Friday 13 May 2016

Additions to Kate's May Calendar, a Special Anniversary for EACH, Kate Colouring Books & More

Hello and happy weekend!

We begin this evening's post with a look at the latest additions to Kate's calendar. In our last post we spoke briefly of the possibility the Cambridges would attend the Royal Windsor Horse Show for an evening, continuing celebrations of Her Majesty's 90th birthday. Royal correspondent Roya Nikkhah confirmed the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will indeed be joining the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and other royals on Sunday, 15 May for the event. A reminder for those living in the UK - it will be televised on ITV beginning at 8.35 pm. I'm sure it will be posted on YouTube and we'll add a link once it's available.

What we can we expect from the evening? More from ITV:

'The show will celebrate the Queen's love of horses, her dedication to the Commonwealth and international affairs and her deep involvement with the Navy, Army and ­­­­Air Force. There will be 900 horses and more than 1,500 people taking part to chronicle the Queen's birth, through to World War Two, her marriage, the Coronation and a reign of more than 60 years.'

The star-studded event features a host of well-known names including Katherine Jenkins, James Blunt, and husband and wife actors Imelda Staunton and Downton Abbey's Jim Carter will give a rare stage performance together.


Ahead of the night, Mr Carson Carter said:

'I think everyone's very appreciative and recognises the service that she gives. I mean, 90 years old, with the schedule that she works is just astonishing. I think there's a lot of affection for her, so we are thrilled and honoured to be part of the celebration.'

A word of warning, it will be presented by Ant & Dec. The cheeky duo received a mixed response from readers for their work on The Princes Trust documentary. :) Below we see the duo with their wives Lisa and Ali at Windsor for tea with the Queen earlier today.

On Friday, 20 May, the Duchess - royal patron of the 1851 Trust - will visit Portsmouth to see how the trust is using sailing and the marine industry to inspire young people in sport, education and technology. HRH will first launch the trust’s two flagship sailing projects for 2016 in partnership with UKSA and the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation, aimed at getting young people from diverse backgrounds into the sport. Afterwards she will meet people involved in the project, and see the boats that will be used for the sailing activity. Kate will then officially open the new 'Tech Deck' Education Centre.

The Palace also confirmed William and Kate will attend the RHS Chelsea Flower Show at the Royal Hospital Chelsea on Monday, 23 May. It marks the Cambridges first time to attend the show. Other royals in attendance on the day will include the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Harry, the Duke of York, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, Princess Anne, the Countess of Wessex, the Gloucesters, the Kents, Princess Alexandra, and the Duke of Kent.

More from the press release:

'On arrival the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will walk through a floral arch marking Her Majesty's 90th birthday, before being greeted by the President of the Royal Horticultural Society, Sir Nicholas Bacon. Her Majesty and His Royal Highness will tour the gardens and see displays including '5000 poppies', an Australian community tribute of remembrance for those who have served their country in wars and conflicts. Finally the royal party will attend a private reception at the newly named Queen Elizabeth II Pavilion.'

A look at the visual feast that is the Field of Poppies exhibit.

Photos from the flower show are always such a treat and this year will be no exception. One flower in contention for 'Flower of the Year' has a special connection to the Cambridges. The Princess Charlotte chrysanthemum has been produced by Dutch company Deliflor, the world's largest chrysanthemum breeder. It delivered a bouquet of the chrysanthemums to William and Kate shortly after Princess Charlotte's birth. The flower is helping Kate's patronage East Anglia's Children's Hospices to bloom, with the charity receiving 50% of all royalties from sales during the 2015/2016 season.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing so many royals together at the show.


Speaking of East Anglia's Children's Hospices, the charity celebrated a very special anniversary today - five years of care being delivered at The Treehouse in Ipswich.

East Anglian Daily Times

The Duchess sent a letter of congratulations in which she recalled officially opening the hospice in 2012 and praised the "diverse services" EACH is providing:


Many will recall Kate officially opening The Treehouse hospice in 2012. The Duchess gave her first public speech during the engagement, saying: "I have been deeply moved by the work of EACH’s dedicated staff – and by the environment of support for families. For me, EACH provides services which demand an unerring and passionate level of understanding, knowledge and sensitivity. I am extraordinarily grateful for the opportunity to be Royal Patron and I strongly encourage you to continue to support EACH’s invaluable work."

