Saturday 1 October 2016

The Cambridges Bid Farewell to Canada!

The Cambridges' eight-day tour of Canada concluded this afternoon when the family arrived at Victoria Harbour seaplane terminal.

Below, the Cambridges leaving Government House which served as their base throughout the week.

There was a loud cheer as William, Kate, George and Charlotte arrived at the terminal.

When George stepped out of the car he couldn't resist giving a big wave to everyone.

Ahead of their departure Kensington Palace released a statement from William reading: "Catherine and I are incredibly grateful to the people of Canada for the warmth and hospitality they have extended to our family over the last week. We have loved our time in British Columbia and Yukon and will never forget the beautiful places we have seen and the many people who have been kind enough to come to welcome us in person."

The statement continued "We feel very lucky to have been able to introduce George and Charlotte to Canada. This country will play a big part in the lives of our children and we have created such happy memories for our family during this visit. Canada is a country of optimism, generosity and unrivalled natural beauty. I hope we have helped all Canadians celebrate what makes this country great. We will see you again soon."

To mark the end of the visit Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the Government of Canada's official gift of a donation of $100,000 to be divided between two worthy initiatives. The first 50K will go to Prince's Charities Canada and the second contribution will be given to the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia (where William and Kate visited on day two). The press release concludes: "Canada looks forward to more visits from Their Royal Highnesses, especially during the upcoming celebrations to mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation." The anniversary takes place next year and the statement has prompted speculation a return to Canada may be very much on the cards for the Cambridges in 2017. However, reporters believe the statement referred to other members of the royal family.

Charlotte smells a bunch of flowers given to Kate.

Charlotte enjoys a look around.

Governor General David Johnston said goodbye to George.

Charlotte's perfecting her royal wave already :)

Our lovely reader Mellie was there and shared this photo.

George was eager to get onboard.

On the float plane, the Cambridges will enjoy a private tour of the south end of the island before returning to London.

Adorable close-ups of the little prince and princess.

And they're off...

An arrival video from Rebecca English.

And an adorable gif of George waving. :)

Moving onto what Kate wore today.

The Duchess wore a cream coat by Catherine Walker. It appears to be a bespoke piece featuring a princess silhouette and front flap pockets.

The Duchess wore a pleated dress underneath.

And her £175 L.K. Bennett Floret shoes.

L.K. Bennett

Kate accessorised with the Queen's Maple Leaf Brooch. It seemed entirely fitting to wear the brooch, which is steeped in royal history, for the departure as she also wore it on arrival. Aesthetically speaking, it really sparkled against her cream Catherine Walker coat.

Her Cartier Ballon Bleu watch.


And Annoushka pearls with Kiki McDonough hoops.


Before we leave you, it feels appropriate to include a word of thanks. Firstly to three very talented royal photographers James Whatling, Andrew Parsons and Stephen Lock who outdid themselves providing a stellar selection of images throughout the tour. Also a thank you to the royal press pack who shared info, quotes, photos and videos all the way: Rebecca English, Victoria Murphy, Richard Zussman, Richard Palmer, Emily Andrews, Chris Jackson, Mark Stewart and the team behind Canadian Heritage who did an outstanding job. The wonderful royal community on Twitter and my fellow Kate bloggers with whom I thoroughly enjoyed 'live covering' events as they unfolded. Most importantly, and with enormous gratitude, thank you to each and every one of you who followed the tour on this blog: longtime readers and those who just joined us this week. It's been such fun to see your reactions to, and thoughts on, events and looks not to mention the invaluable participation from Canadian readers who saw the couple and shared first-hand accounts.

What did you think of the tour overall?  What were your highlights? We'll be back with our end of tour polls and much more next! :)


  1. Rebecca - Sweden1 October 2016 at 23:27

    What an ending! Double waves! Walking! Charming everyone! Matching but not matching! Basically dressed as the UK flag! Adorable to the maximum. A great ending to a great week!!! And even small handshake for George and the GG!

    I really liked this creme/navy/cranberry colourcombination. Very pretty! Also gotta love Kate for getting one last wearing out of the brooch for this tour even if you could barely see it! (Also very nice coat with alot of rewear possibility)

    Tour well done, and so happy to have been able to "follow them on their adventures"!

    Thank you Charlotte for all the great work you've done to keep us updated and informed!

    1. I agree Rebecca. Picture perfect ending. The coat is beautiful and I don't even mind the nude shoes with it. Nice photo opportunity with the children.

      I'm not sure how I feel about this tour. It was great and I am so happy that the children were included but something was off for me and I can't put my finger on it. It seemed to lag maybe, not find a rhythm if that makes any sense. Someone suggested that it was a bit lackluster, maybe that is it. The clothes a little more hit or miss than usual? Im not sure. Perhaps one of the comments here will resonate with me as to why.

      Anyway, thank you, Charlotte, for all your hard work. I enjoyed following the tour with you.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 02:38

      What was wrong was the political bit. It was clear that they were ponds in a bigger scheme, it was also more speeches and less photogenic opportunities. The clothes I think I was on par (or better) than the tour. Also, they are not riding on the "newness" wave anymore, we have seen it before :)

    3. I agree with you Erika. In terms of looks and clothes this one was a blockbuster. Kate looked stunning each time and her outfits for once, were completely flawless. Minus the low ponytail (would have preferred the high one) I can't think of anything I would change. The arrival and departure coats look so luxe and gorgeous- what you would expect a British princess to be wearing !
      However, in terms of the tour - I couldn't find the rhythm either. It seemed to be a disjoint set of sightseeing put together and some facetime with First Nations people. It left me slightly bewildered and I also don't know what to think of it. There was nothing wrong with it, but seemed to lack coherence or something. I can't put my finger on it either.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 03:58

      I think it can be that it was no clear thread throughout the tour. First was very heavy on politicians the first 2-3 days. Then it was alot of nature and First Nations. Then the Kids day. Then another nature+Nations day, and then a classic "away day" with their own charities etc. It was rather "blocky" in it's layout.

    5. I think it was both the really really high level political aspect along with the typical Royal Tour aspect that made it an odd combination. Plus Catherine and William are really being jumped ahead in what they have been doing:) Not that they are too young but I just think with the Queens age and maybe some health consideration over the last year, stuff has been fast forwarded from what Kate and William had been expecting or prepared for. There has been a huge shift in the last 6 months. Having been involved in a large extended family, this shifting and adjusting is to be expected, but their family I think it is a shock...

    6. Erika, and 03:51,

      Hello..... William and Kate did not plan the itinerary ya'll.

      William and Kate DID NOT plan the itinerary.

    7. Great departure in style, this coat is Perfect.

      As to the tour, you feel a lack of " scheme", and too packed.

      Thanks to Charlotte to the usual incredible work.

    8. I agree that something is tugging at me too, but not on W&K's part! It seemed to me like one of those "awkward family moments" that can happen at a big dinner or holiday function, where there are undercurrents or "inside" conflicts or agendas, but everyone glosses over it so as to not put on a bad face for "The Guests". In this scenario, "The Guests" (who did nothing wrong & everything right) were Will & Kate. I'm not knowledgeable enough about the deep & varied agendas between all the Canadian Political Players.... but that said, Will & Kate lifted up the whole week & poured themselves into every event & treated everyone (especially the First Nations) with great respect along with their characteristic warmth & graciousness. Admitting I'm not fluent in Canadian Politics & History..... but with what little I did pick up this week? I think Trudeau is deserving of a slap on the wrist for seemingly using W&K & The Kids as Pawns for his Government, wanting to put on a show that all is much smoother with regard to The First Nations, than it really is. I'm not sure if The Premier gets lumped in too?
      Now to Will, Kate & The Kids...... They all were Amazing! I loved Everything She wore, I loved how Kate & Will were dressed to compliment each other, including All The Thoughtful "Kate Things"! I love how Adorable George & Charlotte were (& how Kate coordinated their outfits too) Such a Treat to see The Cambridges Interacting as The Sweet Family They Are! :) If there was something off, I don't believe it was on W&K's part At All! As far as I feel, This Tour was Wonderful & They Shined a Light on Situations, People & Parts of Canada's Amazing Beauty That Were New To Many of Us Around The World! Bravo! Well Done! I Really love how, despite whatever was going on behind the scenes, W&K rose above & stuck to what they were there for & did it Amazingly Well & Enjoyed Themselves along the way! They Truly Are A Jewel In The Crown! :) Thank you Again Charlotte for Your Trademark Amazing Quality Coverage! :) xo

    9. Yes! I was reading today's post and got a shock: 8 day tour? Was it really that long. To be honest it felt a bit on repeat, as Anon says lots of facetime with First Nations people. Ceremony, photos, look at the landscape, goodbye.
      While a very important cause to those people and Canadians, I felt the tour was off balance. It was missing the energy and variety of previous tours.

