit her very well. I have a couple of Paul and Joe items myself and they are a weird fit. I've had to have mine tailored. Disappointed by William - he looked so out of place in the suit!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden14 April 2016 at 13:00

      What should William had worn though? If he was in full on traditional clothes he would be accused of cultural apropriation. If he went casual, he would be off. If he had normal pants and traditional top it would look off. I think this is the only route he could go, to be fair.

    2. I agree with you Brina. She is one beautiful woman who is not afraid of wearing high-heeled shoes (OMG) with painted nails.

      I am happy Kate decided to wear some traditional clothes, I can't see the point why not doing so in India, instead of her flying skirts. Although they are beautiful especially the embroidery, they are not my favourite.

    3. I didn't expect William in anything else. It's his usual attire for occasions of this type. It's not customary or expected of male international travellers (especially for high level business, charitable or diplomatic purposes) to adopt the national dress of their host country. In fact, it might look a bit weird to do so.

      None of the participants at the G7 meeting of Foreign Ministers recently held in Japan were seen in male kimono. Perhaps a yukata which is provided in most hotels or in private after an onsen bath (if they had time to relax that way), but nothing more. Why it's expected of females who accompany males during international talks and meetings is a question that might generate some interesting commentary.

      Of course, I understand the nods to the fashion industries and designers locally and abroad. It generates attention and boosts a small segment of the economy. However, it often comes off as a "miss" in a way that simpler accessories might not. Plus, a host country shouldn't expect visitors at any level to do as they do, unless perhaps those visitors are living there for some extended period of time. Even then, only insofar as it is practical and comfortable.

    4. "Disappointed by William - he looked so out of place in the suit!"

      William usually wears suits on first-day visits to other countries. He has to wear formal outfits because it makes such a good impression.

    5. How about a kilt, with dark socks and tweed jacket? One of the most manly semi-formal kits in the world, and rather like Bhutanese male dress.

    6. Anett its funny that the opinion piece written by an Indian posted on another thread, liked the "flying" skirt outfit of the duchess the most. The outfit Catherine is wearing today is not purely traditional, the elements are a nod to the tradition and she did that in India as well.

    7. I don't like the ensemble, the cape with this belt doesn't match well with the lavender skirt. Also the cape is totally unsuitable for throwing arrows and darts..if you look at the pictures the cape is a mess during these ..activities! Kate's choices for Bhutan are not my favorite, neither this ensemble nor the Tory burch dress, too busy pattern, nothing special for me!

    8. Victorians, I felt the same way about the tour outfits. I was so surprised that as many people liked them as they did.

    9. *Vittoriana (silly spellcheck again)

  2. Rebecca - Sweden14 April 2016 at 10:07

    Wow! What a welcome. What an entrance! And what clothing! Kate looks magical! Perfect balance with the traditional skirt and a more modern top! Really perfect! (At least in my view. Don't know how it looks to a Bhutanese person :P ) I also like the silouette with the belt on the cape. And I love that she wore Bhutanese fabric. Although, anyone given the chance would probably jump at wearing it. They seem to have some of the most gorgeous fabric in the world!! (Also great that she changed from the coat. The wind looks BRUTAL, so it would have been really problematic!) And I love this hairstyle! Keeps the hair out of her eyes, and it looks very "fantasy" :) I love it. One of my favourite styles I do for myself!

    Makes me very happy that it looks like the four of them are having a great time :) Two very sweet and very beatiful couples that probably will meet alot of times in the future!

    Wow, this visit is like the guide to "how to plan a tour to get the most beutiful pictures in the world". The colours, the nature, the people. Everything is out of the world beautiful!

    If you have not done it, this is an occation to watch the videos. Because while the pictures are amazing, there is sso much athmosphere in the videos that get lost in the pictures!

  3. Sharyn from AUS14 April 2016 at 10:10

    I know we're here to discuss the duchess, but can anyone identify the Queen's shoes? They're phenomenal!

    About Kate's outfit, I think Bhutan makes sense for a modern twist on traditional outfits. More so than India. Fashion choices have been respectful of the hosts countries.

  4. Faster update Charlotte I love her outfit she wore it nice and. I do love the cape the king and queen of Bhutan looks nice also and I love the shirt and colour

  5. Wow, what a beautiful combination. I love the Kira combined with the cape another good choice of outfit to match the change of temperature. It's a pity there wasn't a little more fabric in the Kira so that The Duchess didn't have to worry about revealing her legs in the wind. The Queen looks lovely and very demure, such a sweet story about their first meeting.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden14 April 2016 at 13:01

      The story is not as sweet when you realize he was 17 and she 7....