The special day celebrates five years since the hospice first opened it’s doors to families from across Suffolk and Essex. The Treehouse was built on St Augustine’s Gardens following a year-long fundraising appeal during which the local community helped to raise £3 million to build the state-of-the-art facility. Since opening, the hospice has continued to develop services and has revolutionised children’s hospice care across Suffolk and North Essex.

It's been a fabulous day of celebrations at the hospice. There's been stellar coverage of the day from local media and BBC Suffolk. EACH said: "We hope all of today’s coverage will inspire people to find out more about the services EACH provides and help us in any way you can!" Below we see EACH's director of care chatting with the BBC and the talented Treehouse Choir performing.

I do feel it was something of a missed opportunity for Kate not to be there today, or another event to mark the anniversary. In terms of spreading the word, it would have been an invaluable asset for the organisation. The Duchess is, however, expected to host a glittering fundraising gala for the organisation at Houghton Hall on the 22 June, which could raise a sizeable sum. It will be interesting to see if the gala is somehow connected to the anniversary or perhaps in aid of the charity's current fundraising endavour, the Nook Appeal.


I've noted before, EACH has always been a particularly special charity. It was one of Kate's first patronages, she gave her first speech in support of their efforts, and recorded her first video message for them. They do such amazing work. If you're interested in donating to mark the special day or purchasing something from their online shop please click here.

Moving on to a few brief fashion updates. UK customers can pre-order Kate's Petit Bateau stripe top by contacting customer service here. The top is available in very limited sizing in blue and white stripe at present.

Petit Bateau

Kate's Vintage Felt Fedora Hat from Beyond Retro Vintage Clothing can be pre-ordered for £38 here.


Kate's Paul and Joe embroidered cape is back in stock at Boutique 1.

Paul and Joe

The popular Reiss Rubik Coat is discounted from $620 to $429 in several sizes.


A reminder: if you wish to avail of the 20% discount code from Claudia Bradby, it is valid until 16 May. Simply enter HRHSS16 at the checkout.

Claudia Bradby


Finally, a reader got in touch earlier this week looking for a 'Kate colouring book' as a gift for her niece. Following a quick search, I noticed Kate Middleton Colouring Book, the Duchess of Cambridge Royal Fashion and thought I would share it in case it's of interest. It appears to be a very recent edition, with Kate's Temperley London 'Delphia' ensemble from the tour making the cover. Described as "wonderful fun for all ages", it's available for $8 at Amazon. The popular Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge Royal Fashions Coloring Book is another option available for $3.68. If you have either of the books, perhaps you would be so kind as to share a review for other readers.


And that's it for today. We'll see you Sunday night! :)


  1. Seems like a busy month for the Duchess! I'll look forward to your coverage like I always do.

    Those coloring books are adorable!

  2. Thanks for the update Charlotte,

    Not happy about Ant and Dec hosting again. Love the number of engagements coming up. Love the Princess Charlotte flower. The green and pink match her photo. (coincidence?) I think Kate should have been there for their anniversary, although that might have meant she would have to be there every anniversary. Please, please. No one buy that silly hat. :) Do yourself a favor. Don't buy that hat.
    The cape is better with skinny jeans. The only way to wear that I think. The way Kate wore it with the purple skirt was her worst outfit in my opinion.
    Please let us know, Charlotte, when and if the gala is confirmed, okay? :) They should have been taking reservations for that by now, don't cha think?

    1. Ha! Im buying the hat! I love it!

    2. oops. sorry, Erika. Not the hat for me. I am sure you will look beautiful. Your daughter will most likely grab that fast, no doubt.

    3. No worries:-) I guess its a love it or hate it hat.... and, yes, I'll be lucky to wear it twice. Catherine is a hat girl.

    4. Actually,kate's wearing that cape was brilliant. If you look at the clothes the Nepalese wear, it's a tribute to them precisely because of its pairing the Nepalese-style skirt but with a Western twist. A great move in terms of international relations. Think beyond the Isles.

    5. The cape in no way matched or enhanced that skirt, IMO. She can wear complimentary, pretty outfits and still promote goodwill. I agree that that outfit was Kate's worst. Don't think she put the outfit together, but she did wear it.

    6. I don't think she put that outfit together either 20:06. I don't think Kate has been dressing herself for quite a while and it shows. Maybe after the children are grown.