      However. Arrival and departure outfits, and that red dress! Perfect! Casual looks, for me were a bit "colonial chic"; putting on a safari jacket going to check out the colonies... Not sure it sent the right message given the obvious agenda of the tour.

    10. Can someone explain to me what you all a referring to aboutthe political aspect of the tour? I'm not al all clued up with Canadian politics.

    11. Agree on the safari jacket. Quote out of place, and an awful colour too.

    12. The "off" vibe that many mention, was the lack of balance in time spent with the Aboriginal people. Those beyond Canada may have had the impression that there are huge numbers of First Nations people living on reserves in B.C. In actual fact, according to the census figures available, only 5% of the population of B.C. are Aboriginal. Only 27% of them live on reservations. So yes, it was not balanced for 95% of the province's population.

      Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party are working hard to elevate the status of the First Nations' people and their claims that they are treated unfairly. Much work is needed on both sides to bring a resolution...if that is even possible. Trudeau has been accused of using Will and Kate's visit for PR purposes. Whether or not that is true, is open to discussion, but the perception was there.

      Nevertheless, the Duke and Duchess took the high road and were warm, gracious and friendly to all.

    13. Rebecca, I agree about the political under currents of this tour, and, although that must be a factor for every tour they take, it was evident in Canada. End result being a lot of the same without the kind of diversity we are used to. It ties into Julia's comment about too many similar engagements contributing to a feeling that everything just blended together.

      Anon 6:12, no, no, I'm not criticizing the Cambridges. Something was off in tbe way things were scheduled and/or executed. Plus, I agree with Rebecca Sweden and Becca USA that there was something going on beneath the surface that threw things off.

    14. Anon 16:09, looking back, I agree that there was a balance and varety issue that makes it seem flat. It will always be a strange tour to me. I know it's not the case but it felt much more just thrown together than any of the other tours.

    15. To Anonymous 6:12,
      William and Kate may not have planned the entire itinerary themselves but they definitely had a lot of say about it. When the itinerary was announced, one of the British papers (NOT the DM, a more reliable one) had a great article about how royal tour itineraries are planned. The host country suggests X, Y and Z and the royals can say "We like the sound of X and Y but not Z and how about this instead" so there's some back and forth, some give and take and some negotiating.

      Of course Trudeau has his agenda but so does the Royal Family. They need to reach out to the Commonwealth and spread goodwill. And for those saying that this tour wasn't "engaging" enough, I think you can blame both both sides equally. (And for the record, I loved this tour.) Some say there was too much "sitting and listening"...well, William and Kate could have given more speeches instead of just sitting and listening. They could have attended one or two more evening events for those wanting a tiara or more formal wear. But they negotiated in private family time, as is their right. But according to "sources", the children won't be joining them for any more tours for a long while so this won't be an issue for quite some time.

    16. One thing I did notice was that their days were relatively short compared to other tours. So they would start around noon and finish by early evening - 4-5 hours each day. I am sure the reason was because the kids were along and they wanted to spend the morning and evenings with the kids. That, along with many similar engagements and many "sitting around" kind of events thrown in did make it seem like one engagement instead of many days.
      I hope this won't offend people, but personally I find it a bit strange that even on a tour the Cambridges try to maintain the semblance of a "normal" family life by clustering the days like that. People do travel, and they do spend time away from their children - kids grow up fine. It wouldn't traumatise the kids for life if they had a few evening engagements and Maria or the staff put the kids to bed for a few days !

  2. Those children are adorable. The family looked beautiful. I bet they are happy to relax on the journey home. What a fun week. Thank you Charlotte for giving us all a birds eye view of the tour. As I mentioned earlier, I won't soon forget that gorgeous red Preen cocktail dress, and how magnificent Kate looked that evening. When I watched the videos, throughout the tour, I was struck with how beautiful and charming she is. Also it is so obvious the great love they have for each other, and their two children. They are a credit to their country and Queen. Diana is smiling.

  3. Charlotte looks just like great-grandma in the third photo. She is so adorable!

    1. Yes, that's what I thought aus well. Looks like the Queen!

  4. Ok Charlotte You Are Incredible!!! I Just Watched The Exit Live (Adorable: George's 2 hands waving & Charlotte so excited & waving like crazy:) Once on the Float Plane I saw The Photographers (still in The Live Feed Shot to the dismay of The a Cameraman) drop to the ground & grab their laptops to start uploading their shots (Gosh as a Photographer I know that drill well!) I thought I wonder how fast Charlotte will have pics up? I watched the plane fly a bit, then watched 2 recent mini CTV videos of the last day & then came here & Voila! Pics & Post Already Up!!! Charlotte My Dear, You Rock!! :) xoxoxo

  5. I was there Charlotte it was amazing the kids are so cute and adorable and Kate looked glamorous it was magical being there in their presence .

    1. Oh Mellie, How Wonderful! So Happy For You! :)

    2. It must be wonderful to see them in person. A whole new perspective. Happy for you Mellie.

  6. Also Wow! In that Adorable Pic of Charlotte & Kate with Charlotte pointing.... She looks Just like Princess Margaret!! :0 It's Uncanny!

    1. I was thinking yesterday that Charlotte looks so much like Lady Sarah Chatto, when she was a child, (Princess Margaret's daughter).

  7. Wow! Just Reading William's Statement & Looking at That Regal Departure Photo of The 4 As They Are About To Board The Float Plane, I Had One Overwhelming Thought...... This Is The Future of The British Monarchy & It Is In Good Hands! :) xo

  8. One year and four months, Charlotte is an alert, curious and happy child. The touch of burgundy for the siblings looks nice. PG is becoming a pro with his communication; that is a joyful farewell wave. Whenever Kate wears white with the family, some how, it seems to highlight what the rest of the family is wearing. They looked like they had a nice time.

    I missed on Canada. I will read one or two archives a day to catch up. So close to the US, even planning to visit makes sense.

  9. Also, I love how Kate had The Whole Family Dressed, So The Whole Family Ensemble Honored The Colors of The Flag of B.C.! So Many Kate Things On This Trip! I Even Read A Historical Reference Aluding To Why She Chose The Green & Red for The Islands! Nothing, I Mean Nothing Is Not Thought Out by This Princess of The United Kingdom & They are Blessed To Have Her! :)

  10. What a beautiful family. They touched my heart. I love the Royals, but this couple and family are so gracious and kind and very loving. I am sure they touched many hearts. I hope they enjoyed our lovely province of BC and they go home with very happy memories. They had quite the adventure here. Hope you come to visit BC again and have a very safe trip back to the UK <3

  11. Thank you so much for your timely and wonderful coverage of this tour. I looked forward to it every day

  12. What a fast post Charlotte!! You did awesome this past week!
    The children have been the absolute high light of this tour! They stole the show everyone :)
    I must say though, this tour was a little disappointing/boring. Kate looked nice, her hair was nice but not too many show stoppers. Her and Will have great chemistry, but I want more. I want more speeches from her, I want them to do more then just stand and listen, or sit and watch. There are things that they did were great but compared to India, this tour was a little lack luster.
    I can't wait for her away day, or can't wait for solo events for Kate and I can't wait for more speeches.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 01:33

      This was very much a "sit-and-listen" tour though. Many officials (and soooo many official speeches so I see why even William didn't do speeches at all events). They were more "on the stage sitting"-guests this time. It was less about their own interests (mental health, conservation etc) where it would be proper for them to hold speeches, and more of a government tour. Different tourss for different things, I suppose :)

    2. Exactly, Rebecca.

      Why people aren't realizing that and easily is really perplexing. Did they not follow the same tour we followed?????????

    3. You are right Rebecca. This was definitely a "Watch, Look & Listen" Tour. In Fact That Was What Was Needed for The First Nations & B.C. to feel "Seen & Heard". It's easy to "Do Fun Things", It takes Special People To "Listen"! They have that gracious Capacity to say "I See You" "I Hear You" ! Again..... Diana would be Proud & Lives On in W&K! xo

  13. First thing Thank you for all your hard work and keeping us up to date! You always do such an amazing job!

    This was Such a great tour! I Was so lucky and happy I got to the welcoming ceremony and got to meet Prince William and shake his hand while welcoming them. Im also glad over all the weather was good for them and for the pictures for the world to see how beautiful our Island is!