    2. It is not a Kira. Completly different cut done by an English taylor. Look how different it moves compared to the kira of the queen.

    3. I agree Rebecca.

    4. It could have been just a cute exchange between an awestruck little girl who wanted to marry a Prince when she got older. Not said in seriousness.

    5. Rebecca - Sweden14 April 2016 at 15:58

      Anon 16.25. It was he who said it to her.

    6. I don't know about that 16:25,

      Jigme's father has four wives and they are all sisters. Jetsun's sister is married to Jigme's brother.

    7. Thanks 14:37, I was looking at Kate's skirt comparing it to Jetsun's and they are noticeably different.

    8. I think it is important to remember the difference in cultures here. While proposing to a 7 year old seems very out of the norm for more westernized cultures, in different cultures it is not seen with the same sort of feeling. Think about arranged marriages in other cultures or royalty in the past that are/were set at very early ages.

      He said (paraphrasing) if they both weren't married later in life, then they should marry each other. It wasn't like he put a ring on it when she was 7 and they immediately started dating.

    9. At least Jigme has denounced the multiple wives thing and proclaimed his sole fidelity to one woman. So that helps.

    10. Anonymous in Colorado14 April 2016 at 20:08

      @Julie from NC: That is how I understood the story, too. I think it was more innocent, a prince indulging the cute whims of a 7 year old girl who looked up to him. He probably didn't give it another thought until they ran into each other much later on in years.....I read that they were in the same social circles so they were bound to meet again! I doubt it was a betrothal or anything (but could be wrong, I don't know much of Bhutanese culture).

    11. I agree Rebecca. Also, what's the holdup with naming their child? He was born in February. Do they have a special naming ceremony or something?

    12. Okay, I just read that his name will be announced April 16.

  6. LOVE the Cape!!!

  7. Are the lavender earrings new?

  8. Unexpected but love this! Gorgeous earrings too.

  9. beautiful look, an interesting mix and a nice nod to the host country

  10. Easy to get a read on life in Thimphu, just google "Bhutans Best 10 Cultural Restaruants".
    I was surprised how westernized Thimphu is. For being so remote, it is quite cosmopolitan.
    I assume the only way to easily get supplies, like cars, refrigerators and things like that would be to fly them in?

    Kate definitely isn't in Kansas anymore. I am sure she enjoys exotic locations though. I am eager to have them visit the Taj Mahal and do that photo op when they return to India.

    It must take the weavers days and days to create those intricate fabrics and tapestries. The one huge tapestry displayed in front of the building near the welcome procession must have taken months and months. I assume the bright and colorful Jackets the ladies wear with their woven skirts are silk?

    Significant window into Bhutanese culture that they had traffic lights put in but the people did not like them so they had their uniformed, white-gloved traffic directors re-instated and the traffic lights removed. Nice, personal touch.

    I didn't know that red rice is the only rice that grows at high altitudes. I am surprised that they haven't introduced quinoa as a crop as that grows at high altitudes, I think. Some of the restaurants offer Yak burgers. (Information courtesy of Google and Wikipedia.)

    1. The cloth on the houses are actually paintings - not woven pictures

    2. no traffic lights? funny story. Thanks

    3. Thanks for the correction on that.

    4. How about that big tapestry looking thing behind them when they are on the red carpet? That looks like a woven tapestry.

  11. I adore this outfit and think she looks so beautiful and appropriate for her context - traditional while maintaining her own style. What incredible visuals. The Queen and King also look magnificent. The shoes jar slightly but that is a tiny detail. I was wondering if there is any information about the belt?

    1. I would like to know about the belt too.

  12. King Jigme is said to be an avid fan of Elvis. I wonder if that is why he wears his hair like that.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden14 April 2016 at 13:02

      Haha, that is exactly what I thought the first time I heard that he likes Elvis :P

  13. What's amazing is that if Anna is correct about the earrings ID, one of my readers predicted the wearing of these a couple of months back! This is the post:

  14. She looks stunning all around but I especially love those earrings! Gorgeous!!

  15. I check your blog several times a day, though I rarely leave a comment. I just love your blog and how quick you are to post. Thanks so much for all of your work. I'm loving all of Kate's choices so far on this trip! What a treat for we Kate and William watchers. Sure, some of her outfits are lovelier than others, but overall I am amazed at her fabulous choices. The cape is gorgeous, - love the new earrings!
    Thanks so much for all of your work!