  3. Maggie - Minneapolis13 May 2016 at 22:33

    I am confused by the line in the letter that says "The Treehouse is not all about end of life care; it is often a very fun....". The whole reason hospice is an important issue to bring more attention and funding to is that end of life care itself is very important, and should INCLUDE things that make it fun and happy. The whole problem is that not everyone understands that, which is why many people think hospice is a secondary issue to medical "cures" or "treatments." I get the point this line is trying to make, but it does so very poorly, and is odd coming from someone who spent her first royal years focusing on championing the issue of children's hospices. End of life care should include, and not be considered separate from, promoting fun and happiness.

    1. Thanks Charlotte for letting us know about the coloring books. What a great thing to have available.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden13 May 2016 at 23:22

      I'm really looking forward to the upcoming engagements! :) Extra fun that alot of them are with the Queen :) And I am really, really, really looking forward to them starting Heads Together for real! I cannot wait to see that continue :)

    3. Rebecca - Sweden14 May 2016 at 00:42

      Haha, looks like both me and anon 23.48 accidentaly posted as a reply instead of a new comment :P Whoopsie!

    4. Glad to see your name here Maggie. I didn't think this letter was too poorly constructed, unlike previous ones. Well, other than the last sentence, which isn't a sentence; it's a phrase. :)

    5. I'm not sure if it's the same in the UK as in the US, but here pediatric hospice & palliative care are for children with life limiting illnesses, not just those who are actively dying. That may be what she's referencing.

    6. As Kate in KY said, the goal of hospice is improvung quality of life (rather than focusing on extending life). Since children die less often than adults but there are a great many medically fragile children, children's hospices have served to improve the quality of life for those children, even though they may be expectes to live more than the 6 months.

    7. Maggie - Minneapolis14 May 2016 at 06:06

      Haha bluhare, I actually had to read the last "sentence" twice because it was long and I thought I must have just missed the verb, but nope! :)
      The issue I have though is not so much about poor construction, like previous letters, although we may define poor construction differently. Sometimes the letters are just grammatically improper, etc., but this one imo just expresses a stereotype about end of life care that is really precisely the problem.
      Kate in KY - that could be it - I interpreted it the way I did because she follows it up with the idea of it being fun, etc., implying (to me) that that is the contrast she is trying to describe.

    8. Kate in KY and 2:57, similar interpretation here.

    9. I did the same thing, Maggie! Thought I'd missed the verb. I think I misunderstood; I thought you meant the letter wasn't worded properly. And perhaps it wasn't, but that isn't your point.

    10. Maryland Moxie15 May 2016 at 04:04

      Would this be the right place to say something about the "action" word missing in the last line of the letter? Because I would say: The action is missing! If this was the right place. I could say it further down, if you prefer. Let me know!

      Also, do we think Kate, the college graduate wrote it and her paid staff forgot to proofread it for her, or do we think the staff wrote and Kate, the college graduate, didn't notice the action was missing when she approved it?

      If I'm being verbose do let me know! Preferably in long sentences without action verbs.

    11. Victoria, Oregon15 May 2016 at 20:53

      I've read the last sentence over and over and can't find the verb. Seems like a colon should have come before the first word in the last sentence, making it the last part of the previous sentence.

  4. Maggie, I believe that the point the Duchess is trying to make is that it is NOT a "hospital" where people are often afraid to go, or worried about what they will see. Or that having children in a palliative care unit is unremittingly sad. I don't think she does it poorly at all. What can you say about a place where children WILL die? You can say, as the Duchess says, that their days are going to be as vital and fulfilling as possible. I feel that you tried to pick the letter apart and I feel you failed.
    Not that I don't agree with Charlotte that it would have been great if the Duchess had visited today. I hope that she does host a gala but, busy as her schedule is on Sunday and Monday, an informal (is there such a thing?) visit from the Duchess would have been terrific.

    1. I agree, Valerie. What Kate said was "carefully misconstrued".

      I don't think a visit was necessary though for the reason mentioned above.

    2. Her schedule isn't that busy. She goes to a concert Sunday evening; most of us would consider that a pleasant evening out. Monday she does an event with William and Harry. Not sure how long it will be but I doubt it will be all day.