  14. Such a beautiful family. I think Charlotte looks so much like Lady Sarah Chatto.

    1. She truly does! I would love to see photos of Pippa and Carole at that age to have more to go on but for now she looks so so much like Sarah Chatto.

  15. I love, love, love the little faces of George and Charlotte. They are so gorgeous! Charlotte is such a tactile little girl, and watch George shake hands this time around, what a big boy! They both got used to new surroundings, and I bet that William and Catherine knew how important this was. George will no doubt remember this trip, and both children will be able to see photos of themselves and the parents in Canada, such joy to grow up with!! I'm over the moon with the engagements on this tour, William and Kate ventured into some politically sensitive territory here and there, and they kept it at a calm and friendly level, well done. They are planting seeds of friendship for the future, and this is a good one. Kate's outfits were as ever well thought through and I loved them! Especially her new shoes! I will miss the frequent updates, what is next on the agenda?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 01:36

      I agree. While some parts of the tour were political and governmental, alot of it was friendliness, making contacts and planting roots for the future!

    2. Amen, Rebecca.

    3. Anon 1:50, So Well Said! :)

  16. I can't believe our tour is over! Thank you for all the great posts. I had a great view of the departure today, getting pictures very similar to those you have posted. I got a good wave from William in the motorcade after the ship sailing. I am happy to share my pictures here if you let me know how. What a wonderful week it has been for royal watchers, Canadians, and British Columbians!!

    1. Thank you Amy. I would love to see your photos but I don't know how to help you do that.

      Charlotte? Help. :)

    2. What an awesome experience, Amy! Hope to get to see your pictures. :)

    3. I would like to see Berlyann's photos also.

      Charlotte, would these things be doable, please. :)

  17. Delightful from first to last! Thank you, Charlotte--the best coverage anywhere.

  18. It's been an absolute pleasure reading your blog Charlotte. Thankyou for your outstanding work. I am an avid reader of your blog. The Duke and Duchess and their wee family are just delightful.

  19. Thank you again Charlotte! I was mixing my time today between views of the Grand Canyon and peeking at your blog. George was obviously coached bun mom & dad to wave -- he did it so enthusiastically from the time he got out of the car at the port. Charlotte was Miss Personality playing coy with the gentleman in the farewell line and pointing at him. Thank you thank you and thank you William and Kate!!

  20. Thank you, Charlotte, for giving us a chance to accompany the Cambridges on their Canada tour. You are the best tour-guide ever :)

    Right now, I feel like the day after Christmas ~ long awaited and over too soon *sighs*

    Highlights? So many: the kids (of course), essentially each and every outfit (no lace, yay ~ :P), and although personal preference does not go toward skinnies, the outfit in Yukon was very fitting, indeed ~ IMHO, that is (and, yes, that'd be a pun intended :D).

    I'm sure I'll be revisiting last week's posts for days to come ...

  21. I think this is the most bored I've ever been following along a tour. It was so boring I can't even think up anything negative or positive to say. I yield the floor.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 01:39

      Well, no one is forcing you to follow. If it bores you that much. And this tour, while more boring and political stuff, had lots of fun stuff as well. This is what will happen. People complained in AUS/NZ that they "did too much touristy stuff" (which is part of what royals are for, especially when they have wide reach) with their wine tasting and boat riding. Now, that this tour was more heavy on officials and very concious and solemn meetings with First Nations etc then they are "boring"...

    2. Moxie , if you were so bored you did not have to follow. Hugely educational tour from the time they landed until the end. Learnt so much about the heritage of Canada and heartening to see services promoting various social issues. Sometimes one has to look beyond pure entertainment and gather some outside knowledge. TRH represented Queen and UK well.

    3. Maryland Moxie The tour might seem boring but building bridges is not always an exciting task. They were walking a very fine line in many instances and I personally think they handled it well. They also introduced their children to one of the bigger countries of the commonwealth. Stepping stones are not necessarily exciting but they make a sound foundation to build on.

    4. Your reaction is the one that's most worrisome to monarchists and the BRF Moxie, because it's the one reaction they can't afford from the public - Apathy.

      What came through to me this week is that I think William has accepted his role, but he hasn't embraced it, and as the Bard wrote, "there's the rub."

    5. Amen, Rose, Amen.

    6. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 02:40

      Anon 02.44 I agree. I learned ALOT about canada and the First Nations and other things! I also saw ALOT of comments around the web when they were in Whitehorse etc about people wanting to go there etc. So they managed to nail the tourism angle as well.

    7. The tour was a total success. The Cambridges were some stalwart, passive diplomats for much of the presentations. Not boring, politically weighty. To call the tour boring is to not understand the nature of the tour at all, no offense.

    8. This tour was anything but boring. To call the tour boring is, in essence, calling The First Nations' culture and people boring, as well as other Canadians boring also.

    9. Jeanne, Vancouver2 October 2016 at 03:07

      Thanks so much Charlotte for the coverage. What a wonderfully varied tour, especially the Cambridges' visits to First Nations communities. It was so much fun to follow Catherine's sartorial choices - she surprised and delighted many - and to see the adorable little George and Charlotte! I don't usually read or comment on this blog - too many "negative Nellies" for my taste - but love reading your postings Charlotte.

    10. I disagree with you Claudia. He has accepted it and is embracing it. In the last year he has definitely taken on a more statesman like role and has performed diplomatically well. Don't forget that he is still juggling his air ambulance role as well. You also keep harping about him admitting to not having read all his briefing notes. Well I think that endears him more to the public. Every time they step out its like an examination, and how many of us have entered an exam without been fully prepared. I would not hang him for been bold enough to admit a wrong doing. He could have said nothing, but he spoke up. To be willing to admit a mistake, especially when the world is watching shows tremendous character.
      As I said on a previous thread, whenever someone will complain about the boredom of this tour, whether it be the British reporters or the public, it will mean that they have failed to understand the culture that was on display this tour. Dig a bit deeper and try and appreciate the diversity of Canada. The crowds that came out each and every day certainly appreciated the couple.

    11. lol, your point sums it up nicely, 03:59.

      To call the tour boring is an insult to the First Nations and Canada, BECAUSE, those are the ones who planned the tour itinerary. The tour was an invitation and William Kate accepted that invitation as guests. They were not there to spearhead any personal/political/social revolutions. They were their as guests.

    12. Moxie,

      The First Nations and others in British Columbia and the Yukon will be so thrilled to know that their
      efforts and initiatives were so boring to you.

    13. Well, let's face it. The Cambridge's will NEVER please you no matter what they do. That he's been proven many times so I am not sure why you want to keep following except to be critical and demeaning to them and to those of us who follow positively.

    14. Maybe Moxie, you found it boring because there were not enough sport events during this tour.😁

    15. I honestly can't imagine anyone being bored with this tour. To each his own I guess. I think politically it was a success. The sensitivity William and Kate displayed to the First Native Nation was a beacon of light for the future. The Cambridges did the Queen proud. They are to be applauded, not disparaged.

    16. Give Moxie a break here, please. She is entitled to her opinion and is encouraged to share it on this blog if done in a respectful manner, which it was. Differing opinions make life interesting. Telling her that no one forced her to follow the tour is silly. How would she be able to form an opinion at all if she hadn't been following along? To say that if someone didn't enjoy this tour then they must not have understood it is insulting. I don't happen to think that this blog has too many "negative Nellies." Generally speaking I find the comments insightful and respectful. There are a couple of followers who feel compelled to reply to everything written but that's OK, too if one has the time. Finally, I believe that Claudia nailed it. The biggest fear for the monarchy is apathy. If no one cares any more, they will have to go. That strikes fear in the hearts of the BRF and apparently in some of our fellow readers. Kudos to Kate and William for a job well done. A huge thanks to Charlotte for her usual level of excellent and timely coverage.

    17. They're not circus folk there for the entertainment of the masses.

    18. Moxie then do not follow the royal couple. They had a task to do and they did it with flying colors.

    19. So you are saying that the Indians are boring? If they'd spent the whole time healing lepers somebody would still complain.

    20. Let's assume that I am an educated person who has knowledge of traditions of the First Nations people. One doesn't need a foreign prince and his companion to travel to places in order for me to explore these traditions. I yield the floor.

    21. Lol Moxie, I hope you get over your allergy which strikes now and then. I think it was better to watch Kate watch their kids than "Watching Kate watch sports". Is your blog still around?