    Deborah in Canada

  16. I think Kate looked magnificent in this outfit- this is diplomatic dressing at its best! The cape is wonderful and I am sure we'll see it repeated down the road. Her combination of the skirt and cape made it seem like a kira without it looking too costumey! I am sure her hosts were appreciative and the Queen of Bhutan should get half of the attention too. Way to go Kate!

  17. Omigosh Omigosh Amazing! This is brilliant

  18. Courtney from NC14 April 2016 at 12:42

    Stunning! Absolutely perfect choice for meeting the Bhutanese (is that even the term?) king and queen.

  19. A picture is worth a thousand words! Thank you !

  20. I am as superficial as it gets, but... Her hair!! It just does nothing for her amazing features.. That is all I can think about while looking at her thoughtful outfit. Lovely kira on the Queen though.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden14 April 2016 at 13:36

      Really? I think she looks etheral. I loooove that pulled back, wavy look. Always look so femenine and reminds my of Ivanhoe and elves!

    2. Tedi in California14 April 2016 at 14:08

      I love her hair too. She looks like a princess, wait, that's right, she is a princess.

    3. Love her hair and fits so well in with her ensemble. Quite windy there and pictures show the Queen having to hold her long hair in place. Hopefully the Queen of Bhutan does not face the same level of relentless scrutiny and criticism that Catherine does - after all it is one of the happiest places on earth.

    4. I heard that but the people don't seem to smile much. Have you noticed?

    5. Well, I guess I am in a minority when it comes to the hair lenght! I really like it when she does the half up and half down style, or just pulls her hair a bit back, but it just looked better longer. Just my opinion, of course! I am enjoying commenting and reading all the interesting observations, greetings to all!

  21. ALSO! That shot of her with bow and arrow!!! Just fantastic!

    1. I love the one of her laughing!! She is genuinely enjoying herself. I love people who can laugh at themselves!!

    2. Anonymous in Colorado14 April 2016 at 20:11

      She may not have hit the target but her pose with the bow & arrow is sure to go down as one of the best photos of this tour! Reminds me of the pic of her way back when she & Wills briefly broke up & she was snapped standing statuesquely at the helm of the rowing boat...sort of the same flair.

    3. Colorado. I remember that photo. That is one of my favorites of her. When I saw that I actually said out loud to myself, "That is the future Queen of England", even though they hadn't reconciled yet. The archery one is another one of my favorites. To become Iconic no doubt.

  22. hmm love the color of the duchess and the queen of Bhutan plus the king of Bhutan looks good also I love the colors of Bhutanese ladies these the excellent royal tour ever hmm love they archery I do love the shirt charlotte to known who designer is that one

  23. King Jigme's proposal story. It would mean that the King was about 17 years old when he proposed to a 7 year old girl? That is interesting... Wonder what she said at the time of the first proposal? :)

    1. I know. To me, that doesn't sound romantic, that sounds weird.

    2. Tedi in California14 April 2016 at 14:10

      And, very chauvinistic.

    3. How is a 7 year old supposed to feel and how will she keep that feeling when she is growing up. What was she feeling at 7? true love?

    4. It is a different culture though. This is where the East does not always meet the West well.

    5. Anonymous in Colorado14 April 2016 at 20:14

      Could it be that she idolized him like many little girls view say, Prince Charming, & he just said that to indulge her? Maybe? ;-)

      The Duchess looked ethereal & absolutely stunning today!

    6. She might have found the Prince strikingly handsome, who knows? I had a major crush on my Dad's friend's little brother at about that age. The age difference might have been about the same. I think I would happily have married him when I grew up ;-)
      Royal Watcher

  24. Kate and Jetsun Pima together - how did the universe not implode? What a fantastic, gorgeous meet up. I love Kate's dress and the Queen's shoes.

    1. Jean from Lancs14 April 2016 at 13:44

      The Queen's platform soled shoes intriged me.

    2. Do they a have "Rodeo Drive" in Bhutan? Where did she get her shoes?

    3. I saw the Queen's shoes as well. Gorgeous! Online shopping? She would become an expert at that! And she might shop when they go abroad.
      Royal Watcher

    4. My first thought too--where did the Queen get those gorgeous shoes?

    5. Royal watcher, she would be an expert online shopper. lol

      Since there are only 8 pilots in the world licensed to fly into Bhutan, how long would delivery take though?