    3. I agree Bluhare about her schedule.

      But why bother her with an engagement, when you can throw a party for them that sounds more fun.:-)

    4. Maggie - Minneapolis14 May 2016 at 06:26

      This is honestly why I don't post on this blog as much anymore. You can disagree with my point without making assumptions about my motives. Frankly, I don't care about Kate enough to spend time "trying to pick apart the letter." I do, however, care quite abit about hospice care. I've worked in hospice since I was 16 in various capacities, and it's a huge reason I decided to go to medical school actually. I also have cancer, so not to make things awkward or depressing, but hospice is highly relevant to my life because of the high likelihood that within 5 years, it may be the only option left for me. I've also watched some close friends who I met in the hospital go through end of life care, and I've seen how amazing good end of life care can be for terminally ill patients and their families. So no, I was not trying to "pick apart" Kate's letter. Or hell, who knows, maybe I was. I resent being told that I shouldn't think seriously about what is said about hospice care, given my life situation. You obviously couldn't have known that I have cancer, but that is exactly the point. None of us know much about other posters. That's why it is silly and rude to make assumptions about the motives of posters and what they have said.

      As for the actual disagreement about my interpretation - yes, hospice is undoubtedly an incredibly sad concept. Absolutely yes, Kate should try to promote EACH by saying it is good at making something inevitably sad still have fun moments, etc. But my point is that that IS a huge part of end of life care. Kate implies it is separate, when actually hospice is very holistic, or should be. A huge reason that hospice care doesn't always get the funding and support it needs is because people see it as giving up, and not as both an integral part of medicine and also an important concept that helps ensure that people are not forced to do unnecessary treatments that cause pain and have no chance of succeeding - a common problem due to a highly medicalized society. Making their lives vital and fulfilling is part of end of life care, so to say that allowing fun and happiness makes EACH not all about end of life care promotes a dangerous stereotype that furthers the issue that people do think of end of life care as depressing and don't recognize the incredible help it provides patients with terminal illness and their families to cope with an incredibly difficult situation. Is this is a huge deal? No, most people won't even read this letter. But I found it an odd and somewhat inaccurate thing for a patron of a hospice to say.

    5. What might look busy to them might not be busy to you. We can't compare such things because every job comes with it's challenges

    6. I agree, Valerie.

      A positive, out of the box outlook would be nice.

    7. Maggie, as you say I could not have known you have cancer. My mother and sister both died of it 20 years apart and I have followed palliative care closely since me days at McGill. Several of my friends are cancer survivors. am not a doctor and I have only had a cancer scare so my experience of staring hospice in the face was only as a relative and a friend.
      I did not mean to offend you but you will notice that I said "I feel that you..." My feelings are my own and, despite your post, I still stand by what I wrote. Everything is individual including how one faces end-of-life. To fault someone for trying to articulate their feelings about it, whether as a fighter, an accepter or an observer, is not nice in my books. I am not faulting you for your emotions, I just don't agree with criticizing someone for trying to be helpful to the hospice cause. I well remember the early hospice pioneers when it was called palliative care so trust me I understand. With respect, Val from Montreal originally (Royal Victoria Hospital)

    8. Maggie, if wishing makes it so, hospice will not be an for you within five years because you will not need it because better treatment will be available for you. Or, better yet, because you are in remission.

    9. I second bluhare's wish for you Maggie.

    10. Hospice will not be an OPTION for you, Maggie! Sheesh. Glad you could understand me, Erika. :)

    11. Oh Maggie I am so sorry :( I'm also so sorry that this (what I see as a misunderstanding) happened about something so painfully close to home. You are Very Brave & Thank you for opening up & Sharing about yourself & your journey!:( Sadly too many if us have been touched by Cancer or other debilitating or terminal illnesses, personally as individuals or as family, friend, or caregiver.:( I am Sending Prayers Your Way & will think of you often, as you have taught me something today! God Bless & I Hope you will continue to Post & Keep in touch with us! Becca:)

    12. bluehare @23:10
      That is a very good thought which will most likely happen.

      I have the same sincere wish for you. Keep the faith, and being in the medical field hopefully is a plus in this case.

    13. I hope for you Maggie, I hope – like Bluhare says – that your life will be good for a long long time: thank you for saying about your situation. I understand why sometimes in your words there is kind of a bitter aftertaste. You are right, we don't know a lot about each other, we are just few lines written in a blog.