    22. Moxie, however educated you are and whatever knowledge you have is not really the point. The Canadian government extended the invitation, Canadian heritage set the agenda and the Prince and his companion, who are not foreign to Canada, complied. Australia noted that no amount of money spent on advertising can equal the goodwill and spotlight given by Royals visiting. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but really do not belittle another country and culture to further your agenda against the monarchy or TRH.

    23. Moxie, I see what you mean. It was an endless parade of same old same old each day. Not sure what the point of the tour was. Not sure what the underlying politics was. It was not boring to me because I actually like looking at her clothes, but I can see how it would underwhelm people.

    24. Moxie,

      No, but the head of the Commineralth sent reps to acknowledge and highlight them for everyone else. And. again they were guests. The itinerary belonged to Canada.

    25. Hahaha, Moxie.

      BethNY, that was a lovely response.

      Everyone else, what have we learnt from the tour? Reading the comments it's about the clothes and her children; neither topic requires a foreign tour. So far (reading from the top) one person has asked about indigenous politics.

      The Canadian media were shut out of the children's party (one Canadian journo's twitter page was hilarious as he was standing outside the party) and the fishing trip. The Cambridges asked VictoriaTourism to delete a tweet about George and Charlotte visiting a petting zoo (after they had been). They acted bored a couple of times. There was little coverage other than GEORGE!! (who deserves all the coverage he gets, cute little devil) and Kate's clothes. So what exactly *was* accomplished?

    26. 2103: The only belittling I've seen today has come from fans toward Moxie, not from Moxie toward anyone here nor the subject of the blog.

    27. BC government asked for tweet tone taken down

    28. What is really accomplished on any tour besides promoting the country and the royal brand. I think that was done and CBC is reporting today that the tour has been deemed a success.

    29. On behalf of whom, 2348?

    30. I guess beauty truly is in the eyes of the beholder as is offense apparently. I haven't read one belittling response here. Not one. Responses yes, belittling. No.

    31. The First Nations had a personal face to face with members of The Royal Family to help solidify restoration and reconciliation. That was the thrust of the visit and it was a powerful one.

    32. 0049: Apparently you don't consider questions about why someone reads about the tour, along with someone saying that someone who finds the tour boring must be boring herself belittling. I do. Because they do not address the point (which was that she found this last week unexciting) but lay the blame on her. That is belittling. And I will leave you with this gem:
      Well, let's face it. The Cambridge's will NEVER please you no matter what they do. That he's been proven many times so I am not sure why you want to keep following except to be critical and demeaning to them and to those of us who follow positively.
      Makes my point in a nutshell.

      PS I can't believe I missed 1731's post the first time around. Good lord; Indians live in India, not British Columbia!!!

  22. oh charlotte is such a doll i guess we know who stole the show this time! her little red shoes were adorable. george was also cute with his double waves as always kate looked beautifull. williams kind words were heart warming and meaning full. what beautifull family the really are. so sad the tour is over. i want to thank you so much charlotte for your great coverage on this tour and for all of your hard work thank you

  23. The Cambridges departed wearing red, white, and blue. And Kate wore the maple leaf brooch on blue, red, and white while she was in Canada. For separture, she donned a different, more formal outfit with a new hairstyle. The coat looks familiar, and I am sure we have seen that pleated white skirt, maybe in Canada on her previous trip? I know it was worn with a navy top and a lovely semi ponytail I wish she would wear again.

    The waving children look as though they like the crowd saying goodbye. I hope we get some pictures from their island air tour. I wonder whether William and Catherine feel that this tour met its goals. I think it is safe to say that they enjoyed it, especially their trips to First Nations, that they learned a lot, and that they are tired!

    1. I think you're right. The pleated skirt looked familiar to me as we'll, so I looked it up. It's by Whistles and she wore it in LA during the 2011 tour.

  24. The honorable lady/gentleman from Maryland yields the floor. Who has the next five minutes?/ actually here 1-5mts.

  25. Thanks a lot Charlotte for all your hard work. As a Canadian I am very proud of the great job the Cambridge family with all their engagements. I have been overwhelmed with your fortitude in doing this magnificent blog. You, Charlotte, are simply amazing and the very best. I join my fellow bloggers in saying Merci, Thank You Charlotte. i, we, truly appreciate all that you do and are very grateful. Prince George and Princess Charlotte were priceless.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 02:41

      It has been great to see and learn about your beautiul country :D

  26. Thank you TONS, Charlotte!! You have done a magnificent job this week!

    Loved the tour, love that family!

    Let me say, I think I've fallen for Princess Charlotte! Love her already! Can't wait to watch her grow.

    Canada is beautiful and the focus on indigenous people, military families, youth, and mental health is so wonderful.

    Who really cares what every last stitch of clothing looks like when there is so much more they bring to our awareness! :)

    Thanks again, Charlotte! Hope you have a few days off now.

  27. Have to say that your blog is always the best. Has the most up-to-date information and love the clock for the time zone. Well done. A lot of hard work from you makes it such an enjoyable experience for me to read and keep up to date with. Looking forward to the next one. Loved Kate's looks this time. A nice mix of everything. Its a shame it is over - always feels a bit of an anticlimax. Such is life.


  28. It seems you could have been less bored if William gave a speech in Canada’s parliament. May be Kate advocated some issue or another and made a grand speech, debate or claim to save the world. I hope you find less boredom even in the things you might have considered boring. It is a bigger world viewed in the eyes of the beholder. Is there not a purpose in social diplomacy? If their own people accept them, be it, however outdated, it still finds purpose in this age and time.

  29. I will preface this by saying that when Charles and Diana had the disastrous tour of South Korea their demeanor was analyzed to death and, it turned out, for good reason. So I think demeanor is a valid point of discussion, even if the reasons behind it are very different.

    I was surprised that on most outings, there were several photos of Kate and William looking tired or distracted. Someone who wasn't giving them the benefit of the doubt could say bored and uninterested.

    As I said in another post, W&K are by all accounts hands-on parents. So maybe bringing the children was not the best move. If Charlotte is up in the night I'm sure K tends to her, if they are fussy in a strange place I'm sure it bothers W&K before they walk out the door. And apart from arrival/departure the children were only seen once.

    Royals have to be on their A-game when they're out, maybe more than any other public figure, because they have life long public benefits. And on tour that's particularly critical.

    I was also disappointed that W&K still exhibit control freakery to the absurd. Asking for a tweet to be removed stating that the children visited a petting zoo, a tweet that was sent out hours after they left and did not include photos, was petty at best. When the hotel asked if the staff could have a photo taken with W&K before they left the request was rejected. The media was often kept at arms length, not to mention their days were rather brief for a tour - they don't need to keep Charles' absurd pace but generally tours are a packed affair, to make sure the taxpayers get their money's worth if nothing else!

    I thought William had realized more in recent months that he is a historical figure, his son is a historical figure. Where they go, what they visit, are events that are also seen for the history books.

    It's not enough to just show up and phone it in, a suggestion that crept in many minds when William didn't know the Diana connection to the women's charity, and made the daft gaffe about not reading his briefing book - the Diana connection was the chief point of interest made to reporters.

    William and Kate seem to have mastered a fantastic family life, which as royalfan would say is an important factor to the BRF. But in my opinion they need to start putting more time and effort into mastering their public roles as well.

    1. With all due respect, Claudia.

      I am amazed at your comments. I think they are doing a superlatively excellent Job all the way around. What you are saying, I just don't see it. They have mastered their public roles. They are doing exactly what the Queen wants them to be doing, I have no doubt.

    2. Two things, still photos capture a split second of an expression. Thousands of photos were taken of the royals, obviously from different angles and by people with different levels of skill. In one instance I thought Kate's expression looked harsh. When I saw the scene as a video I saw the micro expression was the result of the word she was speaking. She was frozen in a word on the still shot. That being said, l thought the photos showed them in a variety of settings, but engaged, listening, responding, etc.
      The other thing: the petting zoo violated a condition agreed to as a condition of the tour. This was explained in Canadian news story. The way security works is that some information is kept private. I think they are right protect their children in this manner.
      The 3 star hotel owner wanted a picture of the royals to enhance his business. He said that in the interview I read. He wanted to put It in the room where they stayed. Really, you can't think of all the low class ways something like that could be used? Having stayed at a hotel, is not the same thing as endorsing a hotel.
      This is not snobbery, it's wisdom for the long road ahead facing a lifetime of public service.