    6. Maybe she has priority in the luggage compartment, anon 04:53!! Would that just mean one flight per day at the most? These 8 pilots need days off as well. I think they should train up some more pilots, so the Queen can have faster deliveries of her favourite shoes!
      Royal Watcher

  25. Sarah from Calif.14 April 2016 at 13:09

    Great to see young leaders of the world together.
    Love the cape.

  26. She looks ethereal! It's so great to see the variety in her choices this tour, both in color and hemlines/necklines. The pictures are just gorgeous and seem out of a fairy tale book. Bravo! (PS: I agree with a reader above. Poor William looks a bit out of place!)

  27. Thank you as always Charlotte! Magnificent!

  28. Great clothes, setting, and pics. She looks totally in her element, kids, sports, etc. Great to see.Awesome coverage Charlotte. we all owe you a debt (as do the Cambridges.) Ariagurl

    1. Kate had good stance in the archery and dart throwing. Loved seeing her laugh after the archery attempt. That is my favorite photo so far of the tour or any other tour they've made. Really spontaneous and lovely.
      Hummm. On their other hand, William's form in archery? Kate's expression says it all. That might be my second favorite photo so far. Does "loose canon" ring a bell? William is so very blessed to have Kate in his life, regardless of her sartorial choices good or bad, etc. I hope he cherishes her.

    2. Those are two of my favorite photos. I love how Kate always keeps it real. I may not always like what she wears or a few of her other choices but she is authentic.

  29. Sartorial diplomacy with finesse. Deference to Bhutan tradition but Western enough to prevent direct comparison between the two royal women. Awesome look that suits the Duchess's willowy frame & provides some warmth. These earrings & the Charlotte set are so elegant & fit for a princess. The belt is also a fine piece.

    Queen Jetsun also looks beautiful & her kira is gorgeous. Is she wearing traditional Bhutanese jewellery?

    The photos of lighting the candles in the temple with the nuns are very evocative.

    The Duchess & Queen Jetsun hold their hands in exactly the same way - folded in front of them.

  30. Can I just say, what a delight it is watching Will and Kate interact! Relaxed, happy, excited, supportive of each other. So lovely! There have been so many picture comparisons between the Cambridge's India tour verses his parents and the differences are stark:( Several older members of the Royal press pack keep commenting on how fun and drama-free it is to travel with Will and Kate verses the Wales'. Many, many more blissful years of marriage to these two lovebirds!

  31. Kate really is perfect. Here she is, representing the Queen, meeting a Queen, dressed to diplomatic perfection, and still reacts in signature Kate fashion when trying the national sport, archery. Her expressions are wonderful. I love her fashion choice here. A nod to Bhutan's national dress, but styled her way. I also like the Queen's shoes, but appropriate only for a tiny woman in her mid20's.

  32. It's hard to imagine all that goes into making wardrobe decisions for a trip like this. She needs to respect and represent, look lovely, shoot darts, enjoy a banquet...But try as I might, I cannot understand how these garments work together. Gorgeous separates, but keep them separate.

  33. Kate, Texas, USA14 April 2016 at 13:52

    These are some of the most beautiful pictures I have seen on the blog. Absolutely stunning! I love to read about and see some of the traditions of Bhutan. The colorful tapestry with the red carpet below...WOW. William and Kate look like they are enjoying themselves as much as they have over the past few days.

    Kate looks beautiful and I love the interesting "mix" of designers to put her ensemble together. My favorite...THOSE EARRINGS. Amazing! A wonderful start to their visit to Bhutan!

  34. What will I do when the royal tour ends - this is so wonderful to wake up to each day! Thank you, Charlotte, for today's beautiful post of the events, and the young royals from each country. Kate has once again hit the right notes with her choice of attire--respectful of where she's visiting, yet adding her own creativity in her choices. At first, I didn't like the belt with the cape, but it's grown on me. The belt is beautiful and adds a bit more formality to the outfit. Overall, "sartorial diplomacy with finesse," as blue wren commented, is a perfect description of Kate's appearance and demeanor today.

  35. Okay, here we go. :) HUGE fan of the cape, absolutely breath-taking. Also, those earrings are great-love them. But.... that belt just does not go well with the cape; a plain black onewould have been better I think or to have it loose. It is probably better with the belt, though. Skirt...don`t really like the pattern, and, in my opinion, it is too long and bunches at her ankles-just doesn`t flatter her.I think that this was all just a bad combination but I hope that we will see the cape again-maybe while out casually, perhaps? Those earrings are stunning, they would go amazingly with her Grecian-style dress from Hollywood which I hope we will see again someday.
    Sorry, Kate, I tried to like it, today just wasn`t cutting it for me. :(

  36. The duchess looks beautiful from head to toe indeed. I love the colors of both the top and the bottom however, I did not like the fact that the top was a cape. I wish it was in the same style as the bhutanese top or at least a jacket style. Arms coming out like that makes it look odd. If she's going to try archery and show her camisole then that top should have been different not a cape. Other than this gripe, the duchess looks gorgeous in the kira!