    14. Me too. I wish you a quick recovery, Maggie!

    15. Maggie, I agree that it is difficult to comment on this blog if you aren't positive about Kate. I like seeing comments that are both positive and negative (in a constructive way). Seeing only positive comments all the time feels like "fluff". No one is perfect (not even Kate).

      I enjoy reading your feedback. Please continue to comment either way you feel as it offers different points of view, which makes the comment section more interesting.

    16. Maggie, best wishes on gaining strength. Positive thoughts can do wonders to help. It is a proven fact. I know it isn't easy to sometimes think positive thoughts when dealing with challenges, but the effort has great dividends.

    17. If necessary,to prove this comment section is not weighed down with positive Kate remarks,("fluff", I believe you called it, Claudia) I would be happy to give a brief summary on request of non-favorable or
      inaccurate comments about Kate the last few posts. They are what drive the comment section and serve to boost responses.

      Maggie,I posted a supportive comment for you, but apparently it has not shown
      up yet. I remember when you first talked about your cancer
      some six months-year ago. As I recall, commenters were very supportive at that time,too. The fact that you continue with medical school and hospice volunteering in the midst of treatments,tests, and doctor appointments is
      nothing short of amazing.

  5. I kinda agree with an earlier poster who noted that even though it would have been expected of her to visit EACH on their anniversary it's better it didn't happen because then everyone would be expecting a visit on every anniversary. Similar to the whole saint Patrick s day mess.

    1. I see. So better to not go at all rather than have people think you may visit again. Sorry, but I thought that was the whole point of being a patron -- visiting to raise the charity's profile enabling them to raise more money.

    2. This she did not go for "this reason" is all speculation so to comment on this speculation as though it was fact that she did not go to not raise expectations is....there many valid reason for her not going, end of story:)

    3. She actually hasn't visited EACH since 2012, so no worries about her setting up any expectations there.

    4. Maggie - Minneapolis14 May 2016 at 06:29

      The St. Patrick's event is something full of historical tradition that dates back to long before Kate's participation. It was expected of Kate because for longer than Kate has been alive, a female royal has attended almost every year. That's why it was shocking that Kate didn't go.
      EACH is having a big celebration this time because it's a 5 year anniversary. I don't think they'll do something as big every single year, again, unlike the St. Patrick's day event. Also wasn't the whole point of her having much fewer charities than most royals that she can focus on a few things? If she had as many patronages as most royals, yeah she can't visit for an anniversary every year. But she has so few patronages there is actually no reason she couldn't make time, at least for now, every year.

    5. Yes and thats my opinion. You can't talk like she doesn't have other days in the year to visit them. Besides if the rumours happen to be true, she will be raising money for them soon.

    6. What is the point of having a patron, royal or not, if they can't or won't be expected to do things especially on important dates and or situations that help the organisation?


    7. St. Patrick's Day is an entirely different situation already established by the Queen Mum, etc. and Kate.

    8. There was a lot of Royal stuff on this week Invictus Prince William on male suicide and the Barnado homes and all the birthday celebrations. If Catherine had gone it would have been all about the clothes she was wearing. The timing was bad for EACH.

    9. If the subject of St Patrick's Day is making a reappearance, may I point out the irony of citing the "female tradition" angle by those who would be the first to complain about sexism.

    10. It was their 5th anniversary, with BBC there. Not "other days in the year". Doesn't matter why she didn't go -- she didn't go. She wasn't anywhere else either.

      It's always about the clothes as far as Kate is concerned. There have been people here on this blog complaining when the conversation goes away from fashion for too long. You've no idea how much I wish for something from Kate that isn't about the clothes, or looking pretty or posing for a few photos.

      How unthinking for EACH to have their anniversary during a week of other royal engagements. If Kate had gone, that anniversary celebration would have been on the front page of most British media sites. And perhaps the families of those who are having or have had care provided by EACH would have been grateful to see the exposure she brings them.

    11. My point was just that the focus would not have been on the achievements of wounded servicemen and the also important issue of male suicide.

    12. The focus wasn't on male suicide much anyway, alimai. I don't think Kate going would have made any difference to that. I do agree it's important, though, please don't get me wrong there. Anything that helps others deserves a spotlight of its own.

    13. Courtney from NC15 May 2016 at 00:11

      I think she meant that it just ended up bad timing that the Invictus Games fell around the anniversary and not that EACH should have changed the date.