    3. I agree, they mastered a fantastic family life, but let's not forget how many millions of people achieved the same without all the perks they have. They did not invent anything extraordinary. That is still awaiting for them both right.

    4. Claudia, you expressed My thought as well. They have to grow up in the role of high profile representative of their country.

    5. I totally agree with your observations Claudia - and very well put. I think that's why people have felt a little underwhelmed with this tour and haven't quite been able to put their finger on why. At the moment, I still feel at times like William and Kate aren't really interested or engaged in the work they undertake. They need to work on that - and soon. It really wasn't very professional for William not to have known about the charity's link to his mother. Even if he actually cares very much, it comes across that he can't be bothered. Contrast them with Prince Harry's Invictus Games, his hands-on summer working in Africa with elephants and his recent live HIV test. This is the sort of impact William and Kate could have too if they just committed a bit more and got stuck in to causes they feel passionate about. Sometimes it feels like they're going through the motions a bit.

      I can understand their frustration with the tweet about the petting zoo though. It's a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, but the problem is the cat is now out of the bag and can't be put back in. Until then, people assumed that the children were at Government House all week. Now it's apparent that they are taken out on certain days, the next royal tour they go on you can bet there will be paparazzi trying to get piccies of them at all the local tourist spots.

    6. This summarized my feelings perfectly. The communities and scenery visited were fascinating, but I was left feeling like something was missing. You just helped me identify it - it was William and Kate's substantive engagement with the tour. The lack of speeches and huge gaffe by William regarding his failure to prep were a big part of it. It sort of makes you wonder if any future tour will achieve more than offering photo ops of William and Kate, and occasionally their children, in scenic locales, or if that's really all there is to their royal tours.

    7. I so agree. If William and Catherine want to be subsidized they need to take on greater public roles and not expect to live as private citizens.

    8. According to Daily Mail the children will not accompany W &K on next tours, which is a good decision:

    9. Nicely put Claudia!

    10. Anon 6:35, very good points!

      What crossed my mind about the petting zoo is security also. Yes, it was published hours after they left. However, now evil people who do actually plot out kidnappings, bombings, etc on high profile targets have a new idea - that the Cambridge children may favor petting zoos while traveling.

      William and Kate are advised by very intelligent security experts and they should trust them. They are some of the biggest targets in the world.

      Can you imagine if your child was the center of a terrorist' s focus?? You'd do things that may seem odd to others too until you understand the bigger picture.

    11. Sarah Maryland USA2 October 2016 at 19:05

      How does the zoo tweeting about the royals visit AFTER the visit hurt security in anyway? How anyone can stand for William and Kate's crazy obsession with privacy is beyond me. There was ZERO reason that tweet should have been deleted
      If I were the zoo I would've left it up. Hey the people of Canada are paying for the tour so tweet whatever you want

    12. I completely agree. But honestly, I don't see William ascending to the throne. I think he hates his role and I often wonder will he not abdicate.

    13. Most importantly I forgot to thank Charlotte for her fantastic updates and for hosting this discussion forum! Thank you :)

      A few things:
      Relatively speaking, very few people see the Royals in person, many millions more see them through the media. So how an engagement or tour plays through the lens is more important than anything. As I like to point out ;) the KP twitter account has less than 800,000 followers - at least half are probably American! There are roughly 66 million people in the UK, about 36 million in Canada. So how something plays to the wider audience can't be ignored.

      The rich, powerful and political use photo ops with each other all the time. Didn't the Obamas use their evening at KP to full advantage, the White House photographer the only one allowed to capture the event inside a British official residence? The Obamas got tremendously flattering PR in the States with those pics of Prince George in his dressing gown. Just as questionable int'l characters pay to attend events to be photographed with the Queen or Charles, it's part and parcel of the job.

      I don't by any means think the tour was a disaster, was just pointing out that the Cambridges seemed off, a bit distant. I wondered if it could have been the stress of trying to create a holiday for the children alongside a business trip. (One time I took my young daughters to a conference my husband was attending thinking it would be a little break - it was a disaster because it's either work or play - it can rarely be both. I felt short changed, my husband felt pulled in too many directions!)

      I would have liked to have seen more speeches, couldn't William have delivered that statement at the end? Is Kate ever going to make some comments again? And there needs to be more chances for the media to get up close and personal, that's where little comments, off the cuff vignettes are captured - the kind that add personality to tours. I think William is so afraid of something "off script" being captured that he shuts down access to many moments of spontaneity.

      I've watched the royals since the 70's and the one thing anyone who's been close to them/worked with them has said repeatedly "it takes years of hard work to make royal life look easy" :)

    14. I wonder why this was revealed the minute they were on the plane ? Some veiled point being made to the Canadians for dragging the children all the way across the world? Were they forced to bring the children do you think?
      Why reveal that instead of just acting on it ? And before someone says it is DM making stuff up - it was given to them by an insider, and secondly, why on earth would they make this up?

    15. COuldn't agree more, Claudia. Especially about the control freakery. They're supposed to promote the area -- saying their children visited a petting zoo would possibly increase visits to said zoo. Posing for a photo to thank hotel staff -- which would be proudly posted at that hotel until the end of time -- would have cost less than 5 minutes and created a lot of good will.

      And, for the person concerned about security, don't you think people know where small children are likely to go on a day out? I can name several places without even thinking.

    16. Anonymous 6:35
      The hotel owner wanting to use a photo of W&C in the room where they stayed isn't the worst form of advertising I have seen using the image of the Cambridges. Last month I visited New Zealand, and at the Shotover Jet Boats saw a large billboard photograph of W&C on the boat, complete with cutouts so you could put your face in the picture beside the royals. It made me wonder if the BRF is aware of this billboard - I'm guessing not...

    17. Claudia,

      did you not watch the ABC video that Charlotte included? That's shows both William and Kate very "off the cuff" conversational and NOT scripted. Their conversations sounded very warm and caring, normal and real life.

  30. Wonderful blog, Charlotte. I've enjoyed all the posts both here and on Twitter. Thank you for all your hard work.

    Great tour--each one is different and interesting in its own way. This one was memorable for George and Charlotte, the beautiful scenery, and the diplomatic work, I suspect much of it behind the scenes, of William and Catherine.

    As for Kate's wardrobe, I thought it was nice and appropriate throughout, paying attention to small details. She and William definitely went out of their way to spend time with the crowds and connect with the Canadian people.

    I'm sure the Royal Family is proud of them. Can't wait to see the upcoming engagements.

  31. Iam a long time reader of your blog. This is my first comment.
    I truly enjoyed all the pictures. The outfits were on point. I just love those adorable little ones. Thank you Charlotte for keeping us so well informed.

  32. What a charming kids and charming exit for everyone in tour im charlotte will be relaxed in next few day im sure taking vacay in your hubby fantastic coverage canada so beauty place such loving nature thank you covarage start to finished

  33. Visiting the First Nations is a great sign of maturity from William. With one exception, when one of the chiefs stood them up, it was a great success. Far from boring, I would suggest this is his first relevant act as a real royal. If you aren't aware of the complexity and extreme sensitivity of the situation, and are looking just for the sensational, then you should get below that superficial view of the monarchy. Clothes (and to some extent even the children events) are far less relevant and important.

    For me, this tour was the coming of age of William. He more than passed the test. I am pleasantly surprised by the maturity he proved to have. Feeling comfortable that he will someday make a good king.

    Royal fan in Northern Canada

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 02:45

      I agree that their natural and level handling of meeting the chiefs (many times pointed out "as equals") and trying to at least patch some wounds was a big part of this tour and something they did very well!

    2. Amen, RF from Northern Canada.

    3. HalleluYah, Rebecca. VERY nicely said. wow

  34. I applaud TRH for taking the time they did for the First Nations. These are people who have had none to little voice for too long. I hope their concerns are well respected and give much needed priority. Love,love George and Charollett!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 02:45

      I agree. They, by being there and focusing on them, told a marginalized and ignored and long abused group of people that "you matter". And that is a strong message to send!

    2. I agree, Rebecca.

      And some people call that boring, unproductive. I find those perceptions to be incredibly insensitive.

    3. "some people" did not call that boring and unproductive. "some people" said they found the *tour* boring.