  37. btw, I have a feeling that Kate will choose an Indian traditional attire for the Taj Mahal photo op. Maybe a Salwaar. If not then a long floral dress. :)

  38. Tedi in California14 April 2016 at 14:16

    Lovebirds indeed, they are beautiful to watch. Also so down to earth. None of the drama and pomp of William's parents.

  39. This is just amazing coverage, Charlotte.
    Love the amethyst earrings!

  40. Tedi in California14 April 2016 at 14:43

    Just gorgeous, and I want those earrings ;)

  41. Zora from Prague14 April 2016 at 14:43

    Thanks again for the speed and all the interesting facts you have prepared for us, Charlotte. I really like Kate's look! The two colours on her skirt are gorgeous.
    Btw, I read on Wikipedia that the Bhutanese Royal baby's name is to be announced on April 16 - do you think there might be a connection with W&K's leaving?

  42. The King even looks similar to Elvis! Haha!

    Beautiful country. I saw on TV today a video from the inside of the plane as it made it's approach. Tight and scary! They said only a few pilots in the world are allowed to land there at all and never at night. I'd love to go there sometime. :) (ps - the flight was only 30min and she changed clothes)

    Her face when William held the bow and arrow - love it!

    She looks refreshed today. Must've enjoyed the long (relatively long) break last night.

    Interesting about the earthquake - wow!

    Good thing the tradotionaldress of that country has a skirt styled that way because it sure looked windy!!

    Thanks, Charlotte!

  43. Kate looks AMAZING. The colors in her outfit are incredible.

  44. Hear! Hear!

    1. I do not think the cape compliments the skirt or Kate.

  45. 4th dress of the day: Tory Burch.

  46. The photos of the arrival showed no wind - how fortunate! I happened to awaken in the wee hours and watched the live stream for a bit. I saw a Bhutanese broadcast of the butter lamp lighting ceremony in the temple, with the nuns chanting along the walls. What a fascinating scene! Then W&K walked with the King and Queen down a long street with many banners and no people other than a few security and photographers. Eventually the wind became so fierce that cars were brought up and they rode the rest of the way. If that wind had blown at the airport, Kate could not have controlled her coatdress. It would have been over her head. Her outfit for the temple was evidently designed with wind in mind, though perhaps the cape was a bit awkward for archery. Still, I love the way the Cambridges try the local sports.

    I wonder whether William has been asked to deliver an invitation to the King and Queen of Bhutan to visit Britain. What a lovely state visit that would be! Probably it would not happen for awhile since they have a small baby. When will this little boy be named, by the way?

    1. Jigme and Jetsun recently visited England and were hosted by Charles and Camilla.

    2. Yes, thanks for the reminder. I was wondering about a future state visit.

  47. Loved Kate's reaction to the translation of the archery chants. Probably would be her exact reaction if Charlotte ever told her some 17 year old man had just ask her to marry him. lol

    1. That was awesome 16:10. I was surprised that such a "happiness" culture get so nasty over archery.

  48. Did Kate wear a Tory Burch maxi?

  49. Interesting outfit - not sure I would have put her in that cape with that skirt. The shoes really look awkward - I would have put her in a different shoe - one that is more stable and less of a pointed high heal. Poor Wills - will we ever get him out of his blue suits? He needs to branch out to tans when in a warmer climate - light gray would also be nice for a change.

  50. It is interesting to see where the Queen of Bhutan holds her hands and the Princess who met William and Catherine on arrival. Exact same position as Catherine's. William also always stands with his hands clasp in front of him. Maybe it is how the Royals are trained?

    1. The clasped hands position suggests to me a certain deference, appropriate for modern royal figures. Kate could at times drop her hands to her sides, especially if she is walking, but much of the time William is also holding his hands in front of him. Unlike his grandfather, who has always clasped his hands behind his back. That stance always seem to set Phillip a bit apart, distancing him from whatever is happening around him. The clasped hands in front seem to say "I am here to serve." It also prevents Kate from waving her hands around as she tends to do when talking animatedly. I wonder how experts in body language view these various hand positions.