    14. That pesky EACH dared to have an anniversary the same week when Harry and his hard working bro is out and about! What a poor choice they made! Really? I should think the royals are grown ups and can handle more than one issue per day. More in the news the better. This explanation for me makes no sense.


      That is a great,spot on question!

    15. For what it's worth, this blog post was the only place I saw EACH's anniversary mentioned - I have no doubt that if Kate had actually attended an event to mark the event, there would have been a more prominently featured story in a newspaper, or a Twitter post. Unfortunately the level of interest she used to garner for an appearance has mostly faded away, but her rare appearances do at least still get press coverage, which is more than a lot of other royals can say. I agree it was a missed opportunity.

      I also thought it was a missed opportunity when it came to the Invictus Games - how come no one from the royal family came to support Harry?? I know Camilla and Charles and others attended the first games in the UK, but Kate had to miss them due to morning sickness - what a show of support it would have been for her and William to come to Florida for a day or two of these games. Harry did an amazing job and has earned a lot of well-deserved kudos and goodwill for his work. I hope the Cambridges can find a way to tap into the same kind of energy that is motivating Harry these days

  6. hmm really disappointed to ant and dec will be hosting... hmm I love the idea of the letter lot kids are afraid hospital looking forward on sunday

    1. Tammy from California14 May 2016 at 04:07

      I agree about Ant and Dec Bluefire... I think only they think they are funny.

    2. That is a good way to put it Tammy.

  7. Alejandra Ramírez14 May 2016 at 00:50

    Great recap of events! Thank you for the amazing work!
    It's going to be an interesting month!
    Oh I agree with you, it would have been nice to see her today but maybe she didn't want to move the focus from the organization to herself. Who knows?
    See you on Sunday! :D

    1. Erika, is your daughter "too old" for a Kate fashion coloring book? (hopefully, not) :)

    2. Courtney, you still going strong? (hopefully, yes)

    3. She might be anon 17:54 but Im not:-)

    4. I think Kate might have dressed Princess Charlotte in pink and put her on a green chair for that photo in honor of and in reference to the flower created in her name.

    5. lol, Erika. I am adult and I love to color. It helps fill the time when you are waiting in the car for someone, etc.

    6. 21:38, I agree. In fact I have added that to my list of "Kate things".

    7. Yes, anon 22:41, coloring can be very relaxing and the perfect thing to do when one is too tired or stressed to read. I got hooked when my mom had an illness that involved a lot of waiting at appointments. At that time, I finished a Victorian home coloring book and had a blast (and a lot less anxiety than I would have ordinarily had).

  8. Sarah Maryland usa14 May 2016 at 02:54

    Again I'm glad Kate acknowledged the EACH anniversary but again disappointed that she didn't take the extra step to actually visit an EACH hospice or do some sort of event
    Looking at all the good prince Harry has done for wounded vets with the invictous games it shows how much having a royal sponsor can make things a success
    That is the thing that annoys me about Kate. She is a globally recognized person and if I were here I would be doing as much as I can for the charities I
    Patroned sending the letter is fine but to actually go out and do something would be more meaningful
    It amazes me their PR team doesn't advise her to do that

    1. Sarah - 100% agree with you. I oftentimes wonder why Kate misses opportunities like this?

  9. This is a colouring book I bought in London a while ago. It's a bit simpler if, like me, you're not great at anything arty. The others look so detailed and pretty though

  10. Charlotte, I want to thank you for saying it would have been a good thing had Kate paid a visit today. I think it took some guts, given your audience here, and I hope it doesn't mean you've had to put your asbestos suit on and do some intensive moderating.

    Patrons raise awareness because of their profile. Bringing attention to herself also brings attention to the organization because she has deemed them worthy. So for the life of me I cannot understand why NOT going is better than going.

    We've seen this week what someone with influence and passion can do. I don't expect that of Kate; not for a second, because she has to be true to herself, and I don't see her as someone who can be as public as Harry was this week. But surely she can do better than a letter.

  11. Tammy from California14 May 2016 at 04:06

    Well I love horses AND the Queen, so I am beaming!

    By the way, I thought I would mention for fun: I am a teacher and dressed up in a tiara and t-shirt of HRH for school on the day of her 90th birthday. I wore giant chandelier type diamond earrings and sang the British National Anthem all day.
    She and I had a moment of fun together.