  35. Kate, Texas, USA2 October 2016 at 02:23

    Such a beautiful family and a fantastic week! Prince George waving with that huge smile on his face stole the show! He is such a handsome little guy. Princess Charlotte is an absolute doll. The picture above with her pointing reminds me so much of the Queen. They are both so composed and well behaved. Just precious! William and Kate looked great too! I love Kate's coat and that she chose to wear the Queen's Maple Leaf Brooch. She looked beautiful and classy. A perfect picture of the Cambridge family to end a great week!

    Charlotte, thank you so much for your incredible coverage of the past week. Once again you have outdone yourself! Brilliant job!

    1. I for one LOVE her outfits this tour. I didn't like very many at all from the India tour. I think the Cambridges did an exemplary Job all the way around. They made it look easy. I doubt that it was.

    2. I know the Queen and Prince Phillip and Parliment must be ecstatic at the success of this tour. Kudos,
      dear Cambridges, Kudos.

  36. Thank you so much for all your work this week! I always know where to head for a beautiful update on Kate!!

  37. My favorite moment, hands down, was the arrival. I still haven't gotten over how beautiful and perfect Catherine looked. There were many other great moments but, WOW! 2nd favorite is probably Prince George enthusiastically waving goodbye. He's adorable.

  38. My only wish is that we could flag posts that are thumbs up or thumbs down so I could skip all the thumbs down. As it is I just go by who wrote the comment--some people are so predictable.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 04:01

      I would like flagging up but not flagging down. It would feel rather mean. But the flagging up is a great way to say "I agree" without everyone writing the same line :P

    2. good Idea, Valerie.

    3. I have always been with you on the red/green arrows. Really wish there was an easier way to show your feeling than writing an a long rebuttal to the comments.

    4. Funny because of being on Facebook frequently sometimes when I am on this blog I reach up with my finger automatically to "like" a comment and then realize I can't. Haha

      Would love a "like" button. :)

  39. This tour had it all! Kate looking gorgeous, Will cuddling the babies, Canadian natural beauty, ntm the cuteness at the kids party! So grateful for all the coverage, as always! Happy royalist over here! ��

  40. Wasn't expecting such a lovely and formal attire for the departure. I love that coat. Kate will most definitely get a lot of wear out of in the future. The kids look super cute and seem comfortable. I think Kate did a great job with her outfits and looked happy and polished throughout the tour. I wonder what it was like for them as family - more work or less work?

    Charlotte - I look forward to the polls and want to congratulate you on an excellent job, for providing such wonderful information and for being so timely - especially considering the time zone difference. Really enjoyed it all so much.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 04:02

      I kind of predicted the nice clothing for the departure since it was an official departure with the Governour General present :)

      A very nice coat. At first I thought it a pretty but rather bland backdrop for the kids. And it kind of is. But the piping and tailoring on it looks great!!

  41. This cream coat is perfection- one of the best I have seen Kate wear! I am sure we'll see it recycled (possibly with a hat) again. She looks like a Queen in waiting. Have to say it was nice to see the family together- I think William acted like the Dad-In -Chief quite nicely. The tour, I believe, was a smashing home run. Thanks Charlotte- for all of the hard work keeping up with frenetic pace of the tour. Pictures were fabulous and I applaud the royal press pack for their hard work, too. I am glad we'll see Kate in a week or so.... Here's to a few days rest for the Cambridge entourage.

  42. I tried so hard not to comment on the negative comments because everyone has a right to voice their opinion and one opinion is not inherently right and another wrong.

    As representatives of countries go, the British people are very, very fortunate. The senior royals could try half as hard and cost twice as much and they would still be worth it from where I sit.

    1. I could not agree with you more. Kudos to The Duke andDuchess of Cambridge.

  43. I think this tour was a bit more bland than some of the others - it seemed to have a lot of ceremonial parts that while important to the Canadians were dull to those following.

    I think Will and Kate are a great couple with lovely kids, but you just get the feeling they would rather be holed up in Norfolk. Also, they give the press following them all over no interviews about their causes I.e. Mental health and I think this lack of communication is what's missing. I think it strange that they go to all these functions and seem to say very little unless it's a Palace press release. if you contrast them with Mary and Fred they look totally wooden - except for a few touches here and there you would never know they are a couple. They posed for pics in front of the Taj Mahal and didn't even hold hands! Also, Kate never says anything - she just spent 8 days traveling and never said a word publically.

    They are great for brand Britain, but Will and their PR people really do them a disservice in terms of connecting with the public at large.

    1. not true this is how the queen does it and now will and kate and kate spoke alot i have seen video's from canadian newssite's and the most untrue thing you wrote is you can't tell that they are a couple, really? I have looked at different pictures and video's then you because it was obvious, nobody in the brf holds hands etc.

    2. They are probably modeling the Queen and Prince Phillip.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden2 October 2016 at 04:09

      Everything you write has one answer. It's the way of the british family. Yes, the younger royals are changing alot of things about how it's done (William hugging George that publically for example). I'm from the Swedish royal family, and ofc Victoria is way more natural with Estelle in public and open, because that is how her parents were. William and Kate are starting of on a totally different level. The queen doesn't speak out for causes per se, while in my country the Queen started up a charity helping abused children ages ago! Neither is better or worse, but while Victoria and that generation is starting to build from, let's say level 9 of openness and warmness in the royal family, W+K+H are starting maybe from a 3. So if Victoria with their christmas video goes to a level 11, that is ok, cute and still not too groundbreaking, while if W+K would do that, it would be very odd, and kind of shake that stability that monarchy stands on. Baby steps. They said a big part of what they wanted to do this tour was to meet and talk to as many people as possible in person in Canada. And they did that very well, listening, talking and meeting. Alot of the other time this tour was politicians and listening to speeches. It wasn't really the area or time for them to hold torches for causes. They did the visits tied to their causes, but their interests etc were not the focus on this tour, like in New York it was more of a buissness/big charities focus, AUS+NZ had alot of touristy themes+their causes, Canada1 was a "welcome tour" etc. The countries that invite them are behind alot of the scheduel and this tour was very clearly wanted by the politicians, hence a bigger political precence and less space for charity causes.

    4. LAgirl,

      The platform belonged to the hosts.

    5. Mary and Fred are next up. That is a big difference. Not sure why there is this constant comparision with the Danish CPs. There is no comparision. Fred is King next. William is not up next. Different positions. 10 yr age gaps. Very different scopes as in size and politics of countries. Stop comparing these people.

      Hopefully this will be posted. I rarely post here .... but feel compelled to speak.

    6. Ladies - all I am trying to say is that there is a disconnect between Will, Kate and their causes because they rarely say anything publically unless it's through a KP press release. An interview with the two of them occasionally to discuss things they are passionate about would go a long way.

      They traveled for 8 days with a press pack, but they never give them any direct quotes to write about. They are a lovely couple with gorgeous kids, but it does seem at times they are detached and I do think a little less control over their lives would go a long way with the public. That's all.

    7. LAGirl - I agree with you completely.

    8. DianeB: If they want to be thought of as working members of a royal family, then they will be compared to others doing the same thing, dear.

    9. Only if they are compared to others of the same rank, with the male member of the pair working a secular Job.

    10. LAgirl,

      they comment often about their causes, so I don't know how you came to that conclusion.

      And they were quoted during the tour. They were there as guests. And I think they fulfilled that role very nicely.

    11. Amen, 06:13,

      The podium and itinerary belonged to the hosts, not the guests.

    12. Rebecca,

      I hope people hear what you said Rebecca. I don't know how they could be so disappointed if they take the truth to heart. And what you said is the truth about those situations. Some people will always be unhappy with them no matter what though.

  44. Can't wait for the next tour

  45. Janet from Oregon2 October 2016 at 04:12

    I love this cream-colored coat. She looks wonderful in it. The piping detail is exquisite. I hope we see it again. And as someone else commented, when she wears white/cream with the family, she shows them off so well; their burgundy and blue just pop. The children are totally adorable.

    Charlotte, thank you for such wonderful, speedy work. I can't believe it was all happening in MY time zone, but I could turn to your blog, done in the evening and the middle of the night (!), and get prompt, fun, and informative coverage. Now take a rest; you deserve it!

  46. Thank you so much for your beautiful and speedy coverage of the Royal Tour. You can always be counted on to get busy and post as soon as you have the pictures and content. You outdid even yourself this time, providing we fans of the Duchess with lots of photos of the Royals and all the beautiful scenery of British Columbia and the Yukon. A tip of the hat to the Duchess Kate blog!