  51. 14:34,

    I think Kate has come into William's kingdom for such a time as this. All of most of the criticisms of Kate aside, she is truly an asset to the royal family.

  52. The Queen is a gorgeous woman and she outshines even Kate here but Kate looks lovely

  53. First I was disappointed that William did not wear a traditional attire. But reading Rebecca S comment made me realise that , that will just open a whole can of worms about cultural appropriation esp during these sensitive times.

  54. Kate's outfit is nice. The colors complement her but I'm still not sure about the cut of the cape. Queen Jetsun is stunning! A natural beauty and poised. She gives Kate a run for the money.


    1. I think it is sort of rude and presumptuous to have visiting dignitaries participate in faith rituals that might not gel with their own faith.

    2. I was thinking the exact same thing. As a Christian I would be able to observe but never ever participate like Kate and William was expected to do. These things should be worked out before the time and perhaps William and Kate does not mind doing it but I would steer away from it.

    3. me also, 17:17, 17:41

  55. I think Jetsun's sister seemed more friendly and more natural.

  56. Sara from Canada14 April 2016 at 16:01

    Her hair is just lovely. Soft. Feminine.
    The cape looks somewhat forced in the outfit. . .it's a different regional styling. It felt confusing. Too bad she didn't go with something more basic for her top. Also, lavender is a very surprising colour for her. I wonder what made her pick that? Imagine Kate wearing the traditional outfit (with the striking colour) the Queen is wearing today. . .that would be a picture for the ages! I just keep imagining :)
    Did anyone else get a "Anna and the King" vibe today? It made me smile. I love their traditional dress so much. So beautifully modest. Some of the pics look like they could be dating back several centuries. . .and yet here we are today. I have such respect for nations upholding their traditional dress.
    But something jarring when I saw W & K lighting candles in the Buddhist temple. . .a type of homage to another deity. While many will say they were being respectful of their hosts, there is a different between respecting and participating in a spiritual ritual of a faith that is not allegedly theirs.
    Finally, I hope we get to see a pic of the royal baby prince!

    1. I agree. It would be more respectful to all if only those who are adherents participate in Buddhist ceremonies.

    2. I agree Sara, it was just wrong...but we don't know what Kate and William's religious affinities truly are. Prince Charles also said he wants to be a protector of faith not THE faith meaning the Christian faith. I was quite put aback at William and Kate so easily participating in another faith's practice. Observing is one thing, participating quite another.

    3. No deity as it is conceived by the Religions of the Book, for Buddhists. I am one (albeit by conviction rather than by birth) and I am not offended by their lighting the lamps.

    4. Those were my thoughts also on the Buddhist ceremony. I was surprised W&K actually participated.

    5. Buddists don't believe in a god or gods, so W &K were not compromising their religious affiliation. The lights are lit within monasteries to aid in meditation. Also, they are symbolic of enlightenment through illumination. It was an honor that they were allowed to light the butter lamps and in no way goes against Christianity.

    6. By that line of thinking, church weddings should be forbidden for those who are not of that particular denomination, never mind interfaith with two officiants, and no Christian should go to temple or to a mosque or participate in a seder, for example. I think one can show respect without embracing the views. A non Christian could participate in a church service, and not take communion, and I doubt any of you would look askance at it.

    7. Before this takes off into darkness let me inform you all as Cecilia stated above that there is NO DIETY in the lighting of the butter lamps. They symbolise light, harmony and wisdom. TRH did not pray to some other God. It was a symbolic gesture of good will. It is wise to read on such thing before commenting to the degree of 'they shouldn't have done that'.
      It is no different than a non Catholic lighting a candle at the Vatican. It does not make one a Buddhist nor does it take away from one who is Buddhist. Bhutan is deeply religious and there is no way that a non Buddhist would be allowed to participate in a sacred ritual if in fact it was sacred to them. This is symbolic. Harmony. I found it quite honoring to include TRH. I am bothered that some here find it offensive? Or wrong in some manner?


    8. Anonymous in Colorado14 April 2016 at 20:19

      I was raised in a dual religion household & I'm not offended by this. I took the act to be more symbolic than the butter lamps to welcome mindfulness & light into your state of being....but perhaps I'm way off on that assumption.

    9. I agree Cecilia. They're representing the Queen who is also Head of the Commonwealth. There are millions of Buddhists in the Commonwealth. It's simply a way of showing respect. The lighting of candles is also a ritual in the Christian church with much the same meaning as in Buddhism.