    1. cute, Tammy. I don't find that strange at all. :)

    2. That is funny Tammy. :) What did your students think of all that? I still have my tiara from the Royal wedding day, btw.

      What grade/subject do you teach?

    3. Tammy - that is so cute!
      In America did the kids even know about the Queens 90th or the British anthem? i am just curious.

  12. Those red poppies all appear to be hand knitted. It would b interesting to know who designed them and who knitted them.

    The Princess Charlotte chrysanthemum is a lovely, delicate combination of colors. I can imagine its honoree someday including it in her wedding decorations. :-)

    1. Interesting explanation about the poppies:

  13. I'm looking forward to the engagements. And I may be in the minority, but I am totally okay with Ant & Dec hosting. :)

    On a fashion note, although I'm not a cape gal, I do like it better with jeans.

    And the books are adorable! I like to give books as presents (most people have toys and clothing covered, lol) so my next stop is Amazon! ;)

    1. The cape is incredible with jeans!

      I admit that I still have my Princess Diana paper dolls that were given to me on my 10th birthday. The Kate coloring books are too cute. I think I'm headed toward Amazon  as well.

    2. Erika, Amazon has other Kate coloring books as well. (And should I admit to having the sheep sweater and Souleiado bag?) ;)

    3. You should absolutely admit it, royalfan :-)

    4. Royalfan, I think Charlotte should get a cut of the colorbook profits.

      My granddaughter is getting too old for colorbooks. I don't know what excuse I'm going to use now. ha!
      What's wrong with the sheep sweater?

    5. Yes, 00:27, Charlotte should get a cut.

      And there's nothing wrong with the sweater. :) It's a nice reminder of one of my first trips to London.

  14. I'm confused. If the Treehouse was officially opened, by Kate, in March 2012, how is it that they are celebrating their 5th anniversary? Was it operating for a year before the Official Opening?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden14 May 2016 at 20:41

      The official opening is usually not the same as when they open. Think like the Queens birthday. Her real birthday is in April, but it's not celebrated with the official shenanigans until the summer.

    2. That's correct, Rebecca. The EastAnglia newspaper article explains this.I think
      the establishment of the site was one date and the initiation of the fundraising project another date. Something like that. ( not an imcomplete sentence, the "it is" is understood,)

      By the way-saw the new little Prince Alexander pictures with Sophia and -is it
      Carl Phillip? Absolutely beautiful. Very emotional.Apparently, he took the first
      newborn photos of the baby.

  15. Thanks Charlotte for the detailed post. I love it when we see K&W take on more royal engagements for the first time. It would have been nice to see Kate attend the anniversary celebrations but she is supporting EACH in different ways. A % Proceeds from the PC mum are going to EACH. If true, she will be hosting a gala to raise funds for them.

    I think the letter is fine IMO. Like Kate from KY said families using services are there for different reasons. Support for those individuals can take many forms.

    Looking forward to the coming weeks.

    BTW - the TV coverage of the Invictus games here in the US was wonderful. I hope the commentary here were able to see some of the games. So inspiring and motivating individuals/stories! They are true heros.

  16. You know how I am positive about Kate, but I think that not going today was a miss. Kate chose to have few charities as to be able to follow them better: it is difficult to understand why she didn't appear at such an important celebration of one of her first charities. Who knows, she has surely some good reason, but it doesn't appear. I think that, from now on, she might establish some tradition of her own, as she represents RF – and a Royal Family is there especially for traditions!

    Princess Charlotte Chrysanthemum is so beautiful!

  17. Her letter is appropriate and clear to understand, for those who wish to understand.

    Calling the Queen's birthday extravaganza a "concert" is a bit disingenuous.

    If you want to know what the staff of EACH think of Catherine's efforts, read the
    local paper. They certainly did not anticipate her making a personal visit at this busy time. I'm sure they realise the anniversary coincides with HM's celebrations this year. They seem quite content with her efforts. It is the opinion of the staff and their clients that counts, not some Kate commenter's
    .She will also be representing EACH at the flower show and we have no idea how else
    until we learn later she has been quietly busy behind the scenes.
    I was wondering where a few of our commenters had disappeared to.It is getting harder to
    find things to pick on, but she ended with a phrase in her letter, so there's that.