  47. What a fantastic tour. I agree with those who mentioned the importance of the interactions with the First Nations. Many people aren't aware of the issues that are being dealt with - the Truth and Reconciliation commission (dealing with the horrible policy of separating children from their families and placing them in residential schools), the high suicide rates, the missing indigenous women. I think the photo of Kate and the woman in the Yukon hugging more effectively sends a message than any speech she could have given. The family all looked great, W&K obviously love each other and their children. The wardrobe choices were fresh and appropriate. Thanks so much Charlotte for all your work, it has been truly enjoyable to read the articles and view the photos. Thanks

  48. Sarah from Calif.2 October 2016 at 05:03

    Thank you Charlotte for your wonderful coverage of this tour! It has all been so lovely to see and read.

  49. I have to agree, at least at this age she does look like Lady Chatto! Will be fun to see how she develops.

  50. This has been a great tour to follow. My family is Canadian and they have really brought out important issues in Canada and people who would have otherwise been forgotten. They are very good diplomats. There will be plenty of time to talk about their causes. This is all about Canada and the monarchy's link to it.

  51. Julia from Leominster2 October 2016 at 05:28

    A few scattered thoughts here.

    Tours are important not just for the people met but for Britain, the rest of Canada and the Commonwealth - so they need to hold interest outside of their locale.

    There was much good on this tour but:

    The tour needed one more evening engagement - formal would be nice.

    It needed one less boat engagement -multiple engagements of Kate in saggy knee jeans and wind-breaker start to make all the engagements blend together. While fishing is an important industry - that fishing excursion strikes me as the most expendable.

    Can't do much about the politics and the speeches - that's part of tours alas. \\\\\

    In general I loved all the clothes (personally would have liked to see more imagination on Canadian designers.) Loved the new shoes - hooray - what I did not love is the repeated appearance of the maple leaf brooch - the last one really pretty tame. (And red, white and blue aren't Canadian colours..) That polar bear brooch would have been perfect on that white coat or even that other maple leaf the queen has which would have shown up better. It began to look unimaginative - like I'm in Canada so I need to pin this brooch on each time - the Queen never does that.

    The children are adorable and George who seems very shy was starting to gain confidence at the end. I would have liked a bit more mingling at the children's party though - someone how William and Kate did seem detached from the other families present - as though it was all set up for them.

    The native visits were important - the otter fur unfortunate. (Especially for an environmentalist.)

    The tour did lack rhythm somehow which comes from a variety of engagements (India had quite good rhythm.) That is tougher when it's a limited area. I don't blame William and Kate because this sort of planning probably comes from staff on both sides - but a little less outdoors and something more in the evening would have helped (I recall the silly but noticeable fancy dress party on Charles and Diana and Andrew and Sarah tours and the queen square dancing. I think the reason a number here have mentioned dull is because it's hard to look back and keep the nature engagements straight - they were too similar.

    1. That's it Julia! Many engagements just blended into one another and left me with a very disjointed, jumbled up impression.

    2. Heritage Canada set the agenda, so blame them.

  52. Comparing this tour to the first Canadian one, it was light and boring. The reason for being boring is nothing to do with politics for me, simply the Cambridges are boring, there is nothing to talk about Kate except for clothes, William is reluctant, moody, seems nervous and wooden, lack any spontaneity.
    The only excitement came only with the kids, I wonder how many front pages would have had without them. Now, they are reporting no kids on tour for a while, to ensure them a normal childhood. Ridiculous, they are not normal people, when does Will accept that? If he wants to be normal, he should quit if not then up his game. Why not read anything like this from the other European royals? They raise kids too, somehow though they get on with their everyday life and not look for excuses not to do there job. I suppose I am one disappointed fan.

    1. Nicole from France2 October 2016 at 20:14

      well, I quite agree with you Anon 06.37 , regarding William. I do not really like seeing him getting Catherine back to the car (or the plane, or what ever) while she stills interact with the public, speaks, touches people, collect flowers you say, he is a public person, he definitely does not have a normal life, and as long as he does not accept it, it will be bad for him and his mind , and the press feels that (oh god, when he keeps his left hand in his pocket ! this is so rude for people around !)! when I see how Camilla and Charles (a little less for him) behave with the press .... sticking to royal photographers and not allowing the press to follow them, seems inappropriate , and can only make the paparazzi eager to follow them and take forbidden photos !

  53. Eve from Germany2 October 2016 at 06:18

    Charlotte, you and your namesake - you just make my day, every time I get to be "in contact" with you!! :-))))
    Your work is incredible, your talent, your dedication to us readers - beyond words!! THANK YOU so much for this incredible week you´ve given us the chance to follow so easily. Not only the photos (THANKS also to all the photographers!!), but especially the additional information - such a pleasure to read and so, so interesting!!
    Oh, and the wee little Princess Charlotte - I just melt every time I see her "in action"! She´s so outgoing and sweet - it must be pure pleasure to be around her.

    Little Prince George, finally seeming to actually ENJOY waving to the crowds!! He certainly knows how to get everyone excited! ;-)))

    I really enjoyed yesterday´s look with the white blazer and the trousers. Today it was very, very elegant. I guess I would have had nightmares with a cream-coloured coat and a toddler in my arms, but obviously not her!

    I think William and Kate both did a great job. They both seemed to really enjoy the trips and seemed to be very much at ease in every situation and with everyone they met. Photos can be very deceiving. Often, a video shows so much more of what is really going on....

  54. I think Kate is wearing the Whistles skirt that she wore in Los Angeles at 2011. Don't you think?

  55. Charlotte, excellent job as always. The little Steller's jay in your logo made me smile. I love British Columbia and have spent happy days there. So glad the Cambridges had time to see what a gorgeous place it is and highlight First Nations people and their culture. Loved the Union Jack family color scheme on departure and Kate's sporty looks, always excepting the plastic hair clips. The Preen cocktail frock was stunning . There were a few welcome breaks from nude heels and wedges with jeans, all good things. Looking forward to the tour polls.

  56. Thank you Charlotte for everything! I am French, and you are very lucky to have a so beautiful family which represents you... This week passed so fast... A magnificent tour! Sandrine

  57. This is such a beautiful coat, I think this look is my favourite of the tour! Stunning! And she somehow manages to bring the look of the whole family together.

    It's been wonderful to get to know George and Charlotte on this tour - George seems to be quite at ease with all the attention, and of course they are both super cute! A credit to down-to-earth parenting!

    A mammoth effort, Charlotte - thank you :)

  58. Zora from Prague2 October 2016 at 10:35

    For me, the whole tour was great! I was looking forward to new posts every morning. The week has been a little stressful and your coverage really helped me to think of positive things, Charlotte! A big and sincere thank you! I also enjoyed reading (most of) the comments. I think it's very difficult to compare this tour with the previous ones as this one was with both kids and that made it so special - and I believe also quite demanding for W&K. Well done, they are excellent representatives of HM!

  59. On the whole I was thrilled with this tour, especially as it was an unexpected bonus after the India tour earlier this year (and there may not be one next year if they do choose to have another child)!

    I think that, with the exception of the 'tablecloth' dress on Day 2, we saw a continuing evolution in Kate's style - a maturing style and some fun experiments with new shoe styles. My favourites were the arrival outfit, the red Preen dress, the green Dolce and Gabbana dress and the departure coat, all of which I can't wait to see again.

    It was fantastic to see George and Charlotte, and I'm so pleased that George seemed to perk up and start waving at the departure. Favourite moments with Charlotte included hugging the balloons, bouncing on Moose the dog, cuddling the bunny, clinging to the little pony and smelling the flowers at the departure; favourite moments with George were definitely his face with the bubbles at the party and his double waving at the departure.

    With regard to the more serious parts of the tour, I was delighted to see so much native culture. I've always loved the colours and shapes of native American art, the totem poles and the meanings they ascribe to things. Fascinating. There were some strange combinations of engagements on some days - and respect to Natasha Archer for finding something to wear for canoeing/opening a hospital/fishing and charity visits followed by sailing! I thought that the mental health message somehow got a bit lost among talk of new shoes and sailing skills, which is a shame. I would very much like to see more emphasis on this important topic and as somebody has already mentioned, I'd like to see the couple making more high-profile speeches on the subject.

    All in all, though, I have loved every minute of it all. Thank you so much Charlotte for all your sterling efforts in keeping us all up to date. Thanks also to all the royal journalists and photographers for their daily tweets, clips and fantastic live feeds. My absolute favourite moment from this tour was that wonderful image of the lady hugging Kate at the mountain biking - that kind of intimacy so reminded me of the images we used to get of Diana on tour. More please!