    10. Lighting butter lamps transforms matter into energy, and is symbolic of spiritual illumination, rather than an act of worshiping a deity. Prince Charles regularly joins Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, and other ceremonies, and he no doubt has encouraged William to do the same. I felt that William and Catherine's lighting fof lamps was an act of respect for the culture and people of Bhutan.

      The King wore his golden wrap only for the temple, therefore it must have Buddhist significance. Can anyone explain its meaning for his position in Bhutanese society and his Buddhist faith?

    11. I don't have a problem with W&K participating in the ritual. They did so willingly and out of respect.

      On the other hand, I do have a problem with the suggestion that William did something wrong by wearing a suit. He was dressed formally and respectfully as defined by his culture and it should be accepted as such. Nods are nice gestures, and Kate has done her fair share, but I do not believe they are mandatory. My two cents.

    12. Actually, it isn't a matter of preference for those Christians who take counsel from and follow the scriptures.

    13. They worship Buddha.

    14. How good to have so many knowledgeable people around here. :) Perhaps someone can answer a question I have having watched the Bhutanese TV coverage of William and Catherine’s arrival. It included footage of how they lit the butter lamps. They were given very slim candles which were first lit from a field of already burning candles/lamps(?). They then tried to light the butter lamps but this was quite tricky because it was so windy.

      They were also given a rather big flower display which they held for a moment before it was passed on to monks(?) who placed it I don’t know where but the Court Circular says that “… The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, with Their Majesties, afterwards [after the audience] received a Blessing in the Grand Keunray Hall Temple in Thimpu Dzong.” So here is my question: Does the above mean William and Catherine received a blessing because they offered candles and flowers?

      - Bhutanese TV also featured a very interesting extensive interview of Britain’s Honorary Consul (in local dress) about Anglo-Bhutanes relations. -

    15. Hi Francis, it is customary to give an offering before being blessed. The offering is symbolic of gratitude.

      I know this thread has sailed but I can't stand misinformation. Buddhists do not worship Buddha. They consider him a great man and aspire to his enlightenment. Buddhism is not a diety based religion because they believe the concept of a God induces fear and everything about Buddhism is the antithesis of fear.

  57. Oh my, it seems I might be the only one but I do not like this outfit at all. I think this is a nod too far. It's one thing to give a nod through using a local designer or pattern but this outfit is trying too hard to look like the traditional dress and Kate is not Bhutanese, she is British. Don't like it but still love the Duchess!

  58. I thought the outfit was stunning. Loved the cloth from Bhutan. Such beautiful weaving and the colors are magnificent. I'm still not sure how I feel about the cape. It's growing on me.

    Thanks, Charlotte!

    OH NO. Just saw Charlotte's tweet about a Rhino being killed in the park that Kate and William visited yesterday. That just sickens me and TRH must be devastated.

  59. Such an interesting outfit Kate picked for the welcome to Bhutan. There must be some good planning on pieces because I wouldn't have paired these two separates together but somehow, seeing the complete outfit I think it works really well.

    I love that cape and it looks warm and easy to move around in. The belt is a nice addition and adds structure to the outfit. I love the lavender color and agree it is a nice surprise she chose this color. Those earrings are quite lovely and so pretty. I think though we will not see them very often as she does not wear this color very often which will be a shame.

    The pictures from the archery event are priceless and both her and William look to be having a fantastic time. What stunning pictures from the welcome, the traditional procession, arrival at the airport, greeting the king and queen in the courtyard, lighting butter lamps, etc. What an absolute unique and inspiring experience.

    So glad I am getting to experience it through pictures.

    1. I agree Julia. Bhutan appears to be a feast for the senses. Fascinating photographs are coming from this portion of the tour.

    2. Sorry, Julie :-) I have been queen of the typos recently.

  60. I wonder if the Queen's shoes add more height to her than does Kate's add to her and, if so, maybe they didn't want her to appear too short next to Kate. Nitpicky and silly, I know, but I'm a short girl and sometimes photos look weird when I'm in a group of tall people.

    By the way, what a great "advertisement" for Bhutan. I'd never even heard of it before but have now been reading all aboit it because of this tour and would like to go there.

  61. Sarah Maryland USA14 April 2016 at 17:20

    I love this outfit especially because my favorite color purple is prominent especially those earrings I am in love!!

  62. I feel as if I'm always playing catch up on this tour. Their day is done and all posts are up before I can ever log on.

    I just love this this outfit. I love the colors and the styling. Wonderful western interpretation of western dress. So has been happily surprising me during this tour. Much of what she has worn has bern very "un Kate" but it suits her well.

    I am having serious envy over the earrings!