    1. Tammy from California14 May 2016 at 20:33

      Okay, your last line made me laugh out loud.

    2. Tammy from California14 May 2016 at 20:43

      Anti-establishment on a blog about a royal family. One will never convince the other and so round and round it goes.

    3. Your last line is classic. Some people look for anything to pick on and don't consider the many different things that could be going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to. I love Kate and think she is doing a great job.

    4. There you go again, marg. You are nothing if not predictable. Quit being a coward and post under a name.

      Regarding concert: The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration takes place in the private grounds of Windsor Castle in the evenings of 12th – 15th May 2016. Visitors can expect to enjoy a spectacular programme of music, song, dance and equestrian displays. Each evening the event will be attended by a member of The Royal Family, with HM The Queen attending on the final evening.

      That description is from the official site of her birthday celebration and it sounds like a concert to me. Perhaps I should have called it an Entertainment Extravaganza. Either way, Kate isn't participating in it, just watching, so I hope she and William have a very pleasant evening's entertainment.

    5. ps- as I read the newspaper from a few days ago and Charlotte's text, it is
      actually the five year mark of the fund-raising effort and next year will be
      five years since Kate did her part in 2012 opening of Treehouse.
      It looks like all the hysteria was a bit pre-mature.

      We need to stop and take a breath, think a bit, check the facts before we commense with the censure.

    6. We don't know whether Kate was invited to attend the Each anniversary. We also don't know what effect her hospice visits have had for her. Too many unknowns to justify criticism.

    7. Of course the staff at EACH are not going to say anything about Kate not attending (even if they think it). They need and want Kate's continued support.

      I think that if the comments on this blog are reflecting a disappointed in Kate (not attending the 5 year anniversary) is really saying something as the commenters here tend to lean more positive than negative. The British public has got to feel similar, which really does count.

      In regards to the letter, Kate probably didn't write it, so she can remain a perfect 10 in your book. ;)

  18. I don't get the issue with Ant and Dec, I thought they did just fine!
    Louise, Bath UK

    1. I would prefer other hosts for that also.

    2. I liked them, too, Louise--they're often speaking everyone's thoughts out loud!

    3. I enjoyed them when I watched the Princes Trust documentary. Their humor made what could have been a "dry" documentary more relatable.

  19. For those in the US who have not seen The Queen at 90 program, the Smithsonian Channel is airing a 2 hour special tomorrow, May 15, at 8pm eastern.

  20. Tally V, Oxfordshire15 May 2016 at 07:37

    Ant and Dec aren't serious broadcasters but very professional/ good at their job and a good choice for a lighter, less serious touch. They are well respected in the UK, a bit of a national treasure really.
    I think they were intentionally chosen, perhaps for a less serious angle/future generation coming in perspective rather than choosing someone like Fiona Bruce or Kirsty Young.

    Of course, everyone has different taste though!

  21. Like some others I am disappointed that Ant and Dec are hosting the Windsor function I thought they spoilt the programme featuring the Prince's trust.
    I feel that Kate should have attended the Treetops Hospice anniversary I cannot understand why she appears to have discarded her real support for the hospice movement since Charlottes birth prior to that she was very supportive of the Hospice movement bot at home and on her overseas tours of Australia and Malaysia making speeches at both overseas hospices. Just because there is this drive on mental health, which I fully support, should not mean that she discards interest in her other patronages only a few of whom have had a visit of any sort since her return she has few enough to cover so should not be particularly onerous. She almost gives the impression that she is not overly supportive of or maybe interested in charitable work. She certainly needs to widen her interests.
    I must admit I have wondered how long it would be before W&K made an appearance at Chelsea they are the only senior royals who have not been to Chelsea I wonder if a first appearance at Royal Ascot will follow?! and whether William will attend a garden party this year? In the meantime I look forward to watching this evenings concert on TV and W,K,& H on Monday at the official launch of Heads Together

  22. The Mirror has a cute little spoof video of William and Kate shopping for lingerie for the Queen's birthday. Love Kate's outfit.

  23. Victoria, Oregon15 May 2016 at 21:02

    This is a link to a 40-second clip of the Queen arriving tonight at the celebration, and you can see Kate at the 30 second mark and beyond. Can't wait to read your post on this, Charlotte. I, for one, can't ID what she's wearing, but it's patriotic.


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