    Anyone know a good cure for withdrawal symptoms?

    1. 11:51,

      a vote for the best "Dress Kate" entries, perhaps?

  60. Charlotte, you have out done yourself once again. The way you are able to keep up with activities when face with these huge time differences is truly amazing. Thank you for all your time and efforts.

    What I liked about the tour, hmmm, where to start?

    - Live feeds - this was one f the best things about the tour coverage (other than this blog). It really made me feel connected to all the events in a new way. To watch the interactions between W&K and the Canadian people was extraordinary. It really provided a unique look into their personalities and made them seem more real. Following on twitter was new for me on this tour. I'm glad I did because there were lots of pictures, opinions, and tidbits shared.

    - Learning about the First Nations culture was fascinating. Such a rich history and proud people. I have Native Americans in my family from the Cherokee Nation here in the US. I think that personal connection and learning about the culture, how they were treated and in some ways continue to be by the government, really helped me to understand how delicate the relationship with the crown is and how fantastic it was for them to be a focus of the tour. It shines a much needed light on a part of society that is frequently overlooked and marginalized.

    - the scenery and beauty of Canada. I have always wanted to go to Vancouver. I've travelled in Canada a lot for work but never had the pleasure of going there. That desire has been fueled even more so know. I've been checking out websites to plan a trip. Many have popped up with "plan you're own royal tour" type guides.

    - this blog - detailed and fast pace of updates, Charlotte you are amazing. The addition of the first look posts was a surperb idea. So many commentators were there in person adding their experiences and perspectives. A great way to feel connected.

    - finally W&K, G&C, an amazing family. All the time they are spending building a stable and loving home is refreshing in today's society. They should be applauded and I hope they will start to be recognized for that instead of being criticized. The pace of the tour, the packed number of engagements, the diplomacy, the kids, all a huge success. The fashion for all, even William, was fantastic. It was much more in line with my personal tastes and I suspect we will see many repeats in the future.

    Thank you again Charlotte. You have carved out a special and unique community. I'm honored to be a part of it.

    1. Anonymous in Colorado2 October 2016 at 22:49

      @Julie from NC: I was set to type up my own comment but upon reading yours, I cleared mine out because you said everything so beautifully. These are my thoughts of this tour too, thank you for articulating it so well!

      Thanks a million, Charlotte! You've brought many happy moments to this past week for us!

    2. ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, Julie from N.C.

  61. The more I look at Charlotte, the more I see a combination of William and Kate in her features. She makes some of the same faces that her parents do. I know that at first glance, she resembles the Queen, Carol Middleton, and Lady Sarah Chatto, but when you spend some time looking at the pictures, she is very like her parents. And George...he is a combination of William, Michael Middleton, and Diana. He seems to have inherited William's shyness, reserve, and caution. Charlotte appears much more relaxed and outgoing. I would love to see both of them interact with each other. They didn't do much of that at the Children's Party, probably because everything was so overwhelming. William and Kate are wonderful parents, and at the root of their parenthood is their tremendous love and respect for one another.

  62. What an exciting, productive, historical, and family fun
    visit to Canada by the Cambridges. It couldn't have been any better. They were the perfect guests. Canada will no doubt be inviting them for a return visit.

    California girl

    1. 14:02,

      This visit was a huge success. I agree.

  63. I am a silent reader of this post. I loved all the outfits that Kate wore on this tour than in the Indian tour, except that in some places where she had to sit down(children's play date)she could have worn appropriate clothes. Hope no photographers have her wardrobe malfunction pics.Her outfits in the Indian tour were also only focused on full sleeves and ankle length clothes with some prints.

  64. Nicole from France2 October 2016 at 13:45

    Charlotte, I am bewildered by the amount of work you've done for us, so many thanks for all the informations, comments, questions !
    apart from the question "boring or not boring ?" to which I am not able to reply , my big question is : why did they bring the children ? we saw them 3 times, in a very formal way each time . Beeing in France and not keen of buying tabloids, I was surprised not to see any photo of G & C interacting with other children during the "children party", for example . the public has not even been allowed to have an idea or two about what they did while their parents were "at work" if I may say so. I am not trying to spy every minutes of their life, but it would have been nice to have an idea of what kind of memories they will bring back in their little charming heads ! to me, and I would not like to offend anyone by saying that, it looks like a way to distract people from the parents, to have less pressure as it was obvious the children would steal the show . and so they could show how wonderfull parents they are, but the thing is that was not the goal nearly never sharing informations or photos of the children, they lend all journalists and paparazzi to work harder .... a few words on georges birthday presents, a photo or two each two week of the children playing of making cookies or whatever , would do not harme to their private life, would they ?

  65. Charlotte looks soooo much like Prince William! George, on the other hand, is much more a Middleton.

    Thank you for the great coverage, Charlotte! Silvia

  66. After reading all the comments, I am struck by how pleased and happy the Canadians are, and how critical the Brits and some in the US seem. I found this a much more interesting tour than India because it educated me about an area I have visited and find fascinating. I thought the tour required great care on many levels both in planning and in execution. At the center of all the political conundrums, William and Catherine simply did their best with a good heart. I admire their stamina and their sense of adventure.

    Also yours, dear Charlotte! Thank you so much for tour coverage that encompassed the rather complex nature of the events of the last few days! I suspect our conversations have changed and deepened as a result. It is good to understand what has occurred and will occur in the lives of the Duke and Duchess and their family. They undertook a tour in Canada that was quite different from their earlier Commonwealth visits. It reflects the concern of the Queen for an area she knows well, part of the concern she wants to pass on to William for the people of Commonwealth. I believe he and Kate have gone home with a now lifelong connection to the people of Btitish Columbia.

  67. There are many commonwealth countries that would like for The Duke and Duchess to visit and explore/expose their tourist extractions and history to the world. Brand Britain and the commonwealth Are their first priority. Duchess of Cambridge is developing her own voice, but she is now and in future the chief supporter of The Duke of Cambridge and the King.

  68. I love this look! Very Kate and very princessy :)
    I think her style this Tour was interesting but not my favourite - with the exception of a few very good looks like the arrival look and the fabulous red cocktail dress, I wasn't too wowed by most of the other outfits. I recall the India tour which in comparison I really loved, though obviously it was a very different tour altogether. I really like that there will be plenty of opportunities for Kate to rewear a lot of the items from this tour as they are so versatile, like this cream coat.
    I am happy with Kate and Williams dedication to mental health, I am echoing a lot of others by saying that but it is such an important issue that is still seen as a taboo in so many societies that more exposure to this is wonderful.

  69. Also, I don't like the way they treated the little boy who presented them with flowers. Poor little guy :(

    1. How did "they" treat him and who is "they"?

    2. I think George does not understand a "high five" nor a "low five". I wonder if that is a western hemisphere thing? That is the 2nd time I've known George to refuse a high five. DWLee333

  70. What a great tour this was! Thanks Charlotte for the updates and the interesting posts! You did a great job! :) The coat is lovely, it has a really beautiful colour! Is it possible that the Duchess might have worn the same dress/skirt she wore with the Alberta Ferretti jacket: ?

  71. I wonder if there's any significance for Kate switching sides on which to wear the diamond maple leaf broach from the first tour?

    1. Denise,

      Yes, a child, called Princess Charlotte. she carries on her left side.

    2. Yes, she holds Charlotte with her left arm so she can shake hands with her right hand! She didn't have a Charlotte to hold last time, so she wore the maple leaf brooch in the usual position. :-)

    3. My thought on that was: one accessory per side, Charlotte on one side and the maple leaf brooch on the other - thus the maple leaf remained unobscured even when Charlotte was being carried ~

  72. Charlotte, Thank You for the (once again) fabulous coverage of the Canada trip. I really appreciate your wonderful blog, it is always engaging.

    I thought Kate looked marvelous, at every event, but my favorites were her traveling outfits and the Preen red cocktail dress. Oh and her old stand by boots, I love them!

  73. Thank you so much Charlotte for posting my photo was surreal to be in this beautiful family's presence. Thanks for all you do for us all you did wonderful coverage during this successful tour.

  74. It seems several people are asking "What was that?" after this tour and I think there may be some negative press for them this week. Which in itself is odd, normally royals can bask in a tour's glow for a bit. And judging from her final tweets, Emily Andrews in particular may be ready to give both barrels to them again. We'll see.

  75. Ooops! It's a Pleated Dress she wore today under that Catherine Walker coat -- not a 'plated dress.' Just a little typo here that jumped out at me!


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