  63. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! This is my favorite outfit of the tour so far!! Love her hair today and the archery photos! Made me think of Queen Susan of Narnia :)

  64. Fantastic post Charlotte. What an amazing day! One small correction, if I may say so. I was initially appalled when I read that the 'baldy' chants were meant for William, but it was not so. In fact, when William and Kate took their turn at archery, the ladies were quiet out of respect. Those words were for rival archers in general. Sometimes certain royal reporters tend to get creative.

  65. i think kate looks so beatiful today,i think this is my second favorit dress the colors are stuning and the woven patterns are just breathtaking. my favorit is the black and white skirt and crop top. kates earings are gorguses,are they new? the king and queen are a very beatiful couple and seem like wonderful people. wow that throne room is really something else. thanks for the great pictures charlotte.

  66. So glad to see many wonderful comments. I really like Kate's skirt - the fabric is so beautiful. The cape is interesting and many of you like it. I would have gone with an amazing white blouse by a designer - something avant-garde - to mix up the look. However, it appears that it might have been cold so maybe the cape really worked for her.

    Those earrings - WOW! I'm in love with them. Wonderful to watch Will and Kate meet the King and Queen and their family. And interact with the children. I have always been interested in Bhutan so it's great to see some of the country and people.

    Elle in San Jose

  67. William needs an update to his wardrobe. All he seems to wear are blue suits. At times Kate looks so lovely, but his suit clashes with her. Someone should colour co-ordinate their outfits.

    1. I am surprised their PR team hasn't thought of that Mary. Oh wait. On second thought that doesn't surprise me.

  68. I liked the little peek of Rebecca Deacon sitting behind Kate at the archery demonstration. Charlotte, perhaps when the tour is over you could post more photos of Rebecca and the team on the our, if there are any? I'm always interested in what she's wearing and what's going on behind the scenes!

  69. My favourite part of the tour so far! The Bhutanese people are so beautiful, warm and welcoming! Love Kate's look - something completely different for her, looks great! Especially the gown for the evening - wow. And as an archer myself, very cool that they got to try a bit of archery :D

  70. Kate's form looked right on, Samantha. Was it?

  71. I just came across and watched an interesting documentary on Tshering Choden who was Bhutan’s first female archery player to compete at the Summer Olympic games, and apparently a role model for many Bhutanese young girls.

    The film includes plenty of beautiful landscapes, travelling in Bhutan, everyday life in Thimphu and remote villages, shopping for clothes :), school life, religious ceremonies, etc.: or

  72. Kiki McDonough sure does get a lot of business from the Cambridges. :)

  73. Tick offs after day 1-4 and departure I./arrival B./audience on day 5:)

    1 Catherine Walker / x McQueen / 1 Beulah / 1 Saloni or Erdem
    xxx?x x?x?x ?x nod to India / xx to Bhutan / (x) to Diana / 1 to the Queen
    xxxxx x fashionable / xxx classic / x simple / xxx (chic) casual
    xxx about knee-length / xx long / xxxx midi/maxi / xxx floor-length / +
    xxxxx xxx?xx new / ?x(x) repeat / (xxxx) bespoke / (xxxxx xxxxx) off the peg+
    xxxxx xxxx love/like it / xxxx interesting / 1 growing on me / 1 divisive
    ?xxxx xxxx dress / ?xx (suit) / x gown / x pair of trousers
    xxxxx high heels / xx flats / xx sandals / 1 boots / +++ / ?
    xxx up do / xxxx half-up / xxxxx xx down / 1 ponytail
    xxxxx xx jewelry repeat / 1 borrowed / xxxxx whow/new / (x) simple / ?


    x very good blend with colours of floor, surroundings, offered shawls - 1,4,7,9,10,12,13
    x literally local designer – 2,13
    x beautiful blend of feminine and (ethnic) chic casual - 2,(6),8,9,10
    x beautiful wedges - 2,8,10
    x very affordable earrings - 2,6,10
    x parallels between pre-tour reception and dress - 2,7,10,13?
    x Jenny Packham - 3 / Emilia Wickstead – 4,12 / Temperley - 5,7
    x excellent craftsmanship/standard - 3,7,13?
    x (multiple) symbolism/allusions - 2,4,6,7?,8,9, 12,13
    x new designer/label - 6,8,9,13

    xx no watch - 1,2,(3),4,5,(6),7,8,9,10,11,?,13
    (slowly but steadily increasing quality of the up dos - 3,7,10)
    x very honorable mention - The Duke of C - 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13



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